MARK YOUR CALENDARS Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Annual Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet Friday November 14th Sugar Mill Country Club RSVP Required 6 pm Official Membership Directory & Community Guides 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 PHONE: 386-428-2449 FAX: 386-423-3512 SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM WWW.SEVCHAMBER.COM Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 ARE HERE! PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Stop by the chamber and pick up yours today New Smyrna Beach, FL CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 67 NOVEMBER 2014 SAVE THE DATE S SOU T H EA ST HO & HOME SHOW BUSINESS EXPO focus VOLUSIA Historic Canal Street - Downtown New Smyrna Beach JANUARY 17, 2015 Official Newsletter Of The Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce Booth Space & Sponsorships Now Available! Serving the Communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater & Oak Hill 20 2014 d e l u d e h c Res in a R o T E U D New Date December 5th Platinum Sponsor: HOME SHOW HO & BUSINESS EXPO HISTORIC CANAL STREET - DOWNTOWN NEW SMYRNA BEACH JANUARY 17, 2015 Booth Space & Sponsorships Now Available! Space is Limited l Event Sold Out in 2014 l Over 10,000 Attend 1:00 pm Shotgun Start 4 Person Scramble Many ways to be involved! Play in the Tournament . . . Start with a Boxed Lunch, Play a round of golf with your friends and business associates on one of the best courses in the area, finish with dinner, prizes and networking at the country club. Enter a foursome for only $350! Become a Sponsor . . . A great way to advertise your company/products/services! Your company name, logo, banner can be on seen on all event advertising, the Chamber’s weekly e-mail blasts, golf carts, event banners, etc. depending on the sponsorship level you choose. $85 per Player $325 per Foursome Donate a Prize . . . DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SHOWCASE YOUR BUSINESS! Sponsored by: The golf committee will be contacting local businesses to donate prizes for the event. Companies that donate will have their name in the Tournament program and be announced at the Awards Dinner. Volunteer . . . The golf committee is looking for people to help with event planning and day of event activities. Committee Chairs Donna Concannon and Lee Griffith will be happy to have you participate with them for this fun event! Contact the Chamber at 428-2449 for more information. Please see the Player / Sponsor Registration Form included in this newsletter. Contact us today to reserve your space! / or 386-428-2449 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM To Reserve Your Space Call: 386-428-2449 or register on-line ADVERTISING SPACES AVAILABLE FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER, CALL FOR DETAILS 386-428-2449 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOVEMBER Wednesday, November 5 Ribbon Cutting – Filthy Rich 145 Canal Street, NSB 10:00 AM Friday, November 7 Seminar - Facebook for Business Presented by: Audrey Ostoyic Livin Lyfe Marketing City of Edgewater Council Chambers 104 N. Riverside Drive, EW 7:45 AM – 10.05 AM Cost: $65 (must have attended introductory class) Tuesday, November 11 Ambassador Luncheon Location: Norwood’s Members Renewals... Message From the President Jamie Calkins, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management The Executive Board at the Chamber reviewed hundreds of resumes, conducted numerous interviews, and participated in much discussion. With that being said, I am pleased to announce that we have chosen Sue Williams as the next Executive Vice President of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Williams brings the experience, knowledge, skills, contacts, and professionalism that this job requires and we are extremely excited to be working with her. Our communities will benefit greatly with her as the leader of our Chamber of Commerce. I am also pleased to announce the results of our Executive Board Election. Our 2015 President Mike Funaro (Rainmaker Consulting) will have the pleasure of working with President-Elect Steve Harrell (Bert Fish Medical Center), Elected Vice President Donna Snow (Regions Bank), and Secretary/Treasurer Trudy Ward (Suntrust Bank). We would also like to welcome (or welcome back in some cases) our newest members of the Board of Directors: Krissy Chalk (Serenity Springs Recovery Center), Lillian Conrad (S.C.O.R.E.), Frank Crooks (Garriques & Associates