Tobias publikationer här.

Selected publications of Tobias Hübinette
Published monographs
Comforting an orphaned nation. Representations of international adoption and adopted
Koreans in Korean popular culture, Korean Studies Series No. 32, Seoul: Jimoondang
Publishing Company, 2006, 263 p.
Haeoeibyang´gwa hangukminjokjuûi: Hangukdaejungmunhwaê nat’anan
haeoeibyang’gwa ibyanghangukinûi mosûb [Overseas adoption and Korean nationalism:
Images of overseas adoption and adopted Koreans in Korean popular culture], Seoul:
Sonamoo, 2008, 383 p.
+ Carina Tigervall, Adoption med förhinder: Samtal med adopterade och
adoptivföräldrar om vardagsrasism och etnisk identitet [Adoption with obstacles:
Conversations with adoptees and adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic
identity], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2008, 322 p.
The Korean adoption issue between modernity and coloniality. Transnational adoption
and overseas adoptees in Korean popular culture, Köln: Lambert Academic Publishing,
2009, 230 p.
+ Samson Beshir & Victoria Kawesa, Afrofobi. En kunskapsöversikt över afrosvenskars
situation i dagens Sverige [Afrophobia. An overview of Afro-Swedes’ situation in
contemporary Sweden], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2014, 106 p.
+ Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius, Europe’s white working class communities: Stockholm
[Majoritetssvenskar i Storstockholm], New York: Open Society Foundations, 2014, 112
Unpublished reports
International democracy promotion agencies in Sweden, Seoul: Korea Democracy
Foundation, 2008, 25 p.
+ Carl Björkbom, Demografisk översikt över de 32 största invandrargrupperna i de 24
största kommunerna [Demographic overview of the 32 biggest migrant groups in the
24 biggest municipalities], Botkyrka & Stockholm: Mångkulturellt centrum &
Konstnärsnämden, 2009, 67 p.
Report on adopted Koreans in Sweden and elsewhere/Sûoêdêngwa kû oe gukkadûlê
salgo innûn ibyanghaninê kwanhan pogosô, Incheon: Museum of Korean Emigration
History, 2010, 78 p.
+ Yael Feiler, Transnationell kultur i marginalen. Ett vitalt fenomen i motvind
[Transnational culture in the marginal. A vital phenomenon against the wind], Botkyrka
& Stockholm: Mångkulturellt centrum & Statens kulturråd, 2010, 48 + 37 p.
Korean experience in European countries: Overseas adoption and adopted Koreans,
Gwacheon: National Institute of Korean History, 2011, 47 p.
Den svenska utländsk bakgrund-befolkningen den 31 december 2011 [The Swedish
foreign background-population December 31, 2011], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum,
2012, 110 p.
Våldsam extremism och Botkyrka kommun. En nulägesrapport [Violent extremism and
Botkyrka municipality. A situation analysis], Botkyrka: Botkyrka kommun, 2012, 21 p.
Att bemöta rykten i Botkyrka – en samling fakta och argument [To counter rumours in
Botkyrka – a collection of facts and arguments], Botkyrka: Botkyrka kommun, 2014,
20 p.öta-rykten-i-Botkyrkafakta-och-argument.pdf
Report concerning the results of the two C4i surveys in Botkyrka, Sweden, Botkyrka:
Botkyrka kommun, 2014, 7 p.
Edited publications
+ Fredrik Fällman, special issue on Korea of Orientaliska Studier vol. 106/2001, 57 p.
+ Ooi Kee Beng, Att studera koreanska vid Stockholms universitet [To study Korean at
Stockholm University], Stockholm University: Department of Oriental Languages, 2001,
11 p.
+ Fredrik Fällman, special issue on orientalism of Orientaliska Studier vol. 109/2002,
113 p.
+ Fredrik Fällman, special issue on extremism of Orientaliska Studier vol. 111/2003, 79
+ Masako Ikegami, special issue on orientalism of The Stockholm Journal of East Asian
Studies vol. 13/2003, 186 p.
+ Kim Park Nelson, Eleana Kim, Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Kim Langrehr & Lene Myong (ed.),
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies. Seoul,
South Korea. 3 August, 2010, Seoul: International Korean Adoptee Associations’
International SISKAS Committee, 2010, 264 p.
+ Katrin Holmberg & Andrzej Markiewicz (ed.), Exil. Mångkulturellt centrum 2008-2011
[Exile. Multicultural Centre 2008-2011], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2011, 31 p.
+ Katrin Goldstein-Kyaga & María Borgström (ed.), Den interkulturella blicken i
pedagogik. Inte bara goda föresatser [The intercultural gaze in pedagogy. Not just
good intentions], Södertörn Studies in Education No. 2, Huddinge: Södertörn University,
2012, 202 p.
+ Katrin Holmberg, Leif Magnusson & Susan Juhlin (ed.), Var Strindberg rasist? [Was
Strindberg racist?], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2012, 16 p.
+ Helena Hörnfeldt, Fataneh Farahani & René León Rosales (ed.), Om ras och vithet i
det samtida Sverige [On race and whiteness in contemporary Sweden], Botkyrka:
Mångkulturellt centrum, 2012, 240 p.
+ Eleana Kim, Kimberly Langrehr, Lene Myong, Kim Park Nelson, Liz Raleigh & Aino
Rinhaug (ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Korean Adoption
Studies. 30 July, 2013, Seoul, South Korea, Seoul: International Korean Adoptee
Associations’ International TISKAS Committee, 2013, 132 p.
Book chapters
“Vad är orientalism?” [What is Orientalism?], in Trygve Carlsson (ed.), Oförtrutet.
Bildande yttringar från tjugo års bokutgivning [Relentless. Educating sayings from 20
years of book publishing], Stockholm: Carlssons, 2003, pp. 253-55.
“En blick på historien“ [A view on history], in Sofia Lindström & Astrid Trotzig (ed.),
Hitta hem. Vuxna adopterade från Korea berättar [Finding home. Stories of adult
adoptees from Korea], Stockholm: Ordfront, 2003, pp. 116-25.
“A critique of intercountry adoption”, in William Dudley (ed.), Issues in adoption.
Current controversies, Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2004, pp. 66-71.
“Korean adoption history”, in Eleana Kim (ed.), Community. Guide to Korea for overseas
adopted Koreans, Seoul: Overseas Koreans Foundation, 2004, pp. 12-19+25-47.
(edited article)
”Internationell adoption, en cynisk människohandel” [International adoption, a cynical
human trade], in Ingrid Ramberg (ed.), Blod och andra band. Om identitet, tillhörighet
och konsten att vara människa [Blood and other bonds. On identity, belonging and the
art to be a human being], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt Centrum, 2004, pp. 54-57.
“From orphan trains to babylifts: Colonial trafficking, empire building and social
engineering”, in Jane Jeong Trenka, Chinyere Oparah & Sun Yung Shin (ed.), Outsiders
within: Writing on transracial adoption, Boston: South End Press, 2006, pp. 139-149.
(edited article)
“International adoption is harmful and exploitative”, in Mary E. Williams (ed.), Adoption.
Opposing viewpoints, Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2006, pp. 122-130.
“Svenska kulturstudier och östasienforskning – historien om ett uppskjutet möte”
[Swedish cultural studies and East Asian studies – the history of a postponed meeting],
in Bodil Axelsson & Johan Fornäs (ed.), Kulturstudier i Sverige [Cultural Studies in
Sweden], Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2007, pp. 77-91. (refereed article)
“The Korean adoption issue and representations of adopted Koreans in Korean popular
culture”, in Kathleen Ja Sook Bergquist, Elizabeth Vonk, Dong Soo Kim & Marvin D. Feit
(ed.), International Korean adoption: A fifty-year history of policy and practice, New
York: Haworth Press, 2007, pp. 221-233. (refereed article)
“The history of mixed children of Sweden. A challenge to national homogeneity and
racial segregation”, in Lina Lahiri (ed.), Blandbarn, Berlin/Stockholm, 2007, pp. 3-4.
“En adoptivkoreansk diaspora? Framväxten av en transnationell gemenskap” [Is there
an adopted Korean diapora? The emergence of a transnational community], in Erik
Olsson, Catarina Lundqvist, Annika Rabo, Lena Sawyer, Östen Wahlbeck & Lisa Åkesson
(ed.), Transnationella rum. Diaspora, migration och gränsöverskridande relationer
[Transnational spaces. Diaspora, migration and border crossing relations], Umeå: Boréa,
2007, pp. 195-216. (refereed article)
“Asian bodies out of control: Examining the adopted Korean existence”, in Rhacel S.
Parreñas & Lok C.D. Siu (ed.), Asian diasporas. New conceptions, new frameworks,
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007, pp. 177-200. (refereed article)
“European colonial trafficking, American empire-building and Nordic social engineering.
Rethinking international adoption from a postcolonial and feminist perspective”, in
Meenu Bhatnagar (ed.), Child adoption. Issues and perspectives, Hydrabad: Icfai
University Press, 2008, pp. 104-116.
“Den sönderfallande staden” [The disintegrating city], in Katrin Holmberg & Ingrid
Ramberg (ed.), Den våldsamma staden, Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2009, pp. 67+12-13+16+37-41+50-56+59-60.
+ Carina Tigervall, “When racism becomes individualised: Experiences of racialisation
among adult adoptees and adoptive parents of Sweden”, in Suvi Keskinen, Salla Tuori,
Sari Irni & Diana Mulinari (ed.), Complying with colonialism: Gender, race and ethnicity in
the Nordic region, Farnham: Ashgate, 2009, pp. 119-135. (refereed article)
“Adoption”, in Akira Iriye & Pierre-Yves Saunier (ed.), The Palgrave dictionary of
transnational history. From the mid-19th century to the present day, Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, pp. 11-13. (edited article)
“Constructing a global Koreanness: Representations of adopted Koreans and the Korean
diaspora”, in Kim Park Nelson, Tobias Hübinette, Eleana Kim, Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Kim
Langrehr & Lene Myong (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
Korean Adoption Studies. Seoul, South Korea. 3 August, 2010, Seoul: International
Korean Adoptee Associations’ International SISKAS Committee, 2010, pp. 175-193.
(edited article)
“Sûoêdên” [Sweden], in Jung Ok Lee (ed.), Minjujuûi kukjê hyôpryôk kigwan:
Chiguminjuhwawoa kong’gongoegyoûi chihyôngdo [International agencies for
democratic cooperation: Charting global democratization and public diplomacy], Seoul:
Lee Book, 2010, pp. 210-242.
”A critical perspective”, in Janis P. Sarra (ed.), A voice for many. Margaret Philp,
journalist, Toronto: Carswell, 2011, pp. 225-226.
+ Carina Tigervall, “'Japanese, Japanese, Japanese…'. Representations of East Asians in
contemporary Swedish visual culture”, in Elisabeth Eide & Kaarina Nikunen (ed.), Media
in motion. Cultural complexity and migration in the Nordic region, Farnham: Ashgate,
2011, pp. 125-143. (refereed article)
+ James Arvanitakis, “Transracial adoption: The fantasy of the global family”, in Nicky
Falkof & Oliver Cashman-Brown (ed.), On Whiteness, Critical Issues Series Vol. 190,
Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012, pp. 221-233.
“'Ord som sårar': Om bristen på en interkulturell etik i ett samtida Sverige” [“Words
that wound”: On the lack of an intercultural ethics in contemporary Sweden], in Katrin
Goldstein-Kyaga, María Borgström & Tobias Hübinette (ed.), Den interkulturella blicken i
pedagogik. Inte bara goda föresatser [The intercultural gaze in pedagogy. Not just
good intentions], Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2012, pp. 79-97. (edited article)
“Post-racial utopianism, white color-blindness and 'the elephant in the room': Racial
issues for transnational adoptees of color”, in Judith L. Gibbons & Karen Smith Rotabi
(ed.), Intercountry adoption: Policies, practices, and outcomes, Farnham: Ashgate,
2012, pp. 221-229. (refereed article)
+ Helena Hörnfeldt, Fataneh Farahani & René León Rosales, “Om ras och vithet i det
samtida Sverige. Inledning” [On race and whiteness in contemporary Sweden.
Introduction], in Tobias Hübinette, Helena Hörnfeldt, Fataneh Farahani & René León
Rosales (ed.), Om ras och vithet i det samtida Sverige [On race and whiteness in
contemporary Sweden], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2012, pp. 11-36. (edited
“'Words that wound': Swedish whiteness and its inability to accommodate minority
experiences”, in Lars Jensen & Kristín Loftsdóttir (ed.), Whiteness and postcolonialism
in the Nordic countries: Exceptionalism, migrant others and national identities, Farnham:
Ashgate, 2012, pp. 43-56. (refereed article)
+ Carina Tigervall, “'Japaner, japaner, japaner…'. Representationer av asiater i svensk
samtidskultur” [“Japanese, Japanese, Japanese… Representations of Asians in Swedish
contemporary culture], in Tobias Hübinette, Helena Hörnfeldt, Fataneh Farahani & René
León Rosales (ed.), Om ras och vithet i det samtida Sverige [On race and whiteness in
contemporary Sweden], Botkyrka: Mångkulturellt centrum, 2012, pp. 139-159. (edited
“Yôlch’aêsô adong kongsukkaji: Sikminji mujôk’kwa chêguk kônsôl kûrigo
sahoegonghak” [From orphan trains to babylifts: Colonial trafficking, empire building
and social engineering], in Jane Jeong Trenka, Chinyere Oparah & Sun Yung Shin (ed.),
Injong’gan ibyangûi sahoehak: Isikdoen salmê daehan dangsajadûlê mogsori [Outsiders
within: Writing on transracial adoption], Seoul: KoRoot Press, 2012, pp. 265-284.
(edited article)
“20 spørgsmål til racismeforskeren” [20 questions to the racism researcher], in Naja
Marie Aidt, Line Knutzon & Mette Moestrup, Frit flet. Fællesbogen, Cophenhagen:
Gyldendal, 2014, pp. 495-498.
“Racial stereotypes and Swedish antiracism: A Swedish crisis of multiculturalism?”,
in Lars Jensen & Kristín Loftsdóttir (ed.), Crisis in the Nordic nations and beyond: At
the intersection of environment, finance and multiculturalism, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014,
pp. 69-85. (refereed article)
“'Ord som sårar': Den svenska vithetens oförmåga att ackommodera minoriteters
erfarenheter” [“Words that wound”: Swedish whiteness and its inability to
accommodate the experiences of minorities], in Nick Jones (ed.), Bryt upp! Om etik och
rasism [Break up! On ethics and antiracism], Lund: BTJ förlag, 2014, pp. 43-65.
+ Beth Maina Ahlberg, Madubuko Diakité, Claudette Carr, Fatima El-Tayeb, Momodou
Jallow, Victoria Kawesa, Utz McKnight, Anders Neergaard, Shailja Patel, Kitimbwa Sabuni
& Minna Salami, “Racism is no joke: A Swedish Minister and a Hottentot Venus cake —
An email conversation”, in Michael McEachrane (ed.), Afro-Nordic landscapes: Equality
and race in Northern Europe, New York: Routledge, 2014, pp. 120-148.
”A critique of intercountry adoption”, in Janine Myung Ja, Michael Allen Potter & Allen
Vance (ed.), Adoptionland: From orphans to activists, USA: Against Child Trafficking,
2014, pp. 185-196.
+ Paula Mählck, “The racial grammar of Swedish higher education and research policy:
The limits and conditions of researching race in a color-blind context”, in Rikke
Andreassen & Kathrine Vitus (ed.), Affectivity and race: Studies from Nordic contexts,
Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. (refereed article) (forthcoming)
“Introducing Asian adoption studies”, in Robert L. Ballard, Naomi H. Goodno, Robert F.
Cochran and Jay A. Milbrandt (ed.), The intercountry adoption debate: Dialogues across
disciplines, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pp. 404-412.
(refereed article)
+ Catrin Lundström, “Swedish whiteness and white melancholia: A case study of a white
nation in crisis and its history and future”, in Deirdre Howard-Wagner, Veronica Watson
& Lisa Spanierman (ed.), Unveiling whiteness in the 21st century: Global
manifestations, transdisciplinary interventions, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2015, pp.
49-74 (refereed article)
+ Jane Jin Kaisen, “Transracial adoption in the context of colonial repression, race
relations, and the Right-wing turn in Scandinavia”, in Jane Jin Kaisen (ed.), Loving
Belinda, Århus: Forlaget Asterisk & Galleri Image, pp. 70-76.
