Please notify the church office at 979.823.8073, when you have news to share in the newsletter, or if you or someone you know is in the hospital, is scheduled for admission, or was recently hospitalized. When admitted, please list First Presbyterian Church, as your church affiliation. If you would like to be visited by one of our hospital visitors, please agree to be included on the Pastoral Care List. Your church family wants to minister to you whenever you are ill, especially when you are in the hospital, and they can only do this if you inform them of your needs. 11.04.2014 Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Bryan, TX Permit 160 the chimes Sunday Mornings 9:00 Disciples Café (until 10:45) | 9:20 Church School * | 10:45 Worship *: Traditional & Contemporary * Child care provided RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED “Surviving the Holidays without You” Gary Roe, Chaplain at Hospice Brazos Valley, will lead a discussion on journeying through the holidays and navigating grief. Gary provides many helpful insights on surviving what can be a very difficult time. This includes survivors as well as those who walk alongside them. This opportunity happens on SUN, NOV 16, during the Church School hour (9:20am-10:20am) in the Library. Family and friends welcome. For more information contact Marie Mickey, 979.823.8073 or 1100 Carter Creek Pkwy Bryan TX 77802-1129 Ph. 979.823.8073 Fax. 979.822.7063 Coffee & Dessert with Rusty & Sara Church Office Hours M-F, 8:30am to 4:30pm Visit us on the web MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 7:00PM Fellowship Hall Meet Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson who serve in Peru as delegations and partnership coordinators. They host PC(USA) delegations visiting Peru and work with partner churches and serve at the invitation of the Evangelical Presbyterian and Reformed Church of Peru (IEPRP) and the Peruvian Evangelical Church. They hosted FPC’s mission team in July! “Like” us on 11/13 11/13 11/15 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/19 11/20 Billy Houseman Wendy Wolfe Erna McCollum Midge Hiebeler Polly Beals Marsha Milford Rachel Jordan J.J. Lenderman 11/21 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/27 Mickey Bielamowicz Audrey Prouty Cindy Marcotte Cheryl Page Rosemary Gaines Candy Vinson Andrea Ratcliffe Denny Cole ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Alice Beals Virginia Buttery Shirley Dill Sunshine & Roy Greer Mary Alice Hall Eva Nell Juliff Ted Burk Jason Morris Michael Muston Ryan Ratcliffe Curtis van Engel Joanna van Engel ♥ Delores Kremenak ♥ Janie Metzer ♥ Helen Nachlinger ♥ Charlotte Rogers ♥ Mary Ann & Milton Thompson ♥ Marjorie Wright Members & fRIENDS In the Military Scriptures in Sunday Worship The deadline for the next issue of the newsletter, The Chimes (incl. the December calendar), is NOON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16. Submit content to: NOVEMBER 16 Mark 9:14-32 NOVEMBER 23 Luke 9:37-50 ALL WOMEN OF THE CHURCH ARE INVITED TO PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN THANK OFFERING LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 11:30am Fellowship Hall GUEST SPEAKER Jackie Pacha Director Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living “Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds.” ‒ Hebrews 10:24 Join us for a delicious lunch and exciting program. 2015 Finances for Ministries Update Many members picked up “stewardship financial packets” when at worship on Nov 02. Packets for other memberhouseholds will be mailed this week. On Sunday, Nov 16, during worship, FPC will dedicate to God its estimates of giving for 2015 as submitted on the estimate-of-giving response cards. This will include both (1) estimates for the 2015 Annual Ministries (operating) Budget and (2) estimates for the HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning) and Building Renovation Project. Please call Karen at the church office, 979.823.8073, if you fail to receive a packet by Monday afternoon, Nov 10, and we will arrange delivery to you. Further information/updates on 2015 finances for ministry: Session elders and committees/task force members continue prayer, thought, debate, and effort toward: (a) reducing (where possible) categories’ projected expenditures in the 2015 Annual Ministries Budget; (b) lowering construction bids through reconsideration of viable mechanical alternatives to the HVAC bids received; (c) selling the manse and the 1.87 acres on the south side of Burton Creek between 31st Street and Carter Creek Parkway; and (d) enhancing with peoplecaring outreach ministries and discipleship development serving God in Jesus Christ. We continue to pray expecting God will seek our faithfulness. Someone has said of the HVAC project and the