Wednesday’s Word A weekly publication of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church A community of faith, formation & fruitfulness November 5, 2014 Community Thanksgiving Worship Tuesday, November 25—7pm Nortonsville Church of God Our gathering will feature leadership from numerous local congregations and our Community Choir. A snack fellowship will follow. So, please bring a snack to share. Community Choir—practice dates Thursday, November 13 and 20 at 7pm at Nortonsville Operation Christmas Child You are invited to participate in Operation Christmas Child by filling a shoe box with small gifts (school supplies, hygiene items, stuffed animal, toys) for a child living in impoverished or desperate situation around the world. The shoe boxes are a tool that opens doors for sharing the Good News about God's love and in doing so lives are transformed with the power of your gift. Shoe Boxes and brochures with instructions are in the Welcome Center. Shoe Boxes are due Sunday, November 23. Contact Edith Fisher with questions at Are You Ready for Christmas??? You can begin preparations on Sunday, November 23 following the 11am Worship service. The Children’s Committee invites families to prepare for Advent- the “coming” of Christmas. We will provide a soup and sandwich luncheon and then children and parents will participate in an activity that will be used to tell the Christmas story. What an exciting way for families to begin the Advent Season together. We hope you will join us. For more information please contact Barbara at Continued on page 2 Earlysville Exchange Training Session: Each one hour training Session will be held at the Earlysville Exchange. Upcoming training dates are: Saturday, November 8 – 9am – 10am Saturday, November 8 – 10am – 11am* (*Youth volunteer training) For more information please contact Mimi Tornrose at 974-6633 or Annual Fall BBQ Fundraiser The Earlysville Volunteer Fire Department invites you to their Annual Fall Fundraiser on Saturday, November 8 between 5-8pm. The donation of homemade baked goods would be deeply appreciated. Please contact 973-8862 for more information. Backpack Buddies Ministry Chestnut Grove supports children (currently 29) at Broadus Wood Elementary School who are on the governmental reduced lunch program and may go hungry over the weekend. Each week we will fill plastic grocery bags with a small amount of food. Broadus Wood discreetly distributes the food to the appropriate children. Food items for each Backpack Grocery Bag per child: 2 small juice boxes 2 granola bars 2 peanut butter crackers 2 fruit cups 1 small individual size can beans & franks 1 individual size microwaveable macaroni & cheese Please visit the link below to signup for items you would like to donate: Questions? Contact Edith Fisher at Thank You The Earlysville Exchange's Grand Opening event on November 1 was a tremendous success, and our new non-profit, all-volunteer thrift store is off and running! The more successful this community-oriented outreach becomes, the more we can give back to the needy in our area, so we are very thankful for such wonderful new beginnings. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone who helped create and launch the Earlysville Exchange. First, thanks to the scores of volunteers who helped build and set up the store during the past few months. The ongoing gift of your time and talents has simply been mind-boggling. Next, thanks to everyone in our community who donated their gently-used clothing, shoes, housewares, books, furniture, and many other wonderful things to our store. Volunteers at the receiving door feel like children on Christmas morning every day that they come to work here. Your generosity has been extraordinary and we sincerely hope you will continue to give with the knowledge that your donations are helping others. Thanks also to our very special, newly-trained volunteers for stepping up to help staff the Exchange everyWednesday through Saturday in the months (and years) to come. You are the engine that drives this wonderful outreach and the very heart and soul of it! We couldn't open our doors without you. Finally, a special note of appreciation to all of the community-minded individuals, churches, and businesses for their generous donations of goods, door prizes, and all around support that truly helped create a Grand Opening event that we will always remember. Pericles, the famous Greek statesman and orator, once said: "What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others." Thank you for your part in creating this remarkable human tapestry. The Earlysville Exchange Steering Committee Continued on page 3 Earlysville Exchange Grand Opening—A Volunteer’s Story Saturday, November 1 has arrived for the grand opening of the Earlysville Exchange. The weather was cool but the warmth was prevalent among the people. Most of the final preparation was taken care of on Friday along with a last minute training. The volunteers arrived at 10am We had already been assigned stations or areas to cover. Excitement was in the air. It wasn't long before people started arriving to get a low number to enter. We had put up a large tent with tables and chairs. People were busy popping popcorn, warming apple cider and grilling hot dogs. About 11am Benny Clark, the person who had the vision for this undertaking, called us all together, thanked everyone and reminded us why we were there and lead us in prayer. He also reminded us that we first entered this building, the former Whytes Grocery Store built in 1937, on September 1. After many volunteer hours of pulling nails, painting, repairing the ceiling, building shelving, constructing two dressing rooms and a community room and much cleaning, receiving donations of product, sorting, pricing and displaying on the sales floor, it is hard to believe what we have now was accomplished in two months. Looking around the over stocked and well organized sales floor, it is a huge accomplishment. In addition, the receiving area is loaded with items ready to restock after the big day. With noon approaching fast and a shower of cold rain falling, the side doors were opened where the tent is located. Benny introduced Albemarle County Supervisor, Ann Mallek who read and presented us with a proclamation. Benny explained the order of the day and how people will enter. Pastor of our sponsor, Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Lance King, lead everyone in prayer. People moved to the front entrance for the ribbon cutting. The Earlysville Exchange is open for business and connection. We volunteers took our positions and the first fifty entered the doors. Thank goodness, it was orderly. Within a minute, the sales floor was covered with people. Some