The Good News Children’s Ministry November 2014

The Good News
Wake Forest United Methodist Church
Reaching Out to All in the Name of Jesus Christ
Children’s Ministry
Senior Pastor
W. Donald Warren
Associate Pastor
Helen Champion
Youth Director
Vicki Lawrence
Train up a child in the way he/she should go, and when he/she is old, he/she will not
depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
Children’s Director
Denelle Manley
In our Children’s Ministry, this is our focus; teaching, supporting, and loving children,
so that as they grow in size and age, they also grow in their faith. Through your time
and your prayers and especially through your tithes and offerings, YOU are making a
direct impact on children’s lives.
Sharon Southard
T – Trunk or Treat Family Fun Night. This event is open to our entire community and
Financial Secretary
Tonya Mangum
Music Director
Elsie Shuler
Allen Bailey
Children/Youth Music
Barina Bailey
Handbell Director
Shelly Compton
Preschool Director
Donna Williams
Nursery Workers
Nicole Bassett
Salena Handley
Kamila Rogers
Scott Roberts
Sunday Services
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Sunday School
9:45-10:45 a.m.
Nursery services are
available from
8:15 a.m. – 12 Noon
we serve close to 500 people.
H – Happy memories are being made here. Friendships are being formed. Families
are brought together.
A – All the events! Your stewardship allows our church to hold events throughout
the year.
N – NEW opportunities for children to learn about God and Jesus. This past summer
in particular we held our very first Summer Camp, which was very well attended.
K – Kids Kingdom Worship, where our youngest children go to learn about God.
Y – Year long learning, education, and activities through Sunday School classes,
Children’s Sunday Night Programs, and Club 4/5.
O – Outreach! Your stewardship provides so many opportunities for our children to
be the hands and feet of Christ, through mission work.
U – We are United together for this one - Vacation Bible School. Yes, it is only one
week, but what an important week it is. This past July we had 155 children attend
and nearly 80 adult volunteers.
I get emotional when I talk about all that this church is doing in the lives of children
and families, because I get to witness it on a daily basis. I see how your offerings are
working first hand and the impact it makes. These children are our future. On behalf
of all of Children’s Ministry, we just wanted to say, “THANK YOU!”
Denelle Manley (Children’s Director)
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Club 4/5
Club 4/5 will meet on Friday, November
21, from 6:00-7:30pm in the Fellowship
Hall. This will be our Thanksgiving
meeting and we will of course have
turkey for dinner! Please look for an
email to go out with more details soon.
WFUMC Annual Children's
Christmas Shop
When: Sunday, December 14, 2014
Time: 3:00-5:00pm
Location: Family Life Center
Children, ages 3 through 5th grade, are
invited to the WFUMC Annual Children’s
Christmas Shop for a fun-filled
afternoon of shopping, craft-making,
games and more!
Parents will check in their children in
the Family Life Center and then an “elf”,
one of our Youth Group members, will
escort each child through the shopping
area. Parents choose how much money
to give their child to spend. All
donations will go toward Youth Group
missions. After the shopping is complete
and the gifts are wrapped, the children
can play games, make crafts, watch a
Christmas video, and more until their
parents come to pick them up. (Parents
are not allowed in the shopping area
with their children, as the gifts are a
Special thanks to Anna Elliott, Lyndsey
Mokhiber, and Jennifer Ward, our leaders this
If you are interested in helping with this
event or for additional information,
please contact Denelle Manley at or at
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Pilgrimage: The Youth are attending Pilgrimage the weekend
of November 7. Pilgrimage is an experience that calls
everyone to a new and/or stronger faith in Jesus, challenging
and inspiring them to share God’s love in a world longing for
love and purpose. We look forward to sharing our weekend
with the Congregation when we return.
Calling all Senior Members of WFUMC Congregation: Is your
lawn overflowing with the leaves from the Fall weather? Has it
been so long since you’ve cut your grass that you can’t even
turn your lawnmower on? Instead of trying to do long hours
of yard work yourself, why not have some of our WFUMC
Youth members come do the work for you! We have youth
available on November 15, from 10 am to 2 pm, to help you
out. If you are interested, please contact Vicki Lawrence at
919-210-8072 or email at
WFUMC Youth members look forward to assisting you any way
we can!
Save the Date – Youth Lock In: Youth Lock In is Friday,
December 5th at 6:30 p.m. to Saturday, December 6th at 7:00
a.m. The Youth will start the month of December off with
their annual Youth Lock In. We have a fun night planned of
Christmas caroling, Angel Tree Shopping and of course, lots of
snacks! Be on the lookout for a sign up soon!
