Church Services in November

November 2014
Church Services in November
26th October How to be right with God – Romans 3
7:00pm Evening Service in Ballygrainey
2nd November
9th November
16 November
23rd November
30th November
Communion Service – When justification began –
Romans 4
Remembrance – What justification achieves –
Romans 5:1-11
Evening Service in Conlig
What justification means – Romans 5:12-21
Why obedience still matters – Romans 6
Why the Christian life is hard – Romans 7
Evening Service in Ballygrainey
The Girls’ Brigade Enrolment service has been postponed and will be
held on a Tuesday evening to be arranged.
Inside this issue:
Thought for November
‘Sing praises to the Lord....Tell the
nations what He has done.’
Psalm 9:11
Notes from the
Poetry Corner
General Notices
Bible Study and
Youth and
Children’s Ministry
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
otes from the manse...
How many times have you heard it said that the church is not the building
it is the people? Over the coming months we will have the opportunity to
test that idea as the building in which we have met for many decades is
stripped down, repaired, refurbished and extended to meet the mission
and ministry needs of the people of this and future generations.
It has taken some time to get to this point and there are significant
challenges still to be met. In the short term there are the logistical
challenges of meeting for worship in the church hall. There will doubtless
be technical issues to do with sound and screens and seating and so
forth. There will be issues of space when it comes to accommodating our
children’s work and there will be knock on effects on our celebrations of
communion, Christmas, Easter and so on. There will be an impact on the
amount of space in the car park as well. All these short term challenges
will require patience, commitment and not a little good humour to see us
through. Thank you in advance for displaying that patience, commitment
and good humour.
In the longer term there are the financial considerations of which we are
all very well aware. Can I encourage you to consider carefully over these
next few months not just how much you might decide to give to our
building fund but in what manner you give it? To give by standing order is
by far the most effective and efficient way for you to contribute to this
fund. It means that our treasurer, Peter, knows that he has a confirmed
and reliable income stream each month which helps when it comes to
keeping our commitments to the bank. Not everyone can give this way,
but if you can would you consider it? Forms are available from Peter.
The new building, when it is completed, will afford greater opportunities
for fundraising activities which will then be able to really get off the
ground. These activities will make use of the new building and, I hope, will
also provide opportunities for us as a church family to spend time
In Ballygrainey, the church really is the people. I know that I, as your
minister have had the opportunity to experience more than most the love,
commitment and care of this family of people. On Harvest Sunday, I took
a picture from the pulpit of the last harvest in the old church building and
as I looked at that picture afterwards I didn’t focus on the gallery or the
(Continued on page 3)
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
windows or the walls or the pews. I focussed on the faces. It really is the
people that make this place what it is and I am thankful to God for calling
me into partnership with such a loving, gracious and committed family of
his people.
As that family of God’s people, we are redeemed, loved and forgiven
through Christ’s saving work on the cross. As that family of God’s people
we are called to glorify God our Father and enjoy him forever. As that
family of God’s people we are called out and equipped for mission and
ministry by the Holy Spirit.
As we stand at the beginning of this period of transition in our buildings let
us remember that we have a heavenly Father who is faithful, loving and
powerful and who will see his work carried on to completion through his
people – through you and through me.
Thought for November
You have Christmas every day. Your gift, not toys and books, but God
His work: on the cross and in the resurrection.
As a result, your sin brings no guilt, and the grave brings no fear.
His energy: it’s not up to you. You can do all things through Christ, who
gives you strength.
His Lordship: He is in charge of you and looks out for you.
His love: what can separate you from it?
Who could imagine such gifts? Who could imagine not opening them?
Come Thirsty by Max Lucado
‘A church isn’t a group of individuals who happen to meet in the same
place every week; it’s a spiritual body...a loving family.’ Anon.
‘Each individual has a place to fill in the world, and it is important, in some
respect, whether he chooses to be or not.’ Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Poetry Corner
The Bible
(by an unknown poet)
Though the cover is worn and the pages are torn, and
though places bear traces of tears.
Yet more precious than gold is this book worn and old,
that can shatter and scatter my fears.
When I prayerfully look in this precious old book, as my
eyes scan the pages I see;
Many tokens of love from the Father above, Who is
nearest and dearest to me.
This old book is my guide, 'it’s a friend by my side, it will
lighten and brighten my way.
