All Star Newsletter Program Director Notes

All Star Newsletter
All Star Equestrian Foundation (817) 477-1437
Program Director Notes
By Cynthia Amodei
Program Director, Cynthia
Intern Instructors
Donors and Sponsors
Notes from Volunteer
Coordinator, Stacy
EQ Therapy and Behaviors
Featured Rider
Featured Volunteer
Barn Raising
Our Fall seasons are
always full of places to be
and things to do. Often I
wonder if there is any way
that I can thank all the
people that help us here at
All Star with our many
events, fundraisers, and
most important of all our
special classes. I’ll just
say, “You are all
stupendously generous
people and I enjoy sharing
the dream of this facility
and what we do here with
Interns’ article continued 5
Health and Safety
November 2014
On October 4 we had a
great Inhouse Horse
Show, and our riders
competed and won
trophies and rosettes.
There were lots of smiling
faces in the arena and in
the award room. We are
now preparing for our
Parades on December 6 –
in Mansfield and the
Stockyards. If any of the
riders would like to ride on
our floats watch for the
signup box in the office.
Also, mark your calendars
for our Christmas party
which will be December 14
(4-7pm), the day after our
session ends.
As always, we are in need
of volunteers. If any of
you know of a neighbor,
relative or someone that
works with you that might
enjoy coming for a class or
two to help us out with our
classes, PLEASE send them
our way. We still have a
few riders on wait list that
we would love to put in
classes if we can get more
volunteers. We live in an
extraordinary country that
is based on volunteerism
and we are fortunate to
have the best volunteers
Intern Instructors
By: Tiffany Darr
Have you been
wondering why there
are additional people in
the arena following the
instructor around during
We have exciting
It is our privilege to be
able to give back to our
industry by mentoring
and training new
Training more
instructors will expand All
Star and other PATH
centers’ ability to continue
to provide proficient
services in the field of
therapeutic riding.
With that in mind we
would like to welcome our
new instructors in training:
Emily, Kelly, Annie, Alex,
Veronica and Jane!! They
will be going at their own
pace, shadowing classes
with us, then slowly
starting to teach under
Each of these ladies
have come from
various backgrounds
but are very committed
to All Star and
going through the
certification process.
They have already
passed several
tests and will continue
to go through a very
rigorous training
process. Part of this
process includes
workshops, clinics and
riding lessons, as well
as student teaching.
(continued on page 5)
Board of Directors:
2013 Super Nova Supporters
Ken Morgan, President
John Amodei, Vice
Tamie Morgan, Treasurer
Veronica Merrill, Secretary
The Importance of
We want to make sure our
Donors for All Star:
sponsors and supporters
know how much we
Bangs Family Foundation
Brad Boustead, Director
Dwayne Wheeler, Director
Vance Wood Director
Mark Kempgens, Director
Our riders pay
appreciate the giving that
approximately 30% of what
helps us continue to do what
it actually costs to hold a
we do.
class at All Star Equestrian.
dollar sent in and every
The balance is made up by
participant in such things as
the general support of our
our Easter Run in the
corporate partners and
Stockyards, the Skeet
individuals who give through
Shoot or the Golf Outing
payroll deductions, specific
goes towards our ongoing
sponsorships, therapy horse
operations here at All Star.
adoption and gifts in kind
Thank you so much for
for special event auctions.
your support. We
Cynthia Amodei, Program
appreciate you.
Stacy Giddens, Volunteer
2014 Lucky Star Supporters
Ann Blakely, Administrative
Pat & Linda Malcheski
Junior League of Arlington
Pioneer Natural Resources
Purple Land Management
Stegmeier LLC
American Airlines
Alltech Electronics
John & Catherine Langdon
Guadalupana Family
Peggy Cook
Wanda Atchison
Alan & Tracie Blair
Mansfield Women’s Club
Western Production Co.
Lone Star Communications
Quicksilver Resources, Inc.
M & M Manufacturing
Cathy Arnold, Office
Cindy Burch, Accounts
Tiffany Darr, Head
Instructor, Schooling
Darla Ryder, Instructor
Megan Ray, Instructor
Phylis Mourning, Instructor
Veronica Wolfe, Ranch
Small or large, each
Methods of giving:
s, but try to keep your
articles short.
From our Website:
a Rider:
Much of
the content you
put you
in your newsletter can also
Other Items to support:
be used for your Web site.
can sign on to paypal to:
Donate or pay for classes.
You can also adopt a
therapy horse at All Star at
one of three levels:
Walking Wages:
Trot Time:
So, when you’re finished
Helmet Renewal:
writing your newsletter,
convert it to a Web site
post it.
