PREP NEWS THE WEEKLY BULLETIN OF TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL PREPARATORY SCHOOL MICHAELMAS TERM | BULLETIN V FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 2014 FROM THE MASTER OF THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4 REMEMBRANCE DAY 2014 On Tuesday the School paused at 11am to observe Remembrance Day. A service was held at the front of the Llandilo building adjacent to the flagpoles. A Catafalque Party of Senior School Cadets paraded before the School and Spiro Christopoulos read the honour roll of Old Boys’ killed in service of their country. As each name was read, a boy from Pre-Kindergarten placed a hand-made poppy into the ground in front of the flagpoles in a moving tribute to former Trinitarians. John Varvaris (6Sc) played the Last Post and Reveille superbly to complement the service. It is important that this generation of students understands the significance of these National days of commemoration and the School ensures that we facilitate this process. Orientation Day will be held next Friday (21st November). On this day all boys will move into their 2015 class groupings and as such arrangements for the day are quite different to the regular programme. A letter was sent out earlier in the term outlining arrangements and there is additional information contained later in this newsletter. The key groups where there is a change are; PreKindergarten 2014 (report to Milverton undercroft), Kindergarten 2014 (classes start at 8:45am and boys report to Milverton undercroft. Classes finish at 3pm), Year 1 2014 (classes start at 8:30am and boys report to the Joske Playground), Year 2 2014 (boys report to the Llandilo Back playground and classes finish for the day at 3:15pm), Year 6 2014 (boys go to Summer Hill for the Year 7 Orientation programme). As I mentioned earlier this term, Speech Day will be held during the afternoon at Summer Hill on Thursday 4th December beginning at 2:30pm. All boys in Years 3 – 6 report to Summer Hill at 1:30pm. This event is compulsory for all boys in Years 3 – 6. OSHClub will be providing Vacation Care on Thursday for all families at the Preparatory School who need this service. However, families with boys in Years 3 – 6 need to be aware that they would need to collect their son from the OHC room and deliver them to Summer Hill for Speech Day at 1:30pm. Bookings for this day are essential 1300 788 477 TGS MULTI-CAMPUS INFO LINE WET WEATHER DETAILS | SPECIAL EVENTS | CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES | SPORT INFORMATION as the service will only operate if there are 15 participants. Please contact OSHClub for more information. Congratulations to all of the boys who participated in the House Tennis Championships on Monday and Tuesday at the Trinity Tennis Centre. From all reports the games were played in great spirit and the it was a closely contested competition. Congratulations to Archer who are the House Tennis Champions for 2015. This Saturday is the last day of summer sport and I wish all of our teams all the best for their matches. On the following Saturday Year 3 will play their Football Gala Day at Bressington Park. The Year 6 boys will participate in the annual Year 6 Social on Tuesday evening at Summer Hill. Year 6 girls and boys from MLC, PLC, Meriden and Newington will come together for an enjoyable night of dancing in the Gymnasium. I know that the boys will have a great night. On Wednesday some of the Year 6 boys will back up again for the annual combined Cricket and Basketball matches against the Year 7 teams at Summer Hill. Good luck to the boys for these encounters. Martin Lubrano | The Master of the Preparatory School DATES FOR THE DIARY NOVEMBER Saturday, 15st Summer Sport Round 12 Monday, 17th Year 4 Milo T20 Big Blast Cricket (Earlwood) 7:00am to 8:00am Specialist Football Training Yr 3 to 4 (SH) 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) Tuesday, 18th 9:30am to 10:30am PK in Action Open Morning 11:00am to 12:00pm Year 6 Transition Presentation – Co-Curricular Activities (Chapel) 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) 5:45pm to 7:45pm TGS Scouts (Old Gym) 6:30pm to 9:00pm Year 6 Social Dance (SH) Wednesday, 19th 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) Thursday, 20th 11:00am to 12:30pm Yr 6 Strive to Thrive (SH) Friday, 21st 2015 Orientation Day 7:00am to 8:00am Specialist Football Training Yr 5 to 6 (SH) 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) Saturday, 22nd No Sport (Year 4 to 6) 8:00am Year 3 Football Gala day (Bressington Park) Monday 24th 7:00am to 8:00am