Quantitative Reasoning for Business 1 Curriculum Registration for August 2014 The Workshop consists of six periods. Each period will be 40 minutes long. Participants should register using the programme’s online form at http://form.jotformpro.com/form/41841905085961. Registration for the Workshop is from 9 July 2014 to 8 August 2014. It is not possible to register by post, fax or in person. This workshop is designed to equip individuals with practical mathematical and statistical skills for the business environment. Block 2: Interest Topics: Time value of money, annuities, simple and compound interest, amortisation tables. The course will include practical and hands-on applications using computer tools such as Excel. Block 3: Business Maths Topics: Profit, revenue, cost, fixed cost, break-even point. Date: 12 August 2014 Duration: 1 Day Time: 08:30 Venue: Hazelwood campus of Unisa, Club One building, c/o Pinaster Street and Brooklyn Road (entrance in Pinaster Street), Hazelwood, Pretoria Block 4: Pictures of Data Topics: Collection, presentation and description of business data, histograms, pie charts etc. About the workshop Every transaction or business decision requires the application of basic numerical and/or statistical skills. This makes the ability to reason quantitatively or mathematically indispensable in the business environment. In the workshop you will learn the basic mathematical and statistical skills that you will need for everyday planning and reasoning. These skills are an advantage in any work situation and often a requirement for career opportunities. Who would benefit from attending the workshop? Individuals employed in positions where quantitative reasoning about business decisions is required or understanding of such decisions is helpful. Admission requirements Participants are expected to bring a laptop with Excel (Spreadsheet software) installed. Participants are also required to have a basic knowledge of Excel. Block 1: Basic Maths Topics: Fractions, decimals, percentages. Percent increase and decrease, basic algebra. Tuition fees The cost of the workshop is R3 100. The total payment is required by no later than 8 August 2014, before registration will be finalised. This payment is nonrefundable. Participants should make the payment in the way prescribed by the registration form. Email your proof of payment to nums@unisa.ac.za and use the code QRB1X followed by your initials and surname as the subject for the email. Accreditation Block 5: Basic Statistics Topics: The three M’s and what they’re for: mean, median, mode. Measures of spread and what they mean: standard deviation, variance. Block 6: Rational thinking Topics: Standard errors, systematic thinking. Study material All the presentations will be made available electronically, including Excel tips and methods. The University of South Africa operates in accordance with the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997, as amended, and was granted authority by the Council for Higher Education to accredit its own short-learning programme qualifications, including this one (qualification code 76824). Contact The workshop Quantitative Reasoning for Business 1 is offered by Unisa's Centre for Decision Sciences. If you have any questions, please e-mail the Centre for Decision Sciences on nums@unisa.ac.za or phone us on 012 433 4703 or visit our website: http://www.unisa.ac.za/Default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent& ContentID=22092
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