piphany E Parish PARISH OFFICE ADDRESS: 300 5TH ST. S.E., MASON CITY, IOWA 50401 PARISH OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - THURSDAY - 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. FRIDAY - 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. S!. J"#$%& C&'()& PARISH OFFICE PHONE: 641-423-5001 PARISH OFFICE FAX: 641-423-8553 WEBSITE: WWW.EPIPHANYPARISH.ORG H"*+ F,-/*+ C&'()& 302 Fifth Street SE 714 North Adams PARISH PRIESTS Rev. Neil J. Manternach, Pastor FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Rev. John A. Gossman, Associate Pastor FAITH FORMATION LEADER Jennifer Clancy Website . www.religiouseducationmc.com Email .............. DBQ130@dbqarch.org Phone ............................. 641-424-0499 Phone ......................... 641-423-5001 GENERAL MASS SCHEDULE Weekends Saturday ... Holy Family 4:00 p.m. Sunday ...... St. Joseph 7:30 a.m. St. Joseph 9:00 a.m. Rev. Rodney M. Allers, Associate Pastor E-mail ........... DBQ130RE@dbqarch.org Holy Family 11:00 a.m. Email .............. DBQ173@dbqarch.org Weekdays FAITH FORMATION OFFICE MANAGER Monday ..... St. Joseph 6:30 a.m. Carolyn Weiss PERMANENT DEACONS Word & Communion E-mail ......DBQ130REsec@dbqarch.org Matt Berry Email .............. DBQ040@dbqarch.org Mike Byrne Charles Cooper PASTORAL COUNCIL Dan McGuire - Chair PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Molly Anderegg - Vice Chair Karen Byrne Tom Wollner - Secretary Email ................ DBQ130S@dbqarch.org Rachael Adams - Parish Life Nelly Bodeen - Social Justice BUSINESS MANAGER John Braden - Finance Council Rich Lorence Jean Casey-Stewardship Email .............. DBQI30BM@dbqarch.org Don Evans - Deanery Council Nicole Hehr - Youth PASTORAL MINISTER Steven Van Steenhuyse - Liturgy Lisa Paloma Email ...............DBQ130S2@dbqarch.org Eve Zimmerman - Faith Formation PASTORAL MINISTER Pat Dixon BAPTISM Email ..............DBQ130S1@dbqarch.org Classes: Classes are held at 12:30 p.m. on the third Sunday of the month on YOUTH MINISTER alternating months. Chelsie Stevens Parents are to attend this class prior to Email……....DBQ130YM@dbqarch.org the baptism of a child. Please check with the Parish Office for more info. HOLY FAMILY CUSTODIAN Eric Fleming Email ............ DBQ130S3@dbqarch.org CONFIRMATION Contact the Faith Formation Office at SECRETARY 424-0499. Sue Fleming Email ........... DBQ130sec@dbqarch.org Tuesday .... Holy Family 8:00 a.m. WednesdayHoly Family 8:00 a.m Thursday ... St. Joseph 5:15 p.m Friday ........ St. Joseph 6:30 a.m. Reconciliation….Saturday at Holy Family 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. or by appointment NEWMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Website www.newmancatholic.org K-8 Jan Avery ............ 641-423-3101 9-12 Tony Adams ..... 641-423-6939 Daycare/Preschool .. 641-423-0168 Foundation Office ..... 641-423-6638 Lynn Ptacek - Director lptacek@newmancatholic.org NEWMAN BOARD OF EDUCATION Epiphany Parish Representatives: Jim Fitzsimmons, Nick Mujica & Al Winters, President MARRIAGE PARISH INFORMATION Couples are required to contact the Parish Office at least 9 months prior to date. St. Joseph Church Hall ..... 641-423-1912 BULLETIN DEADLINE Holy Family Church Hall ... 641-424-8146 Monday, Noon Information can be sent to Sue Fleming Baby Pantry…………..…..641-423-1464 DBQ130sec@dbqarch.org November 9, 2014 The Dedication of The Lateran Basilica 2 │ Welcome to St. Joseph and Holy Family, churches of Epiphany Parish, Mason City, Iowa MASS INTENTIONS Monday, November 10th 6:30AM-Word & Communion 11:15AM-Mass at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa Tuesday, November 11th 8:00AM-Mass at Holy Family (Elizabeth Nixa) 9:15AM-Mass at Newman Catholic School 5:30PM-Mass at Sacred Heart, Rockwell Wednesday, November 12th 8:00AM-Mass at Holy Family (Joseph Thomas) 8:30AM-Mass at St. Patrick, Clear Lake th Thursday, November 13 8:00AM-Mass at Sacred Heart, Manly 8:30AM-Mass at St. Patrick, Clear Lake 10:15AM-Good Shepherd Word & Communion 7:00PM-Mass at Holy Family (The Faithful Departed) Friday, November 14th 6:30AM-Mass at St. Joseph (Pedro Torralba) 8:30AM-Mass at St. Patrick, Clear Lake Saturday, November 15th 4:00PM-Mass at Holy Family (List Otten) 4:00PM-Mass at St. Patrick, Clear Lake 5:30PM-Mass at Sacred Heart, Manly Sunday, November 16th 7:30AM-Mass at St. Joseph (Emily & Winifred Harlson) 8:00AM-Mass at Sacred Heart, Rockwell 9:00AM-Mass at St. Joseph (Dorothy & Ed Kennedy) 9:30AM- Mass at St. Patrick, Clear Lake 11:00AM-Mass at Holy Family (John Decker) 3:00PM-Prayer & Rosary at Holy Family Our sympathy goes to the family and friends of Leon DeRock. