U3A Joburg North Branch, P.O. Box 2942, North Riding 2162 www.u3a.org.za/U3A_JBN/JBN.htm Special Interest Groups: October to November 2014 Monday Activity Leader Time Contact No. Venue Reading Group Lolly Brower 10.30 – First Monday of the month 011 792 4164 072 386 7432 Olivedale Library Line Dancing Margaret Britz 14:00 - Weekly 011 475 0756 073 281 8620 Douglasdale Retirement Village Carpet Bowls Bill Reynard 19:00 - Weekly 083 301 6520 Plover Hall, Summerfield Park Activity Leader Time Contact No. Venue Opera Audrey Armstrong 14:00 - Third Tuesday of the month 011 462 2052 072 390 8427 Cluster 301, Summerfield Park Shakespeare for Fun Hilde Slinger 14:00 – Second Tuesday of the month 011 791 6082 Golden Harvest Two Social Dancing Bill Reynard 17:00 – 19:00 Weekly 083 301 6520 Olivedale Retirement Village Movie Club Joy Kruger 11:15 – Second Tuesday of the month 072 181 3670 Upstairs in the Movie Foyer, Cedar Square Activity Leader Time Contact No. Venue Photography Cornelia Van Biljon 10:00 – Last Wednesday of the month 082 448 3038 4 Eikenhout Ave, Sharonlea Ext 2 Scrabble Bill Reynard 10:30 – Last Wednesday of the month 083 301 6520 Plover Hall, Summerfield Park Social Lunch Sheila von der Becke 12 noon – Second Wednesday of every alternate month 011 462 2685 072 099 -8922 Please phone Sheila to confirm venue Marita Zimmerman 13:30 to14:30 - Beginners 14:30 to 16:00 - Advanced (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesdays of the month) 011 704 4782 082 445 0103 Plover Hall, Summerfield Park Tuesday Wednesday Spanish Language Lessons 06 November 2014 2 Thursday Activity Leader Time Contact No. Venue Walking Group Helge Hoffmann 9:30 - Weekly 011 673 2430 072 630 6043 Please phone Helge to confirm meeting place Art Dr Marguerite Prins 9:00 to 12:30 Weekly 011 462 5044 072 402 4972 Baha’i Centre, 209 Bellairs Drive, North Riding Embroidery Group Caroline Botha 10:00 to 12:00 First and Third Thursday of the month 011 792 5464 072 372 1849 44 Emerald Gardens, Hamerkop Road, Boskruin Scrabble, Rummikub and Canasta Bill Reynard 13:30 to 16:00 - Weekly 083 301 6520 Plover Hall, Summerfield Park Social Dancing Bill Reynard 17:00 – 19:00 Weekly 083 301 6520 Olivedale Retirement Village Activity Leader Time Contact No. Venue Croquet Bill Reynard 9:00 to 12:30 083 301 6520 Lawn at Summerfield Park Scrabble Margaret Britz 10:00 to 12 noon First and Third Friday of the month 011 475 0756 073 281 8620 Margaret Britz’s home in Wilgeheuwel Ballroom Dancing Bill Reynard 17:00 - Weekly 083 301 6520 Lapa, Plover Hall, Summerfield Park Activity Leader Time Contact No. Venue Stargazing Bill Reynard 19:00 weather permitting (on or before New Moon) 083 301 6520 Summerfield Park, (outside cottages 28–29) Friday Saturday PLEASE NOTE: 1. Unisa Music Foundation Concert Group. Please contact Jess Hawes (079 857-2419 / yeyotdalkiri@gmail.com) for details. 2. If you are attending a Special Interest Group for the first time, please contact the person running the group for details. 3. Please check our website for the latest information at www.u3a.org.za/U3A_JBN/JBN.htm 06 November 2014
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