DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA RECTOR: Msgr. Robert G. Tucker PAROCHIAL VICAR: Rev. Steven A. Mills Email: MASS INTENTIONS: MONDAY, November 10: 6:30- Poor Souls (MA) 7:30- Special Intention (JW) 8:10- Michelle Hoefener 5:00- Bev Renfro † TUESDAY, November 11: 6:30- Patricia Marcil † 7:30- Robert W. Tucker † 8:10- Robert W. Tucker † 5:00- Connie Wostrel WEDNESDAY, November 12: 6:30- Inka Brolsma † 7:30- Sheila Meier † 8:10- Joe Young † 5:00- Jack Collier † THURSDAY, November 13: 6:30- Inka Brolsma † 7:30- Candy Ojeda & Family 8:10- Deceased Members of the Trinh Family 5:00- Carolyn Micek † FRIDAY, November 14: 6:30- Betty Ann Hagedorn † 7:30- Walt Weaver † 8:10- Lillian Marquardt † 5:00- Martin Grgurich † SATURDAY, November 15: 6:30- Sebastian Kistler 7:30- Conversion of Sinners 5:00- Henry Hagedorn Sr † & Elizabeth Hagedorn † SUNDAY, November 16: 6:00- For the People 7:30- Dan Goulay † 9:00- Kevin Thorpe † 11:00- Walt Weaver † 6:00- Amelda Chronister † ALTAR SERVERS Schedules are on the Cathedral Web page SATURDAY, November 15: 5:00- G. Ridder, K. Villa, A. Tate, A. Vrbka SUNDAY, November 16: 6:00- S. Kerr, P. Vagts 7:30- N. Linebaugh, B. Magdanz, J. McNeal 9:00- T. Mines, B. Rolfes, R. Sack, G. Steiner 11:00- A. Miller, M. Sjuts, M. Terrano, N. Ward 6:00- C. Resseguie, N. Scholtes, J. Steffen, D. Stuhr OFFERTORY GIFTS Sunday, November 16: 9:00 John Sjuts family 11:00 – Gerald Korinek family Sunday, November 23: 9:00 – Bill Howard family 11:00 – Tim Lentz family GREETERS Saturday, November 15: 5:00 – Natalie & Samantha Schreiter Sunday, November 16: 7:30 – Tom & Ursula McLaughlin Mark & Karen Hakenkamp 9:00 – Bill & Vivian Howard 11:00 – John & Susan O’Neill Please pray for seminarians Rev. Mr. Justin Fulton (St. Charles Borromeo Seminary) Rev. Mr. Stephen Graeve (Mount St. Mary Seminary) PARISH ORGANIZATIONS PCCW St. Gerard’s Circle will meet on Tues, Nov. 11th at the home of Theresa Schlautman, 3800 Loveland Drive, 402-489-4073. Eileen Childerston, co-host. New members are always welcome. St. Mary’s Circle will meet on Wed, Nov. 12th at 7 PM at the home of Lylaine Abbott, 4655 Shirl Ct (new address). For specific directions, please call Lylaine at 402-488-8688. Val Hamilton is cohost. New members are welcome. Cathedral Knights of Columbus Council 9563 is sponsoring a Church & School Grounds Cleanup on Sat, Nov. 15th after the 7:30 AM Mass, finishing by Noon. Please bring rakes, blowers, gloves & other garden tools. We will have tarps & a dumpster available. The Knights will provide coffee, juice & donuts for everyone helping. All are invited and welcome to help! Craft Fair Cathedral’s 2nd Annual Craft Fair & Bake Sale is on Dec. 6th, 9 AM – 4 PM. We need your help in stocking the bake sale with delicious goodies. Sign up to donate an item for the bake sale on the lists throughout the church. Be sure to attend the Craft Fair and browse through the 25+ vendors offering many great holiday items. Applications are being accepted for Cathedral’s 2014 Craft Fair & Bake Sale on Dec. 6th. Crafts, house wares, cookware, etc. are encouraged. Booths: $30 each or 2 for $50. Pick up applications in the rectory office or email Jeralee Hahn at ACTS The ACTS young adult group will be selling fresh baked cinnamon rolls the weekend of Nov. 15-16. Please help support their group by purchasing a pan of 6 large cinnamon rolls for $8. All proceeds go to ACTS. Volunteers are needed to help bake/sell the rolls. If any young adults are interested in helping, please contact Adam Schlautman at 402-560-0452. LOTW Internal Coordinators Meeting on Nov. 15th following the 7:30 AM Mass. We will be preparing for the January retreat. Please have someone from your LOTW Community there. 6:00 PM – Mary Kriegler SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT SCRIP Knights of Columbus, your weekend to sell Scrip is November 15th – 16th. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 Marian Mantle Prayer Group We will meet on Tues, Nov. 11th at 3 PM in the Sheridan Room & on Tues, Nov. 25th at 3 PM in the Flanagan Room at Madonna to pray for the return of our prodigal IN RESIDENCE: Rev. Sean P. Kilcawley Rev. Michael J. Zimmer children. Questions call Kathy 402-423-3810. Catholic Coffee House! It’s that time again! The annual Catholic Coffee House Series is here! Hosted by the Office of Family Life & Evangelization, the series will begin on Nov. 16th from 7-8:30 PM in the John XXIII Diocesan Center. The first talk, given by Fr. Sean Kilcawley, director of the offices, is titled “The Gospel of the Family.” Eucharistic Miracles Display “The people have loved miracles for so many hundreds of years, not as proof or evidence, but because they are the actual flowering of desire.” – Willa Cather, Shadows on the Rock Jesus, knowing the desires of our hearts, left behind His Body & Blood hidden in the Eucharist-a miracle at every Mass. Yet, throughout the centuries, he has given even more signs to His faithful. Over 150 miracles of the Eucharist from around the world will be displayed Nov. 15-21 in Rector’s Hall. Please make time after Mass Nov. 16 to tour this special Vatican-sponsored exhibit. Coffee & juice will be served, & cinnamon rolls will be available to purchase in support of our Young Adult ministry, ACTS. It is sure to be a morning to nourish your faith in Our Eucharistic Lord. Mass for Healing Sun, Dec. 7th at John XXIII Diocesan Center, 37th & Sheridan. Sacrament of Reconciliation before Mass. Chaplet of Divine Mercy 1 PM, Mass 1:30 with Anointing of the Sick. Eucharistic Exposition & healing prayer after Mass. Sponsored by St. Benedict Prayer Team. Plan to join us! Irish Pilgrimage June 1-11, 2015. Roundtrip from Lincoln under the escort of Fr. Rand Langhorst. $3,495 per person, double occupancy. If interested & would like to see a full brochure please contact Fr. Rand at or call 1-402-780-5535. Stewardship: Time~ Talent~ Treasure The Church is built on living stones. Faithful stewards build up the body of Christ. Last week’s stewardship gift: Adult: $19,687.50 Plate: $2,768.98 Youth: $16.00; e-tithe: weekly $1,480 Weekly budgetary need: $26,938 Are you Looking for a Way to Share Your Time & Talent in Cathedral Parish? We are looking for an individual to coordinate the Offertory Gift Bearer ministry. This position includes preparing a schedule for those who carry the gifts of bread & wine to the priest at the Offertory during the 9 & 11 Masses on Sunday. “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (I Peter 4:10) If interested or for more information, please contact Herb Reese at 402421-1301. SUPPORT GROUPS/ EDUCATION/OTHER Diocese of Lincoln Natural Family Planning Creighton Model Introductory Sessions: Tues, Nov. 18th at 7 PM. Pre-registration required. For more information call 402-488-2040. WorldWide Marriage Encounter Go to to see a list of weekends or to register or email for more details. Mother/Daughter Program To promote respect for human sexuality & chastity will be presented on Sun, Nov. 16th, 2-4:30 PM at John XXIII Diocesan Center. Girls ages 1013 & their mothers are invited to register. Registration forms available in the church office. The program is presented by the Family Life Office & the Lincoln FertilityCare Center. Cost: $10/family. Divorced, Separated & Widowed Catholics are invited to a Holy Hour sponsored by the Family Life Office on Mon, Nov. 10th, 6-7 PM at John XXIII Diocesan Center. Fellowship & informal discussion following until 8. YOUTH~FAMILY~SCHOOL S.T.A.G.E. Auditions for the STAGE winter production will be held Nov. 14-15 in Kaczmarek Hall (basement of St. Teresa’s Church) from 4-7 PM and 9Noon. The Merchant of Tennis, a children’s musical & parody of Shakespeare’s famous piece will be performed Jan. 23-25. Visit for more information. Call Mrs. Hotovy, 402-486-0462 for audition time slots. TEC & Quest Retreats Quest is a retreat for freshman & sophomores in high school, rooted in the life & love of the Blessed Trinity. From that love we learn to love our community & ourselves. For more information on Quest or TEC retreats, contact Sarah at 402-488-2040 or Sacred Heart Altar Society Annual Soup Supper: Sun, Nov. 9th – school cafeteria (31st & T), 4-7 PM. Free will offering. Veterans – no cost. Meal includes homemade chili, chicken dumpling, vegetable beef or potato soup, grilled cheese sandwich, beverage & dessert of your choice. St. Mary’s School Egg Roll Sale: Sun, Nov. 9th after the 8, 10 AM & 12:30 PM Masses in Flynn Hall (while they last). $1 each or $10 for a dozen. Holy Family Shrine: Concert featuring College of St. Mary’s singers at 4 PM on Nov. 9th. Coro di Flauti will make a return visit on Nov. 15th at 4 PM. Reception to follow both concerts. Donations accepted. St. Michael’s “Deck the Halls” Christmas Tour of Homes: Dec. 4th – 8th, Village Garden Area, 56th & Pine Lake. Limousine service, holiday music, refreshments. Tickets available at Art & Soul, Midwest Bank or by calling Caroline 402-466-7103 or
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