Where Hospitality and Love Meet St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri Join us for the K of C Breakfast TODAY in the cafeteria following the 7:30 & 9:00 Masses Join us for the K of C Blood Drive TODAY in the gym from 8 am 12:30 pm. All donors receive a FREE breakfast! November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Living the Gospel Message Since 1890 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com From the Pastor’s Pen Dear Parishioners of St. Joseph, We Salute Our Veterans... Thank You for Serving our Country! Join Us TODAY for a Free Breakfast in Your Honor Our Knights of Columbus are proud to honor our parish’s veterans with an appreciation breakfast for Veteran’s Day, TODAY after the 7:30 and 9:00 am masses. All veterans are invited to enjoy a complimentary all-you-can-eat breakfast from our Knights. Our school children will be present to serve our parish’s veterans. Our Special Mass and Anointing of the Sick for our Sick, Homebound and Elderly. . . a prayerful experience for all A warm and heartfelt thank you to our Women of Mary for the wonderful meal they served this past Wednesday for our parishioners who attended the Healing Mass and received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. We had over 100 present who received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Our sincere thanks to Agnes Hinkebein, RN, our parish health minister, who coordinated this special event and to our 8th grade students who were so helpful serving as ministers of hospitality. It truly was a prayerful experience for all. Our thanks to Agnes for all that she does throughout the year for our parish family. Due to Our Priests Being Away This Week, We Will Have a Communion Service This Thursday and Friday Both Fr. Dyer and I will be away this week, joining our Yesterday’s Kids for the Branson Christmas Trip. Thus there will be Communion Services THIS Thursday and Friday, Novemeber 13 and 14. Knights of Columbus Blood Drive - TODAY The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a blood drive today in the gym from 8 am - 12:30 pm. November 9, 2014 • Page 2 Help the Hungry Bake Sale is just around the corner... I have been in the kitchen looking through cookbooks trying to decide what I will be baking for the Cookin’ Clergy Contest Our community’s Help the Hungry Bake Sale is scheduled for Saturday, November 22 in our school gym. The bake sale benefits St. Vincent dePaul and Ministerial Alliance food pantries. All parishioners are invited to bake an item to bring to this annual event. Our parish will be hosting the bread booth. Our Holiday “Giving Tree” is up and ready for you to pick an ornament to help those visiting St. Vincent de Paul Pantry The Women of Mary are again sponsoring a "Giving Tree" to benefit our St. Vincent dePaul organization. Since many of our clients who visit our St. Vincent de Paul come only once a month, we are hoping to have some Christmas presents available for them and for their children in early December. The tree is located in the entry of the Parish Center. You may take an ornament from the tree, purchase the item on the label, and then place the unwrapped item under the tree. The volunteers from St. Vincent dePaul will pick up the items and distribute them to their clients before Christmas. Thanks to everyone for your support to our holiday giving tree, each year you are so generous to those in need from our local community. Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9:00 am with our Tradition of Sending Home with You Blessed Loaves of Bread As you make family plans for Thanksgiving Day, please consider joining us for the 9:00 am mass to give the ultimate gift of gratitude of Thanksgiving, the Holy Eucharist. For the past nine years, we have had the tradition of the blessing of loaves of homemade bread to be taken home and shared at your family’s Thanksgiving meal. During the offertory collection, I will again invite you to bring can goods, or monetary gifts for the poor to the altar. These items will be blessed at the end of the mass followed by the blessing of the bread. My sincere thanks to Dolores Eddleman and her family who will be baking the loaves of homemade bread for this special St. Joseph’s Thanksgiving Day tradition. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com A Special Evening for the Women of St. Joseph's Parish Our 5th Annual Advent by Candlelight “God’s Gift of Snow” Our annual Advent by Candlelight evening will soon be upon us... this is a wonderful way for our ladies to prepare their hearts for the Christmas season each year. This year’s Advent by Candlelight will be held on Sunday, November 30 from 6:00 - 8:45 pm for our ladies to come together for an evening of reflection, celebration, and friendship as they prepare the way of the Lord during the Season of Advent. This evening is designed to bring our ladies together for a relaxing evening of socialization while providing a faithful reflection on the preparation for Christmas. Sue Wilker, RN, Program Coordinator for the Archdiocese Priest Wellness Program will be our guest speaker and will give a heartfelt spiritual presentation on “God’s Gift of Snow”. Her presentation will be followed by a meditation by our parishioner, Risha Gaines. The inspirational music for the evening will be provided by Daryl Buchheit. This evening is an exceptional time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas as we prepare for our family celebrations. Several of our ladies will once again host a table for 8 and serve as hostesses for the evening. Our hostesses will provide their guests with appetizers, desserts and beverages. The décor and table settings will be unique to each hostess as the tables can be elaborate or simply decorated. Some hostesses may bring china and crystal, some paper and plastic, others may bring a combination of both. It all works to transform our parish center into a lovely setting for the evening. This year we are asking all tables to have only one hostess. This evening is also designed as a fund raiser for our “Secret Santa” fund to help parishioners in special need this holiday season. The top hostess raising the most money from her guests at her table will receive a special gift. All women are welcome! If you would like to attend, please call the parish office and let us know! Deadline to RSVP for this special evening is Monday, November 24. November 9, 2014 • Page 3 Preparing for the Upcoming Holiday Season As you and your family prepare for the Holiday Season, please note our mass schedule. Holiday Mass Schedule Thanksgiving Day • 9:00 am Christmas Eve • 5 pm & midnight masses Christmas Day • 7:30, 9 & 10:30 am masses Feast of the Holy Family • Sunday, Dec 28 at 7:30, 9, & 10:30 am masses New Year’s Day • 8 am & 7 pm For Those Attending Our Yesterday’s Kids Trip to Branson This Week... Our Yesterday’s Kids will be leaving this Wednesday, November 12 at 8:00 am to board the bus for Branson for three days of good food, good friends and laughter. We will celebrate mass together on Thursday morning at Our Lady of the Lake. This year we are honored to have three priests in attendance: Fr. Dyer, Fr. Tony and myself. Please remember to keep us in your prayers. And Finally... Just a reminder that the Mass Intention Book opened recently on Monday, November 3, for the year 2015. We still have several openings for Mass intentions. “Always remember that as long as we keep the Eucharist the center of our lives, everything else will fall in place...of that I am confident”!!! Blessings of Peace…Fr. Rickey A Prayer for our Brothers and Sisters in Ferguson O, Loving Father, You, the creator of the earth and creator of human beings in your image, send your Spirit upon our neighborhoods and members of our churches that our hearts become hearts of love and not hearts of stone. May your Spirit fill us with insight and understanding of the issues that lay below the surface. We stand before you in our brokenness, pleading for your grace to come upon us, that we might be filled with your presence at this time. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Taken from a prayer from the Ferguson Ministerial Alliance. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com Our Pastoral Team Very Rev. Rickey J. Valleroy, V.F................Pastor email: frrickvalleroy@aol.com Rev. James W. Dyer................... Associate Pastor email: jdyer@stjosephfarmington.com Deacon Albin Gegg ............... Permanent Deacon Susie Rohrer ......................................Co-Principal email: srohrer@stjosephfarmington.com Shirley Bieser.....................................Co-Principal email: sbieser@stjosephfarmington.com Agnes Hinkebein .................Pastoral Health Care email: healthminister@stjosephfarmington.com Jane Ramos ...Coordinator of Religious Education email: jramos@stjosephfarmington.com Kari Scott.................................Preschool Director email: kscott@stjosephfarmington.com Lisa Cartee .................. Office / Business Manager email: secretary@stjosephfarmington.com Jeannette Ragsdale....................... Bulletin Editor/ ................................................... Event Coordinator email: bulletin@stjosephfarmington.com Sandi Brooks ............. Evangelization Coordinator email: evangelization@stjosephfarmington.com Connie Grindel & Phyllis LaPlant...............RCIA email: RCIA@stjosephfarmington.com Mike Ward....................... Maintenance Supervisor Paul Gaines ................................. Pastoral Council Jim Eaton ........................... Financial Commission Ed Brown............................ Cemetery Association Parish Business Office Hours Monday thru Friday • 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone (573)756-4250 • Fax (573)756-6938 10 North Long Street • Farmington, MO 63640 Happy Anniversary November 9, 1957 November 11, 1967 Dick & Lou Chessey Ed & Sue Brown November 10, 1972 November 15, 1980 Jim & Jane Hardy James & Linda Gillespie November 10, 1984 Andrew & Sherry Huitt November 9, 2014 • Page 4 Mass Schedule Monday thru Friday..................................... 7:00 am Friday (All School Mass Aug-May).............. 8:05 am Sunday Observance Saturday ............................................... 5:00 pm Sunday .......... 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:30 am Holy Days of Obligation......... 7 am, 8 am, and 7 pm The Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 4 pm, Sundays 7 am, or by appointment The Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are held the first Sunday of the month after the 10:30 am Mass. Baptismal preparation class required. The Sacrament of Marriage Celebrated after meeting the bride and groom and beginning preparation six months before the wedding, in accordance with Archdiocesan Wedding Policy. Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays 7:30 am through Closing Prayer Service at 5:15 pm. First Fridays of the month from 9 am through Closing Prayer Service at 2:15 pm. St. Vincent dePaul Society Open Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm For assistance call 756-0997 Happy Birthday November 9 November 11 November 13 Becky Fingerhut Luke Boyd Jim Aldridge Paige Greif Buddy Bordewick Mary Heberlie Barb Halter Ronald Brooks November 14 Alana Masters Tanner Corcoran Dagney McCarver Doug Gaines Joyce Wozniak Bridgette Marcia Pease November 15 Sansegraw Ralph Trepasso Mark Trolinger Mark Basler November 10 Frances Zolman Willie Eddleman Jessica Hinkebein Harry Harness November 12 Laura Torres Ally Boyd The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com November 9, 2014 • Page 5 Anointing of the Sick Mass & Luncheon Wednesday, November 5 Our sincere thanks to our Parish Health Minister, Agnes Hinkebein, for organizing such a special morning for those seeking the Sacrament of Healing. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com Eucharistic Celebrations and Mass Intentions November 9, 2014 • Page 6 Ministers of the Liturgy Week of November 10 - 16, 2014 Monday: Readings: 7:00 am: St. Leo the Great Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Henrietta T. Hodges Tuesday: Readings: 7:00 am: St. Martin of Tours Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10 Vel Schnurbusch Wednesday: St. Josaphat Readings: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 7:00 am: Bill and Joan Kure Thursday: Readings: 7:00 am: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Communion Service Friday: Readings: Weekday Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Communion Service 7:00 am: The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday Readings: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Saturday: 5:00 pm: Sunday: 7:30 am: 9:00 am: 10:30 am: Living & Deceased Members of Women of Mary Mary A. Govreau Chris & Janice Larson Parishioners visit www.stjosephfarmington.com and click on “daily mass readings” for easy reference. St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Mission Statement We are called by our Lord Jesus Christ, to be His church and live His gospel. We strive to fulfill our baptismal calling by prayer, worship, teaching and in sharing our faith and serving others. Guided by the Holy Spirit and through our patron St. Joseph, we commit ourselves to the responsible stewardship of all God’s gifts. Saturday, November 15 5:00 pm Mass Priest: Fr. James Dyer Lector: Terry Guiley Extraordinary Ministers: Kevin Boatright, Ron Brooks, Sandi Brooks, John Crouch, Rosetta Halter Ushers: Buddy Bordewick, Gary Harris, Mark Kellogg, Ralph Trepasso Servers: Kr. Ramos, Ka. Ramos, Ki. Ramos Sunday, November 16 7:30 am Mass Priest: Fr. James Dyer Lector: Chuck Hayden Extraordinary Ministers: Dotty Bach, Jerry Bach, Jim Eaton, Steve Forsythe, Rose Hayden Ushers: Austin Bequette, Ed Brown, Tom Donze, Dale Jones Servers: K. Gerwitz, S. Heberlie 9:00 am Mass Priest: Fr. Rickey Valleroy Lector: George Kracke Extraordinary Ministers: Jami AuBuchon, Adam Barnhouse, Rob