Specialist Football Training Yr 3 to 4 (SH) 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) Tuesday 25th 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) 5:45pm to 7:45pm TGS Scouts (Old Gym) Wednesday 26th 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) Thursday 27th Year 2 to 6 Trinity Action Group (Old Library) Friday 28th 7:00am to 8:00am Specialist Football Training Yr 5 to 6 (SH) 8:30am to 10:30am Year 6 – Valedictory Service 12:3pm Year 6 Farewell lunch 3:30pm to 5:00pm Swimming Training Programme (SH) Saturday 29th 10:00am to 5:00pm Fiesta DECEMBER Monday 1st 6:00pm Year 6 Farewell Dinner – Waterview Function Centre Wednesday 3rd 9:00am Yr 3 to 6 Picnic Day 9:30am to 11:00am Pre K to 2 Final Assembly Thursday 4th Dec 2:30pm Annual Prize Giving Day (SH) 2 > Prep School News | 7 November 2014 FROM THE DEPUTY MASTER FROM THE DEAN OF BOYS’ EDUCATION YEAR 6 TRANSITION We hope your son is excited about Orientation Day on Friday 21st November 2014. The class teachers are looking forward to spending the day with your son. Please read this note carefully so your son will be organised and prepared for the day. The process of Year 6 boys moving from the familiar surroundings of Primary schooling to the less familiar environment of Middle and Senior schooling can evoke a variety of emotions, behaviours and concerns, for both boys and parents. For many it is considered a major stepping stone on the way to becoming a young man. It is important that all Year 6 boys are given every opportunity to make a strong start in Year 7 and are able to maintain a sense of belonging and purpose, which are important elements of their continued growth and development at Trinity. If your son is in Year 2 to 6 (2015) they will need to arrive at 8:20am for an 8:30am start. Boys in Year 1 (2015) will start at 8:45am and Kindergarten (2015) at 9:00am. Year 2 to 6 (2015) boys may play on the Basketball Court in front of the Music Centre and in the Back Playground until the bell rings. When the bell rings at 8:30am all boys in Year 3 to 6 will assemble in the Back Playground and then walk to the Chapel under the supervision of the year level teachers. Year 2 (2015) students will need to line up in the Joske Playground and the staff will walk them to the classrooms. From 8:30am students in Kindergarten and Year 1 will be able to play on the Milverton Tennis Court. The teachers will then take the boys to the classrooms at 8:45am Year 1(2015) and 9:00am Kindergarten (2015). During this week and next, Year 6 boys are participating in a range of activities that will build upon previous transition events conducted during the year, including the Year 6 Parent Information Evening, presentations from the Director of Studies, parent and son breakfasts, the ‘Buildings, Routines, People’ programme, and meetings with Middle School Housemasters. The activities over the next two weeks involve Year 6 boys being exposed to the co-curricular life of the Middle School as well as participating in discussions about the pastoral and House system. The teachers have lots of fun activities planned so please get your son to bring his pencil case with the following items: a lead pencil/pen, rubber, glue stick, small scissors and coloured pencils. Orientation Day on Friday 21st November will also be a wonderful opportunity for Year 6 boys to experience the expectations and responsibilities associated with daily life in the Middle School. It is hoped that these transition activities provide Year 6 boys with a sense of reassurance and excitement about the challenges and opportunities that await them. If your son is ordering lunch from the Canteen on Friday they will be able to write the class on their order form once they know which class they are in. Please do not get your son to take their lunch order directly to the Canteen. You are able to still order lunch through Flexischools, the School’s online ordering service. Jason Cheers | Dean of Boys’ Education Orientation day will finish at the following times: TRINITY SPORTS COCKTAIL RECEPTION 2015 WATCH AND MEET THE WARATAHS >> Years 3 to 6 (2015) - 3:15pm >> Year 2 (2015) - 3:00pm >> Year 1 (2015) - 2:45pm >> Kindergarten (2015) - 2:30pm You may collect your son from the Back Playground or use the ‘Kiss and Ride’ service (This service will only be available for students in Years 1 to 6). Kick off 2015 with tickets to the Trinity Sports Cocktail Reception. We look forward to seeing your son on Friday 21st November. With the best seats in the house,you won’t miss a minute of the Waratahs on-field action. Anni Sandwell | Deputy Master