SUNDAY – Service - Unitarian Universalist Congregation

The Herald
We are a welcoming congregation. E-mail:
Facebook: “Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Eau Claire”
Phone: 715-834-0690
9:00-9:45 am: Lifespan Religious Education (RE) for
children and adults
10:00-11:00 am: Service (sanctuary)
Everyone starts in the service together
10:20-11:00 am: Children’s Chapel (downstairs). Children
leave the service upstairs and spend the remainder of the
hour in a service specifically designed for children
11:00-11:30 am: Refreshments and Conversation
9-9:45 am: “Service Sundays” Each month we will live
out our UU principles by working together to serve our
community through justice activities on Multigenerational
10:00 – 11:00 am: Service for children and adults
11:00-11:30 am: Refreshments and Conversation
(Social Hall, downstairs)
Sunday, January 4
10:00 am
“Income Inequality, the Distribution of Wealth, and
Unitarian Universalist Principles”
Craig Moore, UUC Member
Unitarian Universalists have been there early and often
when confronting injustice in society. The way the
American community shares its rich bounty poses a vexing
problem for anyone who values equality. The problem is so
severe that other cherished ideals, such as justice and
democracy, are threatened as well. Come and hear how
the current distribution of America’s wealth and the
institutions that support that distribution have a corrosive
effect on principles we hold dear.
Lifespan RE Hour 9-9:45 am: “UU Parenting Circle”
Facilitated by Kurt Erickson (Seekers Room)
Sunday, January 11
10:00 am
“Stories From The Future” Rev. Julianne Lepp
Jill Schwendemen writes, “When a congregation’s driving
force is mutuality, teaching is not just something adults
do. Instead, information, stories, imagination, and
inspiration swirl dynamically between generations. Within
this microcosm of the beloved community, differences
have generative potential. Every individual, from the
shining-eyed baby to the sullen teen to the person who
has just lost a job, contributes uniquely to the ongoing
formation of our collective identity.” What can we teach
each other, if we are open?
Lifespan RE Hour 9-9:45 am: “The Life of An Activist”
Facilitated by Laurel Kieffer and Rev. Julianne Lepp
(Seekers Room) (8:30 am Choir practice)
Unitarian Universalist
421 S. Farwell St.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
January 2015
Wednesday, January 21
6:30 pm
Third Wednesday Dinner and Service
Come and enjoy an Italian
Feast from the Social
Responsibility Committee.
Proceeds from the dinner will
benefit Sojourner House in completing outdoor
lockers for our homeless neighbors.
Service: Speaker Cathy Sultan – “Crises in the Holy
Land, from Jerusalem to the West Bank, Gaza and
Sunday, January 18
10:00 am
“Martin Luther King, Jr Sunday”
This service celebrates Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. and the
thousands of unnamed
women and men who put
their bodies and lives on the
line for freedom and justice.
How can we create the Beloved Community in a
divided world? What are we called to in these
9-9:45 am: Service Project “placemats
for Beacon House” (Social Hall);
Membership Meet & Greet (Seekers
Room); Hospitality Orientation 9:15
(kitchen) (8:30 am Choir practice)
Budget Informational Meeting in the Sanctuary 11:30
Sunday, January 25
10:00 am
“Loving Our Neighbors, Even When Their Bumper
Stickers are Wrong” Rev. Julianne Lepp
The Golden rule teaches us to treat others are we wish
to be treated. The Christian tradition calls us to love our
neighbors as ourselves. Tim Hirsch reminds us that living
in community requires constant acts of forgiveness. With
love as the doctrine of this church and service its law,
how can we reach beyond our comfort zones and create
community and change even when their bumper stickers
are wrong?
Lifespan RE Hour 9-9:45 am:
Adult RE: “Spiral Dynamics” (Seekers Room)
Facilitated by Rick Magyar
Sunday, February 1
10:00 am
“Travels with Charlie: Darwin Day 2015”
Wil Taylor, UUC member LIFESPAN SUNDAY
Charles Darwin sailed around the
world on the HMS Beagle. This epic
journey eventually changed the way
we all view the world. But it also
changed Darwin personally,
particularly his views on the
involvement of the Divine in the
course of nature. In this service, Wil
will reflect on both of Darwin’s journeys, and how his
own paths have continued to intersect Darwin’s.
A Minister’s MUUsings
Rev. Julianne Lepp
Did you know that there are Jedis
among us? This year the middle school
aged youth are doing Jedi Academy in
Religious Education. Our high school
aged youth are participating in a Coming
of Age program that will help them learn
to articulate confidently their own beliefs
and ideals.
All of us, regardless of age, should never stop learning.
