Pastoral Staff
Msgr. John K. Cody, Pastor
486-0457, ext. 10
Deacon Byron Phillips
Deacon Carl Calcara, Business Manager 486-0457, ext. 16
Mark Voris, Director of Music & Liturgy
486-0457, ext. 15
Jackie O’Reilly, Assistant Administrator
486-0457, ext. 14
Sarah Simcox, Secretary
486-0457, ext. 10
Mass Schedule
486-0457, ext. 5
Special Events Hotline
486-0457, ext. 6
Fax Line
Faith Formation
TRINITY SCHOOL at St. Christopher Parish
Jim Silcott, Principal
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Alyce Horwat
Faith Formation for Adults
Marlene Yeldell, Coordinator
Faith Formation for Young Adults
486-0457, ext. 17
Faith Formation for Youth
Beth Simmonds, Youth Minister
Alyce Horwat, Youth Minister 486-0457, ext. 20
Faith Formation for Children
Chris Ross, Religious Education Coordinator
486-0457, ext. 19
Catholics Returning Home
Susan E. Young, Group Coordinator
Parish Office
Daily Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.;
Friday, Closed
Parish Pastoral Council
Melissa Clark
The Parish Pastoral Council meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month
at 7:00 p.m. in the River Chapel. Visitors are always welcome. To
place items on the agenda, please contact Melissa Clark, president.
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Saturday + Sunday, November 8th + November 9th
4:30 p.m. Michael Dennis by Jake Pohlman
9:00 a.m. Fran Balch by Owen Balch
11:30 a.m. St. Christopher Parishioners
6:00 p.m. Joe Buttress by Welsh Family
Weekday Masses
Monday, November 10th
8:30 a.m. Troy Armstrong by Barb Heretta
Wednesday, November 12th
6:00 p.m. Betty Staley & Jeff Zimmerman
by Vince Staley
Thursday, November 13th
8:30 a.m. William Armstrong by Meg Pinney
Friday, November 14th
8:30 a.m. Jim Santilli by Flora & Dominic Valentino
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday + Sunday, November 15th + November 16th
4:30 p.m. Ivo DiRienzo by Clara DiRienzo
9:00 a.m. Lucia Ciotola by Guido Ciotola
11:30 a.m. St. Christopher Parishioners
6:00 p.m. The Souls in Purgatory by Jeanne Brown
Weekly Stewardship Report
Weekly Offertory Breakdown – November 2, 2014
Total Envelope Count 135
Total Envelope $ Amount
Loose Checks # 36
Total Loose Checks $ Amount
Total Loose Cash $ Amount
$ 6,181.00
$ 3,625.00
$ 2,391.00
Total Collection $ Amount
Second Collections:
Trinity Tuition Assistance
World Mission Sunday
$ 1,373.00
$ 1,650.80
Mass Attendance:
October 18 & 19
October 25 & 26
November 2 & 3
4:30 p.m.
Precious Body: Ginny O’Connor
Sacred Blood: Matt Tillett & Mary Anne Bondra
Mary Anne Bondra
Amy Doust &
Jaime Clark
9:00 a.m.
Precious Body: Dominic Valentino & Barbara McGhee
Sacred Blood: Sue and Bill Riesenberger, Sue and Greg Berning
Emily Yuhas &
Justin Reinhart
Ben Wolfe, Connor
& Ian Murphy
11:30 a.m.
Precious Body: Peter Yeldell & Cynthia Adkins
Sacred Blood: Dick Sheeran, Nubia Alvarado,
Susie Gerschutz & Jim Woltz
Hope Madden
Wolfington &
George Wolfington
Quino Serantes,
Masha &
Natasha Schindler
Pat Brown & Emily Mathews
Linens: Joan Gillis
Dear friends and parishioners of St. Christopher Parish:
1. Why St. John Lateran??? – This famous basilica
in the City of Rome is actually the Cathedral Church
of the Bishop of Rome, His Holiness, Pope Francis.
Because of its importance for the universal church,
we are asked to commemorate it when it falls on
a Sunday. It is also a good time for us to come to
a new appreciation of the holy spaces where our
encounter with God is celebrated – we have a
wonderful church here at St. Christopher. But the
Church in its fullness only exists when the People
of God are assembled there. Yes we have a church
building, but we are the Church too.
