Sacred Heart Church Franciscan Friars 311 River Street Waltham, MA. 02453 Friar Dennis J. Wheatley O.F.M., Pastor Friar Octavio Salinas, O.F.M., Parochial Vicar Friar Damian J. Johnson, O.F.M., Pastoral Assistant “The Franciscan Friars warmly welcome all who join us in worship. Whether you are new to the parish or just visiting the area, please introduce yourself to us.” MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday: 7:30 & 10:00AM, 6:00PM PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND Daily: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30AM Tuesday and Thursday 7:00PM Pastoral care to those who are ill or homebound may be arranged by contacting the parish office. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION PARISH STAFF Parish Secretary, Nannette Dube Director of Faith Formation, Bernadette Scalese Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Laura Peterson Coordinator of Children's Choir, Buddy Bergeron Coordinator Of Adult Choir, Lisa Custodinho PARISH AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-3:00PM Closed on Fridays CONTACT US Parish Office Phone: (781) 899-0469 Fax (781) 899-0081 Parish E-Mail: Parish Web Site: Religious Education/Youth Ministry Office Phone: (781) 893-8461 Fax: (781) 893-6276 Religious Education: LIFE TEEN: PARISH COMMITTEES AND ORGANIZATIONS Parish Council and Finance Council Knights of Columbus St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council #14091 E-Mail: Third Order of Mary Third Sunday of the month, October-May in the Blessed Mother Chapel. 311 Club Monthly Drawings: Third Thursdays at 7:30PM Saturdays 3:00-3:30PM or by appointment BAPTISMS Baptisms take place on the Second Sunday of the month. Parents are required to attend baptism preparation class prior to the baptism. Please make arrangements at least two months in advance MARRIAGE Couples planning marriage are asked to contact the parish office and meet with the priest one year prior to the intended wedding and to attend the required marriage preparation program. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing process. Those interested in exploring the Catholic faith through the RCIA should contact the religious education office. DEVOTIONS Saint Anthony Devotion takes place on Tuesday evenings immediately following the 7:00PM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration takes place on First Fridays from 8:00AM-12:00 Noon from October-May NEW PARISHIONERS If you are a newcomer to the parish we welcome you and invite you to introduce yourself to the Friars. To register please contact the parish office. Deadline for bulletin announcements is Tuesday at noon. SACRED HEART, WALTHAM, MA DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 To those who sold doves he said, "Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace." His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for your house will consume me. - MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 7:30AM 10:00AM Monday, 7:30AM Tuesday, 7:00PM Wednesday, 7:30AM Thursday, 7:00PM Friday, 7:30AM Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 7:30AM 10:00AM November 8 Paul & Hubert Boyer, Birthday Memorial, requested by the Boyer Family November 9 For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church Liliane Barba, 4th Anniversary Memorial, requested by her husband, children & grandchildren November 10 In Honor of the Sacred Heart, requested by Rosina Spallieri November 11 The Dominijanni Family, requested by family November 12 Angelo & Rose Marzano, Anniversary Memorial, requested by the family November 13 Pastor’s Intention November 14 Salvatore & Josephine Falzone, requested by the family November 15 Carmelo Frenna, 6th Anniversary Memorial, requested by his wife & family November 16 For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church Mary Di Masi, Anniversary Memorial, requested by Grace Savoy, Theresa Duane & Annmarie O’Rouke MEMORIALS The Altar Bread for the week is an Anniversary Memorial for Mary Zazzera, requested by Franca Giardina PRAYER CORNER Our prayer corner gives an opportunity to place those in need of prayer at the center of our hearts, minds and prayers. It is also an opportunity for those in need of spiritual uplifting, healing and comfort to seek prayers of the community. If you would like to submit a name for the prayer corner, e-mail us at Before placing the name of others on the list, please seek the approval of the person, or the family of the person whose name you are submitting. Please Pray For… Robert Byrd, John & Margaret, Marie Woodside, Peter Donovan, Joanne Evans, Taylor C, Joe Downs, Margaret, Nicole MacDonald, Josephine Forte, Richard Murphy, Jr., Victor Palazzo, James Gray, Lillian Sagan, Regina Sagan, Eileen Palumbo, Jean McLane, Linda Roy, Jim M, Christopher Whalen, Lara Reynolds, Madeline Albanese, Rose Scafidi, Roseann Trolan, Dennis Harnedy, Gloria Van Buskirk, Nick Palumbo, Cora Jean Williams, Ruth Varley, William J. Cleary, Lydia Melong, Charles Linehan, Fintan Stanley, Karin Conti, Evelyn Guelli, Connie Sammartano, Todd Lawrence, Andy O'Brien, Silas Huffman, Michael Weekley, Kevin McNamara, M.L. O’Brien, Nicole Corrigan, Tom R., Carole Knox, Sally Mae, Jessica, Alice B., Joseph Lee, Douglas Lee, Donna Casey, Robert Rizzo, Nancy Malone, Paul Perry, Rose Ballo, Ruth Mulligan, Mark Elliott and all men and women deployed around the world in military service, and all people confined to their homes because of illness or age and all who are ill or undergoing medical treatment. Please keep in your prayers all the families grieving the loss of a loved one. Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 The Blessed Mother Flowers for the week are an Anniversary Memorial for Mary DiMasi, requested by Grace Savoy, Theresa Duane & Annmarie O’Rouke The Stained Glass Window will be lit for the week in Loving Memory of Louis & Rose Giardina, requested by their daughter, Jeanne The St. Francis Flowers for the week are a 4th Anniversary Memorial for Robert P. Mizzoni requested by his mother & family Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure The Collection last week was: $4454.00 The Second Collection this weekend for the Campaign for DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA PARISH NEWS, Continued Increased Offertory Initiative Today’s Readings As today is the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, each of the readings related in some way to churches – the buildings in which we worship. The Lateran Basilica is the official Church of Rome and the Pope, not St. Peter with which we tend to associate the Vatican. The first reading from Ezekiel speaks of the temple and the holy living waters which flow from it. Ezekiel 47 reminds us that what occurs inside the church building is incredibly important, the Eucharist, called in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the “source and summit of Christian life.” Churches and holy water are a principal part of our Catholic faith. We enter the church through baptism and as we enter our Catholic churches, we find holy water to remind us of that Baptism and to prompt us to remember that we are in a holy place, a place where we gather as a community, united as the Body of Christ. We are the stewards of this church, this holy place where we can disregard the burdens of the world and join together to receive the life giving waters of the Word and the Eucharist. Yes, we are the church, but there is more to it than that. As Paul wrote to the Ephesians: “In him you are also being built together into a dwelling place for God.” - VETERANS DAY Tuesday, November 11th is Veteran’s Day, a time for us to honor all those who have served our nation in the armed forces. We ask you to join with us in praying for our veterans whose memories, stories, and tears are a reminder that our freedom was purchased at high cost and should never be taken for granted. We remember those who have returned from tours of duty with physical and emotional scars reflect the stark realities of war. We hold in our prayers all those who made the supreme sacrifice, giving their very lives so that we might enjoy the blessings of life, liberty, and justice for all. Please join us for evening Mass on Veteran’s Day, Tuesday, November 11th at 7:00 PM. CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE Each fall, in preparation for Christmas, the Parishioners of Sacred Heart have been most generous in helping us provide holiday gift assistance to families experiencing financial hardship. Applications for our “Giving Tree” were sent home to families of our parish RE program so that they might submit requests for their family if they are in need. Additional applications may be found in the church for those members of our community who might be in need of help or may know someone who is in need. We hope to have applications returned on or before Thursday, November 20th so that tags can be available on the Giving Tree on the weekend of November 22nd and 23rd as many enjoy shopping on Thanksgiving Weekend. Please note that Giving Tree requests are for children ages infant/ toddler to age 12 years ONLY and only one registration form per family should be submitted. PARISH NEWS, Continued FALL MEAT RAFFLE Our Fall Meat Raffle is coming up soon! This annual event is much more than a fundraiser, it’s a fun-filled social gathering hosted by the Friars and Paul Brasco and the Brasco Family. Admission is free as are the food and snacks featuring hot dogs, munchies, desserts and coffee (soda and water will be available at a nominal cost). It all takes place Friday, November 21st with doors opening at 6:00PM and ticket sales beginning at 7:00PM. Each round will include a bag of choice cuts of meat and poultry, and additional drawings will include fresh turkeys, scratch tickets and much more! Come one come all, contact us if you wish to bring a group of ten and we’ll reserve a table. FOXWOODS CASINO OUTING This will be the final weekend to sign-up for the Foxwoods Resort Casino outing. The bus will depart from Sacred Heart Parking lot next Saturday morning November 15th at 8:30 AM sharp and arrive at Foxwoods by 10:30AM (approx). The casino package includes the full course Festival Buffet (Breakfast or lunch) or a $10 Food Voucher as well as a $15 Bonus Slot Play! At the end of our exciting day the bus will depart the casino at 4:30PM sharp and will return to Sacred Heart Church at approximately 6:30PM. The cost of this trip is $24 per person. Checks may be made payable to Sacred Heart Church and reservations will not be accepted without payment. For additional information call (781) 893-0461. COORDINATOR OF USHERS NEEDED AT 10:00 MASS We are in need of a volunteer coordinator of ushers and greeters for the 10:00AM Sunday Mass. For many years this position was handled well by Mary Bonney, a dear parishioner who passed away last year. We are seeking a dedicated individual to continue