5. We go forth to love and serve the... We are sent from Mass with God’s blessing to go...

Fr. Peter Tiernan: 071-9636016
Mobile: 086 3500114
Web Page aughavascloone.ie
E-mail: aughavascloone@gmail.com 9th Nov. 2014
Cloone: Sat. 8/11/’14.
Cloone: Sun. 9/11/’14.
Aughavas: Sun. 9/11/’14.
Cloone: Mon. 10/11/’14.
Cloone: Sat. 15/11/’14.
Cloone: Sun. 16/11/’14.
Aughavas: Sun. 16/11/’14.
5. We go forth to love and serve the Lord—Dismissal Rite.
We are sent from Mass with God’s blessing to go and live like Jesus. At the end of
Mass we are sent to bring God’s love out into the world. We are asked to go and do
what Jesus did, to love one another, to help one another, to care for one another. We
have received the Bread of Life and this helps us to live like Jesus. The priest asks us to
stand for the blessing and we leave the church with God’s blessing.
Mass for Fr. Sam Holmes (RIP) in St. Mary’s Church, Cloone on Friday 28th November
2014 at 7 pm and in St. Joseph’s Church, Aughavas on Friday 9th January 2015 at 7 pm.
Cloone Parish Pastoral Meeting on Tuesday 18th November at 8 pm in the Parochial House.
7.00 pm Gerard Moran & Peter & Ann Moran, Edenbawn.
Margaret Mitchell & DFM, Cloone.
10.00. am. William Casey, Drumdarkin.
11.30 am. Michael, Helen & Peter Curran, Corriga.
Eileen Blessing, Aughnaglace. 1st Anniv.
10.00 am.
7.00 pm. Mary O’Donnell, Drumlegga.
Alan Brennan, Cloone.
10.00 am. Funeral Mass for Seamus Quinn, Drumlegga,
& USA.
11.30 am. Martin & Maureen Moran, Aughavas.
Eileen Shortt, Greagh.
Enrolment Ceremony for children preparing for 1st Confession, 1st Communion and
Confirmation for Fatima N.S. this Saturday 8th November at 7 pm Mass in Cloone.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Aughavas: Monday 7 pm to 8 pm.
Cloone: Tuesday 8pm to 9pm.
4. We share in the Bread of Life. Communion Rite.
We are invited to the table of the Lord to share in the Bread of Life. When we share
a meal with others we come closer together, and this is what happens at Mass. Before
we go to the table we stand and pray the Our Father together. This is the prayer that
Jesus taught his disciples. We share a sign of peace with each other to show that we are
always ready to forgive and make peace. The priest takes the large Host and breaks it,
just as Jesus broke the bread at the Last Supper. We pray the Lamb of God together.
Then we are invited to the altar table to share in the Bread of Life. We spend some time
after receiving Communion in silent prayer, remembering God’s love for us and getting
ready to bring that love into the world with us as we leave the church.
Farmers Rights Campaign Leitrim Roll of Honour 1966 – 1967 with lists of names of the
farmers who campaigned is being displayed in Ballinamore Library throughout November.
Coffee Morning: From the recent coffee morning held on September 14th in Aughavas
Parochial House, a total of €361.50 was raised. A Special thank you to everyone who
organised, attended and donated. Monies will be donated to the local hospice.
Art Class: Art classes will continue in the community centre in Aughavas on Wednesday
mornings at 10.30am, painting with acrylics. For further information please call 0879357053.
Everyone welcome to come along.
Aughavas Community Centre AGM: The Aughavas Community Centre AGM will be held
this Wednesday evening 12th November in the centre at 8.00pm. New members always
Community Employment Child Care positions available at Dromard Child Care: Job
Reference Number 891021. Your are eligible to apply if you are - 25 years of age or over &
receiving a Social Welfare payment for 1 year or more. For further information, please contact Dromard Child Care at 049-4328955 or 087 6996732.
You are the God of our fathers and our mothers.
You are the God of our failures as well as of our successes.
You are the God who has been beside us in the dark days as much,
if not more so, as in our days of sun and blue skies.
Make us as ready to express our pain to you as we are to express our praise,
and to know that you hear both. Amen.
Offertory Collection:
(Sunday & Holyday)
Aughavas € 820.00;
Cloone € 740.00.