BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Thursday, January 8th First Response Disaster Team 2526 Hibiscus Drive, EW Reservations Required $5 for members $10 for future members 5 – 7 PM 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 PHONE: 386-428-2449 FAX: 386-423-3512 SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM WWW.SEVCHAMBER.COM PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID New Smyrna Beach, FL CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 67 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Tuesday, January 22nd 12:00 Noon Limited to 20 business owners!! Sign up now!! SCORE is teaching! At the Chamber. A bring-your-own brown-bag supper at 5:30 is encouraged. Classes: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm SOU T H EA ST focus VOLUSIA Serving the Communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater & Oak O Hill www sevchamber 12pm 5 classes, beginning in February!! JANUARY 2015 Official Newsletter Of The Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce Take Your Business To The Next Level With BUSINESS BOOT CAMP! • Week 1 • Week 2 Join Us At The General Membership Luncheon January 22nd Reservations Required Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 5-7pm Smyrna Yacht Club Program: “State of the Chamber” Cost: $25 for Lunch; RSVP Required Reservations 386-428-2449 “State of the Chamber” BUSINESS Know your Business Financial Management HOME SHOW HO & BUSINESS EXPO 10am - 4pm JANUARY 17, 2015 LOCATED ON CANAL STREET IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN NEW SMYRNA BEACH Business Showcases | Live Entertainment Educational Displays | Kids Fun Zone | Food & More! (Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet Management) • Week 3 • Week 4 • Week 5 Business Plans and Performance Measures Marketing and Plan Development Customer Service Tools, Wrap-Up Cost: $59 for members, $79 for non-members, includes materials 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Members Renewals... CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY Wednesday, January 7 No Ribbon Cutting Thursday, January 8 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 9:00 AM Thursday, January 8 Business After Hours First Response Disaster Team 2526 Hibiscus Drive, EW Reservations Required 5:00 – 7:00 PM Cost: $5 Members/ $10 Future Members Tuesday, January 13 Ambassadors Luncheon Location: TBA 12:00 Noon Wednesday, January 14 No Ribbon Cutting Thursday, January 15 Membership Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 8:30 AM Saturday, January 17 ESS EXPO HOME SHOW & BUSIN yrna Beach Sm New , eet Str al Can 10 PM – 4 PM Wednesday, January 21 Ribbon Cutting Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 10:00 AM Message From the President Mike Funaro, The Rainmaker Consulting Group BRING ON 2015!!!!!! Well ready or not, it came and 2015 is here. The New Year has arrived and I could not be more excited to get started on our 2015 Program of Work. I am so proud of the team we have assembled to lead us through this year. I am in awe and inspired by the amount of work that has already been done by our staff and board of directors preparing for the New Year. Jamie Calkins, thank you for great leadership in 2014 and for handing the gavel over with such a strong foundation to build upon. A special thank you to Sue, Jill, Katrina and all of our volunteers for patiently holding down the fort during our leadership transition. It is time now to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We have many ambitious goals, one of which is to bring our membership over the 1000 mark during 2015. No one has said (at least to my face..) that we can’t get there and the commitment to achieving that goal is apparent everywhere I go. One of our other 2015 Goals is to ensure that our members truly understand the Value of their membership. The work we do and the impact on our communities goes so far beyond networking and leads groups. Our members and community leaders need to know that every day we are fully engaged in the ongoing conversations related to Economic Development, Education, Legislative Affairs, Planning and Zoning, Tourism, Land Use and development projects. Our 18 person Board of Directors is an amazing group of talented and dedicated local professionals all sharing One Vision and having One Purpose. The Vision is to secure Southeast Volusia’s future as a vibrant, healthy and business friendly environment where its citizens enjoy a great place to live, work and prosper. Our Purpose is to help provide the guidance to our public and private sector leaders related to the needs and expectations of our business community. We Need You! The