OUR LADY & ST. JOHN, HESWALL The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Sat First Mass of Sunday 7.00 pm Special Intention The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica of the Most Holy Redeemer 8:30 am Parishioners Sun 11:15 am Peggy Walker Mon St Leo the Great 9:00 am Celebration of Word & Communion Tues St Martin of Tours 7:00 pm Geraldine Chitty St Josaphat 9:00 am Special Intention Adoration All day Come and spend some quiet time with Our Lord Thurs Ferial 9:00 am Thanksgiving Fri Ferial 9:00 am John Mercer Ferial 10:00 am Vin & Mary Williams Joseph & Margaret Hall First Mass of Sunday 7.00 pm Alan Rogers 8:30 am Parishioners 11:15 am Michael McGurk Wed Sat rd Sun 33 Sunday in Ordinary Time The Impact of the Second Vatican Council: Further copies of Father Paul Shaw’s excellent talk on this topic are now available at the back of church. Heswall Concert Series: Next one is on Saturday 15th November at 7:30pm at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Heswall. Performed by some of the most talented and exciting emerging musicians in the North of England. All proceeds from the concerts will go to sending members of Heswall YF on a mission trip to Uganda in July 2015. Tickets £10/£7. Contact Edward or Victoria Interi on 342-1823 or 07972587608. Mother’s Prayers meet every Monday after morning Mass in the meeting room. If you would like to join us to pray in a special way for our children, please come along. Food Bank: The parish donated 21.23 kgs to the Wirral Food Bank last week. There is a big plastic box at the back of church for donations of non-perishable foods. Could you please make sure that any donated food is within its 'use by date'. Bebington Dramatic Society presents “The Wilmslow Boy” by Terence Rattigan at the Gladstone Theatre on Wednesday th 19 November at 7:30pm. Tickets £8. All proceeds going to the SVP. Contact Peter 648 6704 or Jane 792 9833. 342 6581 9th November 2014 Perpetual Adoration: Wednesday 9:30am until 8:30pm. Full details and rota at the back of church. “Eucharistic adoration brings about the transformation of the world” Pope Benedict XVI Sick: Please remember in your prayers all those in the Parish who are sick at home or in hospital, Catherine Maschke, Henry Moriarty, Madeleine O’Connor, Bridie Turner, Nick Lord, Denis Newton, Harry Paziuk, and Mandy Shannon. Confessions: After Mass during the week and on Saturday at 11.30 am* Piety Stall: please support the Piety Stall in the porch. It has a selection of gifts, cards and devotional goods. Morning Prayers Before each 9.00 am weekday Mass Loop System is available in Church for use during Mass If you require disabled access, please ask. There is a wheel chair available. Anyone using this must be responsible for the safety of the person in the wheelchair. Christmas Coffee Evening in aid of St John’s Hospice on Wednesday 12th November, 7.30pm – 9.30pm at 17A Fender Way, Barnston. Tea, coffee and cake will be served, price £2.00. There will also be St John’s Hospice cards, diaries, gifts on sale plus a raffle. Please do come and support this great charity. Thank you, Anne Rowlands. *Please note that confessions will be after 10 o’clock th mass next Saturday (15 November), as Father Stephen will be conducting a wedding at Holy Family. Meeting Room Enquiries: Contact the Meeting Room Manager Victoria Hanlon on 07563 378727 or via email contact@ourladyandstjohn.org.uk Car parking: Please observe the parking restrictions in Boundary Lane. Even if you are permitted to park there please do not park opposite our neighbours' driveways. Also please be aware that there are new parking restrictions in place in Beacon Parade (shops opposite Church). Offertory Collection: £791.98 Thank you Catholic Children’s Society: Final reminder to bring boxes to the sacristy as soon as possible for emptying in the Autumn Collection. Thank you. Friends of Mandy: Friends of Mandy will be gathering every Friday at 7.00pm at Our Lady and St John in Heswall to say the Rosary for Mandy. Please pass this message onto anyone that may like to come along. Saturday Evening Mass: More readers are urgently needed at Saturday Evening Mass. Please let me know if you can help. Jill McKenzie 342 3338. Mass will be followed by refreshments. Cenacolo Open Day: There is to be an Open Day at the house in Kendal on 29th November, starting at 10am. There will be rosary, Mass and adoration ending with a Nativity outside. Lunch and refreshments are provided. Please put your name on the list at the back of church if you would like to go and if there is enough interest transport can be arranged. For further information contact Mary Holgate, 342 4166. WWI Evening: Ladies, you are invited by the Heswall Methodists 'Beacon Lights' Group, to join them for a World War 1 evening on Wednesday 12th November, 8.00pm at the Beacon café on Telegraph Road. There will be refreshments and a small charge of £2. For further information and to book your place contact Bernie Hailwood 342 6918 or email the parish website. Catenian Open Evening - Prenton Golf Club Tuesday 11th November 2014 at 7:30pm. Margaret Stanley will be giving a brief account of her work with the Cenacolo Organisation. Paul Sherrard will be talking about his work in a village in Uganda and Sophie Worthington (nee Byrnes) will be giving a talk about trekking in the Himalayas. Free finger buffet with wine. Everyone welcome. Eddie Byrnes (342 5872). You are all warmly invited to attend my formal Induction as Parish Priest at the 7pm Mass on Tuesday 18 November. The Items that won’t fit on the newsletter can be seen on the website – ‘Latest Newsletter’ via the Home page. www.ourladyandstjohn.org.uk Shrewsbury Diocese is a Registered Charity no. 234025
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