THE FORUM SAN ANTONIO POST January 2015 ~ Vol 15, Issue 1 20770 U.S. Highway 281 N, #108, PMB 451 San Antonio, TX 7825878258-7500 **03 FEBRUARY 2015 LUNCHEON** 11:30AM—1:00PM Doubletree Hotel 502 W. Cesar E. Chavez San Antonio, TX 78207 We hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year! 2014 was another successful year bringing us our third Top Post Award, and to continue to build upon that legacy our 03 February meeting features a special presentation on the Air Force’s Military Working Dog Program located at Lackland Air Force Base. The presentation will be led by Dr. Stewart J. Hilliard, Flight Chief, 341 Training Squadron along with Mrs. Tracy Cann and with the assistance of FFalcor, a senior MWD. “Doc” Hilliard received his PhD in Animal Learning from the University of Texas in Austin in 1998 and has taught as an adjunct professor at UTSA while providing research support to the U.S. Army Vet Corps. In 2006, Doc Hilliard became a Dept. of the Air Force Civilian in an expanded role setting doctrine for the purchase, breeding and principles of training for all USAF Military Working Dogs. He has provided MWD Training in Beijing China and across Europe. Tracy assists the breeding program and is a consultant for the MWD foster program. Captain Brandy Caffee at AETC Civil Engineering will also speak about her experiences as a MWD foster care provider. After seeing this briefing you will gain a greater respect for these service members and will rush to take a pup home with you! This program is sure to fill up fast so register TODAY at: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: President’s Corner……………………………….………..2 Membership……………………………………….……….3 New Members…………………………………….……….4 SAME Fellow………...………………………….………...5 Leadership Lab………………………………….……...6-9 E&C Camps……………………………………………...10 Jobs………………………………………………...….….11 K-12 Volunteers…...……...…………...….…….…….…12 TAMU Student Chapter .…………………………….….13 Holiday Wrap-Up……………………………….…….14-18 Upcoming Events & Meeting Calendar..…………..19-21 Board & Sustaining Members…………...………….22-29 From the President’s Corner David Yang (210) 446 446--4315 Hello San Antonio Post Members, Warm New Year’s greetings! Thank you for your trust and the privilege to serve as your President for 2015. We were honored to have Colonel Hugh Hanlon, Commander, Detachment 805, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Texas A&M University, presiding over the installation of our new Post officers at our 2014 Post Holiday Celebration: Steve Holt for Vice President, Sam Hutchins for Treasure, Ed Medina for Secretary, Dave DeMartino for Director of Education Programs and Woody Thompson for Director of Relationships and Recognition. We are thankful to these great individuals, along with our dedicated Board of Direction, for their willingness to contribute their time and expertise to help our post further advance the mission of our Society and for the betterment of our community. 2015 marks the 95th anniversary on the founding of our Society as well as the establishment of our San Antonio Post. As our Society and Post grew and evolved over the decades, our core mission remains focused on facilitating interaction between the public and private sectors to enhance engineering support to national security. This is especially pertinent in today’s environment as our military continues to transform to a new post Iraq/Afghanistan footing and our nation faces new domestic and world challenges ahead. Here in the San Antonio Post, our Board of Direction approved the new 2014-2019 Post Strategic Plan in July 2014 ( following the issuance of the SAME 20142019 Strategic Plan in June 2014 ( I encourage you to review our mission, vision and goals, attend our monthly post meetings and to help us advance our post towards achieving our objectives. I also welcome your inputs and supports at the various local K-12, college outreach, professional and leadership development, military/wounded warriors/veterans/ community service projects and activities we have planned for this year ( pages/mtgsch.htm). Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to the 2015 SAME Joint Engineer Training Conference & Expo that will be held on 19-22 May at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX. Please plan to attend this premiere event and let’s show the rest of SAME how we do things bigger and better in Texas. I began my affiliation with SAME in 1983 as a recipient of a scholarship award from the Seattle Post while attending the University of Washington and a cadet in the Air Force ROTC program. Since that day and over the past 30+ years, I have enjoyed and greatly benefitted from the Society and its membership in more ways than I can ever recount or repay. In closing, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for this opportunity to serve our Post and ask for your continuing support in advancing our Society and our Post’s mission in support of our nation and our community. See you at the next Post meeting! David Yang, F. SAME Merrick & Company JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 2 Membership Update 2014 San Antonio Post Membership (Goal: IMs+SREPs & PA Sector > Baselines on 31-Dec) 1200 1000 Number of Members 800 600 1047 1035 1043 1020 1019 1031 1038 1040 1039 1039 1035 1053 1045 1051 1049 1051 1058 1054 1058 1058 400 200 282 0 282 287 283 286 288 295 299 294 297 297 301 301 303 301 303 306 310 311 311 SAME Jan 19 Feb 16 Mar 30 Apr 15 May 18 Jun 15 SAME Jul 15 Aug 17 SAME Sep 15 SAME SAME Oct 15 Nov 16 SAME SAME Dec 31 Jan 3 DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG MID-YR EOY RPT RPT RPT RPT RPT RPT RPT IMs+SREPS PA Sector Total Member Baseline PA Sector Baseline If you are a member, be sure to check your membership status! See or sm.pdf or srep-co.pdf If you not a member, JOIN SAME and the San Antonio Post today - JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 3 New Members We would like to welcome our new members who joined or re-joined (in a new capacity) our Post from 17 Nov 2014 – 3 Jan 2015: NAME Erica Becvar Jacob Camacho Gina Chapa Fuentas Joseph Domeier Roberto Garcia Kenneth Joseph Irving McConnell Pat McMullen Kimberly Molnar Stephen Richardson John Styron Clint Wyatt ORGANIZATION Palo Alto College Tidewater, Inc. Texas A&M University The McConnell Group Pond & Company GSI Environmental, Inc. Alpha Testing, Inc. Farnsworth Group Inc. TYPE CIVG STU SREP CIVG STU UNIF IMV SREP CIVG IMV IMV YSREP We would also like to welcome our new organizational members who joined or re-joined our Post from 17 Nov 2014 – 3 Jan 2015: ORGANIZATION Amec Foster Wheeler Zapata Incorporated JANUARY 2015 TYPE Sustaining Member Company Sustaining Member Company THE FORUM PAGE 4 New President Becomes SAME Fellow Congratulations to David Yang, our 2015 Post President, who was recently selected as a member of the Society’s Academy of Fellows. David, along with 26 others, were selected as Fellows for 2014. The Fellows Class of 2014 will officially be invested at a ceremony on March 12, 2015 at Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, VA. David is currently a Project Manager for Merrick & Company and leads the management, staffing, resourcing, and execution of multidisciplinary A-E projects, to include planning, design, repair, renovation, commissioning, and energy retrofit, to provide facility and infrastructure supports to Merrick’s National Security clients worldwide. David also led the founding of Merrick’s San Antonio office and built the office from the ground up with a single person in 2008 to a twenty-five person, multidiscipline A/E team today. David retired as a Lt. Colonel from the United States Air Force. During his 22 year membership with SAME, Dennis has held the following leadership and volunteer positions: Vice President and President, San Antonio Post, 2014-Present Volunteer SAME Energy and Sustainability Committee, 2013-2014 2012 TEXOMA-Missouri River JETS Planning Committee and Operations Manager, 2011- 2012 Professional Development Scholarship Committee, San Antonio Post, 2011-2012 Readiness & Homeland Security Committee, San Antonio Post, 2010-2012 Volunteer Boy Scout Architecture & Engineering Merit Badge Academy, San Antonio Post, 2010-2011 Volunteer K-12 outreach program, San Antonio Post, 2008-2014 Volunteer Energy and Environment Task Force committee, San Antonio Post, 2008 President, Mississippi Gulf Coast Post, 2004-2005 David was one of only two TEXOMA Region Post member selected to the Academy of Fellows Class of 2014. Please congratulate David the next time you see him on this well deserved honor! JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 5 SAME Post Leadership Lab Class of 2015 DARE TO DO WHAT YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU COULD! What is the Leadership Lab? ● A program for SAME members where one can discover the leader within no matter the position one plays, ● A program for lifetime learners, ● A community of relationships that can last a lifetime. What are some the elements of the Lab? ● DiSC Profiles and Team Building Activities ● Mentor-Protégé Program ● Small Groups facilitated discussions ● Leader – Speaker Series ● Professional Development Plan ● Getting out of the comfort zone, Learning to stretch What are Alumni saying about their experience? “The lab helped me discover my style and how it related to others. Suddenly, I gained a new appreciation for those styles that used to irritate me. Now I understand how important all styles are to my success.” Where can