Collegiate Outlook November SAT/ACT Information: **THESE ARE THE LAST TESTS THE CSU

Collegiate Outlook November
Highlighted items are new for this update
SAT/ACT Information:
SAT Registration Deadlines:
Test Date
Dec. 6
Nov. 6
Apply online at
Nov. 21 or 24th
ACT Registration Deadlines:
Test Date
Dec. 13
Nov. 7
Apply online at
Nov. 8 – 21st
*If you are on free or reduced lunch come in and see Mrs. Hildebrandt for a fee waiver
for the SAT and/or ACT test.
If you know 100% that you will NOT apply to a UC campus, I encourage you to take the
ACT only without the writing component. If you do plan to apply to a UC campus, take
the SAT Reasoning, and the ACT with the writing component. SAT Subject Tests are no
longer required for the UC’s; however, certain majors might recommend you take a
specific subject test. If math is recommended you must take Math Level IIC. The
colleges will consider the highest score from the SAT/ACT for admission purposes.
If you want your SAT scores sent to all CSU campuses, you can use the CSU Mentor
code and it will go to all 23 campuses (it only counts as ONE of the four you get to send
free). The code is 3594 or pick it on the dropdown menu--CSU Mentor, Long Beach. If
you want your SAT scores sent to all UC’s all you have to do enter one UC and it will be
sent to ALL of them.
College applications:
The California State University (CSU) campuses will be
accepting application submissions October 1st through
November 30th. Apply at
The University of California (UC) campuses will only accept applications November 1st
through 30th (NO EXCEPTIONS). Apply at
Top Five Reminders for Freshman UC Applicants:
1. Send official ACT, SAT and TOEFL scores to just one UC campus: UC will share
them with all campuses to which you applied.
2. December Examination Dates are acceptable even though the application is due
by November 30th. Indicate your Dec. 2014 planned test date(s) on the
admission application; be sure to request that the official scores be sent to one
UC campus.3. Do not send transcripts/academic records; UC will request them if
they are needed during the review process.
3. Do not send letters of recommendation; UC does not require them or read them
unless requested.
4. After submitting your application, you can log in to your application to review
and, if necessary, change your telephone number, e-mail, mailing address or
report new SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or International Exam Scores. Minor changes to
your activities, awards, volunteer work, employment or personal statement are
unlikely to have an impact on your admission decision. However, if you have
significant updates in any of these areas, you may notify the UC Application
Center at
Properly using the “Additional Comments” sections on the UC Application:
The purpose of the additional comments box is not to write an additional personal
statement but rather to explain anything that may be unclear in other parts of the
application. For example, students can use the additional comments sections to explain
course taking or grades earned patterns, a circumstance that prevented the student
from doing something they wanted to do such as take more rigorous courses, or a
prolonged illness. Students can also use this area to tell UC about a learning difference
or other issues related to their academic ability.
There are two additional comments areas in the application. One immediately follows
the “Academic History” section, which should be used to explain courses and grades or
other academic information. The second comment area immediately follows the
“Personal Statement” section.
While admissions staff will read whatever the student writes, it is not helpful to readers
if the student does not add information of value. The specific instructions are:
Following Academic History:
Additional Comments (optional) – max. 550 characters
Tell us anything else you want us to know about your academic record that you
have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in this section.
Following Personal Statement:
Additional Comments (optional)
If you wish, you may use this space to tell us anything else you want us to know
about you that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in the
MJC Application Workshops:
Sign up in the Career Center to attend one of these workshops. You must get prior
approval from the teacher whose class you will be missing. Make note of the date and
time, there will be no reminders. These workshops are in room B206. You must have
your social security number with you – you cannot apply without it! If you are a
Dreamer – you will be given a number at the workshop to use in place of the social
security number. Space is limited so sign up early
November 18th 1st – 2nd periods
November 18th 3rd – 4th periods
November 25th 1st – 2nd periods
November 25th 3rd – 4th periods
November 25th 6th – 7th periods
The Common Application: Go to
Once you have completed the common application you will need to go on Naviance for
additional data. Remember when signing the FERPA it’s highly recommended that you
waive your rights to see letters of recommendations and any other material the
counselor or teacher might supply.
