Saint Francis of Assisi Church Rev. Jerzy Auguscik, O.F.M., Conv. Administrator Deacon Wayne F. Griffin WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 8:00 & 10:00am DAILY MASSES Monday-Friday: 7:00am Saturday: 8:00am CONVENT Sr. Marie Denise Murphy, S.S.N.D. Sr. Miriam McGuire, S.S.N.D. 225-7143 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR Deacon Wayne 860-877-4851 MUSIC DIRECTOR Monika Krajewska SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00 - 4:00pm or by appointment MARRIAGE MINISTRY TO THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND Please call the Friary if someone you know is hospitalized or homebound and would like to receive the Sacraments. Contact the Friary at least 6 months before the desired date to set up schedule of premarital conferences. REGISTRATION New parishioners should FRIARY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Friary: 225-6449 Fax: 225-2315 Paula Boyer, Secretary BAPTISM Pre-sacramental instruction required. Call the Friary for further instruction. register as soon as possible. Please notify the Friary of any change of address or telephone number. PRAYER LINE We pray for anyone in need of prayer. Names are not necessary, simply tell us your intention. Contact Maureen at 224-2397 or Marjorie at 357-3853 BULLETIN DEADLINE All copy should be submitted in writing to the Friary office by 12 Noon on Monday. 1755 S TANLEY S TREET • N EW B RITAIN , CT 06053 Saint Francis of Assisi Saturday, Nov. 8 – Vigil: Dedication Lateran Basilica 4:30PM Anna Krasnowski by Grandmother, Zofia Nov. 9 – The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 8:00AM The Kalisz Family by M/M Joseph Forgione 10:00AM Gloria Velasco Anniv. Mass req. by Family Monday, Nov. 10 – St. Leo the Great 7:00AM For Living & Deceased of Our Parish Family Tuesday, Nov. 11 – St. Martin of Tours 7:00AM Robert Walker req. by Fran Walker Wednesday, Nov. 12 – St. Josaphat 7:00AM Zdzislaw Skorski & Helena Winnicki req. by Family Thursday, Nov. 13 – St. Frances Xavier 7:00AM Intentions of Karly Swanson req. by Aunt Friday, Nov. 14 7:00AM Health of Theresa Boyer req. by Paula Saturday, Nov. 15 8:00AM Michael Sisti 9th Anniv. req. by Josephine Salerno Saturday, Nov. 15 – Vigil: 33rd Ordinary Sunday 4:30PM Armand Vereneau 5th Anniv. by Family Sunday, Nov. 16 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM James R. Cyr req. by Mother & Brother 10:00AM Jozefa Plona 3rd Anniv. by Plona Family Please Pray for… Our Sick, Homebound and those in Nursing Homes: Paul Beaulieu, Rita Bogli, Barbara Dubois, Regina Fialkowski, Rick Kaszycki, Sebastian Motto, Michael O’Connor, Marita O’Neill, Rose Rembisz, Stephan Sen, Carol Shea, Peter Skonieczny, Mary Ellen Vaznelis and Frank Windish. Our Deceased. This week the Sanctuary lamps will burn in memory of: Blessed Sacrament Gloria Velasco Blessed Mother Gloria Velasco Saint Joseph Gloria Velasco Memorial candles are available for $5.00 each. Please call Paula at 860-225-6449 for details. Page 1 – 917— 11/09/14 New Britain November 1 & 2 Weekly Collection ............................ $2,955.81 Online Donations ................................$207.00 Children’s Envelopes ............................... $10.00 All Saints Collection ............................$706.36 All Souls Collection .............................$833.00 Annual Collection ............................ $5,727.00 Thank you for your support. Ladies’ Guild Game Night Ladies, please join us on Wednesday, November 13 at 7:00PM in the Church Hall for Blackout Bingo. A brief business meeting will precede the games. The cost to play is just $1! Refreshments and a raffle will round out the evening. We hope to see you there. Advent Giving Tree The Advent Giving Tree will be placed in the center aisle beginning next weekend (Nov. 14 & 15). Once again we will be donating to CCARC and St. Gerard Center. Gifts are to be placed in gift bags. All gift returns must be completed by the weekend of December 6th. OPEN HOUSE at Northwest Catholic Northwest Catholic High School will host an OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, November 9 from 1 -- 4PM and will administer its Entrance Exam on November 15 and December 6 at 8AM. For more information or to apply/register for the exam, go to, click on Apply or contact Andrew Selig at The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Youth Group Open Basketball Excursion Our Youth Group is featuring a Saturday night open Basketball for all “high schoolers” on Saturday, November 15, from 7:00PM – 9:30Pm at HALS Academy/St. Francis School Gym. Free pizza and snacks will be served. Tell a friend and good times are guaranteed. If you have any questions, please contact us at Our Youth Group needs help in raising funds to be able to attend the World Youth Spectacular Event in Poland in 2016. We are having a Redeemable Bottle & Can Return on December 6th & 7th after each Mass. We ask that you participate in bringing in your (5¢) five-cent bottle and can returns. This will allow you more time to attend to other matters and encourage our youth to get involved in the community. We look forward to seeing all of you there. If you have any questions about this fundraiser, please contact us at The Catholic