5100 Camden Ave San Jose, CA 95124 Church (408) 264-3858 School (408) 265-0244 Fax (408) 265-0275 www.stlcsj.org Good News! November, 2014 PASTORS: DAN SELBO, EXT. 114 JUDY BANGSUND, EXT. 105 VISITATION PASTOR JIM BANGSUND, EXT. 138 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: GAYLE RENKEN, EXT. 113 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: MARIA BONES, EXT. 120 DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES: ELIZABETH SELBO, EXT 201 YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES: JOE HILL, EXT. 119 MUSIC MINISTRY: CONTEMPORARY MUSIC: ROXANN GALLAGHER, EXT. 122 CONTEMPORARY MUSIC SUPPORT: GEOFF SCHULLER TRADITIONAL MUSIC: JAMIE MULFINGER OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR: BETH TKACHEFF PUBLICATIONS: TAMMI HALL ORGANIST: BILL MOWSON & JIM SKOOG BOOKKEEPER: JEANETTE STAHLKE WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES 8:15 am Sunday 9:45 am 11:15 am Inside: Calendar Children’s Ministry Discipleship Education Fellowship Outreach pg. 7 pg. 6 pg. 4 pg. 5 pgs. 2-4 pg. 5 Second, our Commitment Sundays are set for November 16 & 23. At all three services on those weekends, there will be opportunity to make financial commitments for the coming year to the work of Christ’s Church through St. Timothy’s. You will be receiving information in the mail that will give more detail. Be praying about your commitments and the stewardship choices God is calling you to make. Third, our Thank Offering Sunday is November 23. Our quilting groups will have their blankets on display. The shoeboxes from Operation Christmas Child will be ready to be shipped. All of us are encouraged to bring canned and packed foods to be distributed through local food pantries. Also, this year, we are having a “Frozen Turkey & Chicken Drive.” City Team Ministries will have bins in the entryway. Let’s see if we can collect 100 frozen turkeys & chickens? What about 200? Maybe more? It is not about how much we give, but about how generously we respond to what we have been given. Finally, beginning on Sunday, November 23, 2014 and continuing through Thursday, January 1, 2015, we will share in a “40 Days of Prayer” campaign. The goal is for all of us to be in prayer for the coming year. The purpose is to invite and challenge each of us to seek God’s will for our lives. Prior to and throughout these 40 days, we will be offering ideas, sharing prayer concerns, and providing opportunity for prayer to happen. Watch the bulletins. Pay attention to your emails. Listen for God’s voice. Our prayer is that God will hear our prayers and prepare us for what he will be doing in us and through us in the coming year. In these weeks leading up to the New Year, you have a choice. You can choose to fit in or you can decide to stand out. Jesus wants us to stand out. Start praying. Stand out. Let’s be different together. For the past few years we have been laying a foundation for what we believe God is leading us to do and to be as a congregation of believers. We have talked more about discipleship in the past two years than perhaps in any other two-year period in our congregational history. We have introduced huddles. We have laid the groundwork for Missional Communities. We have read through “The Story”, expanded and re-focused our church staff, and are currently preparing for what promises to be an exciting year in 2015. Throughout this time, we have been praying for the Holy Spirit to lead us where God wants us to go. As we move forward, we need to be intentional in the steps we take. Following Jesus does not just happen. It is a conscious choice. It is a day after day commitment. It is not a one-time event, but a lifelong journey involving many events, leading ultimately to an eternal destination promised to us in Christ. Until then, we make choices each day to follow Jesus. We consciously choose to live as followers of his. Our priorities are different from what we see in the world. Our commitments are not the same as people around us. Even at times when we find ourselves fitting in, our goal in life is to always stand out. This month, we have a number of opportunities to make choices that will set us apart from the world and help us stand out as followers of Jesus. First, on Sunday, November 9, from 4:30-7:00 pm, we have our Annual Fall Fellowship. It is an event designed to share fellowship with members of our church family and to reach beyond ourselves and make a difference in the lives others. This year we are collecting warm jackets and socks and scarves to be given to the homeless. Along with fun and games, making blankets, and sharing food, we will be making a tangible difference in the lives of those