Document 421842

Greetings from St Bede’s
31 October 2014
We farewelled an excellent Year 13 cohort with a number of events for both them and their parents.
The traditional ‘Pintos’ assembly on Monday afternoon organised by the Year 13s was an
opportunity for the school to come together for a light-hearted laugh as students and staff had a bit
of fun poked at them.
It set up the mood for three other celebrations, the first on Tuesday night at the Aurora Centre,
when we staged the senior prize-giving. Those awarded special prizes were:
Y11 Board of Honour Prize
Peter O’Connor
Bishop Hanrahan Memorial Cup
Gerard Evans
Y12 Board of Honour Prize
Jacob Reese-Jones
Father Gerard Mills Scholarship
George Berry
The Jeremy B Cullen Trophy
Harry Flett
The Mrs Smith Cup
The Vernon Griffiths Award
Patrick Sherwood
William Foubister
The Instrumental Music Award
The Sir Walter Clifford Cup
Peter Wilkes
William Chambers
The M M and J J Kavanagh Memorial Prize
William Chambers & Harry Flett
The Mrs M O’Sullivan Memorial Trophy
Hamish Rossie
Memorial Cup for Endeavour
Bradley Walter
George Fulguirinas Cup
Sean Moody
The Sean O’Brien Memorial Trophy
David Brydon
Sportsman of the Year – The Father Scambary Cup
Connell Kilpatrick
The Clayton Cosgrove Cup
William Chambers
The Carl Sweeney Memorial Trophy
Harry Flett
The Brodie Gold medal for Religious Knowledge
The Diligence Gold Medal
Peter Wilkes
Zachary Heywood
The JC Colin Trophy
Patrick Sherwood
Blue Riband: The Ignatius O’Boyle Cup and Gold Medal
Jared Monk
The Cup for Proxime Accesit
Harry Kane-Porter
The Grimes Gold Medal and Dux of the College
Harry Flett
Awarded to the Year 11 student who received the most top weekly notes certificates
Religious Education Yr 12
Awarded to the Year 12 student who received the most top weekly notes certificates
Awarded to a student in Year 12 who has contributed to and provided leadership in
the Cultural Life of the College
For Senior Music
For Singing
For Debating
For Oratory
For Dramatic Art
Awarded to a senior student
For a student who has overcome challenges when faced with adversity
Outstanding Achievement in an Individual Sport
Presented by the Parents Association
Leadership and Service
Best and most generous use of personal talent
Y13 Student who received the most top weekly notes
For outstanding contribution to the Special Character of the College
Best and most generous use of talent in all aspects of school life
Runner-up to Dux
The Head Boy for 2015 was also named. Congratulations to Lachlan Bartlett who will lead the
student body next year. Thanks to Mrs Kilpatrick and her team who put together an event which
honoured our best, but featured also some of our very best musicians.
The breakfast for the Year 13s and their parents is another very pleasant event. Louisa Sullivan
whose father, brothers and now her sons are Bedeans, and Mark Hanrahan who has a similar
generational connection to St Bede’s, both spoke on behalf of the parents. While Louisa still has
another son in Year 11, they were two of a number of parents at the breakfast who have had a
connection with the College for a number of years, and for some that ends this week. Thanks to Mr
Murdoch and Mrs Gardner for their organisation of this enjoyable event.
The Leavers’ Mass followed, attended by well over 350 parents, grandparents and members of the
Bedean community, was arguably one of the ‘best’ since the Centenary Masses of 2012. Superbly
organised by the Ministry Team led by Mrs Pitcaithly, and the music team led by Dr Rachael Hawkey,
it was a mass to remember – the younger year levels were challenged to farewell the Year 13s in fine
style and so they did – the singing was memorable.
Fr Walls was also at his very best as the main celebrant and the homilist and his reflection of the
Bible story, David and Goliath, and how that relates to these young men when confronting new
challenges in life was poignant and inspiring. Ending the Mass was the presentation of the crucifixes.
Following that was the boys’ haka to the parents, and then the presentation of the Old Boys’ tie,
which culminated an emotional, few days for those leaving.
We trust all seniors now knuckle down to some serious study before their exams.
During the year I have spoken often about the talented Year 13s, and featured their many
contributions they leave as their legacy – the song “Men of Bede’, and Will Chambers inspiring
reflection about CanTeen were two examples; one other from Patrick Sherwood follows which I
share with you…
I'm going away now
I'm going to see the sun
I'm leaving you and all of this
To go and have some fun
I’m Going Away Now
I'm going away now
To the oh-so wild sky
It could make me see straight
Or might just be a lie
I'm going away now
I'll see you when I get back
But that might be a while
You can tell from my pack
I'm going away now
To live as a man
That'd you've told me to be
And I feel that yes I can
I'm going away now
To make my mark upon the earth
It's the first time I've been free
Since before my birth
I'm going away now
I'm leaving this my home
But remember all you here
There always is a phone
I'm going away now
For I've studied hard
I might keep it up
Or I could let down my guard
I'm going away now
My time here is done
But wherever I am
I always am Your Son.