Year 6 Farewell Dinner This is a reminder that the Year 6 Farewell Dinner seating request forms are due on Monday 24th November. Please contact Theresa Carmichael, Secretary to the Master of the Preparatory School for more details. Invitation to Celebrat e the Boys’ Years at the orm for: onday, 1st Inclusions: 6:30pm | M Trinity t to the paymen Office. m with School this for return paratory Please r School, Pre 2014 Gramma , 7 November ay Frid by MC and special guests Match Ticket - Premium Level Seating (Corporate box) >> Pre and post-match cocktail reception >> class e Your nam >> e Son’s nam Mobile n number No. of ldren only. $45 Chi meal) siblings lt and $65 Adu udes 2 course s, parents and (Price incl is for Trinity boy nt This eve $ ount Total Am Name Childre Adults tickets Costs Dietary s ments Require of Guest SAVE THE DATE 1 2 3 inner Preparatory Saturday 25 April, 2015 Waratahs vs Rebels, Reception starts 6.30pm 4 5 School 6 6:30pm | Monday, MENT ar School D OF PAY mm ity Gra e to Trin s payabl cheque Amex make Please card Master Cheque Visa Card dit Cre METHO Cash 1st December, 2014 ount to Total am ucted be ded $ ber Card num expiry M Name re Signatu Time6.30pm well Dinner Year 6 Fare December, 2014 RS VP F ATTENTION PARENTS Year 6 Farewell D Venue ANZ Stadium, Homebush date M / Y Y Saturday 23 May, 2015 Waratahs vs Crusades, Reception starts 6.30pm Look out for more information in the New Year! Prep School News | 7 November 2014 < 3 From THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT AWARDS EXCELLENCE: Hayden Hoang (OpenMinded); Andrew Stone (Comunicator); Chris Chin (Thinker); Tyler-George Alley (Confident); Mitchell Bowden (Thinker); Finn McLean (Inquirer); Christian Galettis (Confident); Priyann Thanujan (Curious); Lincoln Feng (Open-Minded); Matteo Portolesi (Communicator); Dylan Yee (Risk-taker); Nathan Tsang (Risk-taker); Thomas Kanaan (RiskTaker); Michael Nasr (Appreciative) SECOND BRONZE: Kendeas Marangou; Memphis Lo; Theodore Tollas; Manav Rindani; James Huang; Joshua Luong; Jayden Ayad; Justin Lin; Patrick Chen; Jordan Tang; Timothy Chin; Joseph Coorey; Oliver Geha; Oliver Yao SILVER: Mitchell Bowden; Jonathan Ly; Rami Tamerji; Nathan Tsang; Jeffrey Huang; George Georges; Andrew Lok; James Huang; Jordan Filippoff; Nicholas Earls; Hashim Mian; Alexander Page; Zachary Pliatsikas; Spiro Christopoulos; John Varvaris; Daniel Gergis; James Farah; Marco Murania; Hamish DavidsonMcLeod; Mackenzie Stewart; Adam Gill; Timothy Chin; Joseph Coorey; Ashwin Sivapirabu; Brandon Lieu SECOND SILVER: Christian Galettis; James Cicuta; Roy Ma; Hugh Darlow; Aiden Ngo; Thomas Kanaan; Lincoln Feng; Nathan Nguyen; Ryan Whitford; Sebastien Portolesi; Harris Katsianos; James Huang; Benjamin Prsa; Evangelos Papadopoulos; Jake Varone; Hashim Mian; Oscar McLean; Nicholas Kiceec; Ryan Tamerji; Edmund Baker; Arvind Kumaraguru; Joseph Coorey; Daniel Gergis GOLD: Ryan Ma; John Mitrothanasis; Dean Paraskevopoulos; Jake Varone; Antonio Murania; James Huang; Cristian Farr; Justin C. Wang; Emmanuel Abdel-Nour; Nathan Fok; Justin Karam; Ari Nikolakopoulos; Matthew Nicolas; James Kaye; Archer Jeremy; David Wang; Arvind Kumaraguru; Adam Taleb; Sami Nasr; Spyridou Kouidaris; Daniel Gergis; Nicholas Nikiforidis; Joey Nassif; Jaden Leung On Thursday morning the Head Master, Mr Cujes, was thrilled to accept a donation from one of our youngest Trinitarians. Young Jack Cooper (Pre-K) wanted to contribute to the development of our Aquatic Centre, so with his parents’ encouragement he worked doing odd jobs throughout the year to save $101.50 in order do his part in making his School a better place. This is quite an achievement on many levels, but none more so than the fact that Jack was committed and passionate enough to care about his School’s future. We are all very proud of Jack for his initiative and donation. As the Head Master and I have said many times… ‘Many hands make light work; many donating will provide for our boys now and into the future.’ School Prayer TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL We should all look to Jack as an inspiration, not just for his donation, but for caring enough. Parents and friends are most welcome to come and pray for our boys and the School on Tuesdays, between 8.30am and 9.30am. We meet at reception in the Joske Room Strathfield. If you would like to donate, please click on the link below. PREPARATORY SCHOOL | STRATHFIELD CLICK HERE TO DONATE George Ayoub | Director of Development fax 02 9799 9449 phone 02 9581 6000 mobile 0414 915 910 4 > Prep School News | 7 November 2014 odd weeks of term (Weeks 3, 5, 7, and 9) Term 4 November 18, December 2 Come and join us so we can encourage each other, help form a sense of community within the School, and genuinely bring the needs of the School community before our great God. Contact | Evelynn Liu phone 0410 664 810 FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT We were delighted to have the boys at the Preparatory School perform in the Semester Two concerts last week. We enjoyed beautiful performances and a variety of repertoires. Thank you particularly to all the Music Staff and accompanists who prepared the boys so ably and with such care. Thank you to parents who attended and to all parents who support their sons in their musical endeavours at Trinity. Concert will commence at 9.45am and will last for approximately half an hour. This concert will bring to a close the Year 2 String programme for this year. Just a reminder that if you would like your son to learn an Instrument at the Prep in 2015, please fill in the necessary instrumental forms which are available at the office. Any boy who is continuing with lessons, also needs to complete one of these forms. We are looking forward to sharing our work with you. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement this year. YEAR 2 GROUP VIOLIN AND CELLO CONCERT You are cordially invited to your son’s Year 2 Group Violin and Cello Concert on Wednesday, 19th November 2014 in the Mozart Room, Music Centre, Preparatory School Strathfield. The I do encourage you to consider individual lessons for your son next year. The boys have worked very well this Semester and show a lot of promise. With best wishes, Nicole Smeulders | Acting Director of Preparatory School Music LOST PROPERTY Oliver Varone PKR has lost his grey Panama hat. It is named. Centennial Park Excursion On Wednesday 12th of November Kindergarten went on a journey to Centennial Park. The boys were so excited! They discovered and learnt about a colony of flying foxes, native birds and trees. The bus ride was such a thrill! They worked in small groups to create an animal from logs, sticks and stones. This outdoor learning experience further developed the boys learning and linked with our units of inquiry ‘Change’ and ‘Journeys’. Tamarra Glenn | Kindergarten Teacher Prep School News | 7 November 2014 < 5 AUXILIARY NEWS Hi everyone, FAREWELL FOR MR LUBRANO We didn’t want this day to come but it approaches - our fearless leader Mr Lubrano is leaving us soon. Sniff. So to hide our sadness we are going to have a party and you are all invited! Now we’re talking! The Auxiliary will be hosting a farewell afternoon tea for Mr Lubrano on Wednesday, November 26 at 2pm in the Small Pavilion. All parents are encouraged to attend. This is our opportunity to say thank you and goodbye to Mr Lubrano in a more personal setting than at speech night. Please see below for the formal invitation and make sure you express your interest in attending so that we can cater for everyone. FIESTA CANTEEN NEWS CANTEEN ROSTER Monday 17th November - Friday 21st November Monday David Clayton, Melanie Willis, Tuesday Lynh Mai, Thi Tran Wednesday Juliette Bakunowicz Thursday Tanya Toomalatai Friday Lee-Emma Iwanicki PARENTS PLEASE NOTE When ordering your child’s lunch, could you please write on a separate bag for drinks and hot food. Please Note the New Menu and price list for Term 4, 2014. Click here to view now Speaking of approaching events, there are only two weeks to go till the biggest event on the Trinity calendar. I hope you’ve filled and handed in your roster sheet and donations by now. If not, don’t be surprised if you are waylaid at sport tomorrow by some keen class parents who are just trying to provide you with the opportunity that you didn’t even know you were missing by getting your name down for an absolutely top day. Phew - how’s that for a sentence? It’s the excitement of Fiesta! Please call Mary Saba on 8732 4654, if you can spare some time to volunteer. Fiesta Silent Auction Basket Wrapping Day Who likes to wrap? All of you? That’s great! See you in the Joske Room from drop off on Monday, November 24. We’d love your help - get in some practise before Christmas! The 3rd Summer Hill Trinity Scout Group has been part of the School since 1929 and is run by volunteer trained scout leaders and parents for all Trinity boys from 7.5 years up to 10.5 years (Cubs) and 10 years up to 15 years (Scouts). Older students, including those interested in service projects for IB and Duke of Edinburgh, are also welcome. The Group meets in the old gymnasium at Summer Hill Campus on Tuesday evenings from 6pm to 7:30pm