November, 2014 The Bellringer Monthly Newsletter of the Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation A beacon of religious freedom in the Western Reserve for 179 years Interim Minister: Rev. Mary Grigolia Bellringer Editor: Bob Mulkins Articles for the Bellringer should be submitted no later than the last Wednesday of the month. Sunday Services Services begin at 11:00 am. Sunday, November 2 - “Arc of the Universe” - Speaker: Bob Mulkins This sermon, written by Rev. Bill Sinkford, former president of the UUA, was first spoken on May 25 of this year at The First Unitarian Church of Portland, Oregon - the church where he is pastor. The sermon, concerning the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, will be read by Bob Mulkins, a member of OUUC. Musicians: Bob Perry and Occasional Singers Coffee Break Sundays We’re offering a new way to gather on Sunday mornings. It’s called Coffee Break Sunday! We’ll meet downstairs in Coe Hall on the second Sunday of the month for a discussion service. The Sunday Services Committee decided to provide this opportunity because we had such a positive response to our T.E.D. Talks summer discussions the past two years. Feedback is most welcome, so please put your thoughts down on our comment sheets always available at the back of the sanctuary. Sunday, November 9 - Coffee Break Sunday “Embrace the Shake” - Led by Lucy and Mike Carney. We will meet in Coe Hall for this discussion service. The TED Talk, “Embrace the Shake” will be shown and discussed. In art school, Phil Hansen developed an unruly tremor in his hand that kept him from creating the pointillist drawings he loved. Hansen was devastated, floating without a sense of purpose. Until a neurologist made a simple suggestion: embrace this limitation ... and transcend it. Musician: Lucy Carney Sunday, November 16 - “Speaking Truth to Power” - Speaker: Rev. Mary Grigolia Whose words and actions inspire you to open your heart, stand your ground, speak up and take action for justice? Come explore the 2nd source of Unitarian Universalism. Musicians: Mike Carney and Occasional Singers (Sunday services continued page 2) Sunday Services (continued) Sunday, November 23 - Sharing Our Blessings: Guest and Gratitude For this morning’s service, we will gather around the tables in Coe Hall to share a special meal, and to celebrate our blessings as we approach Thanksgiving. You will meet some symbolic “guests at our tables,” and learn how the worldwide justice initiatives of our own Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) have made a difference in their lives. Celebrate Thanksgiving with our church community and enjoy special food, music, readings, shared thoughts about gratitude, and a video about UUSC. All ages are welcome for this shared meal service. Musician: Lucy Carney Sunday, November 30 - “Prophetic Words Poetry Slam” - Led by OUUC Members & Friends Today we continue to explore the 2nd source of Unitarian Universalism by sharing the words of prophetic women and men. What words of wisdom give you guidance and strength? Be sure to bring your favorites for this fun, thoughtful and inspiring experience. Musician: Mike Carney Religious Education This year in Religious Education for children, our theme is “Explorers in the Garden.” On Sunday mornings, our children will learn about the natural world around us, including exploring our congregation’s own gardens. We will also help our children explore the metaphorical garden of their own lives, through music, movement, and drumming, and continuing to learn about the community of Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Rev. George Buchanan is our Consulting Minister for Religious Education this year. George will be present with our children on the first Sunday of every month, through June. George is an experienced minister specialized in Unitarian Universalist religious education. Feel free to bring your kids, your grandkids; invite your friends with their kids! We also are fortunate to have found three teachers with amazing skills in with children: Mary Palmari will teach Drumming Nancy Linneburg will teach Music Caitlin Bryan Chapman will teach Dance/Movement Because we believe early exposure to these arts is wonderful for children, we have asked these women to take turns teaching on the second Sunday of each month. Besides being fun, we hope the children will develop a deeper relationship with their own bodies. “Our Hearts Desire” Saturday, November 8, 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. At Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Church Coffee, Breakfast and Childcare provided Why do we bring our children to Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Church Sunday school - or the Sunday school at any other liberal congregation? How do we hope our children will benefit? Join us for a discussion of these questions on Saturday morning November 8, 2014. We’ll share coffee and breakfast, send the kids off to another room with good supervision, and talk together about the answers to these questions. Rev. George Buchanan will facilitate the discussion, and provide some framing ideas. George is an experienced Unitarian Universalist religious educator and minister. To confirm your reservation for food and childcare, contact our facilitator: Rev. George Buchanan Consulting Minister for Religious Education at OUUC 216-338-4689 or The Bellringer page 2 of 5 Community Activities Many thanks to the following volunteers who will help make our members and visitors feel welcome during the month of November: 11/2 - Bev Schmittgen 11/9 - Marianna Carney 11/16 - Kay Potetz 11/23 - Emily Williams 11/30 - Emily Williams Unless otherwise noted, choir rehearsal begins at 10:15 and the service at 11:00 . The choir is open to all who attend the rehearsal. The Choir sings this month on the 2nd and 16th. Plan to stick around after potluck on Sunday, November 2, for our monthly First Sunday Work Day, as we give our beloved building and grounds some much-needed care and attention. A project with high priority is the weather guarding of the old windows in R.E. They won’t be replaced until the end of winter. To this end, please bring a hair dryer if possible to help install the weather guard. Mary’s Musings by Rev. Mary Grigolia, OUUC Minister MARY'S MUSINGS – “Democracy as Spiritual Practice” Do you ever pause and open to the mystery of this moment - billions of years, actions, interactions bringing us - here!? Today’s autumn sunlight on Lake Erie. These trees, baring living architecture. This body, teaching age and impermanence. I need this long view to understand democracy, how long it takes to see beyond my family, my culture, my language, to the surprising beauty of all of us, the creativity we unleash when we’re not fettered to Democrat/Republican, Gen Xer/Millenial/Baby Boomer. Democracy and evolution are our shared spiritual practice: As UU’s, as Americans, as part of this unfathomable creation. How’s your practice going? DIMENSIONS OF COMMUNITY: Connect! Reflection questions for the dimension of the month: With the last of the leaves and the chill of the wind, we turn toward the holidays - Thanksgiving, winter solstice remind us to connect with each other, our families, our communities and the mystery. Facing the cycles of fulfillment and letting go, preparing for the death of the old year, echoing the deaths within and around us, we need to remember we are not alone and that our essential nature is the presence driving Nature. We are connected. Connect is the dimension of the month. And here are [some of]its questions: With whom are you connecting? How are you connecting in new ways, compared to last year? How do you connect at Olmsted UU? What are your intentions for connecting over the Thanksgiving holiday? The Bellringer page 3 of 5 Social Action News There will be a meeting of the OUUC Social Action Committee on Sunday, November 2, in Coe Hall, about 12:30 pm, during or right after potluck lunch. All are welcome. Evelyn Sobzcak will be the Social Action committee chair this year. In this meeting, we plan to: *identify the issues that most concern members and friends of OUUC, *choose organizations or causes that we wish to support as a congregation this year, and *find key leaders for each social action project, so we can share in this justice work. Social action and social justice have always been very important at OUUC, and generously supported by members and friends.Please come to the meeting to share your thoughts about what we as a congregation will do to live our values of love and justice in the community.No arm twisting, we promise. We are most interested in your ideas about social action! Lifelong Learning Programs for Adult Spiritual Explorers MONDAYS Wizard Processes – Mondays, 7-8:30 p.m., Nov 3, 10 Our series continues - to awaken to who you are and what you want. Empowering your Wise Mind, Courageous Heart and Compassionate Spirit. Led by Gina Nemcek, Certified Coach for Core Alignment Suggested donation, $15/session. Vaguely Vegan Potluck - Monday, November 17, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Bring delicious, healthy food, recipes and tips, to nurture body, mind and spirit. All are welcome! Questions? Contact: Rev. Mary. Threshold Choir – Monday, November 24, 7-8:30 p.m. Learn songs specially chosen to relax the body, open the heart, calm the mind, and free the spirit; to sing with those nearing death (and with their families and friends). No need to read music. Open to all spiritual paths. 4th Mondays. Curious? Please come! Contact: Rev. Mary. WEDNESDAYS Yin Yoga – Wednesday, November 12, 10:30-12 noon Yin Yoga targets the hard connective tissues of the body. Balance your practice with Yin, a great complement to Yang forms of yoga. Led by Mary Baird ( / Suggested donation $15 THURSDAY Olmsted Book Group – On Thursday Nov 20, we explore The Satanic Verses, by Salman Rushdie. Meeting 7-8:30 p.m. at the church. Join us! Facilitated by Rev. Mary THURSDAYS End-of-Life Focus Group – Nov 6, 2-3:30 p.m. What is a good death? How do we support each other as we approach the end of life? This month we finish Katy Butler’s book, Knocking on Heaven’s Door,telling the stories of her parents’ deaths. Facilitated by Rev. Mary & Mary Baird, M.A The Bellringer page 4 of 5 Continued page 5 Lifelong Learning Programs for Adult Spiritual Explorers (continued) THURSDAYS Meditation with Mudras - Nov 13, Dec 11, 2-3:30 p.m. Join Emily Williams and Debra Frantz for sharing time and Quaker-style, silent meditation. Several mudras (hand positions) will be introduced at each session for enhancing the meditation experience. W.I.S.E. Women – November 20, 2-3:30 p.m. (Women in Spirit, Evolving!) Explore the 12 stages of individuation from Carl Jung, “12 Days,” to use as a reflection for the holidays and pre-holidays. All are welcome. Led by Rev. Mary. 4th Thursday Drum Circle – No drumming at the table, except for turkey drumsticks! The Drum Circle will not meet in November or December. Happy Holidays Happy Thanksgiving! The Olmsted Unitarian Universalist Congregation 5050 Porter Road North Olmsted, Ohio 44070 Phone: 777-6622 - Website: To Unsubscribe, email the Bellringer editor -
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