WIDOWS and WIDOWERS You are invited to our annual CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON To be held in our church fellowship hall on Tuesday, December 9th - 12:30 PM We are looking forward to again sharing a time of fellowship with you. If you can join us, please sign up on the shelf at the back of the Sanctuary, or call the church office at 484-0553. Please try to call by December 5 Remember, If you need a ride we will be glad to pick you up….and if the weather is not great for driving, we will be happy to pick you up. Please let us know. The Pastors and Staff THE BLUE STAR MOTHERS are again taking donations for our servicemen and women. There is a box in the foyer of the church with lists of items they are collecting . There are many items on the list and any donations are greatly appreciated. Fluvanna Community Church 3363 Fluvanna Avenue Ext. Jamestown, NY 14701 Rev. Dayle F. Keefer, Senior Pastor Richard D. Keefer, Assistant Pastor Robert E. Collinge, Family Pastor Kimberly Park, Dir. Of Christian Ed. Welcome to Fluvanna Community Church “Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38 Church Phone 484-0553 Senior Parsonage 487-2255 Assistant Pastor 488-2250 Family Pastor 541-999-6012 (E-mail) churchoffice@fluvannacc.com Prayer Line 665-6462 www.fluvannacc.com 8:30 AM Blended Service PRAISE AND WORSHIP CHORUSES PRAYER NEEDS AND PRAISE (Children are dismissed to Kid’s Worship & Grapple) OFFERING SCRIPTURE MESSAGE Romans 5:12-21 Read by Paul Potter Pastor Dayle will be preaching on “A Spiritual Ebola Crisis in the Land”. CLOSING 11:00 AM Contemporary Service PRAISE AND WORSHIP CHORUSES PRAYER NEEDS AND PRAISE SCRIPTURE MESSAGE (Children are dismissed to Kid’s Worship & Grapple) Romans 5:12-21 Read by Paul Potter Pastor Dayle will be preaching on “A Spiritual Ebola Crisis in the Land”. CLOSING This Week Child Care 8:30 AM—NURSERY Lynda Howard Glassman 11-09-14 This Week Child Care 11-16-14 8:30 AM—NURSERY Cheryl and Lindsey Anderson 11:00 AM - NURSERY Victoria Lai 11:00 AM - NURSERY Connie Dahlin KID’S WORSHIP Rm. 17 Age 3-3rd Grade KID’S WORSHIP Rm. 17 Age 3-3rd Grade Darlene Stahlman (1st service) Linda Potter (2nd service) Kay Ribbing (1st service) Samantha Hallett (2nd service) GRAPPLE Rm. 12 (Grades 4-7) GRAPPLE Rm. 12 (Grades 4-7) Pat Smith Pat Smith THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES THIS MONTH IS MON 7:00 PM – OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING TUES 10:00 AM – BIBLE STUDY (Open to anyone) 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - HANDS OF LOVE MINISTRY 7:00 PM – PRAYER MEETING in the sanctuary. All ages are invited. WED 6:00 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM 6:45 PM – – - LIGHT DINNER KIDS POWER COMPANY AND COMPANY 45 9:00 PM – Teens (Gr. 6-12) at the church. BIBLE STUDY for Adults taught by Pastor Dayle. We are studying the Book of Luke. THUR 9:30 AM – “SIPPIN” SENIORS 7:00 PM - “MEN’S BASKETBALL” in the Family Center. (All men over the age of 16 are invited to participate). SAT 9:00 AM- “MEN OF VALOR” Meeting in rm#6. If you would like to be involved in this men’s group or have any questions, please contact Pastor Bob. 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM - Calling all SCRAPBOOKERS or lovers of other crafts. Bring food to share and plan to work on your craft together! You can spend all of the day with us or just a couple of hours as your schedule permits! Please RSVP to Faith Baker 708-0054 (changing soon to 708-8381) Hope to see you there! CHOOSE LIFE OF JAMESTOWN FLUVANNA COMMUNITY CHURCH We will be collecting donations to support our county’s only pro-life ministry and crisis pregnancy center. Just place your donations in the cradle... Your generosity is greatly appreciated! (make checks payable to Choose Life of Jamestown) (...all gifts are tax deductible) NEXT WEEK SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 AM – BLENDED SERVICE - Pastor Dayle will begin a new sermon series from the book of Ruth entitled “A Love Story of Redemption”. 