the wonderful job that Mary did for so many years. Responsibilities involved for this ministry are; arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass, call upon the ushers and additional parishioners to assist with the offertory collection and assist them in that capacity. Additionally we would ask that the coordinator assist us in recruiting additional ushers and greeters for that Mass to insure that the offertory collections are taken courteously and efficiently throughout the year. For additional information please contact Bernadette Scalese at 781-893-8461 or e-mail us at BAPTISM PREPARATION Baptism preparation class for the month of November will take place on Thursday, November 20th. The class will take place a week earlier than usual due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Those baptizing their child at Sacred Heart Church are required to attend the baptism class prior to their child’s baptism. We welcome expectant parents and encourage them to attend preparation before choosing their child’s godparent. Knowing the responsibilities of a godparent (sponsor) will better prepare you for making this important choice for your child and his/her faith life. To arrange for the baptism of your child, please contact the Parish Office 781899-0469 Monday-Thursday from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Baptism Classes are held in the Religious Education Center adjacent to the Parish Office building. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 PARISH NEWS, Continued PARISH NEWS, Continued DON’T MISS OUT ON IMPORTANT PARISH NEWS AND EVENTS! "Is any man sick among you? Let him bring in the p" riests"of the church, and let them pray over him."– James 5:14 On the weekend of November 22nd and 23rd the Friars will administer the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. Father Octavio and Father Dennis will administer the Sacrament following the 4:00PM Mass on Saturday and following the 10:00AM Mass on Sunday. The Sacrament of the Sick is administered to those who are gravely ill, to those about to undergo a serious operation and for those undergoing treatment for the recovery of their health and for spiritual strength appropriate not only for physical but also for mental and spiritual sickness. Anointing of the Sick is administered by a priest to any person who has reached the age of reason and whose health is in jeopardy due to grave illness. This rite is one way in which the Church continues the healing ministry of Jesus. The healing offered by this anointing is forgiveness of sins, hope and inner peace, sometimes physical healing, and an assurance of God's steadfast care, even in death. If you, or a loved one desire the healing touch of Christ, we encourage you to partake of the sacrament of the sick. For those who need assistance, please utilize the handicapped parking and handicapped entrance on Grove Street. To keep abreast of all that takes place at Sacred Heart and especially with regard to religious education please sign-up for Constant Contact. To register to receive our parish e-mail newsletters log on to our web site Scroll down to “Join our e-mail list” and enter your email then click “go”. Once registered, you’ll receive occasional updates on parish events and activities. Important note: Constant Contact is our primary source of communication for our Faith Formation Programs, those current subscribers who choose to “unsubscribe” will no longer receive pertinent information regarding parish or religious education events. FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Please remember that many in our local communities continue to struggle with hunger. When doing your weekly grocery shopping please consider adding an item or two each week to help keep our pantry shelves stocked. Most needed items; Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam, canned tuna or chicken, canned meats such as ham or spam, tomato sauce, pasta, rice mixes, instant potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, Fruit Juices, non-perishable milk products. Thank you for your consideration. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT VOLUNTEER(S) NEEDED We are seeking one or several volunteers for a relatively simple task, to “adopt a pump”. Our religious education building contains 6 large pumps which keep our rooms dry. They are relatively easy to maintain but they do require an occasional check to keep a balanced water level in the battery. We are seeking one or more volunteer who could take on the task of overseeing the pumps every other month or so and refilling the battery with water when necessary. John Carter, a parish volunteer who manages the systems in the church will be more than pleased to have a volunteer or two for the RE room pumps and will walk the volunteer through the process of checking and filling the battery. This is the perfect volunteer opportunity for busy parishioners or Religious Education parents who can’t commit much time but would like to help their church. For additional information contact Bernadette at 781-893-8461. Eucharistic Adoration had resumed and will take place on the First Friday of each month from 8:00AM-12:00 Noon. The Third Order of Mary will also hold Adoration on the Third Sunday of the month from 2:30PM to 4:00PM “MAKE LIFE A LITTLE EASIER AND GO PAPERLESS WITH ONLINE GIVING!” WeShare, an easy and convenient way to save time, go green and support your church. Donating is simple, safe, and completely secure with WeShare online giving hosted by our bulletin provider LPI. With WeShare, you can set up a recurring weekly or monthly transaction or donate a “one time gift” on any given day using your checking, savings, or credit card account. You can decide how much to give to any collection and make changes any time, day or night. If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, please visit https:// If you have any questions or concerns about the program or would like help setting up your account, please call our parish office at 781-899-0469. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 PARISH NEWS, Continued BOOKING MASSES AND MEMORIALS 2015 The Mass book for 2015 is now open. If you would like to remember a deceased loved one or friend by dedicating a Mass in their memory you may do so by stopping into the Parish Office during regularly scheduled office hours Monday-Thursday from 9:00AM-3:00PM. In addition to booking Masses to honor and remember your loved, Memorials such as; Bread and Wine, Window illumination, Sacred Heart Light, Bells etc. are available. Please contact the Parish Office at 781-899-0469 or in person, Monday-Thursday from 9:00AM-3:00PM SOCIETY OF ST. CLARE ST. CLARE MEETINGS The Society of Saint Clare, the women’s group of Sacred Heart Parish meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM. Drawing on the virtues of Saint Clare of Assisi the mission of the group is to share faith and prayer among the community, offer service and charity to those in need, and to share in the mission of the church. The members of the Society of St. Clare are a fun loving and sociable group of woman with a common love of Christ and desire to serve their church. Meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of each month, from September through June. The Saint Clare meetings are informal gatherings that include friendly conversation and light refreshments while planning upcoming events and enjoying opportunities to pray and grow in faith. All women are welcome to attend and bring a friend. For more info, you are welcome to contact Patrice McGregor at 781-373-1371 or FAITH FORMATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS EDGE RETREAT The EDGE Middle School Ministry will hold their yearly retreat for students in grades 6-8 on Sunday, November 23rd from 2:00PM to 7:00PM. The students enjoy a lively afternoon of games, activities, prayer and discussion. All students in the EDGE program will be part of this faith filled afternoon retreat which will conclude with the Mass. Parents are asked to meet their students for the liturgy at 6:00PM . COFFEE SOCIAL SUNDAYS Once each month the Faith Formation Program sponsors a Coffee and Doughnut Social as a way of welcoming the community to share in coffee, conversation and fellowship. Please join us on Sunday mornings after the 10AM Mass on the following dates; November 9th and December 7th. MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY Our first EDGE Youth Group Night for students in grades 6-8 will be held on Thursday, November 6th from 7:00PM-8:00PM. Come have some fun, share your faith and enjoy some snacks in the ROC Room (where the teens usually meet)! For more information e-mail us at YOUTH GROUP SCHEDULE KNIGHTLY NEWS CHRISTMAS WREATHS The St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council is once again this year taking pre-orders for Christmas Wreaths with a Red Ribbon. The wreaths can be ordered by completing a pre-order sales form and leaving it with the Knights at any Mass or by placing it in an envelope in the collection basket or mailing it to Knights of Columbus Wreaths, 311 River St, Waltham, MA 02453. All orders must be received by November 19th. 50% of the proceeds from the wreath sales go to Sacred Heart Parish and 50% go to the Knights of Columbus charities. FAITH FORMATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS FOURTH GRADE LITURGY The Sacred Heart Church Youth Group schedule for the fall and winter will be Wednesday evenings from 7:00PM-8:15PM. All high school aged teens are invited to attend this lively hour of faith sharing with friends that includes games or activities, snacks and inspirational music/videos. Find Sacred Heart Youth Group on Facebook and send a friend request. Parents of teens are welcomed to join the Sacred Heart Parents Facebook page where they can find information on upcoming parish events. For additional information contact Laura Peterson, Director of Youth Ministry at or call 781-893-8461. SESSION MONITORS NEEDED The Religious Education Program is in need of volunteers to serve as “Session Monitors” at each of the three Sunday Faith Formation Sessions at 8:30AM, 10:45AM and 4:30PM. The role of a Session Monitor(s) would be to check in with each class insuring that the students are supervised if a catechist is running late. The Session Monitor would also respond to any urgent needs during class time, if a child becomes ill, or if a catechist is in need of assistance while gathering supplies or making copies. During class time the Session Monitor is welcome to sit and enjoy some down time in our parent waiting room, enjoy some coffee and take advantage of our free WIFI! This is a perfect role for anyone who can’t commit to teach a class but would like to lend a hand with out Faith Formation Program. Please consider helping in this most needed position. Those interested should contact Bernadette Scalese at 891-893-8461. NOVEMBER 9, 2014 