www.RetiredCouples.com Chairpersons 1st Vice Chairpersons Bob & Carol Gerber 5840 Legacy Circle! Charlotte, NC 28277! (704) 321-2248! cjkgerber@yahoo.com! Jack & Paula Kovack 7702 Antique Circle! Waxhaw, NC 28173! (704) 243-4049! pkovack@windstream.net ! 2nd Vice Chairpersons David & Janet Wakelin 848 Spring Oaks Drive! Matthews, NC 28104! (704) 821-1330! dwakelin@carolina.rr.com Secretary/Treasurer Art & Patricia O’Donnell 8101Bergen Court Waxhaw, NC 28173 (704) 256-3691 cygnet51670@hotmail.com November Newsletter Activities Leaders Outings Jack & Paula Kovack We are expecting 143 members for our November 5 luncheon. Health & Welfare Carlene Schock There is no luncheon in December. Our next luncheon will be on Wednesday, January 7, 2015. Please arrange to make your payment in advance according to our standard procedure. The price is $19 per person. Theater Events Jim Siwik Paula Kovack We currently have 9 applications for membership on our waiting list. The Membership waiting list can be viewed on the Club Web Site. Dining In Alan & Linda Hinderliter Music Events Marvis Hinkle Lunch Bunch Peter & Helen Vazquez Bridge - If you would like to play with this group please contact Jay or Sandy Crawfis at 704-847-088 Newsletter/Web Site Ron Coffman The winners following the October Luncheon were: Women 1st Marvis Hinkle 1st 2nd Arlene Davis 2nd Holiday Party Anne & Doug Brown Iris & Charlie Walsh Mary & Bob Rothkopf Ed & Janie Ramberger Men Ed Ramberger Jay Crawfis Poker Groups- If you would like to join or be a sub, please contact Joe Schock at 704-814-4397 October Winners 1st Thursday Group: Paul Mitchell & Ed Ramberger 2nd Thursday Group: Tom Acklam 3rd Wednesday Group: Jim Hinkle Janet Marszalek 2 Liz Wood 4 Gary White 8 Terry André 9 Patricia O’Donnell 14 November Birthdays Ron Cardoza 16 Marilyn Beem 24 Bill Klemm 16 George Spaulding 25 Barbara Krull 16 Jean Kauffman 27 Walter Clark 19 Manuche Ragsdale 27 Janie Ramberger Pat Meckler Al Whigham James Siwik 27 28 28 29 Lunch Bunch - 11:30, Wednesday, November 19 Hosts - Pete and Helen Vazquez We will meet at Miro's restaurant located in Ballantyne on 12239 Community House Road. Also, Lunch Bunch hosts are needed! Please signup on the Board today or contact Helen Vazquez. Seagrove’s Pottery Festival – November 21-23, 2014. Contact Paula Kovack for information. Holiday Party and Dinner Dance - Wednesday, December 3 - 6 to 10 P.M. Reservations must be made by today’s luncheon. Payment of $45 per person is due by Wednesday, November 25. Make checks payable to Retired Couples Club and indicate your dinner choice on your check by B for beef or S for salmon. More information is on the web site or contact Anne Brown, mantuaguys@carolina.rr.com (704) 845-5893 Mail check to Iris Walsh, 2907 Glen Summit Drive, Charlotte, NC 28270 (704) 321- 9755 Upcoming Theater Events THE GREAT AMERICAN TRAILER PARK CHRISTMAS MUSICAL Thursday, December 11, 2014 – 7:30 PM Actor’s Theater, 650 E. Stonewall St., Charlotte Tickets $20.40/pp – (30 group person min) Check payable to Paula Kovack or mail to 7702 Antique Circle, Waxhaw, NC 28173 Last day to sign up November 5 Also coming up: · Newsies - Sunday, January 11 – sold out · Kinky Boots – Sunday March 22 – sign up Plantation Estates Informational visit and Luncheon - Jan. 21, 2015 at 10:30 AM -Host Don Cameron Please use “sign-up” sheets at the November or January meetings or sing-up by email to Don at: DCameron008@windstream.net. Other future Events Behind the Scenes Tour @ Charlotte Ballet, experience rehearsal with dancers & choreographers, 1 hour, 10-30 attendees, if interested signup sheet on bulletin board at November meeting or contact Marvis Hinkle Cooking with the Chefs at the Charlotte Art Institute, if interested signup sheet on bulletin board indicate Mon or Wed preference, date to be determined based on school schedule. Contact Marvis Hinkle FOR INFORMATION ONLY- Not RCC led outing Charlotte Symphony open rehearsal Belk Theater 10-12:30 January 16, Don Quixote, $18.00 February 20, Mozart, Strauss & Brahms Knight Sounds brown bag matinee Knight Theater, 430 S. Tryon 12 Noon to 1 February 6, A Waltz to Remember, $15.50 Charlotte Ballet Nutcracker dress rehearsal at Belk Theater 1:30 Thursday, December 11, $12
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