The Beacon Sunday Services—

The Beacon
V O LUME 2014 , I SSUE 11
N OVE MBE R 201 4
Sunday Services—begin at 10:30 a.m. and last approximately
60-75 minutes
Sunday services in November will feature a series by Rev. Steve
Aschmann on the “Living Tradition Sources” of our UU faith. Altogether
there will be five parts including the “Earth-centered traditions” (#6)
presented in the previous October 26th service by CUUPS. And, our
Judeo-Christian Heritage will be addressed throughout December.
November 2 Direct Experience: “To Thine Own Self Be True!”
From our rich personal experiences that our senses bring, we as Unitarian
Universalists construct the ideas, the concepts, and the generalizations
that give meaning and order to our personal lives and our mutual faith.
Don’t forget: potluck to follow!
Service Assistant: Doug Russell. Speaker: Rev. Steve Aschmann.
Musician: Jackson Froman.
November 9 Inspired Words and Deeds:
“Challenging Women and Men”!
Our Bond of Union challenges us to join “the noblest lives of humanity”
in confronting powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and
the transforming power of love.
Service Assistant: Heather Steinbrink. Speaker: Rev. Steve Aschmann.
Musician: Jackson Froman.
November 16 World Religions:
“Tolerance, Acceptance, and Celebrations!”
Eastern and Western religions inform and transform our perspectives on
our common human responses to living and knowing that our common
end is dying. No religion has ‘a corner on the market” of truth; so we
share them all!
Service Assistant: Heather Steinbrink. Speaker: Rev. Steve Aschmann.
Musicians: Jan Krack and Pat Lorei.
November 23 Humanist Teachings: “The Religion of Humanity”
Reason supersedes the supernatural in directing solutions to the human
conditions. Linus Pauling said it this way: “Humanism is the joyous
service for the greater good of all humanity, the application of new ideas
of scientific progress for the good of all.”
Service Assistant: Heather Steinbrink. Speaker: Rev. Steve Aschmann.
Musician: James Pearson, cello.
Rev. Steve Aschm
UUCE Board:
President: Heath
er Steinbrink
Vice President:
Sherry Syence-T
Secretary: Mich
ele Paich
Doug Russell
Irene Morley
Deb Haire
Mary Zuck
We are a vibrant and inclusive religious community.
*INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth;
*CONNECT in fellowship and
*ACT for peace and justice.
We will: *Share the wisdom of our guiding principles
and nurture all who come seeking
personal and spiritual growth.
*Be a welcoming, inclusive, and
expanding religious congregation with
diverse ideas and beliefs reflected in
our services and programs.
*Establish ourselves as a strong
presence in the region through
greater community engagement.
*Covenant to promote a culture of
compassion and acceptance in our
relations with each other.
*Promise to listen with the
intent to understand and to
communicate in an honest and
respectful manner, even when
we disagree.
*Acknowledge that conflict is an
opportunity for growth.
November 30 The INSPIRE team will provide an overview of our
UU “Sources”
Service Assistant: Heather Steinbrink. Musician: Jackson Froman.
7180 Perry Highway, Erie.
Mail To: P.O.. Box 3495, Erie, PA 16508
V O LUME 2014 , I SSUE 11
Minister’s Musings
Just about every Sunday, we share these words from our Bond of Union: “We unite ourselves
together…” Our Principles begin, “We covenant and affirm…” We believe in “the freedom of
association”. The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights guarantees “the right of the people to
peaceful assembly”. The qualifier is the word “peaceful.”
Just a few months ago on July 20 the worship service of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of New
Orleans was infiltrated by a radical group who oppose a woman’s right to abortion. This same group
violated the sanctity of our UU congregation in 2006 in Jackson, Mississippi. In 2008, two people were
shot and killed during a service at the Tennessee Valley UU in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Over these last two centuries, civil rights groups, labor unions, women’s suffrage groups were denied
freedom of assembly. In recent years the Occupy Movement was disrupted in their demonstrations.
Right now, our news media are flooded with accounts of the mass demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri;
Hong Kong; in eastern Ukraine; and in other hotspots around the world.
Some of us have shown grave concern over the gathering of “open carry” gun advocates in Perry Square.
The courts nullified the city ordinance against carrying firearms into the public square, possibly because of
the stipulation of “peaceful” assembly.
