NW News Bits – November 7, 2014
WHAT: Join us for an EMERGENCY preparedness Open House ! FREE Lunch, FUN kids
activities, RAFFLE prizes, Fire Department, City of Seattle, Red Cross, local business
and much more! You can even buy an emergency kit for a Holiday GIFT! Don’t miss
out on this great event!
WHEN: December 6th from 10:00am-2:00pm
WHERE: North Seattle Boys & Girls Club 8635 Fremont Ave N Seattle, WA 98103 206436-1850
WHY: The Greenwood neighborhood has received a generous grant from the Seattle
Department of Neighborhoods to provide an array of programs around Emergency
Preparedness along with 2 emergency communication HUBS that will be located at
the Greenwood Senior Center & the Salvation Army! We are currently looking for
volunteers to help organize workshops and run the HUBS in the event of an
emergency. Please contact Joan Caldon if you’re interested in learning MORE!
Nov 06, 2014
Seattle Department of Planning and Development
Land Use Information Bulletin
A Twice-Weekly Bulletin Announcing Land Use Applications, Decisions, Hearings, and Appeals
Other Land Use Notices
Notice of Design Review Early Design Guidance Meeting for 1008 N 109th St
(Top of image is north.)
Map is for illustrative purposes only. In the event of omissions, errors or differences, the documents in DPD's files will control.
Area: North/Northwest Address: 1008 N 109th St
Notice Date: 11/06/2014
Contact: ROBIN MURPHY - (206)324-4800
Planner: Michael Dorcy - (206) 615-1393
The proposal is for a 4 story, 93 unit apartment building with ground floor retail. Surface parking for
15 vehicles will be provided on the site. Proposal will require a lot boundary adjustment.
Date: Monday, November 24, 2014
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Ballard Community Center
6020 28th Ave NW
Sunset/Captain Ballard Room
All meeting facilities are ADA compliant. Translators or interpreters provided upon request. Please
contact the Public Resource Center at prc@seattle.gov or (206) 684-8467 at least five business
days prior to the meeting to request this service.
The Director will accept written comments to assist in the preparation of the early design guidance
through November 24, 2014. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning
and design issues, which you believe, should be addressed in the design for this project.
Comments and requests to be made party of record should be submitted to PRC@seattle.gov or
City of Seattle – DPD – PRC, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000 – POBox 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019
An application for Design Review related to future development of this site has been submitted to
the Department of Planning and Development (DPD). The first phase of Design Review includes the
Early Design Guidance (EDG) meeting. At the Early Design Guidance meeting, the following occurs:
The applicants will present information about the site and vicinity as well as early massing
design concepts.
The public may offer comments regarding the design of a development on the subject
The Design Review Board will provide guidance and identify those Design Guidelines of
highest priority for the design as it moves forward towards Master Use Permit (MUP)
Following the meeting, DPD will issue a written Early Design Guidance report summarizing
the meeting. This report will be sent to those who signed in at the meeting or otherwise
requested a copy.
*Please note that public comment at the EDG meeting is limited to design considerations. If
environmental review is triggered, comments related to environmental impacts (such as traffic,
parking, noise, etc.) may be sent to DPD following notice of that review.
This proposal may be viewed at our Design Review Program website at
http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/Planning/Design_Review_Program/Overview/. For more information
regarding this application or the Design Review process, you may contact the Land Use Planner
listed above, go to the Design Review Program website or visit our office at the address above. (We
are open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 10:30 am to 4 pm Tuesday
and Thursday.)
Broadview Sewer and Drainage Systems
Dear Broadview Neighbor,
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is continuing to plan for improvements to the sewer and drainage
systems in Broadview. Currently, we are pairing the leading sewer improvement alternatives with
drainage improvement alternatives for the 12th Avenue NW basin in order to develop a preferred
alternative for western Broadview. We are also continuing to make progress on sewer and drainage
improvement alternatives for the Dayton Avenue N basin in southern and eastern Broadview.
