Nordic Market Access Brian Hedegaard Senior Consultant @ DELTA Continua Open House, Orange Labs, Paris 2015-24-06 Healthcare in Denmark • CPR number - Unique identifiers on each individual • Used across all systems • All data is digitalised • Health data is accessible by: • Health and care professionals (dedicated systems) • Citizen ( and dedicated systems) • Coherent treatment • Shared care on medicine • High focus on telemedicine / e-Health • Multi vendor strategy on procurement • 5.5 billion € investment in new hospitals • 20% for ICT and Medical devices Hospital Municipality Private companies General Practitioner (GP) Other Patients Financial flow in healthcare Tax State Block grants (0,12) Municipalitiy Nursing home (5,2) Block grants (81%) Co-finansing (18 %) Home care Activity based Finansing(1%) Region (15,1) Total: 20,42 Billion € (~ 3620 € per capita) 2013 figures in billion € Hospital source: General Practitioner (GP) The Market place Device availability demand - The Hen and Egg problem ! 3 tenders having Continua as compititive parameter Total number of devices available (Continua certified and CE marked)is too low Implementation is progressing - More solutions in production - More solutions moving from project to scale Closing the gap… ”Percieved” obstacles • • • • • • Regulatory compliance Price tags of devices Lack of knowledge about infrastructure and requirements Continua Certification Usability Insight to daily operations for health organisations Not • Infrastructure - Supportive innitiatives The project 'Denmark as a pioneer country in telemedicine' (2013 – 2015) is Funded by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. CoLab Denmark The concept ”CoLab Denmark represents a conceptual model for the development of medical- and assisted living technologies cross-sectoral within the Danish Healthcare system. A CoLab is a localized testbed, anchored directly into daily operations. The real experts – the operating staff at the hospital and municipality – all pool their knowledge, needs and facilities into a common model for collaboration drawing in citizens and companies. CoLab Plug & Play A reliable test ”You can test and trial your solution with Plug & Play in connection with how your solution operates - both technically, organisationally and in relation to the citizen” We provide access to: • Unique testing facilities (Collaborative network) • Tailored development processes • Service and advice • User Panel consisting of experts and citizens • Certification of your technology according to international standards (Collaborative network) CoLab Denmark Think large! International standards as a mean to growth! Closing notes Infrastructure is in place Infrastructure tools available- for free Tools, test facilities and knowledge exists 4 Nordic countries set on making interoperability happen Procurers are ready Products needed Thank you for your attention! LLL LLV LLO ”Through five localized CoLabs and CoLab Plug & Play we will through crosssectoral collaborational partnerships support he development, testing and implementation of assisted living technologies taking in a user-oriented approach with their actual needs as an off-set” CoLab Denmark are… LLS P&P R&R CoLab Denmarks vision is to… Strengthen the distribution of assisted living technologies cross-sectoral between the Region of Southern Denmark, the municipalities, general practices and private businesses Develop a mutual model cross-sectoral for designing, testing and implementation of assisted living technologies through close to real life environments CoLab Denmark value proposition for… Hospitals and municipalities by granting a solid basis for decisionmaking to invest in next-gen assisted living technologies Specialists in developing patient/citizen centered assisted living technologies through evidence-based, cross-sectoral collaboration partnerships between public-private organizations The citizen via active-involvement and enhancing user experience when developing products - opting the citizens quality of life Private companies, who get an easier and ”coordinated” access to testing their products in an close to real life setting, and in turn shortens time-tomarket cost Brian Hedegaard Nordic Market Access Sweden Johan Lidén Swedish Medtech Association (chairing the ICT group) Overview of Sweden health system • Sweden is a Public HealthCare system, 9.7M patients • 20 county councils and 290 municipalities in 5 regions, – 9 regional hospitals in 7 university hospitals. – 1000 primary care units (vårdcentraler) • Key information, – – – – – 9M inhabitants, HealthCare is paid through taxes (97%) One personal identifier (personnummer) 99.9 % digitized Health Information. 