We are constantly searching for a deeper and clearer
understanding of ourselves and the world in which we
live and the significant role religion and faith play in that
If you do not already, I invite you to participate in the
Lifespan Religious Education Program on Sunday
mornings from 9:00-9:45 before service. In our approach
to religious education, we strive to provide a program
rich in opportunities for our children, youth, and adults to
grow spiritually in a caring and loving environment. We
value diversity and inclusiveness, believing that there are
many spiritual paths, not just one.
In our children and youth programs we affirm the
uniqueness of each child in his or her spiritual
development. Parents are the primary providers of your
child's religious education. It is in the context of the
family that the largest part of their spiritual growth takes
place. If you have children, I encourage you to be open
in talking with your child about religious issues and to
model for them the values that you consider important.
The goals of religious education are to:
+ Create a sense of belonging to a religious tradition with
a long history
+ Nurture spirituality through an appreciation of
searching and seeking with an openness to other
religious traditions
+ Learn how to lead an ethical life grounded in the Seven
Principles of Unitarian Universalism
Sophia Fahs wrote, “Children should feel the Mystery of
life, before being told how it was explained. Children
should feel the wonder, before being given the words to
say it by. Children should feel a trust, before being told
there is a God on whom they can depend.” Fahs touches
on an important lesson for Religious Education and
congregational life - we have to trust in the ability of
youth to experience and discern answers. It is too easy
to underestimate their insights. When Unitarian
Universalist children and youth feel disconnected and
undervalued it is to the detriment of our congregations
and larger movement. Treating children and youth as an
integral, valued, and respected part of the larger
congregation will manifest positive changes in religious
education and worship inclusion. It represents the
unwritten curriculum of respect and inclusivity.
We offer religious education before service for children,
youth and adults each Sunday, and during our Lifespan
Sundays we also offer Children’s Chapel, a chance for
children and youth to have a worship service crafted just
for them. Many of our Children's Chapel volunteers talk
about the deep sharing and wisdom that children and
youth offer during this time. Children are building
relationships and community with each other and the
adult and youth leaders. We encourage parents and
other members to visit or volunteer with Children's
Chapel. Come sing, tell stories, and share deeply with
our youngest, profound members of this congregation.
All ages can learn and grow together! Come experience
the amazing all-ages programming that happens every
Sunday in our congregation!
Lay Ministry: Passing on the Gifts
Bobbie Kilmurray, Lay Minister
Led by our ordained
Reverend Julianne
Lepp, Tim Hirsch and I
serve as Lay Ministers
and form the core of the
Pastoral Care Team for
our congregation. Tim
and I act as extensions
of Reverend Lepp and
her ministerial mission.
This in only where Lay Ministry starts, for there is plenty of
work to go around and we are all invited to share in
ministering to each other. I frequently am in awe and
appreciation of our loving and nurturing congregation. It
exists only because its members give so freely of
themselves and their gifts. To mention just a few examples:
Thank you to the RE teachers who help guide our children
and youth, who in turn so exuberantly craft caring blankets
and serve at the Community Table. Thank you to the choir
and musicians who fill our sanctuary with melodic
inspiration. Thank you to the kitchen crew, who while
offering gracious hospitality also serve up delicious cups of
Fair Trade coffee. Thank you to all who so lovingly care for
our building and grounds and make our sanctuary beautiful.
Thank you to the members of the Board and committees for
your gift of leadership. Thank you, each and every one of
you, whenever you offer a hug, make a phone call, send a
note of encouragement or pay a visit.
I love my Spiritual Family. I am grateful for the opportunity
to serve as a Lay Minster, for you have given me so much.
We are made better by passing on our gifts.
From the UUC Board President
Juanita Peck, President
It occurs to me that what happens behind
the scenes at our congregation may seem
somewhat mysterious and perhaps a bit
intimidating. So, for your reading pleasure,
a peek from the viewpoint of Board
President: December at UUC was filled
with excitement and activity-from the
Solstice service to the Council of Committees where
representatives from almost every committee met to share
and discuss the issues of the church from the viewpoint of
the committees as they do the work of our church. The
check-in portion of the discussion revealed that our
committees are extremely creative in responding to
challenges when they arise, but that some issues simply
require a few more hands to get the job done. So, if you
have not yet dipped your toe into the water of committee
work, consider the Membership Committee who could use
a few more folks to help distribute programs and such on
Sunday morning. If you are like me, and squeak into the
pew just as the bell is ringing, perhaps Hospitality might be
a better fit for you since much of their work on Sundays
happens after the service. If neither of those suits you, stop
and chat with someone at the Membership Table, Rev.
Julie, or myself. We can put our heads together and see
what committee might be a good fit for you.
The rest of the evening at the Council of Committee
meeting revolved around the topic of growth, and what it
may look like at the committee level if we continue to add
members at the rate we have in the past year. The
discussion was lively, spirited, open-minded, and very
thoughtful. Whew! I think one important take-away from
this meeting is that at this point in time, we are faced with
numerical growth, which is posing challenges to the size
(and maintenance) of our facilities.
