Message Fro m The Principal Mr. Thor son As we start our 2nd quarter, let’s review honor roll requirements for BVMS students: “A” honor roll requires a GPA of 3.5 or higher. “B” honor roll requires a GPA of 3.0 to 3.499. Parents of students who qualify for either the “A” or “B” honor roll will be given an award letter and bumper sticker to recognize their student’s academic achievement. After receiving the initial bumper sticker and if the student continues to be on the A or B honor roll, they may collect a paw print. Have a great Thanksgiving break, and be safe if you and your family are traveling this holiday. The Lynx Prints B R A N D O N VA L L E Y M I D D L E S C H O O L St udents of th e Mont h Congratulations to the students who received Student of the Month for September, October and November. Also congratulations to their parents for the positive reinforcement that they have given these students. Three students are nominated each month per grade. These students were not selected because of their grades or because of their athletic ability. They were chosen because they are good students and excellent role models for other students. Most of these students were nominated by a group of teachers. Each stu- th dent of the month re- 8 Grade recipients: Morgan Else, Jared ceives a Student of the Month Certificate, Frederickson & Sierra Coyle a Student of the Month sticker for a OCTOBER STUDENTS vehicle, free kid’s OF THE MONTH: buffet coupon from Pizza Ranch, and their th 6 Grade recipients: picture is posted in the commons. Final- Sage Bultje, Luke Kocer & Blake Barrett ly, and most importantly, they reth ceive the respect and 7 Grade recipients: Amanda Eichelberg, admiration of their parents and teachers. Kate Livingston, & Grant Peterson SEPTEMBER STUDENTS th 8 Grade recipients: OF THE MONTH: Isabelle DeWitt, 6th Grade recipients: Hunter Cole, & Ashley Abbey Jacobsen, Eli- Ask jah Kirlin & Lauren These students will Babb be honored Novemth 7th Grade recipients: ber 5 at 7:45 am in the Middle School Emily Wendt, Ethan Media Center. ParWright & Hannah ents and students are Cummings invited to attend. NOVEMBER 2014 Inside this issue: Message from Mr. Skibsted 2 ICU - 3000!!! 2 Message from the School Nurse , Wendy Bunker 3 BVMS Band News 3 Folk Tales for Fun 4 Angel Tree 4 BVHS ANGEL TREE FORM 5 BVMS BOOK FAIR A SUCCESS 6 PTSO SAYS THANK YOU 6 4TH ANNUAL BVMS DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT 6 ACTIVITIES NEWS, RANDY 7 7TH & 8TH GRADE BOYS BASKETBALL 7 7TH & 8TH GRADE GIRLS BASKETBALL 7 NOVEMBER LUNCH MENU 8 NOVEMBER ACTIVITIES CALENDAR 9 NO SCHOOL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH IN HONOR OF VETERANS DAY Page 2 BVMS BELL SCHEDULE 1ST PERIOD 8:10-8:55 AM 2ND PERIOD 8:58-9:43 AM 3RD PERIOD 9:46-10:30 AM 4TH PERIOD 10:33-11:18 AM 5TH PERIOD 11:21-12:06 PM 6TH PERIOD 12:09-12:54 PM 7TH PERIOD 12:57-1:42 PM 8TH PERIOD 1:45-2:30 PM 9TH PERIOD 2:33-3:18 PM There are adjusted bell schedules for late starts and early dismissal days. Message From Mr. Skibsted, Assistant Principal When it comes to a middle school student having success, parent involvement is influential in helping create student achievement. Why? When parents get involved in learning, student achievement grows if they know their parents care. When? Being involved in your child's learning is simple: ask them how their day was and what homework they have DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS NOV. 1ST REMEMBER TO TURN CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS To check what your student is doing in class, g o to th e middle school website and cl ick on students. On the drop down menu click on l esson plans. A menu appears with the names of all