went straight for the large furniture items, couches, tables and chairs. Some had visited previously and knew exactly the item they wanted. In a matter of moments, cash register operator Jenn was busy. It stayed that way until the final call just after 4pm. There were volunteers writing sale slips to speed up the checkout line, someone packaging, wrapping and bagging items, assisting in taking items to purchasers vehicles and helping people with sage passage across the road. The Earlysville Fire Company was well represented with fire truck and rescue vehicle. One of our goals was to have good product at a reasonable price. I believe we met our goal as we had some people comment, you are giving this stuff away. One example in particular, a gentleman said, I would have given you $90 for that item and you gave it away for $20. Yes, I am sure we could have charged more, but then we would have defeated our purpose of being a gift to the community. We had people ask, how does all this work? Who is the owner? Who gets the money? How many employees do you have? Why are you doing this? Good questions all. My quick answer, our purpose is to provide a connecting place like the past in Earlysville and to provide product at a more than reasonable price. There is no owner, we are non profit and sponsored by Chestnut Grove Baptist Church. Any profits over cost will go back to the community to the Earlysville Food Pantry, the Earlysville Fire Company, children's organizations and after school program. There are no employees, all volunteers. We have tables and chairs in the front, they are for people to come in, have a cup of coffee and refreshments if there are any and connect with people. They can drop a donation in the can. This is our gift to the Earlysville community. When the last purchaser was out the door, everyone took a huge sigh of relief. Some of us found out what it is like to spend six hours on our feet and headed for the first chair we could find. After getting a soda and maybe a hotdog or piece of cake, we gathered around the cash register as the totals appeared. I couldn't help but think of all the hours of the many volunteers and how we had rubbed elbows and connected with each other. Many of us did things we had never done in our lifetime. Others with special expertise, used their talents where needed. Benny's goal was obtained. Benny gave God thanks and credit, said thank you to all including the people that came from the community and like a benediction. For some of us, it was a happy tearful moment. It was a perfect ending to a special day in the old Whytes Grocery Store in Earlysville, Virginia. There are some special people who filled us with information and motivation. They are Benny Clark, Kathy Osvath, Mimi Tornrose, Nicky Kwasnick, and Jeff Robins. Thank you for your leadership and keeping us on course. Earlysville Exchange Volunteer Continued on page 4 Note of Appreciation Dear Friends, I wish to express my sincere thank you for your prayers, visits, hugs, and so many cards and food when my dear husband passed away. I know he is now resting in God’s arms and smiling down on his family. I will always remember the kindness that you have showered me with. May God bless you. Linda Owens CGBC Space Reservations We celebrate the increased use of CG facilities. In order that we may be courteous of each others’ needs for meeting space, etc., please reserve all space usages with church office at or 978-3819. Thanks! This Sunday’s Text: Psalm 100 What does the Scripture say to you? Chestnut Grove treasures our team of volunteers. This week’s (Sunday, Nov 9) children’s workers are: 8:30 Ralanta Thomas, Nickie Huff, Grace Apple 9:50 Melissa Baliff, Beth Berry, Kim Casteen 11:00 Kelley Barker, Deana Spence, Kris Moran, Sarah Moran, Robyn Kelly, Davey Schenck, Reilly McCann, Tony Brown, Shannon Brown Thank you for loving and sharing God’s love with our children. Prayer List Our church is dedicated in prayer for each person on our prayer list. Please contact Lorraine Williams at 973-5194 if you wish a card to be sent. Please update the church office on the individuals you have placed on our prayer list so that our records are current. PRAYER REQUESTS Please call or email prayer requests and updates to the church office 434-978-3819 Associate Pastor Search Team 10-15-14 Virgil Berry 10-29-14 Linda Brown 10-22-14 Zoe Edwards (Barbara Edwards) 10-8-14 Bayne Howell 10-15-14 C.T. Huff 10-8-14 Philip Johnson (Kris Moran) 10-29-14 Garland Oliver 10-22-14 The Family of John Owens 10-15-14 The Family of Gertrude Peyton 10-15-14 Don Prillaman 10-15-14 The Family of Crystle “Chris” Reight 10-15-14 The Family of Neva Shifflett 10-8-14 *Food Collection Item for November: canned sweet potatoes/yams Continued on page 4 THE MONTH AHEAD Worship Gatherings—Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday School—All ages 9:50 am Music Weekly Rehearsals Sunday: 5:30pm Youth Praise Band rehearsal in Upper Room 6:20pm Music Group for Him on stage Monday: 3:15pm Radical Ringers bell rehearsal in room 103 7:30pm Glorify bell rehearsal in room 103 YOUTH ACTIVITIES Sundays 6:30pm Meal and Gathering Wednesdays (September—May) 5:30 L.I.F.E. Together Dinner 6:30 Small Group Gatherings Wednesday: 6:30pm Adult Choir in Sanctuary For the latest on rehearsal schedules see the music calendar on our website SUN MON TUES WED THU Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 9:15am Women’s Bible Study 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together Nov 9 Nov 10 6:30pm Tweens Gathering 10am Laurels Ministry Nov 11 9:30 am Breathe— Study Group 10am Church at Grace Nov 16 Nov 17 6:30pm GA Meeting 10am Laurels Ministry Nov 18 9:30 am Breathe— Study Group 10am Church at Grace 4pm Bible Study Group Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Noon Children’s Advent Activity 10am Laurels Ministry 7pm Community Thanksgiving at Nortonsville Church of God Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 2 9:30am Deacons host the 5th Sunday Breakfast 10am Laurels Ministry 6:30pm Tweens Gathering 9:30 am Breathe— Study Group 10am Church at Grace 4pm Bible Study FRI SAT Nov 8 9am EE Volunteer Training Youth Friday Night Sleepover 10am EE Youth Volunteer Training Nov 15 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 9:15am Women’s Bible Study Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21 Nov 22 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring Nov 28 Nov 29 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together Nov 26 Nov 27 Office closed Dec 3 Dec 4 noon Mid Week Prayer 2:30pm BW Tutoring 5:30pm L.I.F.E Together Dinner 6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together Dec 5 Dec 6
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