Grindel, Sandi Kracke, Charlotte Vander Bol Ushers: John England, John Podolak, Mike Turner, Mike Ward Servers: E. O’Hara, E. Reidt, Z. Seaton 10:30 am Mass Priest: Fr. Rickey Valleroy Lector: Chad Speakar Extraordinary Ministers: Phyllis LaPlant, Isa Sippo, Bill Sippo, John Thurman, Helen Thurman Ushers: Mark Bieser, Bob Bone, James Cissell, Roy Henson, Servers: E. Lamb, I. Lamb, K. Melton Monday, November 10, 2014 Sacristans Brenda Donze, Linda Gillespie, Karen Jones, Jo Rustemeyer Money Counters Donna Black, Mary Brady, Sue Brown, Kathy Neiner, Debbie Thomure The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com Come join us for our weekly Parish Rosary to be offered this Wednesday at 7:15 pm Our petition for this week will be: “For the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Francis” In Our Thoughts and Prayers... Your Gifts to God and Parish Sunday, November 2 , 2014 Adult Envelopes Loose Electronic Envelopes All Saints Day We pray for the repose of the soul of Thelma Chambers long-time parishioner May God welcome her home, fill her with peace, and bless those who will miss her. We welcome into our faith community through Baptism... Christopher Matthew Gober son of Tracy Gober “May the Lord give His angels charge over you, to guide you in all your ways.” Psalm 91:11 Let us pray for those who share weekly in our Eucharistic Celebration and who are carrying the gift of life. . . Golda (Anton) Aseniero Marsha (Kevin) Brown Congratulations to Eric & Kelsey on the arrival of Ella Mae Koppeis on October 29 November 9, 2014 • Page 7 $13,521.00 $491.00 $365.00 $394.00 $14,771.00 Current Week Sunday Offering Budgeted Amount Shortage/Overage $14,771.00 $10,850.00 $3,921.00 Partners in Education Maintenance & Repair St. Vincent de Paul Retired Religious All Souls Human Development Total for Specials Year to Date $199,793.99 $195,300.00 $4,493.99 $461.00 $318.00 $639.00 $536.00 $569.00 $80.00 $2,603.00 Thank You For Your Faithfulness!!! “For we are God’s fellow workers…” 1 Corinthians 3:9 We are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? Together we pray for those who are sick. (Parishioners names are in bold.) Please pray for: Bea Cauley, Rosemary Dunaway, Rhonda LaPierre, Thelma Blake, Bill Jokerst, Susan Woods, Bathe family, Greg Ribbing, Marilyn Trokey, Jonell Sweeney, Ken & Anna Webber, Shanda Arnold, Lou Krapf, Jill Walker, Ron Strauser, Emily Grieshaber, Bob Malone, Tracy Beussink, Mary Jones, Bernadette Blyze, Bob Oder, Robert McManus, Joyce Wozniak, Charles Govreau, Davie Prather, Bob and Sharon Boyer, Brent Rollens, Annette Wolf, Andrew Colas, Sara Hershberger, Ethel Backer, June Steneck, Joe Mondello, Todd Mabery, David Ikemeier, Harold & Lois Skaggs, Joel Hommelson, Rose Petinga, Rick Bach, Wade Goggin, Helen Mell, John Jones, Agnes Davis. To add someone to the prayer list contact Pat Boatright at pandkboat@gmail.com or 756-4169. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com November 9, 2014 • Page 8 “Remembering Yesterday...” St. Joseph Catholic Church Farmington, Missouri CELEBRATING 125 YEARS Where Hospitality and Love Meet Last weeks picture: The parish family from our 1971 photo directory was Robert and Norma Jean Greif and family. Congratulations to Ralph Schnurbusch for being the first to call Monday morning with the correct answer. Thanks to all who called with the answer!!! 1890-2015 The first person to call the office Monday morning with the correct answer will receive a special St. Joseph rosary commemorating our 125th anniversary. This Week in Our Parish Mon 11/10 Adult Education - Catholicism: The Journey of a Lifetime 6:30 pm • Parish Center Tues 11/11 School Board Meeting 7:00 pm • 8th grade classroom Wed 11/12 Yesterday’s Kids Trip to Branson 8:00 am • Leave St. Joseph’s PSR Class 6:00 pm • School Parish Rosary 7:15 pm • Church Thurs 11/13 Eucharistic Adoration 7:30 am • Church RCIA 6:00 pm • Meet, Eat and Greet 6:30 pm • Class begins Sat 11/15 Squire’s Meeting 7:00 pm • Cafeteria Sun 11/16 Spanish Mass 3:00 pm • Church Youth Group 7:00 pm • Cafeteria Can you identify this family from our 1971 photo directory? A Note from our Pastoral Health Care Minister, Agnes Hinkebein, RN If you are homebound or are hospitalized or know a parishioner who is, please contact me in the parish office or email healthminister@stjosephfarmington.com Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9 am with our Tradition of Sending Home with You Blessed Loaves of Bread As you make family plans for Thanksgiving Day, please consider joining us for the 9 am mass to give the ultimate gift of gratitude of Thanksgiving, the Holy Eucharist. Pope Francis’ prayer intention