th e teachers. If you click on the name, you will find the lesson plans. Lesson plans are continually updated! — in or out of school. while your eating dinner. Discuss learning experiences you had for Skibby’s Random the day. Take what Column: your child is learning and explain to them Giraffe’s clean their ears where they may use it with their long tongues as an adult. This will help show your child The U.S. Secret Service that you think learning was created during the is important. Civil War to fight counterfeiting. Where? Teachers will welcome your commitment to your child’s education. Call or e-mail your student’s teacher to see what you can do to help 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 BRANDON VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL OPENS AT 7:15 A.M. STUDENTS MAY GATHER IN THE COMMONS BEFORE SCHOOL. IF A STUDENT NEEDS TO SEE A TEACHER BEFORE SCHOOL, THEY MUST CHECK INTO THE OFFICE BEFORE GOING INTO A CLASSROOM. TEACHERS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE BEFORE SCHOOL DUE TO MEETINGS, PLANNING, ETC. MEDIA CENTER IS OPEN AT 7:15 A.M. FOR ICU! ICU (Intensive Care Unit) - 3000!!! The Middle School’s ICU program has been in place since the beginning of school year. This program provides the opportunity for students to complete any missing homework or work not completed at a quality level. Students who are on ICU spend 25 minutes of their lunch period working on the assignment that they are on ICU for and the last 20 minutes eating lunch. We also provide an opportunity for work to be completed before school in the library from 7:15 - 8:00 a.m. and after school in the library from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. When a student is placed on ICU, the parent/ guardian’s receive an email and/or text saying their child has a missing assignment. This communication tool has greatly increased our interaction between parent/guardian’s, student, and teachers. We currently have over 3,000 assignments completed and turned in under ICU! This is an outstanding achievement for the Middle School. Our motto for ICU is “At BVMS Every student completes EVERY assignment”, everyday we are working closer to that goal. Page 3 Message fr om School Nurse, Wendy Bunker BVMS BAND NEWS Seasonal Influenza (Flu) MIDDLE SCHOOL ALL-STATE BAND AUDITIONS FOR THE SOUTH DAKOTA MIDDLE SCHOOL ALL-STATE BAND WILL BE HELD THE FIRST WEEK OF DE- CEMBER, WHICH MEANS THAT THE TIME TO PRACTICE IS NOW! EACH STU- DENT WHO WANTS TO AUDITION WILL PREPARE THREE SCALES AND TWO SHORT MUSICAL SELECTIONS. PREPARATION FOR ALLSTATE BAND IS AN IDEAL WAY TO PUSH YOURSELF MUSICALLY AND LEARN MANY NEW MUSICAL SKILLS. JUDGES SELECT THE BEST AUDITIONS FOR A SEAT IN THE BAND, WHICH IS HELD THE FIRST WEEKEND IN MARCH. THIS YEAR ALL-STATE BAND WILL BE IN HURON. GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO AUDITION. CONTACT MS. BAKER OR MRS. CHAMBERS TO SCHEDULE YOUR AUDITION TIME. Influenza (the flu) is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs caused by influenza viruses. There are many different influenza viruses that are constantly changing. They cause illness, hospital stays and deaths in the United States each year. The flu can be very dangerous for children. Each year about 20,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized from flu complications, like pneumonia. CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that EVERYONE age 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine each year (a shot or nasal mist) to protect from seasonal flu viruses. For more information, visit or or call 800-CDC-INFO Know the symptoms of Influenza, which may include: Sudden onset of illness Chills Headache Stuffy nose or runny