2014 November 9 Volume 11, Issue 45 We are a Welcoming Congregation. We seek to foster a climate of purposeful inclusion of all regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or expression. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Gainesville • 4225 NW 34th Street • Gainesville, FL 32605 352/377-1669 • uuoffice@uufg.org • www.uufg.org MUSIC FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH Interest and Information Meeting Today, 12:30 pm, Common Room FREE PIZZA! The Music Department joyfully announces the beginning of the children and youth ensembles for the Holiday Programs and beyond! Seeking all children and youth (ages 5 and up) of all abilities! Come to the Common Room today after service to learn more! Parents and youth who are interested, please email Tony Canty at music@uufg.org. Older youth (12 and up) will join the adult choir on Thursdays @ 7:30 – 8:30 starting December 4, 2014 throughout the holidays. TOWN HALL MEETING Today, following service Update on Our Goals & Developmental Ministry Please attend a Town Hall Meeting in the Sanctuary immediately following today’s service. Childcare provided. This meeting addresses the three Goals for Developmental Ministry that your Governing Board included in the application for a developmental minister sent to the UUA in September. These goals derived from the workshop sessions provided by Maggie Lovins of the Southern Region staff and by board members, plus survey and email input. They will form the plan of action that our Congregation and developmental minister will work on for the next three years. Children 5-11 will meet on Sundays after service @ 12:30 in the Choir Room starting December 14, 2014 and will join the Adult Choir in a holiday retreat Sunday, December 21, 2014 from 2-4 pm in the UUFG Sanctuary. The Board will explain the final version of these goals and solicit additional congregational input on how members would like to see them implemented. We will also provide an update on the Developmental Minister application process. After the New Year, we’ll assign new rehearsal times for the youth. Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to seeing everyone there for FREE PIZZA! INTERWEAVE Today, 6:30 pm — Tony Canty, Director of Music Welcome, Guests! We’re glad you decided to check us out. Some things to know: Window Room: We have a little room at the back of the Sanctuary for small children who want to stay with their parents, but who need to move around. Parents can sit, see and hear the service, while children have some extra space. Don’t forget a hymnal. Visitor Table: We’d love to get to know you and help you get to know us. Please stop by the Phillips Social Hall after the service, and look for the table with the green tablecloth. All are invited to the Interweave meeting this evening at 6:30pm in the Phillips Hall. Lesbian, gay, trans, questioning people and their straight allies meet to share supper and experiences. The program will be a discussion of transgender/transsexual issues, health, legal and discrimination. Please bring a dish to share if you would like. Interweave meets monthly on the second Sunday of each month at 6:30 pm, except in December, and is open to anyone who would like to attend. For more information, please contact Tara Lee. DIRECTORY PICTURES Taken Today after Service! The Membership Committee and the UUFG office plan to distribute a new directory in the next month. If you don’t have a picture yet submitted or would like a new picture for the upcoming directory, please visit the “green” table in the Phillips Hall following service. A camera-ready member will take your picture! The Gazette 2014 November 9 NOVEMBER RE MESSAGE From Nureet Carmel, Director of Religious Education Beloved Congregation: Volume 11, Issue 45 means focusing our first year on getting to know the congregation, organizational structures and curricula -- and to continue doing so as these evolve over time. To me, “beginning as I mean to continue,” also means being open to learning, open to ideas, and working with all ages to help create a meaningful, loving community not only for our children and youth, but for everyone. And, I know I cannot do this alone. I’ve been with you for over a month now, and I want to thank so many people for so many things, it’s hard to know where to begin. So, I’ll start with all of you! I’m still learning about the written curricula available to us, and I’m excited about developing new programs. But, our most important curriculum is already in action right here in all of you. Each individual, each teacher, separately, and as a whole, are what make up our essential teaching– the respect Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and open hearts and kindness we show one another – this is what our and entrusting me with guiding the religious education of our youngsters will