Staff Leasing), Buddy Davenport (State Farm Insurance), Melanie Emanuel (Allstate Insurance), Peggy Hallett (StorQuest Storage), Ken Poulin (First Response Disaster Team), and Marlene Thomas (Florida Hospital). With this team you can expect 2015 to be the best year yet for our Chamber of Commerce. Noon Cost: Buy your own lunch Wednesday, November 12 Ribbon Cutting – Exit Real Estate Property Solutions Lastly, I would like to personally thank Kelly Azzinaro, Kenneth Bohannon, Debora Schmeltz, and Lauren Keeler for their service on our Board of Directors. So many of us have learned and benefited from their countless hours of service in our community. They will be missed greatly and we wish you all the best! 120 Flagler Avenue, NSB 10:00 AM Thursday, November 13 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB Jamie Calkins Financial Advisor Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 1616 Concierge Blvd., Suite 201 Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Phone: 386-274-3012 9:00 am Friday, November 14 Annual Installation & Awards Banquet Sugar Mill Country Club 100 Clubhouse Circle, NSB 32168 6:00 pm Cost: $35.00 Reservations Required Wednesday, November 19 Ribbon Cutting – Planet Pizza NSB 634 3rd Avenue, NSB 10:00 AM Wednesday, November 19 Education Committee Chamber Bldg, 115 Canal St. NSB 5:00 PM Thursday, November 20 Membership Committee The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce CALENDAR OF EVENTS Number of Years of Membership Aarons Sales & Lease Anchor Roofing Services Inc. Cathy Harris, Acupuncture Physician Cruise Planners- Jean Tauber Dulando Screen & Awning, Inc. Eagle Eye Dental East Coast Paddle First Response Disaster Team Gulf Atlantic Vehicles Inc. Humana MarketPoint Inlet Securities Joie Alexander Lifestyle Magazine Marine Discovery Center Inc. McDonald’s McGee Tire Store Monavie Bea Gilmore & Andrew Murphy MTN Resources Off the Hook Seafood & Pub Routh and Miller, MDs Terri Jackson Real Estate The Colony Beach Club The NSB Observer The Tax Doctors of Volusia County P.A. Trey Harshaw & Associates – Allstate Insurance Water Taxi Express DECEMBER 2 2 11 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 1 4 3 16 2 5 1 5 5 1 10 33 2 13 10 Wednesday, December 3 Ribbon Cutting –HIG Insurance Group 813 A1A (at the corner of 3rd Avenue & Southard) New Smyrna Beach 10:00 AM Friday, December 5 Chamber Classic Golf Tournament Hidden Lakes Golf Club 1:00 PM Shotgun Start Wednesday, December 10 Chamber Holiday Open House & Toy Drive Chamber Bldg, 115 Canal Street, NSB 5:00 – 7:00 pm Cost: Toy for Toy Drive Thursday, December 11 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 9:00 am Thursday, December 18 Membership Committee Chamber Bldg., 115 Canal St. NSB 8:30 AM Monday, December 22 – Thursday, January 1 2 Chamber Closed invites you to attend the Annual Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet NEW DATE Christmas and New Years’ Holiday Upcoming Events & Programs To see the most up to date Chamber events and programs, visit 2015 Dec & Jan Please join us in welcoming our 2015 Directors and Officers and celebrate those who contributed to a successful 2014 Chamber Bldg., 115 Canal St. NSB 32168 8:30 AM Thursday, November 20 New Members Reception Chamber Blvd, 115 Canal Street, NSB Friday, November 14, 2014 6:00 pm Sugar Mill Country Club 100 Clubhouse Circle, New Smyrna Beach, FL 5:00 – 7:00 pm Friday, November 21 Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening – SEV Chamber with the City of NSB Reservations are required. Cost $35 per person. Cash Bar. Please kindly reserve your seat with a credit card or check by Friday, November 7th / 386-428-2449 Location: at the eastern trailhead on West Pine Avenue. The eastern trail head is on West Pine Ave. between Jungle Road & Pioneer Trail 9:30 AM Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28 Chamber Closed Thanksgiving Holiday Observed Earn A Free $50 Ad In The Newsletter! Refer a new member prospect to the Chamber of Commerce and you receive a free ad in the Chamber’s newsletter. Simply provide the contact information to The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. If the prospect joins the Chamber you will receive a business card size ad in the newsletter for free – a $50 value! Call 386-428-2449 or email Serving the Communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater & Oak Hill PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Chamber News Join Us November 20, 2014 as the City of Edgewater Presents CRA Plan to