Prior to the meeting, I reviewed the document
Congregational Growth in Unitarian Universalism
The UUA defines growth as follows:
“Growth is inevitable in healthy congregations. To
be a healthy congregation is to develop responses
that are sound and reasonable. To be healthy is to
be vigorous, to have strength, and to use these
qualities in taking action. When a congregation
sees clearly its place and possibilities and
understands its mission and purpose, it will make
decisions that serve itself and its community well.
Such a congregation will continue growing
because of its health. Such a congregation is ready
to serve people who need Unitarian Universalism.”
Perhaps the most striking idea that I learned from this
document is the idea that there are other types of growth.
We are observing and (feeling) numerical growth. This is
not the first time this congregation has grown (hence our
addition). For those of us who still remember the “growth
pains” of that period in our congregational history, let me
assure you that, we have already grown in many different
ways that will allow us to support the growth in numbers. I
really recommend reading the article as it explains the
mechanisms of the types of growth that have already
become standard operating procedure as a result of
institutional learning after our last growth experience.
As we closed the meeting and I listened to the hum of
conversations going on in the Sanctuary as people chatted
with each other while pulling on coats and gloves, I had the
thought that a freight train would be a fitting metaphor for
how our congregation operates. (Full disclosure: My family
lived in Altoona and my girls played sports for the
Railroaders-hence the train obsession, and my favorite
book of all time is the “Little Engine That Could.”) As I left
the building, I imagined hearing “I think I can, I think I can,”
changing into “We Know we can, we know we can.” And in
the spirit of cultural relevancy, would it be too much to have
Elsa standing on the caboose belting out, “Let us grow, Let
us groooowww”?
Happy New Year to you all! 2015 promises to be an
exciting one at UUC. I’m so glad to be in community with
Carol Schumacher, Nominating Cmt.
The Nominating Committee is starting
the process of finding candidates for
the 2015-2016 UUC Board. This year
the offices open are Vice-President,
Secretary, Administration Liaison,
Membership Services Liaison, and
Nominating Committee. The slate of officers will be voted
on at the Annual Meeting on May 3, 2015. If you have
any suggestions or comments, please contact Carol
Schumacher, or 715-456-5788.
Membership Journey
One Day Class: Saturday, January 10
9:30-12:30 in the Social Hall. This class has three
components: The Faith Journey, UU History and
Opportunities for Membership. Hosted by Rev. Lepp,
Karen & Tim Hirsch in the Social Hall. Sign up at the
greeter table in the Gathering Room.
New Member Sunday: January 25
We will meet at 9 am in the Gathering Room (back of the
Sanctuary) for a brief orientation prior to the service, will
take new member photos, and give new member gifts. We
ask that those interested in joining attend the membership
class offered on the 10 . If you are unable to attend the
class, please schedule a meeting with Rev. Lepp.
Meet & Greet
Sunday, January 18, 9-9:45 am in the Seekers Room
All visitors and new members are invited to attend. Longtime members are also encouraged to attend so they can
share their experiences and meet our newcomers.
January 18 Meeting on the Budget
Park Family Foundations
Adds Light Again
Cathy Pierce, Finance Co-Chair
The Finance Committee has begun the process of building
our next fiscal year's budget with all the committees
gathering their data. We will put it together, add up all the
numbers, project a few, and see what happens. We invite
you to the presentation of our proposed budget for
2015/2016 on January 18th in the Sanctuary, shortly after
the service. Get your coffee and treat, and then come
together again to hear our brief outline of what needs to be
done through our spring pledge drive. You all know that it
takes money to keep this building open, but here you can
learn what it takes to keep it full and fun, with interesting
and meaningful programs and projects happening most
every week. We will present the challenge, answer
questions, listen to your feedback, and take notes. Please
join us.
Tim Hirsch
In 2013-14, a grant from the Neil E. Park Family
Foundation brought us the new stained glass
window in the steeple. Inspired by Karen Park’s
memory of her father, Brian Duerkop created a
design and crafted a window to communicate the
power of loving help. Though close to death, Laurie
Bieze participated in the early planning. The result
is a moving and beautiful window.
This year, another grant from the Neil Park Family
Foundation will bring us four new windows. For
many years, the windows on the West side of the
Gathering Room have needed replacement. They
leak water and heat. We have kept the windows
covered with sheer curtains to disguise their
wretched condition. Thanks to the Park Family
Foundation, we can look for new natural sunlight
coming soon to the Gathering room.