I'm going away now
To live up to the dream
Which has been bound to me
With now cast off seams
Until next time,
Justin Boyle, Rector
PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch
Phone: 03 375 0647
College Notices
Upcoming Events
End of year events to diary
• NCEA exams
• TOD (Teacher Only Days)
• Junior exams
• Junior Prize-giving
Term Four
Week Five
Mon 10 – Tue 2 Dec
Mon 10
Wed 12
Wed 12‐Thu 13
Fri 14
Week Six
Mon 17
Tues 18
Wed 19
Thurs 20
10 November – 2 December
Monday, 17 November & Tuesday, 18 November
Monday, 10 – Thursday, 13 November
5 December at 11am SBC gymnasium
NCEA Exams
Yr10 Study Day
Yr9 Study Day
Exams Yr9 & Yr10
Show Day – School
BOT Meeting,
4.30pm, Boardroom
Teacher Only Day
Teacher Only Day
Wed Sport End TBC
Yr10 Drama
Week Seven
Tue 25‐Fri 28
Wed 26‐Fri 28
Wed 26 & Thurs 27
Fri 28
Week Eight
Wed 3
PTA Meeting,
7.30pm, Staffroom
Junior Prize-giving,
Fri 5
Week Nine
Mon 8
Yr10 Camp
Yr10 Camp 3 Days
Yr9 Big Day Out
Trimester 3
Finishes (Yr9)
Teacher Only Day
End of Term Four
Top Weekly Notes
Term 4, Week Three
Kalem Edlin
Robert Methven
Jackson de Zwart
Sam Johnstone
Hamish Laing
Michael Malone
Peter O’Connor
Jaime Sequeira
Wiaan Botha
Corrigan Harnett
Sayce Holland
Ji Yong Park
Simon Pitcaithly
Josh van der Plas
Edward Ziolo
Callum Gubb
Zachary Heywood
Isaac Mackle
Jared Monk
Sean Preddy
Patrick Sherwood
Edward Speechly
Josh Thieme
Mr Gerry Davidson
Deputy Rector – Pastoral
Sign-out Procedures for Year 13s
All Year 13s are required to sign out from school on Thursday, 4 December.
St Bede’s College Leaver’s forms can be collected from Mrs Davidson’s office (upstairs Marist House) with all
textbooks to be returned to the relative Head of Faculty.
If you are unable to sign out on this day due to other commitments please make other arrangements or
complete this process prior to going on study leave on Wednesday, 5 November.
Mrs Nola Kilpatrick
Deputy Rector – Curriculum
Junior exams
Students in Years 9 & 10 will take their school exams in week 5, November 10-13. They will sit exams in
English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Please encourage your son to study for his exams. His
teachers will have advised what is being examined. These exams will all be paper based, as is the current
system of NCEA exams and will generally be 2 hours long.
Monday, November 10
Tuesday, November 11
Wednesday, November 12
Thursday, November 13
Yr 9 Maths exam pm
Yr 10 Study day at home
Yr 9 Social Studies exam am
Yr 10 English (am)
Yr 10 Science (pm)
Yr 9 Study Day at home
Yr 10 Maths (am)
Yr 10 Social Studies (pm)
Yr 9 English exam (am)
Yr 9 Science exam (pm)
Yr 10 normal classes
PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch
Phone: 03 375 0647
Teacher Only Days coming up
Two Teacher-Only days will be held on Monday, 17 November and Tuesday, 18 November. With Show Day on
Friday, 14 November this will provide a long weekend for all students.
Mrs Nicola Leete
TiC – Learning Support
Learning Buddy Lunch
Our learning buddies came together on Monday for an end of year lunch.
This was a great chance for the junior boys to thank their senior buddies
for the support they've given them throughout the year.
Mrs Jill Falloon
Uniform Shop Manager
The College Shop is now stocking the following stationery items:
• Pens
$1.50 each (Blue, black & red)
• Pencils
$1.50 each
• Rulers
$1.00 each
• Refill pads
CanTeen Lost Property
We have a variety of clothing, bedding and food containers left over from Canteen.
These items may be picked up from the College Shop during our normal trading hours of Monday, Wednesday
and Friday 12.00- 3.30.
Teacher Only Days
Please note that the College Shop will be closed on the Teacher only days (17 & 18 November)
College Shop Accounts
Please note that all College Shop Accounts will be closed on Thursday, 13 November.
Invoices will be sent out the following week and we would appreciate all accounts being settled by Friday,
5 December – thank you.
Mrs Clare Kissick
Director of Sport
Cricket Sports Cafe
The cricket Sports Cafe was held last Thursday and by all reports a great night was had by all.
The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who came and made it a special
night, in particular our guest speakers lead by the wonderful Ben Harris.
