2622 ICDE DL Brochure new2

More about Sun City
More about Unisa
Join us for this global dialogue at one of
South Africa’s most acclaimed tourist
destinations, the world-renowned Sun City,
situated in the heartland of the African bushveld.
The University of South Africa, the only
higher education institution to carry the
name of the country, is the people’s university
in every sense of the word. Throughout
its history, spanning more than 140 years,
Unisa’s journey has been one of continuous
growth and transformation, aimed at shaping
futures through education.
Situated in the North West Province of South Africa,
about two hours’ drive from OR Tambo International
Airport, Sun City offers both sophisticated amenities
and an authentic African experience, which includes
game drives in the Pilanesberg National Game Park,
home to Africa’s Big Five.
For more information on Sun City,
visit www.suninternational.com
The 26th ICDE
World Conference
proudly hosted by the
University of South Africa (Unisa)
Today Unisa is widely recognised as a leading open
distance education university. With approximately
400 000 students, it is the largest university in
South Africa and on the African continent, and one
of the world’s mega-universities.
Pre-conference workshops:
13 October 2015
As a comprehensive university, Unisa offers
both vocational and academic programmes,
from the level of short courses, and under- and
postgraduate certificates and diplomas to degrees,
including master’s and doctoral qualifications.
“Growing capacities for sustainable distance
e-learning provision”
14-16 October 2015
Sun City, South Africa
Located at the southern tip of Africa, Unisa takes
pride in its identity and has the interests of the
continent at heart.
For more information on Unisa,
visit www.unisa.ac.za
of south africa
Learn without limits.
of south africa
The 26th ICDE World Conference is a
partnership between the ICDE and Unisa.
The conference – the first of its kind in Africa –
will draw experts, academics and practitioners
from around the world. It will provide a
platform for our highly regarded keynote
speakers, including Tressie McMillan Cottom,
Audrey Watters, Laura Czerniewicz, Joyce
Seitzinger, Aziza Ellozy, Mandla Makhanya,
Wayne Mackintosh and Harold Jarche,
to share their diverse views and innovative
approaches to teaching and learning in an
ODL environment.
At this time in global higher education, the
conference will address the sustainability, character
and nature of ODL practice in the 21st Century
within the context of increasing demands for access,
decreasing state resources and growing concern
about the quality of provision.
The conference theme addresses the sustainability
character and nature of the ODL philosophy of
access, flexibility and student-centredness.
One of the key objectives of the ICDE is to promote
the importance of open, distance, flexible and online
education, including e-learning in educational policy.
This will be achieved through some of the issues
that will be addressed in the sub-themes.
Growing capacities for sustainable distance
e-learning provision
• ODeL policy, governance and sustainability
• Changing contexts
• Quality
• Curriculum development, pedagogy and
• Student success, retention and support
• Research and the scholarship of teaching
and learning
• Affordances and acceptance of established
and emerging technologies
• Professional development and
learning/growing capacity
Proposals are invited for three types
of presentations:
• Papers
• Pecha Kucha presentations
• Poster presentations
Important dates:
• 29 May 2015: Final date to submit papers
• 30 June 2015: Confirmation of acceptance
• 31 July 2015: Early bird registrations close
• 1 September 2015: Standard registrations close
• 7 September 2015: Final date for payments