To apply for membership, please print both pages, fill them out and submit them via email, fax or mail 2015 Alaska State Medical Association (ASMA) Update your information for the 2015 Directory 4107 Laurel Street, Anchorage, AK 99508 (907) 562-0304 (907) 561-2063 (fax) Information update is due by Nov. 30th 2014 to ensure placement in the 2015 Printed Directory. Date: _________________________ Name (first, middle, last): . Degree(s): MD / DO Specialty(ies): _______________________________________________________________________________________ NPI #: AK License #: Published Email: _______________________________ Date of Birth: . Member Email: __________________________________ Practice Type: please circle one Private Contract Hire/Employee Administrative Locum Tenens Public Health Military Retired Inactive Clinic Name: . Clinic Address, City, Zip:____________________________________________________________________________________ Office Phone: Office Fax: ______________________________ Website: . Member Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Member Phone: _________________________________ Member Fax: __________________________________ Additional Practice Locations: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Board Certification(s) – American Board of Medical Specialties or American Osteopathic Association Specialty Boards ONLY: . . Medical School: Graduation Year: . . After submitting this form, you may update your information at any time via ASMA’s website, Click “Update Your Information.” Changes will be reflected in the Online Medical Directory within a few days, so your information is always upto-date! Submit your member photo for the directory to PLEASE SEE NEXT PAGE FOR IMPORTANT MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Membership Application Alaska State Medical Association Dues (ASMA) Local Medical Society Dues (LMS) Annually $650 325 50 25 200 Call Call Regular Member 1st Year New Member Residents Medical Student Associate/Retired Semiretired Group Membership Anchorage (AMS) Fairbanks Juneau Kachemak Bay Kenai Peninsula Ketchikan Matanuska-Susitna Sitka-Mt. Edgecumbe Annually 100.00 Collected Locally Collected Locally Collected Locally Collected Locally Collected Locally Collected Locally Collected Locally Payment Summary: ASMA Dues $ . LMS Dues $ . Total Dues $ . ASMA no longer offers Automatic Renewal or Quarterly Payment Options. All membership dues must be received by November 30th to ensure proper placement in the 2015 Printed Medical Directory. We do not accept credit card numbers over the phone; please fill out the form completely and legibly or we will be unable to process your membership. Credit Card Authorization: Now accepting all major credit cards Total to be charged: $ Credit Card #: . - - - . Expiration Date: . CVS Code_________ Name (Please PRINT name as it appears on card): Billing Address for CARD: . Billing Address MUST INCLUDE ZIP CODE: Phone: . Email you’d like credit card receipts sent to: ________________________________________________________________ The issuer of the card identified above is authorized to pay the amount shown as “Total to be charged”. I promise to pay the amount “Total to be charged” subject to and in accordance with the agreement governing the use of such card. Date: . Signature (required): ______________________________________________________ ASMA dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes but may be partially deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. 16% of ASMA dues are not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense, because this portion of dues is attributable to lobbying activities. Your ASMA membership includes subscriptions to the Alaska Medicine, Heartbeat and two copies of the Medical Directory (one printed and one electronic) at no charge. ($20 of your member dues is allotted for Alaska Medicine, $15 for Heartbeat and $140 for the Medical Directories.)
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