If you are planning to play sports at a Division I or Division II college, please register
with the NCAA clearinghouse at You must meet class and
test requirements required by the NCAA to play at the Division I and II level. Register
Hispanic Serving Institutions: If you are interested in applying to one of over 200
colleges or universities that participate in the Hispanic Association of Colleges and
Universities go to,5&SE
ARCH_TYPE=0 for a list and links to the colleges.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Apply to 37 HBCU with one application and
only one $35 application fee! Go to for more information
and to apply. It is recommended that applications are submitted
College Representatives visiting Johansen High:
If you are interested in visiting with one or more of these representatives, sign up in
the Career Center today. Please get permission (before signing up) from the teacher
whose class you’ll be missing. Please make sure to write down the time and date of
presentation because there will not be any reminders. Presentations will be as follows:
November 19th – The Kings University – 6th period
Area College Visits/Preview Day:
Occidental College Fall Preview Day November 7. Friday
November 7th, Oxy will host interested students and parents.
Take a campus tour, sit in on a class, learn about academic
offerings and talk with admission and financial aid
representatives. For more information or to register got to
UOP Preview Day November 15, 2014, 9am – 3:30pm. University of the Pacific
invites high school students and their families to discover the world of UOP. Tour the
campus, talk with current students and faculty, learn about admissions decisions,
scholarships and financial aid. For more information or to register go to:
Virginia Military Institute Open House - VMI invites current seniors and juniors with their
families to attend an open house to speak with faculty, ROTC staff and cadets to give
you information to make an educated decision regarding your college choice. Dates are
November 14-15, 2014; February 6-7, 2015; February 20-21, 2015; March 67, 2015. If you are interested you must register at
College Visits: You have three school days that are approved
for college visits. You must see Ms. Coover (principal’s
secretary) at least two weeks prior to taking the trip. She will
need a note from a parent stating the purpose of your trip. In
order to get a true picture of the college you must call the
college in advance to set up a tour, sit in on a class, talk to the
students, speak to the department chairperson in charge of
your major (if possible), preview the dorms, and eat the food.
Remember this will be the place you spend the next four years of your life so you want
to know all about it!
Letters of Recommendation - many of you will be asking your teachers and/or
counselor for a letter of recommendation if you are applying to a private university or for
scholarship applications. Please keep the following in mind before asking for this letter:
Pick up a Letter of Recommendation information sheet in the Career Center, allow the
teacher/counselor/employer at least two weeks to write the letter. The more
complete the information sheet, the better quality recommendation you will receive.
Good Tidings Community Service Scholarship – 20 $5,000 scholarships will be awarded to seniors who
recognize the benefits of serving their community.
Scholarships are awarded based on greatest service a0nd
financial need. Pick up an application in the scholarship
box in front of Mrs. H’s office in the career center.
Postmark Deadline: November 10, 2014
Boston University Trustee Scholarship Competition – if you are
planning to apply to BU, the trustee scholarship is a four-year,
full tuition scholarship to BU. See Mrs. H ASAP if you are
Soroptimist Violet Richarson Award – recognizes young women
leaders who make the community and world a better place to
live through volunteer efforts. The Soroptimist International of Modesto is seeking to
award $1000 to a young woman between the ages of 14 and 17 who is inspirational,
caring, compassionate, creative, respected, enthusiastic and most of all committed to
making the world a better place demonstrated by her high level of volunteer actions. If
you interested in applying, pick up a form from the scholarship box. Deadline:
December 1, 2014
2015 Peace Essay Contest – go to or for more information or pick up a flyer in the scholarship
box. Students in grades 9-12 have a chance to win up to $300. Deadline: December 5,
AXA Achievement Scholarships - scholarships of $10,000 and $25,000 will be awarded to
high school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their activities
in school, the community or the workplace. To apply, go to Deadline: applications will
be accepted until 10,000 applications are submitted or 11:59 p.m. CST
on December 15, 2014, whichever comes first. Your application MUST be one of the
first 10,000 submitted electronically by the deadline date.