nose Feeling of weakness/fatigue Cough (dry initially, may become a deep, hacking and painful cough) Fever Children and adults: higher than 100.4 °F Babies up to 3 months: rectal temperature of 100.4° F Babies 3-24 months old: 102° F or higher Sore throat Muscle/body aches No appetite for food or desire to drink fluids Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and/or exhaustion occur more commonly in children When to call for additional help: Irritability and/or confusion Difficulty breathing or chest pain with each breath or breathing rapidly at rest Bluish skin Inability to move an arm or leg (if ill person could previously) First time seizure If the person has not urinated in 12 or more hours Coughing up blood Fever greater than 102°F that persists Note: If you can’t reach your health-care provider, call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number Please keep your student home if he/she has a fever of 100 or above. He/she may return after being fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) Page 4 NO SCHOOL THURSDAY NOV. 27 AND FRIDAY NOV. 28 Enjoy the little things in life… for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things! Join us on a journey aroun d th e worl d thr oug h fol k tales! Middle School P l ay Tuesday, November 25th 7:00 pm at t he PAC All are wel come (Free Admission) LET THE NAVIGATOR FROM FOLK TALES FOR FUN TAKE YOU ON A MAGNIFICENT TOUR OF GERMANY, EGYPT, TURKEY, LIBERIA AND MORE WITH ENTERTAINING, UNIVERSAL FOLK TALES BOTH NEW AND FAMILIAR TO CHILDREN. WITH THE HELP OF DECIPHER, THE PLAY’S FOREIGN LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR, AND I DON’T KNOW, A CHARACTER WHO SURPRISINGLY KNOWS IT ALL, YOU CAN BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN CULTURES BY EXPERIENCING THESE SIX STORIES FROM OTHER COUNTRIES. DID YOU KNOW THAT THERE COULD BE AS MANY VERSIONS OF THE CINDERELLA STORY AS THERE ARE COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD? YOU’LL DISCOVER THIS AND MUCH MORE ABOUT HOW WE HAVE MORE IN COMMON WITH PEOPLE FROM OTHER COUNTRIES THAN MOST PEOPLE REALIZE. THIS CHILDREN’S PLAY WILL HAVE ACTORS AND AUDIENCES ALIKE LOST IN THE MAGIC AND FUN OF OTHER WORLDS, ENHANCED BY THE AMAZING AND INSIGHTFUL TOUR GUIDES IN THIS PLAY! Angel Tree BOYS 5TH – 8TH GRADE LOOKING FOR SOME EXTRA BASKETBALL TIME IN THE GYM? SANFORD BASKETBALL IS DOING SHOOTING WORKOUTS AGAIN BUT THIS YEAR THEY ARE TAKING PLACE IN THE BRANDON GYMS. CHECK OUT HTTP:// WWW.SANFORDPENTAGON. COM/BASKETBALLCAMPS AND CLICK ON BVHS WORKOUTS TO REGISTER High School Student Council sponsors an Angel Tree. The purpose of the tree is to ensure that every Brandon Valley School District child is remembered at Christmas. Last year over one hundred area children have benefited from many families, classes, and individuals generosity. We are again looking forward to overwhelming support of this worthwhile project! If you feel you and your family are in need of assistance this holiday season, we welcome you to pick up an Angel Tree form available through your school counselor or school office. The Angel Tree form is on page 4 of this newsletter and forms must be returned by Friday, November 14, 2014 to the school office or the counselor’s offices. ALL REQUESTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL. If your family would like to sponsor a child at Christmas, contact Brandon Valley High School at 582-3211 after November 25th. All gifts must be delivered to the high school by December 11th for delivery before Christmas break. Have a Merry Christmas! Page 5 Brandon Valley High School Angel Tree Each year the Brandon Valley High School Student Council sponsors an Angel Tree. The purpose of the tree is