The right of peaceful assembly is connected to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Sometimes
folks use the phrase “freedom of association” as an umbrella synonym for these rights. This affirms the
right of people to meet together to further their common goals. There has also been a concept developed
by the courts of “freedom not to associate” with people you do not want to associate with. Most of that
has been struck down especially in the practice of segregation.
For me, Unitarian Universalism is not a religion but a movement. UU’s are known for organizing,
picketing, marching, gathering in public and private places. Our sign out front—Religious tolerance
practiced here—has come under renewed scrutiny by one of our mission teams. The word “tolerance”
may be the main rub. It could be replaced by some better word. And maybe we could exchange the word
“practiced” for affirmed, embraced, celebrated, or accepted… here!
Our intent is always to be as inclusive as possible in all our actions: practical and philosophical.
Ironically, our inclusivism has begun to divide us. I feel we have worked up little “pods” of interest
groups of our various religious and humanist paths. I have observed that we have invested our time and
interests into various focus groups. I am worried about the disintegration and diminished cohesiveness in
our “beloved community.” This is most noticeable in our Sunday Service participation. All too few folks
commit themselves to support every service in affirming our UU solidarity with every other person.
Unitarian Universalists may or may not believe in a fulfilling divine entity. But we do have each other!
And we can count on each other for support and affirmation in our brightest and darkest hours. We are
really all minsters to one another. Coffee hour (now “social hour”) is as important as any other element of
our Sunday Service. We have plenty of “wounded healers” in our midst!
If there is anything I would want for you to remember of my ministry here, it is, “We unite ourselves
together… Period”!
Sharing the abundance,
Rev. Steve Aschmann
U.U.C.E. Mission Update
DMD: Lynne Stephens 868-1438
We are a vibrant and inclusive religious community.
We: INSPIRE personal and spiritual growth; CONNECT in fellowship and service;
and ACT for peace and justice. (UUCE Mission statement).
Everyone is encouraged and invited to attend team meetings, join a team, give input, or help with any
action steps. Every Mission initiative involves the WHOLE CONGREGATION! Come join us, we have a
place for you! Our Mission Teams have had their first meetings of the year and are excited to move
forward! We’ve been reviewing all the new ideas and suggestions from the Fall Celebration weekend, and
the surveys. If you have additional ideas, we’d love to hear them. Our UUCE web site has been
completely re-created using current software, and each team will be helping with content. Your suggestions
are welcomed for this, also!
The Inspire Team meets the third Sunday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Liason: Mary Desmone. This year,
the Inspire Team will be helping us learn, understand and share the value of our Six Sources. We’re
working with the R.E. group to plan our kids’ summer camp, hoping to have an environmental theme as one
of our twelve “Green” projects. Come join us for our Sunday Service November 30. The team is
investigating all of the new suggestions, and will help the Social responsibility Committee with our
involvement in community events (Martin Luther King March, etc.).
The Connect Team meets the third Sunday of the month at noon. Goal: We will achieve greater
satisfaction in our services and programs. Liason: Liz Yount We’re heavily
involved with the website-rebuild team, contact Dixie Morrow with ideas. Our largest project is the
purchase, installation, and implementation of our Sanctuary A/V system, and training is being planned. We
need your help! Additional funding is needed to make this dream a reality. Please consider supporting this
initiative. Contact Liz with any questions, if you wish to make a donation. We’ll be communicating with
the Meadville, Girard, Ginger Hill, and other regional UU Congregations, in the new UUA “Cluster”
format. We continue to investigate your new suggestions & ideas.
The Act Team meets the fourth Sunday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Goal: As a Congregation, we will
develop a committed partnership with a community organization. Liason: Edie Cultu We’ll continue our commitment to the BCAE this year, with backpack/ clothing
donations, and tutoring. We’ll also be forming a partnership with a new organization, and we’re reviewing
all the new suggestions.
The Green Sanctuary Team meets the fourth Sunday of the month at noon. Goal: We will become a UUA
Certified Green Sanctuary. Check out our monthly ‘green’ Beacon articles. You gave us a vast array of
new ideas for our 12 projects, and soon you’ll be voting on which ones we’ll implement. Research on our
current and future trash/recycling/composting processes has begun. Watch for our new containers, coming
soon! We may also partner with the Act Team to help the Bhutanese with community gardens.
V O LUME 2014 , I SSUE 11
RE Chalkboard
Thank you to all those who made the elementary RE Halloween party a success! You know who you are....!