less Pastor Dan fortunate than us. STATISTICS: Giving & Attendance 5-Oct 12-Oct 19-Oct 26-Oct TOTAL OFFERINGS THIS PERIOD OFFERINGS to date SPENDING to date Excess/(Shortfall) 2014 General Fund 28,201 22,992 20,313 13,347 $ $ $ $ 84,853 773,163 774,259 (1,096) 2014 Building Fund 3,774 4,032 2,370 1,442 $ $ $ $ 11,616 135,321 117,228 18,093 TOTAL $ 31,975 $ $ 22,683 14,788 $ $ $ $ 69,445 908,484 891,487 16,997 Weekly Attendance 429 366 377 388 3 Year Capital Campaign 5,696 4,570 6,152 13,497 $ $ $ 29,913 277,963 100,000 FELLOWSHIP Please save the date! A special Christmas luncheon and program is planned for Thursday, December 18th, at noon. Details will follow in the December newsletter. Neighbors Unanimous Lunch November 13 at 12:00pm All seniors are invited to join us for lunch at Mandarin Gourmet. Please RSVP to Dale Johnson at 408-2653811 by Nov. 6th. The cost is $18.70 per person; checks can be mailed to Dale. 2015 Offering Envelopes will be available for pick up in the Fellowship Hall on Nov. 23, Nov. 30, and Dec. 7. Help save the church postage by picking yours up. If you don't have envelopes and would like some, contact Beth at beth.tkacheff@stlcsj.org or 408-264-3858. be showing “Pete’s Dragon,” snack on some yummy movie treats and enjoy some special time in Storyland Adventures! All families are invited, the cost is $2 per person. All proceeds will be donated to the “All For Books Program.” Super Seniors West Side Saints Christmas party Saturday, December 6 at 4:00 pm at the home of Brenda & Jim Guise. Please bring an appetizer, salad, side dish or dessert to share. Meat & drinks will be provided. Please RSVP to Betsy Grandey at 408-629-6093 by December 1st. St. Timothy’s School Book Fair - November 2-7 Come visit “Storyland Adventures” to browse the vast selection of wonderful books. The grand opening will begin Sunday, November 2 after all church services. Also come join us for these two fun events: Family movie night on November 2 from 5:30-7pm. We will Book Fair Family Night on November 6 from 5:30-7:30pm. Invite all your family and friends. Rumor has it her Royal Majesty may come to greet thy loyal servants. There will be snacks, entertainment, prizes and lots of fun! WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! 2 Stacy Kornluebke and her children, Jakob, Sean & James Brian & Maeleen Hiatt and their children, Aidan, Madeline Laura Miri Thank Offering Sunday On Sunday, November 23 during all services, St. Timothy’s will once again be celebrating “thank offering Sunday” by inviting you to bring food for FISH. This year, along with canned and dry goods for FISH, we are also inviting you to bring a frozen turkey or frozen chicken for Cityteam. By participating in the Cityteam “When Help Meets Hope” campaign, you can assist them in meeting their goal of collecting 1,300 turkeys and chickens to help feed the hungry in our community. FISH and Cityteam , with your help, the message of hope will begin changing lives forever. Please mark this important day on your calendar. Results from the 18th Annual St. Timothy’s Golf Tournament St. Timothy’s 18th Annual Golf Tournament was held on Saturday, October 4th at Los Lagos Golf Course in San Jose. Our tournament is a best-ball scramble format that attracts all skill levels and all ages. This year, we had 28 golfers who shared a wonderful day of fellowship and golf! Congratulations to the winning team of Brian Durfey, Earl & Ilah Schmeiding, and Mark Smith who shot a score of 62, six strokes under par! Second place was awarded to the foursome of Jim Leege, Bill Ries, and Dan & Mary Selbo with a team score of 63, 5 strokes under par. Longest drive honors for the men went to Mark Smith. Longest drive honors for the women went to Joyce Johnson. Closest to the pin honors on hole #3 went to Dan Selbo, hole #7 was won by Chip Bronk and hole #16 honors went to Mark Smith. A great time was had by all of the golfers! If you are one of those golfers who for whatever reason has been hesitant to play in our tournament, please come and join us next year. You will have a great time and will be glad you did, regardless of your final score! Hope to see you then! Howard “Ole” Duane Olson May 23, 1930 – September 25, 2014 Beginning with his receiving a diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer on Valentine’s Day 2013, Ole fought a valiant battle. When he learned the treatments were no longer effective, he decided to live out the time he had left and enjoy a quality lifestyle. With his wife of nearly 60 years they did just that, immersing themselves in volunteer work and spending many hours reminiscing over the life they had lived. Their discussions included their family and how much they enjoyed their 3 children and 6 grandchildren. They remembered their 30 years of square dancing, accumulating 400 callers’ signatures, their winters in Arizona, their travelling years and the many choirs in which they had sung. The name “Ole” was put on him when he was in the Air Force during the Korean action. He was a remote control turret technician on the B29 bombers that flew combat missions over Korea. He was stationed at Kadena Air Force Base on Okinawa. 