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Readings for the Week of November 9, 2014 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Monday: Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21-22 With Gratitude We Give Tithing Envelopes $ 16,231 Holy Family Capital Improvement $ 659 St Joseph Capital Improvement $ 701 Epiphany Capital Improvement $ 9 Electronic Operating Fund $ 12,009 Electronic Building Improvements $ 1,217 Other $ 5,954 Total $ 36,780 November 9, 2014 PARISH NEWS Sacred Heart Church, in Manly, is having their annual Fall Harvest Soup/Salad Luncheon this Sunday, November 9th, 10:30AM to 1PM. All You Can Eat!! Homemade soups, scrumptious salads, and mouthwatering pies. Adults/$7; children 5-10/$4; pre-school-free. Bake Sale too! They are happy to say they are now handicap accessible! The Epiphany Youth Choir will rehearse this evening, November 9th, from 6 to 7 pm in the Holy Family building. We will prepare to sing this month for KCMR's Christmas Show which will be held at 2:00 at the NIACC Auditorium on Sunday, November 16. All youth of Middle and High School ages are welcome to join us to rehearse for this special event. For more information, call Laura Bernemann at 423-0817. Card Ministry will meet Tuesday, November 11th, 1PM, in the Epiphany Parish Center. Young at Heart will meet Wednesday November 12th, in the Holy Family Church Hall at noon. Bring a dish to pass. A Mass of Remembrance for the parishioners of Epiphany parish who have died in the last year will be held Thursday, November 13th, 7PM, at Holy Family Church. Baby Pantry is out of winter school clothes for girls, size 5T. Baptism Class will be Sunday, November 16th. Baptism Class will be held at the Epiphany Parish Center, behind St. Joseph Church, from 12:30PM to 2PM. Baptism 1 is for parents who are having their first child baptized or have never attended a baptism class at Epiphany Parish. Baptism 2 is for parents who are having their second and beyond child baptized and have attended a baptism class at Epiphany Parish. No preregistration is necessary; parents are encouraged to attend class before the birth of the baby. Baptism class must be taken before scheduling the baptism. Epiphany Parish Christmas Brunch: Begin the Advent season by joining parish members on Saturday, December 6th, 9AM, at St. Joseph Church, for brunch ($6.00)with music provided by JD & Kelsey Determan. Schedule your reservation by contacting Margaret Lang, 424-5300/email: mjjlang@netxconx.net or Rachele Norcross, 