The Herald We are a welcoming congregation. E-mail: Facebook: “Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Eau Claire” Phone: 715-834-0690 LIFESPAN RE SUNDAYS 9:00-9:45 am: Lifespan Religious Education (RE) for children and adults 10:00-11:00 am: Service (sanctuary) Everyone starts in the service together 10:20-11:00 am: Children’s Chapel (downstairs) Children leave the service upstairs and spend the remainder of the hour in a service specifically designed for children 11:00-11:30 am: Refreshments and Conversation MULTIGENERATIONAL SUNDAYS 9-9:45 am: “Service Sundays” Each month we will live out our UU principles by working together to serve our community through justice activities on Multigenerational Sundays. 10:00 – 11:00 am: Service for children and adults 11:00-11:30 am: Refreshments and Conversation (Social Hall, downstairs) Sunday, December 7 10:00 am "Much Madness ” Rev. Virginia Wolf, UUC Minister Emerita LIFESPAN SUNDAY What do you think madness is? How do you respond to people with psychiatric disorders? Do you know any such people? What is the relationship between madness and creativity and/or spirituality? Come let us ponder together. Lifespan RE Hour 9-9:45 am: “UU Parenting Circle” Facilitated by Kurt Erickson (Seekers Room) Sunday, December 14 10:00 am “Powerful Honesty” Rev. Julianne Lepp LIFESPAN SUNDAY Join us for Our Second Sunday Sermon Series based on A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for Unitarian Universalists. There are times when we must move from being humanists or theists, Democrats or Republicans, to finding the commons that we can all work from. How can individual reflection and powerful honesty move us to collective change and unity? Lifespan RE Hour 9-9:45 am: Adult RE: Coffee & Cocoa Tasting (Seekers Room) Children’s RE: The Holiday Gift Shop (Social Hall) Wednesday, December 17 “Winter Solstice Service” Unitarian Universalist Congregation 421 S. Farwell St. Eau Claire, WI 54701 December 2014 6:30 pm We celebrate the winter solstice as the longest night of the year — which means that the sun is beginning its long journey back towards earth. It has long been a time of celebration and for rejoicing in the knowledge that the warm days of spring will return and the dormant earth will come back to life. We will celebrate the elements of winter that stir our hearts and hail the returning of the light with winter carols and a candlelit circle of warmth. Please bring a plate of cookies to share downstairs after service! Sunday, December 21 10:00 am “The Work of Christmas” MULTIGENERATIONAL SUNDAY – Service Sunday Let us sing the carols of the season and remember that each night a child is born is a holy night. “When the song of angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and the princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flock, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among people, to make music in the heart,” - Howard Thurman. 9-9:45 am Membership Meet & Greet (Seekers Room) Service Project: We will make cards to send to active duty military members. (Social Hall) Sunday, December 28 10:00 am “Fire Communion” MULTIGENERATIONAL SUNDAY – Service Sunday The New Year can be new ground for the seeds of our dreams! In this service we say goodbye to one year and welcome a new year with our annual Fire Communion. This involves two acts — a letting go into the past of what belongs in the past and a looking forward to the dreams and possibilities of the future. 9-9:45 am Service Project: We will handcraft neck gaiters for the Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry (Social Hall) A Minister’s MUUsings Rev. Julianne Lepp In December the darkness of winter is palatable. We have many celebrations of light at this time of year, because we start to long for the return of lighter and greener days. People have long avoided darkness, viewing it as the scary unknown. Yet sometimes, we need to explore the shadow. We need to explore all sides of ourselves, so that we may better know our motivations and struggles. When I was a small girl I was terrified of the dark, and it took a lot to deal with that fear. I would cling to my mother especially if we were staying overnight somewhere unfamiliar. My feet would patter behind hers and I would squeeze between her legs or grab onto her night shirt for dear life. I would seek her out when I heard her getting a glass of water or using the bathroom in the night. She would laugh, and sing, “You are my shadow...da dum dum...” I would take a great comfort in thinking of myself as my mom's shadow. Maybe that feeling of connectedness was less scary than being alone in the night with my fears and uncertainties. I would either wheedle my way into her bed or she would tuck me back safely in mine, the darkness at bay for a while with her