Saint Philip the Apostle School 665 Elizabeth Street| San Francisco, CA 94114 P: 415.824.8467 | F: 415.282-0121 | NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Principal’s Bulletin INSIDE THIS ISSUE Dear Parents and Guardians, Events this Week & Important dates…..1 Thank you for taking time out of your busy work schedules to meet with our faculty this past week. We hope you found it beneficial to have this face-to-face opportunity. Thank you for your well wishes too, I’ll be back in the office soon. Sharing Blessings & Thanks……………….2 Fundraising, boxtops & Scrip dates…....3 High School Open House B-days..….…..4 PTA News & local Fundraisers….…….....5 Have a Wonderful Week. Mrs. Remy Everett UPCOMING ACTIVITIES/EVENTS THIS WEEK & BEYOND! Nov. 12, - Tonight! Hor ner ’s Corner St. Philip’s Night Nov. 13, - Thursday P.T.A. Meeting Nov. 14, Friday - IMPORTANT LUNCH NOTICE. Diamond Café is unable to deliver lunches this Friday. You can still order but you will need to bring the lunch yourselves. They apologize for inconvenience. Nov. 17, - Monday, Scr ip Or der s Due Nov. 18, - Tuesday, Bacco Ristor ante Suppor ts St. Philip Night! ADVANCE CALENDAR PLANNING Nov. 11-14 - Science Camp, Grade 6 Nov. 13 - P.T.A. Meeting 7-8:30PM, Parish Hall Nov. 21 - St. Philip Wine Tasting Fundraiser Nov. 24 & 26 - 12:30 p.m. Early Dismissal Nov. 26 - School Office Closes at 1:00 PM Nov. 27 - 28 - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY SHARING OUR BLESSINGS Thanksgiving Food Program - Our school’s Thanksgiving Food Program continues and is part of the parish effort to support those families in need. We are asking families to donate any of the following non-perishable food items: Canned soup, vegetables, and fruit; canned tuna, meats, beans Packaged dried beans, rice and pasta Packaged cereal, cake mixes and cookies Please add a jar of peanut butter and/or jelly to your donations (to be sent to a St. Joseph’s senior center in San Francisco. Our families have been generous throughout Saint Philip the Apostle’s history and many families benefitted from this generosity. Please support this wonderful tradition of giving. Also, please check expiration dates of all goods. Have your child bring these items to their classroom teachers; Student Council officers will pick up the donated items each week. We will be presenting some of the food offerings at our school Thanksgiving Mass on November 26th at 8:45 a.m. Food donations will be delivered or picked up that day. Good News Awards The Gospel Value for November is: Cooperation Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for practicing Cooperation on Nov. 7th : Gus Freundlich K Jack Spencer 1 Liam Lyons - 2 Andrew Cudden - 3 Alastair Howarth -4 Sicily Dowdell -5 Jake Gresham - 6 Catherine Cibotti - 7 Rachel Ware - 8 Jasmine Sanchez-(Science, 5th) Donations of unopened beauty products, jewelry, gift card for at-risk teenage girls and women through simple acts of giving. Collection box is the school’s vestibule. Donate by Friday, Dec. 5th. WITH MUCH GRATIDUE! The Operation Gratitude Project: Many thanks for those of you who generously brought in your extra sweets and funds to cover postage for our Operation Gratitude Project. Without question, this will put smiles on those servicemen and women who give of themselves to protect us. Fall Coat Collection - More thanks are in order for all of you who took time to clean out the closets or finally let go of those items that could fit some day!. Your efforts will bring warmth and dignity to many needy individuals. Special thanks to Liam Clayton our 7th grade student for spear heading this cause. Thank you all who supported our Scholastic Book Faire. We hope you enjoy your purchases and spreading the gift of reading. It was a successful event and couldn’t have been so without your support. 