CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Lunenburg, Nova Scotia www.centralunitedlunenburg.ca centralunitedch@bellaliant.com The United Church of Canada Sunday, November 9, 2014 Peace Sabbath Minister: Rev. Grace Caines-Corkum Minister of Music: Heather Kristenson Lay Reader: Carolyn Tanner _____________________________________________________________ **Please note: When we hear the chimes being played, it is to tell us to return to our seats and quietly prepare ourselves for worship. Scent-free Policy at Central United We encourage everyone to recognize that some members of our Church family are very sensitive to strong odours. There is a designated seating area for this purpose. The music for the weekly sung responses (e.g. Gathering, Offering) is available on laminated sheets which are located in the Narthex. THE APPROACH Prelude: “Donna Nobis Pacem” (arr. John A. Behnke) Greetings ACT OF REMEMBRANCE Presentation of Wreath: Petty Officer First Class Gary Mossman Reading of the Honour Roll Last Post Moment of Silence Reveille National Anthem: “O Canada” VU 524 Central United – Used with Permission LicenSing 610384 One License A-717003 CCLI 308623 2 Hymn: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” VU 602 Invitation: One: On this Peace Sabbath we are invited to be open – Open to a peace that passes our understanding Discovered not only in the rare state of a still mind But even in the midst of chaos In the challenge of growth And the push and pull of circumstances And through it all All: We have an awareness that will not be rattled – but remains strong and sure. One: On this Sabbath, when we pray for peace, we also pray to become an open people Open to a peace that passes our understanding and seen In the street-corner prophet asking us to speak out for hope and change All: repaid with our indifference and derision. One: In the soldier standing guard All: defending with bullets and bravery. One: In the labour of lawyers and government All: to defend human rights. One: In the prayers of the faithful All: seeking the inspiration of Jesus to help us change the world for good. One: This day we commit ourselves to be an open people Open to a peace that passes all understanding A peace that shines through… All: A solitary prayer offered for a broken and blessed planet One: The example of Jesus 3 All: The one who transformed violence into forgiveness and abundant life One: The one who lived and died for a message of peace All: The peace that flowed from his hurt into the hearts of those who are open to love One: To offer us a peace that All: Passes all our understanding. (Inspired by the prayer – “The Peace That Passes All Understanding”, If Darwin Prayed pp. 168, 169 – Bruce Sanguin) The Prayer of Jesus Welcome and Greeting in Peace Time with the Children THE WORD Scripture Reading: Matthew 5: 1 – 12 & Philippians 4: 4 - 7 May we but wait upon Love’s word. Knowing our prayer is heard. (Sing twice) Ministry of Music: “Make Me A Channel of Your Peace” (arr. Jane Holstein) Brittany Francis and Charlotte Smith Hymn: “Healer of Our Every Ill” Sermon: “A Peace – That Passes All Understanding” VU 619 4 THE RESPONSE Offering Our Gifts Choral Dedication: “Here We Bring, Small Or Great” Here we bring, small or great, gifts to offer on this plate, what we’ve earned, what we own, tithe or token, bread or stone, Jesus said, “Have a care – your heart will always be where your riches are, where your riches are. Choral Dedication (Please stand if able, as the Greeters/Elders bring forward the Offering) Wild flowers grow, birds find seed, God attends to each one’s need; as we share, all can live, as we love, we learn to give, Jesus said, “Have a care – your heart will always be where your riches are, where your riches are.” Minute for Mission Prayers of the People (Unison) (See Insert) Hymn: “When Hands Reach Out Beyond Divides” (Insert) (Tune: “Kingsfold” – VU #625) MV 169 5 Benediction One: We carry the gift of peace in our hearts – now let us share it. All: Sharing – the peace that cares for the wellbeing of all people; the peace that rebukes injustice and violence; the peace that seeks freedom and equality; the peace that heals the hurts of the past; the peace that enables joy for today and releases the potential for tomorrow; the peace that is new and abundant life. One: We are so blessed All: Now let us be a blessing of peace. (“United for Peace Worship Resources” – The United Church of Canada, 2007) Sending Us Out: MV #223 – “We Will Go with God” (Sing twice) We will go with God! Ho, ho, ho! We will go with God! On this day of great joy we will go with God. On this day of great joy we will go with God. Postlude WELCOME Welcome to our Sunday Service. If you are a guest with us, please sign the “Guest Book” at the back of the sanctuary and introduce yourself to our Minister. ELDERS Elaine Ernst Diane Macdonald GREETERS Brenda & Earl Bachman 6 ROLL OF THOSE FROM CENTRAL UNITED WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE 1914-1918 1939-1945 Cecil Raymond Hebb J. Gilbert Cooper Oscar Legag Hubert R. Hebb Nelson Aikens Meister Roy A. Young Clarence Lemuel Ritcey James Luke Young Martin Leo Zinck THANK YOU to Petty Officer First Class Gary Mossman for laying our poppy wreath, in remembrance. COMING WEEK TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH - REMEMBRANCE DAY Cenotaph Service – 10:30 am (Please note change: No church service after Cenotaph Service) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th No meeting planned for “Knit Together in Love” for Nov. 11th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16TH CENTRAL’S 129TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION!! 10:30 am – Anniversary Service 7:00 pm - HANDBELL FUNDRAISING EVENING You are warmly invited to come out for an evening of music, coffee & tea, and cookies. The music will be provided by our own handbell choir, some handbell players from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Mahone Bay, Pamela Rogers & Hannah Ernst. There will be a freewill offering and a silent auction for desserts. This fundraiser will help reimburse the organ fund. (Anyone interest in donating a dessert for the silent auction, please sign up on the sign-up sheet in the back of Sanctuary). 7 LOOKING AHEAD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH 1:30 pm – Mission Unit 3: UCW – League Room TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH 1:30 pm – “Knit Together in Love” Meeting at the home of Diana Lohnes-Mitchell For more information, call Shirley at: 902-634-3370 THURSDAY – NOVEMBER 20TH 6:00 pm – United Church Service at Harbour View Haven Everyone is welcome! 7:00 pm – Board Meeting (Fellowship Room) Please send contributions to to the agenda to the church office: centralunitedch@bellaliant.com by Thursday, November 13th. DREAMERS’ CHRISTMAS SALE – NOVEMBER 28th & 29th Before long, we will be having that wonderful Christmas Sale at Central United Church. Activities are being planned for November 28th and November 29th this year. And you can help! Are you replacing your gently used Yuletide decorations? Are you just simply downsizing? We’d be happy to accept items for our Sale. Help us to stage another successful fundraising project for our church. Just call Shirley (902-634-3370) or Thelma (902-634-3885). CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ADVENT NEWSLETTER We are seeking contributions (recipes, poems, stories, articles, book reviews etc.) for our Advent Newsletter which will be available on Sunday, November 30th – Advent I. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, November 25th. 8 COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS PRESBYTERIAN TEA Date: Friday, November 21st from 6:00 – 7:30 pm Place: Central United Church Hall Cost: $5.00. Join us for a variety of desserts & fun door prizes! TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES FESTIVAL SALE Simply Beautiful, Simply Fair! Ten Thousand Villages is coming to The Days Inn, Bridgewater; a sale of beautiful fairly-traded gifts benefiting artisans from more than 30 Developing countries. Ten Thousand Villages is a project of Mennonite Central Committee, the outreach arm of the Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches in North America. The Festival Sale will be held on November 22nd, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission is free. The gifts you buy at the Ten Thousand Villages Sales will give the blessings of steady work, fair wages, and a better life for struggling families around the world. For more information, call Front Desk Days Inn at 902-543-7131. Your purchase makes a difference!
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