Annual reports
“Koreans in Europe”, in Mihee-Nathalie Lemoine & Kate Hers (ed.), Overseas Korean
Artists Yearbook O.K.A.Y. volume 3, Seoul: Star-Kim Project, 2003, pp. 6-9.
+ Anna Jin-hwa Borstam, “Adoptivkoreanerna – ett nytt folkslag?” [The adopted
Koreans – a new people?], in Robert Stasinski & Maria Lind (ed.), Youmeå.
Avgångsutställning 2006 Umeå konsthögskola, Umeå University: Academy of Fine Arts,
2006, pp. 48-51.
Periodical articles
“Sverige och adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [Sweden and the adoption issue in Korea],
Invandrarrapport: Invandrarnas debatt- och kulturtidskrift no. 4/2001 (vol. 29), pp. 1422.
“Barnen från det okända landet” [The children from the unknown country], Orientaliska
Studier vol. 106/2001, pp. 21-38.
“Koreas skingrade barn” [Korea’s scattered children], Dagens Nyheter: Kultur 2002-0417, p. B5.
“Adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [The adoption issue of Korea], Häften för Kritiska Studier no.
1/2002 (vol. 35), pp. 58-64.
“Korea och adoptivbarnen” [Korea and the adopted children], Invandrare & Minoriteter
no. 4/2002 (vol. 29), pp. 37-40.
“North Korea and adoption”, Korean Quarterly no. 4/2002 (vol. 5), pp. 24-25.
“Adoptionsfrågan i koreansk populärkultur. Att skapa en diskurs om adoptivkoreaner”
[The adoption issue in Korean popular culture. The creation of a discourse on adopted
Koreans], Kulturella Perspektiv: Svensk etnologisk tidskrift no. 4/2002 (vol. 11), pp.
“Den svenska Koreabilden som en orientalistisk fantasi” [The Swedish image of Korea
as an orientalist fantasy], Orientaliska Studier vol. 109/2002, pp. 89-113.
“Minjung-rörelsen i Sydkorea. Nationalism i en delad nation” [The Minjung movement in
South Korea. Nationalism in a divided nation], Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift no. 1/2002
(vol. 105), pp. 18-24.
“The adoption issue in Korea: Diaspora politics in the age of globalization”, The
Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies vol. 12/2002, pp. 141-53.
“A presentation of research on inter-country adoptees in Sweden”, Association of
Korean American Psychiatrists Newsletter April/2003 (vol. 14), pp. 5-7.
“Korean-Swedish relations and the Koreans in Sweden”, Information Exchange for
Korean American Scholars no. 290/2003 (vol. 8), 3 p.
“President Kim and adoption”, Korean Quarterly no. 1/2003 (vol. 6), pp. 27-28.
“The meaning of roots. Adopted Koreans and the construction of an imagined
community”, Korean Quarterly no. 2/2003 (vol. 6), pp. 18-19.
“O-ordet nere för räkning. Orientalismen före och efter Said” [The O-word is taking the
count. Orientalism before and after Said], Känguru: Humanistiska föreningens tidskrift
no. 1/2003 (vol. 9), pp. 4-9.
+ Ingvar Svanberg, “Sven Hedin och nationalsocialismen” [Sven Hedin and National
Socialism], Orientaliska Studier vol. 111/2003, pp. 3-12.
“Varför dras nazister och högerextremister till Asien?” [Why are Nazis and Rightwing
extremists attracted to Asia?], Orientaliska Studier vol. 111/2003, pp. 36-48.
“Psykisk hälsa bland utlandsadopterade i Sverige” [Mental health among international
adoptees in Sweden], Psykisk Hälsa: Svenska föreningen för psykisk hälsovård no.
1/2003 (vol. 44), pp. 17-30.
“The adopted Koreans of Sweden and the Korean adoption issue”, The Review of
Korean Studies no. 1/2003 (vol. 6), pp. 251-266. (refereed article)
“Swedish images of Korea before 1945”, Scandinavian Studies: Journal of the
Scandinavian Society of Korea vol. 4/2003, pp. 103-126.
“Orientalism past and present: An introduction to a postcolonial critique”, The
Stockholm Journal of East Asian Studies vol. 13/2003, pp. 73-80.
“Adopted Koreans and the development of identity in the 'third space'”, Adoption &
Fostering no. 1/2004 (vol. 28), pp. 16-24. (refereed article)
“Korea(n) divided: Third space existence in Kim Ki Duk’s Wild Animals”, Graduate
Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies no. 2/2004 (vol. 2), pp. 18-29. (refereed article)
“Nordkorea och adoption” [North Korea and adoption], Internationella Studier no.
1/2004 (vol. 34), pp. 60-67.
“To be a white Swede, an Oriental stereotype, a non-Western immigrant, an Asian
tourist and an ethnic Korean. Some notes on the infelicitous performative of adopted
Koreans”, Uri Shinmun no. 4/2004 (vol. 14), pp. 45-49.
“En plädering för utländska adoptivbarns rätt att få behålla sin ursprungsidentitet” [A
plead for the rights of foreign adopted children to keep their original identity], Aktuellt
om Migration no. 2/2005 (vol. 1), 9 p.
“Reconciling the past/Imagining the future: The Korean adoption issue and
representations of adopted Koreans in Korean popular culture”, Asian Cinema: Published
twice yearly by the Asian Cinema Studies Society no. 2/2005 (vol. 16), pp. 110-121.
“Adoption ur ett koreanskt och ett svenskt perspektiv” [Adoption from a Korean and a
Swedish perspective], Barnboken: Svenska barnboksinstitutets tidskrift no. 2/2005
(vol. 28), pp. 23-32. (refereed article)
“The orphaned nation: Korea imagined as an overseas adopted child in Clon’s
Abandoned Child and Park Kwang-su’s Berlin Report”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies no.
2/2005 (vol. 6), pp. 227-244. (refereed article)
“The nation is a woman: The Korean nation embodied as an overseas adopted woman in
Chang Kil-su’s Susanne Brink’s Arirang”, Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in
the Asian Context vol. 11/2005, 12 p. (refereed article)
“Vithetens gula feber” [The yellow fever of whiteness], Mana no. 2/2005 (vol. 8), pp.
“Hämnd och försoning” [Revenge and reconciliation], Arbetaren no. 11/2006 (vol. 85),
pp. 9.
“Korea söker försoning med bortadopterade barn” [Korea’s quest for reconciliation with
its overseas adopted children], ETC 2006-01-23, 3 p.
+ Jane Jin Kaisen, “Rethinking international adoption in a Scandinavian context”, The
OAK. Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link Newsletter Spring/2006 (vol. 8), pp. 13-14.
“Att leva i den andres kropp: Om rasifierade erfarenheter och transrasiala
identifikationer i utlandsadopterades självbiografier” [To live in the body of the Other:
On racialised experiences and transracial identifications in autobiographies of
international adoptees], Locus: Tidskrift för forskning om barn och ungdomar no.
4/2006 (vol. 18), pp. 16-31. (refereed article)
“Disembedded and free-floating bodies out-of-place and out-of-control: Examining the
borderline existence of adopted Koreans”, Adoption & Culture: The Interdisciplinary
Journal of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture 2007 (vol. 1), pp. 129162. (refereed article)
“Representations of East Asians in contemporary Swedish popular culture –
intersections of race, gender and sexuality”, Hamster Bros.: A Zine about Artistic TransNationalism no. 1/2007 (vol. 1), pp. 6-17.
“Nationalism, subalternity, and the adopted Koreans”, Journal of Women’s History no.
1/2007 (vol. 19), pp. 117-122. (refereed article)
“Rasifierade erfarenheter och transrasiala identifikationer i utlandsadopterade svenskars
självbiografier” [Racialised experiences and transracial identifications in internationally
adopted Swedes’ self-narratives], Nordic Journal of Social Work no. 2/2007 (vol. 27),
pp. 105-119. (refereed article)
“Contested adoption narratives in Sweden”/”Sûoêdênêsôsôûi nonjaengjôk ibyang sôsa”,
The OAK. Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link Newsletter Winter/2007 (vol. 9), pp. 8285/86-89.
“'Asia' as a topos of fear and desire for Nazis and Extreme Rightists: The case of Asian
Studies of Sweden”, Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique no. 2/2007 (vol. 15), pp.
403-428. (refereed article)
“Sverige unikt som adoptionsland” [Sweden – a unique adoption country], Välfärd:
SCBs tidskrift om arbetsliv, demografi och välfärd no. 2/2007 (vol. 7), pp. 3-5.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Fostrad till svensk – sedd som främling” [Socialized as a Swede –
seen as a stranger], Invandrare & Minoriteter no. 6/2008 (vol. 35), pp. 22-27.
“When racism becomes individualized: Experiences of racialization among adult
adoptees in Sweden”, Korean Quarterly no. 3/2008 (vol. 11), p. 15.
+ Daniel Cidrelius, “Adoption till varje pris” [Adoption at all costs], Mana no. 5/2008
(vol. 11), pp. 36-37.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Erfarenheter av rasifiering hos adopterade och adoptivföräldrar:
Om betydelsen av ett icke-vitt utseende i den svenska vardagen” [Experiences of
racialisation among adoptees and adoptive parents: The significance of a non-white
body within Swedish everyday life], Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift no. 3-4/2008 (vol.
15), pp. 220-238. (refereed article)
+ Carina Tigervall, ”To be non-white in a colour-blind society: Conversations with
adoptees and adoptive parents in Sweden on everyday racism”, Journal of Intercultural
Studies no. 4/2009 (vol. 30), pp. 335-353. (refereed article)
“On being Swedish and not being white: Conversations with adoptees and adoptive
parents on everyday racism in Sweden”/”Paekini anin Sûoêdêninûro sanûn kôt
Sûoêdênûi ilsangjôk injongch’abyôlê taehan ibyangin, ibyang pumowoaûi taehwa”,
Journal of Korean Adoption Studies no. 1/2009 (vol. 1), pp. 51-77/78-97. (refereed
“Imagining a global Koreatown: Representations of adopted Koreans in Sky’s music
video Eternity and Lee Jang-soo’s feature film Love”, Norsk Tidsskrift for
Migrasjonsforskning/Norwegian Journal of Migration Research no. 2/2009 (vol. 10), pp.
45-65. (refereed article)
“Om synen på asiater I dagens Sverige och sambandet mellan populärkulturen och
vardagsrasismen” [On the image of Asians in today’s Sweden and the relationship
between popular culture and everyday racism], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/2009 (vol. 18), pp. 6-7.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Gulinghumorns grunder” [The basic outlines of gook humour],
Arena no. 2/2010 (vol. 17), pp. 40-43.
+ Carina Tigervall, “'Japaner, japaner, japaner' – östasiater i svensk bild- och scenkultur”
[“Japanese, Japanese, Japanese” – East Asians in Swedish visual and performance
culture]. Fjärde Världen 1/2010 (vol. 27), pp. 22-25.
+ Carina Tigervall, "Adoption with complications: Conversations with adoptees and
adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic identity", International Social Work no.
4/2010 (vol. 53), pp. 489-509. (refereed article)
“Invandrarnas barn i stor undersökning” [A big study on the children of immigrants],
Invandrare & Minoriteter no. 3/2010 (vol. 37), p. 2.
“Den osynliga generationen” [The invisible generation], Invandrare & Minoriteter no.
4/2010 (vol. 37), pp. 17-20.
“Ich hielt mich für weiß”, Kulturaustausch. Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven no.
11/2010 (vol. 60), p. 28.
“The South and North Korean adoption issues”, Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2010 (vol. 19), p. 18.
+ Danjel Nam, ”Koreanska mammor säger stopp!” [Korean mothers say stop!],
Arena no. 5/2011 (vol. 28), pp. 42-45.
+ Catrin Lundström, “White melancholia: Mourning the loss of 'Good old Sweden'”,
Eurozine 2011-10-18, 6 p.
”Att bli den Andre” [To become the Other]. Fjärde Världen 1/2011 (vol. 28), pp. 1215.
+ Catrin Lundström, “Den svenska vithetens melankoli” [The melancholy of Swedish
whiteness], Glänta 2/2011 (vol. 19), pp. 28-35.
”Ord som sårar” [Words that wound], Invandrare & Minoriteter no. 1/2011 (vol. 38),
pp. 25-27.
“Att överskrida ras: En introduktion till begreppet transrasialitet speglad genom
transrasiala erfarenheter och fantasier” [To transcend race: An introduction to the
concept of transraciality seen through transracial experiences and fantasies], Kvinder,
Køn & Forskning no. 3-4/2011 (vol. 20), pp. 49-57. (refereed article)
“Därför envisas svenskar med rasistiska uttryck” [Why Swedes cling to racist
expressions], Newsmill 2011-09-21, 11 p.
+ Catrin Lundström, “Sweden after the recent election: The double-binding power
of Swedish whiteness through the mourning of the loss of 'old Sweden' and the
passing of 'good Sweden'”. NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research
no. 1/2011 (vol. 19), pp. 42-52. (refereed article)
+ Malinda Andersson,“Between colour blindness and ethnicisation: Reading
transnational adoption policy and practice in Sweden”, Adoption & Fostering no. 34/2012 (vol. 36), pp. 97-103. (refereed article)
+ Kristina Boréus, ”Hate speech and violent right-wing extremism in Scandinavia”.
Open Democracy 2012-07-16, 3 p.éus-tobiashübinette/hate-speech-and-violent-right-wing-extremism-in-scandi
“Att iscensätta ras: Om vit rasperformativitet och vit rasmelankoli” [To perform race:
On white racial performativity and white racial melancholy], Folket i Bild/Kulturfront
2012-04-21, 6 p.
“The reception and consumption of hallyu in Sweden: Preliminary findings and
reflections”, Korea Observer no. 3/2012 (vol. 43), pp. 503-525. (refereed article)
+ Catrin Lundström, ”La mélancolie blanche ou comment pleurer la ’bonne vieille
Suède’”, La Revue nouvelle no. 2/2012 (vol. 66), pp. 10-13.
”Rasism mot adopterade [Racism against adoptees], Svartvitt: Mångkulturell tidskrift
no. 4/2012 (vol. 2), pp. 16-18.
+ James Arvanitakis, “Transracial adoption, white cosmopolitanism and the fantasy of
the global family”, Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture
no. 6/2012 (vol. 26), pp. 691-703. (refereed article)
”Swedish antiracism and white melancholia: Racial words in a post-racial society”,
Ethnicity and Race in a Changing World: A Review Journal no 1/2013 (vol. 4), pp. 2433. (refereed article)
“Just like Sweden, Korea must accept single mothers”, Korea Unwed Mothers’ Support
Network Newsletter Sep/2013 (Vol. 7), 2 p.
”Edward Said och den svenska exceptionalismen” [Edward Said and Swedish
exceptionalism], Sveriges Radio, P1 OBS Kultur- och idédebatt 2013-04-04, 2 p..
“East Asian adoption studies”, Adoption & Culture: The Interdisciplinary Journal of the
Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture 2014 (vol. ), pp. 146-148.
+ Catrin Lundström, “Three phases of hegemonic whiteness: Understanding racial
temporalities in Sweden”, Social Identities. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and
Culture 6/2014 (vol. 20), pp. 423-437. (refereed article)
+ Lennart E.H. Räterlinck, “Race performativity and melancholic whiteness in
contemporary Sweden”, Social Identities. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and
Culture 6/2014 (vol. 20), pp. 501-514. (refereed article)
Debate articles
“Orientaler finns inte längre” [Orientals do not exist anymore], Dagens Forskning:
Tidning för vetenskap och kultur, teknik och samhälle no. 13-14/2002 (vol. 1), p. 54.
+ Martin Claesson, Christian Hofverberg, Anna Hübinette, Mikael Jarnlo, “Var tionde gör
självmordsförsök” [One in ten tries to commit suicide], Dagens Nyheter: Debatt 200204-11, p. A4.
+ Susanne Brink, ”Stoppa rasismen mot adopterade från Asien” [Stop the racism
against adoptees from Asia], Aftonbladet: Debatt 2003-09-26, p. 44.
“Den sista människohandeln” [The last human trade], Arena no. 6/2003 (vol. 11), pp.
“En grym människohandel” [A cruel trade in human beings], Dagens Nyheter: Kultur
2003-08-26, p. B2.
“Adoption är efterfrågestyrd” [Adoption is demand driven], Dagens Nyheter: Kultur
2003-08-30, p. B2.