And since November has snuck up on us, let me give you a few highlights of what's to come so you can
participate as you will. Also, for your convenience, I will list those congregants who have volunteered to
Pre-K and Elementary
Nov 2 – Thanks Be for Trees
Richelle Kohler
Shannon Zuck
Nov 9 – Guest at Our Table;
Mine! Jesus Feeds the Multitude
Sue Galle-Boyko
Janet Krack
Nov 16 – Baking for Service Auction
Melanie Hetzel-Riggin
Janet Krack
Nov 23 – Thanksgiving celebration/activity
Linda Frantz
Nov 30 – Advent Ritual
Mary Zuck
Willow H
Nov 2 – Looking to Tomorrow discussion/activity
Margo Wolfe
Nov 9 – Guest at Our Table
Margo Wolfe
Nov 16 – Baking for Service Auction
join/help with the elementary
Nov 23 – What is deity?
Michele Paich
Lin-Lang Su
Nov 30 – What is deity? Continued
Margo Wolfe
And, for December, we will be beginning our planning and practicing for the Chalica Celebration on
December 21. This has been a great success in the past. ALL THREE SUNDAYS IN DECEMBER leading
up to the 21st will be spent doing this. Come ready to sing!
Busy busy! It has begun...Joyous blessings, Willow Hurlburt
Hospitality Committee is organizing for Little Dinners. If you would like to Host a dinner in your home, talk
with Mary Z. You can have a dinner whenever you would like: this autumn, winter, spring, or
summer. If you would like to make it a specialty dinner, please do! It could be a knitter's dinner, smokers
or non-smokers, children welcome, singles, seniors, vegetarian, musicians.
Thanksgiving Day Dinner sign up sheet is in the OBR. Friends and family are welcome, sign up soon! It is
from 1pm until we are done. We will serve wine, and maybe even mashed potatoes.
Please sign up to host a Social Hour, also. We have changed the name "Coffee Hour" to "Social Hour". I
will be circulating with the sign-up sheet, so decide on a couple of dates you would like to volunteer.
Hospitality Committee needs new members! As do all committees. We have fun, and there is wine in the
fridge -- Choose us!
One more thing: people working in the kitchen need to be wearing APRONS! seriously. If you have an
extra one at home, please donate it to our kitchen. An apron's job is not to protect your clothes; it is to
protect the food from the stuff ( bacteria, hair, dust, ) on your clothes.
~Mary Zuck
Caring News
" If I'm ever reborn, I want to be a gardener— there's too much to do for one lifetime!" ~
Karl Foerster
Our year-end gardening is almost done, however our work with the Caring Committee is just beginning. We
have the dates we will take food to Our Neighbor’s Place. On November 20 the first meal goes to St.
John’s Lutheran, 2219 Peach. Our team will start cooking at 5 p.m. We are delivering the meal at 7:40 p.m.
This time we are making scalloped ham and potatoes, green beans, Jell-o with fruit, and homemade cookies.
Heather is providing the ham, Joanne the cookies, and Edie the Jell-o. We are still taking donations of
money, food, and time. Just a heads up for December: our meal delivery dates are December 4 and 18.
The card writing campaign continues on Sundays after the services. Materials and a list of congregants who
might enjoy a card are available on the table near the bulletin board.
Don’t forget those who need a little extra help. Bring something for Millcreek Food Pantry and put it in the
baskets by the office. Non-perishable food items, baby needs, personal care items, household cleaners, and pet
supplies are all welcome donations.
We are always looking for people who will provide a ride for congregants who no longer drive. You don’t
need to volunteer for every Sunday; one or two rides would be appreciated.
The next Caring Team meeting is Tuesday, November 4, at 9:30 a.m. at the UUCE.
The team welcomes anyone who is interested in practicing the Seven Principles and is not afraid of hard work.
In addition, you receive peace of mind in knowing you helped someone less fortunate than you. Any
questions, suggestions, please call Ginny Sabol, 454-3015 or email Thanks.
An aside: Thanks to all the people who attended the UUCE Halloween Happy Hour. We all had a grand time.
Let’s do it again next October. ~Ginny Sabol
Book Club
The BOOK CLUB will meet on Tuesday,
November 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Janet
Krack (866-2040). We'll discuss "STIFF: The
Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach.
Are you a card-carrying Unitarian Universalist? If you don’t have a card, we’ll give you one! Come join
the INSPIRE team for an overview of our UU “Sources.” The Sources can be found on the card with the
Principles! How do sources inspire us?