5 key EMR system vendors. Homecare key actors and Influencers • Municipalities (primary buyers) – Kommunförbunden – MFD • HealthCare (HeathCare regions) – – – – – – SKL, Inera, eHälsomyndigheten, The larger regions, Stockholm LL, Västra Götaland, Skåne Vinnova Etc. • Companies (major players in the field): – – – – CGI Tieto Telia Sonera Etc. Strategy for Personal Connected Health and TeleCare During 2014 SALAR worked with a strategy for Personal Connected Health and TeleCare. Continua framework gives the possibility to start up in a small scale and thereafter grow A framework for Personal Connected Health will be a part of the National Reference Architecture during 2015 The recommendation is to establish a organisation in Sweden with collaboration with the Nordic Countries Ongoing pilot projects will be evaluated during 2015 Relevant for strategy selction for personal health – There is a shift right now from analog (POTS) to digital (IPbased) phone networks that drives the re-investment for PERS (municipal) – Municipalities have already invested in Social care systems Enabling/supporting infrastructures • • • • • • • • • • Inera (T-boken) HIP (SLL) SIS Vinnova Läkemedelsverket SICS Swedish ICT Tillväxtverket Almega Värmland Continua testbed Relevant technical and regulatory frameworks • • • • • • T-boken (Inera) MDD PUL PDL SITHS HSA Continua Personal Device Aggregation Manager Health Records Telehealth Service Center Thermometer Pulse Oximeter CCD Pulse / Blood Pressure PCD 01 Weight Scale Glucose Meter Continua BT Profiles Cardio / Strength EHR Independent Living Activity HIE PHR Peak Flow Medication Adherence Physical Activity Device Connectivity Wide Area Network (WAN) Interface Health Record Network Interface 9 NHIN Agenda del I – Inspiration 09.30 Kaffe 10.00 Information och diskussion om pågående arbete med sourcingstrategi och Ineras framtida tjänsteutbud Johan Assarsson, VD Inera Sara Meunier, Arkitekt och Utredare Inera. Ca 11.00 Bensträckare. Lunch - blir av någon lättrörlig typ i flygande fläng 12.00 3R, Innovation och Daniel Forslund, Innovationslandstingsråd, SLL Agenda II – Slutna Delen • Mötet öppnas • Riktlinjer för Swedish Medtech’s möten • Stockholm Digital Care • Uppföljning av dagens presentationer Jan H Johan L – Inera - Johan Assarsson & Sara Meunier – SLL - Daniel Forslund • Rapporter och information från Swedish MedTech. – Det som har varit och det som skall komma Jan H • Samrådsgrupper. Vilka finns och vilka vill vi skall finnas Jan H • Rapporter från möten, samarbeten och pågående projekt – Nationella samrådsgruppen Mötet skjutet till den 27 Maj – Vitalis, Rapport från programrådet Fredrik L – Utredningar och projekt Johan L Utredningar och Projekt • SLL ”Egenutveckling av NPÖ2” finansierat av SLL, Vinnova och Inera(?). • Ineras upphandlingar – Skadeståndskrav för säkerhetstjänsten och tjänsteplattformen. – Erbjudande av konsult-tjänster till Landstingen. • Konkurrensverkets behandling av driften av Nationella tjänsteplattformen. • Arbetsgrupp "MTU i nät“ (SLL). Agenda III – Medlemsföretagens aktiviteter • Möten och konferenser – – – – HIMSS Vitalis WoHIT Almedalen • Chicago Göteborg Riga Visby Intersystems, CGI, Intel, Cambio, EVRY – VGR´s Hemsjukvårds-dag – HOSIT • • • • 12-16 April 22-24 April 11-13 Maj 28 Juni – 05 Juli Hösten 2015 xx Okt Upphandlingar Hur vi marknadsför oss som bransch. IHE/Continua, information om dagsläget. Medlemsrekrytering Jan H Johan L IHE/Continua – tidplan • • • • • • • Inriktningsbeslut enligt ovan i januari 2015. Kompletterande utredningar januari – april 2015. Beslut om etablering av organisation i april 2015. Ansökan om medlemskap i IHE och Continua i april 2015 Beslut om IHE och Continua som rekommenderade standardramverk för implementationer i april 2015. Från januari 2018 skall för svenska förhållanden godkända IHE och Continua profiler användas vid alla upphandlingar av kommuner och landsting där tillämpligt. Under perioden fram till januari 2018 ställs inte obligatoriskt krav på att produkter som upphandlas skall vara IHE/Continua-kompatibla dock är det en stark rekommendation. Leverantörerna skall dokumentera kompatibilitet genom ett självdeklarationsförfarande eller genom att redovisa resultat från tester vid anvisade testcenter. IHE/Continua • Organisationens - förslag på namn: Servicecenter - arbete finansieras av SKL med en successiv övergång till medlemsfinansierad verksamhet. • Medel tillskjuts för det förta året för att täcka en initiering av arbete med omfattning enligt nedan: Etablering av Servicecenter för att säkra införande, användning och utveckling av standarder. Centret ska arbeta med aktiv spridning av information samt rådgivning om IHE och Continua. Centret ska även arbeta aktivt i processer internt i de båda organisationerna. • • Utredningsresurser t.ex. för att ta fram en svensk ”Referensarkitektur för interoperabilitet med IHE och Continua”. I detta ligger att klargöra behov av teknisk plattform i hemmet som kan hantera tjänster för vård och omsorg. • Resurser för fördjupad nordisk samverkan. Etablering av samarbete kring test och certifiering. Agenda V - Avslutning • Kommande ICT-dagar 2015 (10-16) • Tisdag 15 september • Torsdag 26 november – Programrådsmöten för 2015 är Tisdag 18 Augusti och Tisdag 3 November. (9-12) • Övriga ärenden • Mötet avslutas • Nu övergår vi till att diskutera Överprövningsutredningens rapport Kathrine Myhre, CEO Oslo Medtech, – June 24th 2015 at Continua Open House Continua and Nordic Market access – Standardization as a tool