ROCORI MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 534 N. 5th Ave. Cold Spring, MN 56320 – PH:320-685-3296 – Fax: 320-685-4968 Integrity ~ Self-Respect ~ Compassion ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Excellence ~ Honesty January 9, 2015 What’s Happening in JANUARY 1/14 ~ 7th gr. Courage Retreat 1/16 ~ 3hr. Early Out ~ Term 3 Ends 1/19 ~ NO SCHOOL 1/20 ~ Term 4 Begins 1/26 ~ RMS/RHS Conferences 4‐8p.m. ~ Parent Registra on Mee ng 5p.m. & 6:30p.m. Extra-Curricular Event Information HOLIDAY BENEFIT EVENT THANK YOU 7TH GRADE YOUTH FRONTIERS COURAGE RETREAT On January 14th all 7th graders will par cipate in the Youth Fron ers’ Cour‐ age Retreat. Youth Fron ers is a MN non‐profit organiza on that was found‐ ed by Joe Cavanaugh in 1987 partnering with schools to build posi ve and healthy school communi es. With over 25 years of experience working with young people, Mr. Cavanaugh is one of the leading communicators to youth on the topics of respect, integrity, courage and compassion. Our students will be empowered by inspired student leaders to act with moral courage and iden fy the social fears and peer pressures that get in the way of responsible decision‐making. The retreat encourages them to take posi ve risks that make a healthy difference for themselves, their peers and within our school. h p://www.youthfron All 7th grade students will report to their first hour classes and then as a class we will proceed to walk to the DEF Building (please make sure your child is dressed appropriately). 7th graders will spend the day at the DEF Building and will be back at our Secondary Building in me to load buses. This is a great experience for your child, please take the me to sit and talk with them about their experience at this retreat! RMS/RHS CONFERENCES MONDAY, January 26th ~ 4‐8p.m. TERM 3 ENDS FRIDAY, JANUARY 16th TERM 4 BEGINS TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th We would like to thank all who donated during our Benefit Event. We were able to raise $1300.00 for the Lindstrom Family and we also provided our local food shelf with over 800lbs of food. 6TH & 7TH GRADE PARENT INFORMATION MEETINGS Guidance Counselor Marsha Gilbertson and Assistant Principal Barry Voight would like to invite all parents of current ROCORI 6th & 7th grader’s to a end one of two informa onal mee ngs during Conferences on Monday, January 26th. The mee ngs will be held in the auditorium at 5 pm and 6:30 pm. These mee ngs will provide students and parents/guardians the first opportunity to hear about middle school curriculum offerings and registra on meline. “Spartan Group” at ROCORI Middle School This is a great way for your child to be in‐ volved and benefit from being a par cipant in a group experience. We will cover a variety of topics such as friendships, responsibility, school a tude, conflict resolu on, stressors and organiza on. The group(s) will meet weekly for approximately 30 minutes/wk, for 8 weeks. Students will be responsible for work missed during the mee ngs. Groups will start a er the first of the year. If you would like your son/daughter to par cipate, or have ques ons please contact me at gilbert‐ or 320‐685‐3296 ext. 4173. Sincerely, Marsha Gilbertson STUDENT ILLNESS Parents, please no fy the office when your child is ill or will be out for any reason. It is important that when you call that you provide the reason they are out along with any symptoms he/she may have if they are ill. Please call 320‐685‐3296 and use the Second‐ ary School prompt to report your student being out for the day. If your child is out ill for more than 3 days a doctors note may be required upon return. Please keep in touch with us so we are aware of your specific circumstances. With the cold and flu season here, RMS would like to remind you that prompt a en on to illness is beneficial to your child’s health as well as school a end‐ ance. Immediate care at home will shorten the period of illness and prevent infec on of schoolmates. Children should be kept home with the following symptoms: temperature of 100 degrees or more, vomi ng or diarrhea, suspi‐ cious skin condi on, pink eye or other discharging condi ons, a severe cough, a sore throat or other signs of acute illness. Your child’s temperature should be normal and no episodes of vomi ng or diarrhea should occur for 24 hours before returning to school.
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