Nurturing Compassion, Healing and Justice

Nurturing Compassion, Healing and Justice
In the Ignatian Tradition and Vision
Board of Directors
David Rothrock, Chair
Matt Barmore
Vince Herberholt
Sheila Evoy Mallahan
Jim McGinley
Thomas Morton
Randy Novak
Cindy O’Brien
Carla Erickson Orlando
Jay Schwartz
Kristine Sweeney
Jennifer Tilghman-Havens
Mary Hartrich. MM
Executive Director
Carolyn Hickman
Spiritual Direction Services
and Program Outreach
Andrea Fontana, M Div
Program Coordinator
Michaela Kearns
Program Marketing and
Young Adult Programs
Charlene Collora, MTS
Administrative Support
Located at
St. Joseph Parish Center
732 18th Ave E
Seattle WA 98112
(206) 329-4824
he Ignatian Spirituality Center board discerned
this past year that the time had come to give the
young adult program a new name. What has
previously been known as SEYA: Spiritual Enrichment
for Young Adults will now be called IgNite:Ignatian
Nights for Young Adults. The diverse, Ignatian
inspired programming will continue while the new
title gives fresh energy and connection to the name
and vision of St. Ignatius.
Ignatius often finished his letters with the encouragement: “ite, inflammate omnia” (Go, set the
world on fire). Young adults yearn to live life fully and intentionally, and to contribute to the wellbeing of their immediate community and the world at large. In the hope of strengthening
encounters with God’s palpable grace, IgNite will enrich young adults as they, too, go forth and set
the world on fire! (See the calendar on pages 4-5 for the IgNite events planned for this Fall.)
hose who receive our monthly e-Newsletter have already learned that our lovely and beloved
Program Marketing and Young Adult (SEYA) Coordinator, Emily Davis, has returned to
Boston with her husband, Andrew, and their two young sons. We have tremendously appreciated
Emily’s countless contributions to our website, her inspiring introductions and monthly program
updates in ISC’s e-Newsletter, her gentle and inviting leadership of ISC book groups and programs,
and her welcoming spirit and fine work with young adults in King and Pierce Counties. In July we
warmly welcomed Michaela Kearns to the ISC Staff, taking over Emily’s
responsibilities with Marketing and Communications as well as the
Coordination of IgNite, our newly named program for Young Adults (see
Michaela’s article above). Michaela is a recent graduate of the School of
Theology and Ministry at Seattle University, where she earned her Master of
Arts in Pastoral Studies and served an internship with the Campus Minister
for Ignatian Spirituality. Michaela brings a passion for Ignatian Spirituality
and experience in event planning, advertising and program implementation
as well as strong Ignatian, ecumenical, and interreligious connections.
Michaela Kearns
We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Jim Hoover, ISC Board Chair for the last two
years, and contributing member for the last five. Under Jim’s leadership, ISC revised its Bylaws and
drafted and approved our 2013-18 Five Year Strategic Plan. His legal expertise was invaluable, and
his dedication, sense of humor, precision and prayerfulness gifted our organization in ways that will
be evident for many years to come. Mary Lee has also graced our ISC Board of Directors
throughout her three year term with a depth and breadth of spiritual as well as practical wisdom,
and has been a welcoming presence at our Novena, Local Harvest, and many other events. We are
very thankful that she will continue to serve on our Development Committee.
In the Steps of Ignatius:
Ignatian Spirituality for Men
Large & Small Group Gatherings
Photo by Brad Reynolds. SJ
en of all ages and all faith
backgrounds are invited this
year to one, some or all of four
offerings of Ignatian spirituality just
for men. Following the example of
Pope Francis, this year’s exciting series will focus on
the call to simplicity in various aspects of daily life in
today’s increasingly complex world. Each gathering will
include social time, prayer, interesting presentations, and
meaningful time to reflect individually and with others.
Join other men interested in living an “integrated life”
informed by Ignatian prayer and spirituality!
Large Group Gatherings
Vince Herberholt, Facilitator
SIMPLY NOTICING: Facing Creation
Saturday, October 4, 2014 | 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Seward Park, Seattle (Shelter #1)
Glen Butterworth, SJ Presenter
Dick Ellis Facilitator
Celebrating the Holidays with Intentionality
Thursday, December 4, 2014 | 6:30-9:00 pm
St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Peter Byrne, SJ Presenter
Discerning the Place of Technology in our Lives
February 2015
SIMPLY LIVING: Redefining Success
Saturday, April 11, 2015| 9:00 am-12:00 pm
St. James Outreach Center, Seattle
Small Group for Men
This year, we will also offer an additional small prayer and
reflection group for men in all life stages. This group
involves a monthly commitment from November 2014May 2015.