for innovation and growth? Overview • Short introduction to Oslo Medtech and the Norwegian NCE health technology cluster • Standardization as a tool to reach global markets – what is important • Other important factors as; • access to test facilities • use of innovative procurement processes Key figures - Oslo Medtech • Founded November 2009 • Cluster, organized as a nonprofit membership organization • 175 members/partners • The full health value chain represented • 37 bill NOK/4,2 bill e turnover and 5,7 % growth in value creation in 2013 • Partner of Norwegian Innovative Clusters as a Norwegian Centre of Expertise Vision, mission & main goal Vision Oslo Medtech is to become one of the most innovative global health technology clusters within 2020. Mission Our mission is to develop and industrialize world class health technology products and services that enables sustainable and high quality treatment and care, and Norwegian Medtech industry growth. Main goal To increase the competitiveness of the companies in the cluster and strengthen the attraction of the cluster internationally. Stimulate and facilitate for innovation and growth • Facilitate cooperation between R&D, companies and hospitals/local authorities • Stimulate and facilitate market driven innovation projects and procurement processes • Facilitate clinical trials and testing • Enhance the knowledge and access to global markets, accelerate companies growth • Attract development and investment capital • Co-housing in Medtech Growth House Ecosystem Innovation & global growth Innovation plattforms Incubator/ StartupLab TTO Medtech Growth House (coworking space) Testfasilities/Living lab EU program Investor network Pre-seed fund Competence program International networks Meeting places 175 Cluster partners From market need to industry growth Demographic changes The increase in chronic diseases Need for efficiency and quality in diagnostics and treatment Need for health care administration efficiency and quality R&D and regulatory competence Business model & other metodology Hospitals & testfacilities Capital and Market access Fitness and Wellness Future models for care giving World Wide Growing Markets Develop world class health technology solutions Industry growth and value creation Norwegian potential and competitive advantage Strong R&D, technology and knowledge base Well-estblished health system and test facilities Strong cluster with trustful relations Early adapters Standardization a tool for Innovation and growth? 1: Future oriented & attractive standards The standards need to follow the technology development, drivers and trends …. Stay “modern” … The needs and voice of the users are strong; they want to live independent lives Catalyzing Technology to Support Family Caregiving 11 2: Focus the standardization on a «high» level … Make standards for the cause of safety and quality of life for the patients – and for innovation, competition and industry growth … (Do not make standards for the cause of the standard…) 3: «Jungle» of standards – OBS OBS Continua is one, but not the only standard that governments and companies needs to understand and adopt to …. «Heavy» Medtech regulations (ISO 13485 etc) Non-invasive measurement of glucose Be aware – don’t make a too big burden on the industry that kills innovation ….. Stay coordinated .. 4: Need for testfacilities Companies need access to testfacilities to test and verify their products and solutions Providers need testfacilities to test and verify infrastructire and products and solutions that they want to procure … Nordic+ collaborating testfacilities Name testbed Nationality Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital Norway - Oslo Sunnaas testfacility, Sunnaas hospital Norway - Oslo C3 – Living Lab Norway - Oslo Karolinska University hospital Sweden - Stockholm Nordic Medtest Sweden - Karlstad SLL Innovation Sweden - Lund Sahlgrenska Science park Sweden Helsinki University Hospital Finland - Helsinki Innovation Centre Island Island - Reykjavik NHS network of testbeds England - London Norwegian eHealth testfacility Norway - Grimstad CoLab Denmark Nordic mHealth Partners: • Oslo Medtech (No) • Sahlgrenska Science Park (SW) • Cobis (DK) • Delta (DK) • Lund Life Science (SW) • Oulu Bisiness (FI) • Teknopol/Mobile Heights (SW) Project coordinator Objective of the project: Create fast growing mHealth companies that reach the global market. Focus: • Business development • Network of experts and expertize – regulatory expertize Innovative procurement Innovative procurement with the objective of procuring what is needed, stimulate innovation & make clear division of roles between procurers and developers/industry Phase 2 – Pre-commercial procurement Phase 1 – Need & challenge assessment, planning & anchoring Phase 3 – Innovative procurement Partners in the PPI Net consortium: Denmark: Finland: Sweden: Norway: Follow us on @OsloMedtech OsloMedtech Contact 19 19 PERSONAL CONNECTED HEALTH AND CARE IN NORWAY CONTINUA SUMMIT PARIS 24TH OF JUNE 2015 THOR STEFFENSEN, NORWEGIAN DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH NORWEGIAN