COMMUNITY NEWS, Continued COMMUNITY NEWS AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE JOHN ALLEN PRESENTATION AT SAINT JOHN’S SEMINARY Please join us at Saint John's Seminary's Our Lady of the Presentation Lecture Hall (680 Washington St, Oak Square, Brighton) on Monday, November 17 at 7:00pm for a lecture by John L. Allen, Jr.. Allen is a senior Vatican analyst for CNN, a journalist, author, and an associate Globe editor. He will join us to speak about his insider experiences with Pope Francis and "All Things Catholic". Free and open to the public. No RSVP required, but seating may be limited. Free, ample parking is available a few doors further up the hill from the OLP Lecture Hall, adjacent to 704 Washington Street. Please email for more information or with questions. SUNDAY MORNING PRAYER St. Mary Parish in Waltham invites you to join us for Sunday Morning Prayer. Christians throughout the world begin every day praising God for life and blessings. We invite you to join us on Sundays for this brief communal prayer of Psalms, Readings and Hymns. It takes about 15 minutes. You don’t need to bring anything. You don’t have to be familiar with the format. You don’t have to be Catholic. The Morning Prayer begins at 7:30 a.m. in Saint Mary's church on School Street. Please know that you are welcome and that people are praying for you at this time. If you need more information please contact us at 781-891-1730 or IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY COURSE The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Every Day Life (the 19th Annotation Retreat) is available for Catholic Adults in a group setting. The Spiritual Exercises extend over the course of twenty-four weeks. This year the exercises begin on Wednesday November 19, 2014 and conclude April 22, 2015. The group will meet weekly from 7pm to 9pm at Mount Alvernia High School, 790 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02458. Father John Sassani and Mary Ann McLaughlin will direct the Spiritual Exercises. For further information please call 617-779-3640 or email ALL SOULS MEMORIAL CONCERT AT SAINT JOHN SEMINARY Saint John Seminary will host their annual All Souls Memorial Concert next Saturday, November 15th at 7:00PM in the Main Chapel of Saint John’s Seminary 127 Lake Street, Brighton MA.The program will feature special guest and soloist Most Rev. John A. Dooher, Auxiliary Bishop. Program includes the Neighborhood Children's Theater Chorus, the Quincy Sacred Heart Parish Choir, the Haitian Children's Choir from Immaculate Conception in Everett, singer/songwriter Jaymie Stuart Wolfe, the St. Peter's Lithuanian Parish Ensemble, and more. LESSONS AND CAROLS CHRISTMAS CONCERT Saint John’s Seminary will once again host their annual can't-miss Christmas event of the season, featuring the Saint John's Seminary Schola (led by Music Director Dr. Janet Hunt, FAGO) and special guests. Sunday will be a repeat performance for those who can't make it on Saturday! The event will take place in the Seminary Main Chapel, 127 Lake Street, Brighton MA. on Saturday December 6th at 7:30PM and on Sunday December 7th at 3:00PM. Mark your calendars for this very special concert. AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEEPEN YOUR FAITH Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is an encounter with Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to deepen your own faith and strengthen your ability to be witnesses of Christ in the world. The dates for the weekend are: Men’s Cursillo Weekend December 4-7, 2014 The weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon and are held at the Campion Center in Weston MA. For information and registration, please check the Boston Cursillo Website: or call the Office of Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 or email us at ARLINGTON CATHOLIC High School HSPT Prep Course will be offered once again this fall to current 8th graders preparing for the High School Placement Test! Students will receive 4 90-minute tutoring sessions from our experienced staff. The class will run on Saturdays from 8:30-10am on the following date: November 8. All materials will be supplied by AC, and students will have their choice of taking either the November 15th HSPT or the December 13th HSPT as part of their course fee. The fee for the course is $100, which includes the registration fee for the High School Placement Test. Payment can be made online, or by check made payable to Arlington Catholic. Families can register online, or can download the application and return by mail or in person to the AC Admissions Office. For further questions, contact Steve Barrett, Director of Admissions, at (781) 777-7014 or by email at IN-HOME ELDER CARE Marie McAvoy, a local resident and registered nurse, currently has openings for private in-home elder care. If you have a loved one, living with you or living alone who would benefit by Marie’s expertise in geriatric care and companionship please contact SACRED HEART PARISH CALENDAR NOVEMBER 9th 15th 16th 17th 20th 21th 23rd 29th 30th RE Classes Grades Pre-k-5 and the EDGE Foxwoods trip. Bus leaves at 8:30AM sharp RE Classes Grades Pre-k-5 and ROC (9 & 10) K of C General Council Meeting 311 Club Drawing Meat Raffle, doors open at 6PM RE Classes Grades Pre-k-5 EDGE Retreat 2:00PM-7:00PM Parish Hall Wreath Pick-up After 4PM Mass No RE Classes-Thanksgiving weekend Wreath Pick-Up after all Masses
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