2 CHOICE LUNCH Lunches are being offered Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays only with pizza from Haystack as a choice for Mondays and Fridays in addition to the regular menu. All information is on their website. Link noted above. All information email Megan Powers at with any questions. SAINT PHILIP THE APOSTLE SCHOOL ANNUAL FOOD AND WINE TASTING NOVEMBER 21, 2014 6:00 TO 8:00 P.M. PARISH HALL LUNCH OPPORTUNITIES Diamond Café Lunches need to be preordered no later than 12:00 midnight the night before by email. You can also place orders before 9:00 a.m. directly at the café. Contact information is: Parents, families & friends, You are cordially invited to participate in merriment, food & wine tasting and socialization while raising funds for our school. Get a jump start on your holiday shopping and start checking off names from your Christmas list. Great ideas for hostess gifts too! See the attached flyer for specific details and order forms. The Consultative Board St. Philip's is registered as a Box Tops 4 Education school recipient. We can earn money for our school by simply clipping the Box Top label off of participating products. Please visit their website,, for a list of all participating products. Additionally, you can register with Box Tops 4 Education online to earn "eboxtops" credits, as well as to view recipes and receive coupons. Our school ID number is: 415665. You can also sear ch for it using our zip code, 94114. Please continue to save those Box Tops and Labels for Education. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you! Brenda Dowd (Caitlin, 2) Pizza from Haystack will now be a choice for Mondays and Fridays in addition to Choice Lunch’s regular menu. SCRIP ORDERS SCRIP orders are due on the following Mondays: November 17 December 1 SCRIP gift cards will be available for parent pick up during the latter part of the week. 3 MOVING FROM GRADE SCHOOL TO HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Announcing the following Open Houses to explore: In Date Order Immaculate Conception Academy - Saturday, November 15th, at 3625 - 24th Street, SF 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Stuart Hall - Sunday, November 16th 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. 1715 Octavia Street (at Pine) San Francisco, CA Mercy High School, Burlingame - Sunday, November 23rd, 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. Junipero Serra High School - Thursday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m. located at 451 West 20th Avenue, San Mateo. Birthday Acknowledgements TIME FOR CELEBRATIONS Happy Birthday to the following Students: November 8 Alicia Corcuchia Grade 8 Keefa Cudden Grade 1 November 9 Shawn Arnold-Kraft Grade 7 November 11 Asher Dowdell Anneliese Fisher Max Oliver Grade 2 Grade K Grade 5 November 12 Evie Carron Shane Duffy Grade 4 Grade 6 November 13 Frank Clarke Grade 5 Rachel Kavanagh November 14 Lainey Todd Grade 3 Grade 5 4 P.T.A. News The Saint Philip PTA will have a meeting on Thursday, November 13th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The PTA will be partnering with the Parents Network to show off the resources in the new ‘Bruins Den.’ Refreshments will be served and childcare will be available. Don’t forget tonight is fundraiser night at Horner’s Corner at 24th and Church Streets. Write Saint Philip and your last name and grade on the receipt and a donation will be made back to our PTA! Bacco Ristorante Support We wanted to share the exciting news from our neighbor Bacco Ristorante. The owners have generously offered to donate 10% of all their food sales taken in on Tuesday nights during the month of November to benefit our school. This will also be communicated to all diners when they receive their tab so they know their dinning experience also went to support our educational efforts. Spread the word and “Manga, Manga!” 5 St. Philip's night @ horner's corner Come join us this Wednesday NOVEMBER 12TH! and the second Wednesday of each month after!! Come join your St. Philip friends and families at Horner's Corner - corner of Church St. and 24th 1199 Church Street San Francisco 10% of every St. Philip family meal will go to our school PTA!! No need to bring flyer Please write your name and "St. Philip school" on the signed receipt you hand to your server and we will be credited! SAINT PHILIP SCHOOL SCRIP ORDER FORM *ALL SCRIP WILL BE HELD IN THE OFFICE FOR PICK UP/SIGN OUT BY PARENT* LAST NAME: GRADE: DATE: GREAT LAKES SCRIP CENTER RETAILERS AMAZON.COM $25 $100 BARNES & NOBLE BEST BUY CVS PHARMACY DISNEY CHECK #: AMC THEATERS $25 CINEMARK THEATERS $25 BED BATH & BEYOND $25 $100 DICK'S SPORTING GOODS $25 $100 DENNIS UNIFORM $20 $25 $100 T.J. MAXX $25 $100 $25 $100 J. CREW $25 $10 $25 $100 $25 $100 $250 GAP/OLD NAVY $25 $100 SPORTS AUTHORITY $15 $100 HOME DEPOT $25 $100 $500 CHUCK E CHEESE $10 CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL $10 ITUNES $15 $25 76 GAS $25 $100 KOHL'S $25 $100 ARCO $50 $100 $250 LOWE'S $25 $100 $500 CHEVRON $50 $100 $250 SHELL $25 $50 $100 WHOLE FOODS $25 $100 SAFEWAY $25 $100 MACY'S STARBUCKS $25 $100 $10 $25 TARGET $25 $100 WALGREENS $25 $100 *SPECIAL ORDERS* WALMART $25 $100 ! ! ! ! 