Planned Giving to UUC through the
Endowment Fund
One Path to Happiness
by Dan Freund, Annual Pledge Committee
From the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester
website: “Please keep in mind that the UUCW is selfsupported. It is only through your contributions and
volunteer work that we are able to provide the programs we
value so much and the space where we can connect with
each other. The basis for this connection is not a creed, but
a covenant - an unwritten sacred promise to support the
church and each other; emotionally, spiritually and, yes,
Let’s take a closer work at that word “covenant” or, more to
the point, its synonym “commitment.” Research suggests a
strong connection between happiness and religious
participation. And yes, that participation includes a financial
Once a year the UUC asks you to renew your monetary
commitment to the Congregation by making a pledge to
contribute during the next fiscal year (July through June).
This year’s pledge drive begins February 8.
Your UUC annual pledge committee asks you to take some
time during the next month or so to consider what the
Unitarian Universalist Congregation means to you, to your
family, and to your community – and what it could mean if it
had the financial resources to do even more than it does
now. Dream big. Get fired up about the possibilities.
Then, early next month, turn that fire into a commitment – a
pledge – that will provide real and substantial support to the
programs we value so much. You’ll be happy you did.
Bob Kleemeier, Endowment Committee
A wide range of giving opportunities
fit under the planned giving
umbrella, including charitable
bequests, life income gift
arrangements such as gifts of real
estate and gifts that use retirement
and insurance plan benefits. A planned giving program
could be described as work that has a beginning, but no
end, unlike both the annual pledge, which occurs within a
set amount of time and a capital campaign, which begins
and ends in a matter of years. Planned giving programs
are forever.
With the Endowment Fund, UUC, receives the long-term
stability of a funded endowment which in the past 5 years
has grown following its socially responsible investing in the
stock market by close to 50%. Since it is still a small fund
the actual dollars accumulate slowly but are steadily
accruing to the current value of $41,000. We encourage
your consideration in committing to the Henry Doty Maxson
Society in 2014.
Your gift to our Endowment Fund may come in the form of
a special donation for an occasion such as a memorial gift,
or an arrangement in your will that declares that a portion of
your estate be set aside for UUC. If you have questions the
committee will be glad to help just contact Susanne
Torrence, Gregg Moore or Bob Kleemeier.
Mark your calendars for the
2015 Harvest Auction
to be held at a NEW VENUE!
Saturday, November 14 at:
The Oxford Theatre
1814 Oxford Ave., Eau Claire
Meet our Newest Members
Julia Browne
Julia grew up in Eau Claire
and was a child of the
Chippewa Valley UU
Fellowship in the 1960s.
After majoring in music and
humanities at the U of M, she
studied law and worked as an
attorney in St. Paul. Many
years later, Julia decided to
follow her lifelong dream of becoming a librarian.
She got a masters degree in library science from
the University of Pennsylvania and moved to Detroit
Lakes, Minnesota, where she was the reference
librarian at a small public library. Several years
ago, Julia and her husband moved back to Eau
Claire to retire. She enjoys reading, playing tennis,
walking her dog, making art and crafts, and playing
the piano. She sings in the UUC choir, and you may
also see her at the piano from time to time.
got married again to her best friend and soul mate,
LeRoy. She enjoys crocheting in the winter months
and playing in the dirt in the warmer months, even
though she's a self-proclaimed brown thumb,
meaning she can keep the plants alive but they are
brown instead of green most of the time. When she
isn't sewing headbands for her Etsy shop or doing
other business related tasks, Kari is busy being the
domestic CEO of the household.
David Nesteby
David moved to Eau Claire in 2006 with his mom
and sister. He is now a senior in an online high
school. David plans on attending CVTC in the fall to
begin his education in IT Networking. When he isn't
working on school or spending time with his
wonderful girlfriend, Lexie, David enjoys computer
programming, building and upgrading computers,
and researching his various interests.
Maria Selsor and Rob Harrington
Lexie De Silvio
Lexie was born in Las Vegas, NV, but grew up in
Eau Claire. She attends CVTC in the Alcohol and
Other Drug Abuse program. After she graduates,
she plans to further her education to become a
therapist. Her interests include dogs, rabbits,
psychology, and TV dramas. When Lexie isn't
studying or watching Gossip Girl or Once Upon A
Time, she enjoys spending time with her boyfriend
David, her family, and her black Netherland Dwarf
rabbit, Calcifer.
Debbie Ernie
Debbie was born in Hudson, WI to Kathy and Doug
Ernie, and has a sister,
Jenny. Debbie attended
UWEC for undergrad,
Minnesota State-Mankato for
her MFA, and says she’s
happy to be back! In July,
Debbie became engaged to
Matt Campbell, whom she
has been dating for over
seven years. They are getting married next fall.
Debbie teaches English at UWEC, and teaches
yoga workshops occasionally on the side. She and
Matt have a rabbit named Edmund and a betta fish
named Sirius Blue. Debbie is part of the Chippewa
Valley After Hours Rotary group, where she helps
with volunteer work in the community. Debbie
loves dancing and yoga, camping, hiking, kayaking,
writing poetry, watching scary movies, and
spending time with friends and family.