for November: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Thank you to the Figueroa’s (Rafael and Carla) for their Platinum Donation to our Dinner Auction!!! The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com November 9, 2014 • Page 9 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica In all three of today’s readings, the Temple or an image of the Temple is dominant. Ezekiel speaks of streams of living water flowing out from the Temple, watering the desert, bringing life to all living things, offering fresh healing to God’s people. Paul reminds the Corinthians that their faith rests upon the firmest of foundations, Christ himself. More than that, Paul reveals that those who follow Christ are themselves temples, temples of the Holy Spirit. That is, God dwells not only with them but in them as well. For the Jews of Jesus’ time, the Temple had come to be identified with the presence of God and the only place where authentic worship of God took place. Jesus had a different perception. Jesus identified himself not with the Temple, but as the temple. By so doing, Jesus indicated a drastic shift in what it means to worship God, to be in God’s presence. Jesus replaced a place as the focus of prayer with a person—himself. The Holy Temple Sometimes reflection on God’s word leads to meditation, sometimes to action, and sometimes to storytelling. This is one of the storytelling times. In ancient Israel lived two brothers who loved each other dearly. The older brother had no family. The younger did. As poor farmers, the brothers shared the same field. At harvest, they shared the wheat they had grown, each one receiving an equal share. Each would gather his pile of wheat and place it in a sheaf outside his house. But one day, after the harvest, when the two had divided the wheat, the older brother woke up in the middle of the night and thought to himself: “My brother has more responsibilities and mouths to feed than I.” So, night after night, he took some of his wheat and added it to his brother’s share. Meanwhile, the younger brother, too, could not sleep. He thought: “My brother has no sons to care for him in his old age as I do.” So, night after night, he took some of his wheat and added it to his brother’s share. Each morning, the brothers were surprised that their heaps of wheat had not grown smaller. At last, one night, the brothers caught one another carrying a bundle of wheat to the other’s house. Realizing what had been happening, the brothers rushed to embrace one another with great brotherly love. God saw what the two brothers had done and said, “Blessed be the field where these two brothers are standing and embracing.” Many years later, King Solomon built the holy Temple on the very same ground where these two brothers had embraced, and the holy Temple became a place of love and blessing to all people everywhere. Holy People Holy Place God’s Temple—God’s church—is built on the care, support, and love of its members. Where people embrace, where people gather in God’s name, God is present, uniting them to one another, making them and the place holy. Today’s Readings: Ez 47:1–2, 8–9, 12; Ps 46:2–3, 5–6, 8–9; 1 Cor 3:9c–11, 16–17; Jn 2:13–22 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com Heartfelt Thanks... I would like to thank everyone attended our dinner auction, supported the class baskets, for generous donations, and for generosity. Thank you for helping us such a successful dinner auction. who who your your have I owe a tremendous amount of thanks to Jodie Berkbigler, Tiffani Busenbark, Joni Coleman, Loretta Forsythe, Rachael Layton, and Sam Wade for all of your help. The dinner auction was successful because of all of your hard work. We make a great team. From little things to big things - early mornings to late nights, you ladies did anything I asked and so much more I didn’t have to ask. Thank you so much for your unending dedication. May God bless each of you, Emily Hale Help the Hungry Bakesale Raffle Take a chance on this unique table to be raffled off at the end of the live auction. Tickets on sale at the bakesale on November 22. $1 each or 6 for $5 November 9, 2014 • Page 10 Our RCIA Team could use some help in welcoming those inquiring about our faith... The RCIA team would like to extend an invitation to our Parish to show their hospitality toward those who are inquiring into becoming Catholic. How can you extend a warm welcome? The RCIA Team serves a meal every Thursday night in the Parish Center to the inquirers and their sponsors. Since we meet at 6 pm, many are coming straight from work and have no time to go home. Each time we meet, there is a planned menu and