words of comfort. No matter where I slept, I would make sure that the covers covered all the way to my neck, regardless of how hot it was. The shadow is real for all of us. Our unrealized fears are often manifestations of the very things we find unacceptable in ourselves. The shadow is both fascinating and frightening. It calls to us and repels us with the mystery of the unknown. The messages from my upbringing and family said that it is better to move past the things that are unpleasant and put my best face forward. The implicit message was not to dwell on things that made me unhappy or uncomfortable. “Girl, make some lemonade with those lemons.” In this darker time of the year, we have a chance for more quietude and reflection. There are more chances to examine our goals for the year and who we feel we are called to be and what we might be called to become. We can take honest looks at how we are living our lives, rather than running from what we might need to see. In this time of holidays and busy gatherings, may you find time for quiet and reflection, may your life reflect the brightness of a distant star, the miracle of a new-born child, and the promise of the return of new life and beginnings! Rev. Julie Lepp will be away from the office on vacation from Monday 12/29-Sunday 1/4. If you have a pastoral care need, please contact Lay Ministers: Bobbie Kilmurray or Tim Hirsch. Board Meeting The UUC Board meets on the second Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Seekers Room. The December meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 8. From the UUC Board President Juanita Peck, President Wow, December already! This fall has been a whirlwind of excitement at UUC. The Harvest Auction was a rousing success, raising over $14,500. Thanks to the myriad of volunteers who tirelessly worked to create a miracle again this year. In addition, I’d like to extend thanks to a member of our staff whom many of us see rarely, if at all. Jim Moen is our sexton. He is the person who makes sure everything is ready when we arrive-sidewalk shoveled, bathrooms and kitchen spotless. Have you ever wondered who moves the furniture when we have events? Jim. Who is here to open the building when there are renters? Jim. He is a one-man dynamo who gets things done for us. So, if you happen to run into him sometime, be sure to stop and say thank you. Additionally, our congregation applied for, and received, a grant from the Park Family Foundation to replace the aging windows in the gathering room. This will allow us to replace the old wooden windows and take the necessary steps to improve energy efficiency in that area of our building. Look for this improvement to be carried out by the Building Committee in the next few months. In addition, the Building Committee has been working with the Aesthetics Committee to make improvements to the restrooms on the lower level. The former women’s restroom is now a family restroom with a rocking chair and changing table. The Technology Committee is also working with the Building Committee to get speakers installed in the family restroom, so that young parents will not miss the sermon, should they need to attend to the needs of their little one. Drilling through the foot thick walls to get wires from one location to another has been a challenge, but, working together, the Tech Committee and the Building Committee will get it done! While walking Theo the Therapy Dog one morning a few weeks ago, I was treated to the sight of a flock of geese flying south for the winter. I watched as they flew steadily into the wind in the V formation that reduces wind resistance and allows them to fly such long distances. Standing on the corner of Stein and Hamilton, my head tipped skyward, I watched as the lead bird dropped back and another flew forward to take her place. For a moment, without a leader, there seemed to be mayhem aloft. However, as one goose flew forward to take the lead position, the random honking and diving stopped and the flock returned to its orderly way of moving. I watched as they even coordinated their wing movements creating a picture in my mind of harmony in motion. Although Theo seemed unimpressed, I continued to think about the flock of geese as we made our way through the neighborhood. It occurred to me that the success of the southern bound flock rested on the principle that together, they covered much more ground than as individuals. And so it was, that I realized that the flock of geese is a great metaphor for our growing congregation. Together we can take on the foot thick walls of the building to run wires for speakers as well as work together to for justice by helping at Beacon House or donating water, candy, and gas cards for the Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry. Madisyn Taylor writes: “By learning from the example of our winged guides, all of us can feel empowered to take on daring challenges as we chart adventurous courses. Feel the strength of others moving alongside you, as their presence lends power to your wings during this journey across the sky of life. All of us move faster when we move together.” Please be sure to welcome our newest members to the congregational flock. It is wonderful to be in community with you all. Council of Committees Meeting Monday, December 15 7-8:30pm, Sanctuary Calling all Board members and committee chairs to attend a Council of Committees meeting which will focus on planning committee budgets and discussing the impact of growth at UUC. Please contact Ken Adler, Board Vice President with any questions. Benefits of Lay Ministry: Available to All Tim Hirsch, Lay Minister For most of us, life does not always coast along smoothly. When our nose stops dripping from our last cold, the car will need repair. When we finally finish the report hanging over our heads, we will be worrying about shrinking checking accounts. And beyond this background of little anxieties, some have more serious worries—about health, about the future of someone they love, about a place to live or food for their children. For all these concerns, both minor and profound, we all need ministry—each day, every day. In our UUC Congregation, Reverend Julianne Lepp serves as our primary minister. Bobbie Kilmurray and I help her as we can. But in truth, we all minister to one another. When someone falls and is in the hospital, she or he receives dozens of cards, calls, or visits from members of the congregation. A week ago, I witnessed one member hugging and speaking quietly to another member. I remembered later that it was the anniversary of a hard time for one of them. Each of us has the power to be an instrument of healing. In the act of ministering to others, we heal ourselves. When we provide a ride for someone, both we and our passengers benefit, in both practical and spiritual ways. We all minister when we are alert, when we listen, and when communicate our love and appreciation for those with whom we share community. Music Notes Jen Lohman, Accompanist I like books. I was thinking recently about this statement – one I have uttered many times over my lifetime, usually in an effort to rationalize why I have so many and seem unable to part with them, even though they are spilling onto the floor due to a lack of space – and realized it is an odd statement. I certainly do not like every book there is. I do not agree with every author. I do not even believe that the writers of books are always authorities on their subject matter, nor do I believe every work of fiction is of a quality that merits my time. But the statement “I like books” is still true, and there is something about holding the words of another human being in my hand, holding the time and attention and many years of effort culminating in a little bound product that is magical. The same holds true with music. I think most people would say, truthfully, “I like music.” But all music? I doubt it. What sort of music? Hip-hop? Rap? Jazz? Country? Baroque? Dodecaphony (twelve-tone serialism)? I think what we like is listening to the culmination of efforts of our fellow human beings. “Music” is a result of so much coming together in an instant in time: talents, effort and grit of the composer, talents, effort and grit of the musicians, the venue itself, the audience, the context and message of lyrics, harmonies and melodies, the ability to communicate without words, across cultures and times. All in an instant. And this is why the statement “I like music” is genuine. One doesn’t need to like every piece, every composer, every performance and every musician. It is the music itself that grounds us in reality and puts us directly in the moment. Music makes us feel something, even if that something is unpleasant and we want to turn it off sometimes. I feel we are so fortunate in this congregation to have such fantastic musicians among us, with such different talents, techniques and personal leanings. We as a congregation are exposed to a wide range of styles and repertoire, in three minute time slots, just by virtue of having so many different human beings involved in the process of bringing to you these musical moments. This upcoming month of December will be filled with many beautiful interludes, and also perhaps some jarring ones. It doesn’t matter – we like music, here at the UUC. Newsletter Submissions th The deadline for submissions is the 18 of each month by 9 AM. Submit articles to Office Manager Kris Simpson at: All articles may be edited by the Office Manager. Priority is given to articles involving UUC exclusively, then denominational news. Community announcements of interest