And each promise I find soothes and gladdens my mind,
as I read it and heed it today.
Whatever you have to sacrifice, whatever priorities you have to rearrange,
read your Bible every day.
The Bible is God speaking to you:
The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life:
John 6:63 KJV
I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my daily bread:
Job 23:12 NIV
Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that ….you may grow…
1 Peter 2:2 NIV
…when you received the word of God, …you accepted it not as the word
of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who
1 Thess 2:13 NIV
Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.
Psalm 119:140 NIV
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Poetry Corner
Talking to God
Dear Father, Hear the prayer I pray,
You’ve heard it many times,
But knowing I can talk to You
My weary spirit climbs.
I ask for healing every day
For all the aches and pains,
And You send comfort, help and strength
As hope and love remains.
Dear Father, help the ones I love,
I know You understand,
Be with them in the storms of life
And take them by the hand.
Now thank you for the gifts of life,
I count them as before,
Tomorrow, Father, I’ll be here
And talk to you once more.
Iris Hesselden
A Prayer for Winter
The winter seems a long time Lord,
A long time until Spring,
A long time ‘til we see green shoots
And hear small birds sing.
So whilst the days are short and dark
Please keep us safe and strong,
Let cheerful music lift our souls,
Place in our hearts a song.
Through wintry winds, through frost and fog,
Let every doubt dispel,
And let your love fill all our lives
And whisper “all is well.”
We thank you, Lord, for home and food,
The blessings of each day,
Let hope and joy light up our world
‘Til winter slips away.
Iris Hesselden.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
General Notices
Bible Reading Notes
It that time of the year when I am completing the order form Bible reading
notes for next year.
Bible reading notes are core to Scripture Union. One of their main roles
is to encourage people to read their Bibles more and to provide them with
the help to do so. They not only carry the range of SU titles but also those
produced by other publishers.
From pre-primary age upwards there are notes for people to use. With
young children this is a great opportunity for parents to spend time with
their children and a Bible; to share their faith. And to encourage a habit
from a young age that will hopefully stay with them for a lifetime.
Different people have different personalities so the range of notes allows
for individuals to approach the Bible in a way that compliments their
thinking. If you haven’t used notes before, please don’t be put off if the
first choice doesn’t work for you. Persevere with alternatives and you will
find one that does.
Children (8-11)
Early Secondary (11-14)
Older Teens (14-18)
Daily Bread a particle guide
Encounter With God a study guide
Closer To God Reflective guide
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
General Notices
Bible Reading Notes
Costs are:
Daily Bread
Daily Bread LP
Encounter With God
Closer To God
per year
£ 8.99
If you would like to renew your order for next year or want to place an
order for the first time please speak to Peter McGimpsey or email
You will pay for the notes for the year to receive a discount and every
three months I will have your notes ready for you in the foyer of the
church for collection.
Please complete by 9th November 2014 and return to Peter
Once you have made your order please forward your payment payable to
Ballygrainey Presbyterian Church to me before 18th January 2015.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
General Notices
Presbyterian Orphan & Children’s Society
Envelopes have been left in each seat for those who would like to donate
to the Orphan & Children’s Society and who are not already on the
subscriber’s list. These may be returned to any of the following collectors
- Helen Beattie, Libby Dunn, Ann Hanna, Jean Johnston, Ruth McDowell
and Felicity Townley or left on the offering plate before December. Your
support is much appreciated.
The will be no meeting of the Torch Group in November as it is their
annual Rally for all NI groups in Lisburn.
Food Ministry
‘Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show
the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth,
so we will be confident when we stand before God.’
1 John 3 v 18 &19
Can we encourage everyone in our church family to contact us if you
know someone who could benefit from this practical ministry. We look
forward to hearing from anyone interested in helping the team
Paula Kennedy 07712 891615, Lyn McMaster 07868 359101
Storehouse North Down
As a church, we are supporting the Storehouse on a regular basis. If your
circumstances enable you, we would ask you to bring items (nonperishable food or toiletries) on ANY Sunday and place them in the
shopping trolley which is located in the vestibule. We deliver items to the
Storehouse at the end of each month. All contributions, no matter how
large or small, will be gratefully received.
