Friday, November 7 , 2 014 at 1 1:57:07 A M Eastern Standard Time Subject: NAA November Newsle-er Date: Friday, November 7, 2014 at 12:54:57 PM Eastern Standard Time From: To: Newton Art AssociaCon NAA Newsletter November 2014 UPCOMING NAA EVENTS: Wedeman Gallery Show 47 Myrtle Avenue, Auburndale, MA (off of Grove Street) Opening Party: Friday November 14 6:30 - 8:30 pm Closing Party & Sale: Friday December 12th 6:00 - 8:00 pm CALENDAR November 6: Thurs 7:00 pm NAA Board meeting New Art Center 9: Sunday 2:00 - 4:00 Critique at Abelson's 12: Wed 1:00 - 4:00 pm Wedeman Show Drop Off 13: Thurs 7:30 - 9:00 pm NAA Demo - Senior Center Pamela Lawson Monotype Printmaking Demonstration November 13th Pamela Lawson Monotype Printmaking "Spring Noise 2" in header above Come see the dynamic technique of monotype demonstrated on a blank plexiglas plate with a wide variety of painting tools, including rollers and brushes. An etching press will be used to transfer the image to paper. BIO Pam Lawson has been painting images from her surroundings and from her travels since 1980. Her monotypes have been in national and regional exhibits for the last 25 years are included in many corporate and private collections. Pam has taught art and monotype workshops since graduating from Massachusetts College of Art with a BFA. Her work is represented by Powers Page 1 of 9 Monotype Printmaking 14: Friday 6:30 - 8:30 pm Wedeman Show Opening Party December 4: Thurs 7:00 pm NAA Board meeting New Art Center 11: Thurs 7:30 - 9:00 pm NAA Demo - Senior Center Gary Tucker Watercolor 12: Friday 6:00 - 8:00 pm Wedeman Show Closing Party & Sale 13: Sat 10:00 - 11:30 am Wedeman Show Pick Up NEW MEMBERS Bandes, Dean Barrett, Betty Massachusetts College of Art with a BFA. Her work is represented by Powers Gallery in Acton, MA. She is a member of The Monotype Guild of New England & Boston Printmakers. ARTIST STATEMENT A monotype is a "one of a kind print." I use this process because everything about it is dynamic. The painting tools are unlimited; each one has a unique gestural quality. The process is fluid, moving back and forth between applying and removing of color, which adds to the liveliness of the image. The painting must be done quickly, as the inks will start to dry after two to three hours. When the image is complete it will be transferred to paper using an etching press. **** See the Year's Demo Schedule at the bottom of the left column **** Member News 7th Annual NOS Fall Juried Art Fest This year's Juror is Nick Capasso, director of the Fitchburg Art Museum. Mr Capasso previously served as Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs at the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln, MA. Susan Mara Bregman James Ellis Award* Angela Fiori Lynda Goldberg David Hawkins David Kulik Alla Lazebnik Award* Ann Salk Rosenberg Award* Chansky, Bonnie Chapin, Andrea Linda Rosenthal Leann Shamash Anna Starkova Top row: James Ellis, Middle Row: Ann Salk Rosenberg, Bottom Row: Alla Lazebnik Dernburg, Judith Fargo, Margery Mehta, Lori Portman, Elliot Tavan, Steven DEMO SCHEDULE 2014 - 2015 13 November Page 2 of 9 13 November Pamela Lawson Monoprinting w/Press 11 December Gary Tucker Watercolor 8 January Mary McCarthy Artist's Books 12 February Stuart Dunkel Realism in Oil Painting & more 12 March David Andrews David Andrews has three paintings in a themed show "Trees- Branching Out". At Artscape, 43 Bradford Street, 2nd floor, West Concord, MA. From November 1 to November 30. Anne Briggs Watercolor & ink on Yupo 16 April Sarah Kahn Collage 14 May Lisa Knox Drawing Drapery & Folds DEMO's- Every month on the 2nd Thursday from Sept through May, the NAA holds professional artist demonstrations free and open to the public. SMALL WORKS 2014 Arsenal Center for the Arts November 6 - 28, 2014 Carole Slattery, Cindy Cuba Clements, Amy McGregor-Radin and others are in the Small Works Show at the Arsenal Center for the Arts Opening Reception Thursday, November 13th 5:30-7:30 pm at 321 Arsenal Street, Watertown, MA Refreshment from 7pm Demo begins at 7:30 pm Newton Senior Ctr 345 Walnut St, Newtonville, MA Page 3 of 9 Coleman Rogers is in the show "Muse & Medium" now open through November 29. The Brush Art Gallery & Studios, 256 Market Street, Lowell, MA 978.459.7819 Coleman Rogers, local photographic artist, has worked his way back to film photography over the last few years. "I feel a visceral connection with the medium. I like to compose my artwork in the camera, seeing the final image at the moment of capture. All of my images are captured on film, with the Black and White developed in my darkroom. My work in Black and White film allows me to focus on composition, texture, emotion, light and shadow without the distraction of color. I choose Color film carefully; different types of film bring out different values in the final image and I use color to enhance the image beyond the composition," said Rogers. Prudential Center's Huntington Arcade- Winter Garden Kaji Aso Studio's "Legacy: Art as a Way of Life" Twelfth Annual Public Art Exhibition Includes art from Jeanne Gugino and Gary Tucker (above watercolor is by Jeanne Gugino) Page 