641-512-5000/email: rmnorcr@msn.com Parish Life Brunch Committee 3│ Welcome to St. Joseph and Holy Family, churches of Epiphany Parish, Mason City, Iowa PARISH NEWS Thanksgiving Baskets: As we give thanks with our families this year, please remember those in our community who go without. This year we plan on delivering 300 baskets in Cerro Gordo County. The cost of each basket will be $25, however all donations make a difference. Please be generous and send your donation in an envelope clearly marked “Thanksgiving Basket”. Designated donations may be dropped in the collection basket or mailed to the parish. Please note that we deliver in Clear Lake, Ventura, Rockwell, Rock Falls, Plymouth and Mason City. Thanksgiving Basket Delivery-Save the date November 23, 2014! We are in need of a lot of volunteers to deliver baskets to those in our community. We especially need drivers for our out of town families. The person/ family receiving a basket has been notified ahead of time that the delivery is to take place between 10am and 2pm and that they must be home to receive it. It is very much appreciated for all who step up to volunteer. Without the volunteers this ministry could not happen. Call Karen Byrne. 423-5001, if you want to volunteer. Volunteers are needed from Epiphany Parish to help serve the evening meal at the Community Kitchen the 2nd Monday of each month (4-6:30). This is a wonderful opportunity for families (children over 10), faith sharing or Confirmation groups, or any individual to put their faith into action and participate in a Social Justice Ministry. Four workers are needed each month. If you would like to volunteer for a month or for more information, contact Audrey Wolf, 423-9306. Thanks to all who already faithfully help with noon meals at the Community Kitchen. Please mark your calendars. The Parish Celebration of Our Lady of Gaudalupe will be on December 12th at Holy Family Church. Mass will be at 5:15 with a pot luck to follow in the church hall. YOUTH MINISTRY - CHELSIE STEVENS 423-5001 OR DBQ130YM@DBQARCH.ORG Middle School is meeting on Thursday, November 13th, 6PM-8PM, in the St. Joseph Church Hall. Come and bring a friend. The first 100 teens who follow me on Twitter will be entered into a drawing to win a Target gift card. So follow me @CatholicNIYM Like me on Facebook North Iowa Catholic Youth Community AN INVITATION (KITCHEN PLANNING