to UUC members are added as space allows. Newsletter Mailing Party: Monday, December 29 at 1 pm in the Seekers Room. If you are interested in helping with the mailing, contact Karen Peters 835-3222 Finance Outrageous Sweater & Holiday Party Tracy Hirsch, Fundraising Cmt. The Fundraising Committee is hosting an Outrageous Sweater and Winter Holiday Party on Saturday, December 6 from 2-5 pm in the Social Hall. The event will include a silent auction for baked goods, a bake sale, sweater competition, stories and movies for the kids, and information on winter holidays from various traditions. This event is open to the public. Entry will be $1 per person to the party, with a $1 entry fee for the sweater competition. Get your sweater ready! VIP Judges for the Outrageous Holiday sweater contest are EC City Council member Catherine Emmanuelle and council member, Kathy Mitchell. If you have any questions contact Jenn Newman or Rev. Lepp ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annual Pledge-Fire of Commitment Bob Peck, Annual Pledge Committee The 2015 Pledge theme will be “the fire of commitment.” I would like to share some of the ideas our Annual Pledge Committee had on how well this theme connects to our congregation and its upcoming pledge campaign. First I want to focus on the fire. For me, fire conjures up the sights, sounds and smells of sitting near a good blaze burning in 1760’s vintage stone kitchen hearth. The wonderful warmth feels great on these cold days. Light from the fire is special during this near winter solstice time of year. Our congregation, like a good fire, provides warmth and light for our members and friends, while also helping to heat and illuminate our community. Fire basically is a chemical reaction that needs just heat, fuel, and oxygen to occur. To take the fire metaphor a bit further, I see the heat source as the creative ideas of our congregation that help to spark numerous events and experiences. The oxygen for the fire can be the members and friends of the congregation who participate and provide the necessary time and effort to keep the place going. The fuel source for the congregation I think can be seen in the connections, rewards, and needs that keep us engaged and involved in our congregational home. How can the pledge connect to this fire metaphor? The best fires, the useful fires are contained within a structure—a hearth for example. Also, most fires require people to construct them, people to collect the wood, and even to cut and store the wood. Someone has to remember to buy and bring matches or a lighter to start the fire. It is one thing to have an occasional fire but it is altogether another issue to have an ongoing fire capable of warming and lighting an entire community. This kind of fire takes resources and this is where the annual pledge fits into the picture. Our pledges along with the people, the ideas, and the activities come together to make a beautiful thing—our congregation. The UUC helps to warm us all while also lighting the way for our community. Pledging is a key element that supports who we are and what we do. So please keep this in mind in the next few months when you hear more about our 2015 pledge drive. We need to ignite some passion and energy for the 2015 pledge. Let’s all start getting fired up for February! This will be a key time to show our commitment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Harvest Auction – An Event That Keeps on Giving Bobbie Kuchta, Auction Co-Chair THANK YOU! This expression of gratitude is delivered to the multitudes who made the auction a success. It’s our major fund raiser of the year and thanks to the generosity of many, we will have met our goal and raised over $14,500 to support the work of our congregation! If you have feedback about the auction, please talk to Bobbie Kuchta or Susanne Torrence, this year’s Auction Co-Chairs. Those who donated items to the Handmade and Homegrown area will be pleased when they see items they made and donated, being worn or when they hear about other items enjoyed by those who purchased them. The community we build by hosting and participating in all the Special Events is another way the Harvest Auction is the event that keeps on giving! (This year a record 27 events were offered to fill your social calendars! Check with in the Social Hall to see which events might yet have openings – you may still purchase a ticket if the event was not filled!) By the time you read this, you should have received your Harvest Auction bill. We ask that you pay your bill in full by December 31, 2014. Included with your bill were the tickets to the events that you were charged for. Remember that if more people signed up for an event than there were spots available, a lottery was held and only the winners were charged for that