remember and pass on to others – just as much or more as the printed materials and formal lessons youth. I have had some wonderful experiences in my workplace before, but never have I felt so embraced and included taught in the classroom. as I have here. The community is our curriculum – you and I. Thank you also for sharing your knowledge, talents, and ideas You and I with me to make my work productive and in line with Only one I in the whole wide world UUFG’s goals. I truly cannot do this work without you. And millions and millions of you, Finally (at least for now), I want to thank you for making it But every you is an I to itself possible for me to attend the annual Liberal Religious And I am a you to you, too! Educators Association (LREDA) conference last month in But if I am a you and you are an I Decatur, Georgia. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet and And the opposite also is true, learn from other UU Religious Educators, UU ministers, and It makes us both the same somehow UU administrators from all over the US and Canada. I met Yet splits us each in two. my FLORIDA colleagues, made connections, and immersed myself in everything Unitarian Universalist. It’s more and more mysterious, The more I think it through: As a new member of LREDA, I took a workshop for new Every you everywhere in the world is an I; DREs with the theme: “Begin as You Mean to Continue.” Every I in the world is a you! The veteran DREs and UU administrators leading the seminar reminded us that part of beginning as we mean to continue, By Mary Ann Hoberman LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE “What’s At the Heart” of our Congregation? Sunday, November 15, Bradenton Find out “what’s at our heart” at an exciting workshop led by the district’s dynamic Connie Goodbread. Manatee UU Fellowship sponsors this workshop addressing leadership behavior and decision making in UU Fellowships. Help develop a positive future for our congregation by attending this one-day workshop November 15, 2014, in Bradenton. The first eight people to reply will have transportation provided and their workshop costs paid. Contact Warren Hodge, Leadership Development Committee Chair, by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, November 9. Then go to UUA Southern Region Website at fd8.formdesk.com/ UUASR/whatsattheheart and register. Registration is $25, which the LDC will reimburse. TGIF CELEBRATION Friday, November 14, 5:30 pm Home of Rosemarie Dinklage 3939 NW 23rd Circle, G’ville Come join Rosemarie Dinklage as she hosts UUFG's November “TGIF Celebration” in her new home! Enjoy good friends with good food & drink and great conversation. Festivities start at 5:30 pm. Bring your beverage of choice and a snack to share. Afterwards, go hear Thomas Royal’s recital! Directions from UUFG: Go south to 16th Ave., make a right. You’ll and pass a synagogue on the right. Turn right into Wood Creek Village immediately after the synagogue. Go 3 streets. The third street is 23rd Circle. Turn left and go until you see guest parking lots on your left (they are for the pool). Volume 11, Issue 45 2014 November 9 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN FAITH DEVELOPMENT? This Sunday in RE: Religious Education classes: Nursery: Rm 1 Spirit Play (Pre-K -1st combined with 2nd - 3rd): Rm 3 Toolbox of Faith (4th - 5th): Rm 4 Riddle & Mystery (6th - 7th): Rm 7 Please note: *No Coming of Age (8th and up) class meets today. Youth are invited to stay for the service during this time, or to talk with Nureet about volunteering in other areas. *After RE/service: All children and youth (5 years old and up) are invited to have pizza in the Common Room and learn about how they can participate in the children and youth ensembles for the Holiday Programs and beyond! Next Sunday in RE: Children's Chapel, and Kirsten Flamand presents Pageant information. Questions about RE at UUFG? Contact Nureet Carmel, Director of Religious Education, at dre@uufg.org. Office Hours: Nureet is at the Fellowship on Wednesdays 9 am — 2 pm and by appointment. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... This coming week, we know of three members who are celebrating birthdays. Please wish a very happy birthday to Amy Cummings-Aponte Hans Alborn Bob Kendall NEWCOMER ORIENTATION Sunday, November 16, 12:15 pm The Newcomer Orientation scheduled for November 9 has been changed to November 16 due to a scheduling conflict with the Governing Board’s Town Hall Meeting. Newcomers are encouraged to attend the Town Hall Meeting to learn about plans for our congregation’s future. The Newcomer Orientation on November 16 will be held in the Library. Stop by the Green Table in the Phillips Social Hall for information and directions. The Gazette THOMAS ROYAL’S DOCTORAL RECITAL Friday, November 14, 7:30 pm Thomas Royal's Ph.D. recital, which consists of experimental