Information Evening:
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
7:00-8:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Regular Gatherings 1st Monday of the month
November 2014-May 2015
7:00-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Steve Wodzanowski Facilitator
Ignatian Spirituality 101:
An Introduction to Ignatian
Prayer & Spirituality
ope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, is
grounded in Ignatian spirituality, but
some may not know fully what that
means. What is Ignatian spirituality all about? How might
I incorporate Ignatian prayer and spirituality into my life?
If you would like to know more, this evening introduction
to the basics of Ignatian prayer and spirituality is for you!
Come learn more about the life of St. Ignatius and key
elements of Ignatian spirituality, experience Ignatian
prayer, and learn how this rich spiritual tradition is being
kept alive locally. If you are already familiar with Ignatian
spirituality, we encourage you to think of others to invite!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
7:00-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
ISC staff and partners, presenters
Co-sponsored by Magis, SEEL, and CLC
Ignatian Companions: Small Group
Spiritual Direction
any of us long to be part of a
small group of faithful people
committed to a life of prayer.
“Ignatian Companions” is a group of
4-9 people who will meet monthly,
accompanying one another for the purpose of cultivating
attention to God at work in prayer and daily life. Each evening
will include communal prayer, ritual, rich sharing, and
compassionate listening. Everyone will be expected to have an
active prayer life, a willingness to articulate the fruits of their
prayer, an openness to listening carefully to oneself and others,
and experience with Ignatian spirituality. The group will be guided
by a skilled facilitator.
Information Evening: Thursday, October 9, 2014
7:00-8:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Regular Gatherings: 1st Thursday of the month
(except Jan 8 and Apr 9) | Nov 2014-May 2015
6:30-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Rosanne Michaels Facilitator
NEW! Pope Francis: Why He
Leads the Way He Leads
An Ignatian Book Group
ince Pope Francis has taken office, his actions
have contradicted behaviors expected of
a modern leader. In his latest book, author
Christopher Lowney vividly analyzes the distinctive leadership
style of the best-known student of Ignatian spirituality,
Pope Francis. Lowney's book offers insightful anecdotes
from men who either worked for or studied under the man
who has become the first Jesuit Pope. Join this book group
to learn not only how being a Jesuit informs Pope Francis's
perspective and sense of mission, but also to reflect on how
Ignatian principles and practice might inform your own way
of leading in any sphere—whether at work, home, or in the
3 Mondays, November 10, 17 and 24, 2014
7:30-9:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Jennifer Tilghman-Havens Facilitator
Advent Evening of Prayer
nter more fully into the rich meanings of this holiday season by joining
us for this year’s contemplative Advent
Evening of Prayer. Allow yourself to let go
of some of the “shoulds” of the season, and to be transported into the Advent and Christmas story through art,
imagination, scripture, contemporary storytelling, and
beautiful music.
Recovery Café: Spiritual Freedom
he ISC and the Recovery Café collaborate in offering
another book series this Fall: The Four Steps to
Spiritual Freedom by Fr. Thomas P. Ryan, CSP. The
book is a fresh presentation of the four major themes of
the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola cast as four steps
to spiritual freedom: Know Who You Are; Live Your Calling to
the Full; Let Go of Results; and Daily Rededicate Your Life to God.
We are also excited to have two
volunteer interns joining us. The café
members continue to inspire us and
each other with their commitment and
authenticity in their journey to
spiritual freedom.
Starting Thursday, September 18, 2014
12:45pm at the Recovery Café, Seattle
The Way of Companionship:
Accompanying Those in Society’s Margins
as your heart been moved by
compassion for those suffering?
Do you feel moved to respond, but are
unsure of how to begin? Kae Eaton,
MA, offers a clear language and
compassionate approach to
companionship. This inspirational
morning is filled with practical
experiential tools. All are invited to attend. Anyone working
with or desiring to work with people in society’s margins
will benefit from this day. Follow up monthly
Companionship Conversation groups will be available for
those interested .
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
7:00 pm at St. Joseph Church, Seattle
Saturday, November 8, 2014
9:00 am—12:00 pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Kae Eaton, MA, Presenter
Solidarity In Service:
Retreat for Overnight Shelter Volunteers
his day is offered to enrich and support those volunteering in overnight shelters in their parishes. The
retreat is an opportunity to connect faith, spirituality, and
hospitality and a shared sense of mission using the lens of
Ignatian Spirituality. For more info, contact the ISC office.
