ROCORI HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Home of the Spartans – November 7, 2014 RHS Office Staff Our “front office” staff for the school year is: Sue Feldhege ‐ the contact person for attendance. Dee Torborg – handles all things connected to the high school. Shannon Molitor will do the same for middle school and Jane Wahlin works with the athletic director and all the activities and athletic related items. If you get a chance or have any questions, please feel free to stop in – our doors are always open!! Mr. Mark Jenson 320) 685‐4911 Ms. Judy Martinez‐Sones 320) 685‐4961 Mr. Barry Voight 320 685‐4966 Mr. Joel Baumgarten 320) 685‐4913 Attention Parents of Seniors!! Senior Class Photo Re‐Take will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 11th in the Middle School gym at 9:50 – following the all school Veteran’s Day Program. Students are encouraged to wear their “approved” senior shirts. WAH! Don’t miss out: BABY ADS are due on Nov. 15th. Contact for more information. The form is available on the Activities page yearbook link. Also, the Spartanica Yearbook is on sale for $55.00 online via RevTrack or by check/cash to Jane in the activities office. Yearbooks are Forever!! Buy today for cherished memories tomorrow!! DFS to Hold "50/50" raffle at High School Events ROCORI “Dollars for Scholars” committee members will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets at our HOME Girls/Boys Basketball games and Wrestling events. Tickets sell for $1.00 each and midway through the game ‐ a winner will be drawn from the sales at that night’s event. They will win ½ of the pot. The other ½ goes to RHS Dollars For Scholars, to fund scholarships for area seniors. You must be 18 to purchase a ticket. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED INFORMATION ON THE DFS Women’s Expo!!!!! Note from the ROCORI Dollars for Scholars….. Parents/Guardians of Secondary Students: Scholarship America has a Dream Award, a unique scholarship opportunity for students currently enrolled in a PSEO (Post‐Secondary Educational Program) – in either a 2‐ year or 4‐ year program, who need help paying for their second year and beyond. This award is for any students who have completed (or expect to complete) their first year by June 15th, 2015. Please go to award.php for more information and to apply. If there are any questions, please contact ROCORI Dollars For Scholars at: Parents: Look what is coming for the 9th Grade The ROCORI High School 9th graders will be participating in an all‐day Respect Retreat on Wednesday, November 12th at the DEF – District Education Facility. Please look at the informational flyer attached to this newsletter. Cheer on our VB athletes in their next competition at the state tournament – Friday evening @7:00 PM On Wednesday, Nov. 12th all 10th grade students will be participating in the PLAN (preliminary ACT test). This test will be completed during their first 3 periods. Please see the attached PLAN Test Information and Results to learn more. Juniors and Seniors – ASVAB Test is here!!! On Wednesday, November 12th from 8:30‐11:00 AM – any interested 11th/12th grade students will have the opportunity to participate in the ASVAB Test. The ASVAB Test gives students the opportunity to assess aptitude in eight (8) competency areas, as well as complete an interest inventory. Results from the aptitude and interest test are then used as a tool to help students in career exploration and planning for life beyond high school. The ASVAB test is also used for admissions purposes for students interested in joining a branch of the military. The ASVAB Test is free and any interested students should sign up in the guidance office by Friday, Nov.7th. Please contact the guidance office, if you have any questions about this testing opportunity. GO SPARTAN FOOTABALL – as they face Becker, in their first round state tournament game on Saturday afternoon, at SCSU @ 3:00 PM
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