Items of special request from the Storehouse this month - Cooking oil,
Tinned Meats, Tinned Spaghetti, Jam. Thank you very much.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
General Notices
Funds available
Balances for Building
FF&B Reserve
General Money Desk
FF&B Money Desk
Vested land
FF&B Fixed term
Sub Tot Building Fund
Fees Paid
Total Building Fund
Funds required
Loan approved from Ulster Bank
£400,000 repayment £2,770.11 per month equivalent to £33,241.32
per annum
As we are soon to have a loan repayment of £2,770.11 per month to fund
this loan, it would be helpful if members would consider to sign up to a
monthly standing order, forms are available in the vestibule or you can to
speak to Peter McGimpsey Tel:02891889196, Mob:07968092278
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
General Notices
Church Extension and Referbishment
The contract with Hugh J O'Boyle was signed on Monday 20th. The Rev
Kennedy and Church Secretary Bert Houston signed for Ballygrainey. The
contract is for 36 calendar weeks to 13th July 2015. As this date falls in a
holiday period for all builders it was agreed that completion will be 31st
July 2015.
HJOB will move onto site Monday 3rd November. They will set up site
boundaries which will restrict car parking.
Approaches to the car park can be from both the Gransha Rd and Old
Ballycrochan Rd entrances. Boyce Anderson has kindly granted the
church use of his yard for car parking. There is also ample spaces on
either side of the Old Ballycrochan Road.
Site meetings will be monthly and will probably be the last Friday of each
month (TBC). Updates on the buildings progress will be through the
church newsletter.
We are planning to introduce a rota of teams to set up the church hall
each Sunday morning for services. This will require people to commit to 2
Sundays over the period of work. This will be brought before the church
committee in November before we ask people to get involved.
Teams led by members of the building group will start things off in
Jim Stewart
Sub Group Convenor
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Bible Study and Prayer
Sunday Morning Prayer Time
The Prayer Time continues each Sunday 15 minutes before the morning
service in the Minister’s room.
If you have not been before and are worried about having to pray out loud
please be assured there is no requirement to do so. Simply turn up, listen to
any others who pray and bring your own requests to God quietly.
Monthly Mission Prayer Group
Would you like to join in prayer support for the work of mission both at home
and overseas! Please join us on the second Monday of each month at 11am
in the minister’s room. Our next meeting will be on Monday 10th November.
Women’s Bible Study
Each Friday morning at 10am a group of us meet to read together and discuss
how God’s Word can be applied in our lives. A warm welcome awaits anyone
who would like to join us in November as we begin a new study on Hosea.
Mobile Phone Prayer Text Ministry
For some time now a group of Ballygrainey members have been involved
in a mobile phone prayer ministry. It has been found to be a quick way to
circulate prayer requests to the people currently on the prayer team. If
you would like to be a part of this prayer team and would be available to
pray for the needs of others, please text your name to Denise Shaw at
07980 263434. Alternately if you have any prayer requests please text me
at the same number. Those requiring prayer by this means can ask for
names to be withheld if desired.
Denise Shaw
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Bible Study and Prayer
Midweek Series
A lot of people look at the Old Testament book of Judges as the kind of
Wild West book of the Bible. The book is full of stories of heroes being
raised up to save their people from oppression – flawed heroes like
Samson, reluctant heroes like Gideon, unlikely heroes like Deborah and
almost forgotten heroes like Othniel, Ehud and Shamgar.
But the book of Judges speaks to our own society and time. The recurring
refrain of the book of Judges is this; ‘At that time there was no king in
Israel, and everyone did what was right in his own eyes’. It reflects a
society which had thrown off all objective standards of morality and truth,
where people did whatever they liked, whenever they liked regardless of
the consequences.
All of the human heroes in the book of Judges are flawed. The real hero
of the book is a God who remains faithful to a people who are utterly
faithless. In Judges we see a God who is committed to his promises even
when his people break their covenant with him. In Judges we see a God
whose love and patience and faithfulness reach to the skies. That is the
God we see in Jesus as well.