“Om rasismen mot asiater” [On racism against Asians], Expressen: Kultur 2003-09-27,
p. 4.
“'Orientaliska språk' föråldrat institutionsnamn” [“Oriental languages” an old-fashioned
name of a department], Gaudeamus: Stockholms universitets kårtidning no. 3/2003
(vol. 80), p. 8.
“Stärk de utlandsadopterades rättigheter!” [Strengthen the rights of international
adoptees], Invandrare & Minoriteter no. 6/2003 (vol. 30), p. 14.
+ Susanne Brink, ”Stop sending babies abroad”, Korea Herald 2003-12-17, p. 12.
“Stoppa adoptioner från Korea” [Stop adoptions from Korea], Socialpolitik no. 45/2003 (vol. 10), p. 39.
“Stärk utlandsadopterades rättigheter!” [Support the rights of international adoptees!],
Socionomen: Facktidskriften för kvalificerat socialt arbete no. 7/2003 (vol. 17), pp.
+ Susanne Brink, ”Sexualiserad rasism mot adopterade” [Sexualised racism against
adoptees], Upsala Nya Tidning 2003-10-03, p. 2.
“Se den koloniala strukturen!” [See the colonial structure!], Arena no. 1/2004 (vol.
12), p. 57.
+ Danjel Ji-soo Nam Lindberg, ”Lost in translation är rasistisk” [Lost in translation is
racist], Expressen: Kultur 2004-03-03, p. 4.
“Inte välkommen längre” [Not welcome anymore], Mana no. 5/2004 (vol. 7), pp. 1819.
“Rasism – Jag känner mig inte välkommen i Sverige” [Racism – I do not feel welcome in
Sweden], Stockholms Fria Tidning no. 45/2004 (vol. 4), p. 5.
“Sverige är inte längre ett land för östasiater” [Sweden is not anymore a county for
East Asians], Yelah 2004-10-31, 2 p.
“Adoption är alltid sista alternativet” [Adoption is always the last alternative],
Aftonbladet: Debatt 2005-01-15, p. 44.,2789,588900,00.html
“Gulinghatet finns överallt” [The “gook hate” is everywhere], Aftonbladet: Kultur 200505-20, pp. 34-35.,2789,647692,00.html
“Korea must stop overseas adoption”, Korea Herald 2005-03-01, p. 12.
+ Danjel Ji-soo Nam Lindberg, ”Koloniala synsätt spökar. Debatt: tsunamikatastrofen”
[Haunting colonial perspectives. Debate: The tsunami catastrophe], Stockholms Fria
Tidning no. 2/2005 (vol. 5), p. 1.
+ Gitte Enander Thelin, Mikael Jarnlo, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Lotta Landerholm &
Christine Milrod, “Adoptioner – endast för de vuxna” [Adoptions – only for adults],
Aftonbladet: Debatt 2006-03-06, p. 44.,2789,788358,00.html
+ Danjel Lindberg, Irene Molina, Diana Mulinari, Nora Räthzel, Ulrika Schmauch & Carina
Tigervall, ”SIF sprider traditionell rasism. Om SIFs kampanj som sprider den rasistiska
föreställningen om 'gula faran'” [SIF spreads traditional racism. On SIF’s campaign which
spreads the racist image of the ”yellow peril”], Dagens Media: Affärstidningen om
marknadsföring och medieval no. 11/2006 (vol. 9), p. 43.
+ Danjel Ji-soo Nam Lindberg, ”Adoptionsförmedlarna har också ett ansvar” [The
adoption agencies also have a responsibility], Expressen: Kultur 2006-03-14, p. 4.
+ Danjel Ji-soo Nam Lindberg, ”Vem bär ansvaret?” [Who is responsible?], Mana no. 23/2006 (vol. 9), pp. 18-19.
+ Danjel Lindberg, Irene Molina, Diana Mulinari, Nora Räthzel, Ulrika Schmauch & Carina
Tigervall, “SIF varnar för 'gula faran' i annonskampanj” [SIF warns of the ”yellow peril”
in an ad campaign], SIF-Tidningen no. 7/2006 (vol. 20), pp. 68-69.
+ Danjel Lindberg, Irene Molina, Diana Mulinari, Nora Räthzel, Ulrika Schmauch & Carina
Tigervall, “Fackförbund driver cynisk kampanj” [Trade union is waging a cynical
campaign], Östgöta Correspondenten: Debatt 2006-05-31, p. A4.
+ Daniel Cidrelius, Gitte Enander, Charlotta Göthlin, Daniel Hansson, Linda Häll, Mikael
Jarnlo, Fatima Jonsson, Patrik Lundberg, Danjel Nam, Helena Nilsson, Matilda Sjödell &
Malena Swanson, “Adoption kan vara barnhandel. Västvärldens behov ska inte
möjliggöra människohandel” [Adoption can be child trade. The West’s need shall not
make child trade possible], Aftonbladet: Debatt 2008-11-08, pp. 36-37.
+ Lena-Kim Arctaedius, Susanne Brink, Daniel Cidrelius, Gitte Enander, Charlotta Göthlin,
Daniel Hansson, Linda Häll, Mikael Jarnlo, Fatima Jonsson, Patrik Lundberg, Danjel Nam,
Helena Nilsson, Matilda Sjödell & Malena Swanson, “Handel med barn måste bekämpas”
[Child trade has to be combated], ETC 2008-11-11, 2 p.
“Orientaliska rasfantasier på Skansen” [Orientalist racial fantasies at Skansen],
Invandrare & Minoriteter no. 4/2008 (vol. 35), p. 27.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Adopterade rasdiskrimineras i Sverige” [Adoptees are exposed to
racial discrimination in Sweden], Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Ordet 2008-12-05, p. B16.
+ Danjel Nam, “PK är tråkigt” [PC is boring], Bang: Feministisk kulturtidskrift 2/2009
(vol. 19), pp. 16-18.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander & Malinee Murray,
“Adopterades rätt ignoreras” [Adoptees’ rights are ignored], Svenska Dagbladet:
Brännpunkt 2009-08-02, p. A5.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander & Malinee Murray, “Vi
föddes inte på en västerländsk flygplats” [We were not born at a Western airport],
Svenska Dagbladet: Brännpunkt 2009-08-16, p. A5.
+ Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, “Gathering adoptee voices to end South Korea’s corrupt
international adoption practices”, United Adoptees International News 2009-08-14.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Adopterade upplever vardagsrasism i Sverige” [Adoptees are
experiencing everyday racism in Sweden], Göteborgs-Posten: Debatt 2009-01-08, p.
“Om rätten till sin egen historia” [On the right to one’s own history], Brand: Anarkistisk
tidning 1/2010 (vol. 113), pp. 61-63.
“Valet 2010, Sverigedemokraterna och svenskheten” [The election of 2010, the
Sweden Democrats and Swedishness], El Kabeza Negra 2010-11-27, 3 p.
+ Jennifer Kwon Dobbs & Jane Jeong Trenka, “Rethinking consent to adoption”, Korea
Times 2010-01-01, p. 9.
“Växande trend att svenskar dumpar sina adoptivbarn” [Growing trend that Swedes
abandon their adopted children], SVT Debatt 2010-11-03, 2 p.
”Om att vara forskare och aktivist” [On being a scholar and an activist], Arena no.
4/2011 (vol. 28), pp. 18-19.
+ Ylva Habel, Jallow Momodou & Mekonnen Tesfahuney, “Granska dom mot svart
skolpojke” [Examine sentence against black school boy], Svenska Dagbladet:
Brännpunkt 2011-06-11, p. A5.
“Rätt av Reinfeldt att tala om ras” [Right to speak about race as Reinfeldt did],
Newsmill 2012-05-18, 3 p.
”Dramatens gulinghumor drabbar svenska asiater” [Royal Dramatic Theatre’ gook
humour affects Swedish Asians], Newsmill 2012-09-04, 2 p.
+ Lennart E.H. Räterlinck, ”Makode Lindes konst förstärker vit rashumor” [Makode
Linde’s art strengthens white race humour], SVT Debatt 2012-06-12, 2 p.
“Dannys snack om svartingar speglar dold rasmaktsordning” [Danny's talk about wogs
reflects a hidden racial order], SVT Debatt 2012-11-27, 3 p.
”Sverige har en falsk antirasistisk självbild” [Sweden has a false antiracist self-image],
Dagens Arena 2013-09-24, 2 p.
“I en nation av antirasister är endast de öppna nazisterna rasister” [In a nation of
antiracists, only explicit Nazis are seen as racists], SVT Debatt 2013-01-05, 3 p.
+ Christina Zedell, Willy Viitala & Leif Magnusson, ”Att vara svensk är inte att vara vit”
[To be Swedish is not to be white], Newsmill 2013-05-02, 3 p.
+ Christina Zedell, Willy Viitala & Leif Magnusson, ”Swedishness must be split from
being white”, The Local 2013-05-21, 3 p.
”Trouble in Paradise? What the riots mean for Sweden”, Open Society Foundations
2013-05-28, 2 p.
+ Lory Janelle Dance, “Sweden: No longer the exception to Western racist rule”, Racism
Review 2013-05-27, 2 p.
“Sverige måste uppdatera sin syn på internationell adoption” [Sweden must update its
image of international adoption], SVT Debatt 2013-10-09, 3 p.
+ Samson Beshir, “Avskaffa inte rasbegreppet i svensk lagstiftning” [Don’t abolish the
concept of race from Swedish legislation], Svenska Dagbladet: Opinion 2014-08-07, 3
+ Samson Beshir & Victoria Kawesa, ”Samhället måste ta den växande afrofobin på
allvar” [The society has to take growing afrophobia seriously], Dagens Nyheter: Debatt
2014-02-01, p. 6.
+ Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius & Leif Magnusson, “Bekämpa hypersegregationen”
[Combat the hyper segregation], Svenska Dagbladet: Brännpunkt 2014-08-27, p. 6.
+ Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson & Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom, ”Babyboxar uppmuntrar till att
överge barn” [Baby boxes encourage to abandon children], Svenska Dagbladet:
Brännpunkt 2014-02-23, 2 p.:
”Sverige bör börja föra statistik över etnicitet: Jämlikhetsstatistik behövs för att nå ett
jämlikt samhälle” [Sweden should have statistics on ethnicity: Equality statistics are
needed to accomplish an equal society], Aftonbladet: Debatt 2015-03-10, p. 6.
Book reviews
“Den koreanska frågan bortom ideologisk antagonism och nationalistisk retorik.
Recension av Hyung Gu Lynn: Bipolar orders. The two Koreas since 1989” [The Korean
issue beyond ideological antagonism and nationalistic rhetoric. Review of Hyung Gu
Lynn: Bipolar orders. The two Koreas since 1989], Internationella Studier no. 4/2008
(vol. 38), pp. 130-34.
“Review of Gi-Wook Shin, Soon-Won Park & Daqing Yang (ed.): Rethinking historical
injustice and reconciliation in Northeast Asia: The Korean experience”, Korean Studies
vol. 32/2008, pp. 195-197.
”Review of Eleana Kim: Adopted territory. Transnational Korean adoptees and the
politics of belonging”, Acta Koreana no. 1 (vol. 14), pp. 331-333.
“Recension av Malinda Andersson: Blodets och rötternas logik. Internationell adoption i
välfärdens diskursiva praktik” [Review of Malinda Andersson: The logics of blood and
roots. International adoption in the discursive practice of welfare], Invandrare &
Minoriteter no. 2/2011 (vol. 38), p. 43.
”Review of Eleana Kim: Adopted territory. Transnational Korean adoptees and the
politics of belonging”, Pacific Affairs. An International Review of Asia and the Pacific
3/2011 (vol. 84), p. 585-586.
“Recension av Eleana Kim: Adopted territory. Transnational Korean adoptees and the
politics of belonging” [Review of Eleana Kim: Adopted territory. Transnational Korean
adoptees and the politics of belonging], Sociologisk forskning no. 3/2011 (vol. 48), pp.
”Review of Eleana Kim: Adopted territory. Transnational Korean adoptees and the
politics of belonging and Barbara Yngvesson: Belonging in an adopted world: Race,
identity, and transnational adoption”, Adoption & Culture: The Interdisciplinary Journal
of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture 2012 (vol. 3), pp. 183-189.
”Review of Caroline Plüss & Chan, Kwok-bun (ed.): Living intersections: Transnational
migrant identifications in Asia”, Nordic Journal of Migration Research no. 2/2013 (vol.
3), pp. 114-115.
Journalistic works
+ Per Lapins, Barn till varje pris [Children at all costs], Nordisk Film & TV, SVT1
Dokument inifrån 2002-04-18, 1 hour.
+ Bosse Lindquist, En gång var jag korean [Once I was a Korean], Swedish Television,
SVT2 Dokumentärredaktionen 2002-04-10, 1 hour.
+ Bosse Lindquist, Varför är jag här? [Why am I here?], Sveriges Radio, P1
Dokumentärredaktionen 2002-04-13, 1 hour.
+ Bosse Lindquist, Utsatta barn [Vulnerable children], Swedish Radio, P1
Dokumentärredaktionen 2002-04-20, 1 hour.
+ Erik Sandberg, Sveket mot de adopterade [The treachery towards the adoptees],
Nordisk Film & TV, SVT1 Dokument inifrån 2002-04-11, 1 hour.
+ Danjel Nam, Mamma kines, pappa japan… [Mother Chinese, father Japanese…],
Swedish Radio, P3 Special 2007-12-02, 1 hour.
Artistic works
+ Jane Jin Kaisen, Tracing trades + Adopting Belinda, Nordic Institute for Contemporary
Art, The Faroe Islands Art Museum, Tórshavn, 2006-05-12, 38 + 8 min.
+ Jane Kin Kaisen, “Tracing trades: A multimedia installation”, Living (in) the
Postcolonial/Act 3 of Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in
Five Acts, Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, The Faroe Islands Art Museum,
Tórshavn, 2006-05-12-2006-06-04.
Conference presentations
“Post-adoption services in Sweden”, The 2nd International Gathering of Adult Korean
Adoptees, Scandic Hotel Sjølyst, Oslo, 2001-08-11, in Kirsten Sloth (ed.), Official
report of the Second International Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees, August 9-12,
2001 – Oslo, Norway, Copenhagen: Planning Committee of 2nd International Gathering
of Adult Korean Adoptees, 2001, pp. 38-39.
“The adoption issue in Korea: Diaspora politics in the age of globalization”, 7th Korean
Studies Graduate Student Conference, Korea Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge,
“The adopted Koreans: Diaspora politics and the construction of an ethnic identity”,
1st World Congress of Korean Studies, Academy of Korean Studies, Seongnam, 200207-19, in Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of Korean Studies, Seongnam:
Academy of Korean Studies, 2002, pp. 724-730.
“The adopted Koreans: Diaspora politics and the construction of an ethnic identity”,
1st Conference of the Swedish School of Advanced Asia Pacific Studies, Swedish
School of Advanced Asia Pacific Studies, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, 2002-0928.
“The Adopted Koreans: Diaspora politics and the construction of an ethnic identity in a
post-colonial and global setting”, 1st Third Space Seminar: Transgressing Culture –
Rethinking Creativity in Arts, Science and Politics, Malmö University and Lund
University, Malmö and Lund, 2002-11-29.
“Imagined communities: Does a Korean adoptee identity exist?”, The meaning of roots:
Ethnic identity and biological heritage, The Korea Club, Valby Medborgerhus,
Copenhagen, 2003-04-12, in Kirsten Sloth (ed.), The meaning of roots: ethnic identity
and biological heritage. Copenhagen, 11-12 April 2003. Conference proceedings,
Copenhagen: The Korea Club, 2003, pp. 125-130.
“The Korean adoption issue: Images of adopted Koreans in Korean media and popular
culture”, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V., Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde e.V, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 2003-10-04. (invited
“Reconciling the past/Imagining the future: The Korean adoption issue and
representations of adopted Koreans in Korean popular culture”, 6th Symposium of
Nordic Association for Japanese and Korean Studies, Department of Oriental and
African Languages, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, 2004-08-20.
“'Asia' as a topos of fear and desire for Nazis and Extreme Rightists as evidenced in the
case of Asian Studies of Sweden”, The Question of Asia in the New Global Order,
Asia/Pacific Studies Institute, Duke University, Durham, 2004-10-01. (invited paper)
“Nationalism, subalternity and the adopted Koreans”, 13th Berkshire Conference on the
History of Women, Scripps College, Claremont, 2005-06-04. (paper read in absentia by
Dr. Karen Balcom)
“Att vara ett flytande subjekt: En studie av den adoptivkoreanska existensen” [To be a
floating subject: A study of the adopted Korean existence], 1st National Research
Conference of Cultural Studies in Sweden, Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of
Sweden, Linköping University, Norrköping, 2005-06-14.