I find more information and an application? Find the 2015 SAME San Antonio Post Leadership Lab Application on the following pages, or via our Post website link Email your application to: For more information about the Lab contact: Hilda Quinones, PE 2015 Lab Director Q & A Diversified, LLC m. (210) 896-8711 JANUARY 2015 Gina Roman 2015 Lab Deputy Director Whiting-Turner Contracting Co. m. (210) 558-1880 THE FORUM PAGE 6 SAME Post Leadership Lab Class of 2015 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 7 SAME Post Leadership Lab Class of 2015 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 8 SAME Post Leadership Lab Class of 2015 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 9 SAME Engineering & Construction Camps Call Letter Dear Educator, Do you have an outstanding high school student that has an interest in engineering or has expressed their ambition to become an engineer? If so, please tell them about the Society of American Military Engineer's (SAME) annual Engineering & Construction Camps. The week long camps are designed to expose students to engineering professions and are conducted at four different first-class engineering research facilities. The San Antonio Post is seeking to sponsor local area high school students to represent us at the 2015 camps. Below are the locations and dates for the camps. U.S. Army Camp, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Jun 21 – Jun 27 U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Jun 25 – Jul 1 U.S. Marine Corps Camp, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Jun 21 – Jun 27 U.S. Navy Stem Camp, Port Hueneme, California, Jun 21 – Jun 27 The camps are fun, high energy, hosts students from around the world and offer a unique once-in-a-lifetime indoor/outdoor learning laboratory experience that exposes participants to practical skills and public service. Camp instructors are professional engineers from uniformed & public services, academic institutions, and private companies. If you have an interested student, please have them visit HTTP://SAMECAMPS.ORG to determine if they are eligible and to download the application forms. Application packages are due NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, 06 MARCH 2015 to the San Antonio Post. Completed packages are to be sent to SAME2015CAMPS@YAHOO.COM. Late packages will not be accepted and packages mailed to an individual camp will not be considered. The San Antonio Post typically receives only one (1) slot per camp, so the application process is very competitive and students are encouraged to apply for more than one camp location. The Post will cover registration costs and transportation to and from for students selected to attend one of the Camps. I look forward to receiving your student’s application. If there are any questions, please contact me at (210) 6521554. V/R, Scott J. Mikos San Antonio SAME E&C Camp Coordinator JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 10 Job Candidates & Opportunities Here is a job candidate we sent information out recently through one of our Post email list servers for those that may have missed it or don’t receive those list notices. Job Candidates Registered Civil Engineer (12/4/2014): We have a Post member, Roark Rosson, looking for a part -time opportunity. He has experience in Construction Management and Project Controls, Property Condition Assessments, Program and Project Management, Civil Engineering and Design Management, Transit and US Air Force Construction Management, Project Acquisition and Customer Relations. He has B.S. Civil Engineering from Texas A&M and is a Texas Professional Engineer and Certified Construction Manager. If interested, you can contact Roark at We also have his complete resume on file available on request. JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 11 Post Supports San Antonio K K--12 Events Many thanks to our Post volunteers who supported our Post’s K-12 events in December. We had 5 volunteers support John Jay Academy Engineering & Science Fair as judges for student projects on Saturday, Dec 6: Cindy Cash Dick Kochanek Garland Scott Joel Trejo Chris Williston Don’t miss out on our 2015 K-12 volunteer activities – it’s a great experience! JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 12 TAMU Student Chapter Update On 20 November SAME Texas A&M Student Chapter hosted a general members' meeting with guest speaker Sue Theiss, Deputy Director of the Environmental Affairs Division at TxDOT. Student members had the opportunity to see a presentation on TxDOT's environmental division, some of the programs and policies that play a role in Texas construction, and Sue's perspective as an experienced environmental supervisor. Sue gave students insight into many of