Frequently Asked Questions
We heard many questions and comments from Broadview residents recently at the Sept. 23 public
meeting, at the Oct. 22 Northwest District Council meeting, and through your recent emails and
phone calls. We are receiving your input, and will respond to your individual inquiries as quickly as
we can. We would also like to acknowledge the questions we have heard about the evaluation
process we followed to identify the current list of paired sewer and drainage alternatives. In
addition, it is clear there are a number of residents that are concerned about the potential for
property acquisition, if an alternative were selected that involved the purchase of properties.
We will be in contact with you to share more information and gather your input on these topics. We
have also developed a Frequently Asked Questions (also see link below) document that responds to
some of the questions we have heard most often. If there are questions you have that are not on
this list, please forward those to our project email inbox and we will respond as soon as possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
September 23 Public Meeting Materials
SPU hosted a community meeting on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at Luther Memorial Lutheran
Church to introduce the leading paired sewer and drainage alternatives for the 12th Avenue NW
basin (western portion of Broadview), and describe the criteria SPU is using to evaluate these
If you were unable to attend and would like to review the meeting materials or provide your
comments, please visit our project website or click one of the links below:
PowerPoint presentation
Display boards
Electronic comment form
Meeting summary
Next Steps
We will engage in additional outreach this fall and winter as we work toward preferred sewer and
drainage improvements for the 12th Avenue NW basin. Given the feedback that we have received
on drainage alternatives that include a stormwater pond in that basin, we are reviewing our
approach for recommending sewer and drainage improvements for both the 12th Avenue NW and
Dayton Avenue N basins. We plan to send out an update on our approach and next steps for
community engagement within the next week or two.
Contact us
For more information about the project, please contact us in any one of the following ways:
Broadview Project information line: 206-409-3651
Email: SPU_BroadviewProjects@seattle.gov
Web: www.seattle.gov/util/broadviewprojects
Thank you. - Celia
Celia S. Kennedy, Project Manager
Broadview Sewer and Drainage Improvement Project
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and the People’s Academy for Community Engagement
(PACE) is pleased to present our 2014 Fall Seminar, “Democracy Needs You! Five Essential
Advocacy Tools that will Shape Your World.” Forget your days of “Schoolhouse Rock,”
guest expert facilitator, professor and long-time community activist NANCY AMIDEI is the real
deal. This seminar will cover the basic functions of our three branches of government, how a
bill becomes a law, and will cover five effective advocacy tools. Join us for an engaging
evening of learning, networking and fun.
Wednesday, December 3
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
UW School of Social Work
Room 305-A
4101 15th Ave. NE
Event is FREE, but space is limited. RSVP by Monday, November 21st to
Wendy Watson (Wendy.Watson@seattle.gov)
Light refreshments will be provided.
Open Design Review Board Positions
Hello again,
Just following up on my last email to let you know that the application for upcoming open Design Review Board
positions is now available! The deadline for submission is December 12. Here is the website that provides more
information about the program, as well as a link to the application:
Please forward to anyone and everyone you think might be interested – thank you!
Lisa Rutzick | Design Review Program Manager | Department of Planning and Development | City of Seattle |
The Whittier Heights Community Meeting on the Crime Increase
Thank you for your interest in attending The Whittier Heights Community Meeting on the Crime Increase. The
meeting is scheduled for November 18th from 1:30-3:00pm at the Loyal Heights Community Center,
Room 2 (upstairs). So far, Councilmember Tim Burgess and Officer Elizabeth Scott (Crime Prevention
Coordinator) from the SPD North Precinct will be in attendance, as well as local residents, business owners,
school representatives, and likely the media. There will be a public question period.
Gina Frank, MSW
(206) 349-5418
I have also set up a Facebook and Google group called "Whittier Heights Involved Neighbors" in an effort to keep
people updated. If you prefer (and have not already sent me your email, you can stay in touch that way also). The
links can be found here:
To Register or RSVP for Events:
Unless otherwise specified, call the following numbers to register or RSVP for an event.