~Mary Desmone, Coordinator
V O LUME 2014 , I SSUE 11
V O LUME 2014 , I SSUE 11
The INSPIRE team’s goal for the year is: We will nurture all who come seeking personal and
spiritual growth. One of our four Action Plan steps this year is to learn about our UU Sources.
You can find our Sources on the Principles card that was distributed several times during last
congregational year. If you don’t have that card or are new to our congregation, we’ll be happy to give you one.
At the Nov. 30 Sunday Service the INSPIRE team will provide an overview of our UU Sources. Once a
month, beginning in December, congregants will be invited to share stories from their childhood which illustrate the Unitarian Universalist Principles.
The living tradition we share draws from many sources:
Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a
renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life. Words and deeds of prophetic
women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion and the
transforming power of love. Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual
life. Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as
ourselves. Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and
warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit. Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate
the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. ~Mary Desmone
We need your help to make our A/V dream a reality!
As many of you have seen, we have had mock large screen televisions hanging in the sanctuary for a few months. Our
dream is to purchase two of the larger screens when we purchase our state-of-the-art A/V system. The most recent quote
we have from Grise Audio Visual Center is for the following equipment:
 2 SHARP 80'' LED DISPLAY 120HZ 1080P at $3299.00 each for $6598.00 total
 2 PEERLESS WALL TILT MOUNT at $229.00 each for $458.00 total.
 2 HDMI C HDMI CABLES 25FT at $89.00 each for $178.00 total.
Grise needs us to provide 2 AC power outlets behind each television which will cost about $700.00 in electrician fees
which adds up to total of $10,663.
We received $3,527.50 from the Chalice Lighters’ Grant. Another $3,000 was budgeted by the congregation for this
project which still leaves a balance of $4,135.50 that needs to be raised to get the full package. So far, $450.00 has been
received in earmarked funds. Others donations have been promised and we hope they will come in soon.
Can you donate toward the remaining balance of $3,866? If every member gave $35, we could buy the system tomorrow.
At the October 26, 2014 Congregational Meeting, we received a pledge for $100 – how many of you could match that
amount? Another generous congregant gave $300. A dozen donations in that amount would give us the funds need to
move forward. THIS CAN BE DONE WITH YOUR HELP! Whatever amount you can give will be gratefully accepted.
Please make out your check to the UUCE with “A/V Equipment” in the memo line.
The A/V system will be used in all aspects of the life of the congregation. It can be used to post readings and song lyrics
during services. A sermon from a distant minister could be played on the screens. It can be used as part of presentations
for many different committees such as Social Responsibility, Adult and Children’s Religious Education, and Membership.
The Board hopes to utilize OMD and UUA resources to help with training leaders, keeping us updated on current issues,
and participate in General Assembly from Erie.
With Ohio-Meadville and the St. Lawrence Districts coming together, we are a central location. The addition of the A/V
system may convince leaders to come to the UUCE for a variety of meetings. We can market our space for rental to local
groups who want to show films or present a multi-media message. We can use it to educate ourselves and the community.
The possibilities are endless! ~Heather Steinbrink
Ohio-Meadville District
of the Unitarian Universalist Association
PO Box 157
St. Clairsville, OH 43950
740-252-5980 * Fax: 866-460-7969 *
Service and Growth Opportunity
The Ohio-Meadville District is seeking candidates for the following positions on its Board of Trustees and
Nominating Committee:
Trustee at Large (1 position)
Nominating Committee (3 positions)
This is an opportunity not only for you to serve the District, but to develop valuable skills as a leader in our
denomination. The Nominating Committee is looking forward to applications from individuals who represent
the full diversity of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Please submit the following documents indicating your interest via e-mail to
1. A letter with information indicated in the attached Interest In Serving Form
2. A self-evaluation using the attached Officer/Trustee/Nominating Committee Candidate Rubric. The rubric will
also be sent to the references listed in your letter.
The Nominating Committee is also happy to answer any questions about the process sent to us via the same
address or by contacting either Mary Desmone (814-833-3484 or 814-746-1773) or Jerry Knasel(440-8352529).
Deadline for applications is Dec. 12, 2014.
Elections will be held at District Assembly in Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
March 27-28, 2015 for terms to begin July 1, 2015.
Reverend Steve Aschmann
Office Hours:
Tu-Th 9:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m.
Cell phone: 814-440-0902
Joanne Davis
Office Hours:
Tues, Wed & Thurs
8 a.m.—1 p.m.