the environmental policies and challenges that they will soon have to face in the civil engineering and construction world. Students also gained knowledge on real life construction projects and environmental challenges engineers are facing today. After the presentation student eagerly picked the brain of TxDOT's environmental expert during a question and answer session. The SAME TAMU Student Post hopes to continue hosting guest speakers while seeking mentorship and practical education outside of the classroom. The student chapter sincerely thanks Sue Theiss for taking the time to speak to our members, and also thanks their sponsors at the Houston and San Antonio Posts for their continued support. Very respectfully, Shane Fulton '14 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 13 Gala Wrap Wrap--Up 05 Dec Post Holiday Celebration As 2014 was winding down and we began looking forward to 2015, approximately 150 San Antonio Post members, guests, and friends joined together on December 5 to celebrate the beginning of the holiday season, the past year, and our recognition as Top Post in 2012 and 2013. It was another spectacular evening at the top of the Frost Bank building in the lovely Plaza Club Ballroom with its views of downtown San Antonio and the lights on the River. We kick-started the merriment with a SAME-hosted bar and game. Upon arrival, all guests were given meal and drink tickets and half of the title of a Christmas song (aka, your game piece). The object of the game was to find the guest that had the other half of the song title. Once you found the other half of your song title, the two slips of paper were stapled together, the guests’ names placed on the back, and they put into a basket. It was fun to watch everyone talking and comparing their song titles to see if they had a match. Everyone was having such a good time finding the other half of their song title it was difficult to get them to sit down to dinner. Following dinner and our program, we had drawings for game prizes that included wine, and Rampage and Missions tickets which were donated by the Spurs/Missions/Rampage organizations. Thank you DeEnna Jensen for once again providing the game idea (she is much more creative than me). As always, the Plaza Club food was excellent and we kept the bartenders hopping with the liquid refreshments we consumed. We enjoyed a champagne toast to our past, current, and future men and women in uniform; danced and sang to the music of Rock-N-Soul led by SAME’s own Bart Bloemhard; and cheered the winners of our Post scholarships and fabulous door prizes Our special guest this year was Col Hugh Hanlon, who is the Professor of Aerospace Studies and Commander of the Air Force ROTC at Texas A&M University. Col Hanlon installed our 2015 Officers and Directors and helped Dave Dentino present checks to our scholarship winners, including two students from TAMU and three from the University of Texas. The proud parents and guests of our scholarship winners helped us applaud the efforts of these outstanding young men and women. Col Hanlon also went “off script” to thank the Post for all we have done these past years through our scholarship programs to help the country’s future architects and engineers and to express what the scholarships mean to the students. Thank you too, Col Hanlon, for all your efforts in shaping the Air Force officers of the future. We said “goodbye” to Dick Kochanek as our outgoing President with Col Hanlon’s installation of our new President, David Yang. Though Dick turned the Post charter over to David, we all will continue to benefit from Dick’s involvement in the leadership of our Post as he serves as Past President on the Board of Direction. We also want to welcome our other newly installed Officers and Directors: Vice President and 2016 President Elect – Steve Holt Treasurer - Sam Hutchins Secretary – Ed Medina Directors – Woody Thompson and David DeMartino JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 14 Gala Wrap Wrap--Up 05 Dec Post Holiday Celebration We distributed wonderful door prizes throughout the evening including Spurs tickets, restaurant gift certificates, Amazon gift card, shows at the Majestic, one night stays at the Valencia and Menger hotels, sound bar, and Bluetooth speakers. No one could be happier than Marie Masbad’s guest, Ryan Ullmann, who won the TV donated by the Post Fellows (Dick Kochanek, Glen Turney, Bill Myers, Tom Russell, Sam Hutchins, Kent Lancaster, Clayton Perry, Homer Guy, Alan Watt, and Janice Dombi). Ryan told us all night long that he was going to win that TV so it was kismit when Clayton Perry drew Ryan’s name out of the box. Thank you to Bill Myers and Tony Saucedo for their door prize donations – a San Antonio “Staycation” with