+ Tamara Kil-ja Kim Nopper, “A different perspective on international adoption”, 7th
Conference of the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network, Westin
Southfield Hotel, Detroit, 2005-07-24.
“International adoption between coloniality and modernity”/””, 6th Conference of the
Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link, Konkuk University, Seoul, 2005-08-19, in Forging a
New Community. GOAL’s 6th Annual Conference August 19-20, 2005, Seoul: Global
Overseas Adoptees’ Link, 2005, pp. 38-47/48-55. (keynote paper)
+ Su-yoon Ko & Jenny Na, “Representations of international adoption and overseas
adoptees in Korean media and popular culture”/”Hanguk midiôwa taejungmunhwaê
pich’uôjinûn haeoeibyang’gwa ibyangin”, 6th Conference of the Global Overseas
Adoptees’ Link, Konkuk University, Seoul, 2005-08-20, in Forging a New Community.
GOAL’s 6th Annual Conference August 19-20, 2005, Seoul: Global Overseas Adoptees’
Link, 2005, pp. 56-69/70-79.
“Disembedded and free-floating bodies out-of-place and out-of-control: Examining the
borderline existence of adopted Koreans”, 14th Nordic Adoption Council Meeting and
1st Global Adoption Research Conference, Department of Nordic Studies and
Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 2005-09-09.übinette_abstract_001.pdf
“Representations of adopted Koreans in Korean popular culture”, 1st International
Conference on Adoption and Culture of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption, Identity
and Kinship, Department of English, University of Tampa, Tampa, 2005-11-18.
“Asia as a topos of fear and desire”, From Orientalism to Postcoloniality, School of
Languages and Culture, Södertörn University, Huddinge, 2006-04-29.
“The Korean adoption issue and the adopted Koreans of Sweden”, Narrating the History
of Korean Adoptees: The Adoptee Voice and Emerging Perspectives, The Adopted
Koreans’ Association of Sweden, Scandic Infracity, Upplands Väsby, 2006-05-06.
+ Jane Jin Kaisen, “International adoption and Nordic neo-colonialism.
(Dis)ComfortAN(d)AlieNation: The X-raced Mut(at)ed Speak ”, Living (in) the
Postcolonial/Act 3 of Rethinking Nordic Colonialism: A Postcolonial Exhibition Project in
Five Acts, Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, The Faroe Islands Art Museum,
Tórshavn, 2006-05-13.
“Representations of international adoption and overseas adoptees in Korean media and
popular culture”, 8th Conference of the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family
Network, Renaissance Seoul Hotel, Seoul, 2006-06-30. (paper read in absentia by Boon
Young Han, Jenny Na & Jane Jeong Trenka)
+ Carina Tigervall, “Contested adoption narratives in a Swedish setting”, 2nd
International Conference on Adoption Research, Centre for Research on the Child and
Family, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 2006-07-19.'s/Tobias%20Hubinette.pdf
“Bodies out-of-place and out-of-control: Examining the transracial subjectivity of
adopted Koreans”, 1st International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies, Dongguk
University, Seoul, 2007-07-31, in Kim Park Nelson, Eleana Kim & Lene Myong Petersen
(ed.), Proceedings of the 1st International Korean Adoption Studies Research
Symposium, 2007, pp. 147-164.
+ Jenny Na & Jane Jeong Trenka, “Representations of international adoption and
overseas adoptees in Korean media and popular culture”, The International Korean
Adoptee Associations Gathering 2007, Dongguk University, Seoul, 2007-08-02.
+ Carina Tigervall, “When racism becomes individualised: Experiences of racialisation
among adult adoptees and adoptive parents of Sweden”, 4th ETMU Finnish Society for
the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration Days, Åbo Akademi University,
Åbo, 2007-10-27.
+ Carina Tigervall, “To (not) name the unnameable and (not) speak about the
unspeakable: Writing about experiences of racialisation among adult adoptees and
adoptive parents of Sweden”, 14th Nordic Migration Research Conference, University of
Bergen, Bergen, 2007-11-14.
“Experiences of racialisation and ethnic identifications among adult transnational
adoptees of Sweden”, 9th Conference of the Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link, Olympic
Parktel, Seoul, 2008-08-02.
+ Sungjoon Cho, Boon Young Han, Yewon Lee & Jane Jeong Trenka, “Presentation of
TRACK – Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea”, 9th
Conference of the Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link, Olympic Parktel, Seoul, 2008-0802.
“Adoption and race in a Swedish setting: Adult adoptees of color in Sweden and their
experiences of discrimination and relations to their non-white bodies”, 16th Nordic
Adoption Council Meeting and International Adoption Conference, Department of
Special Needs Education, University of Oslo, Oslo, 2009-05-19.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Adoption med förhinder: Om erfarenheter av rasifiering och etniska
identifikationer bland adopterade och adoptivföräldrar i Sverige” [Adoption prevented:
On experiences of racialisation and ethnic identifications among adoptees and adopters
of Sweden], 2nd National Research Conference of Cultural Studies in Sweden, Advanced
Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden, Linköping University, Norrköping, 2009-06-16.
+ Carina Tigervall, “"Japanese, Japanese, Japanese …”: Representations of East Asians
in Swedish visual culture”, 3rd Conference of NECS - European Network for Cinema and
Media Studies, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, Lund, 2009-0628.
+ Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, “Experiences of racism among adult adoptees of Sweden“, The
International Korean Adoptee Associations Gathering 2009, Hotel Arena, Amsterdam,
+ Merete Laubjerg, Ben-Zion Sigalit & Yan Zhao “Interracial adoptees, integration and
the barriers of nationalism in the Nordic countries”, 14th International Metropolis
Conference, Copenhagen Congress Center, Copenhagen, 2009-09-17.
”The South and North Korean adoption issues”, Peace Forum on the Korean Peninsula:
Visions and Tasks, The North European Chapter of the National Unification Advisory
Council, Elite Hotel, Stockholm, 2009-11-21, in Peace Forum on the Korean Peninsula:
Visions and Tasks, Seoul: The National Unification Advisory Council, 2009, pp. 92-94.
(invited paper)
“Being and becoming a transnational adoptee”, Jornadas del AFIN Adopciones, familias,
infancies, Casa del Mar, Barcelona, 2010-05-07, in AFIN Newsletter August/2010 (vol.
18), pp. 2-14. (invited paper)
+ Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Eleana Kim & Kimberly Langrehr, “Introducing Korean adoption
studies”, The International Korean Adoptee Associations Gathering 2010, Lotte Hotel,
Seoul, 2010-08-05.
“Introducing adoption cultural studies and Asian adoption studies” Intercountry
Adoption Summit, Arden Park Hotel, Stratford, Canada, 2010-09-25.
”Transracial adoption, white cosmopolitanism and the fantasy of the global family”,
Representations of family, Department of English and the Centre for Gender Research,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2010-12-13.
”Tema: Identiteter” [Theme: Identities], Conference on Learning and Intercultural
Encounters, Mälardalen University College, Eskilstuna, 2011-03-24.
“Transracial adoption, white cosmopolitanism and the fantasy of the global family”,
Intercultural versus Critical Education - Contrast or Concordance?, Department of
Culture and Communication, Södertörn University, Huddinge, 2011-04-16.
“White melancholia and Swedish whiteness: The mourning of the loss of ‘old Sweden’
and the passing of ‘good Sweden’”, 1st Global Conference on Whiteness, Mansfield
College, Oxford University, Oxford, 2011-07-13, in Nicky Falkof & Oliver Cashman-
Brown (ed.), On Whiteness, Critical Issues Series Vol. 190, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary
Press, 2012, pp. 221-233.
”Om svårigheten att vara antirasistisk forskare i Sverige” [On the difficulty of being an
antiracist researcher in Sweden], IMER-förbundets konferens 2011, Arbetets museum,
Norrköping, 2011-11-18.
”Transracial adoption, white cosmopolitanism and the fantasy of the global family”,
Cosmopolitanism in a Wider Context: Conceptualizing Past and Present, Centre for
Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörn University, Huddinge, 2011-11-25.
“Swedishness in crisis: White mourning and melancholia and the loss of ‘good old
Sweden’”, Nordic Summer University’s 4th Winter Symposium on Psychoanalysis and
Politics, Swedish Psychoanalytical Association, Stockholm, 2012-03-11.
“The reception and consumption of hallyu in Sweden”, Solbridge Hallyu 3.0 Symposium,
Solbridge International School of Business, Daejeon, 2012-04-28. (invited paper)
“Experiences of racism and discrimination and racial and ethnic identifications among
adult adoptees of color in Sweden”, Workshop AFIN Adopciones, familias, infancies,
Sede Central Alberto Aguilera, Madrid, 2012-07-05. (invited paper)
“Contemporary racial stereotypes in the Nordic countries“, European Attraction
Limited, Oslos Militære Samfund, Oslo, 2013-02-15. (invited paper)
“Transracial Adoption, white cosmopolitanism, and the fantasy of the global family“,
Adoption Imaginaries, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, 2013-05-30. (invited paper)
+ Valerie Amiraux, Andreas Hieronymus & Razia Iqbal, ”Can religion and diversity be
integrated?”, 17th International Metropolis Conference, Tampere Hall, Tampere, 201309-12.
+ Catrin Lundström,”Swedish whiteness and white melancholia: A diagnosis of a white
nation in crisis”, Traveling whiteness: Interchanges in the study of whiteness, University
of Turku, Turku, 2013-10-18.
+ Paula Mählck,”Researching race in a colour-blind context: Swedish whiteness and the
racial grammar of Swedish research policy and practice”, Traveling whiteness:
Interchanges in the study of whiteness, University of Turku, Turku, 2013-10-18.
+ Nazia Hussain, ”Engaging marginalised majority communities in European cities”,
Preventing and countering Far-Right extremism and radicalisation: European
cooperation, Münchenbryggeriet, Stockholm, 2014-06-25.
”Researching race in a colorblind context”, 17th Nordic Migration Research Conference,
University of Copenhagen, 2014-08-14.
”Racial stereotypes and Swedish whiteness: A case study of an antiracism in crisis”,
17th Nordic Migration Research Conference, University of Copenhagen, 2014-08-14.
Other publications of Tobias Hübinette
On ethnicity and race 2007-
Seminars and lectures
”Adopterade – riktiga svenskar eller inte? Att leva som icke-vit bland den vita
majoritetsbefolkningen i Sverige” [Adoptees – real Swedes or not? To live as non-white
among the white majority population of Sweden], Museion, Museum of World Culture,
Göteborg University, Gothenburg, 2007-03-07.
“Adoption, diskriminering och etnisk identitet” [Adoption, discrimination and ethnic
identity], Department of Ethnic Studies, Linköping University, Norrköping, 2007-04-17.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Vad kan adoptivfamiljer och adopterade bidra med till IMERforskningen” [How adoptive families and adoptees can contribute to migration and
ethnicity research], Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity & Welfare, Malmö
University College, Malmö, 2008-01-16.
“Samtal med 20 vuxna utlandsadopterade om den transrasiala vithetens levbarhet i ett
samtida Sverige. En presentation av forskningsprojektet Adoption, diskrimninering och
etnisk identitet” [Discussions with 20 adult intercountry adoptees regarding the
liveability of a transracial whiteness in contemporary Sweden. A presentation of the
research project Adoption, discrimination and ethnic identity], IMER seminar,
Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2008-04-14.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Erfarenheter av rasifiering hos adopterade och adoptivföräldrar i
Sverige” [Experiences of racialisation among adoptees and adoptive parents in Sweden],
Centre for multiethnic research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2008-04-22.
+ Carina Tigervall, “Att samtala med adoptivföräldrar och adopterade om ras, rasism
och rasifiering. En redovisning av forskningsprojektet Adoption, diskriminering och
etnisk identitet” [To talk with adoptive parents and adoptees about race, racism and
racialisation. An account of the research project Adoption, discrimination and ethnic
identity], Department of Ethnic Studies, Linköping University, Norrköping, 2008-04-29.
”'Going native' eller att bli den andre - om kolonisatörens behov och begär efter
tillhörighet speglat genom transrasiala adoptionsfantasier” [”Going native” or becoming
the Other: The coloniser’s need and desire to belong reflected through transracial
adoption fantasies], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2008-05-25.
”Om koloniala fantasier och transrasiala adoptioner” [Colonial fantasies and transracial
adoptions], Skeppsholmens folkhögskola, Stockholm, 2009-02-05.
”Blandade i historien och i samtiden” [Mixed race people in history and today],
Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2009-04-16.
+ Dina Avrahami, Fataneh Farahani, René Leon Rosales & Hanna Wikström,
”Rastänkande och sexualisering i dagens Sverige” [Race thinking and sexualisation in
contemporary Sweden], Stockholm Pride House 2009, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, 200907-30.
”'Japanese, Japanese, Japanese…': Representations of East Asians in Swedish
contemporary visual culture”, 1st workshop on Decoding the Nordic colonial mind,
Department of Culture and Identity, Roskilde University, Roskilde, 2009-10-19.
”To be non-white in a colour-blind society: Conversations with adoptees and adoptive
parents in Sweden on everyday racism”, Department of Culture and Communication,
Södertörn University, Huddinge, 2010-03-02.
”Att vara icke-vit svensk: Om kroppens betydelse och svenskheten” [To be a non-white
Swede: On the significance of the body and Swedishness], Mälardalen University
College, Västerås, 2010-05-20.
”Social oro och utanförskap – situationen i Sverige och Europa” [Social unrest and
marginality – the situation in Sweden and Europe], Folk och försvars och Föreningen
lärare i samhällskunskaps lärarkonferens, Army Museum, Stockholm, 2010-10-17.
+ Nathan Hammelberg & Linda Shamma Östrand, ”Blandade i Sverige och världen, i
historien och samtiden” [Mixed people in Sweden and the world, and in history and the
contemporary], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2010-10-24.
”Framställningar och föreställningar om östasiater i samtida svensk visuell kultur –
kritisk ras- och vithetsforskning i en svensk kontext” [Representations and images of
East Asians in contemporary Swedish visual culture – critical race and whiteness studies
in a Swedish context], Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn
University, Huddinge, 2010-12-14.
”'Ord som sårar'. Den svenska vithetens (o)förmåga att ackommodera minoriteters
erfarenheter” [”Words that wound”. The Swedish Whiteness and its (in)ability to
accomodate the experiences of minorities], ABF Stockholm and Interfem, ABF House,
Stockholm, 2011-05-11.
”Om frågor om ras och vithet i dagens Sverige” [On issues of race and whiteness in
today’s Sweden], Vänsterpartiet Hägersten, Stockholm, 2011-05-15.
”Mångfald och diskriminering” [Diversity and discrimination], National Board of Health
and Welfare, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2011-05-16.
”Den svenska vitheten och kritiska vithetsstudier” [Swedish whiteness and critical
whiteness studies], Department of Culture and Communication, Södertörn University,
Huddinge, 2011-08-31.
”Ras och diskriminering” [Race and discrimination], Board of education, Stockholm City,
”'Tjing tjong!': Svensk rebellhumor och gulingförakt” [”Ching chong!”. Swedish rebel
humour and yellow disguste], ABF Stockholm and Interfem, ABF House, Stockholm,
”Utlandsadopterade och möjligheten att vara icke-vit svensk” [Transnational adoptees
and the possibility of being a non-white Swede], Department of Gender Studies,
Linköping University, 2011-09-21.
+ Catrin Lundström, ”Om svenskheten och vitheten” [On Swedishness and whiteness],
Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2011-10-20.
+ Irene Molina, ”Antirasismens framtid” [The future of antiracism], 10th Socialist
Forum, ABF House, Stockholm, 2011-11-19.
+ Yoshihiro Takahashi & Danjel Nam, ”Om asiatisk maskulinitet i dagens Sverige” [On
Asian masculinity in contemporary Sweden], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2012-0115.
”Nordic whiteness under siege: White mourning and melancholia in contemporary
Sweden”, 1st workshop on Crisis and Nordic identities, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik,
”Den svenska rasismen och den svenska vitheten” [Swedish racism and Swedish
whiteness], Tamams studentförening, Vänskapens hus, Lund, 2012-02-15.