HEALTH AND CARE ORGANIZATION National Health Authorities • Ministry of health and Care Services • Directorate of Health Responsible for regulation, financing at national level, national services and registries, infrastructure, standards, architecture Specialist care Primary care Private care • 4 regional health authorities • 428 municipalities • 4100 GPs • 5 % of health care Responsible for local EMR and communication systems, and adherence to national strategies and standards Vendors (8 EMR vendors, several specialist systems vendors) Responsible for systems development and conformance to standards One patient – one record Health professionals: Easy and secure access to patient information Citizens and patients: Access to user friendly and secure digital services Access to data for quality improvement, health monitoring, management and research. WE WILL USE PERSONAL CONNECTED HEALTH AND CARE TO ACHIEVE…. …better lives for the patients • Almost everyone want to get the confidence to stay at home – as long as possible • Everyone wants to cope with life as long as possible …more efficient health care • Use health personnel where needed most • Access to the right information when needed NORWEGIAN FOCUS 2014-2020 Enable people to manage their own life and health longer • National initiative to use new telecare services in the municipality health care • National large scale project using new telehealth services for people with chronic diseases • National project using mHealth for reducing development of noncommunicable diseases (part of the WHO/ITU program Be He@lthy Be Mobile) WHY STANDARDIZATION? National health autorities Municipalities/ primary care • Easier to perform service innovation accross health care units with common ICT framework • Common ICT framework gives larger market with predictable requirements for the suppliers (no more unique products for each customer) Innovation Hospitals/ Specialists Industry • Open ICT interfaces make it possible for suppliers to deliver only a part of the total solution. That will open the market for smaller, innovative, suppliers. WHY CONTINUA? • The only international initiative to establish and end-to-end ICT framework for personal connected health and care with open standards. • The Norwegian ICT framework for personal connected health and care will be based on the Continua framework. Continua is dedicated to the development of its Design Guidelines that include global industry standards to ensure end-to-end, plug-and-play interoperability of personal connected health devices for the seamless and secure collection, transmission and storage of personal health data. NORWEGIAN ICT ARCHITECTURE FOR PERSONAL CONNECTED HEALTH AND CARE Personal area Service center Public solutions for access and exchange of health information ON TOP PRIORITIES IN NORWAY AT THE MOMENT • Use cases within social care • Pilots within remote treatment of people with chronical deseases Private National health sector Alarm devices with voice response Assisting tools (tablets, pill dispenser, nightly digital supervision e-key etc.) Location and tracking devices Medical monitoring devices Responsecenter application Personal HUB Internet Open, standardized protocols Central HUB Health information exchange WORK PLANS FOR THE NORWEGIAN ICT FRAMEWORK FOR PERSONAL CONNECTED HEALTH AND CARE 1. Recommended national ICT framework for personal connected health and care ready by end of 2015 2. Piloting the framework during 2016 3. Implementing national components of the framework during 2017 4. National information center for purchasers and suppliers regarding the national ICT framework - up and running during the autumn 2015 5. Nordic cooperation 6. Active participation in international standardization and Contuinua work NORDIC STATUS Country Official statement Status Finland Recommend Continua – but not decided as mandatory Own solution for HIS (Kanta) – not based on XDS. National PHR as service interface for information from personal devices. Recommend Continua for communication with PHR. Sweden Recommend Continua – but not decided as mandatory Own solution for HIS (Open Exchange Infrastructure) – not based on XDS. National PHR with APIs for registration of information. Recommend Continua for communication with PHR. Denmark Recommend Continua – but not decided as mandatory Decided an e-health reference architecture based on Continua. Has implemented XDS – but that is not in use yet. Norway Decided by the Government to be used as a framework for PCH&C Working with defining a referance architecture for PCH&C based on Continua. Planned implemented during 2016/2017. Today, Continua do not cover all needs. NORWEGIAN/NORDIC WISHLIST TO CONTINUA A Device B Personal HUB Central HUB Proactive market adoption On B interface: • Alarm handling with multimedia communication over IP • Location and tracking possibilities (indoor and outdoor) • Service activation (turn on/off monitoring, e-keys etc.) • Modernization of WAN (HL7 FHIR….) On A interface: • Modernization of TAN/PAN (include other protocols)
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