Kari Daleiden
Kari grew up in Red Wing, MN and moved to
Wisconsin in 1993. She moved to Eau Claire in
2006 in search of a better education for her
children. Kari has two amazing teenagers, David
and Autumn, from her first marriage. In 2010, Kari
Maria grew up
in South Bend,
Indiana, which
is where she
met Rob, who
was her older
brother's best
friend. Maria
moved to
Wisconsin to attend UW Madison (Spanish and
Women's Studies major). She earned her law
degree there, also. She moved to Eau Claire to
accept a new job as an administrative law judge for
the State of Wisconsin's Civil Rights Bureau. Maria
adjudicates claims of discrimination in employment
and public accommodations. Maria and Rob have
two children (4.5 years and 1 year) and an English
Setter. Maria says that her hobbies include making
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cleaning up
spills, changing diapers, and reading bedtime
stories in funny voices. Before she had children,
Maria enjoyed sewing, reading, photography, and
road trips.
Rob was born and raised in Mishawaka, Indiana.
He has a B.A. in Theatre from Indiana University at
South Bend and an Associates Degree in
Occupational Therapy Assistant from Madison
College. Rob’s passion is being outdoors,
especially fishing, hiking with his English Setter,
"Summer,” and canoeing. He likes to play guitar
and enjoys watching the Packers on Sunday. Rob
has been a stay-at-home dad since November,
2013 when their daughter Corrina was born. Rob
and Maria also have a very active four-year-old son
named Robbie. Rob’s family is new to Eau Claire,
and he hopes that his involvement with UUC will
not only enrich his spiritual journey but also allow
him to find and meet new friends.
hymnbook), reads “Dedicated to those exemplars and
pioneers who have pushed the boundaries of
congregational music forward and made this resource
possible and necessary.”
Music Notes:
History of Hymnbooks in our Congregation
Betty Kleemeier, Music Director
This history was put together in collaboration
with Karen Hirsch, who has kept track of
significant aspects of our UUC history.
Wednesday, January 7 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Sunday s 11 and 18 at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary
Karen writes “When we first started singing
(in 1974) back when we met at the Town of
Washington Town Hall, we had no
hymnbooks, but at the end of our weekly discussion, we
sang ‘From All That that Dwell.’ That was also when we
started saying ‘Look to This Day’ at the beginning of the
discussion. S. It was hard to get people to be willing to
have such ‘high church’ rituals at the UU Fellowship!”
Invitation to Singing Meditation
Tim Hirsch, facilitator
This is your invitation to be with others to sing and
to be silent together to practice “Singing
Meditation.” From 6:30 until 7:30 on four Tuesday
evenings in January and two in February we will
sing simple songs, repeating them as the spirit
moves us. Then we will sit together in silence for a
moment or two, and sing another song.
Over the past several decades, our congregation has
significantly grown in size. Along with that, the content of
our Sunday worship services has evolved to be appropriate
of the needs of our membership. Throughout our history,
there has always been a core group of people who loved to
sing and express their experience in song. The first
hymnbook we purchased was entitled “How Can We Keep
From Singing” which was published in 1976 by the First
Unitarian Church of Los Angeles. It was “a contemporary
songbook for liberal churches, fellowships, youth groups
and other communal groups.” We still have copies of this
collection of folk and “protest” songs.
Singing heals, and singing brings us joy in being
together. It is a spiritual practice available to
everyone. Even if you feel like you do not sing well,
singing meditation is a way for you to lift your voice
and feel the fullness of spirit that comes with
making music with others.
Our first meeting will be January 6, at 6:30 pm, at
the UUC in the Child Care Room (at the end of the
hall on the lower level). We will also sing on
January 13, 20, and 27, and February 3 and 10.
It is not necessary to be there for all of the
sessions; come when it works for you. We will
provide you music and guidance in the process of
singing meditation. Here is a sample song, “Joy,”
by Helen Gierke, who created a “Singing
Meditation” songbook with Ruthie Rosauer.
“Let joy fill your heart, may peace be your goal.
May joy, peace and love make us whole.”
Let us sing together.
At the point when we did not have enough copies of this
book, Calvin Eland led the process of printing a second
version for use by our fellowship. In 1986, permission was
granted from the Los Angeles publishers to print this book
which contained “selected favorites” from the original
version. In the early days singing was usually without
accompaniment, often led by Karen or Tim or Calvin.
(Note: a future Herald article will tell about our history with
“various keyboard instruments.”)