Companions for the Journey:
Spiritual Direction for Jesuit Volunteers
he ISC will continue to offer support to current
members of the Jesuit Volunteers in Seattle by
providing them the option of being connected with
spiritual directors who will accompany them during their
year of service in the Seattle area. This year we will also
offer our connection service to members of Encorps,
(JVE), volunteers over the age of 50 who are giving 10
months of part-time service with people living in society’s
FALL 2014
IgNite: Connecting Deeply in a Tech-Fueled World
Thursday, October 9, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
IgNite: Storytelling as Spiritual Practice
Thursday, September 11, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM at Liberty Bar, Seattle
An Evening on Authentic Ignatian Leadership
(For leaders in Ignatian ministries and schools)
Monday, October 27, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Ignatian Spirituality 101:
Introduction to Ignatian Prayer & Spirituality
Thursday, October 2, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
The Way of Companionship:
Accompanying Those in Society’s Margins
Saturday, November 8, 2014
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men)
Simply Noticing: Facing Creation
Saturday, October 4, 2014
10:00 AM-12:30 PM at Seward Park Shelter #1, Seattle
IgNite: Ignatian Nights for Young Adults
Thursday, November 13, 2014
7:00-9:00 PM Location TBA
LOCAL HARVEST (more information on pg 8)
A Benefit to Support the ISC
Saturday, October 4, 2014
6:00-9:00 PM at the Lee Center for the Performing Arts,
Seattle University
Ignatian Companions:
Small Group Spiritual Direction
Info evening on Thursday, October 9, 2014 | 7-8 PM &
Gatherings on the 1st Thursday of the month
(except Jan 9 and April 9) | November 2014– May 2015
6:30-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
“Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads”
An Ignatian Book Group
3 Mondays, November 10, 17 and 24, 2014
7:30-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men)
Simply Giving: Celebrating the Holidays with Intentionality
Thursday, December 4, 2014
6:30-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
7:00 PM at St. Joseph Church, Seattle
Special Invitation to Young Adults: This will be the December
IgNite event, please join in this community evening of prayer.
Ignatian Spirituality 101:
Introduction to Ignatian Prayer & Spirituality
Thursday, January 15, 2015
7:00-9:00 PM
In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men)
Simply Living: Redefining “Success”
Saturday, April 11, 2015
9:00 AM—12:00 PM at St. James Outreach Center, Seattle
An Ignatian Way of Proceeding:
Eight Core Values for Living as Contemplatives in Action
9 Tuesdays from January 20—March 24, 2015
7:00-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Discernment in Daily Life
6 Thursdays, April 16—May 21, 2015
6:30-9:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Solidarity in Service:
A Retreat Day for Overnight Shelter Volunteers
Saturday, January 31, 2015
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
In the Steps of Ignatius (Gathering for Men)
Simply Connecting: Discerning the Place of Technology in our
February 2015
Wednesday, March 4 through Thursday, March 12, 2015
12:30 PM at the Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle University, and
7:00 PM at St. Joseph Church, Seattle
Spiritual Direction Enrichment Day (open to all)
Nature and the Arts as Wise Companions for the Journey
Friday, April 24, 2015
9:30am—3:00pm at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Examen of Life in the Middle of the Year:
A Summer Day of Reflection
Saturday, June 20, 2015
9:00 AM-3:00 PM at St. Joseph Parish Center, Seattle
Summer Ignatian Retreat
Friday, July 24—Sunday, July 26, 2015
Palisades Retreat Center, Federal Way
For more details and registration information,
go to
or call 206.329.4824
ISC GRATITUDES and GODSENDS (continued from page 1)
Our Board of Directors welcomes four tremendously gifted
new members this year:
Matt Barmore has worked in Jesuit secondary education
in San Francisco and Seattle for 32 years. After 12 years
as principal, Matt moved back into the classroom at
Seattle Preparatory School, currently teaching English
and coordinating Adult Faith Formation there. He co-led
the Novena of Grace last March and brings a breadth
and depth of experience with Ignatian spirituality.
Jim McGinley and his wife, Monica, are proud parents of
three daughters and are inspired by the change they are
leading, including the JVC/JVI experiences they have
had. Jim has benefitted from involvement with the Jesuit
community throughout his life, which has included
leadership positions working globally in the high tech
industry as well as organizations leading social
innovation. He now regards himself as being in his encore
career, which includes supporting the launch of JV Encorps
in Seattle.
Encouraging a Closer
Relationship with God
Longing for a more conscious
experience of God’s presence and love?
Spiritual direction can help!
Contact us if you are interested in
connecting with a spiritual director.