”Rasismen och den nordiska vitheten” [Racism and Nordic whiteness], Centre for
Gender Studies, Umeå University, Umeå, 2012-03-15.
”Den svenska vitheten och den svenska (anti)rasismen” [Swedish whiteness and
Swedish (anti)racism], Center against racism, Ibis Hotel, Stockholm, 2012-03-24.
”Om segregation, och ras och vithet” [On segregation, race and whiteness],
Förorternas riksdag: Förorten på Operan – Re:Aktion mot segregation, Operaterrassen,
Stockholm, 2012-04-23.
”Varför ska vi tala om ras och vithet i dagens Sverige?” [Why should we talk about race
and whiteness in today's Sweden?], Collegium for the Sociology of Education, Göteborg
University, Gothenburg, 2012-05-08.
+ Maria ‘Decida’ Wahlberg, Oivvio Polite, Ylva Habel, Paul Lappalainen, Nathan
Hammelberg & Jacob Kimvall, ”Blackface i Sverige. Ett samtal om svarta stereotyper,
underhållning och antirasistiska strategier” [Blackface in Sweden. A discussion on black
stereotypes, entertainment and antiracist strategies], Bio Rio, Stockholm, 2012-05-13.
”Koloniala föreställningar och rasfantasier i den svenska samtidskulturen” [Colonial
images and racial fantasies in contemporary Swedish culture], ABF House, Stockholm,
+ René Léon Rosales, ”Om erfarenheter från användandet av forskningscirkelmetoden i
arbetet mot rasism och diskriminering i Botkyrka kommun” [On experiences from the
use of the research circle method in the work against racism and discrimination in
Botkyrka Municipality], Swedish Participatory Action Research Community’s 3rd
conference, Teachers’ House, Stockholm, 2012-05-21.
+ Irene Molina, Paulina de los Reyes & Masoud Kamali, “Segregation: Teorier och
strategier” [Segregation: Theories and strategies], Gala för orten, Förorternas riksdag,
Culture House, Stockholm, 2012-05-26.
”Race performativity and the crisis of multiculturalism”, 2nd workshop on Crisis and
Nordic identities, University of Tampere, Tampere, 2012-05-30.
+ Lennart Räterlinck, ”Att iscensätta ras: Om vit rasperformativitet och vit
rasmelankoli” [To perform race: On white racial performativity and white racial
melancholia], Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2012-05-31.
”Swedish whiteness and Swedish racism”, No Border Camp 2012, Stockholm, 2012-0621 + 2012-06-24.
”Om behovet av att börja tala om ras i dagens Sverige utifrån afrosvenskarnas
situation. Rasism mot människor med afrikanskt ursprung i dagens Sverige” [On the
need to speak about race in today’s Sweden seent through the situation of AfroSwedes. Racism against people of African origin in today’s Sweden], Gemenskapen,
Malmö, 2012-10-09.
”Om stereotyper i samtida svensk bildkultur” [On stereotypes in contemporary Swedish
visual culture], Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 2012-10-09.
”Rasism och främlingsfientlighet” [Racism and xenophobia], Assyrien kulturcenter,
Botkyrka, 2012-10-27.
”Strukturellt förtryck och strukturell rasism” [Structural oppression and structural
racism], Vänsterns studentförbund, Södertörn University, 2012-11-27.
+ Catrin Lundström, “Swedish whiteness and white melancholia. A diagnosis of a white
nation in crisis”, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, 2012-1211.
”Ras och postkolonialism” [Race and postcolonialism], Harakat, Husby Träff, Stockholm,
”Stereotyper av minoriteter förr och nu” [Stereotypes of minorities in history and
today], Brobyggarutbildningen, Södertörn University, 2013-01-18.
”Spelar hudfärg någon roll?” [Does skin color matter?], Nykterhetsrörelsens
bildningsverksamhet, Stockholm, 2013-02-25.
”Om ras och vithet” [On race and whiteness], FN-dagen mot rasism och diskriminering,
ABF Vårby Gård, Huddinge, 2013-03-21.
+ René León Rosales, ”Vem är välkommen” [Who is welcome?], Spiritus Mundi, Malmö,
”Rasstereotyper i barnkulturen” [Racial stereotypes in children’s culture], Botkyrkas 2:a
internationella bokmässa, Hallunda bibliotek, Botkyrka, 2013-05-03.
+ Mistre Tesfaye, ”Dokument Botkyrka – rasism då och nu” [Document Botkyrka –
racism then and now], Botkyrkas 2:a internationella bokmässa, Hallunda bibliotek,
Botkyrka, 2013-05-04.
”Om rasism i dagens Sverige” [On racism in today’s Sweden], SSA Group & Botkyrka
kommun, Subtopia 2013-05-08.
+ Patrik Lundberg, ”Gul utanpå: Ett samtal om vithet och adoption i dagens Sverige”
[Yellow on the outside: A discussion on whiteness and adoption in today’s Sweden],
Aspuddens bokhandel, Stockholm, 2013-05-20.
+ Catrin Lundström, ”Reflektioner kring den svenska vitheten igår, idag och imorgon”
[Reflections on Swedish whiteness in history, today and tomorrow], Sociologer för
maktanalys och kritisk samhällsdebatt, Teater Tribunalen, Stockholm, 2013-05-21.
”Rasstereotyper i svensk barn- och ungdomskultur” [Racial stereotypes in Swedish
children’s and youth culture], Sigtuna litteraturfestival 2013, Sigtuna bibliotek, Sigtuna,
”Representationer av asiater i svensk film” [Representations of Asians in Swedish
cinema], Kulturarvsagenterna: Mångfalden i det svenska filmarvet, Zita Folkets bio,
Stockholm, 2013-08-24.
”Om ras, svenskhet och adoption” [On race, Swedishness and adoption],
Socialförvaltningens resursteam adoption, Stockholm, 2013-09-10.
”Vad kan kritisk ras- och vithetsforskning göra för nytta i dagens Sverige?” [What use
does critical race and whiteness research have in today’s Sweden?], Forum för
feministisk forskning, Stockholm University, 2013-09-16.
+ Zanyar Adami, Cecilia Gärding & Johanna Wiklund, ”Om rasism och mänskliga
rättigheter” [On racism and human rights], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2013-09-26.
”Reflektioner kring ras och kolonialism i relation till samer och Sverige” [Reflections in
race and colonialism in relation to Sámis and Sweden], Centre for Sami Research, Umeå
University, 2013-10-02.
+ Fatima Jonsson, ”Rasstereotyper och vita fantasier i svenskproducerade dataspel”
[Racial stereotypes and white fantasies in computer games produced in Sweden],
Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2013-10-03.
”Rasstereotyper i svensk barn- och ungdomskultur” [Racial stereotypes in Swedish
children’s and youth culture], Solna stadsbibliotek, Solna, 2013-10-15.
+ Fatima Jonsson, ”Rasstereotyper i dataspel” [Racial stereotypes in computer games],
School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Södertörn
University, 2013-10-30.
+ Lotten Gustafsson Reinius, Nathan Hamelberg, Anne Folke Henningssen & Karin
Wästfelt, ”Att iscensätta den Andre” [To perform the Other], Museum of Ethnography,
Stockholm, 2013-11-13.
+ Aleksander Gabelic, Cecilia Gärding, Linda Nordin, Anne Ramberg & Jenny WiikLarsson, ”Hur ser FN på Sveriges arbete mot rasism?” [How does the UN look at
Sweden’s work against racism], 12:e MR-dagarna, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, 2013-1114.
+ Paul Lappalainen & René Léon Rosales,”Rasism är en MR-fråga, inte en tolkningsfråga”
[Racism is a human rights issues, not an question of interpretation], 12:e MR-dagarna,
Kulturhuset, Stockholm, 2013-11-16.
+ Mats Deland, Rasmus Fleischer, Fredrik Hertzberg, Mattias Gardell & Heléne Lööw,
”Vad vet vi om den svenska extremhögern?” [What do we know about the Swedish
Extreme Right?], Socialistiskt forum 2013, ABF-huset, Stockholm, 2013-11-23.
”Rasstereotyper i svensk barn- och ungdomskultur” [Racial stereotypes in Swedish
children’s and youth culture], Regionbibliotek Stockholm, Stockholms stadsbibliotek,
Stockholm, 2013-12-04.
+ René Léon Rosales, ”Om ras och vithet i det samtida Sverige” [On race and whiteness
in contemporary Sweden], Myndigheten för kulturanalys, Stockholm, 2014-02-17.
”Om ras och vithet i det samtida Sverige” [On race and whiteness in contemporary
Sweden], Hugo Valentin Centre, Uppsala University, Gottsundabiblioteket, Uppsala,
”Mångfald i svensk visuell kultur” [Diversity in Swedish visual culture], Berghs School of
Communication, Stockholm, 2014-03-18.
+ Samson Beshir, ”Om afrosvenskars situation i dagens Sverige” [On the situation of
Afro-Swedes in today’s Sweden], Afrosvenskarnas riksförbund, Rinkeby Folkets hus,
Stockholm, 2014-03-21.
”Hör rasbegreppet hemma inom den antirasistiska rörelsen i Sverige?” [Does the
concept of race belong to the antiracist movement in Sweden?], Antirasistiskt forum
2014, ABF House, Stockholm, 2014-03-22.
+ Isabella Andersson, Mireya Echeverría Quezada, Zandra Kurén & Madelen Lundin,
”Antirasismens mångfald” [The diversity of antiracism], Antirasistiskt forum 2014, ABF
House, Stockholm, 2014-03-22.
”En segregerad storstad” [A segregated big city], Miljöpartiet, Grillska huset,
Stockholm, 2014-04-26.
”Åtgärder mot afrofobi” [Actions against afrophobia], Afrosvenskarnas riksförbund,
ABF House, Stockholm, 2014-04-27.
”Om ras och vithet i dagens Sverige sedd genom statistik” [On race and whiteness in
today’s Sweden seen through statistics], Rättviseförmedlingen, Stockholm, 2014-0505.
”Den svenska vithetens historia del 1” [The history of Swedish whiteness part 1],
Interfem, Stockholm, 2014-05-07.
+ Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius & Mikael Morberg, ”Multicultural Centre. A short
introduction”, 7th Diversity Matters Forum, Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts,
Istanbul, 2014-05-12.
”Om ras och svenskhet i dagens Sverige” [On race and Swedishness in today’s
Sweden], Fisksätra Folkets hus, Nacka, 2014-05-14.
”Om migration och segregation i dagens Sverige" [On migration and segregation in
today’s Sweden], Globala gymnasiet, Stockholm, 2014-05-16.
+ Ulrika Gunnarsdotter & Sara Parkman, "Knätofsarna" [Tassled garters], Multicultural
Centre, Botkyrka, 2014-05-18.
+ Henrik Arnstad & Evin Ismail, ”Vad är islamofobi och afrofobi och vilka uttryck tar de?
Hur ser de högerextrema krafterna ut och har de ökat?” [What is islamophobia and
afrophobia and how are they expressed? How do the Far Right forces look like and have
they increased], Nya Rågsveds Folkets hus, Stockholm, 2014-05-20.
”Om ras och vithet i dagens Sverige” [On race and whiteness in today’s Sweden],
Arbetsförmedlingen Etableringsverksamheten, Stockholm, 2014-05-22.
”Om vardagsrasism i dagens Sverige” [On everyday racism in today’s Sweden], Bryt
upp! En konferens om etik och rasism, Huddinge Folkets hus, Huddinge, 2014-05-23.
”Den svenska vithetens historia del 2” [The history of Swedish whiteness part 2],
Interfem, Stockholm, 2014-06-05.
+ Anna Ardin, Rashid Musa, Sara Abdollahi & Monica Fundin Pourshahidi, ”En
antirasistisk politik - hur ser den egentligen ut” [Antiracist politics – how does it look
like”], Almedalsveckan, Visby, 2014-07-02.
+ Judith Kiros, Yeshiwork Wondmeneh, Seher Yilmaz & Kawa Zolfagary, ”Har svenska
toppolitiker namnofobi?” [Has Swedish top politicians namephobia?], Almedalsveckan,
Visby, 2014-07-02.
”Om segregation och diskriminering” [On segregation and discrimination],
Brobyggarutbildningen], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2014-08-20.
+ Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius, ”Majoritetssvenskar i Storstockholm” [Majority Swedes in
Greater Stockholm], Arena, Stockholm, 2014-08-28.
”Segregation, rasstereotyper och antirasism i Sverige idag” [Segregation, racial
stereotypes and antiracism in today’s Sweden], PeaceWorks, Storholmen, Norrtälje,
”Om rykten i Botkyrka” [On rumours in Botkyrka], Hallunda bibliotek, Botkyrka, 201409-02.
+ Samson Beshir ”Om afrofobi” [On afrophobia], ABF Malmö, Gemenskapen, Malmö,
”Konstruktionen av de Andra i högerextrema texter och bilder” [The construction of
the Others in Far Right texts and images], Sensus, Medborgarhuset, Stockholm, 201409-11.
”Segregationen och dess effekter” [Segregation and its effects], Sundbybergs
folkhögskola, Sundbyberg, 2014-09-15.
”Det svenska rastänkandet, den svenska antirasismen och den svenska vitheten”
[Swedish race thinking, Swedish antiracism and Swedish whiteness], LSU – Landsrådet
för Sveriges ungdomsorganisationer, Stockholm, 2014-09-19.
”Normkritik, intersektionalitet, rastänkande och svenskhet” [Norm critique,
intersectionality, race thinking and Swedishness], Sundbybergs folkhögskola,
Sundbyberg 2014-09-23.
”The use of the concepts of race and ethnicity in Sweden and elsewhere”, Konstfack:
University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, 2014-09-29.
+ Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius, ”Majoritetssvenskar i Storstockholm” [Majority Swedes in
Greater Stockholm], Botkyrka kommun, Hotell Utsikten, Nynäshamn 2014-10-03.
”Afrofobi i dagens Sverige” [Afrophobia in today’s Sweden], ABF Malmö, Malmö
högskola, Malmö, 2014-10-09.
”Om antirasism och rasism” [On antiracism and racism], Socialdemokratiska
studentklubben, Stockholm, 2014-10-14.
”Segregationen och dess effekter” [Segregation and its effects], Röda korsets
folkhögskola, Stockholm, 2014-10-16.
”Ett splittrat och segregerat Sverige” [A divided and segregated Sweden], Svenska
muslimer för fred och rättvisa, Medborgarhuset, Stockholm, 2014-10-28.
”Sverige - västvärldens mest antirasistiska och segregerade land” [Sweden – the most
antiracist and segregated country in the Western world], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka,
”Statistikens roll” [The role of statistics], Civil Rights Defenders, Stockholm, 2014-1104.
”Sverige – ett land mellan antirasism och segregation” [Sweden – a country between
antiracism and segregation], Centrum för urbana studier, Göteborgs universitet, Folkets
hus Hammarkullen, Göteborg, 2014-11-06.
”Om ras och vithet” [On race and whiteness], Hagabergs folkhögskola, Södertälje,
+ Cecilia Gärding, Baker Karim & René León Rosales, ”Varning för ras. Ett samtal om
rättigheter, ras och kultur” [Warning for race. A discussion on rights, race and culture],
13:e MR-dagarna, Folkets hus, Umeå, 2014-11-14.
+ Valerie Amiraux, Najma Bouteldja & Helle Stenum, ”Cultural diversity. A new form of
racism?”, 13:e MR-dagarna, Folkets hus, Umeå, 2014-11-14.
”Reintroducing race in Swedish poverty research and policy”, ESPON 2013, Nordregio,
Stockholm, 2014-11-25.
”Om ras och vithet i dagens Sverige” [On race and whiteness in today’s Sweden],
Högskolan Väst, Trollhättan, 2014-11-26.
”Majoritetssvenskar i Storstockholm” [Majority Swedes in Greater Stockholm], Botkyrka
kommun, Botkyrka, 2014-11-27.
”Afrofobi. Om afrosvenskars situation i dagens Sverige” [Afrophobia. The situation of
Afro-Swedes in today’s Sweden ], Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, Hotell
Riverton, Göteborg, 2014-11-27.
”Vad är jämlikhetsstatistik?” [What is equality statistics?], Botkyrka kommun,
Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2014-12-03.
”Afro-Swedes” [Afrosvenskar], United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of
African Descent, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2014-12-04.
”Det splittrade Sverige” [A divided Sweden], ABF Huddinge, Huddinge, 2014-12-04.
”Om afrosvenskars situation i dagens Sverige” [On the situation of Afro-Swedes in
today’s Sweden], Afrosvenska akademin, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2014-12-11.