2012!Cabernet!Sauvignon!! ! ! $20! Exhibiting!intensity!and!balance,!but!with!an!extra! level!of!richness!reflecting!this!wonderful!year.!A! judicious!use!of!French!Oak!of!mixed!toasts!gives!this! vintage!added!elegance!and!grace.! ! 2013!The!Field!Blend! ! ! ! $19! Under!the!guidance!of!famed!viticulturist!Steve! Matthiasson,!The!Windmill!Vineyard!in!Dunnigan!Hills! was!planted!to!four!white!Rhone!varietals,!with!the! intention!of!producing!a!true!Field!Blend.!The!fruit!was! whole!bunch!pressed!and!then!fermented!in!neutral! French!oak.!Each!individual!barrel!was!left!unstirred!to! age!sur!lie!until!bottling!in!March!2014.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! White!Wine!Number!One! ! ! $16! White!Wine!Number!Two! ! ! $16! A!dramatic!blend!of!Sauvignon!Blanc,!Muscat! Canelli!and!Riesling.!The!aroma!is!wild!and!serves! you!an!exotic!blast!of!tropical!and!spice!notes.!The!finish! has!a!hint!of!sweetness,!which!is!carried!beautifully!by! the!intensity,!and!complexity!of!the!wine.! ! The!inaugural!2012!harvest!proved!the!brilliance!of!this! plan.!Each!variety!ripened!beautifully!and!delivered!on!its! expectations.!Piquepoul!(literally!meaning!lip!stinger)! with!its!tingling!freshness,!mineral!and!lemony!flavors;! Grenache!Blanc!with!richness,!length!and!citrus;! Roussanne’s!delightful!herbal!tea,!honey!and!pear! characters!and!luscious!Viognier!with!that!delicious! combination!of!aromatics!and!texture!flavored!by! apricots!and!peaches.!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Red!Wine!Number'One! ! ! ! ! $18! Bright!raspberry!characters!of!Cabernet!lead! to!a!brilliant!middle!palate!of!Merlot.!The!Montepulciano! adds!density!and!a!spicy!flavor!with!a!gorgeous!deep!ruby! color!so! bright,!it!sometimes!looks!pink.!Small!amounts!of!older! Malbec!and!Cabernet!Franc!add!something!extra!only!a! carefully!aged!wine!can!offer.! ! Red!Wine!Number!Two!! ! ! $18! Glorious!Lodi!Grenache!is!juicy,!delicate!and!very! fragrant.!The!Santa!Lucia!Highlands!Syrah!is!a!precision! wine!that!leads!the!Grenache!around!your!palate!in!a! brilliantly!choreographed!parade.!The!wild!card!is!the! stunning!ZinfandelX!ripe!&!juicy!and!a!wonderful! complement!to!the!Rhone!varieties.!!Mourvedre!provides! a!hint!of!tarry!spiciness!and!a!dollop!of!cold!fermented! Viognier!works!beautifully!with!the!aromatics!of!the! Grenache!and!Syrah.!The!result!is!a!medium!bodied!wine! with!a!bright,!juicy!outlook!that!will!leave!you!longing!for! another!glass.! ! ! ! ! 2013!California!Sauvignon!Blanc! ! $20! ! 2013!California!Chardonnay! $25! Tantalizing!aromas!offer!a!hint!of!the!citrus! And!tropical!flavors!to!come.!These!fresh,!crisp! Characters!draw!the!wine’s!many!elements!into! a!long,!elegant!finish.! ! Smells!like!a!bowl!of!fresh!ripe!fruit!straight!from!the! orchard.!Fabulous!texture!with!mouth!filling! flavors!and!just!a!touch!of!French!Oak!spice!characters.! This!wine!will!nicely!complement!your!sauciest!chicken.! ! 2010!California!Cabernet!Sauvignon! $25! An!alluring!wine!with!seductive!dark!fruit! flavors,!medium!body!and!exquisite,!soft!texture.! A!wine!of!great!intensity,!yet!with!a!timeless!sense! of!elegance.! ! 2010!Napa!Valley!Cabernet!Sauvignon! $50! Unique!parcels!of!fruit!from!special!vineyards!in!Napa! Valley.!Aromas!burst!forth!and!a!silken!treasure!unfolds! onto!your!palate.!This!is!a!rich!and!vibrant!wine!of! signature!Napa!Valley!style,!possessing!classic!Cabernet! Sauvignon!flavors!and!structure.! ! ! D’ANNEO 2009!Estate!Cabernet!Sauvignon! ! $65! ! This!tiny!jewel!of!a!vineyard!is!tucked!away!near!an! ancient!creek!and!shares!the!property!with!300!year!old! Valley!Oaks.!This!fertile!gem!is!perfect!for!lush!and! refined!Cabernet.!! The!vineyard!is!dry!farmed!and!never!sprayed!