during term time. Camps occur during the year around other School activities including the Annual Region Camp on the June long-weekend. FIESTA COLOURING COMPETITION The Fiesta Colouring Competition is back! Creativity is, of course, it’s own reward - but, come on, your son could win a free ride band for the Fiesta - that’s worth $30 people, nothing to be sneezed at! Please print out a copy, get your son on the job and hand it in to Mrs Lopizzo in the office by Friday 21 November. And when I say there wil be no late entries I am as serious as the most serious thing you can think of. Friday 3.15pm is the absolute cut off - no jokes. Ok? So busy, so busy - time for a lie down Til next week Elizabeth McMullen | President Strathfield Auxiliary Mary Saba | Canteen Manager phone 8732 4654 CUB AND SCOUT NEWS Leader Contact: Group Leader: David Hull (Chil) mobile 0411 853 798 group email CLICK HERE TO RSVP 6 > Prep School News | 7 November 2014 FRIDAY MORNING TAEKWONDO CLASS IN 2015 Exciting times in Taekwondo! As students become more senior and syllabus demands increase, it is essential to spend more time honing skills and techniques. To this end, we are introducing a second class on Friday mornings bright and early. The class will be conducted by Master Inho and Master Ricketts with a focus on more advanced free sparing and kicking techniques. What a great way to conclude the working week! The class will run from 7-8:15 am and commence on 6th February, 2015. Existing students and new students are welcome to enrol. The class is open to both infants (Grade 1 & 2) and primary taekwondo students. However, class numbers will be capped to a maximum 40 students. Please email Mr Ricketts at or call him on 8732 4668. FROM THE SPORTSMASTER HOUSE TENNIS WET WEATHER PROCEDURES Congratulations to all boys involved in house tennis during the week. There were some great games of tennis played and the boys had fun, particularly in the doubles matches. If any games are cancelled on Friday afternoon, boys will be advised and the wet weather number (1300 788 477) will be updated. A further decision will be made on Saturday morning and the message will again be updated by 7.00am. If a boy is sick on Saturday morning – or is unable to attend for any other reason – please ring me on 0414 747 396 before 7.30 am and have your son bring a supporting letter/certificate to school on Monday morning. Spyridon Konidaris (Sc) was the Junior champion, defeating Varun Iyer (Hi) in the final. The Junior doubles champions were Spyridon Konidaris and Caleb Li (Sc), who defeated Varun Iyer (replaced Any Wu) and Jayden Higgins (He). Emmanuel Grogan (Ar) was the Senior champion, defeating Jeris Pavlatos (Hi) in the final. The Senior doubles champions were Nikhil Kapoor and Emmanuel Grogan (Ar), who defeated William Lenard and Daniel Skarzynski (Ar). With all finals matches taken into account, this meant the overall House Tennis Champions were Archer. Congratulations to all boys who competed in the championships. I must compliment every boy on the way they participated, both as players, umpires and ball boys. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure on these, or any other details. Louis Mormanis | Sportsmaster phone 8732 4620 mobile 0414 747 396 email Live at this year’s YEAR 3 FOOTBALL GALA DAY The Year Three boys have been playing some practice house games in preparation for our final Gala Day on Saturday 22nd November. This will once again be for ALL boys in Year 3 and will be held at Bressington Park, Underwood Rd, Homebush from 7:40am-9:30am. SPORT FOR THE REMAINDER OF TERM Please note following our last round of Sport on Saturday November 15th, we will have Summer Sport Trials for Term 1 of 2015 during weeks 7 & 8 on Thursday morning. Year 3 will continue to prepare for their Gala Day on Saturday 22nd November. Prep School News | 7 November 2014 < 7 SPORT RESULTS FROM SATURDAY, 8TH NOVEMBER CRICKET 1st XI Trinity 3/185 def Tudor House 10/35 Best and Fairest Lewis Dubbin and Pierce Foley Encouragement Seamus O’Connor 2nd XI Trinity 2/143 defeated Tudor House 8/142 Best and Fairest Aryan Rawal Encouragement Euan Marshall Year 5 XI A Knox def Trinity Best and Fairest Larry Curtis Encouragement Hunter Hannaford Year 5 XI B Knox 77 defeated Trinity 76 Best and Fairest Liam Ling Encouragement Ben Shoukry Year 4 XI A Grammar Edgecliff def Trinity by 44 runs Best and Fairest Tom Mackie Encouragement Zachary Pliatskas Year 4 XI B Scots def Trinity Best and Fairest Andrew Tanous Encouragement Michael Alam Super 8 Green St. Patricks 4/65 defeated Trinity 4/31 Best and Fairest