Save the Date - Parent’s Night Out: Are you looking for a date
to schedule your Adult Sunday School Christmas Party or you
just want an adult evening out – 2014 Parent’s Night Out will
be on Friday, December 19th from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Each
year, the Youth offer a Parent's Night Out to the Congregation.
You can bring your children for a fun night with the Youth and
enjoy a nice adult night out. All we ask is that you prayerfully
consider making a donation to the Youth to support their
upcoming events along with sending a RSVP to Vicki Lawrence
( letting us know how many
children you will bring, what the ages are of the children and if
there are any food allergies.
Keeping the Faith
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In January, the members of our congregation will
be asked to nominate an individual or individuals
of the congregation who have made a positive
impact on their lives or the life of the church.
One of the candidates that are nominated by you
will be selected to receive the Lydia Lowie
Encourager Award.
This award has been presented each year since
1994 to one or more members of our
congregation who have gone the extra mile in
helping our members grow in their faith journey.
Such an individual was Lydia Lowie. She sold
peanuts to raise money for our annual bazaar
and through her persistence you knew that you
were going to buy peanuts, the question was
how many? She made a multitude of candles for
church use, from altar candles to Christmas
candles also for sale at our bazaar. Lydia would
visit and prepare meals for shut-ins. She enjoyed
working behind the scenes in any activity that
would support our church and community. The
annual Crop Walk was renamed the Lydia Lowie
Crop Walk, partially because she would raise
more money than any other participant in the
So many people do so much in our church that it
is difficult to pick out specific individuals for this
award. However, there are those who seem to go
above and beyond to support and encourage us
as we continue our religious journey. The Lydia
Lowie Encourager Award is one way to thank
these folks who serve so unselfishly.
Prayer Shawls
Do you have a family member or friend
who is ill, has lost a loved one, or is going
through a difficult time? A prayer shawl
made by church members offers comfort
and is a reminder of God’s eternal love.
We are always looking for additional
members to make shawls-- there is a
Prayer Shawl notebook in the office if you
would like some ideas. Call the church
office at 919-556-2239 to arrange for
your shawl or if you have questions.
Stewardship Focus: OUR GIFTS are
expressions of our thankfulness.
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks unto the Holy One
Give thanks because He's given Jesus
Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say,
I am strong
Let the poor say, I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us
We give thanks to you, oh Lord
We give thanks.
(Gospel by Don Moen)
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Stephen Ministry Presents
Conversation Café
When a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease
or dementia, your life changes as well as theirs. You
have so many questions. How can I help my loved
one? Why is she happy one day and irritable the
next? Why doesn’t he know who I am? Will she ever
get better? Perhaps most importantly, what is the
best care for them? If you are looking for answers
on how best to support your loved one, please
attend the WFUMC Conversation Café. Meet others
who are experiencing the same family issues. Discuss
the challenges of caring for a relative with
Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, and share success
stories. This program will be held on November 9th
at 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
For more information, contact Lisa Hargesheimer at 919562-5411.
UMM meets the first Tuesday of the month. All men
are invited to enjoy a night of fun, food and
fellowship in Christ. UMM will have our next meeting
on Tuesday, November 4th at 6:45 p.m. in the Family
Life Center.
“Beloved, let us love one another, for love
is from God…” John 4:7
UMW meets every second Wednesday of
the month. All women of the church are
invited to enjoy a night of fellowship with
their sisters in Christ. UMW will have our
Wednesday, November 12th at 7:00 in
the Fellowship Hall.
MEMORY MAKERS, our 55 and older
group will meet on November 19th in the
Family Life Center. This will be a covered
dish lunch and we will have guest so bring
extra. Our guests are THE CLASSY /SASSY
DANCERS. They have been with us before
and we really enjoyed them. They are a
group of ladies our age who do classic
high step dance. Come join us at 12 noon
for fun and fellowship.
For more
information call Barbara at 919-426-3599
or e-mail at
Orders are now being taken for poinsettias to be placed in the chancel in honor of Jesus== birthday.
If you would like to recognize a loved one with a poinsettia, please complete the information below B printing is
appreciated! The cost of each poinsettia is $9.75. The deadline for ordering is November 10th.