COMMITTEE) EPIPHANY PARISH KITCHEN RENOVATION PLAN (Holy FAMILY) After 12 years of many fund raisers and special contributions we have finally arrived at the point where we are ready to renovate our sixty (60) year old kitchen. Incorporating all of the information provided to the Committee at our planning input meetings, we believe we have come up with a very functional and doable plan. The Committee wishes to share the results of our efforts with all interested parishioners at this time. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15th 5:00 P.M. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16th 12:00 A.M. “COME! SHARE THE EXCITEMENT WITH US” HOLIDAY BAZZZZAR- Do your Christmas shopping in one spot! NOVEMBER 15th, 10-2, the [ https://www.facebook.com/pages/LoyalOrder-of-Moose-Lodges/113220255374528 ] Loyal Order of Moose Lodges in Mason City is hosting an in-home vendors, crafters, and bakers, HOLIDAY BAZZZZAR. PARTY LITE, 31, PAMPERED CHEF, JAMBERRY, SCENTSY, VINYL EXPRESSION by DAWN, SANDI K. JEWELRY, M.J.'S CHEESECAKES, IT WORKS, AVON, MARY KAY, NORWEX, LIA SOPHIA, FINGERS & TOES....AND MORE...GIRL SCOUT TROOP 20046 WILL BE SELLING LUNCH & GOODIES....PUBLIC IS WELCOME :) One block West of Fareway. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES OF INTEREST Knights of Columbus will hold a Memorial Mass for deceased members of the past year on Thursday, November 13th, 6PM, at the KC Hall. Their will be a potluck following the Mass. Shalom Spirituality Center, 1001 Davis St,, Dubuque A Retreat for Busy People: Making Time for Advent Friday, Nov. 21, 5:30 p.m. - Sunday, Nov. 23, 2:00 p.m. Presenters: Trisha Day and Mary Merkel-Hess The weekend will focus on practical suggestions for slowing down and applying contemplative values and practices to everyday life. We will explore the Advent themes of light and darkness through the visual sculptures on display. Offering: $175, includes overnights, meals and snacks. To register, call 563/582-3592 by Nov. 17. Senior Health Clinic: The Cerro Gordo County Department of Public Health offers Clinics to county residents age 55 and over. The clinic is an annual health screening and does not replace a physician’s care. The next clinic in Mason City will be November 12th at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 120 1st St. N.E. To make an appointment, call 641-421-9316. 