tickets to area museums and the zoo, plus wine and wine glasses; and two tickets to see “Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles” at the Majestic Theater. Finally, the big door prize winners of the evening were the ladies - Ellen Myers and Ann Quinn who won tickets to see the Spurs vs. the LA Clippers and the Spurs vs. the Rockets, respectively; and Tammy Yang, who won an $800 Southwest Airlines gift certificate. David is only hoping that Tammy will take him with her wherever she decides to go. The Holiday Gala Committee would like to thank all those that contributed gift cards to help make the holidays joyful for our returning heroes and their families. Through your generosity, we collected gift cards totaling $1,290 for Operation Homefront. Operation Homefront provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors. For more information on Operation Homefront, please visit their website: We will be asking Operation Homefront to make a presentation on their programs at the February Post meeting. Please keep our active service members, Wounded Warriors, their families, and all the companies and organizations that support our military in your thoughts throughout the year. I’d like to recognize my Holiday Celebration helpers – Marie Masbad, Bill Myers, and Ralph and Mary Paglia – who developed the program, set up the room, and made sure that everyone got the meals they ordered and drink tickets; and Ryan Ullmann who made sure everyone got their drink tickets throughout the evening. In addition, Ralph gave the innovation to start off our celebration. They all truly help get us in the mood for a fun evening. Watch for information next month on the date for the 2015 Holiday Gala probably around the same time and hopefully at the Plaza Club. It’s a San Antonio Post tradition you don’t want to miss!!! JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 15 Honors Gallery 05 Dec Post Holiday Celebration JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 16 Honors Gallery 05 Dec Post Holiday Celebration JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 17 Honors Gallery 05 Dec Post Holiday Celebration JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 18 Critical Infrastructure Symposium JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 19 Revised Post Meeting Calendar Our 2015 Post meeting schedule has changed due to some conflicts in scheduling at the Doubletree Hotel. The biggest changes are that there is no January or April Post meetings and there is a Oct Post meeting scheduled now. Here’s the latest Post meeting and major events schedule we have so far with some other SAME major events already planned. So mark those calendars and don’t miss out on any of the 2015 activities! Feb 3 – Post Meeting Mar 12 – SAME Fellows Luncheon and Investiture, Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, Alexandria, VA Mar 17 – Post Meeting Apr 20-21 - TISP Critical Infrastructure Symposium, Westin Hotel, BWI Airport May 12 – Post Meeting May 19-22 – 2015 SAME Joint Engineer & Training Conference in Houston, TX Jun 9 – Post Meeting Jul 20-22 – 2015 Post Small Business Market Research Fair Aug 11 – Post Meeting Sep 15 – Post Meeting Oct 6 - 2015 Post E&M Fund Golf Tournament Oct 13 – Post Meeting Nov 4-6 - 2015 SAME Small Business Conference in New Orleans, LA Nov 10 – Post Meeting Dec – Post Holiday Celebration Check for more updates JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 20 Upcoming Events SAME & Other Activities (see & option=com_content&view=article&id=417&Itemid=321) SAME Continuing Education Program, Jan 28, Embassy Suites BWI Airport, Linthicum, MD SAME Transition Workshop & Job Fair, Jan 29-30, Embassy Suites BWI Airport, Linthicum, MD – see First 2015 Post Board Meeting, Jan 27, Doubletree Hotel Inputs for Feb Post Newsletter Due, Jan 27 – mail to First 2015 Post meeting, Feb 3, Doubletree Hotel – see JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 21 2015 San Antonio Post Board [See all members at] Position Name Email Company/Organization Phone Elected Officers President David Yang Merrick & Company (210) 446-4315 Vice-President Steven Holt Alfaro Consulting Company (210) 391-0921 Treasurer Sam Hutchins City of San Antonio TCI (210) 207-6940 Secretary Edward Medina 502 CES, JBSA-FSH (210) 221-5199 Elected Directors Director 2015 Relationships & Recognition Ann Quinn Director 2015 Leadership & Mentoring Amy Shirlberg TEAM Integrated Engineering (210) 341-4316 Director 2015-2016 Education Programs David DeMartino OTIE (210) 490-4865 Director 2015-2016 Professional Development Woody Thompson RS&H, Inc. (210) 301-4819 Appointed Directors Director Young Members VACANT Director Fellows Glen Turney HDR (830) 980-4702 Ext. 100 Director Individual