Come and join us as we learn more about this God through the book of
Judges on Thursday nights.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Bible Study and Prayer
Midweek Programme 30th October – 18th December
30/10/14 – Start as you mean to go on? Judges 1:1-3:6
06/11/14 – Expect the Unexpected – Judges 3:7-5:31
13/11/14 – Gideon – The Dangers of Success – Judges 6:1-8:31
20/11/14 – Home Groups
27/11/14 – Abimelech and Jephthah – Dark Times
– Judges 8:32-12:15
04/12/14 – Samson – The Broken Conqueror – Judges 13-15
11/12/14 – A People without a King – Judges 17-21
18/12/14 – Home Groups
Home Groups
In our Home Groups this session we are continuing to
look at the Fit for Purpose material produced by the
Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Our church’s theme for
the year 2014/15 is ‘A People of Service and Outreach’
and the Home group material seeks to encourage us to
make a difference where we are as individuals and as a
congregation. We will be looking at what it means to live a distinctive
Christian life today, how we can be a positive influence for good and for
God in our communities and how to make the most of opportunities to
speak about our faith.
Home Groups meet monthly in various homes on the third week of the
month. If you haven’t joined a home group but would like to, please speak
to Graeme.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Bible Study and Prayer
November Prayer Points
 Please give thanks to the Lord for all His goodness to us. We have just
celebrated the bounty of His harvest and now we look forward to the
bounty of renewed and refurbished church buildings. We could not
have reached this point without Him!
 Through all the building work and upheaval to our weekly church
routine please pray for unity, harmony and strengthened fellowship.
May there be a cheerful acceptance of new rolls in serving each other
so that His worship will not be in any way disrupted.
 Please pray for safety for the contractors as they work on this 177 year
old building. Pray also that their relationship with our building committee
will be friendly and mutually helpful.
 Please pray that the reduced access to the church grounds and to car
parking will not discourage people from attending regular services or
bringing their children to the weekly organisations.
 The Lord has gifted Ballygrainey with such a spirit of generosity!
Please pray that we will continue to financially support His work out of
the wealth that He has provided for each of us.
 Please pray for Graeme and his ministry among us.
May the Lord
continue to inspire him in all his preparations for weekly preaching and
teaching. May the Lord pour His strength and stamina into Graeme, as
he takes on his heart all our family concerns and personal health
issues, so that the burden will not overwhelm him.
 May we continue to remember our dear friends experiencing ill health
and personal difficulties of any kind. May the Lord’s comfort be very
real to those feeling the loss of a loved one. Only He can heal our
wounds and bind up our hearts!
 The Lord has placed us in a safe and comfortable part of His world but
we must not forget the horrors that are faced daily by our brothers and
sisters living under persecution. Please pray that the Lord will hold
back the hands of those who torture and murder the weak and
innocent. May He reveal Himself and change their cruel hearts as He
changed the murderous Saul into Paul the champion of Christ!
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Organisation Notices
'The Flapper Show'
by War on Want.
Monday 17th November
Suggested Donation £8.00
(including supper)
Proceeds in aid of PW Funds.
Tickets available from PW Members.
Dates for your Diary:
Wednesday 5th November: Ballywalter PW. Ulster Scots stories and
Gospel Music with the Thompson Brothers - 8pm.
Thursday 6th November: Strean PW, speaker: Karen Booth,
Specialist Registrar in Cardio-thoracic surgery at RVH, speaking on her
recent trip to Nigeria with ‘Have a heart Charity’ - 7:45pm.
Wednesday 12th November: Hospitality Evening at Millisle &
Ballycopeland PW, guest will be Elsie Crawford – Floral Art - 8pm
Tuesday 18th November: Greyabbey Women’s Fellowship, the speaker
will be Andrea Donnan, who will speak on her work at Hosford House – a
hostel for the homeless - 7:30pm.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Organisation Notices
Bowling Club
Members are reminded of our first match of the season on Wednesday
5th November when we host our friends from Ballyblack
Presbyterian Church. A good turnout of members is requested for the
prompt 7:30pm start.
Jim Stewart (Club Secretary)
Thursday Afternoon Fellowship
November Programme 2014
We meet in the Minor Hall on alternate Thursdays from 2pm – 4pm.
13th November
Hearing Voices at the Somme Heritage Centre
27th November
Christmas Creative Candles
We would love to see new members joining us on Thursdays - so come
along and join in the fun and fellowship! We promise you a very warm
If you need a lift or want to learn more please contact:
Jean at 91 469060 or Denise at 91 274806
Men’s Group
November Men's Group will meet on Saturday 29th November at Home
Sweet Home cafe at 8:30am. Please contact Keith Young to confirm that
you'll be there.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Youth and Children’s Ministry
During Sunday morning worship crèche gives parents the opportunity to
enjoy the church service without having to be concerned with looking after
their children. It provides a safe environment for babies and children up
to pre-school age to play together and learn some simple Bible truths.