4A│ St. Joseph and Holy Family, churches of Epiphany Parish Holy Family Liturgical Minister Schedule - November 15th & 16th 11/15, 4:00 p.m. Teresa Anderson Roberta Hugi 11/16, 11:00 a.m. Rita Muniz Eve Zimmerman Karen Kiss Karen Ferrie Clyde Thornton *Terril Weydert D. Ballantyne Kathy Watson D. Burke C. Burke (LG) Julie Lambert *Diane Fischels Jen Smith Paul Hanson Dennis Higgins Ellen Meier Vicki Lau Katie Lau Tom Penn Kelly Penn (LG) Jan Evans (N) Mike Lambert John Luetch Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer (N) Vern & Brenda Steidl Tom Ryan Randy Fischels Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Altar Servers Ryan Andersen John Andersen Ellie Determan Eli Steidl Sacristans Ballanytyne Megan Lau Musicians Sandra Leake Joe Chodur Kelsey & JD Determan Rachel Beck Lectors: Eucharistic Ministers Hospitality St. Joseph Liturgical Minister Schedule - November 16th Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Hospitality Ministers Altar Servers Sacristans Musicians 7:30 a.m. Jim Fitzsimmons Bill Gansemer 9:00 a.m. Margaret Argos Betty Staudt Chris Follmuth Teri Engels Carol Ramaekers Ron Muff Kathy Muff *Jodee Ward Jerry Kelley Carolyn Hoefer Volunteer (LG) Roger Havig Julie Berry *Lisa Ficken Donald Staudt Donell Timpe Katie Keenan Laura Doerfler Pat Ahrens Janis Hutchison Volunteer (LG) Pat Keenan (N) Tom Homan Glen Borchardt Bernard Smith Doug Ward Larry Sundt (N) Wade Ficken Mark Manness Jim Timpe Auna Timpe Steve Doerfler Fitzsimmons Matt Smith Luke Smith McGreevey/Homan Barb Goetz Connie Bleile Lindsay Schmitt/Arlin Beemer Keith Brunsvold Living With Christ 2014-2015 Sunday Missal, is a resource that helps prepare for and celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday and major feast days of the year. This pocket size missal contains all Sunday readings, complete Order of Mass and a treasury of prayers. It also contains thoughtful Sunday meditations on the Scripture readings,with questions for reflection, discussion and prayer. Cost $5.00 Limited copies available. Call the parish office at 423-5001 to purchase a copy. 4B│ November 9, 2014 We welcome into the life of the church, through the waters of Baptism, on November 2nd Rylan Allen Johnson son of Mike & Heather and Sophia Grace Kreitzer daughter of Scott & Toni ➾➚➪➶➚➹➘➶➴➾➷➾ ➬➮➱✃❐ ❒❮❰ÏÐ ÑÒ Ó➮ÔÕ➱ ➬Ö ×ØÙÙÕÚ❰✃❐ ÛÛÛÜÝÞßßàáâãäÝåÜæãç ✾✿❀❁❂❃❄❅❆ ❤✞✐ ❣❣ ✞ ✐ ❣✠❢✟ ❥ ❥❥ ✂ ✠✄ ❥✟ ✠ ➪ ❵❐ ❩❛❩❨❪❝ ❇❉❉❁❊❋■✿❅ ❏ ▲ ◆ ❏❖❖ P ❯ P❱ ❲❳ ❨ ❩ ◗ ❘ ❏ ❘ ❜❝ ❞❝❢❝❣❞ ❤✐ ❥❦❧♠♥♣q r❦s♥tr❦✉♥♣♠✈ ✇①②t①③④t③④⑤⑤ ⑥⑦♣♣❦⑦⑧♥ ⑨⑩❶❷❸❹❺ ❻❼ ❽❻❾❿➀➁❿❺ ❮➂Ö÷ ➃➄➄➅ ❬❭❪❫❴❵❛❵ ➆➈➉ ➊➋➌ ➈➍ ➎ ▼❃❄❅❆ ❇❈❉❊ ❇●❈❆❈❇ ❍■❏❑▲◆❖■◗◆ ❘❚ ❯▲◆❱❘❏■❲❳❨❩ ❬❭❪ ❫❴❵ ❛❴❜❜❝❞❢ ❣ ❬❭❪ ❤❭❴✐ ❥❝❦❦❧❝♠♠♥♦♣qr✉✇r①③④q✉ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧❪ ⑨❭⑩❢✐⑩❞❦ ❬❭❴❶⑩ ❷ ❸❹❢❝❞ ⑨❴❦❺ ❻❻❻❪❵✐✐❼❴❞❴✐❪✐❝❵ ❽❾❿➀➁➂➃ ➄➅ ➆➁➇➈➃➂➉ ➆➊➋➌➊❾➍➁➍❿❾➁➃ ➎➏➐❾➇➑➒ ➓➀➂ ➔➁❿➀ →➒➑➣↔ ↕ ➙➛➜➝➞ ➜➟➜➌➛➟➛➠ ➡➜ ➟➢➤ ➥➦ ↕ ❽➁➇➑➍ ➆❾➈➧➉ ➨➎ ➠➩➜➩➝ ■❏▲▼❏◆P▼◗◗▲❘ r❙❚❯❱❲❲❳r❳❡❨❯❩❬❲❱❭❪❫❴❩❲ ❵❵❵❫❜❙❱②❝❱②❭❞❢❜❝❣❫❴❩❲ ♠♥♣qs t✉①② ③④④ ⑤✉♣⑥ ⑦s♣⑧⑨♥s⑩❶ ❷❸❷❹ ❺❻ ❼❽❾❿❽➀ ➁➂➀❻ ➃ ❼➄➅❽❾ ➆➇➈➉ ➊➋➌➍➎➏➎➐ ➎➑➑➍➊➋➏➍➎➏➎➐ ➒➓➔➔ →➣↔↕➙ ➛➜↕↔➝➞ ➟➠➡➢➤ ➥ ➦➧➠➨➨➧ ➩➧➫➨➭➠➫➤➯➲ ➳➵➨➧➫➸ ◆☎✆ ✝✞✟✠☎✡✟☛ ☞☎✌✍✎✏☎ ✾✑✒ ✓✔ ✕✖✗✖✘ ✕✖✔ ✙ ✑✚✑✛✑✜✚✢ ❈✣✤✦✧★✩★✪✫✬✭★ ✮✯✤✬✰✱ ✲★✪✳✯✰ ❈✯✧★ ▼✣✤✥✦✧★ ✩✪ ✫✬✭✧✮✧❡❡✯ ✰✰✫ ■✱✲✴✵✴✱✲✴✱✶ ✷✸✺✴✻ ✼✴✵✽✴✻✴✱✶✸✶✾✿✴ ❀✾❁✱✴✴✽➤ ❇✽✸✱✲ ❀✽❁✲❂❃✶✻ ❄❅❆❉❄ ❊✾✽ ❋✿✴✱❂✴ ●✺✴✸✽❍✸❏✴❑ ■❋ ▲◗❘❉❙ ❚❯❘❄❱ ❲▲❆❳❆❯❉❆ ❨✴✺ ❚❯❘❄❱ ❘❉▲❳❙❲❲❘●✴✺✺ ♠✾❃❩✸✴✺❬✸✱✲✴✽✴❭❭❪✵✺✸✱✶✵✾❁✱✴✴✽❬❃❁♠ ③⑤④⑥ ➺ ❶❷❸⑥④ ➻ ➼á⑥❷⑦ä➽ ➺ ➾⑥⑩❸ã④❷❸⑤ã⑦➚ ➪➶➪➹➘➘➴➶ ➷❩❨ ➬❞❨✇➮❪➷✇❭➱✉❫✃❐➱✇➮ ✿❀❁❂❃❄❅❇❉❊❉❇❄❊❀❀❇❉ ●❀■❀❃❏❂■ ●✿❂▲❉■ P◗❙❯◗❙❲◗ ❙✑✒✓✔ ✕✾✖✕ P❡✗s✘✙✚✛✜ ✥✢s✣✙❡ss ✤ ✦✧★✛✘②❡❡ ✥❡✙❡✩ts ✻✪✫✲✪✬✫✲✭✮✮✮ ✵ ✭✮✮✲✬✪✯✲✮✯✫✸ ✰✱ ß ✳ ✳ ß ✴✶➽➽ ✺ ✈ á✼ ✽ ✿ ã ➼ ❀❁ ÞÞÞß❂ ä â ßâãå ♣qsq① ③④ ⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ❶❷❸❷❹❺❻ ❼❹❺❽❾❿❽❷ ➀➁ ❻❺➂ ➃➄➅➆➇➈➄➉➊➋ ➌ ➍➎➄➏➆➈ ➐➑➏➄➏➊➎➆ ➌ ➐➏➒➏➆ ➓➏➋➏➔➎➋➏➇➊ →➣➣ →↔➋ ↕➋ ➙➛➜ ↕➋➉➝→➞➣ ➟➠➡➢➠➥➦➢➟➧➠➦ ❤✐❥❦✐❧❦ ♠❦❤♥♦❥❦♣q ❤q♦s♠♣q❤ t✉✈① ③④⑤⑥ ⑦④⑧⑨ ⑩ ❶④❷❸⑧ ❹❺❻❼ ❽❾❿➀➁ ❿➂❿➃❾➀➄➀ ➅➆➇➇➈ ➉➊➆➋➊➌➋ ➍➎➏➐➑➒ ➓ ➔→➣➎ ➓ ↔↕↕➙→➑→➎➛ ❉✷✸✹✺✻✼✽✾ ✿❀ ❁✸❂❃✻✼✽✾❄ ÿ❛ ✁✂✄☎✆✝ ❖✞✟❥✐✂✟ ✠❢✐✐✡ ✡ ☛ ✡ ✐❢☞❥✐ ❈✌✍✎✏ ✑✎✒✍✓ ✔✎✕✖✗ ❈✘✙✚✓ ✎✗✛ ✜✎✏✗✍✏ ✇✇✇✢✣✤✥✦✧✤★✥✤✩✇✥✤✧✢✪✫✦ ❅❆❇❊❆❋❆❊❇●❍❍ ◆❘ ✤✥✦✧✤★✩✪ ❍❆✫✬ ✭ ✮❖✯✰ ✱❆✬✲ ✳❱✴✵✶ ✷❘✸✵✺✻❚✼ ▼✶❘✽ ❑✶✽ ❑✸✻❑✾✴❘ ❯ ➞➟➠➡➟➢➟➡➟➤➥➤ ➦ ➞➟➠➡➧➨➩➡➟➤➥➤ ➹➘➴➷➬➴➮➱ ➬➴➮ ✃❐❐ ❒❮❰❒ÏÐ❒Ñ ❳❨❩❬❭❪❭❫❴❡❢❣❣ ❤✐❥❥ ❵❩❩❛ ❜❩❝❞❴ ❦❧♠♥❧❦♣♥♠ q✧★rr✧✪✪r✧✤srr ❵❪❫✉✇❭❪❝ ② ③④⑤⑥⑦⑧ ⑨⑩❜✇❫ ❶❷⑤❸①✉❭❩ ⑤⑦❹ ✻✝✞✟✝✠✡✟☛☛✠☞ ✥✌✍✎✏✑ ✒✓✔✕✎✖✕✗✑ ÒÓÔÕÓÖ ×ÓØ ÙÚÖÛ ÜÝÚÞÛ ßàÞáâãäÓå Üæçè éêëëì íîïêêð ñ òóôó õóôëööîð ❋ ✁❋ ✹✠✡☛✠☞✌✡ ✍ ✎☛✏☞☞☛✹✹✎☛✡✡✌✹ ÷øùúùûøúü ýþÿø ✷✂✷ ✄☎✆ ✝✆✞ ✝✞✟✞ ➇✘✙✚✛✜✢✢✣✚✤✦✧ ★✦✙✜✩✘✜✙✢✚✤✦✧ ✪✜✙✫✣✬✜✭ ❚✮✯✰✱✲✳ ✴✵ ✶✷✸✷✹✺ ✼✵✼✵✽✵ ▼✮✾✲✿✷❀ ✼✵ ❁✱✱✰✺ ✼✵✼✵✽✵ ❂❃❃❂ ❄❅❆ ❇❅❈ ❇❉ ❄❃❄❊❋❄❋❍ èéêëì íîìêïð ñêòòìóô ✥ õö÷õ øùú ûùü ûý þ ÿø÷õ ÷ ❜☞✘✑✒☞ ✙✑✎ ✚✔☞✚✛ ❑✬✭✮✯✰❑ ✱✯✲✳✮✯✭✴✳✯✵✶ ➫➫➫➭➯➲➳➵➸➲➵➳➺➻➼➽➵➾➻➵➚➻➪➭➪➲➶ ÛÜÝÞßàÝ áâãäåæÜäç èÝäé êëììíîïðñò ó ôíõðöí÷øðñò ó ù÷öúõøîðñò ûüýüþÿ● ûüýüþÿ ✁þ✂ ✄ ☎ÿþ✆✂ P☛☞✌✍☞ ✍✎✏✏✑✒✓ ✓✔☞✍☞ ✌✕✖☞✒✓✗✍☞✒✍ ➠➡➢➤➥➦➦➧ ➏➐➑➒➓➔→ ➣ ➑➓↔ ↕➙➔➛➓➒➓➙➔➓➔→➜ ➝➝↕ ★✩✭✮✦❙ ❚✦✻✪✬❈ ✼ ✽ ✼✼ úûüýþû ✓✔☞ ✗t✓☞✒t☞✓ ✑✒ ✙☞☛☛✑✜ ✏✌✢☞✍✳ ❶ ❸❷❸⑥ ❸ ⑩❸⑤⑦⑥④⑩ ④❷⑦ ⑥ ⑥ ⑥ ❷⑩ ⑦ ⑤❸ ⑨② ❚✩✪ ✺✭✱✦✬ ▼✒✓✔✠ ✕✖☞✗✘ ✙✚ ✛ ✜✢✣✤✢✟✢✤✣✥✢✞ ✻ ✁✂✄☎✆✂✻✝✄✞ ◆♦rt✟✠♦✇✡☛❞☞✐✌♦r✌✍✎♦♠ ❙❡✏✉✑✒✓✒✖❡✗✔✕✖ ✗✈❡✔✓✘❡✗✓✙✚✈✒ ✔✛✑②❙❡✑✈✒✏❡✔✜✤❡✑❡✚✓✢✑✛✉✣✢❱❙✥✦✒ ✗✧✗✏✒✧★❙❡✑✈✒✏❡✔✩ ✏✳✩ ✙✥❡✣✒ ✔✔✓❡✑❡✚✖ ✗✈❡✔✓✘❡✗✓✙✚✈✒ ✔✛✑✧✗✚✪❡✘✫❡✑✦✖ ✬✥✙✧✗✚❙✖❆✭✳ ✬✛✑✓✢✖✛✮✧✙✚✈✒ ✛✑✔✒✔ ✗✛✓✛✮✗❡✚✛✑✏✛✗✓✑✛★ ★❡✚✫②❱❙✥✦✒✗✧✗✏✒ ✧★❙❡✑✈✒✏❡✔✩✖✗✏✳ ▼✧●●★✩✪✫ ✬✭✮✯✰✱ ✲✭✰✳✭✴ ✵✾✵✸ ✷✹✺ ✼✹✽ ✼✿ ❀ ❁❂✼❙❃ ❄❅✹❚❆ ❅❂ ❇❈✷❈❉ ❊❋❍■❏ ❍❑▲◆❖P◗■ ❤✐ ❡❢❣ ❵❜❝❞✐❦❞❡✐❜❧ r♦❘❯r❱❲❳❘❘❨❯❩❩❯❬❨❭❘✽❪♦❲ ❥ ✼❯❬❨❭❘ ❁❳❪❫❨❭❯ ✼❳❛❯❩ ❴ ✼❯r✈❨❪❯ ❒❮❰ÏÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÖ×ÔØÙ ❒❮ÐÚÛÜ❒Ý Þßàáâß ãä åæçâ èéêëì êíîïíîðñ òÓóÕÓÔÕÖóôõÔóöö÷øöù úû üýþ ÿ➇ ✁ ✂♦✄ ☎➇❡ ❡ÿ➇✆➇✝ ✰✦✬✱✪✬❈✯✦✱✪ ✸✞✟ ✟✠✡ ☛☞✌✍✍☞ ✎✏✑✏ õö÷øøùø úûùüüý þÿ✱➤ ➨➨➨➩➫➭➭➯➲➳➲➵➸➲➺➲➻➼➯➽➻➩➻➭➫ ❈ ✁ ✂✄☎✆ ❈✝ ✞✟☎✠✡ ◆✝✆☛✟ ☞✝✌ ✍✎✠ ❋♦✏ ✑✒✒ ✓♦✔✏ ✕✏♦✔✖ t✏✑✈✗✒ ✘✗✗✙✚ ✹✛✹✜✛✢✣✣ ❍✪✭✮✯✩ ✰✪✱✯✪✬ æçèéêëìéçëê í îéëïðéìéçë ñòóççïçô ➫➭➯➲➳ ➵➭➸➺ ➻➭➼➽ ➾➚➫➲➚➯ ➪➶➹➹ ➘➴➷➬ ➮➱✃ ❐❒✃❮ ❰ Ï➱➴Ð➴➷Ñ ÒÓ➷Ñ➬ Ô➹➶Õ Ò➬❮Ó➴➱ ❰ Ö×Ø×ÙÚÛÜÝ Þßàá âãÝääßØä åååæçèéêëìèåíîèïðæñèò óôõö÷ õøõùøøõõ ➹➘➴➷➬➮➷➱✃ ❐❒➴❮❰ ❐Ï❒Ð➴✃Ï Ñ➴Ò➬➷❰Ó ÔÐ➱❮❰❒➴Õ❰➷Ð➱Ö ×ØÙÚØÛÛÚÜÙÝÝ ÞÞÞßà⑥áá❷④âã⑦⑩❸④äâ❸⑤ã⑦ßâãå ●✦✦✧ ★✩✪✫✩✪✬✧ ❑✪✱✯✲✳✴✵ ✶✷✧✹✪ ✯✰✲✴✰✵✰✴✲✰✶✷✸✲✹✶ ✺✼✽✾✿✾❀❁❂ ✸❃❁❄❅❇❈❉❊❋ ñòóôõö ÷øòùúóôû üýþÿ ❢ ❢ ❥ ✐❥❥ ❢ ❡ ✥ ✶ ✁ ✂✄ ☎✄ ✄ ☎✄ ✄ ✆ ✝ ✂✞✟ ✠✄✡ ✻☛☞✌☛✍✎✌✏✑✎✒ ✓ ✇✇✇✔✕✖✗✘✙✚✛✜✖✢✣✗✘✔✤✦✛ ❝●❍■❏❑❍▲▼❖P ●◗ ❘❚❯❚❲❳❨❩ ❬❭❬❪❫❴❵❪ ❛❜❢❣❤ ❥❦❧♥ ✁✂✄öøõ ➜➝➞➟ ➠➟➡➢ ➤➥➦➧➨➩➫➩ ➭➯➫➥ ➲➥➳➵ ➸➩➧➺➻➼ ➽➽➽➾➚➪➽➶➹➘➹➪➴➷➬➮➬➱➘➾✃➬❐ ❒❮❮❮ ❰Ï ÐÑÒÑÓÔÕ Ö❒Ö×ÖØÙÚ ❫♦❴❵❛❝❵ ❞✐❴❛ ❢❤❛❣❥❤❴❦❧❧♥ ❵♦ ♣q❛❝❦ ❛❴ ❛r ❵♦r❛♥② s✉✈✇①③✈④⑤⑥⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩❶❷❸❹❺❻ ♦❼ ❽❾❿❿➀ ➁➂❾➃⑨➄➂⑨ ➅⑨❿➆⑨ éêëëì íéîïïð ñòóôõö÷ñõøòóù øóñú ➨➩➫➨ ➭➯➲➳➯➳➵➸➺➻➼➯➽➨➾➨ ➚➪➺➶➹➘➼➯➴➷➬➶➵➪➮➾➭➾➨ ûüý þÿ◆ü ✁ ➱✃❐❒✃❮✃❰ÏÐÑÒÓ ❈ÿ◆◆ü✂❈✄☎✆ ýÿ✂❖ ÔÕÕÖ×ØØÙÚÛÜÝÞßÕàá ÙàÔÜÙâßÙÖãÜäâÙâÝÕáÞÜÙØ ✹✝✞✟✞✝✠✡ åæçèéççæêëìíîíïð ▼❃❄❅❆ ❇❈❉❊ ❇●❈❆❈❇ ❍■❏◆■ ❘❚ ❏■◗■▲❑❑ ▲ ◆❑❩❨❖❑❑▲ P❖▲◗■▲❘ ❙❯❱❱❲❯❳ ❨❩ ❬❭❪❯❫ ❴❩❵❩❷❥❹❭❴❢❧❴❝❞⑩❭ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧❪ ⑨❭⑩❢✐⑩❞❦ ❬❭❴❶⑩ ❷ ❸❹❢❝❞ ⑨❴❦❺ ❻❻❻❪❵✐✐❼❴❞❴✐❪✐❝❵ ➉ ❺❻❼❽❽❾❿ ➀➁➂❾ ➉ ➃➄➅➆➇➁➅❼❾➈➅ ➢➤➥➦➧➤➨➩➫➧➦➭➤➯➦➭➤➦➨➨➲➳➵➦➯➢➨➸➵➭➳➺ ➻➼➽➾➚➪➼➶➹➘ ➚➹➪➴➷➬ ➊➋❾➂➁➌➍ Ö×ØÏ×ÙÚÏÛÖÜÝ ➎➏➐➑➒ ➐➓➔→➣➐➓↔ ↕➙➙➛➜➙➝➞➟➠➞➡ ➮➮➮➱✃❐➮❒❮❐❰ÏÐ❮❒Ñ❐Ò➱ÓÔÕ Þßàá âãäåß â æçèá ➦➧ ➭➯➯➧➲ ➳➵➩➸➩➨➩➫ ➯➩➲➺➩➩➸➵➻ ➼➽➽ ➩➾➾➼➻➚➩➪➻➶ ➇➈➉➊➈➋➌➊➉➉➋➇ ➍➎ ➏➍➐➐ ➑➎➒➒ ➓➔➔➊➈→➇➊➉➉➋➇ ➣➣➣↔↕➙➛↕➜➝➞➜➟➠➡➢➥↔➝➠➡ ❛❜❝ ❞❡ ❢❣❤❜ ✐❥❦❦ ❧♠♥♦ ♣q♦rsq♥t✉✉✈ ♦✇ ①②③④④②⑤⑥③②⑦⑧⑥⑦ ➉ ⑨⑨⑨⑩❶❷❸❹⑩❺❻❼ Dr. Rebecca Jenkins ~ Parishioner Broman and Jenkins Family Medicine PLC 641-494-2464 North Iowa Laser Skin Solutions 641-494-2404 ❽❾❿ ➀➁➂➃➄➅➆ ➈➊➂➁➋ ➌➍❾➎ ➏ ➐➑ ➒➐➓➒➔➒→ ➣➣↔↕➙↔➛↕➣➙ ↕➜➝➙➛➝➞➟
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