Members Joshua Heiss Leidos (210) 731-2247 Director Sustaining Members Frank Corey Pape-Dawson Engineers (210) 375-9000 Director Readiness John Enyeart 502 CES/CEI (210) 671-2902 Director Scholarships David Dentino AFCEC (210) 395-8020 Other Appointed Positions Past President Dick Kochanek Assistant Treasurer Diane Glass HGL (210) 355-1355 Assistant Secretary Marie Masbad FPM Remediations, Inc. 210-495-7744 Ext. 16 K-12 Outreach Coordinator Christian DeLaRosa 502 CES (271) 671-3838 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM (210) 884-9731 PAGE 22 2015 San Antonio Post Board [See all members at] Position Name Email Company/Organization Phone Other Appointed Positions (Continued) SAME E&C Camp Coordinator Scott Mikos HQ AETC/A7ND (210) 652-1554 Small Business Coordinator DeEnna Jensen Trusant Technologies (210) 421-5096 College Outreach Gary Panozzo CH2M Hill (210) 289-9958 Texas A&M Student Chapter Mentor Clayton Perry Univ. of Texas Austin Student Chapter Mentor Gary Panozzo CH2M Hill (210) 289-9958 Leadership Lab Director Hilda Quinones Q&A Diversified LLC (210) 896-8711 Assist Leadership Lab Director Gina Roman The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company (210) 558-1880 Wounded Warrior Coordinator/ Community Service Coordinator Danielle Poyant AFCEC (210) 572-9180 Newsletter Editor Susan Charles Yates Construction (210) 771-1225 Web Manager/ Communications Dick Kochanek Awards Committee Kent Lancaster Clean Energy Engineering, LLC (210) 481-9956 Golf Committee Randy Lierly AFCEC (210) 395-8609 Holiday Celebration Committee Bonnie Hopke FPM Remediations, Inc (210) 495-7744 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM (210) 378-0592 (210) 884-9731 PAGE 23 Sustaining Members ~ San Antonio Post Company/Agency POC Address Steven Holt 112 E. Pecan Ste 400 11181 Saint Johns Industrial Parkway N 8610 N New Braunfels Ave, Ste 300 2911 Green Run A-Lert Roof Systems Bill Connors Alpha Facilities Solutions, LLC John Garcia Alpha Terra Engineering, Inc. Ed von Dran AECOM Sally Macon Aerostar SES LLC Phillip Elson AGEISS Environmental, Inc. Cathy Steinman Alfaro Consulting Company City State & Zip Phone San Antonio TX 78205 (210) 215-8035 Jacksonville FL 32246 (904) 565-2820 San Antonio TX 78217 (210) 533-5100 San Antonio TX 78731 (210) 391-0921 2065 FM 1102 New Braunfels TX 78132 (800) 344-0609 11503 NW Military Hwy Ste 300 8626 Tesoro Dr Ste 810 San Antonio TX 78231 (210) 240-7531 San Antonio TX 78217 (210) 930-2834 100 Trade Center Dr., Ste 200 70 N.E. Loop 410, Ste 1150 5926 Corridor Pkwy Champaign IL 61820 (217) 356-4500 San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 375-1500 Shertz TX 78154 (210) 661-8306 Austin TX 78730 (210) 828-9494 Austin TX 78757 (512) 453-3733 San Antonio (210) 494-7223 (651) 291-3436 AMEC Foster Wheeler ARA Curt Beckemeyer ARCADIS, U.S., Inc. Ann Quinn ARMORTEX Rick Snelling Atkins Scott Smiley Baer Engineering and Environmental Consulting Bain Medina Bain, Inc. Therese Baer Carl Bain 6504 Bridge Point Pkwy, Ste 200 7756 Northcross Drive Ste 211 7073 San Pedro Ave Bay West, Inc. Lori Hintz 5 Empire Dr. Saint Paul TX 782166209 MN 55103 BB&E Consulting Engineers Professionals Bentley Systems, Inc. Douglas Barber Northville MI 48167 (248) 489-9636 Thomas Brown 235 E Main St Ste 107 106 Kiskiac Turn Yorktown VA 23693 (757) 766-1630 Bhate Environmental Assoc. Inc. Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. Randy Peterson 4215 N. 143rd Cir. Omaha NE 68164 (402) 547-1842 Brett Veselka San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 412-7384 San Antonio Clark Roberts TX 782053522 TX 78216 (210) 244-4200 Bristol Alliance of Companies 14100 San Pedro Ave. Ste 410 700 N Saint Marys St Ste 700 12950 Country Pkwy Ste 120 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM San Antonio (210) 490-5877 PAGE 24 Sustaining Members ~ San Antonio Post Company/Agency POC Address City State & Zip Phone Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. Burns & McDonnell Michael Wantland 13225 Cepeda Helotes TX 78023 (210) 372-9393 Jon Larvick Dallas TX 75248 (972) 455-3120 CALIBRE Systems Inc. Joe Diana San Antonio TX 78217 (210) 276-2511 CAPE Monica Cooper 15950 Dallas Pkwy Tower II, Ste 700 1777 NE Loop 410 Ste 628 12037 Starcrest Dr. San Antonio TX 78247 (210) 377-2008 Cardno Inc. Catherine Doan 158 Grassmarket San Antonio TX 78259 (210) 481-1993 CAS Consulting & Services, Inc. CB&I Henry Leighton 14100 San Pedro Ave, Ste 405 45 NE Loop 410 Ste 495 51 3rd St San Antonio TX 78232 (512) 836-2388 San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 377-8806 Shalimar FL 32579 (207) 557-3339 8140 Walnut Hill Ln Ste 100 12301 Research Blvd. Ste 250 1777 NE Loop 410 Ste 616 114 W Commerce 5th Floor Dallas TX 75231 (214) 346-2800 