4 of 9 (above watercolor is by Jeanne Gugino) October 30- November 15, 2014 Free and Open to the Public Opening Reception: Saturday, November 1st from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sonya Colson-Inam Nov. 1 - Nov. 30 2014: "29 Newbury Street - A Solo Exhibit" restaurant and gallery, 29 Newbury Street, Boston, MA. Opening reception, November 16, 3-5 pm. Nov. 7 - Dec. 6, 2014: "Uncommon Finds A two-person show", UnCommon Finds 432 Common St, Belmont, MA 02478. Opening Reception, November 14, 6-8 pm. SOWA First Fridays You are invited to visit Marian Dioguardi's studio 5:00 to 9:00 PM Studio # 223B at 450 Harrison Ave Page 5 of 9 CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the New Member Show! Comments from judge, Jennifer Frankel, Digilabs First Place James C. Varnum, "Coursing", watercolor Coursing: reflects deep and floating tones of rich reds and gold. The masterful use of washes and layering of pigment gives a believable and delicious depth to the surface. The viewer is left the freedom to imagine the context, with shapes both organic and constructed. Second Place Florence Como, "Low Tide", acrylic Low Tide: full immersion in a summer day with fresh breezes, singing grasses, and the faint rhythm of the tide as it laps against the shore. Effective special cues lend to the depth of the space and allow the viewer to drift effortlessly through the whole scene. Third Prize James Ellis, "Untitled 1", Photograph Untitled 1: crisp composition and clean color allow for unhindered inspection of the intimate details of the crumbling façade. Honorable Mention Nancy Levin, Rock Wall, Watercolor Rock Wall: effective textural notes and lighting cues lend to a believable organic surface. The tones are deep without becoming muddy and lead to an almost photo-realistic effect, without becoming oversharpened or forced. Page 6 of 9 NAA Critiques & Salons Critique Myra Abelson is hosting an Art Critique at her home on November 9 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. There are still a couple of spaces available. Contact Myra at if you are interested or have questions. "How Art Changes Your Brain" While this referenced article is a bit dense, the conclusions are interesting and encouraging for all artists. It turns out that producing visual art improves your brain function! They compared one group who produced art and another group who evaluated artwork at a museum. The group producing art showed improvements. For more information see the link below. NAA Directory An updated copy of the Newton Art Association's Directory of Members & NAA Organization Information for the current season is now available. Copies were emailed to all members. If you didn't get a copy, please contact Jack Lifsitz at or 617.969.7562. Page 7 of 9 Save the date! NAA Bonnar Show at the New Art Center February 27 thru March 15, 2015 Opening Reception: February 27th, 6:00-8:30 pm (Space available for 3D work.) NAA Leadership Roles The Newton Art Association is an organization of around 200 art enthusiasts and artists. We are run by a cooperative board of volunteers who take on roles in the NAA. THANK YOU to the following Board Members for their dedicated work. * President - Jeanne Gugino, * First Vice President - James Varnum, * Treasurer - Richard James, * Program Chair (Demos) - Jeanne Gugino, * Membership - Jack Lifsitz, * Recording Secretary - Toby Reed, * Communications - Vartus Varadian, Newsletter - Linda Rinearson, * Special Projects - Linda Rinearson, * Exhibit - Each exhibit is run by a different team of volunteers. Carole Slattery, - Avery Crossings Bev Droz, - Keyes Pharmacy Window Arlene Bandes, Nancy DuVergne-Smith - Diana Kazmaier Gene Mackles - * Salons & Critiques - Myra Abelson, * Corresponding Secretary/Historian Jessica Mosher, * Hospitality - Vartus Varadian (demos), * Legal - Robert Gaynor, * Board Members Emeritus Arlene Hecht Joan Pollard John Vaccaro Page 8 of 9 Please note: we are always looking for volunteers who would like to take on a task and learn more about art in Newton. Next Month's Demonstration December Demonstration Gary Tucker Demonstrating Watercolors Every month on the second Thursday from September through May, the NAA holds professional artist demonstrations free and open to the public. Refreshment from 7:00 PM Demo begins at 7:30 PM Newton Senior Center 345 Walnut Street, Newtonville Contacts Newsletter Editor: Linda Rinearson Thank you for sending us your news! Questions or comments on the Newsletter? Or provide information to be include in our "Member News" for the next NAA Newsletter? Please e-mail Linda Rinearson at or call 617-332-3780 Forward this email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Newton Art Association | | Newton | MA | 02459 THIS IS A TEST EMAIL ONLY. This email was sent by the author for the sole purpose of testing a draft message. If you believe you have received the message in error, please contact the author by replying to this message. Constant Contact takes reports of abuse very seriously. If you wish to report abuse, please forward this message to Page 9 of 9
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