2. Offertory Appeal – All of you know of my distaste
for preaching about money, especially when it
comes to contributions to the parish. Finances are
tight for many of us; nevertheless, I have asked all
parishioners to consider increasing their weekly
(monthly, yearly) contribution to St. Christopher to
help us make current expenses without going into
debt. I’ve also asked you to consider contributing
through the Electronic Funds Transfer that will
automatically send us your contribution from
your bank, etc. I use it for my contributions to St.
Christopher, and find it makes things a lot easier
for me. It also makes it easier for the parish. Also,
please remember to pray for a mild winter – we
got slammed with three times the amount we had
budgeted for snow removal last winter.
3. Care of the Poor – With the cuts in food stamps
and a weak economy and the sparse job market,
the needs of those who suffer because of this
should move us to some action. What if we all try
this: go to the grocery store, simply buy two or three
cans of chunky soups, or box of cereal, or other
nonperishable foods for our parish food pantry? Or
when we go to the drug store, if we picked up one
of those bundles of socks for a few dollars? Or how
about old blankets in storage at our houses that
can be used to keep someone warm in this cold
season? Little things go a long way to help others.
4. Evangelization – Bring a friend or family
member to Church! – Evangelization is a big
word that simply means: “handing on the faith.”
In the past, we relied on the professionals to do
this, the priests, brothers and sisters in religious
life. With the diminishing numbers of the clergy and
religious, and the increasing number of Catholics,
the laity must get involved in this effort. The New
NOVEMBER 9, 2014
Evangelization, much spoken of in today’s Church,
has to do with outreach to nonpracticing Catholics.
All of us know some who, for whatever reason, do
not practice their faith. Sometimes, all it takes is an
invitation to church with us that gets them back on
track. Would that all would know the strength and
comfort we receive through the Sacraments of the
Church. Issue that invitation to someone you care
about today! Come home to the Church in 2014!!
5. Second Collections: November 22 and 23:
Campaign for Human Development; November 29
and 30: St. Vincent de Paul Society.
6. Pray for Our Servicemen and Women – Captain
Justin Habash, son of Matt and Diane; Captain
Brian Borkowski, brother-in-law of Linda Wolfe;
Major Shawn Walrath, grandson-in-law of Bill
and Bette Tyznik; Pvt. E3 Corey Vail, Army; PFC
Jeremy Davis (stationed in Iraq), grandson of
Patty Spaulding; John Weinheimer, grandson
of parishioner Miriam Blanchard, is in the
Navy; Cpl. Kevin Kelly; Lt. Evan Kelly; Capt.
Nicholas Joseph Ervin; Staff Sgt. T.J. Grennell
(Afghanistan); Andrew Eugene Flowers; Lt. Col.
Mark Mauri; Specialist Ryan Geoit, grandson-inlaw of Bob & Joanne Girardi; Staff Sgt. Jeffrey
A. Sands, son of Chuck & Jo Sands; Captain
Stephen Hueckel; 2LT Cameron Bowling; Sgt.
Robert Russell; Captain William Cahill; and Lt.
Commander Colin Kane. Please pray for them
and forward to us any names of servicemen/women
related to or friends of parishioners, so that we may
remember them in our prayers.
God bless,
Msgr. John K. Cody, Pastor
YOUR PRAYERS – Paula Bassett, Billy Jo Brink,
Miriam and Danny Casey, Becky and Tommy Colcord,
Betty and Mark Evans, Frances Fitzgerald, Pauline and
David Hawkeye, Sue Johnson, “Jonesy,” Mary Elizabeth
Koehl, Michelle McCarthy, Anna Belle Marshall, Theresa
J. Nardone, Mila Orbovich, Antoinette Pratsinakis
(Daughter of Nancy Figliola and Granddaughter of Pat
Brown), Danny Reeds, Amanda Rich, Margo Seipel,
Denise Schumaker, Jacob Timms, Isabelle Whitley and
Fred Wilcox.
Daydreaming about summer yet? Catholic Youth
Summer Camp is! CYSC is a high adventure weeklong residential camp for students entering grades 6-12.
Activities typically include: jet skis, water tubing, paintball,
blobbing, go-carts, archery, zip line, rock climbing, ropes
course, mountain boarding and more! Don’t miss out on
what will be another inspiring summer at CYSC, the one
and only high adventure Catholic camping experience.
See to get more information and register.
Registration is open and filling up for Summer 2015!
