St. Joseph Catholic School 43 St. Clair Street Tilbury, Ontario NOP 2L0 Ph: (519) 682-2790 Fax: (519) 682-0581 Website: Mrs. J. Faubert, Principal Mrs. V. Lanoue, Secretary http;// Director of Education: Mr. D. Parr Superintendent: Mrs. D. Crawford THE NOVEMBER KNIGHTLY NEWS Principal’s Message As we enter the month of November our a en on is called to Remembrance Day and all those who have served to make our world a be er place. Our Catholic schools con nue to remember these sacrifices through prayer and Remembrance Day services. This month we will be holding a prayer service on November 11th at the school and we invite our families to join us at this special me. We will also be sending a group of students to the cenotaph to lay a wreath that day. This also brings to mind the core priority of our Mission and Vision statement of “fostering stewardship, leadership and social jus ce.”. This past month our Social Jus ce Leadership Group, and Mr. Bunda’s grade 6/7 students have been busy collec ng food items and clothing dona ons to help our community and to foster leadership in the area of social jus ce. This month our Social Jus ce Leadership team will be holding their annual Kingdom Assignment fundraiser that will see dona ons go to our local United Way of which our Tilbury Informa on and Help Centre is a recipient of funding. Our students and staff live out their faith through these many ini a ves as we strive to make our world a be er place. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our families, businesses and organiza ons who work with us and so generously donate their me and money to work with our students to make them the Catholic leaders of tomorrow. St. Clair Catholic School Board Mission Statement: Walking together in Christ’s light with parish and family, we are called to build a safe and inclusive Catholic learning community, and to serve as partners in the forma on of life-long learners by: *Living our faith; *Promo ng educa onal achievement and innova on; *Fostering stewardship, leadership and social jus ce. Board Chair: C. Bryden Vice Chair: J. Van Heck MORNING SUPERVISION Morning supervision starts at 9:00a.m. We ask that you do not drop off your children prior to 9:00. All students are to report outside immediately. Students are not to come through the front door. If students are going to breakfast club they are to proceed inside from the back doors. Thanks for your cooperation. Pediculosis It is that me of the year when it is common to have pediculosis (head lice) cases in a school. Please be sure to give your child(ren) regular head checks. If you have a case in your home please be sure to no fy the office. Thanks for your con nued support! Council Corner 2014-2015 School Council ExecuƟve: Chair—Tammy Bowden Co-Chair—Laura VanderPryt Secretary—Amy Car er Treasurer—Vanessa Lanoue Staff Reps—Ann Munroe & Lisa Vertz Community Rep–-Julie Buston Board Advisory Reps— Amber Barbosa Stacey Libbrecht All parents are welcome to a end our next mee ng on: Wednesday, November 5 at 6:30 Senior Volleyball Teams Quarter AucƟon Sale November 26, 2014 Adam Bryan Tate Zach Cale Craig Brody Tyler Congratula ons to our Sr. boys volleyball team who are the champions in their league!!! GREAT season boys! Thanks to Mr. Vadovic for coaching. St. Joseph School is hos ng a Quarter Aucon Sale as part of our Kingdom assignment this year. If you know of any venders that may be interested in being involved please contact the school for more informa on. Please ask to speak with Mrs. Vanden Enden 519-682-2790 More informa on will be sent home in the coming weeks—this promises to be a fun night! Boys Girls Kandace Faith Sydney Anastasia Lauren G. Lauren P. Lauren M. Onisha Carlee Alexis V. Alexis L. Maggie The girls are headed to the finals next week— FCC FOOD DRIVE 2014 Our FCC food drive was a great success! Thanks to Mr. Bunda’s grade 6/7 class for organizing the great event. Thanks to all of those who donated for a great cause! Cross Country Congratula ons to all students who par cipated in Cross Country run on October 4. You represented St. Joseph School so well! Thanks to Mrs. Boxall and Mrs. Sylvestre for coaching our runners! Social JusƟce Our social jus ce leadership team organized a clothing drive for the Canadian Diabetes Associa on. Thanks to all of the families who made dona ons—we are very close to filling a truck! Canteen Don’t forget! Chocolate milk is sold daily for $1.00 No Parking Zone! Please be advised the parking lot at the south side of the school is strictly for Tilbury Tots. The Knightly News - November 2014 Helping Your Child to Succeed at School 10 Ɵps to help you when talking to the teacher The parent/teacher mee ng is an important me to share ideas and informa on with your child’s teacher. You can also discuss ways to help your child develop strengths and overcome challenges. These 10 ps will help you get the most out of your me with the teacher. Remember: at many parent/teacher mee ngs, your me will be limited. 