Carolyn Hickman
Cindy O’Brien is a long time member of St. Joseph Church
and a graduate of Seattle University’s School of Theology and
Ministry. She works as a spiritual director and is actively
involved with the Jesuit inspired Seattle Nativity School. She
and her husband, Mike, have three children: Ellie, Matt and
Annie. Cindy is very grateful for the opportunity to work
with the wonderful staff and board at ISC.
Jay Schwartz A Seattle native, Jay has been an active
member of St. Joseph Parish for over 25 years and served
in various leadership roles for the school and
parish. Professionally, he has been active in consulting
and sales and operations leadership for a number of local
and national companies. Jay has participated in the
Novena of Grace for many years and in several ISC
programs. His spouse, Renee Willette, presented at the
Novena in 2004, and has been an educator in Jesuit
schools for 12 years. Jay and Renee have 5 children, and
enjoy spending time in the mountains or near the water whenever possible.
Interested in receiving
ISC’s monthly
for the most up-to-date
Go to our website, click “About
Us”, select “email newsletter” and
fill in
your email address.
Or call Michaela at ISC
Thank You to Our ISC Contributors in 2013-2014
We are so grateful to each and all of you! Without your support, the work of the ISC would not
continue. Please let us know if we have inadvertently left your name off this list.
Diane Ahern
Janet Alkire
Emily Davis
Mary Dean
Kathy Heffernan
Tim and Janie Heffernan
Bryce McWalter
Cheryl & George Mead
Wyatt & Debbie Sauvage
Alegria Aquino Albers
Mary DeForest
Marcelle Hickman
Rosanne Michaels
Lorraine Schneider
Arturo Araujo, SJ
Gene Delmore, SJ
John & Carolyn Hickman
Carla Montante, SP
Corinne Senechal
Dale and Tom Auffenberg
Ned Delmore
Peter & Ann Holmes
Margaret Moore
Bob & Mary Linden Sepulveda
Mary Rose Bacina
Robert Deltete
James & Debbie Hoover
David Murphy
Marilyn Sherry
Mary Fran & Art Barkshire
Marilyn Dennehy
Tom & Liz Hoover
Cathy Murray & Vince Herberholt
Mary Cunningham & Michael Sinsky
Matt Barmore
Gennyn Dennison
Martino Hoss
Jody Mullally
Earl & Alice Spangler
Chuck & Judy Barnes
Lisa Dennison
Patrick Howell, SJ
Toni Napoli
Patricia & Stuart Spencer
Mary Bartholet
G DeCastro
Patricia Hyde
Marilyn Nash
David & Marti Spicer
Michael Bayard, SJ
Melissa Dold
Kevin & Cathleen Hylton
Mark & Mary Nielsen
Peggy Stevens
Mary Jo Bench
Steve & Carol Donaldson
Anne Jenkins
Killian Noe
Richard Stoltz
Jeannie & Jim Berwick/Degel
Susan & Michael Dougherty
Darrell Jesse
Randy Novak
Mary Strom
Maralyn & Jack Blume
Dennis Duffell
Victor Paul Johnson
Jeannie O'Brien
Steven Sundborg, SJ
Paula Boos
Jim and Mary Dunnam
Michael Johnston
Lance & Tina O'Brien
Ellen Sweeney Clausen
Mark Bosco, SJ
Jan Dwight
Helen Jolly
Cindy & Mike O'Brien
Matt & Kristine Sweeney
James Brennan
Jean Ederer
Michael Jones
Maria Ochoa
Rosaleen Sweeney
Rebecca Brown
Dick & Linda Ellis
Jennifer Kelly & Gerry Scully
Natch Ohno, SJ
Tim Leary & Erin Swezey
Julia Bucholz
Steve & Liz Ellman
Patrick Kelly, SJ
Yosh & Karen Ohno
Charles H. Swenson
Janet Burns
Peter Ely, SJ
R. Kessler
Jack O'Leary, SJ
John Tardif
Ann Bush
Sigrid Endresen
Margaret Kirmeyer
Patrick O'Leary, SJ
Jim Thomas
Brendan Busse, SJ
Gary Fallon & Leona DeRocco
Anne & Steve Knight
Erin Oliver
Mary Thorne, CSJP
Frank & Dee Buono
Patricia Farmer
Patrick & Carmella Koeplin
Patty Olsen
Jennifer Tilghman-Havens