–!ever.! Everything!is!done!by!hand.!! The!small!amounts!of!rich,!aromatic!fruit!was!picked!in! late!fall.!The!wine!is!fermented!in!open!containers!before! being!aged!in!French!Oak.!! This!vintage!has!the!weight!of!a!hallmark!Napa!Cabernet,! but!the!refined!finish!and!nuances!of!a!French!Boudreaux.!! Few!have!had!the!opportunity!to!taste!this!tiny!treasure,! but!none!who!have…!will!ever!forget!it.!! ! 2009!Old!Vine!Zinfandel!! ! ! !!$33! D'Anneo!Vineyard!is!a!tiny!block!of!Zinfandel!that!was! originally!planted!in!1924.!This!vineyard!is!entirely!dry! farmed;!these!are!tough!old!vines!that!have!been!in!the! ground!longer!than!most!people!have!been!alive.!This!is! an! elegant!representation!of!this!varietal,!its!bouquet!is! balanced,! refined!and!shows!pleasing!aromas!of!lavender,!raspberry! and!red!cherry.!Red!fruit!dominates!the!palate!and! there!is!a!delightful!earthy!component!to!the!nose.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ORDER!FORM! ! the!girls!in!the!vineyard! ! 2012!Cabernet!Sauvignon! ! ! 2013!The!Field!Blend! ! ! The!Messenger! ! White!Wine!Number!One! ! ! White!Wine!Number!Two! ! ! Red!Wine!Number!One! ! ! Red!Wine!Number!Two! ! ! Circadia! ! California!Sauvignon!Blanc! ! ! California!Chardonnay! ! ! California!Cabernet!Sauvignon! Napa!Valley!Cabernet!Sauvignon!! 11*14! ! 2009!Estate!Cabernet!Sauvignon! ! ! D’Anneo! ! 2009!Old!Vine!Zinfandel!! ! ! ! SubXTOTAL! ! ! ! ! Discount!10%!on!12!or!more! ! Tax!(8%)! ! ! ! ! ! TOTAL!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $20____/______! $19____/______! $16____/_____! $16____/_____! $18____/_____! $18____/_____! $20____/_____! $25____/_____! $25____/_____! $50____/_____! ! 50%!of!the!sale!price!of!ALL! wine!sold!will!be!donated!to!! St.!Philip!School! $65____/_____! $33____/_____! _____________! _____________! _____________! $_____________! *Order!at!least!12!bottles!and!receive!a!10%!case!discount.! Please!feel!free!to!Mix!and!Match.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Art+Farm!Wines! Napa,!California! www.!! 707Q927Q4343! ! ! ! Wine!Tasting!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Name_____________________________________________________! ! Phone____________________________________________________! ! Email_____________________________________________________! ! Billing!Address! ! Street_____________________________________________________! ! City____________________________________State______________! ! Zip_________________! ! Credit!Card!(Visa.!MC.!AMEX)! ! Card!Number! ____________________________________________________________! ! Exp_________________Sec!Code_________________! ! Signature_______________________________________________! ! Date_______! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Wine Tasting St. Philip School! ! ! ! ! 50%!of!the!sale!price!of!ALL! wine!sold!will!be!donated!to!! St.!Philip!School! ! Olive This Olive That Order Form St Phillip’s Parish Fundraiser 15% of Proceeds Donated 100 ML Gift Box Sets: $33 1. Local’s Favorites: Single Bottles 375 ML: $17 Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Frantoio “Olio Nuovo” new oil ($22) No: (Basil Oil, Lemon Oil, Roasted Garlic, White Balsamic No: Ascolano / Mission EVOO 2. Classics: (Ascolano/Mission EVOO, Barrel Aged Balsamic, Arbequina, Blood Orange) ____ Arbequina EVOO Roasted Garlic Infused Oil Rosemary Infused Olive Oil Basil Infused Olive Oil Blood Orange Infused Olive Oil Citrus Habanero Infused Oil 100 ml set and 375 ml set Balsamic Vinegar: 375 ML Gift Box Sets: $38 1. Holiday Flavor: Barrel Aged Balsamic (Cranberry Walnut Balsamic & Blood Orange Oil) Fig Balsamic 2. Traditional: (Ascolano/Mission EVOO & Barrel Aged Balsamic) 3. Sweet and Savory: (Rosemary Oil & Fig Balsamic) ORDER: Cranberry Walnut Balsamic _____ Dark Chocolate Balsamic Plum Basil Balsamic Champagne Mimosa Name: ____________________________________ 100 ml Gift Sets: $33 ____ / ____ 375 ml Gift Sets: $38 ____ / ____ Olio Nuovo: $22 ____ / ____ 375 ml Bottles: $17 ____ / ____ TOTAL: ____________ Email: ____________________________________ Tel: ______________________________________ Credit Card: ________________________________ Exp: ______________ Date: ___________________ Pick up at: Event _________ OTOT __________ 304 Vicksburg St (btwn Church & Sanchez)
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