The Eagle In a caring environment, we will achieve our full potential. From the Principal 7 November 2014 MCSS Dance Showcase 2014 Canteen Open Every Day! Last night I had the great pleasure of attending the Melba Copland Secondary School Dance Showcase. A group of our year 5/6 students were invited by MCSS to be part of the show. The entire show was stunning, and the confidence shown by our Evatt School students was inspiring. Thanks go to Michael Battenally (Principal), Joni Woods, and Mardi Roberts-Bolton at MCSS for hosting and organising the performance. Thank you to the many parents who supported our students to perform, and to Sasha Murphy, who was involved heavily in the organisation over the last few months, and who produced the costumes for our students. Special thanks for our students, who have shown an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm and commitment over the last few months of practices and rehearsals. Their performance on the night was fantastic, and a great credit to them. Monday 10 November School Banking Scholastic Book Fair – 8.30am Tuesday 11 November ANTs – AIS Excursion: note and payment due SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch) Wednesday 12 November Kinder 2015 Transition – Romper Room: 1:30 - 2:30pm Kinder 2015 Information Session – 5.30-6.30pm Thursday 13 November ANTs - AIS Excursion Friday 14 November Assembly: Japanese ….. don’t forget to check the Back Page Susan Mrs Susan Skinner Board Chair: Adam McEvoy P&C Chair: Christine Trull Principal: Heydon Crescent, Evatt ACT 2617 Ph: (02) 6205 5999 Fax: (02)6205 5995 : : “We wish to acknowledge the Ngunnawal people as the traditional owners and custodians of this land” Permission Notes Due: ANTs – AIS Excursion ANTS Permission and payment due: 11 November Japanese Lunch and Garden Visit Kinder Note due: 24 November 2015 – Year 3/4 Camp Yr 2-3 Payment due: 16 February 2015 (payment plan option available) 2015 – Year 5/6 Camp Yr 4-5 Payment due: 16 February 2015 (payment plan option available) TIMSS TESTING Two of our Year 4 classes have been randomly selected to take part in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). TIMSS is an important educational research project investigating student achievement in mathematics and science. More than 60 countries, including Australia, are participating in this study. TIMSS is an important activity to keep us, as parents and citizens, informed about how our students in Australia are performing in comparison to their peers in other countries and to compare programs of study and teaching practices. We will be able to obtain current national and international information which will help improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and science in our country. Selected students will do an assessment in mathematics and science and complete a questionnaire about their experiences at home and school. There is no need for students to study specifically for the assessment as it will not affect individual students’ grades or progress in school. Parents or guardians of selected students will also be requested to complete a questionnaire about early learning experiences and their own attitudes towards mathematics and science. Parents of students who are involved in the testing would have received information this week. All data will be kept strictly confidential and no individual student or school will be identified in published data or reports. Our testing day will be Tuesday 18th November. Thank you in anticipation for your support in this matter. Louise Frawley, Literacy and Numeracy Field Officer SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR LAST CHANCE!!! Once again, it is that time of year when we hold the Scholastic “Buy 1, get 1 free (of equal or lesser value)” Book Fair. This applies to books only, not stationery. Our school has signed up to the very exciting Ride or Walk to School program for the next 3 years. Take a look at this short video about the program Before we start implementing we need to survey parents so we can understand what barriers our school might have and give everyone a chance to have input into the program. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey: The fair will finish on Monday 10 November at 8.30am. You will need to be quick at coming in and selecting any books you may want as there will be no re-orders with this fair. Look forward to seeing you there. Deb, Library FLYING HIGH Jessica – Benji’s: Jessica, you have impressed me with the effort you are putting into completing your work within the set timeframe. It has also been wonderful to see you take responsibility for this by using your watch as a timer. You take pride in your work and everything you do is always beautifully presented. Keep it up! Mrs Boots. Shinique – Benji’s: Shinique, you have wowed me this term with all the words you are writing!! You are copying words and sentences off the board beautifully and you can write your first and last name all by yourself! Keep up the great work. Mrs Boots. Cilantro – The Great Gatsby’s: We looked up the phrase ‘Quality Work’ in the dictionary and saw a picture of you right next to it. We also saw the words ‘highly productive’ and ‘motivated’. You are all these things. The presentation of your project on Moxambique set a tremendously high standard for our class, and this desire to achieve has a ripple effect, helping others to want to do better. We could also describe you as proactive. You have been given a lot of advice this year on how to make your writing more affective and you have taken these wishes on board and are now producing work of an even higher standard. Keep up this outstanding work. Mrs Cossins and Mrs Martin. Lara – The Great Gatsby’s: You are becoming our spelling Queen Bee. You have kept hammering away at the hive (your spelling) and you have begun to make sweet honey (correct spelling). You have worked so hard to increase the number of high frequency words you spell correctly and we are very proud of you. You are getting much better at pronouncing words, stretching them out, incorporating different spelling patterns and using environmental print. Keep up the tremendous effort. Mrs Cossins and Mrs Martin. Sophie – Muppets: You have a very positive and respectful attitude in class. You always listen to others and contribute to discussions. We are so pleased with your ability to work independently and be responsible for your own learning. You are a very valued member of the Muppets. Well done. Shruti – Muppets: Congratulations on your responsible work ethic during literacy rotations. You listen to instructions, stay on task and help others when they need it. We are very lucky to have you in our class. Well done. Zoe – Herbies: Zoe, I have always loved your enthusiasm for learning but you have taken it to a new level in our Japanese unit. You are posing questions that not even I thought of and really improving your deep knowledge about Japanese history. Asking quality questions is a very important skill and shows that you are starting to think like a year 1. Mr Price. Chase – Herbies: Chase, you have been a Herbie for quite a while now and it is wonderful to see you making good decisions in the class. Your wonderful sense of humour is creating positive relationships with others and you are beginning to use words and manners to begin conversations. A ‘high five’ is always a good thing, as long as the other person is watching. Mr Price. CANTEEN NEWS The Volunteer Roster is on the wall outside the canteen door. Please put your name down if you have some time to spare. Reminder: Canteen is open 5 days per week. Daily Specials: Monday – Pie, Tuesday – Noodle Box, Wednesday – Wedges. See Canteen Menu for prices and options. Canteen Menu: P&C NEWS Cook Books Evatt's Eats cook books now available at the front office, just $20 each or 3 for $50! A limited number of Evatt's Eats cook books, with a wonderful selection of recipes from the Evatt Primary School community, are now available at the front office. Christmas is getting closer! The cook book would make a great Christmas present for family and friends. Healthy salads, quick and tasty meals, lots of chocolate - the cook book has it all! Don't miss your chance to get one while they last! Uniform Shop We have just received extra stock of brand new short-sleeve t-shirts ($22) and still have long-sleeve t-shirts ($25) with the school logo available for sale. You can order these at any time by filling in an order form at the front office or submitting an order online through the school website or the school app. You can pay by cash or direct deposit. We will deliver your shirts to your child’s class. EVATT SUPA CLUB Evatt SUPA Club for Term 4 starts next TUESDAY 11 NOVEMBER. WHEN: WHERE: B2 (bring your lunch) Parent and Community Room Come along for lots of fun with Bible stories, games and craft. SUPA club is supported by Scripture Union and all children from Years K - 6 are welcome. If you would like more information, please contact Team Leader Carolyn Goode on 0414 713 523. Many thanks, Janice Latimore EVATT PRESCHOOL - 2015 2015 Preschool Open Week and Preschool Picnic We would like to invite all children who will be attending Evatt Preschool in 2015 to attend the Preschool Open Week which will be held during the week beginning Monday 24th November. Children and their parents or carers are invited to attend the preschool any day during the week beginning the 24th November for a short or long session. It is up to you how long you stay. Parents/carers are required to remain at the preschool with