In the early 1990’s, a committee from the UUA began a
process of developing a UUA hymnbook, “Singing the
Living Tradition” (our current gray hymnbook). This was a
difficult process, as the committee made every effort to
represent the diversity of the traditions represented in our
denomination. Our fellowship served some time as one of
the “test groups” for songs to be included. We were given
the opportunity to complete brief evaluation sheets for the
songs we tried. After its publication in May of 1993, we
placed our first order. Many of the books we originally
ordered were paid for by members of our fellowship and
you can find evidence of this in the dedication plates inside
the front cover of the books in our pews. Since then, we
have ordered new books to keep up with our growth in
numbers, and many of these were individually financed by
Poetry Writing Group
Jan Carroll, facilitator
Please join us for fun and
educational monthly meetings where
we bring poems we've written to
share and get feedback from each
other. No experience necessary.
Contact Jan Carroll at to
get the current writing assignment. All are Sundays
at noon in the Seekers Room: January 25,
February 22, March 22, April 26, May 24
------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL NOTE: Membership Committee asks that you
be mindful of others needing places to sit in our cozy
pews. Please try out the new front row seats, the great
view from the Buddha Room balcony or slide in to the
middle of the center pews whenever possible.
In 2006, the UUA published a new hymnbook, “Singing the
Journey” as a supplement to Singing the Living Tradition.
The dedication in the front of this book (our “teal”
Social Responsibility Committee
January “50/50 Share the
Plate” – JONAH (Joining Our
Neighbors, Advancing Hope) a
grassroots organization, comprised
primarily of faith communities, seeks
to bring people in the Chippewa
Valley into relationship and empower
one another to build a healthier and fairer community for
us all. UUC has been a member of JONAH for several
years. Their major initiatives are: Treatment Instead of
Prison, Advancing Hope Fund which provides no-interest
micro-loans for people in need, Environmental Task
Force, and Immigration Task Force.
In November, $362.50 was raised for the UUSC Hope In
Crops program through Share the Plate.
Lifespan Religious Education (RE)
Coming of Age: Lock In
Children & Youth RE
Sarah Ramlow, Children & Youth RE
The new Religious Education semester will
begin on Sunday, January 25. We will be
implementing a new style of teaching,
called the Rotational Workshop method for
the preschool and elementary aged RE
students. The Rotational Workshop style
will offer a more hands-on approach to RE and will be very
interactive. I urge you to bring your kids to try it out, even if
they have been reluctant to attend RE in the past. This
semester, we will focus on a few of our Seven Principles,
and go into depth with what they really mean and how to
implement them in our daily lives in a fun and meaningful
manner. I’m really excited to get the ball rolling on this and
welcome any input you have to offer during the course of
the semester.
Friday, Jan. 16, 6 pm -8 AM Saturday, Jan. 17
Coming of Age Religious Education participants are
having a Lock In! We will spend the night at UUC, play
games, meet with mentors and do popcorn and theology
COA style.
So, what does this mean as far as how RE class will go?
Well, we will spend 3 RE sessions (weeks) focusing on a
single Principle, but look at it in different ways. So, one
week, the kids may do a painting that reflects on a Principle;
the second week, they could put on a puppet show. The
third week, they could work on a service project. The
classes will still be divided by age, and each week they
would go to the next station.
Now, you may ask, “what can I do to help?” Great
question! I am looking for people willing to volunteer their
special talent for a three-week period. You will get an
opportunity to share your gift with all three age groups,
adjusting the lesson slightly for the maturity level of the
children. So, if you have something you love to do, and
would like to share it, please contact me and we will find a
time in the schedule that will work for you! I look forward to
seeing you next semester!
Service Sunday
Sunday, January 18
Place Mats for Beacon
House: All ages will gather to
create colorful placemats for
mealtimes at the Beacon
House. These will be
decorated, laminated and donated to the Beacon House
which is a homeless shelter for families in Eau Claire.
Adult RE Class Offerings
Sunday Morning Lifespan Religious
Education (RE) 9-9:45 am
Sunday, January 4 “UU Parenting Circle”
Facilitated by Kurt Erickson (Seekers Room)
This circle will offer a time to gather and share in
community around the complex and rewarding role of
parenting. This circle is not intended to be a parenting
class, but rather a place to find companionship and
spiritual support with fellow parents. Newcomers are
welcome. Please contact Kurt Erickson with questions
-------------Sunday, January 11 “The Life of An Activist”
Facilitated by Laurel Kieffer and Rev. Julianne Lepp
(Seekers Room) What calls us to lead a life of activism.
What core values and experiences lead us to speak up
for others and lead a life dedicated to justice?
--------------Sunday, January 25 “Spiral Dynamics”
Facilitated by Rick Magyar (Seekers Room)
Spiral Dynamics argues that human nature is not fixed:
humans are able, when forced by life conditions, to adapt
to their environment by constructing new, more complex,
conceptual models of the world that allow them to handle
the new problems
Sunday Evening Meditation Group
This is a shared group open to teachings from different
members and different types of meditation that reflect
Unitarian Universalist principles. Drop-ins are welcome.