Austin TX 78759 (512) 453-2468 San Antonio TX 78217 (210) 651-0027 San Antonio TX 782833966 (210) 207-6940 300 E Sonterra Blvd. Ste 1250 10301 Democracy Ln., Ste 300 16018 Via Shavano, Ste 101 33810 Weyerhaeuser Way S, Ste 100 1045 Central Parkway North, Suite 103 13750 San Pedro Ave Ste 600 1230 N Walnut St San Antonio TX 78258 (210) 798-2310 Fairfax VA 22030 (443) 845-1176 San Antonio TX 78249 (210) 807-8655 Federal Way WA 98001 (972) 765-7585 San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 340-5004 San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 546-2129 Colorado Springs San Antonio CO 80905 (719) 227-7773 (210) 641-1415 (919) 818-9407 Spencer Patterson CCI Energy & Construction Services, LLC CDM Smith Duncan Morrison CH2M HILL Jim Clary Cherokee Nation Businesses Ryan Wasmus City of San Antonio Transportation & Capital Improvements CP&Y, Inc. Sam Hutchins Scott Smith Josh Marazzini Dawson Technical, LLC Georgeann Morekas Michael Patterson Doyon Government Group Barry Jackson Drash Consultants, LLC Dawn Vernon EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. Eaton Corporation Brian O’Ferrall ECC Deborah Locklair CSS-Dynamac Gilbert Perry Energy Systems Group 9830 Colonnade Blvd. Ste 240 4655 Rosebud Lane Newburg TX 782302209 IN 47630 E.W. Wells Group Will Jones 3100 Main St # 45 Dallas TX 75226 (214) 421-2700 Farnsworth Group, Inc. Dennis Yates Frisco TX 75034 (210) 601-1404 FEDITC, LLC Gloria Wilson San Antonio TX 78201 (850) 832-6265 FPM Remediations, Inc. Bonnie Hopke San Antonio TX 78249 (210) 495-7744 Frankfurt-Short-Bruza Assoc., PC Freese and Nichols, Inc. Laure Majors 2595 Dallas Pkwy Ste 102 6243 IH 10 West Ste 500 5811 University Hts. Ste 101 5801 Broadway Ext Fl 500 4040 Broadway St Ste 600 Oklahoma City San Antonio OK 73118 (405) 840-2931 TX 78209 (210) 224-4400 JANUARY 2015 John New THE FORUM PAGE 25 Sustaining Members ~ San Antonio Post Company/Agency POC Address City State & Zip Phone North Little Rock Phoenix AR 72118 (501) 376-3633 AZ 85020 (602) 216-7200 San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 402-5423 San Antonio TX 78258 (210) 798-1895 Spring Branch TX 78070 (210) 253-6510 San Antonio TX 78217 (210) 872-0649 1500 S Dairy Ashford St, Ste 200 Houston TX 77077 (281) 496-0066 Diane Glass 404 E Ramsey Rd, Ste 210 San Antonio TX 782164667 (210) 348-8778 iM Studios, LLC Tab Baker 13333 Blanco Road Ste 116 San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 479-1100 Jacobs Jeff White 911 Central Pkwy North Ste 425 San Antonio TX 782325065 (210) 403-5546 Johnson Controls Federal Systems Tony Byrne 5692 E. Houston St 2nd Floor San Antonio TX 78220 (210) 217-2714 JSR, Inc. Patricia Cullum 8534 Greaves Lane Schertz TX 78154 (210) 653-7772 KBR North American Government & Defense Kiewit Victoria Aleman 1080 Eldridge Pkwy Houston TX 77077 (281) 687-5203 1800 S. Bell Street, Ste 300 Arlington VA 22202 (703) 415-2689 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Matthew McCormick 401 B St, Ste 600 San Diego CA 92101 (619) 744-0133 KPFF Consulting Engineers Nalini Chandran 2900 N Quinlan Park Rd Ste B240-230 Austin TX 78732 (512) 461-5489 Leidos Clifton Dunn 4242 E Piedras Dr, Ste 200 San Antonio TX 78228 (210) 577-2014 Leo A. Daly Kurt Ubbelohde 8600 Indian Hills Dr Omaha NE 681144039 (402) 390-4206 LMI Eric Stephens 1777 NE Loop 410, Ste 607 San Antonio TX 78217 (210) 860-2305 LNV, Inc. Byron Sanderfer 8918 Tesoro Dr, Ste 401 San Antonio TX 782176220 (210) 822-2232 Louis Burger Tim Tope 1250 23rd St NW Washington DC 20037 (202) 579-1908 Garver John Watkins III 4701 Northshore Dr GHD, Inc. Michael Carter Gilbane Federal Bill Krause Halff Assoc. Dwayne Hamilton 7600 North 16th Street, Ste 205 13750 San Pedro Ave. Ste 420 300 E. Sonterra, Ste 230 HDR Jack Sullivan Honeywell, International Jon Swanson Huitt-Zollars Inc. Tim Gatlin HydroGeoLogic Inc. JANUARY 2015 184 Creekside Park Ste 100 3823 Stahl Rd THE FORUM PAGE 26 Sustaining Members ~ San Antonio Post Company/Agency POC Address City State & Zip Phone LRS Federal LLC Thomas Scott 1114 Benfield Blvd Ste G Millersville MD 21108 (410) 544-3570 Matkin Hoover Engineering & Surveying Garrett Keller 8 Spencer Road Ste 100 Boerne TX 780068112 (830) 249-0600 MECX, LP Douglas Carvel 109 Hidden Hills New Braunfels TX 78132 (713) 585-7003 Merrick & Company David Yang 401 E Sonterra Blvd, Ste 250 San Antonio TX 78258 (210) 446-4315 Michael Baker Corporation Bill Macon 17721 Rogers Ranch Pkwy, Ste 250 San Antonio TX 78258 (210) 557-4811 MOCA Systems Sandy Hamby 901NE Loop 410, Ste 300 San Antonio TX 78209 (210) 826-1560 MWH Tony Risko 10010 San Pedro Ave, Ste 390 San Antonio TX 78216 (512) 496-7689 Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises, LLC Steven Houser 1030 Central Pkwy S