Joseph Evans Encouragement Hayden Curtis Super 8 White Bye Best and Fairest Encouragement Year 4 Super 8 A Coogee Prep defeated Trinity Best and Fairest Brandon Wong Encouragement Matthew Raymond Year 4 Super 8 B Coogee Prep defeated Trinity Best and Fairest Elliott Kim Encouragement Farhan Tamboli BASKETBALL 1st V Newington 32 def Trinity 13 Best and Fairest Joseph Nassif Encouragement Jamie Christopoulos 2nd V Newington 30 def Trinity 28 Best and Fairest Soo Ho Yi Encouragement George Andary 3rd V Newington 26 def Trinity 12 Best and Fairest James Petrakis Encouragement Jordan Filippoff 4th V Newington 26 def Trinity 6 Best and Fairest Lachlan Chan Encouragement Sebastian Matesic 5th V Newington 35 def Trinity 15 Best and Fairest John Siganos Encouragement Euan Germanos 6th V Newington 14 def Trinity 5 Best and Fairest Brian Tran Encouragement Duncan Feng A Trinity 26 def Grammar Edg. 21 Best and Fairest Sami Hatoum Encouragement Matthew Nicolas 8 > Prep School News | 7 November 2014 B Trinity 20 def Grammar Edg. 4 Best and Fairest Alexander Page Encouragement Justin Karam OZ TAG NSW Vs QLD QLD 13 def NSW 12 Points 3 points Andy Lee and Matthew Jerkovic Encouragement Jonathan Wong and Ben Prsa SOFTBALL A Trinity 18 def Coogee Prep 6 MVP Jordan Itaoui Encouragement Edison Tran B Draw 9 all MVP Gabriel Willis Encouragement Jack Fahd TEEBALL Tee Ball Trinity 14 def Coogee Prep 13 MVP Nicholas Nguyen Encouragement Ari Nikolakopoulos Leckie’s Larder Homemade Jams, Chutneys, Pickles, Relishes, Jellies TRINITY MUMS AND GRANDMO THERS WE NEED YOUR HELP! This is an individual stall at the Trinity Fiesta with goods supplied and decorated by “Trinity Mums” for sale at the Fiesta. In 2013 we raised over $1,600 for the school. This year we are looking for more assistance with some of the staples of condiment making: >> Making of Chutneys, Jams, Relishes, Jellies, Pickles, Marmalade, Pasta Sauces, etc; >> Labelling and decorating jars; >> Donations of small clean jars (holding up to 300g) with plastic or tin lids, old labels removed; >> Setting up and manning of stall; >> Donations of the following goods: Tomatoes, Sugar, Oranges, Lemons and Onions Please contact: Lara Mihaljevic mobile 0416 139 963 or email or Regina Marks mobile 0418 413 361 or email Or leave donations with Sue Trunk at the Summer Hill Reception. SOCIETY OF THE ARTS Delmar Gallery’s Christmas exhibition is turned over this year to varmits, critters, strays and other beasts in art! Over 50 artists are exhibiting, including soft sculpture from the Tjanpi Desert Weavers in Alice Springs (pictured), Stephanie Valentin’s otherworldly portrait of a moth, taken with an electron microscope and amplified to human scale, and Trinity Old Boy Randall Sinnamon’s whimsical bird assemblage. Also included are intaglio, etchings and digital prints by well-regarded printmakers such as Michael Kempson of Cicada Press, and hailing from Melbourne and Hobart respectively, Deborah Williams and Milan Milojevic. Works are for sale and are highly ‘collectable’, with many of the artists represented in public and notable private collections. Come along to the exhibition preview on Saturday 22 November, between 3 – 5pm, meet the artists and start your own art collection! The exhibition continues to 7 December and the Delmar Gallery is open from Wednesday to Sunday, 12-5pm (entrance via Victoria St gate). SHORT FILM HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE 2014 SYDNEY UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL Wednesday 26 November, 7.15pm (doors open 7pm) Screening time: 75mins Admission: $7.00 at the door (cash only) / Free for Trinity students in uniform and Society of the Arts Members Venue: Drama Theatre Suitable for ages 15+ The Society of the Arts is delighted to once again bring you the best of the short films from the 2014 Sydney Underground Film Festival. This proudly independent festival attracts entries from around the globe, and this year we will be screening animations, documentaries, drama and satire from Israel, Canada, Brazil, USA and Australia. Expect the unexpected! Prep School News | 7 November 2014 < 9 Timely Reflections… By Mr Ron Ogier (1966 – 1994) and (1997 – present) It was in November 1966 that I entered the Trinity Grammar School War Memorial Chapel for the first time. I had come to the School for my interview with the Head Master, Mr James Wilson Hogg, who, I recollect, met me at Summer Hill station, and brought me to the School. Whether by design or accident, the first building he took me to was the Chapel. Struck immediately by its beauty of proportion, design