For more information, please contact Rev. Julie.
Sundays evenings 6:30pm (Democracy Room)
Yoga for Real People
Juanita Peck, Yoga Instructor
Yoga class noon-1 pm Mondays in the
Sanctuary. $5 per person, per class. This
will be a gentle yoga class which will aid in
building strength, gaining flexibility,
improving posture and becoming more comfortable in
one's body. No previous yoga experience necessary.
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat.
Activities & Announcements
Hospitality Team Orientation Offered
20s/30s Group
Mildred Larson, Board Liaison
If you have held a party at your house, you know how to
help in the UU kitchen. You are invited to the kitchen on
Sunday, January 18, at 9:15 a.m., for an orientation
session. Hospitality co-chairs Linda Carlson and Tracy
Hirsch will show you basic procedures and where things
are, so you can join the Sunday volunteer team.
Volunteers sign up to bring healthful treats and serve when
it is convenient for them. It’s a satisfying way to get to know
other UU volunteers and provide hospitality to our members
and guests.
January – a time for new beginnings and
E. healthy, non-allergenic treats at the UU
Sunday morning coffee hour!
Linda Carlson, Hospitality Co-Chair
We’ve all enjoyed the holidays and all
the treats the holidays bring but if we
are going to fit in to our bikinis again
come summer, the madness has to
stop! Also, as an inclusive community
we’ve also got recognize that we have
new members with life-threatening
allergies to peanuts and other nuts. For a while now we’ve
had a tradition of having a buffet of treats, provided by all of
you, but starting this month we are going to ask for people
to sign up to bring only treats of fruit, vegetables,
cheese and/or (nut-free) crackers for the Sunday
morning coffee hour. You can sign up to bring treats on
any given Sunday by e-mailing Linda Carlson at or calling her at 715 523 1486,
or by adding yourself to the list of regular volunteers by
emailing and/or calling her, after which she will hit you up
Also, while we appreciate all the generosity of members
who don’t sign up but do drop off treats for coffee hour,
those who drop off treats will also be asked to limit their
contributions to fruit, vegetables, cheese and/or (nut-free)
Book Discussion Group
Saturday, January 17 9:30am
Book: Elizabeth and Hazel: Two
Women of Little Rock by David
Margolick. Hosts: Tim and Karen
Hirsch, 1744 Coolidge Ct., Eau Claire
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Come Wednesday I start to
feel the need for some
socializing. Ever feel the
same? Well then, let's get
together at 10 am at BAM
(Books A Million) every Wednesday for coffee and some
conversation. There may be ten of us, there may be two.
Every Wednesday 10 am, BAM. Jack Schoen
Sun., Jan. 4
Board games
at the The
District Co.
Sunday, Jan. 25th 11:30am-1pm
Brunch at Acoustic Cafe
Open Nursery Play
The UUC Nursery will be open on Wednesdays
from 9 - 10 am for free play. Drop in and play!
(January 14, 21, 28)
UUC - Littles Playgroup
Join us for a playgroup at the L.E.
Phillips Memorial Public Library at
10 am on January 9. Bring your
littles and enjoy some time with
other parents. Share any questions
or concerns you have for raising under 4's and
elementary students with other parents and
playgroups will happen on the second Friday of
every month from 9:30 - 11:30 (come when you
can!) at various places around town. Can't wait to
see everyone! Like us on face book by searching
for UUC Playgroup in Eau Claire.
Crafty Hands
Share your crafting skills and
meet other creative minds. Come
and craft with us.
Monday, Jan. 5, 6-9 pm
(Seekers Room)
Monday, Jan. 12, 6-9 pm
(The District Co.- backroom)
Friends Teaching Friends:
Join us to learn to make a simple fabric
hook/needle/craft organizer.
Monday, Jan. 19, 6-9 pm
(Seeker's Room)
German Group
A German-language group meets monthly on first
Wednesdays 7-8 the UUC Seekers Room.
Participants at all levels of German knowledge,
including any interested UUers, are welcome. Dr.
Manfred Poitsch, UWEC Emeritus Professor of
German and French, serves as facilitator. Contact
UUC Member Jim Peterson with questions.
Activities & Announcements
Cedar Chalice Pagan Circle
All pagans, pagan leaning or
pagan curious individuals are
Saturday, Jan. 3, 11:30-1 pm
Book Club: Discuss Chapter 3: A
Pagan World View from Drawing
Down the Moon by Margot Adler at Camille's
Sidewalk Cafe (Chippewa Falls).
Friday, Jan. 16, 6-9 pm
Pagan Potluck: (Seekers Room) Bring a dish to
share and an open heart. Discussion Starter:
“Paganism in the Media at UU”.
Contact Amanda Lonsdorf
for more information.