Peter Byrne, SJ
Patrick Fennessy
Rosemary Krsak
Joe & Carla Orlando
Dan Tobin
Adele Caemmerer
Maggie Finley
Eileen Krueger
John &Mary Pat Osterhaus
Diane Tomhave & Sherman Alexie
Liz Caemmerer
Paul Fitterer, SJ
Ann Kuder
John & Mary Ott
Steve & Tricia Trainer
Angelo & Patti Calfo
Bill Fleming
Rick & Anne Kunkle
Bill Parks & Beth Struckhoff
Patrick Twohy, SJ
Sean & Teddy Callahan
Andrea Fontana
George Kunz
Susanne Patrick
Greg Vance, SJ
Deanne & Phillip Calvert
Kevin Foy
Catherine LaCugna
Susan Payne
Josef Venker, SJ
Lori & Tom Carmody
Erin Friedman
Jean Marie & Rhoady Lee
Jack & Mary Peterson
Nancy Walton-House
Bridget Carney
John Fuchs, SJ
Mike & Mary Lee
Jim & Lanette Peterson
Donna & Joseph Whitford
Joseph Carver, SJ
Joe & Terri Gaffney
Patrick Lee, SJ
Trung Pham. SJ
Tricia Whitman Todd
Frank Case, SJ
Theresa Gallant
Mark & Maureen Lee/Busto
Charles & EleanorPollnow
John Whitney, SJ
Joe & Stacy Cates Carney
Mary Gaudette
Renee Leet
Laurie Quadracci
Pete & Karen Wickstrand
Christie Cave
Chris Gavin
Carla & Don Lewis
Joe Quinn
Mary Lou & Jim Wickwire
Celia Chappelle
Tom and Anne Gehrig
Linda Lopez Liang
Dan &Karen Quinn-Shea
Jay Schwartz & Renee Willette
Colin Charlton
Mary Beth & Richard Gemperle
Tom Lucas, SJ
Jerry &Stephanie Ragland Johnson Steve Wodzanowski
Sam Charters
Therese Ghosn
Rev. Paul Magnano
Steven & Cynthia Reed
Veronica Wood
Cassie Chenn
Helen Goehring
Jim & Sheila Mallahan
John & Maureen Reid
Pastor Patrinell Wright
Megan Choitz
Gary Graf
Timothy Malone
Jim & Laura Rehrman
Ann Wyckoff
Jerry Cobb, SJ
Catherine & Harold Grytting
Don & Melissa Manning
Patricia Repikoff
Sharon Young
Dan & Julie Coleman
Karen Haddon
Dale & Ann Martin
John Michael Reyes
Eugenia Yousoufian
Chuck & Nancy Collins
Cathryn Hagelin
Molly Martinez
Brad Reynolds, SJ
Mike and Linda Zaugg
Kathy Collins
Peg Haggerty
Judith May
David &Elizabeth Richardson
Joe & Mary Anne Zech
Patricia & Ted Collins
Bill Hallerman
Billie Mazzei
Victoria Ries
Fallsapart Productions
Charlie & Charlene Collora
John & Judy Harding
Jim & Judy McAteer
Tom & Jeanie Robinson
Isabelle Collora
Sura Hart
Bob McCaffery Lent
John Rochford & Nick Utzinger
Oregon Province Jesuits
Kevin Conley
Jannette Hartley
Bob & Shannon McCambridge
Al & Lori Roehl
St. Joseph's Parish & Staff
Michael Coussens
Mary Hartrich
Marga McChesney
Dave & Kirsten Rothrock
St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church
Liz Coz
Thomas Hartrich
Kathryn McGarry
Steve & Tessa Rothrock
St Mary’s Church
Dorothy Crean
Jeanne Haster
Mud McHugh
James & Brooke Rufo Hill
Seattle Preparatory School
George & Paula Cruikshank
Walt &Katherine Havens
Mary McKay Vial
Betty Sanders & Bruce Carter
Seattle University
Ann Dahlin
Linda Haydock, SNJM
Cissy McLane
Kathleen Sanders
Sisters of the Holy Names
Lorene Davidson
Sandra Heller
Terry & Kathleen McLaughlin
Daniel & Anne Santee-Stoner
Sisters of Providence
Mickey McGrath
Nonprofit Org.
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What’s Happening at ISC …
Calendar of Events
New Board Members and Staff
ISC Outreach
Thank You ISC Supporters
Upcoming Program Highlights
Young Adult “Ig-Nites”
Please join us for an
Advent Evening of Prayer
Let your imagination transport you into
the Advent and Christmas story
through scripture, storytelling, art, and music
Tues, December 9 | 7 pm | St. Joseph Church
Admission by free will offering.
For more information, contact
Andrea at (206) 329-4824