Non Profit Org US Postage PAID San Antonio, TX Permit No.1001 Rev. Ron Rolheiser, OMI, is a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He is president of Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He is an internationally known author, retreat leader, speaker and community builder. He writes a weekly column that is carried in over 70 newspapers around the world. He is the author of many books, Oblate School of Theology Living with Less Fear In Our Lives: Trusting in a Wise, Prodigal, and Fully Empathic God with over ten currently in print. His writings have great appeal to those who are reflective of their own spiritual journey. His teaching is offered with simple clarity, excellent exegesis, and many literary and cultural references that often provide the learner with lasting insights. A Retreat with Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI © Milslav78 | February 22-26, 2015 Oblate Renewal Center 5700 Blanco Road in conjunction with A walking path on the Oblate Renewal Center grounds Whitley Theological Center 285 Oblate Drive San Antonio, TX 78216 L iv ing w it h Less Fea r I n Ou r Li ves: Tr us ti ng in a W ise, Pr od ig al , a nd F ul ly Em pa t hi c Go d Most of us live with too many fears in our lives. And all of us live with religious fears, fears about God, about life, and about our eternal destiny. What kind of fear is healthy in our lives and what kind is unhealthy? From where do our religious fears originate? How do we tell healthy fears from unhealthy ones? This retreat will examine the origins and the complexities of religious fear and, after giving fear its proper due, will examine some biblical principles which invite us to live with less fear. Oblate Renewal Center How much does it cost? The retreat registration fee of $590 includes reception, all meals, banquet and snacks. In addition, single occupancy rooms are $60 per night; double occupancy rooms are $38 per person per night. Limited space available. Come enjoy some quiet time in south Texas at the newly renovated Oblate Renewal Center. The center features a welcoming retreat setting with tranquil grounds for quiet walks and contemplation. healthy, delicious meals prepared by our awardwinning professional culinary team. private and semi-private accommodations. Spiritual direction is available. Commuters are welcome. The center is conveniently located in north central San Antonio, less than a ten minute drive from the San Antonio International Airport. The retreat includes Sunday evening welcome and social with Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI teachings from Fr. Rolheiser optional presentation on the “Glory of the Cosmos” opportunities to walk the grounds of the renewal center and enjoy O’Shaughnessy Library time for prayer and Mass time for reflection, journaling, and reading Optional local tours will be available for an additional fee: Hike Enchanted Rock with Fr. Rolheiser ($ 35) Tour San Antonio Missions with historian Fr. Bob Wright, OMI ($ 25) Tour popular sights of San Antonio with experienced tour guides ($ 25) Check-in begins at 2:00 PM on Feb. 22nd, 2015. Social starts at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6:30 PM. Retreat ends after dinner on Thursday evening, Feb. 26th. For more information or to register over the phone, call Brenda at 210-341-1366 x 212 Mail registration to OST Continuing Education 285 Oblate Drive San Antonio, TX 78216 Registration Name _______________________________ Address ______________________________ City ___________________ State ________ Zip ____________ Phone_________________ e-mail _______________________________ Special needs: ________________________ _____________________________________ Lodging ____ Single Occupancy $ 60 per night ____ Double Occupancy $ 38 per night (pp) ____ Commuter Name of roommate: __________________________________ Dates of lodging: __ Feb. 22 __ Feb. 23 __ Feb. 24 __ Feb. 25 __ Feb. 26 Method of payment: Make check payable to Oblate School of Theology □ Check # _______ □ MasterCard □ Visa □ Discover ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Early registration (by Dec. 5, 2014) ($550) Retreat Registration Fee ($ 590) Lodging Tour / hike Enchanted Rock ($ 35) Tour San Antonio Missions ($ 25) Tour of highlights of San Antonio ($ 25) ______ optional donation to Oblate School of Theology $ ___________ Total Name (print) on credit card: _________________________________________ Credit card number _______________ __________________________ Expiration date ___________ 3 digit code ______ Total amount charged: __________________ Signature: _________________________________
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