3 during the Titan and Gemini era, plus process control computers in natural gas distribution, medical laboratories, oil refineries and paper industries. He was fortunate to see the electronic age grow from the use of vacuum tubes to solid state and microchips. The computer became more powerful, faster and smaller during his career at IBM. He thoroughly enjoyed the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, conducting a tour there for Sunny View residents. His marriage to Jeanette spanned nearly 60 years, beginning in a Minnesota snowstorm on February 19, 1955. They were blessed with 3 children; Doriann (Douglas) Shreve of Santa Clara, Larren (Jerilynn) Olson of Aloha, Oregon and Allan (Shelly) Olson of Roseville, California, and grandchildren Emily (David) Byars, Kathleen Shreve, Jennifer and Jesilynn Olson, and Addison and Spencer Olson. He is survived by one brother, Roger Olson and his wife Dorothy of Blair, Nebraska, and various nieces and nephews. Preceding him in death are his parents, Fred and Gladys Olson, two younger brothers, Paul and Philip, and two grandchildren, William Shreve and Jessica Olson. Ole was a Lutheran all his life, almost always singing in a church choir. In Arizona, he wrote his life story and with His full name was Howard Duane Olson, known as Duane Jeanette, led that class of writing. He served as light and by his relatives and the Minnesota folks. He was born in sound tech in the ballroom where they were living, meethis Grandma’s house near Brandon, Minnesota on May 23, ing and working with many famous and well-known enter1930. His parents were Fred H. Olson, a farmer, and his tainers. He was an enthusiastic fan of John Deere; he colmother, Gladys P. Olson, a former teacher in a one-room lected monkey wrenches and other interesting tools. He country school. He grew up on a farm and was involved in was everyone’s handyman, responding to a call with “Have all the action that takes place there – mainly milking cows, no fear, Ole’s here.” field work, chopping wood and, of course, shoveling snow. Having retired in 1987 he maintained his living standard in His education was in a one-room school in Garfield, Min- Almaden Valley for 43 plus years, and then moved to Sunnesota, one mile from his home, and his high school was in ny View retirement community in Cupertino. He served on our nearby “big town”, Alexandria, of 5,000 people. He the resident council there for two years, the second year as also attended Central Technical Institute in Kansas City, President. Often he led the current event discussion group, Missouri after which he was hired by IBM. enjoying a good political argument. He and Jeanette served His employment with IBM started as a customer engineer as co-amateur librarians in the Sunny View library. With his caregiver Jeanette at his side, he passed away in on the US Air Force SAGE (Semi-Air-to-Groundtheir apartment on September 25 in the early morning, just Environment) computer. His first assignment was to Fort as the rain began falling. Although we already miss him in Lee, Virginia, then off to Glendale, Arizona to another SAGE site. He transferred to Data Processing and moved this life, we look forward to seeing him again in God’s to Littleton, Colorado. He worked on the IBM 7000 series kingdom. Cosette Winter June 19, 1939 – September 24, 2014 When Cosy was first diagnosed with cancer in the fall of 2003, her comment to the doctors was that they could do any aggressive treatment available because she had to be around for her (at the time) 5 granddaughters! Cosy’s brave attack to her illness gave us all another 11 great years, most of them disease free. Her battle was for many people in her life, but her rock was always the girls. Cosy will always be a hero to us …. She lived her life with courage through suffering and joy! Her lessons are a legacy that have been passed down through her many friends and family. She will be greatly missed, but I believe we all feel a great debt of gratitude for the time that God did give her to us. Cosy’s Battle was hard fought and she left this world just as she lived it …. Peaceful and Strong. If you would like to submit an article to be included in Good