challenge of paying for it: “I consider how years ago people gave money and effort for the construction of this building as home-base for ministries. Much ministry with people and mission-giving has occurred from this church. Now we have to pause and take care of necessary maintenance so the building can effectively be home-base for ministries with and among God’s people for many years to come.” Amen?! Preaching Christ | Teaching Discipleship | Reaching Others First Presbyterian Church Bryan, Texas | A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) MINISTRYon the Laurine Elkins-Marlow, Interim Director of Music ( by Marie Mickey, Associate Pastor ( If You Don’t Wear It, Share It! Prime Time Gather to Give Thanks TWIN CITY MISSION is conducting the annual drive for new and gently used coats, hats, scarves, gloves, blankets, etc. A marked box is located on the Patio for your donations through Sun, Nov 16. Act now and share the warmth! Take note!!! We’ll be gathering on WED, NOV 12, at 11:30am in the Library/Parlor. We’ll feast on turkey and dressing. You bring a side and a friend and come for the feast! Red Hatters November Lunch As Presbyterian Women first and foremost, Red Hatters join other PW’s at the Thank Offering Luncheon on WED, NOV 19, at 11:30am in Carter Creek Foyer. A delicious lunch will be served. Jackie Pacha, Director, Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living, is the guest speaker. Don’t miss this wonderful event! Wednesdays “Around the Table” A mid-week opportunity for physical and spiritual nourishment held monthly this fall.* Concert, October 19Share Your Musical Concert, October 19 Gifts & Talents CHANCEL CHOIR (Tuesdays, 6:00pm, Choir Room) and ANGELUS HANDBELLS (Tuesdays, 7:30pm, Bell Room) are rehearsing music for worship and preparing for Advent and Christmas. A Service of Lessons and Carols is scheduled for SUN, DEC 21. We always welcome new singers and ringers. CHILDREN’S CHOIR REHEARSAL starts up SUN, NOV 9, at the beginning of church school hour (9:20am). INSTRUMENTALISTS and SOLOISTS are always welcome! Please share your musical gifts at any time, and we will find a place for your talents. NOVEMBER 12 Dinner begins at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall. FEATURING: CHICKEN KIEV, RICE, AND SALAD Cost is $6.00 per person. Children under four eat FREE. Family max. is $20 00. Chefs Allyn & Judy Jordan are organizing the meal. RSVP by Sun, Nov 9, to or 979.823.8073. Evening Vespers follows the dinner at 6:50pm. * Next Opportunity: December 3 Growing Disciples by Kathryn Nachlinger, Director of Christian Education (, PUPPETS FOR JESUS “SHARING FEAST” NEW TIME & PLACE!!! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 DURING WORSHIP (10:45AM) IN THE SANCTUARY Parenting Seminars Continue Children’s Church School Class This fall on Sunday mornings, parenting seminars are held during the church school hour (9:20am to 10:20am) in Room 302. NOV 9, 30 Enhancing Your Child’s Imagination Presenter: Nancy Self Sunday Mornings (9:20am to 10:20am) ELEMENTARY. Children (K-GR 4) meet in Room 13 with Beth Morris, Claire Schmidt. GR 5-6 meet in Room 10 with Amber Fattig. NOV 16 A Good Job. Children use the parable of the talents to discover their talents and ways to use them. Matthew 25:14-30. NOV 23 The Hidden Christ. Children explore the parable of the nations to learn about serving as a group and with the congregation. Matthew 25:31-46 NOV 16, 23 Thoughts on Dealing with Sibling Rivalry Presenter: Harriet Elliott Clothing & Toy Drive FPC Boy Scout Troup 257 is collecting clothing (all sizes) and toys. The clothing will be donated to the SALVATION ARMY; the gently used toys will be donated to the TWIN CITY MISSION. A box is on the patio ready to receive your donations. This is a great time to clean out your closets and donate your items. YOUng Adult News by Katherine Doehring, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator (910.520.5224, YOU†h Haps Lindsay Cooper, Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator (210.380.3385, Coming Up BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY NOV. 12 ‒ NO BIBLE STUDY. Get your school work done so that you can participate on Saturday and Sunday! NOV. 19 , 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Join us on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 7:30pm in the Parlor as we explore the book of Mark. In lieu of Bible study on NOV 12, all are invited to Friends of Chamber Music Concert in our sanctuary. GAME NIGHT SUN, NOV 16, 5:30pm. Note change of time! Home of Colin & Eleanor Ryder, 2310 Avon St, Bryan. The Ryders will provide the entrée. Please bring a side or dessert and your favorite board/card game! THEOLOGY ON TAP A monthly opportunity to share ecumenical theological discussion on a wide range of