UUCE Thursday Email Updates
Every Thursday an update of UUCE
events and news for the week is sent out
via email.
Friday 8 a.m.—11 a.m.
If you would like to be included on the
UUCE email mailing list, please contact before 9:30 a.m.
Leave Voice Messages at:
Calling all Facebook Fans!
Come and be our “fan.” Our
congregation now has its own
Facebook page that shares
information, upcoming events,
conversations, and inspiration.
Search for “Unitarian
Universalist Congregation of
Erie” and check us out. Your
contributions and comments are
welcomed. For additional
information, please contact
Kristin Maguire at
Please direct all mail to:
P.O. Box 3495, Erie, PA 16508
November Birthdays
The Beacon is published monthly.
We welcome your suggestions
and submissions.
The deadline for articles for the December issue
is Saturday, November 22.
Send submissions to:
Beacon Editor/Layout: Joanne Davis
02—Agnes Newcomer
24—Terry O’Reilly
02—Beth Rockwell
28—Lynne Rhodes
02—Patti Rogers
28—Scott Thompson
03—Nanci Lorei
30—Rebecca Olanrewaju
07—Donna Martin
30—Charles McMahon
08—Doug Russell
11—Christine Cedzo
13—Justine Julian
14—Karen Prather
17—Kevin Cedzo
17—John Daly King
19—Lou Joseph Rullo-Johnson
Content Review: Dr. Regis T. Sabol
Board Liaison: Sherry Syence-Thompson
To receive future newsletters via e-mail link or
through the mail, please register with Joanne at
864-9300 or
Remember, you must register
to receive a newsletter.
Service Attendance:
08/31/14—Labor Day in America—Roseann Barker—46 adults, 9 children.
09/07/14—Grandparent’s Day—Rev. Steve—57 adults 17 children.
09/14/14—Water Communion—Rev. Steve—50 adults, 6 children.
09/21/14—Commemorating WWI—Dr. Regis Sabol—40 adults, 6 children.
09/28/14—The Gap of Escalating Inequality—Rev. Steve—34 adults, 13 children.
November 2014
Alcoholics Anonymous
8:30 a.m.
Sunday Service
10:30 a.m. Potluck
lunch after the
Buddhist Sangha
7 p.m.
Group 12-2 p.m.
QiGong and Tai
Chi 6:45 p.m.
Caring Team
9:30 a.m.
Erie Moot 7 p.m.
Finance Committee
4 p.m.
Whispering Lake Grove
Business Mtg. 5 p.m.
Sunday Services
Committee 5 p.m.
UU Parenting Group
6:30-8 p.m.
Book Club 7:30 home of
Janet Krack
Sunday Service
10:30 a.m.
Buddhist Sangha
7 p.m.
Group 12-2 p.m.
CUUPS Drum Circle
7 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous
8:30 a.m.
Atheist and Agnostic
Community 6:30 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous
8:30 a.m.
QiGong and Tai
Chi 6:45 p.m.
PFLAG 7 p.m.
Fiber Arts Circle
6-9 p.m.
Sunday Service
10:30 a.m.
Buddhist Sangha
7 p.m.
Board of Trustees
4 p.m.
A Course in Miracles
6:30-8 p.m.
RPG Game Day
Noon-8 p.m.
Atheist and Agnostic
Community 6:30 p.m.
Group 12-2 p.m.
QiGong and Tai
Chi 6:45 p.m.
Inspire Team 9:30 am.
Alcoholics Anonymous
8:30 a.m.
UU Parenting Group
6:30-8 p.m.
Connect Team Noon
A Course in Miracles
6:30-8 p.m.
Whispering Lake Grove
Rite of Offering 5 p.m.
Sunday Service
10:30 a.m.
Buddhist Sangha
7 p.m.
Guest at Your
Act Team 9:30 am.
Green Sanctuary Team
Sunday Service
10:30 a.m.
Fiber Arts Circle
6-9 p.m.
Group 12-2 p.m.
Our Neighbor’s
Place Dinner
7:40 p.m.
QiGong and Tai
Chi 6:45 p.m.
Thanksgiving Dinner
1 p.m.
Service Auction
5:30-9 p.m..
Atheist and Agnostic
Community 6:30 p.m.
Wedding Rehearsal
6-7 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous
8:30 a.m.
Noon—4 p.m.
Atheist and Agnostic
Community 6:30 p.m.