Events at Phinney Center (PC): Call 206.783.2244
Events at Greenwood Senior Center (GSC): Call 206.297.0875
To see more events hosted at the Greenwood Senior Center, click here
11/14 - Friday
Thanksgiving Luncheon
GSC. 10 am-12 pm. $5.
RSVP to 206.297.0875.
All the fixings and friendly folks! We’ll also have a fun sing along of American standards and old
favorites. RSVP to 206.297.0875.
11/27 - Thursday
Thanksgiving Dinner
PC Blue Building. 4 pm. Free.
RSVP to 206.783.2244 or emiliaj@phinneycenter.org.
Celebrate Thanksgiving with neighbors and friends at our annual potluck meal. Please bring a dish
to share and RSVP to 206.783.2244 or emiliaj@phinneycenter.org to let us know what dish you will
bring (and if you can help set up or clean up). Please note it’s at the Phinney Center, not
Greenwood Senior Center, this year.
11/29 – Saturday
Holiday Glow Cone Lighting
PC Air Raid Tower. 5-6 pm. Free.
Bring the family for an evening of holiday cheer as the Phinney Center air raid tower is set aglow
with lights. Enjoy refreshments, activities and caroling led by the OK Chorale.
Rebecca Deehr
Hi folks...King County wants feedback from youth as it develops a Youth Action Plan. If you're
between 12-24 years old please fill out the survey, or if you have youth in your household (and you
can ask them to fill out the survey), please participate in the ‪#‪KCYouthSurvey at
King County Youth Survey
King County government wants to hear from you! A Youth Action Planning Task Force is putting
together recommendations to improve youth programs and services...
Northwest HUDLines
HUD e-Briefs from Alaska, Idaho, Oregon & Washington
Bill Block, Region X Regional Administrator 206/220-5356
Leland Jones, Editor
www.hud.gov/alaska www.hud.gov/idaho www.hud.gov/oregon www.hud.gov/washington
Registration open only for highlighted workshop dates.
Who should attend these workshops?
Wed., Nov. 19, 2014 (Registration open now)
First Steps--Best Practices to Promote Fair
Housing: 9:00—noon
Advanced Fair Housing Seminar: 1:00--3:00 p.m.
Wed., Dec. 3, 2014 (Registration open now)
Reasonable Accommodations and
Modifications for
Residents with Disabilities: 1:30--3:30 p.m.
Seattle City Hall, Bertha Landes Knight Room,
600 Fourth Avenue, Seattle
Map and directions:
Chinook Building, Room 123,
401 Fifth Avenue, Seattle
Map and directions:
Send an email with "Register Me" on the subject line to:
Civil-Rights.OCR @kingcounty.gov
In the email, include your:
• name
• telephone number
• company, agency, or property
• workshop date
• if both a morning and afternoon training are offered, which one(s) you want to attend.
We will send you a registration confirmation. Thanks!
No email?
Call 206-263-2446 or TTY Relay: 711
The sessions start on time -- please arrive 15 minutes early.
Certificates given to attendees who attend the entire training session.
More and more these days the word “eco-district” is popping-up in conversations among housing,
community and economic development folks. And some of us are still trying to figure what it
In September Capitol Hill Housing of Seattle provided a working definition with the launch of its
EcoDistrict Web site. It’s a visit because it offers chapter-and-verse on how Capitol Hill Housing is
using the model to advance neighborhood sustainability. You’ll learn about its Community Solar
Initiative, about how it’s making housing affordable for starving artists, about what it’s doing to get
community buy-in to the Better Building Challenge and about, our favorite, the Pollinator Pathway.
And, as your mother probably used to say, if it’s good for the bees, it’s good for us. For more, visit
From SDOT Director Scott Kubly re: the Access Seattle program
as applied to Mercer and South Lake Union SDOT launched the Access Seattle program in 2013, which focuses on the Construction Hub Neighborhoods
(Downtown, South Lake Union, Capitol Hill, West Seattle and Ballard). Some of the changes we have made to
address the impact to these neighborhoods include:
Created an Applicant Services Team at the SDOT Street Use Permit Counter that focuses on early
coordination of large projects, and emphasizes working directly with contractors to make modifications that
result in better pedestrian access once projects break ground.