event. If you are unable to attend an event that you have a ticket for, you may give away your ticket, or return it to the UUC office and we will let the next person on the list know about the ticket. Like most concert tickets, if you return your ticket to the box office, it will be resold to the next interested party. Begin today to make next year’s auction a success – knit something, build something, root a plant, collect some art to donate, or tell someone how talented they are at something, encouraging them to offer that service at the auction! There is joy in giving and receiving – It’s what the auction is all about! Lifespan Religious Education (RE) Children & Youth RE Youth Group: Put on Your Jingle Bells! Sarah Ramlow, Children & Youth RE Coordinator The Holiday Gift Shop (a perennial favorite) will be held on Sunday, December 14, during the regular RE hour (9-9:45 a.m.). Kids will have a chance to shop for their families and friends, as well as have time to wrap their gifts. Please plan on giving your child spending money on that day. All items are priced at $1 each, and proceeds go to the children’s Religious Education budget. Donations of gift items to the Holiday Gift Shop will be gratefully accepted through Saturday, December 13 at UUC. Please make sure any donated items are family friendly. Housewares, tools, costume jewelry, stuffed animals, books, movies, etc. are all wonderful donation items! Thank you for your generosity! This far into the current Religious Education year, I still have a number of children who are not registered. If you have a child who is being served by UUC, whether that is through RE classes, child care, Children’s Chapel, OWL or Youth Group, a registration form should be filled out for them. We renew registrations every year, so we ask that the paperwork be filled out every year as well. This helps us track enrollment numbers, as well as provides us with all of the necessary contact information should an emergency arise. There are extra registration forms located on the RE table in the social hall. The UUC Mitten Line is accepting donations of new or gently used winter items, such as hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, coats and snow pants. All child-sized items will be donated to the Eau Claire Area School District’s Homeless Program. Adult-sized items will be donated to the Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry. Please bring th items by Sunday, December 28 . We have a couple of really fun multigenerational service projects lined up for our Multigen Sundays in December. On Dec. 21, we will be making holiday cards to send to active duty service members which will be forwarded to service members through A Million Thanks (www.amillionthanks.or g). On Dec. 28, we will be crafting neck gaiters that will be donated to Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry. Sat., December 20 11am-12 pm Both youth groups will join to go caroling at Heritage Assisted Living Facility, 3706 Damon St, Eau Claire. UUC member, Dorothy Crowell is a resident at Heritage. Everyone will meet at the facility. Adult RE Class Offerings Sunday Evening Meditation Group This is a shared group open to teachings from different members and different types of meditation that reflect Unitarian Universalist principles. Drop-ins are welcome. For more information, please contact Rev. Julie. Sundays evenings 6:30pm in the Democracy Room. December classes: Sunday, Dec. 7, 14, 21 & 28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yoga for Real People Juanita Peck, Yoga Instructor Yoga class noon-1 pm Mondays in the Sanctuary. $5 per person, per class. This will be a gentle yoga class which will aid in building strength, gaining flexibility, improving posture and becoming more comfortable in one's body. No previous yoga experience necessary. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat. December Yoga Class: Mondays 12-1. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UU Parenting Circle Sunday, December 7, 9-9:45am (Seekers Room) Facilitated by Kurt Erickson This circle will offer a time to gather and share in community around the complex and rewarding role of parenting. This circle is not intended to be a parenting class, but rather a place to find companionship and spiritual support with fellow parents. Newcomers are welcome. Please contact Kurt Erickson with questions Greeting is Easy! Kathy Ryder, Membership Committee Chair We are in need of more greeters on Sunday mornings 20 minutes before the service. An experienced greeter will mentor you if it’s your first time. There are 2 easy ways to volunteer – go on the UUC website under Sunday Volunteers, pick a date and sign up under Greeters; or let Kris know you would like to be on the Occasional Greeters email list. Then you can reply to the