electronic music he composed as a student at UF, will occur on November 14th, 7:30 pm, at the University of Florida Music Building, Room 101. CELEBRATE ALACHUA COUNTY VOTE FOR MOVE TO AMEND! Potluck and Speaker Sunday, Nov. 16, 6 pm Celebrate the Move To Amend victory in Alachua County along with 81-year old Rhana Bazzini’s historic 330-mile walk from Sarasota to Tallahassee for campaign finance reform! Rhana will be with us in Gainesville part way through her October 13December 3 walk. You can LIKE her Facebook page www.facebook.com/pages/In-Granny-DFootsteps/1408551366082040 . We'll hear about her journey and her work in the Phillips Hal next Sunday at 6:00 pm. We will also honor Nancy Parkinson and other UUFG and Gainesville community members who were active in supporting the Move To Amend amendment about corporate personhood which was on the November 4 ballot. UUFG was the first UU congregation in Florida to vote to support this nation-wide movement. Please bring your own plates and utensils and some food to share. Hope to see you on the 16th! UUFG THANKSGIVING DINNER Thursday, November 27, 2 pm Lynne Capehart and Judith Kendall are coordinating UUFG’s annual Thanksgiving dinner, scheduled for 2 pm on Thanksgiving Day, November 27 in the Fellowship Hall. Please mark this event on your calendar and think about ways you can help. If you plan to attend the dinner, please email Judith at judithkendall@cox.net with your name, how many in your party, and what you plan to bring. Let us know if you can help with any of the following: · Table decorations · Set up · Clean up Above all, we need your participation to make our Thanksgiving dinner a memorable event. We have much to be thankful for in our UUFG community. Let’s come together in gratitude and fellowship. RECENT ATTENDANCE Last Sunday, November 2, 113 adults attended service while 30 children and youth participated in religious education, facilitated by seven adults. The Gazette 2014 November 9 HEARING LOOP AVAILABLE Please see an usher for more information. Volume 11, Issue 45 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 11:00 am Worship Service Hiking the Camino de Santiago Trail Michaelyn Luttge PLEASE SILENCE YOUR PHONE! To avoid disruptions, please turn off or silence your cell phone before the service begins. Thanks to SUNDAY FACILITATORS November 9 November 16 Greeters & Ushers Carol & Jack Rivers Janet Davies Gene Cowell Chalice Table Clare Jones Michaelyn Luttge Sound Erin Parish Lock up Heather McAuslane Judith Kendall UUFG CONTACT INFORMATION Kristin Stevens, Congregation President Cam Pierce, Office Adminstrator 352-377-1669 / admin@uufg.org Tony Canty, Director of Music 352-377-1669 / music@uufg.org Nureet Carmel, Director of Religious Education 352-377-1669 / dre@uufg.org Ron Lange, Program Council Chair Know someone who is ill? Use care@uufg.org Want to thank someone? Use thanks@uufg.org or the Gratitude Box Have a suggestion? Use suggestion@uufg.org To email UUFG’s staff as a group, send your message to staff@uufg.org To address all Board members as a group, use board@uufg.org For addressing all Program Council Members, use council@uufg.org SUBMISSIONS TO THE GAZETTE: Reser ved for UUFG business and concerns submitted to the office (email uuoffice@uufg.org) for editing by noon on Wednesdays. Please put “for Gazette” in your subject line. Your submissions will be posted up to three times, inserted on dates you indicate. THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday, November 9 — 9:30 am Social J ustice Discussion (Common Room) 11:00 am Wor ship Ser vice 12:15 pm Young Adult Potluck (Classr oom 5) 12:15 pm Town Hall Meeting (Sanctuar y) 12:30 pm Music Infor mation Mtg. w/ Childr en & Youth (Common Room) 6:00 pm Dancing Otter s Wiccan Class (Common Room) 6:30 pm Inter weave (Phillips Hall) Tuesday, November 11 — 8:30 am Mor ning Meditation (Common Room) 6:30 pm Humanist Cir cle (Local r estaur ant — see Al Tweedy for location) 7:30 pm Gainesville Fr iends of J azz (non-UUFG event ~ Sanctuary) Wednesday, November 12 — 6:30 pm Gr and Squar es Dancing (non-UUFG event ~ Phillips Hall) 7:00 pm Pr ogr am Council (Common Room) Thursday, November 13 — 6:30 pm Wor ship Committee (Common Room) 7:00 pm Humanist Society of Gainesville (nonUUFG event ~ Phillips Hall) 7:30 pm Chalice Choir Rehear sal (Fellowship Hall) Friday, November 14— 5:30 pm TGIF Celebr ation (Rosemar ie Dinklage’s home) 7:00 pm Dancing Cr ane Zen (Common Room) 7:45 pm Gainesville Inter national Folk Dancer s (Non-UUFG event ~ Phillips Hall) Sunday, November 16 — 9:30 am Social J ustice Discussion (Common Room) 11:00 am Wor ship Ser vice 12:30 pm Teacher Meeting (Classr oom 5) 12:30 pm UU Or ientation (Libr ar y) 6:00 pm Social J ustice Potluck (Phillips Hall) 6:00 pm Dancing Otter s Wiccan Class (Common Room)
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