Trinity Catholic Kindergarten Enrollment and
Meeting for 2015-16 Enrollment registration for the two
full day Kindergarten classes for the 2015-2016 school
year at Trinity Catholic Elementary begin on December
1. Spaces for each class with a maximum enrollment
of 14 students per class is expected to fill quickly this
year. Nonrefundable registration fees are $200.00,
all of which goes towards next year’s tuition if paid
by December 19. After December 19 the registration
fee is $250.00, of which $200.00 goes towards tuition.
Registration material can be mailed to you by calling
the school office at 488-7650 or by emailing Principal
Jim Silcott at Registration
material will also be available at an informational
meeting: Thursday, November 20 at Trinity Catholic.
The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.
Trinity Catholic School Breakfast with Santa
Katie’s Pancakes will be here flippin’ and tossing
their pancakes! Saturday, December 6, 2014, 8:3011:30 a.m.; $5.00 per adult, $4.00 per child, children
3 and under eat free. Trinity Catholic School Cafeteria,
1440 Grandview Avenue. All-you-can-eat pancakes and
sausage breakfast with beverages. This family event is
open to the community so invite your friends, co-workers
and family to experience the Christmas cheer. Holiday
activities include: craft-making station, holiday gift raffle,
Secret Santa Shop, Reindeer Food, Christmas Baked
Goodie Sale, and a visit and photo with Santa.
Trinity Catholic Elementary School is looking for
eighth grade graduation pictures from the old St.
Christopher and Our Lady of Victory schools to put on
our walls in order to showcase the history of Catholic
education in the Tri-Village area since 1922. We will
make copies and return pictures to you in a timely
fashion. Please contact Principal Jim Silcott at 488-7650
at the school or at with your
precious photographs. Also looking for sports team
pictures, of faculty/administrators or other historical
photographs – Thank you!
Please do not leave recycling at the doors of the
school anymore. Our participation in the recycling
contest has ended. We hope you will recycle in your
community and we thank you for your support in the
past. Susan Haninger
Last Call Mass
Sunday, November 16th • 6 o’clock
Msgr. John K. Cody, Pastor
Christina Knippler
Kathy O’Neill
Eucharistic Ministers
Kathy O’Neill – Judy Fisher – Marlene Friedman
Michelle O’Malley – Ron Pass – Stacey Bergmann
Tammy Lehnert
Emma MacLeod + Aidan Shonk
Time, Talent and Treasure+++
We Thank you for sharing
Exposition and Adoration Tonight!
Eucharistic Devotion of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday, November 9th at 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Led by
Deacon Andrew and our Last Call ensemble.
• Sacred Silence
• Vertical Praise and Worship songs to Jesus
• Come and Pray before the Lord Jesus
• This Sacred Silence will heal your heart and bring
peace to you.
New Member Welcoming Weekend
November 15 and 16
If you have become a new member of St. Christopher
Parish over the last year or you are contemplating
becoming a new member, please stop by the
School Cafeteria after all Masses for a reception on
November 15 and 16. We would like to welcome you
and have you introduce yourself to the Parish. All
parishioners are welcome to attend the receptions.
Would you like to make a difference in your community,
the country, or the world? Do you want to serve those
in need and work for social justice? With more than 200
programs and thousands of opportunities. RESPONSE
2015, the most comprehensive guide of faith-based service
opportunities is now available – and it’s free. Volunteers
serve full-time periods of one week to one year or more
across the United States and in more than 100 countries
worldwide. Summer and school break opportunities
are also available. Our volunteers are from all walks of
life – from high school to senior citizens and every stage
in between. Positions are available for both single and
married volunteers, including those with children.
Contact Catholic Volunteer Network to receive your
free copy/copies of RESPONSE 2015. Call toll-free at
800-543-5046 or email info@catholicvolunteernetwork.
org; you can search RESPONSE 2015 online at www.
Join the 2014 Children’s Christmas Eve
Choir at St. Christopher!
The cooling temperatures and falling leaves let us all
know that Christmas is right around the corner. This
means that rehearsals will be starting for the 2014
Children’s Christmas Eve Choir at St. Christopher.
Our congregation supports organ, eye and tissue donation
and recognizes the life-giving benefits it provides for
others. Please consider how the simple act of registering
will change the lives of others who have a great need. Help
others live a full life by registering at www.lifelineofohio.