their child. The purpose of the open week is to allow the children to become familiar with the environment and to participate in some preschool experiences. Please bring a hat, water bottle and some food depending on the time of day that you intend to visit. It will be lots of fun! On Friday 28th November we will be having a Preschool Picnic. This is an opportunity for you to meet some of the current parents and they can share their experiences about the preschool year. It is also nice to meet some new people and for us to welcome you in to the Evatt School community. Please RSVP to Evatt School via email, to let us know of your intention to visit and the time you would like to spend with us. We look forward to meeting you and your children. EVATT KINDERGARTEN - 2015 2015 Kindergarten Transition Dates Please refer to the table below for information regarding your child's Kindergarten transition sessions. If your child attends Evatt Preschool, the educators will accompany the children to the transition sessions. You are very welcome to attend the sessions if you would like to. For children who do not attend Evatt Preschool, parents and carers can choose either the Tuesday or Thursday session for their child to attend and will need to stay with their child. If you have any questions regarding the transition sessions, please do not hesitate to contact Tina Wilson via email:- Romper Room Wednesday 12th November Gross Motor 1.30 – 2.30pm Tuesday 18th November Numeracy 11.30am – 12.30pm Sesame Street Thursday 20th November Numeracy 11.30am – 12.30pm 2015 Kindergarten Information Session On Wednesday 12th November we will be holding an information session for all families with children who will be starting Kindergarten at Evatt School in 2015. It will be held in the Kindergarten classrooms from 5.30 - 6.30pm. We look forward to sharing information with you about the Kindergarten program, what to expect in the first week of school, what your child will need in terms of resources and more! There will be the opportunity for a question and answer session. Please RSVP to . We look forward to meeting with you. Kind regards, Tina Wilson COMMUNITY NOTICES A once in a lifetime opportunity to be at Gallipoli next Anzac Day You can win a trip for two to Istanbul and Gallipoli in April 2015 by visiting the Australia in the Great War Facebook and just clicking to enter. Competition closes 11 November 2014 so hurry to enter. Anzac day 2015 will be a special time as we commemorate 100 years since the Gallipoli landing and being there will be an amazing experience. Competition Closes 11 November 2014 The Back Page …… Term 4 2014 Week 5 6 Monday Tuesday 10 Scholastic Book Fair 8:30am 11 17 Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 18 Kinder 2015 Transition– Romper Room:11.30am12.30pm BandStrav – combined SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch Wednesday 13 AIS Excursion – ANT’s 14 Assembly: Japanese Teddy’s to School 20 Spring Fair Expo (middle session) Kinder 2015 Transition – Sesame Street: 11.30am12.30pm 21 Assembly: 3/4 Young Frankensteins 27 Constable Kenny @ 1.30-2.30pm Kinder – Japanese Lunch Excur – 10.00am-2.00pm 4 28 Assembly: The Dr Who’s Preschool Picnic 11 Concert Performance Matinee – 11.30-1.30pm Evening – 6-9pm Canteen - closed 18 12 Yr 6 Orientation – MCSS Pizza Pedal Party Thursday Friday 7 24 Preschool Open Week Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 25 26 Scholastic Issue 8 due 8 Dec 1 Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 8 Yr5/6 Hot Shots Tennis 10.40am-12.45pm 2 3 9 10 Concert Rehearsal 9.30am – 2.30pm Canteen - closed 15 Canteen – closed Wk 10 for cleaning 16 Yr 6 Graduation 9.30am and Dinner 6-9pm Canteen closed 17 LAST DAY!!! 9 10 SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch Friday 12 Kinder 2015 Transition– Romper Room:1.302.30pm Kinder 2015 Info Session – 5.30-6.30pm 19 BandStrav – Year 6 Canteen – Special Lunch SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch SUPA Club – B2 (bring your lunch Thursday 5 Assembly: Concert 19 Canteen Closed Term 1 2015 Week 1 2 3 Monday Tuesday Wednesday February 2 First Day – Kinder & Preschool 3 First Day – Whole School 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 SCHOOL PAYMENT DETAILS: EFTPOS: Visit the front office in person, fill in a Credit Card Authority or ring the front office and pay over the phone (Mastercard/Visa only). Direct Transfer: Evatt Primary School Management Account, BSB: 032777, Account number: 001244, Reference field: “child/family name” & “excursion/payment name” VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. The contribution has been set at: $100.00, for one child, $180.00 for two children, $240.00 for three or more children.
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