Campaign for Human Development CCHD was founded in 1970 by the Catholic bishops of the United States as their domestic anti-poverty program. They realized that outreach through established charitable services was not creating the changes people needed in order to get themselves out of poverty. With this goal in mind, the bishops worked to address the underlying policies and systems that perpetuate poverty, as a complement to direct service. CCHD brings Catholic social teaching to life. It funds community and economic development programs across the United States that help poor and marginalized people join together to make decisions, seek solutions to local problems, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. Economic development initiatives help create new businesses and jobs. CCHD also provides educational opportunities for Catholics to learn about poverty, stand in solidarity with those affected by it, and reflect on their own responsibility before the great need of others. Page 2 – 917— 11/09/14 November 9, 2014 Defending Our Religious Liberty Pope Francis has emphasized that “religious freedom is not simply freedom of thought or private worship. It is the freedom to live according to ethical principles, both privately and publicly.” If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. Today’s Music E: # 205 We Gather Together O: #746 The King of Glory C: #495 I Heard the Voice of Jesus R: #615 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory Meetings and Events Parish Council Meeting: Monday, November 10 at 7:00PM in the Church Hall. All interested parishioners are welcome to attend. Children’s Rosary: Second Sunday of every month, immediately following the 10:00AM Mass. Next date: Today, November 9, 2014. Prayer Group: Every Tuesday evening, 7:00 – 8:00PM, in the Church. Anyone is invited to join us. Men’s Rosary League: Wed., November 19 at 7:00PM in the Church. Social Hour follows in the Church Hall. All men are invited. Religion Classes; Grades 1 – 5: Saturday, Nov. 15, 22, 8:45 – 9:45AM in the School. Please note: No classes on Sat., Nov. 29th. Religion Classes; Grades 6, 7 & 8: Sunday, Nov. 18, 6:00 – 8:00PM in the School. Religion Classes: Grades 9 & 10 Confirmation: Sunday, Nov. 18, 6:00 – 8:00PM in the School. Exposition & Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: First Friday of each month. Next Date: Nov. 7, 7:30AM to 3:00PM. Visitation of the Sick: First Friday of every month. Next date: Friday, November 8, 2014. Please call 860-225-6449 if you would like to be visited. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Thanksgiving Mass November 9, 2014 November 27, 2014 at 9:00AM Our parish family will gather together to give thanks at this special Mass of Thanksgiving. We continue our custom of Bread Sharing. Please bring a loaf of bread to Mass, either homemade or bakery bread. Place it on the table in the sanctuary before Mass. The bread will be blessed during the Mass. Then after the Mass, please take a different loaf of bread home. We will also continue the tradition of bringing non-perishable food items to help restock our area food pantries. During the offertory one member of each family should come forward with its offering of food to place it into the bins at the front of the church. Please join us! FUNDRAISING EFFORT UNDERWAY -- NOVEMBER 13-16 WJMJ, the non-commercial Catholic radio station operated by the Archdiocese of Hartford since 1976, begins its Radio-thon on November 13th to raise funds to continue the operation of the station. The fundraising is interspersed within the station’s diverse music, religious news, and Gospel messages. Listen to uplifting music and inspirational commentary around the clock, supported by grateful listeners and businesses in the community. WJMJ, Where Faith Meets Life, can be heard on 88.9 FM in the Hartford area, and 107.1 FM in the New Haven region, and on the Internet at Holiday Craft Fairs The Felician Sisters at Our Lady of the Angels Convent, 1315 Enfield St., Enfield, CT (Route 5 – corner of Enfield St. & South Rd.) invite you to attend their last Pre-Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 22, 2014 from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. The day will include an opportunity to enjoy games of chance, to purchase handmade items and homemade bread-Babka, to enjoy homemade food, and play TURKEY BINGO between 1:00PM –3:00PM. This event is held to benefit our elderly and infirm Felician Sisters. Saint Ann Craft Fair, Saturday, November 22, 10:00AM to 3:00PM, Saint Ann Church, 215 West Street, Bristol, CT. Featuring 50+ Craft Tables, food and fun. Christmas Fair sponsored by St. Mary Women’s Club on Saturday, November 30th from 9:00AM to 3:00PM at St. Mary School, 652 Willard Avenue, Newington. A buffet breakfast featuring hot and cold items as well as a soup & sandwich lunch will be available for purchase. Many crafters and vendors will be present, along with a bake sale and a number of specialty raffles. A visit to the fair will surely enhance your holiday spirit – come and enjoy! Craft Fair, sponsored by St. Ann Church, New Britain is inviting crafters and artists to display and sell their crafts at our Annual Craft Fair. The Fair will be held