Chamber, our staff and our Board of Directors cannot do all that needs to be done alone. Our agenda and our calendar are bulging, all with necessary and vital projects. Your support is essential to our success. How can you help? First and foremost…..join the Chamber of Commerce! If you are a member already, thank you. If you are not or know someone who is not, please encourage him or her to join. It takes money to provide the many services we offer and membership is our primary source of funding. Secondly…..get involved! We have so many great events. Not only will you be part of a great team, but also you will make so many friends and business acquaintances. My Chamber friends are now some of my best friends! Lastly, when you are doing business in Southeast Volusia County, ask the merchant if they are a member of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. Our logo should be worn as a badge of integrity and I ask that you do business locally and with our Chamber members. Thursday, January 22 General Membership Luncheon “State of the Chamber” Smyrna Yacht Club 12:00 Noon I am excited about our future and I know that with everyone’s help, 2015 will be a year to be proud of. Respectfully yours, Cost: $25.00 Wednesday, January 28 Ribbon Cutting Condo Queen Location: 807 State Road A1A New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 10:00 AM CALENDAR OF EVENTS Number of Years of Membership Michael A. Funaro Franchise & Business Consultant THE RAINMAKER CONSULTING GROUP Phone: 386-847-4226 Alberto Cleaning Services LLC American Termite & Pest Services, LLC Be Well Chiropractic, Inc. Beachside Realty Bowen Plumbing Inc. CIBU Office Supplier LLC Computer A Services LLC Coronado Carpet II Inc. Council on Aging of Volusia Dolphin View Seafood Restaurant Dr. Margaret Smith Easy Guide Emeritus at Port Orange Florida Homes & Land Inc. of Volusia County Glenn D. Storch PA Goodwill Industries of Central Florida H&H Landscape Supply Co. Halifax Health Haven Hospice Health Point Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Hickson Construction J. B.'s Fish Camp Restaurant Kutryb Eye Institute Larkin Orthodontics New Smyrna Steakhouse Inc. Night Swan Intracoastal B & B North Causeway Marine Corp. Ocean Properties & Management Inc. Ocean Trillium Suites Ocean View Nursing & Rehab Center Orlando Sentinel Pink Flamingo at Petals Pomeroy Appraisal Assoc of Fla. Inc. Promos 4 U Robert S. Thurlow P.A. Serene Pavers and Stonescapes Smile Makers Solar-Fit Southeast Treats The Spa at Riverview Venetian Bay Golf Course Venetian Bay Realty Vitas Innovative Hospice Care Waverly Media Inc. 3 1 4 31 4 25 1 5 3 6 24 9 15 29 4 10 3 7 5 5 2 25 2 9 15 22 12 28 31 33 1 4 30 2 24 3 8 2 1 11 2 28 5 7 10 FEBRUARY Wednesday, February 11 Ribbon Cutting The Galley Gourmet Pantry Location: 417 Canal Street New Smyrna Beach Thursday, February 12 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 9:00 AM Thursday, February 12 Business After Hours Edgewater Expo Location: TBA Reservations Required 5:00 – 7:00 PM Cost: $5 Members/ $10 Future Members Wednesday, February 18 Education Committee Meeting Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 5:00pm Friday, February 20 UCF Knight Bites Location: Edgewater City Hall 104 N Riverside Dr Edgewater Wednesday, February 25 Ribbon Cutting Rick’s Auto Marketing Center South Location: 1207 N Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach Upcoming Events & Programs To see the most up to date Chamber events and programs, visit calendar_of_events.asp 2015 Feb & Mar The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Welcome New Members BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Mike Funaro, President The Rainmaker Consulting Group Steve Harrell, President - Elect Bert Fish Medical Center Donna Snow, Elected Vice President Regions Bank – Edgewater Trudy Ward, Secretary / Treasurer Suntrust Bank Jamie Calkins, Immediate Past President Merrill lynch Wealth Management BOARD MEMBERS James Archimbaud Keyes Realty Lillian Conrad SCORE Volusia/Flagler Buddy Davenport Buddy Davenport Insurance Agency Krissy Chalk Fiat of Daytona/Maserati of Daytona Frank Crooks Garriques & Associates Melanie Emanuel Melanie Emanuel & Associates Allstate Insurance Carlos Giraldo SunBeach Consulting Peggy Hallett StorQuest Self Storage Trey Harshaw Trey Harshaw & Associates Allstate Insurance Ken Poulin First Response Disaster Team Lillian Sheller Best Western Hotel & Suites Marlene Thomas Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center nter New Smyrna Health Park Larry Volenec Florida Power & Light OF THE SOUTHEAST OUTHEAST VOLUSIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE & TOY DRIVE DRIVE... Th Thank kY