In Loving Memory:
In Loving Honor:
By: ________________________________________________________________
Total amount enclosed $___________ ($9.75 x plants ordered)
*Checks are to be made payable to Wake Forest UMC. Please note Apoinsettias@ on the memo line of your check.
Orders can be sent to the church office or placed in the offering plate, along with this form. Thank you!
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WFUMC will participate in the Annual
Wake Forest Christmas Parade on
Saturday, December 13, and we need
you to make sure that our church is well
represented! Please save the date and
plan to walk with us in the parade.
Beginning on November 9th, we will
begin collecting food donations for our
"Live Mission" Parade Float theme that
will be donated to Tri Area Ministries.
Look for more details to come in the
Weekly News and Bulletin.
religious art xperience
B runswick Stew
A ll Handmade Arts and Crafts
Z esty Shopping
A bsolutely Delicious Baked
A wesome Jewelry and Vintage
R eally fun Mission Projects
Pre-order by contacting Rosalie Niemi at 919-4351375 or
Pick up Quarts
Thurs. 11/6
Friday 11/7
Saturday 11/8
9am-3pm, if
Friday 11/7
Saturday 11/8
Starting Nov. 6, 2014
2:00 – 4:00 pm
In The Fellow Hall
Located in the Education Building
The Vision for ARtrax Classes is to affirm
that people of all ages and abilities have
God-given talents and, through
instruction, will grow in maturity, not
only in her/his ability to create art, but
also in his/her spiritual journey.
Please sign up in the narthex or contact:
Christy Colebank 1-512-665-9253
Deliver items to be sold at the Bazaar on Thurs.
11/6, 12-7pm OR Fri. 11/7, 9am-7pm
Help with the Freshmen Care Boxes on Sat. 11/8
at 10am
One more chance to shop on Sunday 11/9 after
each service
Pick up unsold items on Sunday 11/9 at noon.
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Travel the Highways of Advent
Starts Sunday November 9th @ 5:30 pm
In the Renewal Classroom
November Adult Choir Rehearsals are
Thursday's Nov. 6, 13, 20.
All rehearsals begin at 7:00 with Cantata rehearsal
and 7:45 with Covenant Choir.
Music for Sunday morning services in November
Nov. 2, Covenant Choir
Nov. 9, James Brennan, Marc Bridgham
Nov. 16, Covenant Choir with Youth Choir and
Adult Bells, Flute ensemble
Nov. 23, Covenant Choir, Woodwind ensemble,
Kim Przybyl and Judy Seltmann
Nov. 30, Covenant Choir, John Shepherd/Elsie
Shuler/Judy Seltmann
Upcoming special events/ services:
November 8, Bazaar, with music by Marc Bridgham
and Dave King from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
November 30, Love Feast
December 14, Adult Christmas Cantata, both
December 21, Children's Cantata, evening
December 24, Christmas Eve services
A special Thank You to everyone who came to
the Pepper Choplin concert. We were grateful
to share the music we learned and to
Pepper Choplin to you! Thank you for your
support of Music Ministry at WFUMC.
-Elsie, Allen, Barina and Shelly
Highways get us from here to there. In Travel the
Highways of Advent, Stan Purdum invites us on a
journey from the here of our everyday lives to the
there of Christmas hope and life. Along the way,
we are called to appreciate the many corridors
through which God comes to us . . . and we come
to God . . . during this season. As we are looking
ahead to the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ . . .
sometimes our narrow focus on the destination
causes us to miss chances for growth and
transformation as we travel. The author
challenges us to slow down and follow our paths
with care this Advent. Sign up in the narthex or
contact Helen Champion:
Nursery provided.
Our Little Chapel Preschool families donated
enough materials to complete 10 boxes for
Project Agape! The children’s November mission
project is a Food Drive for Tri-Area Ministries.
November’s theme will focus on Thankfulness
and Family Thanksgiving Traditions.
Preschool Thanksgiving Feast is in the Family Life
Center on November 25th and the preschoolers
will prepare “Stone Soup” for their families.
Preschool will be closed November 26th - 27th for
Thanksgiving. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he
is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!”
Psalm 107:1
For information on our Preschool Ministry, contact Donna
Williams at 919-556-2239 ext.6.