to ensure that every area child is remembered at Christmas. If you feel you and your family are in need of assistance this holiday season, we welcome you to complete the following inform n and return this form to your school counselor . Requests must be received by Friday, Nov. 14th . ALL REQUESTS ARE CONFIDENTIAL. Please l out one form for each child. Child’s First Name: ______________________________ Child’s Last Name: ______________________________ Age: __________________ Gender: _____________________ This program is intended for children who live in the Brandon school district. Does your child live in our district? If your child is school age, which building does he/she Your child will receive two Yes No d? __________________________________ s: one “want” and one “need”. Please list some ideas. WANTS: (not to exceed a total of $20) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ NEEDS: (not to exceed a total of $30) Please state spec small, adult large, etc.). clothing sizes (ex: youth _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Person making the request:________________________________________ Rela onship to child:_________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ Phone Number (home and cell):____________________________________________ Please remember, all gi s are wrapped and must be picked up at Brandon Valley High School December 16th - 18th 301 S. Splitrock Blvd. 582‐3211 Page 6 2014-2015 PTSO OFFICERS Stacie Long, President Doris Brekhus, Secretary Wendy Ibberson, Treasurer Thank you PTSO From BVMS Staff! Thanks for the awesome soups, wonderful desserts, and other food items for Parent Teacher Conferences Everything was delicious as usual and very much appreciated... NEXT PTSO MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH 7:00 P.M. MEDIA CENTER BVMS Book Fair A Success We had a very successful Scholastic Book Fair this year. Sales were over $3800 and allowed the library and all BVMS students to acquire $1600 in brand new books! A HUGE thank you to all who helped with the book fair this year: Tammy Kuehn, Doris Brekhus, Melanie Mills, Deb Wright, Laurie Sohl, Kathy Lembke, Cindy Wills, Dianna Hood, Krista Halseth, and Angel Jarzebczyk. Also, a very special thank you to Mrs. Kirkeby and Mrs. Erickson in the li- PTSO Says Thank You PTSO would like to thank the following for contributing to the conference meal they served the teachers. The soup, sandwich, and desserts were very much appreciated. Becky Kocer, Lisa Reinschmidt, Janice Menefee, Amy Frantzen, Ardis Moeller, Julie Wright, Susan Nifong, Brenda Loosbrock, Stacy Scholten, Abbie Wickersham, Jill Simon, Wendy Bunker, Laurie Sohl, Jill Reindl, Diana Dooley, Sue Willard, Kristi Christensen, Tammy Kuehn. Kathy Lembcke, Stacie Long, Melinda Else, Krista Halseth, Amy Meyers, Melissa Woidyla, Cheryl My apologies if I missed Stensrud, Max Risty, anyone. Also, our PTSO Sandy McIlravy, Brenda meetings take less than Burch, Melanie Mills, an hour! The more the merrier! Have a great month! Stacie Long PTSO President NOVEMBER PTSO MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH 7:00 P.M. MEDIA CENTER! 4TH ANNUAL BVMS DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20TH 6:00 P.M. 6 PLAYERS PER TEAM $20 PER TEAM. TURN IN REGISTRATION & MONEY BY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH. Activities News, Randy Marso Page 7 6TH GRADE FUN NIGHT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH 6:30—8:00 PM GAMES, FOOD AND FUN! ONLY BVMS 6TH GRADERS November and December is the start of our winter sports season. Physicals are required before students may start practice. Middle school coaches will have signup lists and hold informational meetings for prospective