Manage the construction impacts early. This includes requiring contractors to provide a Construction
Management Plan before they come in for building permits. In addition to defining impacts at each phase of
construction, these plans articulate how the contractor plans to maintain pedestrian, bike, and vehicle
mobility through their site(s) through all phases of a construction project.
Created a single point of contact at SDOT who is responsible for monitoring and evaluating impacts to
mobility and acts as a point person for builders and the impacted communities .
Added a business development specialist to work directly with businesses on long term planning and short
term impacts.
Added weekly coordination meetings with all project leads (both private development and public works)
facilitated by SDOT staff to coordinate construction schedules and reduce conflicts during construction.
1. Harrison Street is blocked funneling all traffic to Republican Street and impacts public safety (by restricting
access by emergency vehicles).
The Harrison Street closure and limited emergency vehicle access are related. Off duty Seattle Police Department
(SPD) officers hired by Amazon to restrict street access in order to empty out the garages.
Moving Forward: SPD will no longer close streets to address garage exiting. Any such closures must be coordinated
with SDOT’s Traffic Management Center in advance.
2. People avoid the neighborhood because of the traffic gridlock, which hurts local businesses.
According to our community contacts, one of the biggest problems is the eastbound flow of traffic on Mercer East,
which apparently backs up outside of peak hours.
Moving Forward: In about a week, another eastbound lane of Mercer will open up, which will require retiming all
the signals and should provide some relief for eastbound flow. Our signal timing engineers will be monitoring the
changes and are happy to meet with any members of the community to see how we can make improvements after
these changes are complete.
3. Efforts on the City’s part to coordinate construction to alleviate impacts to parking, and on residents, are not
SDOT and OED have heard from many community members in hub neighborhoods that our efforts through Access
Seattle are helping but more is needed given the scale of the impacts.
Moving Forward: The Mayor’s Proposed Budget includes additional staffing in 2015 to increase our inspection
presence in the field. We also plan to release more regular traveler information in multiple formats so people can
be aware of known impacts.
4. Residential developments are being constructed without adequate parking. The community is still experiencing
parking impacts, in part due to contractors getting to the neighborhood early and taking up all the available
parking all day.
The larger South Lake Union projects all have the amount of parking required by code. There is also an existing
Residential Parking Zone.
Moving Forward: Parking enforcement officers have agreed to increase patrols in the area. Additionally, DPD and
SDOT will ramp up the requirements that the builders find off-street parking for their workers. This is a practice
some developers do voluntarily, others are required to due to permit conditions; in the future, we will look at
making this a requirement for all large developments
5. Pedestrian Safety Issues.
Ninth Ave is not a great situation for pedestrians given the projects along the corridor and many heavy trucks are
coming through other parts of Cascade and South Lake Union.
Moving Forward: The builders will pay for SDOT traffic crews to change the signal timing so that we will have all-way
walks at the intersections of 9th and Republican, 9th and Harrison, and 9th and Thomas. Additionally, SDOT will be
installing all-way walk signals at John and Minor, Yale and Minor, and Yale and Thomas.
6. Concern about the upcoming Denny Substation construction and increased gridlock.
The Denny Substation will move into the next phase of construction including running new distribution lines to the
substation. The scale of this construction is significant and there will be neighborhood impacts.
Moving Forward: We are working closely with Seattle City Light (SCL) to coordinate this massive project. We
continue our efforts to coordinate impacts, keep lines of communication flowing, and resolve issues quickly to
minimize the impacts to the neighborhood.
7. Construction noise regulations are based on a commercial zone, despite the fact that Cascade residents are
numerous, including a significant number of low income housing developments.
Moving Forward: There is not currently a plan to amend the Noise Ordinance to include more restrictive
construction hours in neighborhoods not currently covered by the code, such as Cascade.
Although we are making every effort to improve these situations, construction still impacts neighborhoods
significantly. We meet with community members regularly to get their feedback and to address their concerns.