County Council The City of Edgewater has been striving to establish a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) within the City since 2002. The Proposed CRA (Community Redevelopment Area) Plan encompasses the City’s core area along Ridgewood Avenue (US1) from the city limits to Falcon Avenue. On November 20, 2014, the City will Request the Volusia County Council to “grant delegation of authority to the City to establish a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA)”. We need your support! We need people to attend the meeting on the 20th of November and speak in support of the Edgewater CRA. If you can’t make the meeting, we need you to contact each of the Volusia County Council members to ask them to support Edgewater’s CRA. If you need the Council member’s contact information, visit the county’s web site at, click on government and then click on county-council. For more information and to see the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) documents, please visit City’s Web Site www.cityofedgewater. Questions? Contact: Samantha Bishop Economic Development Coordinator 386-424-2400 ext.1330 On December 11 the City of New Smyrna Beach will present its application for a new Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to the Volusia County Council. (The current CRA ceases operations in May, 2015.) The new CRA includes properties on US 1 (from the Airport to Edgewater) and the Historic Westside, the Airport Industrial Park, the Canal St and Medical District area, and a portion of the North Causeway. The application calls for Capital Improvements over a 40 year period with projects on US 1 and in the Historic Westside, Canal St, and North Causeway area. Questions? Contact: Tony Otte / CRA/Economic Development Director City of New Smyrna Beach, Florida (386) 424-2265 / (386) 566-3941 Bert Fish Medical Center’s innovative “Fit for Life” employee wellness program has yielded significant results in employee satisfaction and positive patient care. BFMC was awarded “Best Hospital Workplace (under 150 beds) at the annual Florida Hospital Association Celebration of Achievement in Quality and Service Awards held Thursday, October 16, 2014 in Orlando. This is the fourth year in a row that BFMC has earned this distinction. RIBBON CUTTINGS Internation Deli (386) 423-6656 Third Wave Cafe (386) 402-7864 US.Blinds Fabrications Inc. (386) 428-7766 Photo credit to Mark Steigner – Keys to Our City The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce “Visioning Meeting” Report… Mike Funaro, President-Elect | The Rainmaker Consulting Group BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jamie Calkins, President Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Mike Funaro, President-Elect The Rainmaker Consulting Group Donna Snow, Elected Vice President Regions Bank - Edgewater Kenneth Bohannon, Secretary / Treasurer Kenneth Bohannon, P.L. Debora Schmeltz, Immediate Past President Humana MarketPOINT Kelly Azzinaro, VP Education Chase Bank Steve Harrell, VP Economic Development Bert Fish Medical Center James Archimbaud Keyes Realty Carlos Giraldo SunBeach Consulting Trey Harshaw Trey Harshaw & Associates - Allstate Insurance Lauren Keeler Wishworks Media Lilli Sheller Best Western Hotel & Suites Trudy Ward SunTrust Bank Larry Volenenc Florida Power & Light OUR PARTNERS City Of New Smyrna Beach City Of Edgewater City Of Oak Hill MEDIA SPONSORS AM1230 WSBB Radio Smyrna Life Quarterly Magazine Keys To Our City HomeTown News New Smyrna Pennysaver EXECUTIVE STAFF Sue Williams Executive Vice President Jill Geddy Administrative Assistant Katrina Guevara Membership Sales Representative 27 Candidates total, from Congressional candidates, 4 State Representative presentative Candidates, Circuit Judge Candidates, School Board, County Council At Large, Volusia Soil and Water, All of the he Candidates for the cities of Edgewater and New Smyrna Beach. Congratulations to Hob Nob Chair, Steve Harrell of Bert Fish, and his Hob Nob team! On Friday afternoon September 19th inside the historic Chamber of Commerce Building on Canal Street, a gathering took place. The purpose of this gathering was a “Visioning Meeting” to discuss scuss er of the past, the present and most importantly the future of the Southeast Volusia Chamber Commerce. Leaders from the public and private sectors, educators, board members and Chamber mber staff gathered with the purpose of developing a “Vision” of our Chamber’s future. There were many regular contributors to our Chamber, however it was very exciting to hear comments and suggestions gestions from community leaders, many of whom were new to our conversation. I know most of us left energized and connected. onnected. 