2 0 1 5 N o r t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a WA F C P r e - C o n v e n t i o n R a l ly Featuring Guest Speaker: Kevin Curry Senior Vice President, Raley’s Family of fine stores Wednesday February 4, 2015 Reception 11:00 AM / Lunch 12:00 PM Castlewood Country Club 707 Country Club Circle, Pleasanton, CA Tickets: $125.00 pp Table of (8): $960.00 You are cordially invited to attend the Northern California WAFC Pre-Convention Rally joining WACF COO Carole Christianson, WAFC President, Sue Klug Sr. Vice President/ CMO Unified Grocers and Illuminators Headlite, Willie Crocker. This rally is the official kick-off of the 2015 WAFC convention season and your opportunity to meet and dine with key retailers. You will see highlights of the upcoming Convention to be held at the JW Marriott in Palm Desert May 2 - May 6, 2015. NOW AVAILABLE: ON-LINE REGISTRATION AT www.illuminators.org Chairperson: Brenda Densem, La Tortilla Factory (bdensem@latortillafactory.com) Vice Chairperson: Karl Konrad , Advantage Sales and Marketing (karl.konrad@asmnet.com )
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