We would also like to thank the following people who donated items to the auctions: The Fitzpatricks, Matt
Henry, David Lemon, Vinnie Munro, Rhonda Kennett, The Staples Family, Catherine Campbell from NZ Cricket,
Peter Fulton, Simon Kneebone from Stirling Sports Northlands, Ange Harrison, Lonestar, Neil Campbell, Joe's
Garage, Merivale Paper Plus, Steve Beattie and Steve Crotty from Liquorland, Andrew Sherwood, DB Brewers.
Thanks must go to Paul Dolan, Shaun Bradley and Neil Campbell along with the rest of the committee for
organising a very successful night. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch
Phone: 03 375 0647
The monthly meeting will be held this Monday, 10 November at 6.00pm in the Boardroom – all parents are
welcome to attend.
Jack Wilson competed in the South Island Secondary School Surf Champs on the West Coast in exciting
conditions with waves between 6 to 8 feet. Jack won the Under 17 grade and was 3rd in the Open grade and
did very well in the tough conditions.
Football Uniforms
You have been emailed if your son’s uniform has not been handed in – can you please attend to this as soon as
possible. If we have one shirt missing we cannot use that set next year and we will have to purchase another
set which will mean your 2015 subs will increase.
A reminder that the next meeting of the Rowing Committee will be held on Monday, 10 November in the SBC
Staff Room starting at 7.30pm - all rowing parents are welcome.
Rowing Fundraiser
Mark your calendar for Saturday, 29 November – a Mexican Fiesta night with music, drinks and supper along
with an Auction and other activities to raise money for our rowers.
Cricket Draw
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Christ College 1st XI
St Bede's College 1
10.30 am
St Thomas 1st XI
St Thomas
St Bede’s Colts Red
Christ College 3rd XI
St Bede's College 5a
St Bede’s Year 10
South West Year 10 Blue
Cashmere High School 1
St Bede’s Year 9 A
Shirley Boys’ High School
St Bede's College 4a
St Bede’s Year 9 Red
For all Cricket information click on St Bede’s College Cricket Club website
Practice times:
1st XI and 2nd XI
Year 10
Year 9A and Year 9 Red teams
Tuesday and Thursday
Tuesday and Thursday
Tuesday and Thursday
Monday and Wednesday
This week was notable because of the Association’s involvement in the programme to farewell this
year’s Year 13 students. Over the years this day has evolved to become a highlight of the College
PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch
Phone: 03 375 0647
year, enjoyed by the boys, families and the staff. Old Boys will doubtless be aware of the
presentation of Old Boys’ ties to the leavers but this year the Association also supported the Leavers’
breakfast. A subsidy from the Association meant that ticket prices were kept to $10 per head and
this contributed to a record number of 248 people attending the breakfast. This gesture from the
Association was an acknowledgement of parental support for the pre-paid subscription programme.
Members will be delighted to know that the two speakers at the breakfast were parents of third
generation Bedeans. Louisa Sullivan (nee Sparrow), mother of George Davidson, spoke on behalf of
the mothers and Mark Hanrahan, son of Brian and father of Tim spoke on behalf of the dads. Both
addresses were outstanding and set the tone for the day. The speeches will be available on the
website next week along with photographs of the day.
Life Members, Past Presidents and Seniors Lunch – 17 December
The final event for the year will be held at the College on Wednesday, 17 December. The flyer below
gives details. The descriptive “Senior” is discretionary and those who wish to attend are most
Auckland, Wellington and Sydney Functions
Registrations are coming in for all three functions. In order to assist with catering please contact
Jacinta Gardner.
A separate flyer will be sent as a reminder.
Young Old Boys
This week a group of young old boys met to discuss the formation of a subcommittee which would
work with the Association to organise events for younger old boys. Among the suggestions was the
revival of the highly popular Annual Ball. At present the younger contingent is represented by:
Reilly Price
Liam Bartholomeusz
Jack Earl
Chris Houghton
PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch
Phone: 03 375 0647
Old boys interested in joining this group are welcomed as are suggestions for events.
Old Boys in Queensland
John Inkster (1964-1968) has contacted the office to ask if there is any consideration to holding an
Old Boys’ function in the Brisbane area. The Association is working to re-establish regional groupings
and is very keen to support initiatives. Old boys in this area or those who have old boy contacts are
asked to drop a note to Jacinta Gardner:
Cricket at The Valley of Peace -15 February
This year’s opponents are STAC old boys. Those wishing to play are asked to contact Tony Murdoch
RIP John Bede Costello (1969 -1972)
News has reached the office of the passing of John Costello. John attended the College as a boarder
from Blenheim and after leaving school he worked in the Mid Canterbury area as a stock purchaser. A
contemporary remembers “Barrel, as he was affectionately called, as a popular man whose sudden
death shocked many.
PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch
Phone: 03 375 0647