participants before practices start. MIDDLE SCHOOL COACHES 7th Boys Basketball Aar on Car r oll /RBE Jeff Gansh aw/fae 8th Boys Basketball Jason Bisbee/MS Matt Reese/MS 7th Girls B asketball Matt Chr istensen/HS Noel Sunn e/FAE 8th Girls B asketball Suzanne Car r oll /MS Scott Giles/BE MS Boys Wrestli ng Michael Weel dr eyer /MS Dan Mur tha/MS BOYS BASKETBALL MEETING FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 6:30 PM MIDDLE SCHOOL COMMONS basketball is scheduled to start on Wednesday, December 10th. Our guideline, at the middle school level is to allow wrestlers and basketball players to “switch” once during the season if they wish to experience the other Middle school wres- sport. tling practice will begin on Monday, No- Parents should expect a practice schedule, vember 17th. game schedule, and 7th/8th grade girls travel schedule from basketball is sched- their student’s coach. uled to start on Mon- Please pay special atday, November 17th. tention to the practice schedule. Practice sites th th 7 /8 grade boys will vary because of the demands on gyms. Please read the after practice transportation information sheet that your student will bring home. We ask that all students be picked up after respective practices by 5:30 p.m. In the event school is released early or early dismissal days, all practices are cancelled. If school starts late due to the weather, there will not be early practice. As a parent if you have a concern about the weather, use your judgment on having your child attend practice. 7TH & 8TH Grade Boys Basketbal l There will be a players’ parent meeting for all boys who are interested in playing basketball for the upcoming season. A 7th & 8th grade parent meeting will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, November 10th in the Middle School Commons. We plan to address several im- physical on file with the high school office. No one may practice without a current physical. If you are not sure you have a current physical, please contact Jeanie Bruggeman, Administrative Assistant for Anyone interested in the Activities Office, at participating in middle Brandon Valley High school boys basketball School, 582-3211. must have a current portant issues in the upcoming season. All players’ parents are strongly encouraged to attend. If there are any questions, please call Coach Deckert at 582-3214, or email at: 7TH & 8TH Grade Girls Basketball For all 7th and 8th grade girls who are interested in playing basketball (or managing for the teams), we will have an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 12, at the BVMS Commons at 3:15 to distribute prac- tice and game schedules. You will be reminded in the announcements. Our first practice is Monday, November 17, after school in the middle school gyms. Please wear gym shoes, black or red shorts, and a white tshirt to practice. You will be issued a jersey when you arrive. We ask that players be picked up by 5:30 each day. We are looking forward to meeting you all and beginning the season! Go Lynx! Page 8 NOVEMBER 2014 DRESS CODE WHENEVER OUR WEATHER CHANGES, AN ISSUE THAT DEVELOPS IS THE CLOTHING THAT IS WORN BY STUDENTS. ALTHOUGH WE ATTEMPT TO ALLOW INDIVIDUALITY AND ALSO UNDERSTAND THE STUDENT’S NEED FOR FASHION, THE EDUCATIONAL FOCUS OF THE SCHOOL IS TO MAINTAIN A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT. VISIBLE UNDERGARMENTS ARE UNACCEPTABLE AT SCHOOL AND PLEASE SAVE THIS ATTIRE FOR OUT OF SCHOOL. WE ASK THAT STU- DENTS WEAR TANK TOPS WITH WIDER STRAPS UNDERNEATH. WE APPRECIATE Mon Tue Wed 4 5 CHICKEN NUGGETS SWEET TOTS WG DINNER ROLL MIXED FRUIT MINI CORN DOGS OVEN FRIES WG BREADSTICK SLICED PEARS CHICKEN TACOS WG SHELLS REFRIED BEANS MANDARIN ORANGES 2ND CHOICE: PARMESAN CHICKEN WG BUN 2ND CHOICE: SLOPPY JOES TATER TOTS 2ND CHOICE: WG SUB SANDWICH BAKED CHIPS 2ND CHOICE SWEET & SOUR CHICKEN WG RICE 2ND CHOICE: BREADED BEEF FINGERS WG DINNER ROLL 10 11 12 13 NACHO GRANDE REFRIED BEANS MIXED FRUIT 14 SCRAMBLED EGGS WG P ANCAKES PEPPER STRIPS GRAPE JUICE CUP 2ND CHOICE: SWEDISH MEATBALLS MASHED POTATOES 2ND CHOICE: HOT DOG WG BUN 2ND CHOICE: CHICKEN TENDERS SWEET TOTS 19 20 21 CHEESEBURGER OVEN FRIES BAKED BEANS PINEAPPLE TIDBITS ITALIAN DUNKERS/SAUCE TROPICAL FRUIT ASSORTED RELISHES PEPPRONI PIZZA CIRB APPLE S AUCE NO SCHOOL VETERAN’S DAY HOLIDAY 2ND CHOICE: MR. RIB / WG BUN OVEN FRIES ALSO ON ANOTHER NOTE, THE WINTER WEATHER IS APPROACHING; PLEASE HAVE YOUR STUDENT DRESS FOR THESE CONDITIONS. WHEN PARENTS DROP STUDENTS OFF BEFORE 7:15 AM, STUDENTS WAIT IN THE ENTRY BEFORE THEY ENTER THE COMMONS, THAT ENTRY AREA CAN BE VERY CHILLY FOR THE STUDENTS. THANK YOU, BRAD THORSON PRINCIPAL 17 CHICKEN PATTY WG BUN OVEN FRIES APPLE SAUCE 18 CHILI WG CINNAMON ROLL ORANGE JUICE CUP POPCORN CHICKEN SWEET TOTS SLICED PEACHES WG DINNER ROLL 6 Fri 3 YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION. Thu 7 BONELESS WINGS MASHED POTATOES /GRAVY MIXED FRUIT WG BREADSTICK SPAGHETTI W/MEATBALLS WG GARLIC TOAST GREEN BEANS TROPICAL FRUIT FISH TACOS MANDARIN ORANGES WG COOKIE 2ND CHOICE: HAMBURGER WG BUN 2ND CHOICE: MR. RIB WG BUN OVEN FRIES 2ND CHOICE: TURKEY TIDBITS MASHED POTATOES, GRAVY 2ND CHOICE: CHICKEN ALFREDO WG PASTA 2ND CHOICE: TACO PIZZA BITES 24 25 26 27 28 2ND CHOICE: BONELESS CHICKEN WINGS 2ND CHOICE: TACO PIZZA BITES 2ND CHOICE: MR. RIB, WG BUN OVEN FRIES TURKEY TIDBITS W/GRAVY MASHED POTATOES WG DINNER ROLL SLICED PEACHES HOT DOG WG BUN BAKED BEANS SLICED PEARS SUB SANDWICH BAKED CHEETOS PINEAPPLE TIDBITS BREAKFAST LUNCH K-5 $1.60 K-5 $2.55 6-8 $1.75 6-8 $2.80 9-12 $1.80 ADULT $2.10 9-12 $2.85 ADULT $3.40 NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK MILK - $.40 In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) 0r (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity employer Page 9 NOVEMBER 2014 Special Dat es For December 7/8 Grade Chor us and MS Orchestra Concerts Thursday December 4th 7:30 P.M. SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 7/8 Middl e School Dance Friday, December 5 t h 7:00 - 8:30 P.M. 7/8 Band and Jazz Band Concer ts Thursday, December 11TH 7:30 P.M. 6TH Grade Band and Chorus Concerts Tuesday, December 16th 7:30 P.M. BRANDON VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 700 HOLLY BLVD. BRANDON, SD 57005-1328 PHONE: 582-3214 FAX NO. 582-7206 WEBSITE: HTTP:// Br andon val l OTHER SCHOOL CONTACT INFORMATION Superi nt endent : 5822049 Busin ess Offi ce: 582-2058 Brand on El ement ar y: 582-6315 Robert Bennis El ementary : 582-8010 Val l ey Sprin gs El ementary : 757-6285 Fred Assam El ement ary : 582-1500 Special Serv ices Offi ce: 582-3446 Brand on Val l ey High School : 582-3211 BV Perf orming Art s Cent er : 582-8235 BV Tra nsport ation Dept.: 582-3514 Food Serv ice Direct or: 582-3926 or 1 -888-2013972 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS 9 10 7/8 BOYS BASKETBALL PARENT MEETING 6:30 PM BVMS COMMONS MS NO SCHOOL VETERAN’S DAY HOLIDAY STUDENT OF THE MONTH ASSEMBLY MEDIA CENTER 7:45 A.M. 6TH GRADE FUN NIGHT 6:30-8:00 PM PTSO MEETING 7PM MEDIA CENTER BOARD OF EDUCATION 6:30PM 16 17 MIDDLE SCHOOL WRESTLING , 7/8 GIRLS BASKETBALL 18 19 BVMS 4TH ANNUAL DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT 6:00 PM PRACTICE STARTS 23 24 BOARD OF EDUCATION 6:30PM 30 20 25 MS PLAY “FOLK TALES FOR FUN” 7:00 PM PERFORMING ART CENTER, BVHS 26 27 HARDWOOD CHALLENGE TOURNAMENT 28 NO SCHOOL THANKSGIVING BREAK 29
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