4 1 0 2 The first third of the meeting focused on our past and the influences the Chamber has had d in it’s over 80 years of existence. It is important to understand the impact we have had and the foundation upon which we are built. The second third focused on the current operations of our Chamber and our current Program of Work. Many people in attendance were unaware of how much actually takes place in our Chamber of Commerce. The last third was focused on “Chamber 2.0”, and “One Vision, One Purpose”. Every person in the room provided insight and contributed to the session. A survey was developed based on comments and suggestions made by the attendees and distributed to them afterwards. The survey results are proving to be very helpful as we work on our Program of Work for 2015. This same survey will be sent to the entire Chamber membership shortly so you too can have a voice in our future. The future of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce is extremely bright with many new and exciting plans coming in 2015. I encourage you to make your voice heard. Our Board of Directors for 2015 is fully engaged and ready to achieve great things ahead. Please attend our Installation Banquet being held on Friday, November 14th at Sugar Mill Country Club and show your support for the dedicated and hard working folks who work every day to support our communities and our Chamber members. B O N B O H NSB Candidates Packed the Room! Respectfully, Mike Funaro President Elect 2015 Membership Committee Report… Sarah Mellring, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. | 386-427-0694 ext 304 4 I love getting swept up in the Holiday season, and November is one of my favorite months of the year. Halloween is over and I can fully immerse myself in the season. Baking, family and friends, and get-togethers are some of the many things that I look forward to. This time of year I always like to take a few moments to reflect on the months past and remind myself all that I have to be grateful for. The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce is on my list this year. The chamber staff, members, and committee volunteers have helped make this year great and I truly have appreciated having the opportunity to get to know all of you. From myself and the membership committee, thanks to all who have made this a great year! The membership committee meets the third Thursday of each month from 8:30am to 9:30am at the Chamber of Commerce. CORPORATE SPONSORS Advanced Air & Heat Bert Fish Medical Center Bright House Networks Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center Image Today Graphics Kenneth Bohannon, P.L. Mullinax Ford NSB Clothing Pioneer Trail Self Storage The Daytona Beach News Journal Total Care IT / NSB Computers UCF – Daytona Beach Southeast Volusia Hob Nob 2014 014 was a Huge Success! Ambassadors Committee Report… Peggy Hallett, StorQuest (formerly Pioneer Trail Self Storage) | 386-427-4123 AMBASSADORS = ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! I spoke about leadership at our last Ambassador Luncheon and what it meant to me. What I was hoping for was a chance to get our Ambassadors thinking about what type of leadership they are providing to our community. We are all very different with different leadership styles and I truly believe that our Ambassadors are the epitome of people “leading with their actions.” We live our lives and allow others to watch, knowing that while our example is not perfect, at least it is one that is constructive and honorable – more often than not. I am so very proud of each of you and what you contribute to all of us. Congratulations to Donna Poirier with Diversified Accounting Solutions as our October, Ambassador of the Month with 800 points. Donna was out of town during our luncheon so she was unable to be recognized. We will do the honors at our next Ambassador luncheon on November 11. Great job, Donna. Remember, the two most important words for Ambassadors and Chamber members….”get involved” ed” with your Chamber and your business will grow! Ambassador of the Month Donna Poirier with Diversified Accounting Solutions County Council At Large Edgewater Candidates Welcome New Members OF THE SOUTHEAST VOLUSIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE State Representatives The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce “Visioning Meeting” Report… Mike Funaro, President-Elect | The Rainmaker Consulting Group BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jamie Calkins, President Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Mike Funaro, President-Elect The Rainmaker Consulting Group Donna Snow, Elected Vice President Regions Bank - Edgewater Kenneth Bohannon, Secretary / Treasurer Kenneth Bohannon, P.L. Debora Schmeltz, Immediate Past President Humana MarketPOINT Kelly Azzinaro, VP Education Chase Bank Steve Harrell, VP Economic Development Bert Fish Medical Center James Archimbaud Keyes Realty Carlos Giraldo SunBeach Consulting Trey Harshaw Trey Harshaw & Associates - Allstate Insurance Lauren Keeler Wishworks Media Lilli Sheller Best Western Hotel & Suites Trudy Ward SunTrust Bank Larry Volenenc Florida Power & Light OUR PARTNERS City Of New Smyrna Beach City Of Edgewater City Of Oak Hill MEDIA SPONSORS AM1230 WSBB Radio Smyrna Life Quarterly Magazine Keys To Our City HomeTown News New Smyrna Pennysaver EXECUTIVE STAFF Sue Williams Executive Vice President Jill Geddy Administrative Assistant Katrina Guevara Membership Sales Representative 27 Candidates total, from Congressional candidates, 4 State Representative presentative Candidates, Circuit Judge Candidates, School Board, County Council At Large, Volusia Soil and Water, All of the he Candidates for the cities of Edgewater and New Smyrna Beach. Congratulations to Hob Nob Chair, Steve Harrell of Bert Fish, and his Hob Nob team! On Friday afternoon September 19th inside the historic Chamber of Commerce Building on Canal Street, a gathering took place. The purpose of this gathering was a “Visioning Meeting” to discuss scuss er of the past, the present and most importantly the future of the Southeast Volusia Chamber Commerce. Leaders from the public and private sectors, educators, board members and Chamber mber staff gathered with the purpose of developing a “Vision” of our Chamber’s future. There were many regular contributors to our Chamber, however it was very exciting to hear comments and suggestions gestions from community leaders, many of whom were new to our conversation. I know most of us left energized and connected. onnected. 4 1 0 2 The first third of the meeting focused on our past and the influences the Chamber has had d in it’s over 80 years of existence. It is important to understand the impact we have had and the foundation upon which we are built. The second third focused on the current operations of our Chamber and our current Program of Work. Many people in attendance were unaware of how much actually takes place in our Chamber of Commerce. The last third was focused on “Chamber 2.0”, and “One Vision, One Purpose”. Every person in the room provided insight and contributed to the session. A survey was developed based on comments and suggestions made by the attendees and distributed to them afterwards. The survey results are proving to be very helpful as we work on our Program of Work for 2015. This same survey will be sent to the entire Chamber membership shortly so you too can have a voice in our future. The future of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce is extremely bright with many new and exciting plans coming in 2015. I encourage you to make your voice heard. Our Board of Directors for 2015 is fully engaged and ready to achieve great things ahead. Please attend our Installation Banquet being held on Friday, November 14th at Sugar Mill Country Club and show your support for the dedicated and hard working folks who work every day to support our communities and our Chamber members. B O N B O H NSB Candidates Packed the Room! Respectfully, Mike Funaro President Elect 2015 Membership Committee Report… Sarah Mellring, Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. | 386-427-0694 ext 304 4 I love getting swept up in the Holiday season, and November is one of my favorite months of the year. Halloween is over and I can fully immerse myself in the season. Baking, family and friends, and get-togethers are some of the many things that I look forward to. This time of year I always like to take a few moments to reflect on the months past and remind myself all that I have to be grateful for. The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce is on my list this year. The chamber staff, members, and committee volunteers have helped make this year great and I truly have appreciated having the opportunity to get to know all of you. From myself and the membership