San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 490-4865 Page Jonathan Sylvie 400 W. Cesar Chavez Ste 500 Austin TX 78701 (703) 527-4100 18900 Panduit Dr. Tinley Park IL 60487 (708) 532-1800 Panduit Corp Parsons Bruce Barthold 219 E. Houston St, Ste 350 San Antonio TX 78205 (210) 253-2601 Perini Management Services, Inc. John Gerstenlauer 73 Mt. Wayte Ave Framingham MA 017025803 (508) 628-2442 PIKA International Shahrukh Kanga 12723 Capricorn St, Ste 500 Stafford TX 774774022 (281)340-5525 Pond & Company Chris Farnie 3500 Parkway Ln, Ste 600 Norcross GA 30092 (678) 336-7740 Portage Craig Waller 901 N.E. Loop 410, Ste. 700 San Antonio TX 78209 (210) 829-4904 Professional Services Industries Inc. Edward Pruske 3 Burwood Lane San Antonio TX 782167038 (210) 342-9377 R. H. Shackleford, Inc. Kent Power 1100 NW Loop 410, Ste 350 San Antonio TX 78213 (210) 525-0647 Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Inc. John Holt 13750 San Pedro, Ste 300 San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 301-4812 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM PAGE 27 Sustaining Members ~ San Antonio Post Company/Agency San Antonio Design Group, Inc. POC Juan Saucedo, Jr. Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc. Address City State & Zip Phone 12719 Spectrum Dr. Ste 100 San Antonio TX 78249 (210) 342-6700 6504 Bridge Point Pkwy, Ste 100 Austin TX 78730 (512) 879-5200 Siemens Industries, Inc. John Quirk 12001 Network Blvd Ste 318 San Antonio TX 78249 (210) 525-7811 Skanska Ryan Aalsma 18615 Tuscany Stone, Ste 245 San Antonio TX 78258 (210) 301-7100 Slay Engineering Michael Slay 123 Altgelt Ave San Antonio TX 782011602 (210) 734-4388 Solutio Environmental, Inc. James McClain San Antonio TX 78247 (210) 749-7000 SpecPro Environmental Services LLC SpecPro Group Douglas Hodson 13003 Jones Maltsberger Rd 1006 Floyd Culler Ct Oak Ridge TN 37830 (423) 481-7837 Steve Veale San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 494-4282 Stanley Consultants Inc. Scott Hartford Austin TX 78731 (512) 427-3637 Stell Environmental Enterprises, Inc. SWCA Environmental Consultants TEAM Integrated Engineering, Inc. Frank Bissett 12500 San Pedro Ave, Ste 670 6863 Austin Center Blvd, Ste 350 423 Eagle Austin TX 78734 (512) 695-1345 Christine Westerman 6200 UTSA Blvd, Ste 102 San Antonio (210) 877-2847 Amy Shirlberg 15510 Creekside St San Antonio TX 782491618 TX 78232 (210) 452-6626 TEPA, LLC Tom Russell 12025 Starcrest San Antonio TX 78247 (210) 573-2830 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Robert Dalton 6911 Blanco Rd San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 641-2112 Tetra Tech Inc. Richard Cavada San Antonio Peter Holland Houston TX 782051508 TX 77073 (210) 226-2922 Texas Sterling Construction Co. The S.M. Stoller Corporation 700 N. Saint Mary’s St. Ste 300 20810 Fernbush Carl Forbes 13330 Remuda Ranch Dr San Antonio TX 78254 (210) 863-8481 Tidewater, Inc. Anthony Gardner 140 Heimer Rd Ste 750 San Antonio TX 78232 (210) 286-1981 Tremco Commercial Sealants and Waterproofing Ben Rogers 111 Emory Fields Drive Hutto TX 78634 (469) 667-0837 Trusant Technologies, LLC Joe DiGangi 6011 University Blvd Ste 400 Ellicott City MD 21043 (410) 418-5400 JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM (281) 821-9091 PAGE 28 Sustaining Members ~ San Antonio Post Company/Agency POC Address City State & Zip Phone U.S.G.S.– Texas Water Science Center Robert Joseph 1505 Ferguson Ln Austin TX 78754 (512) 927-3502 URS Corporation Gary Speer 9901 W IH 10, Ste 350 San Antonio TX 782302252 (210) 321-1104 U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center Stephen Termaath 2261 Hughes Ave, Ste 121 JBSA Lackland TX 78236 (210) 395-9428 Versar Will Dean 85 NE Loop 410 Ste 105 San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 390-2013 VICC International LLC Eddie Holcomb 840 CR 1195 Grapeland TX 75844 (936) 204-4321 VMAG, LLC Patrick O’Connor 12089 Starcrest Dr San Antonio TX 78247 (210) 495-3000 WESCO/CSC Mike Hall 1702 Juniper Ridge Loop Cedar Park TX 78613 (512) 470-0545 WestEast Design Group Katherine Kimm 200 E Grayson St, Ste 207 San Antonio TX 78215 (210) 530-0755 Weston Solutions, Inc. James Snyder 70 NE Loop 410, Ste 600 San Antonio TX 782165849 (210) 308-4309 W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company (Yates Construction) Randy Powell 900 Arion Parkway, Ste 110 San Antonio TX 78216 (210) 497-3973 Woolpert, Inc. Marci Snyder 4454 Idea Center Blvd Dayton OH 45430 (937) 531-1342 Zachry Construction Corp Glen Young San Antonio Winston Schaffer TX 782473624 TX 79114 (210) 871-2788 Zapata Incorporated 12625 Wetmore Rd, Ste 301 622 4th St JANUARY 2015 THE FORUM Floresville 210-705-0829 PAGE 29
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