Crèche starts at 11:15am so that children can settle before parents go to
the service.
Games, activities and Bible stories are used by a dedicated team of
helpers who look after and play with the children during our morning
service every Sunday.
If you have children in this age group please support the crèche and
encourage your children to develop their independence and social skills.
Crèche Team
Lighthouse Club
All children in their Pre-school year up to and including P7 are
welcome to join us in the Lighthouse Club each Sunday during the
church service.
All young people from Year 8 and upwards are most welcome to come
along to Bible Class which meets each Sunday morning at 10:15am in the
Minister’s Room.
IMPORTANT: As from 2nd November the Brightlights & Starlights will
meet in the Minor Hall. Torch lights will continue to meet in the
Session room and crèche will move to the Minister's room.
Girls’ Brigade
The local heat of the NI Senior netball competition is on
Monday 3rd November at 7pm in Ards Arena.
The GB Enrolment Service will take place on Tuesday 18th November at
6:45pm in the Church Hall. Girls are reminded to be in full
ceremonial uniform.
Company section are going to a ‘Healthy Eating Night’ at Tesco,
Bloomfields on Tuesday 25th November from 6pm-8pm.
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
Youth and Children’s Ministry
Tweenies, our parent and toddlers group, meet on
Wednesday mornings at 10am in the church hall,
unless otherwise stated. For more information contact Felicity Townley.
5th November
12th November
19th November
26th November
Lets bake or cook
Ards Leisure Centre paddling pool
(meet there at 10am)
Fair Trade
Boys’ Brigade
Well done to the Junior Section team who won the Ards
Battalion Quiz Kids Competition and will now travel to Lurgan
for the NI finals.
Youth Club
Youth Club continues on Saturday evenings from
7:15pm and is open to all young people from Year
8 to Year 14.
Please note there will be NO youth club on Saturday 1st November.
Youth Club Extra
Youth Club Extra is on 8th and 22nd November at
6.00pm when we will, as usual meet for pizza and
a time of Bible based discussion and fellowship
before Youth Club starts. See you there!
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
If you are involved with any of the following rotas and are unavailable on a specific
date, could you arrange to swap with someone else on the rota. Many Thanks
2nd November
Linda Houston
Karen Taylor
9th & 16th November 23rd November 30th November
Kathryn McCormick Lorna Zimny
Lorna Zimny
Phyllis Caldwell
Libby Dunn
Libby Dunn
Sophie Ledlie
Grace Brown Emma Turney
Rebecca McBratney
Team A leaders will be taking classes on 2nd & 9th
Reminder: Nativity practice begins on 16th November.
2nd November
9 November
16th November
23rd November
30th November
Rosemary Turney
Rachel Boyle
Valerie Brown
Louise Pyper
Jill Curran
Adrian Wilson
Denise Smylie
2nd November
9th November
16th November
23rd November
30th November
Jeannie Crawford
Sally Dunlop
Sheenagh Townley
Betty Murphy
Betsy Dunn
Youth Club
1st November 8th November
Pat Cumming
Alison Brown
Liz Brown
15th November 22nd November 29th November
Pat Cumming
Liz Brown
Richard Park
2nd November
9th November
16th November 23rd November 30th November
Thomas Dunn Brian McDowell
Pat Moore
Helen Beattie Thomas Dunn
Steven Hanna Alex McMaster Felicity Townley
Tom Boyd
Steven Hanna
Jack Houston Peter McGimpsey Jim Stewart
Paul Bradley Jack Houston
Adrian Wilson
Will Brown
Ballygrainey Newsletter
November 2014
December Newsletter
All articles to be included in the next edition of the newsletter
should be submitted by 7pm on Tuesday 25th November to:
This is your newsletter, if you wish to contribute a book
review, story, poem or anything else, please feel free to
speak to me on any Sunday morning or contact me by email.
Denise Smylie
Contact details
Rev Graeme Kennedy
24 Chatsworth
028 91472343