committee, thanks to all who have made this a great year! The membership committee meets the third Thursday of each month from 8:30am to 9:30am at the Chamber of Commerce. CORPORATE SPONSORS Advanced Air & Heat Bert Fish Medical Center Bright House Networks Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center Image Today Graphics Kenneth Bohannon, P.L. Mullinax Ford NSB Clothing Pioneer Trail Self Storage The Daytona Beach News Journal Total Care IT / NSB Computers UCF – Daytona Beach Southeast Volusia Hob Nob 2014 014 was a Huge Success! Ambassadors Committee Report… Peggy Hallett, StorQuest (formerly Pioneer Trail Self Storage) | 386-427-4123 AMBASSADORS = ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! I spoke about leadership at our last Ambassador Luncheon and what it meant to me. What I was hoping for was a chance to get our Ambassadors thinking about what type of leadership they are providing to our community. We are all very different with different leadership styles and I truly believe that our Ambassadors are the epitome of people “leading with their actions.” We live our lives and allow others to watch, knowing that while our example is not perfect, at least it is one that is constructive and honorable – more often than not. I am so very proud of each of you and what you contribute to all of us. Congratulations to Donna Poirier with Diversified Accounting Solutions as our October, Ambassador of the Month with 800 points. Donna was out of town during our luncheon so she was unable to be recognized. We will do the honors at our next Ambassador luncheon on November 11. Great job, Donna. Remember, the two most important words for Ambassadors and Chamber members….”get involved” ed” with your Chamber and your business will grow! Ambassador of the Month Donna Poirier with Diversified Accounting Solutions County Council At Large Edgewater Candidates Welcome New Members OF THE SOUTHEAST VOLUSIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE State Representatives The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Chamber News Join Us November 20, 2014 as the City of Edgewater Presents CRA Plan to County Council The City of Edgewater has been striving to establish a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) within the City since 2002. The Proposed CRA (Community Redevelopment Area) Plan encompasses the City’s core area along Ridgewood Avenue (US1) from the city limits to Falcon Avenue. On November 20, 2014, the City will Request the Volusia County Council to “grant delegation of authority to the City to establish a Community Redevelopment Area (CRA)”. We need your support! We need people to attend the meeting on the 20th of November and speak in support of the Edgewater CRA. If you can’t make the meeting, we need you to contact each of the Volusia County Council members to ask them to support Edgewater’s CRA. If you need the Council member’s contact information, visit the county’s web site at, click on government and then click on county-council. For more information and to see the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) documents, please visit City’s Web Site www.cityofedgewater. Questions? Contact: Samantha Bishop Economic Development Coordinator 386-424-2400 ext.1330 On December 11 the City of New Smyrna Beach will present its application for a new Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to the Volusia County Council. (The current CRA ceases operations in May, 2015.) The new CRA includes properties on US 1 (from the Airport to Edgewater) and the Historic Westside, the Airport Industrial Park, the Canal St and Medical District area, and a portion of the North Causeway. The application calls for Capital Improvements over a 40 year period with projects on US 1 and in the Historic Westside, Canal St, and North Causeway area. Questions? Contact: Tony Otte / CRA/Economic Development Director City of New Smyrna Beach, Florida (386) 424-2265 / (386) 566-3941 Bert Fish Medical Center’s innovative “Fit for Life” employee wellness program has yielded significant results in employee satisfaction and positive patient care. BFMC was awarded “Best Hospital Workplace (under 150 beds) at the annual Florida Hospital Association Celebration of Achievement in Quality and Service Awards held Thursday, October 16, 2014 in Orlando. This is the fourth year in a row that BFMC has earned this distinction. RIBBON CUTTINGS Internation Deli (386) 423-6656 Third Wave Cafe (386) 402-7864 US.Blinds Fabrications Inc. (386) 428-7766 Photo credit