Adaptive Tack
Monthly: $750
Golden Horseshoe: $5,000
2014 Shooting Star Supporters
Ernest Senn
T-Bar Fence
Scott Poster
Old West Gallery
Birdville ISD
Halie DeBrine
Tracy Stokes
Van/Elli Inc.
United Cooperative Serv.
Cattlemen’s Ft. Worth
Clark Osterlund
Tri-County Trucking
Southern Oaks Golf
CER Energy Institute
Jeff McCarver
Curtis Sutherland
Ed Ireland
Veronica Merrill
Rix & Barbara Bristow
Griffin Chiropractic
Rodeo Dental Mgmt
Stuart Genung
Dwayne Wheeler
Perdue Brandon Fielder
Collins & Mott LLP
Steven Gribin
Rendon Road Animal
Five Star Ford
Tim Bordelon State
Farm Agency
Atmos Energy
Bryan Newton
Cindy Brosch
Richard Oussekik
Bryan Nichols & Keith
Whole Foods
Tiffany Darr
General Transformer
Lightning Signs
Veronica Wolfe
Lyndon Acres
Yvonne Armour
Anthony Brill
Motive Power Systems
Curtis Sutherland
Range Resources
3 Sisters Unique
Rachel Theisen
John O’Neal
Misti Hodgson
Dale and Linda Fleischer
Mack & Donna Turner
Jerry Stringer
(Due to limited space, we
are not able to include
ALL donors’ names here.
We do appreciate all
donations large or small.)
All Star Calendar
Dates and sessions are
subject to change
11/1-2 Trail Ride/campout
(after classes)
11/8 HH III 2:30 – 4:30
11/20 Winter Registrations
12/6 Stockyard/Mansfield
2/21 HH III 2:30 – 4:30
12/17 Winer Confirmation
letters out
12/14 Christmas Party
12/15 – 1/2/2015 Christmas
11/27-29 Thanksgiving _
1/3 Winter Session begins
12/6 Stockyard/Mansfield
12/11 Winter Reguistrations
2/28 Winter Session ends
12/13 Fall session ends
11/22 Chili Cook-off
12/4 Winter Registrations
2/7 HH II 2:30 – 4:30
1/10 Volunteer Orientation
and HH Introduction
1/12 – 15 Chisholm
Challenge – NO CLASSES
All Volunteers need
to update their
Horse Handling
skills and
certifications! Sign
up for the next class!
Don’t Delay!
1/24 – HHI 2:30 – 4:30
Notes from Volunteer Coordinator:
By Stacy Giddens:
Fall session is in full
swing and we have had
lots of opportunities for
our volunteers. With
classes, a clay shoot
fundraiser, barn raising,
in house horse show,
and horse handler
classes we are busting
with activity. Coming up
on November 22nd is a
chili cook off. Busy bees
we are! Thank you for
being all stars!
I want to encourage
you to continue with
your willingness to help
us fill our classes.
Please remember to
notify us when you will
be absent. Riders
aren't able to ride
unless we have enough
volunteers to ensure a
safe ride. Please let us
know if you might be
able to substitute for
another volunteer who
needs to be out.
Because it takes
volunteers who strive to
provide their best
efforts to our
organization and allow
us to provide the
highest quality of
service, we are
providing incentives for
their commitment to us.
At the end of 2014 we
will offer a carabineer
for 50 hours of
community service and
All Star t-shirts for those
who earn 100, 150, or
200 hours. In addition
to a t- shirt, hats will be
included for those who
earn 300 hours or more
hours. I look forward to
tallying your hours in
See you round the barn,
Why did the farmer
ride his horse to town?
(It was too heavy to
EQ Therapy and Behaviors
Part 1 of a 5 part lesson on
Behavioral Health
By Meghan Vivo
Equine therapy shows that it
lowers blood pressure, heart
rate, alleviates stress, and
reduces symptoms of anxiety
and depression. Equine
therapy also helps people
struggling with addictions and
mental health disorders
develop the following skills for
healthy living.
#1 Identifying and Coping
with Feelings
with emotions without trying
to escape.
Many people struggling with
addictions, trauma and other
mental health issues have
learned that feeling is painful.
They may use certain
compulsive behaviors in an
attempt to numb sadness,
anger, fear or even joy. For
therapy to be successful, one
of the first steps is learning to
identify experience and cope
Equine therapy is a powerful
way to get in touch with
thoughts and feelings. Instead
of using their minds to
address problems, which
often leads to denial, blaming
others or intellectualizing their
way around the problem, they
use their bodies and hearts to
feel and react in the moment.
Horses have a unique
ability to sense emotions
and react accordingly. If
someone is angry or
aggressive, the horse may
become obstinate. If the
person is anxious, the
horse may get skittish.