You to all those who attended and donated so generously to those less fortunate in OUR COMMUNITY. Staff Update from the Executive Vice President Please congratulate Katrina Guevara on her new position as our Membership Development Representative. Katrina is with us full time working with members, and on our member benefits program. Katrina and her team (thank you Frank Crooks) have developed a membership retention plan, so that we communicate with our members throughout the year in many different facets to address their needs, expectations, and goals. Jill Geddy, as you all know is the one that assures our events are stellar (and they always are, thank you Jill), so her new title is Event Management. Please welcome aboard Lauren Fioretti, our new Administrative Assistant. Lauren is a much needed and welcome addition to our team! We look forward to continuing to serve our members in 2015! With gratitude, Sue Williams Sue Williams Executive Vice President rance Agency i nerrs! Buddy Davenport Insu T e Win Th Team Regions Bank Team Official Membership Directory & Community Guides ARE HERE! OUR PARTNERS City Of New Smyrna Beach City Of Edgewater City Of Oak Hill CORPORATE SPONSORS S Advanced Air & Heat Bert Fish Medical Center Bright House Networks Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center Image Today Graphics Kenneth Bohannon, P.L. Mullinax Ford NSB Observer StorQuest Self Storage The Daytona Beach News Journal Total Care IT / NSB Computers UCF – Daytona Beach MEDIA SPONSORS AM1230 WSBB Radio Smyrna Life Quarterly Magazine Keys To Our City HomeTown News New Smyrna Pennysaver EXECUTIVE STAFF Sue Williams Executive Vice President Jill Geddy Event Management Katrina Guevara Membership Development Stop by the chamber and pick up yours today RIBBON CUTTINGS Ocean Properties Ocean Pr Proper operties ties Team Team 2014 New Smyrna Beach Central Fire Station - SR44 Past President Kenneth Bohannon and Immediate Past President Jamie Calkins enjoying the day! Thanakrticyipoauting to all the p golfers and our proud sponsors: HIG Insurance (386) 944-0333 Dr. Raman Ashta, M.D, Coronado Family Practice (386) 424-3876 and Louella Vivino, M.D., Coronado Neurology (386) 424-3860 Photo credit to Mark Steigner – Keys to Our City The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Welcome New Members BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Mike Funaro, President The Rainmaker Consulting Group Steve Harrell, President - Elect Bert Fish Medical Center Donna Snow, Elected Vice President Regions Bank – Edgewater Trudy Ward, Secretary / Treasurer Suntrust Bank Jamie Calkins, Immediate Past President Merrill lynch Wealth Management BOARD MEMBERS James Archimbaud Keyes Realty Lillian Conrad SCORE Volusia/Flagler Buddy Davenport Buddy Davenport Insurance Agency Krissy Chalk Fiat of Daytona/Maserati of Daytona Frank Crooks Garriques & Associates Melanie Emanuel Melanie Emanuel & Associates Allstate Insurance Carlos Giraldo SunBeach Consulting Peggy Hallett StorQuest Self Storage Trey Harshaw Trey Harshaw & Associates Allstate Insurance Ken Poulin First Response Disaster Team Lillian Sheller Best Western Hotel & Suites Marlene Thomas Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center nter New Smyrna Health Park Larry Volenec Florida Power & Light OF THE SOUTHEAST OUTHEAST VOLUSIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE & TOY DRIVE DRIVE... Th Thank kY You to all those who attended and donated so generously to those less fortunate in OUR COMMUNITY. Staff Update from the Executive Vice President Please congratulate Katrina Guevara on her new position as our Membership Development Representative. Katrina is with us full time working with members, and on our member benefits program. Katrina and her team (thank you Frank Crooks) have developed a membership retention plan, so that we communicate with our members throughout the year in many different facets to address their needs, expectations, and goals. Jill Geddy, as you all know is the one that assures our events are stellar (and they always are, thank you Jill), so her new title is Event Management. Please welcome aboard Lauren Fioretti, our new Administrative Assistant. Lauren is a much needed and welcome addition to our team! We look forward to continuing to serve our members in 2015! With gratitude, Sue Williams Sue Williams Executive Vice President rance Agency i nerrs! Buddy Davenport Insu T e Win Th Team Regions Bank Team Official Membership Directory & Community Guides ARE HERE! OUR PARTNERS City Of New Smyrna Beach City Of Edgewater City Of Oak Hill CORPORATE SPONSORS S Advanced Air & Heat Bert Fish Medical Center Bright House Networks Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center