LIBRARY AND INFORMATION ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG NORTH BRANCH EVENT: LIASA Gauteng North Branch Year-end Function DATE: 14 November 2014 TIME: 08:00 for 08:30 VENUE: The Villas Hotel and Conference Centre, c/o Pretorius & Orient Streets, Arcadia COST: R120.00 (Members); R170.00 (Non-members) PROGRAMME: 08:00 – 08:30 Registration 08:30 – 09:45 Breakfast 10:00 – 11:30 Branch report (2013-2014) – Mr Modisa Khosie Meet the LIASA President, Ms Segametsi Molawa Acknowledgement: 2014 Branch Librarian of the Year, Ms Motsarome Mabena By-election results: announcement of the new Branch Chair MEMBERSHIP: Join LIASA or renew membership: 2015 individual membership fee: R495.00 Please RSVP by Friday 7 November 2014 Please e-mail your name & surname, membership number, institution, telephone number and e-mail address, plus proof of payment, to Gerda Ehlers or Viveka Pillai (Tel.: 012 420-5376) PAYMENT: Electronic transfer or direct deposit to the following account First National Bank Account holder: LIASA Gauteng North Branch Account number: 62002935627 Branch Code: 251-445 (Church Square) Cancellation fee: Please take note: In case of “no-show” or cancellation of less than 3 days before the meeting, you will have to pay the full non-member price
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