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/07 12/14 12/21 12/28 “Ruth’s Conversion to Judaism” Ruth 1:1-18 “Naomi – Call Me Mara” Ruth 1:19-22 “Ruth Finds Grace” Ruth 2:1-10 “The Kindness and Love of Boaz” Ruth 2:11-33 “The Kinsman Redeemer Gets It Done” Ruth 3:1-4:10 10:00 AM – ONE SERVICE– CHRISTMAS – “Mary Pondered These Things in Her Heart” “A Nourisher of Your Old Age” Ruth 4:13-22 10:00 AM – SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM – CONTEMPORARY SERVICE– (See Sermon titles above.) MORNING GREETERS - Sunday, November 16, 2014 Jim and Diane Glenn “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.” Philippians 4:6 Please Pray for: Cancer Concerns Back Concerns Serious Concerns * Martin Heglund – Had first chemo treatment. Went very well. * Maureen Paduano (Hawkins) - Having surgery at St. Vincent Hospital in Erie on Monday. * Evelyn Prisckett - Bladder cancer. Is in ICU at WCA. Had surgery on Friday to insert a feeding tube and also had another procedure. * Shirley Johnson - At home with lower back pain. * Merle Spinler – Back pain. * Martha LaBarbera – Serious back pain. Having physical therapy. She has a new phone number 488-3177 or 969-9677. * Myron Gilbert - (Marge Keefe’s Dad) Has neuropathy, chronic nerve pain. Has ups and downs. * Betty Thomas – Still in Heritage Park having therapy after knee surgery. * Fred Leslie – Has neuropathy. Has been in extreme pain for 25+ years. Also please pray for his salvation. * Charlene Forness - In Select Hospital, Erie PA. Terrible Nausea, not able to eat solid food. Hoping to go to Cleveland Clinic. * Kimberly Park – Recovering at home after back/neck surgery. * Russ Barron (Debbie See’s Brother) - diagnosed with lung cancer. Has started chemo. * Ron Golden – Back home after being in rehab in Heritage Village. * Joe Rizzo – Consultation with heart surgeons at Hamot to determine date of upcoming surgery. * Carol Shay – Pneumonia. In Heritage Green. BUILDING INDEBTEDNESS - $ 836,554.31 Monthly Payment $5,148.69 NEEDED WEEKLY $ 1,188.16 Amount given November 2, 2014 - $6,925.00 (toward monthly payment) January 1, 2008 – November 2, 2014 Total amount given $ 650,153.05 Attempt something so great for God that it’s destined to fail unless God miraculously accomplishes it!! MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall We are again planning on gathering together to make holiday baskets for our widows, widowers and shut-ins. We had a wonderful time last year as we met together to put our baskets together. In the meantime we are accepting donations of items to put in the baskets. Suggestions of some of the items are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gloves Kitchen or hand towels Coffee mugs or Tea Cups Fruit Tools for men Candy (sugar-free or reg) 12. Tea and Coffee packets 7. Gloves for men 8. Slippers 9. Snack Crackers 10. Shampoos & Lotions 11. Baskets We would appreciate donations of new or nearly new items) Any questions? Please call the Church Office at 484-0553. Please bring any items you are donating to the Church Office. Please bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share, after the baskets are done! Thank you BON TON COMMUNITY DAYS COUPON BOOKS Coupon books are available from Pastor Bob or the church office. The books are $5.00 and the whole $5.00 goes to the Youth. Coupon books can be used at the Bon Ton the weekend of November 14th and 15th. JUBILEE FELLOWSHIP SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 4:30 PM Dinner at “NEW BEGINNINGS RESTAURANT” (Sugar Grove, PA) There is a sign up sheet in the back of the sanctuary. Any questions? Please call Ann Hellman at 484-0550 Calling all SCRAPBOOKERS or lovers of other crafts….we will have a crafting day at FCC on NOVEMBER 15 from 9 am-7 pm. Bring food to share and plan to work on your craft together! We had a great time when we did this a few months ago. You can spend all of the day with us or just a couple of hours as your schedule permits! Please RSVP to Faith Baker 708-0054 (changing soon to 708-8381) Hope to see you there!
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