Go Red™ Multicultural Scholarship Macy’s and the American Heart Association are
continuing their concerted efforts to increase the number of minority women in medical
schools For the fourth consecutive year, the partners are offering sixteen $2,500 tuitionfocused scholarships for minority women pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees
in healthcare fields. The deadline to apply for 2015 scholarships is Dec. 31,
Paul Mitchell Modesto Scholarship opportunity for prospective students. If you plan to
apply to Paul Mitchell Modesto School pick up a scholarship packet from the scholarship
box in the career center. Postmark or delivery deadline: December 31, 2014
Ithaca College Park Scholar Awards: If you are majoring in Cinema/Photography,
Communication, Documentary Student, Media, Film/Photography/Visual Arts, Marketing
Communications, Journalism or Television/Radio and would like to live in New York,
check out the Ithaca College Roy H. Park School of Communications scholarship for a
four year, full cost scholarship. Pick up an application information sheet from the
scholarship box or go to
San Joaquin Engineers Council Scholarship is for seniors planning to enroll in
engineering curriculum in college. Students must have a 3.0 unweighted GPA, be a US
citizen, and have taken the SAT or ACT. To apply, download the application at Postmark Deadline: January 10, 2015
Ithaca College Martin Luther Kind Scholar Program is an interdisciplinary learning
community offered to academically exceptional students from traditionally
underrepresented populations. Scholars receive a minimum award of $25,000 up to full
annual tuition. For more information or to apply go to Deadline:
January 15, 2015
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund offers scholarships between $2,500
and $15,000. Students must be of Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity as defined by
the U.S. Census, be a citizen, national, or legal permanent resident of the United States
(Citizens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and the
Republic of Palau are also eligible to apply), have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7
unweighted, must apply for federal financial aid using the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) and submit one letter of recommendation. Go to for more information and to apply. Deadline:
January 9, 2015 at 11:59pm EST
Gates Millennium Scholars will provide 1000 scholarships of varying amounts to
outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander
American, and Hispanic American students with an opportunity to complete an
undergraduate college education in any discipline area of interest. Students must have
minimum 3.3 GPA and be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. national or permanent resident. Go to
to apply. Deadline: January 14, 2015 11:59 PM EST
Ronald McDonald House Charities U.S. Scholarship Program -There are four different
scholarships in which graduating seniors may qualify: Asian, Hispanic Scholars and
African American Future Achievers scholarships. Go online to apply Deadline: January 20, 2015.
AXA Achievement Community Scholarship - offers $2,500 college scholarships to high
school seniors who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their activities in
school, the community or the workplace. To apply go to: Deadline: applications will be
accepted from October 15, 2014 until 10,000 applications are submitted or
11:59 p.m. CST on February 1, 2015, whichever comes first. Your application MUST
be one of the first 10,000 submitted electronically by the deadline date.
Virginia Military Institute – if you’re planning to apply to VMI, please see Mrs.
Hildebrandt for information on a potential full tuition scholarship package. Deadline:
February 1, 2015.
Soroptimist International of Modesto Scholarship - Three $1000 scholarships will be
awarded to graduating seniors who demonstrate involvement in community service
activities involving women and/or girls. Scholarships are based on financial need,
academic merit and community service. Please DO NOT apply to this scholarship if you
are applying for the Soroptimist Violet Richardson Award. Pick up an application in the
Career Center. Deadline: February 13, 2015
Farmland Working Group Scholarship – Students will explore the topic “How would you
advise community leaders with regard to growth and farmland protection” through
written or visual means. The number and amount of scholarships will vary depending on
number of applicants. Pick up an application from the scholarship box in the career
center. Postmark Deadline: February 13, 2015
National Co-Op Scholarship Program will award 195 $6,000 merit scholarships for
students planning to attend Clarkson University, Drexel University, Johnson & Wales
University, Kettering University, Merrimack College, State University of New York
Oswego, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Cincinnati, University of
Massachusetts Lowell, University of Toledo, or Wentworth Institute of Technology. Must
have a GPA of 3.5 or better. Download an application at . Deadline: February 15, 2015.
North Modesto Kiwanis Scholarship Program – $15,000 in scholarships will be awarded
to qualifying students in the Modesto area based upon the following criteria: academic
record (2.75 GPA or higher); community service record, extra-curricular activities and
leadership experience; goals of applicant; and letters of recommendation from teachers
or community. Preference is given to students whose annual family income is between
$75,000 and $150,000. Pick up an application in the scholarship box in the Career
Center. Deadline: Must be RECEIVED by 5:00 p.m. Friday February 20, 2015.
Some websites worth checking out!! (weekly webinars and online college fairs) (scholarship search) (financial aid) (application for CSU campuses) (application for UC campuses) (explore colleges, careers, financial aid) (explore colleges, careers, take personality
inventories) You must have your personal registration code.