topics! Thanks to all who came out for TOT this month on our night to host, sharing a little Reformed Theology with our ecumenical Christian friends! Next up . . . MON, DEC 8, 7:30pm. Benjamin Knox Wine Depot. Chick Flicks in November SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 10:00am to Noon Fellowship Hall Parents and Grandparents, bring your children (K-6 GR), to experience the joy of giving to others. HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! Let others know about the concert, help clear the chancel area following worship on day of concert, provide a soup, set up for orchestra, greet, usher, for the reception ‒ provide finger foods or dessert, set up, serve, clean up, and, of course ‒ be there to hear the glorious sounds or lend your voice. To volunteer, contact Nicole McKinley, or 979.703.1425. Young Adults (18-35) SAVE THE DATE! Children's Gift Making Workshop The MESSIAH SING ALONG is SUN, NOV 30, 5:00pm, in our sanctuary. You are invited to listen or join in chorus. Musical scores will be available for purchase at the concert. To order a score, visit and order the G. Schirmer edition, Item #441725. Cost is $8.99. To practice ahead of time, check out the website below to learn your part: On FRI, NOV 21, Chick Flicks head to Stage Center to see “The Miracle Worker” ‒ the classic story of Annie Sullivan and her student ‒ blind, deaf, and mute ‒ Helen Keller. Supper arrangements are yet to be determined. For details, contact Susan McGrail, YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SAT, NOV 15, 10:00am. Set-up and prep for the Luncheon. Meet in Fellowship Hall. SUN, NOV 16, Spaghetti Luncheon. All youth should arrive at 9:30am and plan to stay until the luncheon is over. SUN, NOV 23. NO YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. A Blessed Thanksgiving to All! Caring & Sharing The Church administered the Sacrament of Baptism to Russell David Cochrane, infant son of RACHEL & BLAYNE COCHRANE, and grandson of JANICE & DAVID SAHM on November 2. THANK YOU, FPC! From the family of CINDY HILL: Words cannot express our gratitude for all the support given to our mother and family during her illness and passing. Thank you for your continued prayers. From the Samuelsons, grandchildren of DOROTHY & PAUL VAN RIPER: We thank you for being such a wonderful church family to Dorothy and Paul and for taking excellent care of us during the time of their passing. MINISTRYon the Laurine Elkins-Marlow, Interim Director of Music ( by Marie Mickey, Associate Pastor ( If You Don’t Wear It, Share It! Prime Time Gather to Give Thanks TWIN CITY MISSION is conducting the annual drive for new and gently used coats, hats, scarves, gloves, blankets, etc. A marked box is located on the Patio for your donations through Sun, Nov 16. Act now and share the warmth! Take note!!! We’ll be gathering on WED, NOV 12, at 11:30am in the Library/Parlor. We’ll feast on turkey and dressing. You bring a side and a friend and come for the feast! Red Hatters November Lunch As Presbyterian Women first and foremost, Red Hatters join other PW’s at the Thank Offering Luncheon on WED, NOV 19, at 11:30am in Carter Creek Foyer. A delicious lunch will be served. Jackie Pacha, Director, Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living, is the guest speaker. Don’t miss this wonderful event! Wednesdays “Around the Table” A mid-week opportunity for physical and spiritual nourishment held monthly this fall.* Concert, October 19Share Your Musical Concert, October 19 Gifts & Talents CHANCEL CHOIR (Tuesdays, 6:00pm, Choir Room) and ANGELUS HANDBELLS (Tuesdays, 7:30pm, Bell Room) are rehearsing music for worship and preparing for Advent and Christmas. A Service of Lessons and Carols is scheduled for SUN, DEC 21. We always welcome new singers and ringers. CHILDREN’S CHOIR REHEARSAL starts up SUN, NOV 9, at the beginning of church school hour (9:20am). INSTRUMENTALISTS and SOLOISTS are always welcome! Please share your musical gifts at any time, and we will find a place for your talents. NOVEMBER 12 Dinner begins at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall. FEATURING: CHICKEN KIEV, RICE, AND SALAD Cost is $6.00 per person. Children under four eat FREE. Family max. is $20 00. Chefs Allyn & Judy Jordan are organizing the meal. RSVP by Sun, Nov 9, to or 979.823.8073. Evening Vespers follows the dinner at 6:50pm. * Next Opportunity: December 3 Growing Disciples by Kathryn Nachlinger, Director of Christian Education (, PUPPETS FOR JESUS “SHARING FEAST” NEW TIME & PLACE!!! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 DURING WORSHIP (10:45AM) IN THE SANCTUARY Parenting Seminars Continue Children’s Church School Class This fall on Sunday mornings, parenting seminars are held during the church school hour (9:20am to 10:20am) in Room 302. NOV 9, 30 Enhancing Your Child’s Imagination Presenter: Nancy Self Sunday Mornings (9:20am to 10:20am) ELEMENTARY. Children (K-GR 4) meet in Room 13 with Beth Morris, Claire Schmidt. GR 5-6 meet in Room 10 with Amber Fattig. NOV 16 A Good Job. Children use the parable of the talents to discover their talents and ways to use them. Matthew 25:14-30. NOV 23 The Hidden Christ. Children explore the parable of the nations to learn about serving as a group and with the congregation. Matthew 25:31-46 NOV 16, 23 Thoughts on Dealing with Sibling Rivalry Presenter: Harriet Elliott Clothing & Toy Drive FPC Boy Scout Troup 257 is collecting clothing (all sizes) and toys. The clothing will be donated to the SALVATION ARMY; the gently used toys will be donated to the TWIN CITY MISSION. A box is on the patio ready to receive your donations. This is a great time to clean out your closets and donate your items. YOUng Adult News by Katherine Doehring, Young Adult Ministry Coordinator (910.520.5224, YOU†h Haps Lindsay Cooper, Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator (210.380.3385, Coming Up BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY NOV. 12 ‒ NO BIBLE STUDY. Get your school work done so that you can participate on Saturday and Sunday! NOV. 19 , 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Join us on WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 7:30pm in the Parlor as we explore the book of Mark. In lieu of Bible study on NOV 12, all are invited to Friends of Chamber Music Concert in our sanctuary. GAME NIGHT SUN, NOV 16, 5:30pm. Note change of time! Home of Colin & Eleanor Ryder, 2310 Avon St, Bryan. The Ryders will provide the entrée. Please bring a side or dessert and your favorite board/card game! THEOLOGY ON TAP A monthly opportunity to share ecumenical theological discussion on a wide range of topics! Thanks to all who came out for TOT this month on our night to host, sharing a little Reformed Theology with our ecumenical Christian friends! Next up . . . MON, DEC 8, 7:30pm. Benjamin Knox Wine Depot. Chick Flicks in November SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 10:00am to Noon Fellowship Hall Parents and Grandparents, bring your children (K-6 GR), to experience the joy of giving to others. HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! Let others know about the concert, help clear the chancel area following worship on day of concert, provide a soup, set up for orchestra, greet, usher, for the reception ‒ provide finger foods or dessert, set up, serve, clean up, and, of course ‒ be there to hear the glorious sounds or lend your voice. To volunteer, contact Nicole McKinley, or 979.703.1425. Young Adults (18-35) SAVE THE DATE! Children's Gift Making Workshop The MESSIAH SING ALONG is SUN, NOV 30, 5:00pm, in our sanctuary. You are invited to listen or join in chorus. Musical scores will be available for purchase at the concert. To order a score, visit and order the G. Schirmer edition, Item #441725. Cost is $8.99. To practice ahead of time, check out the website below to learn your part: On FRI, NOV 21, Chick Flicks head to Stage Center to see “The Miracle Worker” ‒ the classic story of Annie Sullivan and her student ‒ blind, deaf, and mute ‒ Helen Keller. Supper arrangements are yet to be determined. For details, contact Susan McGrail, YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SAT, NOV 15, 10:00am. Set-up and prep for the Luncheon. Meet in Fellowship Hall. SUN, NOV 16, Spaghetti Luncheon. All youth should arrive at 9:30am and plan to stay until the luncheon is over. SUN, NOV 23. NO YOUTH FELLOWSHIP. A Blessed Thanksgiving to All! Caring & Sharing The Church administered the Sacrament of Baptism to Russell David Cochrane, infant son of RACHEL & BLAYNE COCHRANE, and grandson of JANICE & DAVID SAHM on November 2. THANK YOU, FPC! From the family of CINDY HILL: Words cannot express our gratitude for all the support given to our mother and family during her illness and passing. Thank you for your continued prayers. From the Samuelsons, grandchildren of DOROTHY & PAUL VAN RIPER: We thank you for being such a wonderful church family to Dorothy and Paul and for taking excellent care of us during the time of their passing. Please notify the church office at 979.823.8073, when you have news to share in the newsletter, or if you or someone you know is in the hospital, is scheduled for admission, or was recently hospitalized. When admitted, please list First Presbyterian Church, as your church affiliation. If you would like to be visited by one of our hospital visitors, please agree to be included on the Pastoral Care List. Your church family wants to minister to you whenever you are ill, especially when you are in the hospital, and they can only do this if you inform them of your needs. 