and polished wood work and stained glass, I have loved it ever since. It is a building full of many memories concerning the School, ranging from the Junior and Senior Chapel services, which when the School was much smaller, were held four times a week in the division of Senior and Junior Chapels. Carol Services, Palm Sunday Services, Founder’s Day—all were and some still are significant times of worship in the Chapel. Other occasions such as weddings, baptisms and funerals—some of members of the Trinity community who died full of years, others, tragically cut down in their youth— also contributed meaningful emotions over the years. On several occasions concerts and dramatic performances were held in the Chapel: Andre Obey’s Noah being perhaps the most moving. The Chapel was a fitting setting, its vast wooden roof sheltering the nave like an upturned boat being a most appropriate reminder of the ark depicted in the play! Two other occasions of note were the occasions when the ABC recorded a full Chapel service for telecasting on its religious programme. On a very personal note, I often used to sit for a few minutes during a spare period in the quiet stillness of this lovely structure, drawing strength from its spiritual ambience. Thus the service last Friday when the OTU held their Remembrance Day service in conjunction with the dedication of the Year 12 Cadets for 2015 was again a moving tribute to the men of our community who gave their lives in the wars of the last Century, while inspiring the young men in Cadets 10 > Prep School News | 7 November 2014 to ponder and reflect on the sacrifice these men have made, and to resolve to give of themselves in a true fashion of servant leadership in Cadets. The Chapel stands at the north-east corner of the Quadrangle. Perhaps it does not always impinge on the consciousness of the School Community as we go about our daily round, but the Chapel is there, a beautiful and noble building. It is a lucky school that has things of beauty which may influence its inhabitants, however subconsciously they may be implanted, so that they may take away worthwhile memories. Trinity’s War Memorial Chapel fulfils that requirement, for which we thankfully and prayerfully say Detur Gloria Soli Deo. left to right: Though sometimes obscured, the Chapel is nonetheless always there. OTU and Cadet Remembrance Service. A page of the Book of Remembrance is turned. The Head Master, School Captain, and OTU Representatives after the Service. The Memorial Plaque in the Chapel. 2014 FIESTA COLOURING COMPETITION | PK - 2 DIVISION NAME CLASS CAMPUS To celebrate the 2014 Trinity Family Fiesta, the P&F is holding a colouring-in competition for all the boys in the Prep and Junior Schools. The prize is an all-day pass for the Fiesta rides worth $30! There are two divisions in the competition: Pre-K to Year 2 (farm animals) and Year 3 to Year 6 (vintage car). To enter, colour in the image above, write your name and class at the top and return it to the Prep or Junior School Office before Friday 21st November 2014. Good Luck! Prep School News | 7 November 2014 < 11 12 > Prep School News | 7 November 2014 TRINITY FIESTA 2014 COLOURING COMPETITION NAME CLASS CAMPUS To celebrate the 2014 Trinity Family Fiesta, the P&F is holding a colouring-in competition for all the boys in the Prep and Junior Schools. The prize is an all-day pass for the Fiesta rides worth $30! There are two divisions in the competition: Pre-K to Year 2 (farm animals) and Year 3 to Year 6 (vintage car). To enter, colour in the image above, write your name and class at the top and return it to the Prep or Junior School Office before Friday 21st November 2014. Good Luck! SUMMER SPORT - Saturday, 15 November 2014 IF YOUR SON IS SICK OR UNABLE TO ATTEND, PLEASE RING 0414 747 396 BEFORE 7:30 AM If there is wet weather leading up to, or on, the day, boys should ring the Wet Weather Number 1300 788 477 AFTER 7:15 am. Should any further cancellations be made after 7:15 am, this message will be updated. CRICKET Team: 1st XI 2nd XI Yr 5 XI A Yr 5 XI B SOFTBALL Yr 4 XI A Yr 4 XI B Snr Super 8 Green Snr Super 8 White Yr 4 Super 8 A Yr 4 Super 8 B A B Opponent: Shore Shore Cranbrook Cranbrook Cranbrook Grammar St Ives Riverview St Patricks Kings Kings Grammar St Ives Grammar St Ives Venue: Bressington Pk 1 Bressington Pk 2 Dangar 1 Dangar 2 Bressington Pk 3 Cowper 1 Bressington Pk 4 Rudd Park Bressington Pk 5 Bressington Pk 5 Bressington Pk A Bressington Pk A Address: Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Iluka St Rose Bay Iluka St Rose Bay Underwood Rd, Homebush Mona Vale