1. Be prepared. Before mee ng the teacher, think about what you want to know and understand about your child’s school experience. Review the report card and write down key ques ons you want to ask. 2. Ask yourself quesƟons. Focus on what you want to get out of your parent/teacher mee ng by asking yourself ques ons. For example, “what methods are being used to teach my child?” or “What can I do to get involved in my child’s learning?” 3. Talk to your child before. Ask your children what they think they are good at and what needs improving. Let them tell you how they feel about school, the teacher and ge ng along with others. 4. Arrive ready. Be sure you come to the mee ng in a posi ve frame of mind and with all the materials you need. Bring the ques ons you prepared in advance along with your child’s report card. 5. Relax and feel confident. You know your child best and want what’s best. Remember, the teacher also wants your child to be successful. 6. Be clear about what’s being said. If you need clarifica on or have concerns about an answer the teacher gives, ask the teacher to explain it further. Don’t be sa sfied un l you fully understand. 7. Think about what was discussed. Take some me to think about what you and the teacher talked about. If you are s ll unclear about something or want to ask more ques ons, don’t be afraid to call the teacher to talk further. 8. Follow-up at home. Talk with your child a er you have met with the teacher. Discuss what was talked about in the mee ng, focusing on the posi ve and how to achieve the goals that you set. 9. Keep a log or journal. Write down the ac ons you take and any observa ons about your child. This is important informa on that can be shared with the teacher at the next mee ng. 10. Arrange the next meeƟng. Set a date when you will call the teacher for an update on your child’s progress or to Helping Parents Support a Positive Attitude About Learning As a parent, you have a profound effect on how your child thinks of themselves as a learner. Here are a few ideas for you to think about as you work with your child to reach their full potential. Praise your child for their hard work and effort. Children are often faced with learning new skills that require them to persevere and work through challenges. Working hard to learn new things makes you smarter as it makes your brain grow new connections. Consider writing short notes with messages of encouragement to your child. Include a little message in their lunch pail which focusses on times that they work hard and stick with learning and challenging tasks. Celebrate effort! Be positive about learning. For instance, if you dislike math do not share this with your child. Research has shown that as soon as parents say that they were not good at math, their child’s achievement and attitude about math suffers. There is nothing more powerful than letting your child see Make a difference in the lives of children and youth: say 'yes' to participate in the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study and School Mental Health Surveys The 1983 Ontario Child Health Study told us that 1 in 5 children and youth experienced serious mental health challenges. This estimate is outdated as is much of what we know about child and youth mental health in Ontario. The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study will tell us about the mental health status and needs of children and youth living in Ontario today. From October 2014 to May 2015, Statistics Canada will be inviting 7,000 families with children aged 4 -17 years to complete an interview in their home. At the same time, McMaster researchers will be conducting School Mental Health Surveys in 240 Ontario schools to help us learn new ways of promoting and addressing student mental health needs. Together, these studies will be the first of their kind in Canada to examine the influence of family, community and school environments on child and youth mental health. The results will be used to develop programs and services to improve the mental health of young people in Ontario. Results from the 1983 Study were partially responsible for over 3 billion dollars of investment in federal and provincial programs and services, resulting in the creation of programmes such as the Ontario Early Years Centres. Participation in the 1983 Ontario Child Health Study was over 90%. Make sure you are heard in 2014 as well. Let's make our province a better place for children and youth. If invited to participate, please say ‘yes’ to the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study and School Mental Health Surveys.
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