The St. Christopher’s Young Professionals will be
having a Friendsgiving on Sunday, November 16th
after Last Call. It will be held at Mike Storey’s house
across from St. Christopher’s Church at 1460 Mews
Court. You can also meet in the vestibule after Mass and
we will walk over together. Please bring a dish to share.
You are welcome to drop it off before Mass. Hope to
see everyone there!
We will begin to see postings of members of the Altar
Rosary who will have their intentions remembered by
the burning of the Sanctuary Lamp each month. During
the month of November, the lamp will be burning to
remind us of the Presence of the Eucharist and for the
intentions of Pat Brown.
Students in grades 1-8 are welcome to join the fun!
We will help to lead “A Celebration of God’s Holy Light”
at St. Christopher’s 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass and
will be accompanied by the Last Call Ensemble.
Rehearsals will be from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Thursdays
and are scheduled for the following dates: November
13 & 20, December 4, 11, & 18. We will also have a
dress rehearsal with the band on Tuesday, December
23 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. (We will make sure the kids are
out early the night of the dress rehearsal.)
If you are interested in joining (or have questions
about the choir), please email Jeanette Ferguson at She will provide you with a
CD and links to YouTube videos of the songs planned
for the Mass.
Help! HELP! Please help!
In order to keep our parish records current, we ask all
our parish families (old and new) with Internet access
to update their family address, phone/cell numbers, and
email addresses. Go to the St. Chris website--under
the “Welcome” tab--Parish Council tab--Parish Census
2014. Enter your information and submit. If you do not
have Internet access, please call Sarah in the Parish
Office (614-486-0457); she can enter the information for
you and submit. Thank you.
Adult Education on Sunday, in the library of Trinity
School, 10:00-11:25 a.m. Suggestions or questions?
Please contact any one of our committee members:
Barbara Fink
Susan Haninger
Bernie Losekamp
Blanche Luczyk
Marlene Yeldell
This week: This week on November 9, 2014 – join us
for Food is Health – Fresh, healthy, nutritious foods
are not a luxury, they are a necessity to thrive. Over
the past three decades, the Mid-Ohio Foodbank’s
distribution has increased from about 200,000 meals a
year to 121,400 meals a day. At Mid-Ohio Foodbank,
we believe that food is health. Food makes a difference
in how we feel, how we think and how we dream. We
all have dreams; we all want the best for our families;
and we all want to flourish. Let’s work together to make
sure that we leave no one behind – that we work as
a collective community to ensure that every one of our
neighbors knows every day where each of their meals is
coming from. We can make a difference! Matt Habash
became Executive Director of Mid-Ohio Foodbank in
1984 and later was named President and CEO. He
holds a Masters of Business Administration from Xavier
University, a Masters of Public Policy from the Ohio
State University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
from Xavier University. Matt has received numerous
awards including the 2011 John van Hengel Fellowship
Award, the 2012 League of Women Voters of Columbus’
Democracy in Action Award, the 2010 Corcoran Award
for Social Justice, and the 2012 CEO of the Year for
Large Non-Profits.
Looking ahead: November 16 and 23 – Becoming
One: Since the beginning of the Protestant Reformation
in the early 1,500s, tens of thousands of Protestant
denominations have appeared around the world.
Deacon Greg will compare and contrast their Protestant
beliefs with those of our Catholic and Orthodox
Churches and discuss how the Christian world can
begin to grow into the One Universal Church that the
Risen Lord prayed for (John 17:11, 21-22) Deacon
Greg Eiden has ministered in Ohio prisons for twenty
years, five years as a Chaplain at the Ohio Reformatory
for Woman (Marysville) and fifteen years as a prison
minister through Kairos.
1.) Christmas boxes for the needy: St. Vincent de Paul
will begin to collect food for the Christmas boxes
during November and December. Items especially
needed are cereal, coffee, peanut butter, canned
meats, toiletries and detergents.
2.) The St. Vincent de Paul clothing center (behind JOIN
on East Main Street) is in need of men’s clothing
only, also new socks and underwear.
3.) Holy Family Soup Kitchen is in need of sweats,
winter coats and blankets. Also new socks and
underwear for the men who are homeless and those
who live in the woods.
Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
As of this week, more than 4,900 people have died from
the Ebola outbreak. Catholic Relief Services has been
collaborating with the Catholic Church, local leaders
and health ministries in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone to educate people about Ebola, train health care
workers, and provide food and other critical supplies
to those affected by the outbreak. CRS has trained
local volunteers to go door to door – especially in rural
communities – to help spread the word and distribute
posters, fliers and fact sheets. You can help by praying
for people affected by the outbreak and by donating to
CRS. Thank you for all you do to help our brothers and
sisters in need around the world. For the latest updates,
visit or contact the Office for Social
Concerns at (614) 241-2540 or
Do you love kids? Do you have a passion for sharing
our faith? If so, you would be a wonderful PSR teacher or
helper! PSR needs both high school students and adults
as teachers and assistants. Please contact Chris Ross at for further information.
Quote of the Week
“Do you know that you are the temple of God,
and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
Sponsor of the Week
THANK YOU: This bulletin is furnished to the parish
without charge. The advertisements that appear defray all
publishing costs with which the Church would otherwise
be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a
thank-you for their kind generosity.
M-Th 11-9
Fri 11-10
Sat 3-10
in Grandview Heights, 1223 Goodale Blvd.
Vegetarian, Vegan & Gluten-Free Options Available!
Happy Hour M-F 4-6:30 • 614-223-1288
St. Christopher Parish Knightline
Knights collection for Veterans after Masses week
of November 8/9.
Advent wreath and candle sale after all Masses
November 22/23 and November 29/30.
Women’s Club
Kid Afternoon Out
Hey parents, would you like an afternoon to go shopping
or get your errands done without your child with you?
Hey kids, would you like an afternoon of fun and games?
Of course you do. The Women’s Club is having a Kids
Afternoon Out, Saturday, December 6th, 1:00-4:00
p.m. in the St. Albert Room. All children must be
potty trained. Sign-up sheets will start November
22nd. Stay posted for updates. Can’t wait to have fun!
Women’s Club Christmas Dinner
All women of the parish are invited to the Annual Women’s
Club Christmas Dinner. Our dinner is at Champs in
the Lenox Center on Olentangy River Road. It will be
held Tuesday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. We would
love to see you at dinner to celebrate the Christmas
season. Please call Kathy Garrison at 481-9484 or
email Theresa Schleich at if you
plan on attending.
Women’s Club Bake Sale
Christmas Bake Sale is set for December 13-14 after
every Mass. All are welcome to participate. We always
need delicious bakers. Volunteers to work the Bake Sale
contact Theresa at
St. Christopher Mardi Gras will be held in February
this year. Anyone wanting to help in planning, please
call Joe Sonderman at 614-294-8402.
Bishop Ready News!
The Bishop Ready Theatre Department is presenting
Louisa May Alcott’s beloved novel Little Women in a
play adaptation by Marisha Chamberlain on Friday,
November 14 and Sunday, November 16 at 7:00 p.m.
and Saturday, November 15 at 2:00 p.m. The play tells
the story of the March sisters, Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth,
and their interactions with each other and other family
members, in 1863, during America’s Civil War. Tickets
are $10.00 for adults; $9.00 for those 65+; and $8.00
for students.
An Open House for prospective students in
grades 5 through 8 and their parents, as well as
potential transfer students, will be held at Bishop
Ready on Sunday, November 16, with the general
session beginning at 1:00 p.m., followed by tours
and department presentations. For more information
about the play or the Open House, please call 614276-5263.
Sunday, November 9, 1:30-7:00 p.m., Church
Undercroft, 5750 N. High Street, Worthington. Menu:
spaghetti, meatballs, salad, roll, dessert, beverage. Cost:
$9.00 each for Adults; $7.00 each for Children (6-12) and
Seniors (65+). Children 5 or under are FREE. Carry-Out
Service (1:30-7:00 p.m.) and DRIVE-THRU (3:30-7:00
p.m.) will be available. Sponsored by St. Michael Council
#11445, Knights of Columbus. Proceeds support those
studying for the priesthood and other religious orders.
For information, call 614-885-7814.
Columbus Theology On Tap, Thursday, November
13th. Location: El Vaquero, 3230 Olentangy River Road,
7:00-9:00 p.m. Our topic is Catholic Social Justice:
Addressing Youth Homelessness
November is the awareness month for youth and young
adult homelessness. We will be having representatives from
Youth Empowerment Program give us information about
their program. Additionally, we will have short presentations
about youth and young adult homelessness, relating it to
social justice and our faith, and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.
Contact: 614-390-8653/