But when approached by
someone who is open and
calm, the horse is more
likely to respond in kind.
Witnessing the horse’s
response promotes selfawareness and can help
people see themselves in
a more realistic way.
Rider: Alex Kovich
Alex is a high school
ultimately become a defense
His favorite memory is
sophomore who especially
watching his sister ride for
likes World History,
Geometry and is carrying a
He has been riding for about
perfect grade in Chemistry
three years now and loves
so far this semester!
to compete in the AQHA
the first time at All Star and
watching her grow and
events at Chisholm
This is a young man with
While he lives with his
Challenge where he has won
plans for his future and
mother and sister with their
a belt buckle in past years.
clearly a person who will
dog, Suzie and cat, Molly, he
His favorite horse is Rebel
succeed. We are so glad
has big plans to attend the
who took him smoothly over
Alex is a member of our All
University of Texas and
the cavalletti this week in
Star family. Thanks for
being here.
Volunteer: Dan Chambers
Dan Chambers is the eldest of
two sons born in Denver,
graduating from Colorado
State U with a Parks and
Recreation Administration
He and Sherri married in
college. She is now retired
from Mansfield ISD. They
raised 3 children together and
have 5 grandchildren.
Dan was drafted into the Air
Force where his career
spanned 37 years as a Federal
Air Force Reserve Technician
and Civil Service combined.
He would have kept going if
they had let him but
mandatory retirement at 60
ended that phase of his life.
After military retirement Dan
substituted with special needs
classes in schools where he
met some girls familiar with
All Star. They talked about
Equestrian therapy so he
came to check it out. Now he
is here most of the time
instead of substituting at
Dan loves the Chisholm
Challenge competition
because of the enthusiasm of
all riders, the parents and
even the horses. He says, “It’s
a fun thing to see and be a
part of”.
Dan says, “Gus was my
favorite guy out in the pasture
but he’s retired now. I work
with Lefty a lot now and really
appreciate him so much. I tell
everyone about Moses,
because of his physical size
and the size of his character.
I would like to see a tighter
connection to the school
special ed programs so the
kids would get information
about what All Star can
provide for all kids who need
I’m glad I have this
opportunity and I look
forward to it every week.”
Summer Barn Raising
If you haven’t been out near
replenish our supply.
our pasture behind the
arena you may not have
So hours in the sun!
noticed that we have a new
Welding torches blazing!
expanded hay barn! This is
Dedication, hard work and
an amazing addition to our
the volunteer spirit of
property as it will save us
everyone involved –
time, and money because
produced our wonderful new
we will be able to buy our
hay barn. Thanks to John,
hay in larger quantities and
Veronica, Mack, Mark,
keep it here on premises.
Dwayne, Cindy, Hans,
Up till now Cynthia and John
Curtis, Ryan, Vance,
or Veronica have had to
Cynthia, Donna!! You are all
make the drive to our offsite
storage many miles away to
Interns, continued
They are here because they
love All Star and wish to be an
effective part of our teaching
team. They will not be paid
for the time spent training,
shadowing or student
For every class the intern
teaches they will invest an
average of 3 hours in
preparation, observation, and
being critiqued by their
instructor. Additional time will
be spent studying and paper
Welcome our ladies with
patience and understanding
as they learn. Do not hesitate
to come to your instructor
with any questions that might
come up.
As always, the safety of our
students’ and the quality of
our classes are our top
I Believe in All Star
Count my donation toward a great 2014
Donations can also be made online at:
Name: ____________________________
Email: _____________________________
Address: ___________________________
City, State, Zip:
My donation of $______________ will be made by:
______check #_______ date _______________
All Star Equestrian
P.O. Box 892
Mansfield, TX 76063
6601 FM 2738
Burleson, TX 76028
Health Safety
By: Ann Blakely
same symptoms and
make the call and let us know
you won’t be in.
With cooler weather
approaching, and allergy
Add to that, flu and cold
season upon us, runny noses,
season and we have a
itchy eyes and coughs will
mishmash of contagious
become commonplace….and
viruses that we don’t want to
that’s just the horses! We
share! Wash Hands! Cover
anticipate our riders and
your coughs! Carry tissues to
volunteers will also have the
wipe noses and if you are sick,
We’ll miss
you, but will appreciate a
About Our Organization
Our Mission Statement
To improve mental,
physical and emotional
fitness through
therapeutic horseback
riding .
We have classes Tuesday through
Saturday, rain or shine, hot and
cold in our covered arena.
We are open 11 months of the
year with August off for rest and
We ride all ages, all disabilities.
We welcome visitors both riders
and volunteers to our barn.
healthier barn for us all.