St. Joseph’s Family News, November 6, 2014

St. Joseph’s Family News, November 6, 2014
Reminders for November:
Fri. 7th
First Friday Mass @ 9:30am – Liturgical uniform
Picture retakes – if retaking, be sure and return original pictures
Mon. 10th
Veteran’s Day assembly service @ Dillon Hall 2-3pm
Tues. 11
No School – Veteran’s Day
Wed. 12
Wednesday early release day for all grades K-8th @ 1:30pm
Mon. 17th
CBC’s Blue Ladder Players @ 1:10pm in the gym
Wed. 19
Wednesday early release day for all grades K-8th @ 1:30pm
Fri. 21
Fall Sports Rally @ 2:15pm in the gym
Art & Wine donation form and/or cash donations are due into the school office
Middle School dance, 7-10pm in the gym
Student Council Bake Sale
Wed. 26
Noon Release – Thanksgiving break (Gobble – gobble!)
Thanksgiving prayer service @ 10:30am
Non-uniform dress Wednesday, (last Wed. of the month)
Sun. 30th
Advent begins
If you are interested in coaching the girls basketball team, please contact Mr. Aitoro at the school
Save the date! It’s St. Joseph’s annual Art & Wine dinner and auction, Sat. Feb 7, 2015. This will be
a night of relaxation and fun to benefit our children’s education. This year’s theme, “For Where Your
Treasure Is…” is taken from the Gospel of Matthew, and is a reminder to us all of the value we place on
each and every student here at SJS. Your time and enthusiasm are a value to us as well. Please consider
volunteering to help make this event another spectacular success! Fundraising service hours apply when
you help with this event. Contact Danielle Rhodes for more information @ 539-1030.
Just a few additional Art & Wine notes:
 Art & Wine posters are available in the school office. You can come and pick up posters to hang
in your business or home.
 There are raffle tickets available for purchase in the school office. Win one student’s free
tuition for our next school year. Tickets are $50 each. The drawing will be held the evening of
the event.
 You can start bringing your Art & Wine donations ($100 minimum value) to the school office.
Donation forms and/or cash donations are due into the school office by Nov. 21st. If this
form/cash donation has not been filled out and turned into the school office by Nov. 21, 2014, a
$250.00 charge will be reflected on your Jan. 2015 Smart Tuition account
FUN RUN News: Final pledge count is $33,555.50! Way to go everyone! A big THANKS goes out
to all who helped chaperone the "Afternoon of Fun" with the Reptile Man. The kids had a fantastic time
and the evening show was a big success!!
The top class who received the class trophy for the year is MRS. HUNTINGTON'S 3rd GRADE! They
had $210.97 pledge per student average. In 2nd place was Mrs. Grandinetti's 2nd Grade class with
$182.08 per student average and Miss Billing's 5th Grade class came in 3rd place with $153.87 per
student average. Awesome job done by all!
A BIG congratulations goes to the Top Earner overall in the school; Abbigail Ferguson in 3rd Grade, who
brought in $1,172.00 in pledges. She earned an individual trophy and the $100 gift certificate to
Runners Soul.
Congratulations to all our Individual Division Winners. These students earned a scrip card certificate
for being in the top 3 of their division. Division 1 (1st-2nd Grades); Reyden Bowers-1st, Coppin
Hunkapillar-2nd, and Malia Appleby-3rd. Division 2 (3rd-5th Grades); Abbigail Ferguson-1st, Aleiha Rios2nd, and Talia Fiecke-3rd. Division 3 (6th-8th Grades); Hollis Long-1st, Makayla Bettendorf-2nd, and
Meredeth Martin-3rd. Way to go!!
Mon. Oct 27th was our final Fun Run Rally so everyone who had $125 in pledges should have received
their SJS Beanie and was also entered into the raffle drawing for the Triple Play Prize Package worth
$384! The lucky winner of the drawing was Brooke Lawrence in 2nd grade. Congratulations!
Thank you to all students and families who helped make this year’s Fun Run a success. We can't do it
without you. Thank you again!
Box Tops Update: St. Joseph's School has just submitted their fall Box Tops. Our school should be
receiving a check in December for approximately $507! Our goal this year is $1000. Keep sending them
in, they really add up! Our next shipment will be in February 2015.
Also, for Safeway shoppers, check out: to
earn even more box tops as you shop at Safeway. It's easy and your earnings are electronically added to
our account. Take a look to learn how to join using your Safeway card. Our school is already earning
money from our supporters that shop there! Join in!
It was good to see so many people looking at books during the Grandparent’s Day Luncheon. Thank
you to all who purchased books at the lunch or in store during the weekend. Your purchases generate a
gift card which can be used to purchase new materials for our library. We have a beautiful facility and
our collection continues to grow thanks to your help.
Please mark your calendar for our next Barnes and Noble event on Sat. Dec. 6th. That day is our instore Book Fair and teachers and parents can assist in reading stories, making art projects, and wrapping
gifts. It is a fun way to advertise our wonderful school. More information will be coming soon.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Women of St. Joseph’s Christmas Arts & Crafts Show on Nov. 14th (9am5pm) and Nov. 15th (9am-4pm). Volunteering will count toward your family fundraising service hours.
We are in need of volunteers in a variety of areas: to provide homemade baked goods for the bake sale,
help serve food during the lunch, putting out signs, set up, take down, and bake sale. Do you like to
bake? We are in need of baked goods for the bake sale during the Arts and Crafts Show. Baking counts
toward your service hours. Please drop off your homemade cookies, breads, candies or other goodies to
Dillon Hall on Thursday, Nov. 13th between 8am-7pm and Friday, Nov. 14th between 7am-8am. No special
packaging needed – volunteers will take care of that!
Please contact Kim Hathaway at 735-4844 to sign up! Thank you!!
SCRIP for Christmas: Have you pre-ordered your Christmas SCRIP yet? Remember it is not too
early to do so. Gift cards make wonderful gifts and there are many to choose from. Stop by the school
office and pick up an order form. It’s EASY and FUN!
Veterans Day Service – All students who participate in Scouts please wear your scout uniform to
school on Monday, Nov. 10th, in honor of Veterans Day.
Please remember to return your Veterans Day guest form to the office by Friday, Nov. 6th. It is
important for us to have a relatively accurate head count for guests so that we can prepare the
appropriate number of chairs for the service and refreshments for the reception. Thank you.
We could use any volunteers available to help with set up of Dillon Hall at 1:30pm, or volunteers to help
serve at the reception following the service, and of course any help with clean up would be greatly
appreciated as well. If you can help, please contact Catherine Valiant (
All Veterans Day posters to be considered for the contest are also due on Friday, Nov. 6th. They can be
dropped off in the Middle School Science room, or the school office. Please indicate name and grade on
the back.
Remember to let freedom ring with a prayer of thanksgiving
and support for our veterans.