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Larry Magen, Stan Cleverly,
Paul Strickland, Glenn White
8:30 November Ushers
Nancy DePaz, Lisa Girvin, Lisa Meyer, Jim Meyer
11:00 November Ushers
2 Lisa Hargesheimer, Scott Ruppert, Greg Coghill, Louis Freeman
Balcony: Kevin Dzielecki, Larry Magen, John Kuse
9 Chad & Jennifer Turner, Linwood Harp, Bob Northcutt
Balcony: Marcus & Cathy Potter, David Riedel
16 George Ashley, Micky Brown, Kevin Dzielecki, Greg Coghill
Balcony: Brad Bofenkamp, Brad Baker, Marty Babinski
23 Lisa Hargesheimer, John Kuse, Larry Magen, Louis Freeman
Balcony: Linwood Harp, Marcus & Cathy Potter
30 George Ashley, Bob Northcutt, Marty Babinski, David Riedel
Balcony: Chad & Jennifer Turner, Scott Ruppert
November Visitor Welcome
November Lay Readers
Dolores Riggins
Marilyn Bonnett
Dawn Nakash
Karen Gilbert
Larry & Kirsten Magen
Kraig & Vicki Lawrence
Barbara Holland
Erin Dzielecki
Sue Zaruba
November Greeters
Anne Zeneski, Dolores Riggins, Julia Shearon
Parker & Lynn Woebke, Lori Warren
Mike & Linda Chappell, Elaine Beer
Scott & Nell Yates, Jane Chufar
Dawn Nakash, Ken Nagy, Judy Gage
Cathy & Marty Babinski, Linwood Harp
Dolores Riggins, Julia Shearon, Cathy Lemly
Ken & Tracy Edwards, Martha Daniels
Jennifer Nyland, Sharon & Dave Van Dyke
Joel & Patti Escala, Jennifer Harris
Bill Wandrack
Chris Galde
Dave Biallas
David McAnally
Dolores Riggins
November Counters
Eddie Riggins, Sandra Bryant
Cathy Potter, Martha Loftin
Joan Leatherman, Bill Klose
Mike Porter, Julia Fansler
Jeanette Stansbury, Todd Thigpen
Jill Radding, Mark Gustafson
David McAnally, Martha Loftin
John Clark, Chris Harper
Sandra Bryant, Bill Klose
Alex Snotherly, Martha Loftin
November Acolytes
November Flowers
Helen Champion
Martha Kulaga
Need Volunteer
Need Volunteer
Sarah, Joshua, Andrew
Brittany Grace, Daniel, Ethan
Taylor L., Jenna, Sydney
Paige, Hannah, Taylor H.
Connor, Mattie, Sarah
Nov 3-8
Nov 10-15
Nov 17-22
Nov 24-29
Mark Gustafson
Greg Coghill
Jessica Kuse
John Clark
Linwood Harp
November Worship Assistants
Kris Meyer
Russell Blake
Bob Gallagher
Karen Gilbert
Mark Gustafson
November Bulletin Folders
Betty Cockayne, Barbara Holland
Martha Loftin, Julia Shearon
Betty Pearsall, Cathy Lemly
Edna Powers, Connie Kress, Julia Shearon
November Mowing Team
Louis Freeman, Mark Gustafson, Bill Klose
Larry Magen, Stan Cleverley, Paul Strickland, C.O. Little
Brad Baker, Martin Bragg, Mike Porter, Alex Snotherly
Benny Collins, Kevin Dzielecki, Mike Meehan, Eddie Riggins
905 South Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Change Service Requested
Non-Profit Organization
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Permit No. 51
Wake Forest United
Methodist Church
905 S Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 556-2239
(919) 556-1465
E-MAIL: office@
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at:
The holidays are right around the corner, so it is time for our annual Angel
Tree for needy families of children in Wake Forest. We will have a
Christmas tree in the Family Life Center and Angel Tree tags for you to
choose yours’ on Sunday Nov. 16th and Nov. 23rd (the two Sundays before
Thanksgiving). Please bring your wrapped gift(s) and gasoline and grocery
gift cards (in $25 increments) to the church on Sunday Nov. 30th (just after
Thanksgiving) and Sunday Dec. 7th. The families will be picking up their
gifts on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 9th and 10th. You can select your
‘Angel(s)’ by gender, age, whether you want to purchase clothes or toys,
choose to buy for one child, two, or a sibling group. Please start the
discussion within your small groups to determine if your group or class wants
to go in together on one or more Angels. Please keep in mind there will be
three tags per child: one for an outfit (shirt, pants & socks), another for
pajamas and underwear, and one more for toys or other gifts. Please consider
participating in this great local ministry that demonstrates God’s love and
brings smiles to these deserving children and families. Please call or email
Lauri Hurd with questions: 919-455-6077