Thank you again for letting us know your concerns.
Open Enrollment through Washington Healthplanfinder
Hi All,
It’s that time of the year for Open Enrollment through Washington Healthplanfinder starting November 15th.
I’ve attached a flyer to let you know about enrollment events happening throughout King County. One million
people have already signed up and 85% qualified for financial help to pay for their plan. Please share the flyer
information with your networks, clients, and congregations or post at your neighborhood service centers.
For more information about events and how to sign up for health
care: http://www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices/health/personal/coverage.aspx .
Thank you in advance,
June Beleford, Regional Health Educator Consultant III
Policy, Community Partnerships and Communications
401 5th Avenue, Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98104-1823
Email: June.Beleford@Kingcounty.gov
New, affordable health care. Learn more.|www.wahealthplanfinder.org
Seattle Public Utilities
SEATTLE – The North Transfer Station project is installing drainage systems at Stone Way North and North 34th
Street. This will involve 24-hour closure of Stone Way North over multiple days. It will also involve a partial
closure along the north side of North 34th Street during work hours.
Schedule of Closures
 Week of Nov. 3 - Close Stone Way North between North 34th and 35th Streets for daytime excavation
work. Closure will be 24-hours and includes the city sidewalk during daytime hours in front of the Brooks
building on Stone Way North and North 34th Street to install drainage systems
 Week of Nov. 10 and Nov. 17 – Partially close the north side of North 34th Street during daytime hours
to install drainage systems
 Week of Nov. 17 – Restore sidewalk in front of Brooks building
To minimize impacts, crews will conduct work during daytime hours from 7 am – 6 pm. Pedestrian ramps and
re-routing will allow access to the adjacent buildings and businesses. “No-Park” signs will be placed near Stone
Way North and North 34th Street prior to the work. The work areas will be fenced off for public safety.
For more information about the project, email the project team at SPU_NTS@seattle.gov, call the project
hotline at 206-819-5948 or visit the project website at www.seattle.gov/util/NewNorth.
Please note: the full closure of Mercer Street will be
from 11 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Saturday.
Traffic Advisory
November 6, 2014
Marybeth Turner, Public Relations Supervisor, 206.684.8548
Weekend Traffic: Huskies, Seahawks and Sounders this weekend
Oprah Winfrey will be in Seattle as well
SEATTLE – After a weekend with no SODO stadium games, this weekend there will be several.
Husky Football is Saturday night, the Seahawks play Sunday afternoon, and the Sounders play
Monday night.
Thousands of people will attend Oprah’s The Life you Want Weekend at the Key Arena on Friday
and Saturday. Sunday morning, runners will participate in the Mustache Dache at Magnuson Park .
Here is a list of events that may affect traffic this weekend:
Mercer Corridor Construction
Mercer Street and Fifth Avenue North will both be down to one lane during off- peak hours on
Friday. Taylor Avenue will be fully closed between Mercer and Roy streets. On Friday night there
will be a full closure of Mercer Street between Ninth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North from
11 p.m. Friday until 5 a.m. Saturday.
Elliott Bay Seawall Construction
Construction on the Elliott Bay Seawall project continues seven days a week along the central
waterfront. Remember, the ferry access entry point is now just south of Madison Street. See a
video and learn about some of the innovative features that are being added to our new seawall to
improve the sound’s ecosystem and the life of our marine neighbors at http://bit.ly/1E8RMa3
Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend
 Key Arena
 7- 9 p.m.
 Estimated attendance: 12,000 per day
Husky Band Friday Night Rally & Procession
 9 p.m.-10 p.m.
 Estimated attendance: approximately 200 participants
 Husky band and supporters will march through Greek Row prior to Saturday’s game.
 Police officers will escort the procession
Oprah’s The Life You Want Weekend
 Key Arena
 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
 Estimated attendance: 12,000 per day
 http://www.keyarena.com/events/detail/oprahs-the-life-you-want-weekend
The Mustache Dache
 Walk/run begins at 10 a.m.