”En postkolonial feministisk introduktion till internationell adoption” [A postcolonial
feminist introduction to international adoption], Unga Klara, Stockholms dramatiska
högskola, 2015-01-22.
”Den svenska bostadssegregationen: Utveckling och mönster” [The Swedish residential
segregation: Development and patterns], Inkludera mera!, Tollare folkhögskola, Nacka,
”Situationen för majoritetssvenskar i södra Botkyrka” [The situation for majority
Swedes in southern Botkyrka], Tullinge socialdemokratiska förening, Elgentorp,
Botkyrka, 2015-02-04.
”Segregation och rasism i Sverige” [Segregation and racism in Sweden], Mikaelikyrkan,
Skärholmen, Stockholm, 2015-02-10.
”Rasstereotyper och svensk vithet” [Racial stereotypes and Swedish whiteness],
Normkritisk visuell kommunikation, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2015-02-13.
”Vilka röstar på SD?” [Who vote for the Sweden Democrats?], Agera tillsammans nu,
Samarbetsorgan för invandrarorganisationer i Sverige, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka,
”Rasismens historia och nutid med fokus på Sverige” [Racism in the past and today
with a focus on Sweden], Stockholms stads bibliotek, Hamburgerbryggeriet, Stockholm,
”Rastänkandets historia och konstruktionen av svenskheten” [The history of race
thinking and the construction of Swedishness], Svenska kyrkans enhet för
flerspråkighet, Rönneberga kursgård, Lidingö, 2015-03-04.
+ Kajsa Ekis Ekman, Aino Gröndahl, Peo Hansen & Shahram Khosravi, ”Noncitizen dinner.
Om avskaffandet av medborgarskap” [Noncitizen dinner: On the abolishment of
citizenship], Tempo dokumentärfestival, Dramalabbet, Stockholm, 2015-03-05.
”En introduktion till det ras- och vithetskritiska forskningsfältet” [An introduction to
the field of critical race and whiteness studies], Department of Literature, History of
Ideas and Religion, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, 2015-03-09.
”Afrofobi. Om afrosvenskars situation i dagens Sverige” [Afrophobia. The situation of
Afro-Swedes in today’s Sweden ], Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, Fazer
konferens, Stockholm, 2015-03-10.
”Rasstereotyper och svensk vithet” [Racial stereotypes and Swedish whiteness],
Brobyggarutbildningen, Södertörn University, 2013-03-19.
”Det segregerade Sverige och Stockholm” [Segregated Sweden and Stockholm],
Skarpnäcks folkhögskola, Stockholm, 2015-03-21.
”Afrofobi. Om afrosvenskars situation i dagens Sverige” [Afrophobia. The situation of
Afro-Swedes in today’s Sweden], STÅ UPPsala för jämlikhet mot rasism, Sensus,
Gästrike-Hälsinge Nation, Uppsala, 2015-03-21.
”Teoretiska perspektiv på mångfald och rasism i dagens Sverige” [Theoretical
perspectives on diversity and racism in today’s Sweden], Nyköpings folkhögskola,
Nyköping, 2015-04-16.
+ Patrik Lundberg, ”Rasism och tillhörighet” [Racism and belonging],
Socialförvaltningens resursteam adoption, Stockholm, 2015-04-17.
”Svenska rasstereotyper av minoriteter igår och idag” [Swedish racial stereotypes of
minorities yesterday and today], Strindbergsmuseet, Stockholm, 2015-04-23.
”Om ras och vithet i dagens Sverige” [On race and whiteness in today’s Sweden],
Department of Educational Studies, Karlstad University, Karlstad, 2015-04-29.
”Om afrosvenskars situation i dagens Sverige” [On the situation of Afro-Swedes in
today’s Sweden], Nätverket för fred på Afrikas horn: The Horn Café, Sensus,
Stockholm, 2015-05-05.
On Adoption and Korea 1995-
Unpublished manuscripts
Irland och Korea – en komparativ historisk studie [Ireland and Korea – a comparative
historical study], B.A.-thesis, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University,
58 p.
Den svenska Koreabilden 1904-38 [The Swedish image of Korea 1904-38], M.A.-thesis,
Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, 51 p.
Comforting an orphaned nation. Representations of international adoption and adopted
Koreans in Korean popular culture, Ph.D.-thesis, Department of Oriental Languages,
Stockholm University, 265 p.
Edited publications
+ Michael Lee Wallqvist, The 2nd International Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees,
August 9-12 2001, Oslo-Norway, Stockholm: Planning Committee of 2nd International
Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees, 2001, 38 p.
Book chapters
“History”, in Tobias Hübinette & Michael Lee Wallqvist (ed.), The 2nd International
Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees August 9-12, 2001, Oslo-Norway, Stockholm:
Planning Committee of 2nd International Gathering of Adult Korean Adoptees, 2001, p.
Periodical articles
“Nazister vill sterilisera adoptivbarn” [Nazis want to sterilize adoptive children], Expo:
Demokratisk tidskrift no. 1/1995 (vol. 1), pp. 32-33.
“Nazisternas syn på adoptivbarn” [The Nazi view on adoptees], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 5/1995 (vol. 4), pp. 13-15.
“Adoptivbarn en ny problemgrupp” [Adopted children a new problem group], Um &
Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1996 (vol. 5), p. 6.
“Adoptivbarn en principkrock för rasister – svartskalle eller svensk?” [Adoptive children
a problem of principle for racists – black head or Swedish?], Att Adoptera: Utgiven av
Adoptionscentrum no. 2/1996 (vol. 27), pp. 12-14.
“Rasistiskt våld mot adopterade under 1997” [Racist violence against adoptees in
1997], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/1997
(vol. 6), pp. 18-21.
“Några anmärkningar kring statistik om adoptivkoreaner” [Some notes on statistics on
adopted Koreans], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
2/1999 (vol. 8), p. 11.
“Korea-adoptionens historia” [The history of Korean adoption], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 10-13.
“Utlandskoreaner” [Overseas Koreans], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/2000 (vol. 9), pp. 18-24.
“Adoptionen från Korea” [Adoption from Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/2001 (vol. 10), pp. 29-30.
“Relationer över rasgränserna” [Inter-racial relations], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/2001 (vol. 10), pp. 28-30.
“A presentation of research concerning inter-country adoptees and adopted Koreans in
Sweden”, The OAK. Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link Newsletter December/2002 (vol.
4), pp. 15-23.
“En presentation av den senaste forskningen om utlandsadopterade i Sverige” [A
presentation of the latest research on inter-country adoptees in Sweden], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 31-33.
“Ett försök till analys av adoptionsdebatten” [An attempt to an analysis of the
adoption debate], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
3/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 11-15.
“Relationen Sverige-Korea eller 'Koreasvenskarna'” [The relationship between SwedenKorea or the “Korea Swedes”], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners
Förening no. 3/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 15-17.
“Tre Hollywood-filmer sedda utifrån ett adoptionsperspektiv” [Three Hollywood movies
seen from an adoption perspective], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 36-38.
“Adoption som ämne i koreansk populärkultur Del 1” [Adoption as a subject in Korean
popular culture Part 1], Yoboseyo: Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no.
2/2002 (vol. 42), pp. 5-6.
“Adoption som ämne i koreansk populärkultur Del 2” [Adoption as a subject in Korean
popular culture Part 2], Yoboseyo: Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no.
3/2002 (vol. 42), p. 15.
“The meaning of roots”, Blessings from China: Families with Children from China no.
3/2003 (vol. 8), pp. 10-11.
“Nordkorea och adoption” [North Korean and adoption], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning
för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2003 (vol. 12), pp. 21-27.
“Suicidbeteende bland utlandsadopterade i Sverige” [Suicide behaviour among foreign
adoptees in Sweden], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening
no. 1/2003 (vol. 12), pp. 28-31.
“Sverige och adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [Sweden and the adoption issue in Korea], Um &
Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2003 (vol. 12), pp.
“President Kim Dae Jung och adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [President Kim Dae Jung and the
adoption issue in Korea], Yoboseyo: Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no.
2/2003 (vol. 43), pp. 4-5.
“Adoptivkoreanerna i Sverige och adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [The adopted Koreans of
Sweden and the Korean adoption issue], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/2006 (vol. 15), pp. 8-13.
“Kuriosafakta kring adoption och adopterade från Korea” [Facts and figures about
adoption and Korean adoptees], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners
Förening no. 3/2006 (vol. 15), pp. 14-15.
“Historisk jämförelse då – nu. Koreas historia” [Historical comparison then – now.
Korea’s history], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
3/2006 (vol. 15), p. 27.
“Korea söker försoning med sina bortadopterade barn” [Korea’s quest for reconciliation
with its overseas adopted children], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/2006 (vol. 15), pp. 32-33.
“Koreansk-svenska relationer genom tiderna” [Korean-Swedish relations in
history], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
3/2009 (vol. 18), pp. 4-5.
“Adopterade utsätts för rasdiskriminering” [Adoptees are exposed to racial
discrimination], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
3/2009 (vol. 18), pp. 18-19.
“Vilka är de biologiska föräldrarna i Korea?” [Who are the biological parents in
Korea?], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
1/2010 (vol. 19), p. 6.
”Just like Sweden, Korea must accept single mothers”, Korean Unwed Mothers Support
Network Newsletter Sep/2013 (Vol. 7), 2 p.
Debate articles
“En kritik av den internationella adoptionen” [A critique of international adoption], Um
& Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 811.
“Att skapa en adoptivkoreansk identitet bortom Västs mångkulturella diskurs” [To
create an adopted Korean identity beyond Western multicultural discourse], Um &
Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/2002 (vol. 11), pp 45.
“When ethnic stereotypes come true”, The Revenge Chronicles Newsletter no. 1/2004
(vol. 1), 1 p.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, “Statligt återresebidrag för adopterade i samband med adoption”
[Economic contribution to adoptees at the time of the adoption], Dala-Demokraten
2005-01-24, p. 12.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, “En ny syn på adoptioner” [A new view on adoptions], DalaDemokraten 2005-01-31, p. 12.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, “Medborgerliga rättigheter för adopterade” [Civil rights for
adoptees], Dala-Demokraten 2005-02-20, p. 12.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, “Inte lätt för adopterad att bara vara som en svensk” [Not easy for
an adoptee just to be like a Swede], Falu-Kuriren 2005-01-22, p. 26.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, “Bättre kompetens i adoptionsfrågor” [Better insight in adoption
issues], Falu-Kuriren 2005-01-25, p. 2.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, “Segregeringen måste bort” [The segregation has to disappear],
Göteborg-Posten 2005-02-17, p. 38.
+ Il Zoo Kim Zung, ”Adopterade utsätts för diskriminering” [Adoptees are exposed to
discrimination], Länstidningen i Östersund 2005-01-31, p. 12.
Paola Ceder, Patrik Lundberg & Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, “Sökande efter sitt
ursprung” [Searching for origins], Blekinge Läns Tidning 2009-11-18, p. 23.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg & Gitte Enander, “Alla har rätt till sitt
ursprung” [Everyone has a right to her origin], Bohuslänningen 2009-11-20, p. 3.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt,
“Adopterades rättigheter glöms bort” [Adoptees’ rights are discarded], Dagen 200911-06, p. 3.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Vi vill
kunna söka efter vårt ursprung” [We want to be able to search for our origin], HallandsPosten 2009-12-02, p. 2.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt,
“Respektera adopterades behov” [Respect adoptees' needs], Jönköpings-Posten 200911-10, p. 6.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Rätt
att söka ursprung. Utlandsadopterades rättigheter marginaliseras och försummas”
[Right to search for origin. Foreign adoptees’s rights are marginalized and neglected],
Nerikes Allehanda 2009-11-07, p. 46.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Hjälp
oss söka vårt ursprung” [Help us find our origin], Norrbottens-Kuriren 2009-12-14, p.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Hjälp
oss söka vårt ursprung” [Help us find our origin], Norrköpings Tidningar 2009-11-06, p.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Hjälp
oss att hitta våra rötter och vårt ursprung” [Help us to find our roots and our origin],
Skaraborgs Läns Tidning 2009-11-16, p. 2.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Viktigt
hitta sina biologiska rötter” [Important to find biological roots], Sundsvalls Tidning
2009-11-08, p. 31.
+ Paola Ceder, Stephanie Sjöstedt & Marit Arnbom, “Adopterade: Vi vill ha praktisk hjälp
att söka efter vårt ursprung” [Adoptees: We want practical help to search for our
origin], Vestmanlands Läns Tidning 2009-11-21, p. B9.
+ Paola Ceder, Mikael Jarnlo, Patrik Lundberg, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson, Carolin Anderson & Stephanie Sjöstedt, “Låt
barnkonventionen ingå i svensk lag” [Include the childen’s convention in Swedish law],
Västerbottens-Kuriren 2009-11-10, p. 43.
+ Paola Ceder, Patrik Lundberg, Mikael Jarnlo, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Stephanie Sjöstedt, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson & Carolin Anderson, “…och
adopterades rättigheter” […and adoptees’ rights], Östersunds-Posten 2009-11-20, p.
+ Paola Ceder, Patrik Lundberg, Mikael Jarnlo, Gitte Enander, Malinee Murray, Tad
Kaptimer, Stephanie Sjöstedt, Hanna Sofia Jung Johansson & Carolin Anderson, ”Hjälp
att söka ursprunget” [Help to search for roots], Kristianstadsbladet 2010-01-07, p.
Book reviews
“Recension av Anna von Melen: Samtal med vuxna adopterade” [Review of Anna von
Melen: Samtal med vuxna adopterade], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/1998 (vol. 7), p. 11.
“Recension av Tonya Bishoff & Jo Rankin (red.): Seeds from a silent tree” [Review of
Tonya Bishoff & Jo Rankin (ed.): Seeds from a silent tree], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning
för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1998 (vol. 7), p. 15.
“Recension av Geir Helgesen: Democracy and Authority in Korea” [Review of Geir
Helgesen: Democracy and Authority in Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/1998 (vol. 7), p. 14.
“Recension av Bruce Cumings: Korea’s place in the sun” [Review of Bruce Cumings:
Korea’s place in the sun], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners
Förening no. 5/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 6-7.
“Recension av 1999 Calendar: A collection of artwork by Overseas Adopted Koreans”
[Review of 1999 Calendar: A collection of artwork by Overseas Adopted Koreans], Um
& Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/1999 (vol. 8), p. 20.
“Recension av Jan-Åke Eriksson & Inger Sundqvist: Behandling av adopterade på särskilt
ungdomshem” [Review of Jan-Åke Eriksson & Inger Sundqvist: Behandling av
adopterade på särskilt ungdomshem], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/1999 (vol. 8), p. 33.
“Recension av Erik Cornell: Nordkorea. Sändebud till paradiset” [Review of Erik Cornell:
Nordkorea. Sändebud till paradiset], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/1999 (vol. 8), p. 22.
“Recension av Aage Krarup-Nielsen: Från Korea till Bali” [Review of Aage Krarup-Nielsen:
Från Korea till Bali], Yoboseyo: Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no. 1/2000
(vol. 40), p. 6.
“Recension av Sten Bergman: I Morgonstillhetens land” [Review of Sten Bergman: I
Morgonstillhetens land], Yoboseyo: Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no.
2/2000 (vol. 40), pp. 4-5.
“Recension av W A:son Grebst: I Korea” [Review of W A:son Grebst: I Korea], Yoboseyo:
Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no. 4/2000 (vol. 40), pp. 3-4.
“Recension av Sarah Milledge Nelson: Spirit bird journey” [Review of Sarah Milledge
Nelson: Spirit bird journey], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners
Förening no. 1/2002 (vol. 11), p. 34.
“Recension av Kenn Harper: Give me my father’s body” [Review of Kenn Harper: Give
me my father’s body], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening
no. 2/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 26-27.
“Recension av Barbro Nordlöf: Svenska adoptioner i Stockholm 1918-1973” [Review of
Barbro Nordlöf: Svenska adoptioner i Stockholm 1918-1973], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 33-35.
“Recension av Nancy Fox & Sook Wilkinson (red.): After the morning calm. Reflections
of Korean adoptees” [Review of Nancy Fox & Sook Wilkinson (ed.): After the morning
calm. Reflections of Korean adoptees], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 38-39.
“Recension av Hyun Sook Han: Many lives intertwined” [Review of Hyun Sook Han: Many
lives intertwined], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
1/2005 (vol. 14), p. 12.