Image Today Graphics Kenneth Bohannon, P.L. Mullinax Ford NSB Observer StorQuest Self Storage The Daytona Beach News Journal Total Care IT / NSB Computers UCF – Daytona Beach MEDIA SPONSORS AM1230 WSBB Radio Smyrna Life Quarterly Magazine Keys To Our City HomeTown News New Smyrna Pennysaver EXECUTIVE STAFF Sue Williams Executive Vice President Jill Geddy Event Management Katrina Guevara Membership Development Stop by the chamber and pick up yours today RIBBON CUTTINGS Ocean Properties Ocean Pr Proper operties ties Team Team 2014 New Smyrna Beach Central Fire Station - SR44 Past President Kenneth Bohannon and Immediate Past President Jamie Calkins enjoying the day! Thanakrticyipoauting to all the p golfers and our proud sponsors: HIG Insurance (386) 944-0333 Dr. Raman Ashta, M.D, Coronado Family Practice (386) 424-3876 and Louella Vivino, M.D., Coronado Neurology (386) 424-3860 Photo credit to Mark Steigner – Keys to Our City The Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce Members Renewals... CALENDAR OF EVENTS JANUARY Wednesday, January 7 No Ribbon Cutting Thursday, January 8 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 9:00 AM Thursday, January 8 Business After Hours First Response Disaster Team 2526 Hibiscus Drive, EW Reservations Required 5:00 – 7:00 PM Cost: $5 Members/ $10 Future Members Tuesday, January 13 Ambassadors Luncheon Location: TBA 12:00 Noon Wednesday, January 14 No Ribbon Cutting Thursday, January 15 Membership Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 8:30 AM Saturday, January 17 ESS EXPO HOME SHOW & BUSIN yrna Beach Sm New , eet Str al Can 10 PM – 4 PM Wednesday, January 21 Ribbon Cutting Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 10:00 AM Message From the President Mike Funaro, The Rainmaker Consulting Group BRING ON 2015!!!!!! Well ready or not, it came and 2015 is here. The New Year has arrived and I could not be more excited to get started on our 2015 Program of Work. I am so proud of the team we have assembled to lead us through this year. I am in awe and inspired by the amount of work that has already been done by our staff and board of directors preparing for the New Year. Jamie Calkins, thank you for great leadership in 2014 and for handing the gavel over with such a strong foundation to build upon. A special thank you to Sue, Jill, Katrina and all of our volunteers for patiently holding down the fort during our leadership transition. It is time now to roll up our sleeves and get to work. We have many ambitious goals, one of which is to bring our membership over the 1000 mark during 2015. No one has said (at least to my face..) that we can’t get there and the commitment to achieving that goal is apparent everywhere I go. One of our other 2015 Goals is to ensure that our members truly understand the Value of their membership. The work we do and the impact on our communities goes so far beyond networking and leads groups. Our members and community leaders need to know that every day we are fully engaged in the ongoing conversations related to Economic Development, Education, Legislative Affairs, Planning and Zoning, Tourism, Land Use and development projects. Our 18 person Board of Directors is an amazing group of talented and dedicated local professionals all sharing One Vision and having One Purpose. The Vision is to secure Southeast Volusia’s future as a vibrant, healthy and business friendly environment where its citizens enjoy a great place to live, work and prosper. Our Purpose is to help provide the guidance to our public and private sector leaders related to the needs and expectations of our business community. We Need You! The Chamber, our staff and our Board of Directors cannot do all that needs to be done alone. Our agenda and our calendar are bulging, all with necessary and vital projects. Your support is essential to our success. How can you help? First and foremost…..join the Chamber of Commerce! If you are a member already, thank you. If you are not or know someone who is not, please encourage him or her to join. It takes money to provide the many services we offer and membership is our primary source of funding. Secondly…..get involved! We have so many great events. Not only will you be part of a great team, but also you will make so many friends and business acquaintances. My Chamber friends are now some of my best friends! Lastly, when you are doing business in Southeast Volusia County, ask the merchant if they are a member of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce. Our logo should be worn as a badge of integrity and I ask that you do business locally and with our Chamber members. Thursday, January 22 General Membership Luncheon “State of the Chamber” Smyrna Yacht Club 12:00 Noon I am excited about our future and I know that with everyone’s help, 2015 will be a year to be proud of. Respectfully yours, Cost: $25.00 Wednesday, January 28 Ribbon Cutting Condo Queen Location: 807 State Road A1A New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 10:00 AM CALENDAR OF EVENTS Number of Years of Membership Michael A. Funaro Franchise & Business Consultant THE RAINMAKER CONSULTING GROUP Phone: 386-847-4226 Alberto Cleaning Services LLC American Termite & Pest Services, LLC Be Well Chiropractic, Inc. Beachside Realty Bowen Plumbing Inc. CIBU Office Supplier LLC Computer A Services LLC Coronado Carpet II Inc. Council on Aging of Volusia Dolphin View Seafood Restaurant Dr. Margaret Smith Easy Guide Emeritus at Port Orange Florida Homes & Land Inc. of Volusia County Glenn D. Storch PA Goodwill Industries of Central Florida H&H Landscape Supply Co. Halifax Health Haven Hospice Health Point Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Hickson Construction J. B.'s Fish Camp Restaurant Kutryb Eye Institute Larkin Orthodontics New Smyrna Steakhouse Inc. Night Swan Intracoastal B & B North Causeway Marine Corp. Ocean Properties & Management Inc. Ocean Trillium Suites Ocean View Nursing & Rehab Center Orlando Sentinel Pink Flamingo at Petals Pomeroy Appraisal Assoc of Fla. Inc. Promos 4 U Robert S. Thurlow P.A. Serene Pavers and Stonescapes Smile Makers Solar-Fit Southeast Treats The Spa at Riverview Venetian Bay Golf Course Venetian Bay Realty Vitas Innovative Hospice Care Waverly Media Inc. 3 1 4 31 4 25 1 5 3 6 24 9 15 29 4 10 3 7 5 5 2 25 2 9 15 22 12 28 31 33 1 4 30 2 24 3 8 2 1 11 2 28 5 7 10 FEBRUARY Wednesday, February 11 Ribbon Cutting The Galley Gourmet Pantry Location: 417 Canal Street New Smyrna Beach Thursday, February 12 Economic Development Committee Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 9:00 AM Thursday, February 12 Business After Hours Edgewater Expo Location: TBA Reservations Required 5:00 – 7:00 PM Cost: $5 Members/ $10 Future Members Wednesday, February 18 Education Committee Meeting Chamber Bldg. 115 Canal St. NSB 5:00pm Friday, February 20 UCF Knight Bites Location: Edgewater City Hall 104 N Riverside Dr Edgewater Wednesday, February 25 Ribbon Cutting Rick’s Auto Marketing Center South Location: 1207 N Dixie Freeway New Smyrna Beach Upcoming Events & Programs To see the most up to date Chamber events and programs, visit calendar_of_events.asp 2015 Feb & Mar BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Thursday, January 8th First Response Disaster Team 2526 Hibiscus Drive, EW Reservations Required $5 for members $10 for future members 5 – 7 PM 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 PHONE: 386-428-2449 FAX: 386-423-3512 SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM WWW.SEVCHAMBER.COM PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID New Smyrna Beach, FL CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 67 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Tuesday, January 22nd 12:00 Noon Limited to 20 business owners!! Sign up now!! SCORE is teaching! At the Chamber. A bring-your-own brown-bag supper at 5:30 is encouraged. Classes: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm SOU T H EA ST focus VOLUSIA Serving the Communities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater & Oak O Hill www sevchamber 12pm 5 classes, beginning in February!! JANUARY 2015 Official Newsletter Of The Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce Take Your Business To The Next Level With BUSINESS BOOT CAMP! • Week 1 • Week 2 Join Us At The General Membership Luncheon January 22nd Reservations Required Southeast Volusia Chamber Of Commerce 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 5-7pm Smyrna Yacht Club Program: “State of the Chamber” Cost: $25 for Lunch; RSVP Required Reservations 386-428-2449 “State of the Chamber” BUSINESS Know your Business Financial Management HOME SHOW HO & BUSINESS EXPO 10am - 4pm JANUARY 17, 2015 LOCATED ON CANAL STREET IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN NEW SMYRNA BEACH Business Showcases | Live Entertainment Educational Displays | Kids Fun Zone | Food & More! (Profit/Loss and Balance Sheet Management) • Week 3 • Week 4 • Week 5 Business Plans and Performance Measures Marketing and Plan Development Customer Service Tools, Wrap-Up Cost: $59 for members, $79 for non-members, includes materials 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM 115 CANAL STREET, NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 • PHONE: 386-428-2449 • FAX: 386-423-3512 • SEVINFO@SEVCHAMBER.COM
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