to Mark Steigner – Keys to Our City The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOVEMBER Wednesday, November 5 Ribbon Cutting – Filthy Rich 145 Canal Street, NSB 10:00 AM Friday, November 7 Seminar - Facebook for Business Presented by: Audrey Ostoyic Livin Lyfe Marketing City of Edgewater Council Chambers 104 N. Riverside Drive, EW 7:45 AM – 10.05 AM Cost: $65 (must have attended introductory class) Tuesday, November 11 Ambassador Luncheon Location: Norwood’s Members Renewals... Message From the President Jamie Calkins, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management The Executive Board at the Chamber reviewed hundreds of resumes, conducted numerous interviews, and participated in much discussion. With that being said, I am pleased to announce that we have chosen Sue Williams as the next Executive Vice President of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Williams brings the experience, knowledge, skills, contacts, and professionalism that this job requires and we are extremely excited to be working with her. Our communities will benefit greatly with her as the leader of our Chamber of Commerce. I am also pleased to announce the results of our Executive Board Election. Our 2015 President Mike Funaro (Rainmaker Consulting) will have the pleasure of working with President-Elect Steve Harrell (Bert Fish Medical Center), Elected Vice President Donna Snow (Regions Bank), and Secretary/Treasurer Trudy Ward (Suntrust Bank). We would also like to welcome (or welcome back in some cases) our newest members of the Board of Directors: Krissy Chalk (Serenity Springs Recovery Center), Lillian Conrad (S.C.O.R.E.), Frank Crooks (Garriques & Associates Staff Leasing), Buddy Davenport (State Farm Insurance), Melanie Emanuel (Allstate Insurance), Peggy Hallett (StorQuest Storage), Ken Poulin (First Response Disaster Team), and Marlene Thomas (Florida Hospital). With this team you can expect 2015 to be the best year yet for our Chamber of Commerce. Noon Cost: Buy your own lunch Wednesday, November 12 Ribbon Cutting – Exit Real Estate Property Solutions Lastly, I would like to personally thank Kelly Azzinaro, Kenneth Bohannon, Debora Schmeltz, and Lauren Keeler for their service on our Board of Directors. So many of us have learned and benefited from their countless hours of service in our community. They will be missed greatly and we wish you all the best! 120 Flagler Avenue, NSB 10:00 AM Thursday, November 13 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB Jamie Calkins Financial Advisor Merrill Lynch Wealth Management 1616 Concierge Blvd., Suite 201 Daytona Beach, FL 32117 Phone: 386-274-3012 9:00 am Friday, November 14 Annual Installation & Awards Banquet Sugar Mill Country Club 100 Clubhouse Circle, NSB 32168 6:00 pm Cost: $35.00 Reservations Required Wednesday, November 19 Ribbon Cutting – Planet Pizza NSB 634 3rd Avenue, NSB 10:00 AM Wednesday, November 19 Education Committee Chamber Bldg, 115 Canal St. NSB 5:00 PM Thursday, November 20 Membership Committee The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce CALENDAR OF EVENTS Number of Years of Membership Aarons Sales & Lease Anchor Roofing Services Inc. Cathy Harris, Acupuncture Physician Cruise Planners- Jean Tauber Dulando Screen & Awning, Inc. Eagle Eye Dental East Coast Paddle First Response Disaster Team Gulf Atlantic Vehicles Inc. Humana MarketPoint Inlet Securities Joie Alexander Lifestyle Magazine Marine Discovery Center Inc. McDonald’s McGee Tire Store Monavie Bea Gilmore & Andrew Murphy MTN Resources Off the Hook Seafood & Pub Routh and Miller, MDs Terri Jackson Real Estate The Colony Beach Club The NSB Observer The Tax Doctors of Volusia County P.A. Trey Harshaw & Associates – Allstate Insurance Water Taxi Express DECEMBER 2 2 11 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 1 4 3 16 2 5 1 5 5 1 10 33 2 13 10 Wednesday, December 3 Ribbon Cutting –HIG Insurance Group 813 A1A (at the corner of 3rd Avenue & Southard) New Smyrna Beach 10:00 AM Friday, December 5 Chamber Classic Golf Tournament Hidden Lakes Golf Club 1:00 PM Shotgun Start Wednesday, December 10 Chamber Holiday Open House & Toy Drive Chamber Bldg, 115 Canal Street, NSB 5:00 – 7:00 pm Cost: Toy for Toy Drive Thursday, December 11 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 9:00 am Thursday, December 18 Membership Committee Chamber Bldg., 115 Canal St. NSB 8:30 AM Monday, December 22 – Thursday, January 1 2 Chamber Closed invites you to attend the Annual Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet NEW DATE Christmas and New Years’ Holiday Upcoming Events & Programs To see the most up to date Chamber events and programs, visit 2015 Dec & Jan Please join us in welcoming our 2015 Directors and Officers and celebrate those who contributed to a successful 2014 Chamber Bldg., 115 Canal St. NSB 32168 8:30 AM Thursday, November 20 New Members Reception Chamber Blvd, 115 Canal Street, NSB Friday, November 14, 2014 6:00 pm Sugar Mill Country Club 100 Clubhouse Circle, New Smyrna Beach, FL 5:00 – 7:00 pm Friday, November 21 Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening – SEV Chamber with the City of NSB Reservations are required. Cost $35 per person. Cash Bar. Please kindly reserve your seat with a credit card or check by Friday, November 7th / 386-428-2449 Location: at the eastern trailhead on West Pine Avenue. The eastern trail head is on West Pine Ave. between Jungle Road & Pioneer Trail 9:30 AM Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28 Chamber Closed Thanksgiving Holiday Observed Earn A Free $50 Ad In The Newsletter! Refer a new member prospect to the Chamber of Commerce and you receive a free ad in the Chamber’s newsletter. Simply provide the contact information to The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. If the prospect joins the Chamber you will receive a business card size ad in the newsletter for free – a $50 value! Call 386-428-2449 or email Serving the Communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater & Oak Hill PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • MARK YOUR CALENDARS Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Annual Installation Dinner and Awards Banquet Friday November 14th Sugar Mill Country Club RSVP Required 6 pm Official Membership Directory & Community Guides 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 PHONE: 386-428-2449 FAX: 386-423-3512 SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM WWW.SEVCHAMBER.COM Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 ARE HERE! PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Stop by the chamber and pick up yours today New Smyrna Beach, FL CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 67 NOVEMBER 2014 SAVE THE DATE S SOU T H EA ST HO & HOME SHOW BUSINESS EXPO focus VOLUSIA Historic Canal Street - Downtown New Smyrna Beach JANUARY 17, 2015 Official Newsletter Of The Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce Booth Space & Sponsorships Now Available! Serving the Communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater & Oak Hill 20 2014 d e l u d e h c Res in a R o T E U D New Date December 5th Platinum Sponsor: HOME SHOW HO & BUSINESS EXPO HISTORIC CANAL STREET - DOWNTOWN NEW SMYRNA BEACH JANUARY 17, 2015 Booth Space & Sponsorships Now Available! Space is Limited l Event Sold Out in 2014 l Over 10,000 Attend 1:00 pm Shotgun Start 4 Person Scramble Many ways to be involved! Play in the Tournament . . . Start with a Boxed Lunch, Play a round of golf with your friends and business associates on one of the best courses in the area, finish with dinner, prizes and networking at the country club. Enter a foursome for only $350! Become a Sponsor . . . A great way to advertise your company/products/services! Your company name, logo, banner can be on seen on all event advertising, the Chamber’s weekly e-mail blasts, golf carts, event banners, etc. depending on the sponsorship level you choose. $85 per Player $325 per Foursome Donate a Prize . . . DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SHOWCASE YOUR BUSINESS! Sponsored by: The golf committee will be contacting local businesses to donate prizes for the event. Companies that donate will have their name in the Tournament program and be announced at the Awards Dinner. Volunteer . . . The golf committee is looking for people to help with event planning and day of event activities. Committee Chairs Donna Concannon and Lee Griffith will be happy to have you participate with them for this fun event! Contact the Chamber at 428-2449 for more information. Please see the Player / Sponsor Registration Form included in this newsletter. Contact us today to reserve your space! / or 386-428-2449 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM To Reserve Your Space Call: 386-428-2449 or register on-line ADVERTISING SPACES AVAILABLE FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER, CALL FOR DETAILS 386-428-2449 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM
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