News, please send articles and/or info to tammi.hall@stlcsj.org. Please submit plain, unformatted text in the email or in a Word document and attach to the email any jpegs or gifs you would like included in the article. Please note, all submissions are subject to editing/changes. GOOD NEWS DEADLINES: December newsletter deadline is Friday, November 14 January newsletter deadline is Friday, December 5 February newsletter deadline is Friday, January 16 embers of our Church Family Dee & Elmer Abeloe Blake Bauman Marilyn Bentson Dick Betz Gary & arin Mallet-Boegner Chris & Joanne Brewer Liz Brewer and Family Doris Campagna Norman Conrad Loi Filo elsie Hardin athleen Hawley Jackie Heimann Bea Henrickson John Lindquist Micki Mowson Pat Ovens Roy Powers Rosamund Suhr Clare Switzer Elsie West elatives and Friends Aaron, Jennifer, Justin, Jerry, Teresa & Natalie children of arin Boegner ubi Catherine friend of Betsy Beech Steve Borello friend of Bev ohr Paul Browne father of aty Stamos Joanna Campbell Carmel Lutheran Mission House Ann Filor and children Cheryl Forden, relative of the Walters Jessica Herrera daughter-in-law of the Briggs Carol acken ie friend of Bob Couper enice Lee rend of Terri James Jeane e Nil friend of Dan & ary Selbo Bethany Owen daughter of Betsy Beech Darlene Paulsen mother of Stacy ethod and Lori aefer Filonila Rosario mother of Claudia Schalesky Sharon Sabbatini mother of Lorie Moore The complete prayer list is emailed weekly to the email prayer chain. Send an email to info@stlcsj.org to receive the weekly email prayer list. Please call 408-264-3858 or send an email to info@stlcsj.org if you would like to add a prayer request, or if you would like to Lee Steiner father of Maria Bones Sarah Yousef friend of James Moore The family of Steve ansen friend of the Petersons DISCIPLESHIP Perform Desperately Needed Mission Work From The Comfort Of Your Own Cubicle! Have you ever dreamed of caring for the poorest of the poor in a place like Haiti or Uganda? Does the prospect of that opportunity seem pretty remote realistically? Perhaps, making a tremendous difference in the lives of your global family could be much simpler than you might think... The Walk for Water Corporate Sponsorship Team needs your help! We're asking you to introduce us to the contact person at your company in charge of charitable donations or workplace volunteerism. That's it!! Quite simple; yet quite important. 4 Contact BJ Bushur at bj@foundation6.com Cell: 408-930-0860. Thank you and God bless you for helping to bring clean, safe water to a thirsty world! OUTREACH The following update is from Randy Drafts, one of the NALC seminary students we are supporting at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace and peace to you from God our Father. I pray that you are well as the leaves change color and the weather changes from warmer to cooler temperatures, and amidst the changes in our personal lives. I give thanks for the declaration of Hebrews 13:8 – Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Since my last update, I have gone from a full-time student working as a part-time intern to a full-time intern. (Well, I am finishing up one class this semester but will not be taking courses in the spring and summer of 2015 to focus solely on my internship.) I’ll return to class full-time next fall. since I am able to focus (almost) solely on it and not on academics as well. I also believe that the break from classes will serve me well; when I return to the classroom full-time, I think I will have my mental focus back and energy renewed for further study. I am grateful to God for his faithfulness in seeing me through these changes and for his sustaining love and grace. My internship site has also been very gracious and it has made the transition from part-time to full-time a smooth one. I am also grateful for all of you and I thank God each time I remember you. Your support, encouragement, financial assistance, and continued prayers mean more to me than I can put into words. While this change was not something I envisioned, I have a peace about it and I believe the move to full-time ministry God’s peace be with you all. will be better for my formation as a pastor. It has become Randy evident, already, that I have much more energy for ministry EDUCATION Sharing the Story, Part 2: Just Walk Across the Room Everyone knows that sharing the Story of Jesus is a vital part of what God calls them to do, but – it’s easier said than done. Many Christians feel awkward and ill-equipped, for a variety of reasons. Bill Hybels (Willow Creek) helps us address these concerns and signals the next era in personal evangelism with “Just Walk Across the