email and one of us will put you on the schedule. We appreciate and thank all those who do greet! Social Responsibility Committee Angie Zabrowski, Social Responsibility Cmt. Chair This year, the Social Responsibility Committee voted to focus on Homelessness, and we want to let you know what you might expect to see in the next few months. These are things we are working on, and nothing is certain yet, but we hope to have more information for you soon. Partner with Western Dairyland to "Adopt an Apartment." Our congregation would be responsible for furnishing an apartment to get the most vulnerable homeless people housed. Western Dairyland has a grant for 15 such apartments, but they (and the homeless people) don't have the money to furnish them. Game Day at Positive Avenues, a warming shelter for homeless people open every day in the winter. We would need about 10 volunteers to bring and play games for an afternoon with their guests. The Eau Claire Area School District may wish to partner with area churches to provide supplies and urgent needs to students facing homelessness, and we are seeing if this would work for UUC. As always, we have the shopping carts downstairs collecting goods for the Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry. Please see the article on that for their needs. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry Last winter was brutally cold, and Plymouth Street Homeless Ministry is again taking donations in the two shopping carts in the Social Hall for the coming winter. Needed Items: Sweat pants, hooded sweatshirts of all sizes up to 4X - People wear layers so large sizes up to 4X are appreciated. One-sizefits-all gloves, ski gloves, scarves, stockings caps. winter jackets and long underwear. Large size T-shirts 1X to 4X, white socks, and underwear for men and women, 8 & 10 hour hand warmers and back packs. They will also always take Gas Gift Cards or donations for fuel for the van. Fast food gift cards for Subway, McDonald's and Burger King are also welcome. Any gift cards or cash donations can be left with Kris in the office. “Fair Trade Coffee Tasting” Sunday, December 14: 9-9:45 am (Seekers Room) Try out some of the Fair Trade coffee and chocolate you've been wondering about and learn more about the benefits of going fair trade. Also, keep an eye out for holiday gift baskets that will be available soon at the coffee table! Community Table Shift: Saturday, Dec. 27 Join the UUC team to serve a meal at Community Table in December. Two shifts available: 9-11am or 10:45-1pm. We also need a donation of 8 gallons of milk for the meal. December “50/50 Share the Plate” Guest at Your Table Cathy Pierce, Social Responsibility Committee In 1939, the American Unitarian Association sent Rev. Waitsill Sharp and his wife to Europe to help refugees escape Nazi persecution. The next year the Unitarian Service Committee was established. In 1945, the Universalist Service Committee was founded, to support Universalist relief work in Europe. In 1963 these groups merged to become the UUSC. Today UUSC is working all around the world to support local groups advancing human rights, with emphasis on the right to work, to safe, affordable water, and toward Haitian recovery. Success is bases on grassroots groups that are a part of the community. Through education, training, and the support of a partnership with UUSC, they are able to make a difference. Traditionally at this time of year UUSC has its major fundraiser, Guest at Your Table. This year it has become an action project, and we are encouraged to eat a special meal together as a way of sharing in our gratitude, and to renew membership in UUSC by providing our financial support. We no longer were provided boxes to collect coins for the "Guest at Your Table", but do have stories about people who continue to need our support. Currently, an effort has begun in West Africa, where the UUSC is working with another new set of partners for Ebola Epidemic Relief. Go to to read more about these projects and the people involved. The Social Responsibility Committee chose Guest at Your Table to be the recipient of our 50/50 collections for the month of December to help replace the old collection boxes. Any cash or checks that are put in the collection plate on Sunday morning that are not identified in an envelope or on the description line of the check as your pledge payment or for another specific fund, will be divided 50% to the church general fund, and 50% to Guest at Your Table. Thank you again this year for your continued support. Below is the Share the Plate schedule for 2014-15 Dec - UUSC Guest at Your Table Jan - JONAH Feb - Chippewa Valley Free Clinic Mar - Advancing Hope Fund Apr - Bolton House May – Beaver Creek Reserve Jun-Aug - Feed My People The October 50/50 Share the Plate Recipient