Konrad von Abel In order to create the conditions needed to the realization of his artistic approach, Konrad von Abel formed L'Académie Internationale de Musique/ Association Musique & Phénoménologie (formerly Association Celibidache), and in 1999 he founded the Orchestre des Régions Européennes, tied to this institution organizing tours in Mexico and Europe. He is chief conductor of the MonteverdiChor München, highly qualified chamber choir. In July 2012 for the 100th birthday of Sergiu Celibidache he conducts the f minor Mass from Bruckner. On this occasion he founds the Neue Internationale Philharmonie, which plays in November 2013 in Munich with the Mozart Requiem and Dona nobis pacem of Vasks, and again in November 2014 with the Fauré Requiem, Brahms Schicksalslied and Tragic Ouverture. A part of his activities is dedicated to seminars on musical phenomenology, chamber music masterclasses, and conducting workshops all throughout Europe. His masterclasses for orchestral and choir conducting in France, Germany, Spain and Romania, are visited by students from all over the world. (www.musikmph.de) Informations and registrations : masterclass@pheno-musique.fr Association Musique & Phénoménologie www.pheno-musique.fr Chamber music Master Class from December 26th to 31st 2014 Conducted by Konrad von Abel These Master Classes are designed for professional or pre-professional musicians. Konrad von Abel’s teaching focuses on the music phenomenology developed by Sergiu Celibidache. It aims at helping each musician to establish a direct contact with music through the observation and free listening of sound phenomena unhampered by conceptions and conventions. Classes consist of theoretical discussions in the morning and musical practice in the afternoon. Besides the chamber music lessons the following questions will be examined together: How is caused the musical tension in one parameter ? (for example : metric, melodic, harmonic) ? How is caused the musical tension between different parameters ? Give several examples for each of these questions. PLACE 4 quater, rue Hoche 93170 BAGNOLET Subway from Paris : ligne 3, station Gallieni – terminus – About 10 min walk from the station to the Hoche’s street. FEES Active participant 190 € 150 € 110 € 100 € 170 € Active student E minor to F Major F Sharp Major to B minor E Flat Major to C Major Solo Duo Trio Quatuor Conductor Conducting and chamber music Each participant studies a four voices Bach Choral (free choice). Please bring ten photocopies of your score. ▪ We will send session details after receipt of registration form and payment. Exercices to prepare : Write three four-voices modulations in equal values, by looking for a neutral field which is – at the level of fifths relations – between the two tonalities : 220 € 140 € 110 € 80 € 70 € 130 € Auditor 170 € 100 € (normal fee for all days) 70 € (student fee for all days) 25 € (auditor’s fee per day) The number of chamber music ensembles is limited to 8, each benefiting from about 4 hours of class over the week. A few solo performances may be accepted based on space available. ▪ Payment by check is required at registration; for other methods of payment, Several evenings will be dedicated for conducting lessons with a chamber ensemble. The pieces to be worked will be communicated as soon as possible (after having an overview of the inscriptions). Participants who find themselves unable to attend a class for which they registered must give 7 days’ notice minimum in order to receive a refund. A 50 € administrative fee will be assessed per master class. DATES and SCHEDULE Friday 26/12 : Saturday 27/12 : Sunday 28/12 : Monday 29/12 : Tuesday 30/12 : Wednesday 31/12 : 9 : 30 – 21: 00 9 : 30 – 19:00 9 : 30 – 21: 00 9 : 30 – 21: 00 9 : 30 – 21: 00 9 :30 – 13:00 please contact us. Registration valid only after payment is received. ▪ Since space is limited, registrations are on a first come, first serve basis. An ensemble is considered registered after all members of the group have paid the class fee(s). ▪ Proof of attendance will be issued to participants who have attended all the days of a Master Class. Chamber music Master Class December 26th to 31st 2014 I enclose : Registration form (deadline : Thursday, December 11st 2013) □ Mrs □ Miss □ Mister NAME : Address : First name : ZIP code : Country : Tel : E-mail : INSTRUMENT : City : Cell phone : □ photocopies of the works presented (orchestral scores). □ a check for ……… € (made out to « Association Musique & Phénoménologie ») □ a proof of student status (if applicable) □ a CV (first time participants only) I wish to receive confirmation of my registration and session details О by post О by e-mail I have read the rules and conditions of participation and I certify that the information I provided here is accurate. Place: Fee : Date: Signature : □ Active participant □ Active student participant (please provide proof) □ Conductor □ Conducting and chamber music □ Auditor (complete Master Class) □ Auditor only for the following days :……………………………………………….. Partners, if applicable ………………………………………… Proposed program : …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… Please return to : Sophie Barthélemy 11 boulevard Camélinat F-92240 Malakoff France E-mail : masterclass@pheno-musique.fr
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