11.04.2014 Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Bryan, TX Permit 160 the chimes Sunday Mornings 9:00 Disciples Café (until 10:45) | 9:20 Church School * | 10:45 Worship *: Traditional & Contemporary * Child care provided RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED “Surviving the Holidays without You” Gary Roe, Chaplain at Hospice Brazos Valley, will lead a discussion on journeying through the holidays and navigating grief. Gary provides many helpful insights on surviving what can be a very difficult time. This includes survivors as well as those who walk alongside them. This opportunity happens on SUN, NOV 16, during the Church School hour (9:20am-10:20am) in the Library. Family and friends welcome. For more information contact Marie Mickey, 979.823.8073 or 1100 Carter Creek Pkwy Bryan TX 77802-1129 Ph. 979.823.8073 Fax. 979.822.7063 Coffee & Dessert with Rusty & Sara Church Office Hours M-F, 8:30am to 4:30pm Visit us on the web MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 7:00PM Fellowship Hall Meet Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson who serve in Peru as delegations and partnership coordinators. They host PC(USA) delegations visiting Peru and work with partner churches and serve at the invitation of the Evangelical Presbyterian and Reformed Church of Peru (IEPRP) and the Peruvian Evangelical Church. They hosted FPC’s mission team in July! “Like” us on 11/13 11/13 11/15 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/19 11/20 Billy Houseman Wendy Wolfe Erna McCollum Midge Hiebeler Polly Beals Marsha Milford Rachel Jordan J.J. Lenderman 11/21 11/23 11/23 11/23 11/25 11/25 11/26 11/27 Mickey Bielamowicz Audrey Prouty Cindy Marcotte Cheryl Page Rosemary Gaines Candy Vinson Andrea Ratcliffe Denny Cole ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Alice Beals Virginia Buttery Shirley Dill Sunshine & Roy Greer Mary Alice Hall Eva Nell Juliff Ted Burk Jason Morris Michael Muston Ryan Ratcliffe Curtis van Engel Joanna van Engel ♥ Delores Kremenak ♥ Janie Metzer ♥ Helen Nachlinger ♥ Charlotte Rogers ♥ Mary Ann & Milton Thompson ♥ Marjorie Wright Members & fRIENDS In the Military Scriptures in Sunday Worship The deadline for the next issue of the newsletter, The Chimes (incl. the December calendar), is NOON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16. Submit content to: NOVEMBER 16 Mark 9:14-32 NOVEMBER 23 Luke 9:37-50 ALL WOMEN OF THE CHURCH ARE INVITED TO PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN THANK OFFERING LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 11:30am Fellowship Hall GUEST SPEAKER Jackie Pacha Director Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living “Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds.” ‒ Hebrews 10:24 Join us for a delicious lunch and exciting program. 2015 Finances for Ministries Update Many members picked up “stewardship financial packets” when at worship on Nov 02. Packets for other memberhouseholds will be mailed this week. On Sunday, Nov 16, during worship, FPC will dedicate to God its estimates of giving for 2015 as submitted on the estimate-of-giving response cards. This will include both (1) estimates for the 2015 Annual Ministries (operating) Budget and (2) estimates for the HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning) and Building Renovation Project. Please call Karen at the church office, 979.823.8073, if you fail to receive a packet by Monday afternoon, Nov 10, and we will arrange delivery to you. Further information/updates on 2015 finances for ministry: Session elders and committees/task force members continue prayer, thought, debate, and effort toward: (a) reducing (where possible) categories’ projected expenditures in the 2015 Annual Ministries Budget; (b) lowering construction bids through reconsideration of viable mechanical alternatives to the HVAC bids received; (c) selling the manse and the 1.87 acres on the south side of Burton Creek between 31st Street and Carter Creek Parkway; and (d) enhancing with peoplecaring outreach ministries and discipleship development serving God in Jesus Christ. We continue to pray expecting God will seek our faithfulness. Someone has said of the HVAC project and the challenge of paying for it: “I consider how years ago people gave money and effort for the construction of this building as home-base for ministries. Much ministry with people and mission-giving has occurred from this church. Now we have to pause and take care of necessary maintenance so the building can effectively be home-base for ministries with and among God’s people for many years to come.” Amen?! Preaching Christ | Teaching Discipleship | Reaching Others First Presbyterian Church Bryan, Texas | A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
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