Room.” Even if you haven’t attended Part 1, you are welcome to join in now. Led by Pastors Jim and Judy with small group interaction. Maybe you can be instrumental in changing someone’s life! Part 2 begins November 2. Women’s Groups Naomi Circle meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 12:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Contact Joyce at 408-723-2437. Lydia Circle Book Club meets the 2nd Friday of the month at 6:30 pm. Contact Diana at 408-264-3524. Zest For Life meets Tuesday mornings from 9:45-11:30 am (Music Room.) Contact Marge at belvale133@aol.com or 408-356-9960. Quilters and Cut-Ups meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday mornings (Music Room) from 9:00 am-noon. Contact Paula at 408-225-8626. Pins & Needles meets weekly on Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am (Library). Contact Danielle at dkquayle@gmail.com. MEN’S MATURITY OPPORTUNITIES: 5 Every Tuesday morning from 6:30-7:30 am at Coco’s restaurant (on Blossom Hill). Fellowship, food and a good beginning to the day as we work our way through various books of the Bible. Start your day right with God and breakfast! Have questions? Need directions? Call Steve Hill at 408-531-5025. Iron Men: Food, fellowship, discussion Iron Men meets the 3rd Tuesday evening of the month at 6:30 pm. November 18th is the next opportunity. All men of the congregation are encouraged to join us. Questions? Call Dale Miller (408-371-5789) CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday School 9:45-10:45 am Classes for ages 3 yrs old—5th Grade 9:45-10:45am, every Sunday Carter Building SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFERINGS All offerings from the children will go towards shipping costs for the Operation Christmas Child project. We are hoping to gather enough to sponsor 200 boxes, which is $1400! The mission of St. Timothy’s Children’s Ministry is to grow children into disciples of Jesus Christ. Nursery Corner The nursery is open to all babies and toddlers (up to 4 yrs old) during all Sunday morning Worship services, and is located in Room B3, across from the Sanctuary. Nursery care is provided by church members on a volunteer basis. Upcoming Events for Children Gingerbread House Workshop Sunday, Nov 30, 4:00 pm Suggested donation: $15 per house Volunteer sign ups at http://sttimothys.ivolunteer.com/2014occ OCC RELAY CENTER Shoebox Drop off hours for the public: Nov Nov Nov Nov 17 (Mon) 9am-3pm 18-22 (Tues-Sat) 9am-12noon 24 (Sun) 1pm-5pm 25 (Mon) 9am-3pm SHOEBOX PACKING PARTY Sunday, Nov 16, 9:45am Carter Great Room All children are invited to join us for this handson service project, filling shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Donations still NEEDED! EMPTY SHOEBOXES TOYS…Balls, Dolls, Cars, Stuffed Animals, etc... PERSONAL CARE… SOAP, combs, brushes, etc... (No liquids) 6 All proceeds from this event go towards Operation Christmas Child. Cost includes one preassembled gingerbread house, decorating supplies and candies. You are encouraged to bring extra candy/edible decorations, and an apron. Reserve your Gingerbread House online! www.stlcsj.org CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM UNFROZEN “Do You Want to Meet a Savior?” MUSIC The music for all ages will be rehearsed during Sunday School beginning Nov. 2. A practice CD, with traditional carols will be sent home for you to listen to, and sing along with your child. CASTING All children of St. Timothy’s are invited to participate in the Chorus. The casting of Bible Readers and Bible Characters will be done during Sunday School (3rd-5th grades). There will be extra rehearsals for these roles...details to follow. SUNDAY, DEC 14 6:00PM PERFORMANCE - 7 - — OCC Relay Center Nov 17-24 - - Confirmation Retreat CALENDAR St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church & School 5100 Camden Ave San Jose, CA 95124 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 291 LOS GATOS, CA ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Fall Fellowship—Sunday, November 9th from 4:30-7pm Enjoy food, fellowship, fun, and friendly, family-style competition while learning about the bay area homeless population and some ways our community can help as the holiday season approaches. Please bring new or "like new" (washed please) warm weather clothes, blankets, hats, gloves, scarves, etc. for our "Winter Weather Drive!" Sign-up after services at the table outside. b 40 days of prayer 8 Nov 23, 2014 Jan 1, 2015 Please Join Us for our Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service on Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00 PM.
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