”Om voksne udenlandsadopterede og den nordiske hvidhed. Anmeldelse av
Lene Myong Petersen: Adopteret – Fortaellinger om transnational og rasialiseret
tilblivelse” [On adult foreign-born adoptees and Nordic whiteness. Review of Lene
Myong Petersen: Adopteret – Fortaellinger om transnational og rasialiseret
tilblivelse], Ch’ingu: Korea Klubbens blad no. 1/2009 (vol. 14), pp. 12-13.
“Recension av Jane Jeong Trenka: Fugitive visions och Sanna Sjöswärd: Min
mamma är en persisk prinsessa” [Review of Jane Jeong Trenka: Fugitive visions and
Sanna Sjöswärd: Min mamma är en persisk prinsessa], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning
för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/2009 (vol. 18), p. 23.
“Recension av Lene Myong Petersen: Adopteret – Fortaellinger om
transnational og rasialiseret tilblivelse” [Review of Lene Myong Petersen: Adopteret
– Fortaellinger om transnational og rasialiseret tilblivelse], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2010 (vol. 19), p. 9-10.
News reports
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/1996 (vol. 5), p. 16.
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 2/1996 (vol. 5), p. 23.
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/1996 (vol. 5), p. 17.
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/1996 (vol. 5), p. 17.
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/1997 (vol. 6), p. 23.
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 2/1997 (vol. 6), p. 23.
“Kort om Korea” [Short on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/1997 (vol. 6), p. 16.
“Korea aktuellt” [Contemporary Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/1998 (vol. 7), p. 11.
“Korea aktuellt” [Contemporary Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 2/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 12-13.
“Korea aktuellt” [Contemporary Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 8-9.
“Korea aktuellt” [Contemporary Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 15-19.
“Korea aktuellt” [Contemporary Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 5/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 14-18.
“Korea aktuellt” [Contemporary Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 17-18.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 2/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 20-24.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 28-31.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 16-18.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 2/2000 (vol. 9), pp. 15-16.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/2000 (vol. 9), pp. 8-10.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/2000 (vol. 9), pp. 36-37.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/2001 (vol. 10), pp. 30-31.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 3/2001 (vol. 10), p. 33.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 4/2001 (vol. 10), p. 4.
“Aktuellt om Korea” [News on Korea], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade
Koreaners Förening no. 1/2002 (vol. 11), pp. 4-5.
Editorial texts
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/1998 (vol. 7), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1998 (vol. 7), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/1998 (vol. 7), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/1998 (vol. 7), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 5/1998 (vol. 7), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/1999 (vol. 8), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1999 (vol. 8), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/1999 (vol. 8), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/2000 (vol. 9), pp. 3-4.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/2000 (vol. 9), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/2000 (vol. 9), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2001 (vol. 10), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/2001 (vol. 10), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/2001 (vol. 10), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/2001 (vol. 10), p. 3.
“Redaktören har ordet” [The editor has the word], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/2002 (vol. 11), p. 3.
Journalistic works
“Att vara antirasist och adopterad” [To be an antiracist and an adoptee], Svartvitt: Ung
mångkulturell tidskrift no. 1/1996 (vol. 10), pp. 10-12.
“Första mars – självständighetsdagen [The first of March – Independence day], Um &
Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/1996 (vol. 5), p. 16.
“Korea – ett delat land” [Korea – a divided nation], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1996 (vol. 5), pp. 22-23.
“Koreanska låter vackert” [Korean sounds beautiful], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/1996 (vol. 5), p. 15.
“Musik och dans viktigt i koreansk kultur” [Music and dance important in Korean
culture], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/1996
(vol. 5), pp. 16-17.
“Jag är korean” [I am Korean], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners
Förening no. 4/1996 (vol. 5), pp. 15-16.
“Studentuppror i Seoul” [Student uprising in Seoul], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/1996 (vol. 5), p. 17.
“Koreadag med Sällskapet” [Korea day with the association], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/1997 (vol. 6), p. 23.
“Forum 97”, Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
3/1997 (vol. 6), pp. 16-17.
“Konferens om rasism” [Conference on racism], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 5/1997 (vol. 6), p. 9.
“Intervju med Gabriel Jonsson” [Interview with Gabriel Jonsson], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 5/1997 (vol. 6), pp. 18-19.
“Intervju med Maria Olsson” [Interview with Maria Olsson], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning
för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 8-10.
“Intervju med David Kap-dong Illigens” [Interview with David Kap-dong Illigens], Um &
Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/1999 (vol. 8), pp. 1819.
“Intervju med Hanna Wallensteen” [Interview with Hanna Wallensteen], Um & Yang:
Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 4/1999 (vol. 8), p. 12.
“Vad man kan lära sig på en resa till Korea” [What you may learn on a trip to Korea],
Yoboseyo: Koreanska sällskapets tidskrift sedan 1961 no. 2/1999 (vol. 39), pp. 3-4.
“Resebilder från England och Frankrike” [Impressions from travelling in England and
France], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/2000
(vol. 9), pp. 22-23.
“Intervju med Sara Jaros” [Interview with Sara Jaros], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 3/2000 (vol. 9), p. 13.
+ Nicola Söderlund & Mats Borg, Spårlöst försvunnen [Missing without a trace], Nordisk
Film & TV, TV3 2000-2001, 23 hours.
“Intervju med Gordon Black” [Interview with Gordon Black], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning
för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 1/2001 (vol. 10), p. 23.
“Rapport från den Nordiska forskarkonferensen – 35 år med internationella adoptioner”
[A report from the Nordic research conference – 35 years with international
adoptions], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för Adopterade Koreaners Förening no.
4/2001 (vol. 10), pp. 6-7.
Seminars and lectures
“Rasism och adoption ur ett historiskt perpektiv” [Racism and adoption from a
historical perspective], Adoption Centre, Sollentuna, 1997-11-08.
“Adoption och rasism” [Adoption and racism], Swedish National Board for Intercountry
Adoptions, Stockholm, 1998-11-12.
“Rasism och adoption” [Racism and adoption], Adoption Centre’s 30 Years Jubilee,
Sollentunamässan, Sollentuna, 1999-05-09.
+ Lovisa Sammarco, “De adopterade i centrum” [Focus on the adoptees], Adopted –
and then…?, Swedish National Board for Intercountry Adoptions, Sätra bruk, Karlsborg,
1999-05-26, in Adopterad – och sedan…? [Adopted – and then…?], Stockholm:
Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset & Statens nämnd för internationella adoptionsfrågor,
1999, pp. 12-16.
“Irland och Korea. En presentation av en kandidatuppsats” [Ireland and Korea. A
presentation of a B.A. thesis], Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm
University, Stockholm, 1999-11-28.
“En introduktion till koreansk kultur” [An introduction to Korean culture], Department
of Economics and Technology, Halmstad University College, Halmstad, 2000-02-28.
“Den svenska Koreabilden” [The Swedish image of Korea], Department of the History
of Ideas, Södertörn University, Huddinge, 2000-06-03.
“Den svenska Koreabilden. En presentation av en magisteruppsats” [The Swedish image
of Korea. A presentation of an M.A. thesis], Department of Oriental Languages,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2000-09-28.
“Etnisk identitet” [Ethnic identity], African Student Society/Student Union, Stockholm
University, Stockholm, 2000-10-23.
“Adoptionsfrågan i Korea. En presentation av ett avhandlingsprojekt” [The adoption
issue in Korea. A presentation of a Ph.D. project], Department of Oriental Languages,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2001-10-11.
“Adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [The adoption issue in Korea], Seminar on adoption research,
Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2002-02-15.
“Adoption som ämne i koreansk populärkultur” [Adoption as a subject in Korean
popular culture ], Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm,
“Vad är orientalism?” [What is Orientalism?], Seminar on orientalism, Association for
Oriental Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2002-05-03.
“Koreansk adoptionshistoria” [Korean adoption history], Korean culture, adoption and
roots, The Adopted Koreans’ Association of Sweden, Hilton Slussen Hotel, Stockholm,
“Orientalism – an introduction”, Orientalism Revisited: Cultural relativity and intercultural communication, Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, 2002-05-29.
“The adopted Koreans”, Department of Education, Hanshin University, Cheonan, 200207-29.
“The adopted Koreans in Sweden”, Department of Social Work, Ehwa Woman’s
University, Seoul, 2002-08-16.
“President Kim Dae Jung och adoptionsfrågan” [President Kim Dae Jung and the
adoption issue], Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm,
“A presentation of research concerning inter-country adoptees and adopted Koreans in
Sweden”, Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link, Seoul, 2002-10-19.
“A presentation on research concerning adopted Koreans in Sweden”, School of Public
Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, 2002-11-04.
+ Amy Harp, “Research on adopted Koreans in Sweden”, Department of Social Work,
Soongsil University, Seoul, 2002-11-19.
“A presentation on adopted Koreans in Sweden”, Department of Philosophy, Dankook
University, Seoul, 2002-11-20.
“Barnhandel eller hjälpande hand. Reflektioner kring internationell adoption [Trade in
children or a helping hand. Reflections on international adoption], Association of
Foreign Affairs, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, 2003-02-13.
“Adoptionsfrågan i Korea” [The adoption issue in Korea], Research Day, Department of
Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2003-02-14.
“Nordkorea och adoption” [North Korea and adoption], Department of Oriental
Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2003-02-20.
“Finns det en adoptivkoreansk identitet?” [Is there an adopted Korean identity?], Blood
and other bonds, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2003-05-15.
“Finns det en adoptivkoreansk identitet?” [Is there an adopted Korean identity?], Blood
and other bonds, Riksutställningar, Botkyrka, 2003-05-23.
+ Lena Sundström, “Den sista människohandeln” [The last human trade], Arena/ABF,
Stockholm, 2003-12-09.
+ Sofia French & Astrid Trotzig, “Hitta hem” [Finding home], Ordfront, Skellefteå,
“President Kim Dae Jung och den koreanska adoptionsfrågan” [President Kim Dae Jung
and the Korean adoption issue], Research Day, Department of Oriental Languages,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2004-02-20.
“Adoption – omsorg eller människohandel?” [Adoption – concern or human trade?],
Röda rummet, Jönköping, 2004-03-13.
“Internationell adoption – människohandel eller biståndsverksamhet?” [International
adoption – human trade or assistance], Spotlight, Linköpings universitet, Norrköping,
“Utlandsadopterades situation” [The situation of foreign adoptees], Centre for
Intercultural School Research, Södertörn University and Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka,
“The suffering and shaming of the nation: The Korean nation embodied as an overseas
adopted woman in the the Korean feature film Susanne Brink’s Arirang”, Intersectional
meetings: Ethnicity, gender, class and sexuality..., Center for Gender Studies,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2004-10-05.
“Barnhandel eller hjälpande hand? – ett föredrag om internationella adoptioner” [Trade
in children or a helping hand – a discussion on international adoptions], Association of
Foreign Affairs, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2004-10-07.
“The Korean adoption issue: Postcolonial reconciliation and ethnonationalist diaspora
politics”, Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 200411-18.
“Den koreanska diasporan – en utmaning mot den koreanska identiteten [The Korean
diaspora – challenging the Korean identity], Department of Oriental Languages,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2005-04-05.
“The orphaned nation: Korea imagined and represented as an overseas adopted child in
Clon’s pop song Abandoned Child and in Park Kwang-su’s feature film Berlin Report”,
7th Multidisciplinary Research Day, Center for the Study of Children’s Culture,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2005-04-22.
“Adoptionsfrågan i Korea. En redogörelse för ett avhandlingsprojekt” [The adoption
issue in Korea. An account of a Ph.D. project], Department of Oriental Languages,
Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2005-06-03.
+ Ellen Nyman & Kim Su Rasmussen, “Between hybridity and diaspora: Reflections on
being an international adoptee”, UFOlab 2005, Galleri Q, Copenhagen, 2005-06-16.
“Adoptivkoreanerna – en ny diaspora?” [The adopted Koreans – a new diaspora?],
Network on transnationality and diaspora, Centre for Gender Studies, Lund University,
Lund, 2005-10-06.
“Kolonialism, nationalism och postnationalism [Colonialism, nationalism and
postnationalism], Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University, Stockholm,
+ Carina Tigervall, “Adoption, diskriminering och etnisk identitet” [Adoption,
discrimination and ethnic identity], Department of Sociology, Umeå University, Umeå,
“Den adoptivkoreanska identiteten och rörelsen: En presentation av ett postdoktoralt
forskningsprojekt” [The adopted Korean identity and community: A presentation of a
postdoctoral research project], Department of Oriental Languages, Stockholm
University, Stockholm, 2006-03-30.
“En introduktion till koreansk film, den nya koreanska filmvågen och regissör Kim Kiduk” [An introduction to Korean cinema, the new Korean film wave, and director Kim
Ki-duk], Biografen Elektra, Västerås, 2006-04-07.
+ Anna Jin-hwa Borstam, Jane Jin Kaisen & Ellen Nyman, ”Internationell adoption –
nordisk neokolonialism? [International adoption – Nordic neo-colonialism?],
Malmöfestivalen/Filmtältet, Folkets Bio, Malmö, 2006-08-25.
”Tracing trades. Myth and memories of adopted Koreans in the Nordic countries”,
Göteborg 7th Dance and Theatre Festival/Göteborg Open Lab, Artisten, Gothenburg,
“De adopterade koreanerna och den koreanska nationen” [The adopted Koreans and
the Korean nation], The Politics of Community in East Asia, Nordic Association for the
Study of Contemporary Japanese Society, Swedish Institute of International Affairs,
Stockholm, 2006-09-23.
“Adoptionsfrågan i koreansk populärkultur” [The adoption issue in Korean popular
culture], 8:e Forskardagarna 2006, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, 2006-10-18 +
“Korea – en introduktion” [Korea – an introduction], International Office, Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm, 2006-11-10.
“Sydkorea ur ett vänsterperspektiv [South Korea from a leftist perspective],
Vänsterpartiet, Kafé Marx, Stockholm, 2007-04-26.
“Utlandsadopterades identitet” [Foreign adoptees’ identity], Department of Culture and
Communication, Södertörn University, Huddinge, 2007-09-14.
“Om adopterades erfarenheter av diskriminering och etniska identifikationer” [On
adoptees’ experiences of discrimination and ethnic identifications], ABF North
Stockholm, Järfälla, 2008-03-06.
“Om utredningar rörande internationell adoption” [On inquiries regarding international
adoption], Familjerättsdagarna 2008, Djurönäset, Värmdö, 2008-03-31.
+ Carina Tigervall, ”Adoption, diskriminering och etnisk identitet: En presentation av
boken Adoption med förhinder” [Adoption, discrimination and ethnic identity: A
presentation of the book Adoption with complications], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka,
+ Carina Tigervall, ”Adoption, diskriminering och etnisk identitet: En presentation av
boken Adoption med förhinder” [Adoption, discrimination and ethnic identity: A
presentation of the book Adoption with complications], Swedish Intercountry Adoptions
Authority, Stockholm, 2009-01-19.
+ Carina Tigervall, ”Adoption med förhinder. Samtal med adopterade och
adoptivföräldrar om vardagsrasism och etnisk identitet” [Adoption with complications:
Conversations with adoptees and adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic
identity], Centre for Cultural Studies, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, 2009-02-24.
”Adoption med förhinder. Samtal med adopterade och adoptivföräldrar om
vardagsrasism och etnisk identitet” [Adoption with complications: Conversations with
adoptees and adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic identity], Centre for
Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations, Stockholm University,
Stockholm, 2009-02-26.
+ Carina Tigervall, ”Adoption med förhinder. Samtal med adopterade och
adoptivföräldrar om vardagsrasism och etnisk identitet” [Adoption with complications:
Conversations with adoptees and adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic
identity], Adopterades Koreaners Förening & Adoptionscentrum, Studiefrämjandet,
Gothenburg, 2009-05-16.
”Adoptees as hybrid subjects”, Mellanförskapet, Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 200907-29.
”Transnational adoption as a forced child migration”, Department of Child and Youth
Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 2009-08-27.
”Adoption med förhinder. Samtal med adopterade och adoptivföräldrar om
vardagsrasism och etnisk identitet” [Adoption with complications: Conversations with
adoptees and adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic identity], Värmdö
Municipality, Värmdö, 2009-09-10.
+ Carina Tigervall, ”Adoption with complications: Conversations with adoptees and
adoptive parents on everyday racism and ethnic identity”, Korea Klubben,
Kulturstaldene, Copenhagen, 2009-09-16.