Rd & Ayres Rd St Ives Underwood Rd, Homebush Cnr Clarence & Varidel Belfield Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Time: 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 9:30am 8:00am 9:30am 8:00am Report To: Mr Warland Mr Asplin Mr Fraser Mr Thomson/ Mr Murphy Mr Shone Miss Robertson Mr Bryant Mr Parekh Mr Gouganovski Ms Smith Mr Jepson Alexander Pavic Alexander Yee Louis White Joshua Louttit Jakob Elbanna Cormac Gossling Alex Gaur Garry Koshnitsky Lee Orszaczky Joseph Evans Callum Ferguson Patrick Hayes Massimo Ianni Angus Brockel Christopher Papaioannou Julius Russell Nicola Vasic George Kalimeris Ryan Tischenko Krit Smithikarn Adrian McManus Hayden Curtis Mr Ebeling/ Mr Burgess Ashwin Cuganesan Sebastian Buchanan Luca Dimeglio Lewis Dobbin Pierce Foley Angus Mooney Darcy Mooney Seamus O’Connor Thomas Thorpe Jonathan Titmarsh Emmanuel Grogan Arvind Kumaraguru James Coall Anton Demark Steven Kountouris Lachlan Lee Lochlan Prentice Luke Selim Aryan Rawal Bailey Harding Euan Marshall James McCabe Finn Murphy William Barlow Tyler Beverley-Smith Nikhil Kapoor Ricardo Delgado Hunter Hannaford Will Martin Nicholas Enno Laurence Curtis Theo Christian Tadgh Aldridge Keanu Dufrier William Blanchfield Nathan Dang Juno Ananda Liam Ling Ben Shoukry Nathaniel Stojic Will Cooper Adam Pascale Thomas McCrory Jon Luc-Shalala David Nguyen Rohan John Jasper McCullagh Ben Cameron Varun Iyer Spyridon Konidaris Zachary Pliatskas Zubin Thukral Damien Vimalaratnam Liam Clayton Isaac Cunningham James Hardiman Tom Mackie William Maistry Eric Mihas Biaggio Signorelli Hari Kangatharan Oscar McLean Andrew Tanous Oliver Walker Rhys Williams Hashin Mian Jesse Ring Michael Alam Marco Ianni Halil Mentes Taran Singh SENIOR BASKETBALL JUNIOR BASKETBALL Jakob Anjoul Max Velten Matthew Raymond John Nahkoul Brandon Wong Daniel Ang-Lazarevski Matthew de Belle Joshua Ming Mohammad Zaarour Jake Paraskevopoulos Jordan Tang Eliot Kim Farhan Tanboli Jake Bubic Edmund Baker Hamish DavidsonMcLeod Evangelos Papadopoulos James Mallios Brannon Ngo Terry Hong Antonio Murnia TEE BALL Ivan Fang Jordan Itaoui John Lynch Ryan Chin Nicholas Earls Thomas Foung Justin Lin Oliver Ma Edison Tran John Varvaris Anton Wu OZTAG Prep School News | 7 November 2014 < 13 Team: 1st V 2nd V 3rd V 4th V 5th V 6th V A B Tee Ball Opponent: Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Trinity Jnr Bye Mosman Prep Trinity Jnr Venue: TGS Prep Gym TGS Prep Gym TGS Prep Gym TGS Prep Gym MISC Bressington B Bressington Llandilo Ave Strathfield Llandilo Ave Strathfield Llandilo Ave Strathfield Llandilo Ave Strathfield TGS Prep O/Side Court Llandilo Ave Strathfield Bye Address: TGS Prep O/Side Court Llandilo Ave Strathfield Bye Mosman Indoor Sports Centre (MISC) Cross St Mosman Underwood Rd, Homebush Underwood Rd, Homebush Time: 10:15am 9:30am 8:45am 8:00am 8:45am 8:00am Bye Report To: Mr Dunphy Samuel Xu Nathan Fok James Farah Daniel Gergis Jamie Christopoulos Adam Kasanczuk Daniel Skarzynski Nicholas Nikiforidis Joseph Nassif Jayden Ayad George Andary Patrick Webb Tom Jin James Nguyen James Wang Derek Qu Soo Ho Yi Caleb Nazareth Kurtis Castorina Connor Debs Mr Lee Harrison Waters Jordan Filippoff Thomas Bozionelos Alan Kurien James Petrakis Alistair Roseworn Kallan Maranik Hayden Johnson Ryan Tamerji Sebastian Matesic Vikram Bhuphatiraju Lachlan Chan Adam Stavros Ethan Huynh Christopher Kapaniris Alexander Gomez Elias Chahine Spiro Christopoulos Mr Song/Mr Shum Matthew Chen Jordon Ly Leon Mulcahy John Siganos Joseph Booth William Lenard Noah Jung Tony Georges Justin Zhang Euan Germanos Michael McPartland William Orr Raphael Attia George Krambousanos Joseph Coorey Edward Dam Brian Tran Duncan Feng Anthony Jeroncic 8:00am Mr Lever Jordan Liu Matthew Nicolas Dean Paraskevopoulos Sebastian Portolesi Jake Varone Justin Wang Jacky Hong Sami Hatoum Johnny Dong Aaron Fok Nicholas Kiceec Cristian Farr Simon Helidoniotis Justin Karam James Kaye Yoon-Jae Lee Alexander Page Mackenzie Stewart NSW QLD 8:00am 8:00am Mrs Caddy Mr T O'Neill/Ms Edwards Emmanuel Abdel-Nour Jeremy Chia James Huang Archer Jeremy Harris Katsianos Anthony Le Joshua Luong Nicholas Nguyen Ari Nikolakopoulos David Wang Justin C Wang Thomas Calabro Jacob Chau Patrick Chen Ian Hong Matthew Jerkovic Marco Murania Jeris Pavlatos Kurtin Tsang Nathan Tran Dylan Ilon Jason Cho Andy Lee Callum McLeod Nathan Nguyen James Pau Ben Prsa Dylan Wang Johnathon Wong Hari Amirthalingam Anek Banik Brendan Chew Christopher Chin Jack Fahd Theo Fatseas John Sakoutis Gabriel Willis Ronald Tam Ryan Whitford
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