 Estimated participants: 2,100
 Event will use streets, trails and sidewalks in Magnuson park
Huskies vs. UCLA
 Husky Stadium
 4 p.m. kickoff
 Estimated attendance: 70,000.
 http://www.gohuskies.com/ViewArticle.dbml?&ATCLID=208241384&DB_OEM_ID=30200&DB_
 SDOT’s game day traffic plan will be implemented approximately two hours prior to the start of
each game after which time normal traffic operations will resume until the conclusion of the game,
when the post-game
traffic plan begins. For more information please visit:
Seahawks vs. NY Giants
 CenturyLink Field
 1:25 p.m. kickoff
 Estimated attendance: 67,000.
Sounders vs. Dallas
 CenturyLink Field
 7:30 p.m. kickoff
 Estimated attendance: 50,000.
Marybeth Turner
Public Relations Supervisor
City of Seattle Department of Transportation
O: 206.684.8548 | Media Line: 206.684-3151| F: 206.684.3238 |marybeth.turner@seattle.gov
Seattle Area Construction Look Ahead November 6, 2014
Also available online at: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/constructionlookahead.htm
For an online map of these events, go to http://www.seattle.gov/travelers . Items will appear on the dates listed.
Weekly Transportation Construction Coordination Update
November 4 - 11: Lane closures on 4th Ave. at Virginia St.
November 7: Mercer St. closed between 9th Ave. N. and Dexter Ave. N. Friday night.
November 8: Washington Huskies host UCLA at 4PM Saturday at Husky Stadium.
November 8: Battery Street Tunnel closed Saturday night during testing of the fire suppression system.
November 9: Seahawks host New York Giants at 1:25PM Sunday at CenturyLink Field.
November 10: Sounders host a play-off match against FC Dallas at 7:30PM Monday at CenturyLink Field.
November 14 - 17: Mercer St. fully closed between Dexter Ave. N. and 4th Ave. N. next weekend.
November 14 - 17: SR520 Floating Bridge Fully closed next weekend.
November 15: Downtown Transit Tunnel fully closed next Saturday.
And NOW for some news that is easily digestible:
News Release
Most “flushable” products are no such thing—just ask Pump Station No. 9
Flushing anything but toilet paper can cause massive sewage clogs—at your expense
SEATTLE — Don’t believe those ads promoting so-called “flushable” products that can supposedly be
safely disposed of in your toilet. For the most part, the claims are a bunch of malarkey.
Just ask Seattle Public Utilities’ (SPU) Pump Station No. 9.
Sitting on the shore of Lake Washington near a large public beach, the station is in constant operation—
pumping Seattle’s sewage to the treatment plant at the rate of 130 gallons per minute. Despite its steady
pumping, the station requires continual maintenance to free it of paper towels, tissues, wet wipes, and
other products that should have been put in the trash.
A new video just posted by SPU shows these thick, gross blockages and the work performed by SPU
crews to clear them.
Almost half of Pump Station 9’s maintenance costs are spent clearing the clogs. It costs about $1 million
each year to clean and maintain all of Seattle’s 68 sewage pump stations. King County maintains another
14 pump stations within the City of Seattle.
Without that steady maintenance, clogs at Pump Station 9 would cause sewage to overflow into Lake
Washington. Pump stations throughout the city are located in public spaces, shopping centers, and
residential areas — and they pose similar threats.
To be kind to Station 9 and her sisters, please do not flush paper towels, facial tissue, cotton swabs,
personal and baby wipes, hair, dental floss, feminine hygiene products, condoms or cat litter. Even
products advertised as “flushable” cause problems in the sewer, as they do not easily break down. Foreign
objects that are able to flush in the literal sense still lead to clogging in the sewer.
Learn more about Seattle Public Utilities, at: http://www.seattle.gov/util.
Watch a short video about SPU.
Follow SPU on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SeattleSPU.
Seattle Public Utilities provides essential services — pure mountain drinking water, recycling and
composting that lead the nation, and sewer and drainage systems to protect our local waterways — that
safeguard your health and our shared environment, and help keep Seattle the best place to live.