”En introduktion till internationell adoption och utlandsadopterade” [An introduction to
transnational adoption and transracial adoptees], Social Work, Malmö University
College, Malmö 2009-11-10.
+ Kimberly McKee, Daniel Schwekendiek & Eli Park Sørensen,”60 years of overseas
Korean adoption and the Korean adoption issue", Trinity College, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, 2010-02-20.
+ Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Ross Oke & Jane Jeong Trenka, “Keeping TRACK: Korean
adoption community alliances for human rights”, The International Korean Adoptee
Associations Gathering 2010, Lotte Hotel, Seoul, 2010-08-05.
”Quantitative research on adult adoptees in Sweden”, Adoptee Solidarity forum on
mental health and adoption, KoRoot, Seoul, 2010-08-12.
+ Kristina Beije & Mariana Vigil, ”Hur barn och efterkommande drabbas av diktaturer”
[How children and descendents are affected by dictatorships], Multicultural Centre,
Botkyrka, 2010-09-02.
”Korean overseas adoptees: Between nationalism and transnationalism”, Institute on
Globalization and the Human Condition, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 201009-21.
”Transnational adoption, globalisation and social work”, School of Social Work,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, 2010-09-22.
”Internationell adoption och minoriteters rätt att få adoptera” [International adoption
and the rights of minorities to adopt], Uppsala Pride 2010, Grand, Uppsala, 2010-1107.
”Filmer om adoption” [Adoption films], Multicultural Centre, Botkyrka, 2011-02-27.
”Migration, adoption och arkiv” [Migration, adoption and archives], Malmö City Archive,
Malmö, 2011-03-01.
”Svensk-koreanska kulturmöten igår och idag” [Swedish-Korean cultural encounters
yesterday and today], Uppsala Art Museum, Uppsala, 2011-04-13.
”Nord- och sydkoreanska relationer sedd genom Park Chan-wook’s film JSA” [North and
South Korean relations seen through Park Chan-wook’s film JSA], International
Migration and Ethnic Relations, Malmö University College and Biograf Pandora, Malmö,
”Swedish Korean adoptees, who are they?”, Adopterade koreaners förening's 25th
Anniversary and International Korean Adoptees Associations' Mini-Gathering Stockholm,
Finland House, Stockholm, 2011-08-13.
"Adoptionen från Korea till Sverige och de adopterade koreanerna i Sverige" [Adoption
from Korea to Sweden and the adopted Koreans in Sweden], Museum of Far Eastern
Antiquities, Stockholm, 2012-03-27.
“The reception and consumption of hallyu in Sweden”, KoRoot, Seoul, 2012-05-01.
”The reception and consumption of hallyu in Sweden: Preliminary findings and
reflections”, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
+ Michael Fuhr, Keith Howard, Sang-Yeon Sung & Hae-Kyung Um, ”Panel on K-pop”,
International Conference on Analysing Popular Music, University of Liverpool, Liverpool,
+ Jane Jeong Trenka, ”What is international adoption? Reflections on a 60 years old
global migration phenomenon”, Women’s Global Solidarity Action Network, Seoul Global
Culture and Tourism Center, Seoul, 2013-08-11.
+ Kurdo Baksi & Anna Sandgren, ”Samtal om filmen Approved for adoption” [Discussion
on the film Approved for adoption], ABF House, Stockholm, 2014-04-08.
+ Kurdo Baksi & Anna Sandgren, ”Samtal om filmen First person plural” [Discussion on
the film First person plural], ABF House, Stockholm, 2014-04-15.
”Samtal om filmen Approved for adoption” [Discussion on the film Approved for
adoption], Zita, Stockholm, 2014-05-09.
”Introduktion till filmen Approved for adoption” [Introduction to the film Approved for
adoption], Remeso – Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society,
Linköping University, Norrköping, 2014-11-27.
On National Socialism and Fascism 1995-2010
Unpublished manuscripts
Nationalsocialistiska och rasistiska organisationer [National Socialist and racist
organisations], 76 p.
Published monographs
+ Stéphane Bruchfeld & Stieg Larsson, Nationalsocialismens symboler [The symbols of
National Socialism], Stockholm: Expo & Swedish Committee against Antisemitism,
1997, 68 p.
+ Lars-Åke Skagegård, Hatets återkomst. Om fascism, nynazism och rasism i dagens
Sverige [The return of hate. On Fascism, Neo-Nazism and Racism in today’s Sweden],
Stockholm: Carlssons, 1997, 126 p.
+ Klaus Böhme, Den svenska nationalsocialismen. Medlemmar och sympatisörer 193145 [Swedish National Socialism. Members and sympathizers 1931-45], Stockholm:
Carlssons, 2002, 544 p.
Annual reports
“Sweden” in Anti-Semitism Worldwide 1997/8 (vol. 5), Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University,
1998, pp. 108-15.
“Varför jag offentliggjorde namnen på 30 000 svenska nationalsocialister” [Why I
published the names of 30,000 Swedish National Socialists] in Historielärarnas
förenings årsskrift 2003 (vol. 62), Bromma: Historielärarnas förening, 2003, pp. 59-62.
Periodical articles:
“Den andra Malmökongressen” [The second congress in Malmö], Expo: Demokratisk
tidskrift no. 1/1995 (vol. 1), pp. 28-29.
“Grupperna som fostrar mördare” [The groups that are fostering murderers], Expo:
Demokratisk tidskrift no. 2/1995 (vol. 1), p. 6.
“Vikingarock. 90-talets ungdomsmusik?” [Viking rock. Youth music for the 1990s?],
Stoppa Rasismen no. 1/1995 (vol. 13), p. 4.
“Akademikerna och nazismen” [The academics and Nazism], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift
no. 1/1996 (vol. 2), pp. 24-25.
“Vänstern och antisemitismen” [The left and Antisemitism], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift
no. 2/1996 (vol. 2), pp. 23-25.
“Kommunala bidrag finansierade VAM” [Municipal money funded VAM], Expo:
Demokratisk tidskrift no. 3/1996 (vol. 2), pp. 3-4.
“Nazismens teoretiker” [The theorists of Nazism], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 45/1996 (vol. 2), pp. 40-41.
“Populistpartier vill bilda 'enad front'” [Populist parties want to create a “unified front],
Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 1/1997 (vol. 3), pp. 3-5.
“SNF – extremhögerns gubbmaffia” [SNF – the oldies of the Extreme Right], Expo:
Demokratisk tidskrift no. 1/1997 (vol. 3), pp. 10-15.
“Heroes – rumsren nazirock” [Heroes – accepted Nazi rock], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift
no. 1/1997 (vol. 3), p. 28.
“C18 – bombterror och inre stridigheter” [C18 – bomb terror and internal fights], Expo:
Demokratisk tidskrift no. 2/1997 (vol. 3), pp. 3-4.
“Extremhögern på frammarsch i Europa – extremhögern lika stark idag som på 1930talet” [The extreme right is advancing in Europe – the extreme right is as strong today
as during the 1930s], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 2/1997 (vol. 3), pp. 5-8.
“En nationell front till valet” [A national front for the election], Expo: Demokratisk
tidskrift no. 2/1997 (vol. 3), pp. 30-32.
“Sverigedemokraterna – bakom den demokratiska fasaden” [Sverigedemokraterna –
behind the democratic front], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 3/1997 (vol. 3), pp. 6-9.
”'Jag känner igen mig i Lisbeth Salander'” [”I recognise myself in Lisbeth Salander”],
Svartvitt: Mångkulturell tidskrift no. 4/2011 (vol. 1), pp. 10-12.
Debate articles
“Fremskrittspartiet har alltid haft en intim relation med nazister [The Progressive Party
has always had an intimate relationship with Nazis], Um & Yang: Medlemstidning för
Adopterade Koreaners Förening no. 2/1996 (vol. 5), p. 5.
“Bara rasister bryr sig om min bakgrund” [Only racists care for my background],
Dagens Nyheter: Debatt 1997-06-01, p. A4.
+ Bosse Schön, ”Nya avslöjanden om kända svenska nazist- och fascistmedlöpare:
Hitlerhälsning i riksdagens korridorer” [New revelations concerning Swedish Nazi and
Fascist sympathisers: Hitler greetings in the corridors of the parliament], Dagens
Nyheter: Debatt 2001-08-23, p. A4.
+ Bosse Schön, ”Svenska nazist- och fascistpartier 1931-45 kartläggs i ny bok: 28 000
medlemmar namnges” [Swedish Nazi and Fascist parties 1931-45 are mapped in a new
book: 28,000 members are named], Dagens Nyheter: Debatt 2002-08-13, p. A4.
”Varför legitimerar drottningen en förening som inte gjort upp med sin rasism?”[Why
does the queen legitimise an association which has not dealt with its racism?], Dagens
Opinion 2013-09-27, 1 p.
News reports
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 1/1995 (vol. 1),
pp. 12-16.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 2/1995 (vol. 1),
pp. 17-24.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 1/1996 (vol. 2),
pp. 12-17.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 2/1996 (vol. 2),
pp. 12-17.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 3/1996 (vol. 2),
pp. 13-18.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 4-5/1996 (vol. 2),
pp. 16-24.
”Kalendarium” [Calendar], Göteborgs-Posten 1996-06-09, p. 5.
”Lista över händelser knutna till rasism under 1996” [List of events connected to
racism during 1996], Svenska Dagbladet 1996-06-08, p. 12.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 1/1997 (vol. 3),
pp. 16-21.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 2/1997 (vol. 3),
pp. 22-27.
“Expo kalendarium” [Expo calendar], Expo: Demokratisk tidskrift no. 3/1997 (vol. 3),
pp. 18-21.
Journalistic works
+ Mats Deland, ”Sverker Åström ett eko från 30-talet”, [Sverker Åström an echo from
the 1930s], Aftonbladet: Kultur 1995-07-28, p. 4.
+ Anders Fallenius, ”Nynazister fick ordna konsert på Fryshuset” [Neo-Nazis were
allowed to have a concert at Fryshuset], Expressen 1995-05-26, p. 8.
+ Anders Fallenius, Ingvar Hedlund & Olof Westerberg, ”De vill krossa vårt samhälle”
[They want to crush our society], Expressen 1995-08-15, p. 10.
+ Anders Fallenius & Olof Westerberg, ”Skolorna får inte stoppa nazistpropagandan”
[The schools cannot stop the Nazi propaganda], Expressen 1995-08-16, p. 10.
+ Jonas Fogelqvist, ”Per Olof Sundman, nazismen och myterna” [Per Olof Sundman,
Nazism and myths], Arbetaren no. 34/1995 (vol. 74), pp. 10-11.
+ Fredrik Virtanen, ”Fryshuset tackade nazister med diplom” [Fryshuset bestowed
Nazis with a diploma], Aftonbladet 1995-05-09, p. 19.
+ Fredrik Virtanen, ”Rasistband fick spela på Fryshuset” [Racist band played at
Fryshuset], Aftonbladet 1995-05-25, p. 16.
+ Fredrik Virtanen, ”De var högerextremister – sedan fick de toppjobb” [They were
Extreme Rightists – then they got top jobs], Aftonbladet 1995-07-14, pp. 6-7.
+ Per Wikström, ”Så kartlägger nazisternas hemliga spiongrupp motståndarna” [This is
how Nazis collect intelligence about their enemies], Aftonbladet 1995-08-15, p. 16.
+ Per Wikström, ”Han styr de nya nazisterna” [He rules the new Nazis], Aftonbladet
1995-08-16, pp. 10-11.
+ Ingvar Hedlund, ”Han är en av Ahmed Ramis hantlangare” [He is one of Ahmed Rami’s
men], Expressen 1997-12-14, p. 23.
+ Christian Holmén, “Popstjärnans nazisthälsning” [Pop star did Nazi salute], Expressen
1997-11-21, p. 12.
+ Arne Ruth, ”Förberedelser för förintelsen. Svenska judar registrerades” [Preparations
for the Holocaust. Swedish Jews were registered], Dagens Nyheter: Kultur 1997-1114, p. B1.
+ Maj Wechselmann, “Återfunna nazister” [Refound Nazis], Expressen: Kultur 1997-1212, p. 4.
+ Anders Fallenius & Niclas Lövkvist, ”Nazistledaren är beredd att dö för sin sak” [The
Nazi leader is prepared to die for his cause], Expressen 1998-09-18, p. 8.
+ Christian Holmén, “IKEAs grundare Ingvar Kamprad värvade nazister” [The founder of
IKEA Ingvar Kamprad recruited Nazis], Expressen 1997-05-16, p. 18.
+ Ulf Högberg, “Nazismen och läkarna i Tyskland och Sverige” [Nazism and the medical
doctors of Germany and Sweden], Kulturella Perspektiv: Svensk etnologisk tidskrift no.
2/1998 (vol. 7), pp. 39-48.
+ Bosse Lindquist, Ta judarna sist [Take the Jews last], Swedish Radio, P1
Dokumentärredaktionen 1998-04-25, 1 hour.
+ Bosse Lindquist, Sverige och de baltiska SS-männen [Sweden and the Baltic SS
officers], Swedish Radio, P1 Dokumentärredaktionen 1998-05-02, 1 hour.
+ Thomas Sjöberg, Ingvar Kamprad och hans IKEA: En svensk saga [Ingvar Kamprad and
his IKEA: A Swedish saga], Stockholm: Gedin, 1998, 338 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Svenskarna som stred för Hitler [The Swedes who fought for Hitler],
Stockholm: Bokförlaget DN, 1999, 418 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Svenskarna som stred för Hitler I-III [The Swedes who fought for Hitler
I-III], Nordisk Film & TV, TV4 1999-01-03, 1999-01-10, 1999-01-17, 3 hours.
+ Paul-Anders Simma, Oaivveskaldjut/Ge oss våra skelett [Give us our skeletons],
Firstfilm & TV, Zita Folkets Bio, Stockholm, 1999-03-05, 50 min.
+ Kajsa Stål, I nazismens grepp [In the grip of Nazism], Kalla Fakta, TV4 1999-05-12, 1
+ Richard Aschberg, ”Nazistjägare: Vi larmade svenska regeringen 1986” [The Nazi
hunter: We alerted the Swedish government in 1986], Aftonbladet 2000-01-12, pp.
+ Jens Christian Brandt & Leo Lagercrantz, ”Hade Herman helt fel?” [Was Herman
wrong?], Expressen: Kultur 2000-10-23, p. 3.
+ Ulf Högberg, ”Förtroendevalda läkares medlemskap i föreningar associerade till Tredje
riket”, Läkartidningen no 28/29/2000 (vol. 97), pp. 3306-3308.
+ Peter Öholm, ”Kvinnorna och hakkorset” [The women and the swastika], Aftonbladet:
Kvinna 2000-01-27, pp. 11-14.
+ Andreas Rocksén & Erik Sandberg, Fortet Europa I-III [Fortress Europe I-III], Nordisk
Film & TV, SVT1 Dokument inifrån 2001-09-13, 2001-09-20, 2001-09-27, 3 hours.
+ Bosse Schön, Där järnkorsen växer [Where the iron crosses grow], Stockholm:
Bokförlaget DN, 2001, 220 p.
+ Bosse Schön, En äkta Hamilton [A real Hamilton], Stockholm: Bokförlaget DN, 2002,
272 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Hitlers svenska soldater [Hitler’s Swedish soldiers], Stockholm:
Bokförlaget DN, 2004, 360 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Hitlers svenska soldater [Hitler’s Swedish soldiers], Stockholm: Pocky,
2005, 563 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Jakten på en pappa. En bok om lögner, svek och fåfänga i den svenska
adeln [The quest for a father. A book about lies, treacheries and vanity within the
Swedish nobility], Stockholm: Big Bok, 2006, 288 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Ryssen kommer. En svensk SS-officer om röda arméns stridsmetoder
[The Russians are coming. A Swedish SS-officer on the Red Army’s combat methods],
Stockholm: Bosse Schöns förlag, 2009, 279 p.
+ Bosse Schön, Hitlers knarkande hantlangare. Hermann Göring intagen på svenskt
sinnessjukhus [Hitler’s drug addicted henchman. Hermann Göring incarcerated at a
Swedish mental hospital], Stockholm: Bosse Schöns förlag, 2010, 128 p.
2010 + Thomas Sjöberg, Deanne Rauscher & Tove Meyer, Carl XVI Gustaf. Den
motvillige monarken [Carl XVI Gustaf. The reluctant monarch], Stockholm: Lind & Co,
2010, 351 p.