Plymouth Homeless Ministry
Last winter was brutally cold,
and Plymouth Homeless
Ministry is again taking
donations in the two shopping
carts in the Social Hall for the
coming winter. Needed Items:
Sweat pants, hooded
sweatshirts of all sizes up to
4X - People wear layers so large sizes up to 4X are
appreciated. One-size-fits-all gloves, ski gloves,
scarves, stockings caps. winter jackets and long
underwear. Large size T-shirts 1X to 4X, white socks,
and underwear for men and women, 8 & 10 hour hand
warmers and back packs. They will also always take
Gas Gift Cards or donations for fuel for the van. Fast
food gift cards for Subway, McDonald's and Burger
King are also welcome. Any gift cards or cash
donations can be left with Kris in the office.
Committee Chair Reminder:
Budget Proposals are due to Gregg Moore by
January 8 .
UUC Receives Chalice Lighter Grant
to Improve Hearing Assistance
Tim Hirsch
Phil Lund, the Chair of the UU
MidAmerica Region Chalice Lighters
program, notified the UUC that it will be
receiving a grant to fund a hearing loop
and new hand held microphones.
Here’s what the official letter says about the Eau Claire
“The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Eau Claire,
Wisconsin, to increase accessibility through the
purchase of a new hearing loop system and hand-held
microphones. For those who had previously been
unable to participate fully in the service, a test of the
new system was transformative.”
The Chalice Lighters Program accepts grant
applications to assist local congregations carry out
improvements or programs that the congregations are
not able to support on their own. The funds for these
grants come from individual UU’s from all over the
Region. The UUC has sixteen members who are
Chalice Lighters. If you would like to know more about
this program and possibly become a Chalice Lighter
yourself, visit this link:
Work to install the new hearing loop will begin during
the first week in January. Some of the installation will
be done by UUC volunteers. If you would like to help
with this project, please contact Tim Hirsch or Bob
---------------------------------------------------Harvest Auction: Special Events
Many of you signed up for events while at the auction in
November. These events occur throughout the year, are a
TON of fun, and help raise money for UUC. There are a
few events that still have openings. If you would like to sign
up, the sheets with event descriptions, hosts, location, and
price are located in the Social Hall. Please pay the office
when you sign up and we’ll notify the event host of
additional participants. Here is a list of January events:
1. “Let’s Feast Like Hobbits” Jan 17 (filled)
2. “The Inside Scoop: Aging” (Openings)
3. “Outdoor Fun on the Farm” Jan. 18 (Openings)
4. “Afternoon at the Improv” Jan. 18 (filled)
5. “Urban Fantasy Role Play” Jan. 24 (filled)
6. “The Way We Were” Jan. 31 (Openings)
----------------------------------------------------------------------NAMI Chippewa Valley is pleased to
announce we will be having another NAMI Familyto-Family class starting Monday, February 23
through Monday, May 4th, 2015 from 6-8:30 pm
at Mayo Clinic Health Systems in Eau Claire. The
FREE twelve consecutive weekly classes are
taught by trained NAMI members who have lived
with this experience and offers education and
support for families and friends of loved ones with
mental illness.
Pre-registration is required so please contact us at
(715)450-67484 or for more
Newsletter Submissions
The deadline for submissions is the 18 of each month
by 9 AM. Submit articles to Office Manager Kris
Simpson at:
All articles may be edited by the Office Manager. Priority
is given to articles involving UUC exclusively, then
denominational news. Community announcements of
interest to UUC members are added as space allows.
Newsletter Mailing Party: Monday, January 28 at 1 pm
in the Seekers Room. If you are interested in helping
with the mailing, contact Karen Peters 835-3222
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Board Members 2014-15
President: Juanita Peck 715-8311493
Vice-President: Ken Adler 715836-9218
Past-President: Pat Bonner
Secretary: Carol Schumacher
Treasurer: Wendy Schmock 715835-9675
Administration Liaison: Carole
Johnson 715-833-5382
Membership Services Liaison:
Mildred Larson 715-834-1370
Religious Education Liaison:
Rose Kilmurray715-497-4232
Programs Liaison: Jacob
Gruetzman 715-834-8689
Staff 834-0690 (office)
Minister: Rev. Julianne Lepp
Office Hours: M, W, Th. 10-2.
Available additionally by
appointment. (Vacation 12/29-1/4)
Office Manager - Kris Simpson
Office Hours: M-F 8-3. (Office
closed on 1/1 for holiday.)
RE Coordinator: Sarah Ramlow
(c) 715-271-0846
Office Hours: Sun.9-11; Mon. &
Thurs. 9-2
Sexton- Jim Moen
Hours: M,W,F 7-10
Minister (Emerita): Virginia Wolf
Our Mission7
is to provide a liberal religious
That promotes personal and spiritual
growth for adults and children in a
caring community, and that fosters
actions in the world that reflects our
Unitarian Universalist Principles.