on Sunday, December 7, 2014 from 9:00AM to 2:00PM. We hope you will consider purchasing space. The fee is $30 per space. We plan to advertise in the New Britain Herald, Yankee Flyer and several other circulars as well as posting in all local stores and street signs wherever possible. For an application please go to Catholic Cruise to Alaska Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Alaska Cruise with Father Leo Prengaman May 2nd – May 9th, 2015 on Holland America Westerdam out of Seattle, Washington. Ports of Call: Juneau, Alaska, Glacier Bay; Sitka, Alaska; Ketchikan, Alaska; Victoria, British Columbia; Seattle, Washington. Prices begin at $2,004 for two passengers this includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350/person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further information or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or Page 3 – 917— 11/09/14 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 From the Desk of the Administrator This Sunday’s celebration of the Holy Eucharist commemorates the Dedication of Saint John Lateran. This Feast commemorates the oldest and principal Cathedral in the Diocese of Rome. The St. John Lateran Cathedral ranks first among the four great “patriarchal” Basilicas of Rome. Today’s First Reading from the Book of Ezekiel [Ez. 47:1-2, 8-9, 12] in the Old Testament spoke of the stream of life giving water. Its messages were, “I saw water flowing from the temple and all to whom that water came were saved.” We heard that the angel said to Ezekiel, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah; and when it enters the sea, the sea of stagnant waters, the water will become fresh. Wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish, once these waters reach there. It will become fresh; and everything will live where the river goes.” The Arabah is the deep geological rift that forms the Dead Sea and continues southward. The life-giving effect of the waters is apparent from the freshening of the salt waters and the abundance of fish. The Second Reading from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians [1 Cor. 3:9-11, 16-17] reminds us that we are God’s Temple. The first verse of this reading said, “You are God’s building.” What does that mean, being God’s building? Does it mean that we are God’s fellow laborers, working together in God’s interests? No! It means that we are cooperating with the Lord God who acts in and through His apostles. We are God’s instruments, servants, ambassadors, humbly submitting ourselves to the way that the Spirit of Jesus guides us for the good of the Church. During today’s Reading from the Gospel of John, [Jn. 2:13-22], Jesus was speaking about the Temple of His Body. He was speaking about the new Temple, the Resurrected Christ. We heard that when Jesus visited the Temple in Jerusalem, He found some people selling cattle, sheep and doves. Different kinds of sacrificial animals were being sold at the Temple so that the pilgrims would not have the added expense of bringing them from far away. When Jesus drove them out of the Temple with a whip, assuming there was a large number of sellers, He must have enlisted the assistance of His disciples. The reference to the whip during the Gospel Reading may have been symbolic, serving the purpose of emphasizing the authority of Jesus as the Lord versus being used as a physical goad. Today’s three readings teach us that through the glorious Resurrection of the life giving Temple of Christ, we become living stones that feed on the ever flowing Divine graces that are bestowed upon us as a gift of tremendous sacrifice as the Lamb of God, a sacrifice that is undeserved and unearned. Peace and goodness to all! Page 4 – 917— 11/09/14 Since 1932 Kent Carlson DAVID J. PRENDERGAST Betsy Carlson THE Erik Carlson James Carlson DRAIN SURGEON MASTER PLUMBER 229-6941 45 FRANKLIN SQ. • NEW BRITIAN, CT 06051 (860) 225-6361 Email: Lic #204439 Weber’s Nursery & Florist at ROMA For Flowers - Call Dorine For Paving - Call Gary 382 Allen St., New Britain • 860-225-7947 Now Serving Breakfast! Buy One Breakfast Combo Get 2nd 1/2 OFF Tues - Fri 6am to 12pm Sat & Sun 7am to 1pm Farrell Funeral Home William F. Farrell Since 1941 Michael P. Farrell 110 Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051 860.225.8464 Farrell 33 Charles Street New Britain (860) 223-7887 SF1 Siena Learning Center Cente Serving CT for 60 Yrs. CT Lic. #103692 (860) 675-0664 476 Main St., New Britain, CT 06051 VOLUNTEER TUTORS NEEDED TO TEACH ESL TO ADULTS ONE HOUR PER WEEK • DAY OR EVENING SESSIONS SR. VIRGINIA • 860-348-0622 FAMILY FUNERAL HOMES BURRITT HILL FUNERAL HOME (860) 223-2707 WE PAY THE MOST FOR YOUR GOLD (Sponsored by Dominican Sisters of Peace) MAKE A DIFFERENCE! (860) 229-9021 45 Grove St. New Britain A YANKEE PEDDLER & PAWN Located in St. Joseph School 29 Edson St. New Britain Complete Electrical Service MEAT PRODUCTS (across from New Brite Plaza) 860-826-7296 Mon. - Fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 10am-4pm Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards 332 Burritt Street • New Britain, CT 06053 Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 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