was the Community Table. We are happy to report that in November we sent $493.95 the Community Table, thanks to your generosity. Activities & Announcements Book Discussion Group Saturday, December 13 9:30am Book: Redbird Christmas by Fannie Flagg. Host: Pat Bonner, 3622 Cummings Ave., Eau Claire (715852-0152) Saturday, January 17 9:30am Book: Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock by David Margolick. Hosts: Tim and Karen Hirsch, 1744 Coolidge Ct., Eau Claire (715-832-0410) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20s/30s Group Brunch Sunday, December 28 11:30 am at the Acoustic Café. Contact Amanda Lonsdorf at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UUC - Littles Playgroup Join us for a playgroup at the Mall Play area at 9:30 am on December 12th. Bring your littles and enjoy some fun play time. Share any questions or concerns you have for raising under 4's and elementary students with other parents and socialize. These playgroups will happen on the second Friday of every month from 9:30 - 11:30 (come when you can!) at various places around town. Can't wait to see everyone! Contact with questions and like us on facebook by searching for UUC Playgroup in Eau Claire! --------------------- Open Nursery Play The UUC Nursery will be open on Wednesdays from 9 - 10 am for free play. Drop in and play! (December 3, 10, and 17) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crafty Hands Share your crafting skills and meet other creative minds. Come and craft with us. Pagan Circle Pagan Book Club Saturday, December 6 11:30am-1pm at Camilles Sidewalk Cafe (1120 122nd St, Chippewa Falls). Join us to read chapter 2: A Religion without Converts in "Drawing Down the Moon" by Margot Adler. Pagan Potluck Friday, December 19 6 pm UUC Social Hall Bring a dish to pass and an open mind. All pagan, pagan friendly or pagan curious peoples are welcome. Discussion starter: "What values are important to you and your path?” --------------------------------------Pagan Winter Solstice/Yule Celebration Sunday, December 21 Handfasting at 4 pm in the Sanctuary followed by holiday feast/potluck 5-7 pm in the Social Hall. Bring food to share, an open heart, and an open mind. All ages welcome. Contact Amanda Lonsdorf with questions: Membership Journey One Day Class: Saturday, January 10 9:30-12:30 in the Social Hall. This class has three components: The Faith Journey, UU History and Opportunities for Membership. Hosted by Rev. Lepp, Karen & Tim Hirsch in the Social Hall. New Member Sunday: January 25 We ask that those interested in joining attend the th membership class offered on the 10 . If you are unable to attend the class, please schedule a meeting with Rev. Lepp. Monday, December 8: General Meeting 6-9pm (Buddha Room) Monday, December 22-General Meeting 6-9pm at UU (Seekers room) Contact Amanda Lonsdorf at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Come Wednesday I start to feel the need for some socializing. Ever feel the same? Well then, let's get together at 10 am at BAM (Books A Million) every Wednesday for coffee and some conversation. There may be ten of us, there may be two. Every Wednesday 10 am, BAM. Jack Schoen Meet & Greet Sunday, December 21, 9-9:45 am in the Seekers Room All visitors and new members are invited to attend. Longtime members are also encouraged to attend so they can share their experiences and meet our newcomers. Those taking part in the Joining Ceremony will get instructions during the meet and greet for the service Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #1961 Eau Claire, WI 54701 Unitarian Universalist Congregation 421 S. Farwell St. Eau Claire, WI 54701 Return Service Requested Board Members 2014-15 President: Juanita Peck 715-8311493 Vice-President: Ken Adler 715836-9218 Past-President: Pat Bonner 852-0152 Secretary: Carol Schumacher 832-4906 Treasurer: Wendy Schmock 715835-9675 Administration Liaison: Carole Johnson 715-833-5382 Membership Services Liaison: Mildred Larson 715-834-1370 Religious Education Liaison: Rose Kilmurray715-497-4232 Programs Liaison: Jacob Gruetzman 715-834-8689 Staff 834-0690 (office) Minister: Rev. Julianne Lepp (c)715-864-2982 Office Hours: M, W, Th. 10-2. Available additionally by appointment. (Vacation 12/29-1/4) Office Manager - Kris Simpson Office Hours: M-F 8-3. (Office closed December 24, 25 & 26) RE Coordinator: Sarah Ramlow (c) 715-271-0846 Office Hours: Sun.9-11; Mon. & Thurs. 9-2 Sexton- Jim Moen Hours: M,W,F 7-10 Minister (Emerita): Virginia Wolf (h)832-4906 8 Our Mission2 is to provide a liberal religious environmentT That promotes personal and spiritual growth for adults and children in a caring community, and that fosters actions in the world that reflects our Unitarian Universalist Principles.
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