desserts. If you would like to help with a meal by bringing a dish to one of the RCIA meetings please contact Helen Thurman at 573-366-8812 or email at jwt.1941@yahoo.com. What a wonderful opportunity to show how welcoming we are at St. Joseph Parish. Respect for Life Respect Life Meeting There will be a Respect Life Committee meeting on Tuesday, November 18 at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center. We will be drawing for the winner of the Schnuck’s gift certificate during the meeting. There is still time to purchase raffle tickets. See one of the Respect Life members if you would like to be in the drawing! Please join us! Advertiser of the Week This week we would like to thank Ike’s Florist for sponsoring our bulletin. Without our sponsors, we would have to assume the cost of publication. Please patronize our Advertisers! Try Bulletin Advertising call 800-876-7000, Ext. 295. Happenings at Other Parishes Ste Marie Du Lac • Ironton Fall Bazaar and Craft Sale Saturday, November 15 • 9 am - 3 pm The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com November 9, 2014 • Page 11 This Veteran’s Day we remember those Serving in our Military Sergeant Jacob Steven Baechle Captain Tessa J. Klinkhardt, MD Stationed at Fort Brag grandson of Ginger Baechle and Dale & Jane Meyer stationed at Madigan Hospital at Ft. Lewis, WA neice of MaryLou Brady Captain David Brewer Warrant Officer 3 John Roy Masters Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer in Salt Lake City, Utah • son of Louise Brewer GySgt Matthew Carman Marines at Okinawa, Japan son-in-law of Mary & Gary Berblinger Lieutenant Commander Thomas Conklin Naval Air Station North Island, California son of Rick & Donna Conklin Specialist Gregory T. Corcoran with the 1138 National Guard grandson of Romana Corcoran CPT Kevin Costello Army, Ft. Sam Houston son of Cris Costello CPT Joseph Costello Army, Ft. Sam Houston son of Cris Costello MAJ Genevieve Costello Army, stationed in Afghanistan daughter of Cris Costello 2nd LT Christopher Hafner with 278 ACR Knoxville, Tennessee National Guard • grandson of Richard & Mary Hafner Sergeant Gerald Hafner with the 205 ASMC Kansas City National Guard • son of Richard & Mary Hafner Master Sergeant James Howey Air Force in Wright Patterson AFB Dayton, OH son-in-law of Mary & Gary Berblinger Private Corey Jones Army in Ft. Leonard Wood son of Dale and Arlene Jones SFC Olivia M. Klinkhardt Physician’s Assistant at Ft. Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma • Neice of MaryLou Brady brother of Tim Masters Sergeant Timothy Masters Army National Guard • Tim, his wife Nikki, and their daughters are parishioners 1st LT Becky (Nekula) Mohan Stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington daughter of Pat Nekula Captain Jeffrey R. Morris US Air Force, stationed in Shreveport, LA grandson of Thelma Chambers Brandon Paroski US Army stationed in Virginia nephew of Steve and Cynthia Paroski Lt Cmdr. Catherine (Wolo) Perez US Navy serving in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii daughter of Mike and Jo Anne Wolo ET2 Josh Rustemeyer US Coast Guard in Kodiak, Alaska grandson of Jo Rustemeyer Seamen E3 Savannah Shelton US Navy stationed at Norfolk Naval Base, VA daughter-in-law of Howard & Shirley Shelton Jeffrey Smith Stationed in Ft. Leonard Wood, MO son of Tom & Linda Smith of Coffman, nephew of Dotty & Jerry Bach, and Pat & Kevin Boatright BJ Waltz US Navy stationed in Florida nephew of Steve and Cynthia Paroski SSG Frank Wilson, Jr. US Army Recruiter in New Hampshire grandson of Madgie Winch MM2 Jonathan Wilson US Navy on USS Sea Wolf son of Ginger Wilson grandson of Madgie Winch The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com Respect Life Committee Raffle The Respect Life Committee will be selling raffle tickets for a $150 gift certificate to Schnucks Grocery Store. This would be a great way to start the holidays! Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. If you would like to purchase tickets, the Respect Life Committee will be at: • Knights of Columbus breakfast Sunday, November 9 The drawing will be held at the Respect Life Meeting on Tuesday, November 18 Women of Mary’s “Giving Tree” The Women of Mary are again sponsoring a "Giving Tree" to benefit our St. Vincent de Paul organization. Since the clients who visit our St. Vincent de Paul come only once a month, we are hoping to have some Christmas presents available for them and their children before the end of November. The tree is located in the entry of the Parish Center. You may take an ornament from the tree, purchase the item on the label, and then place the unwrapped item under the tree. The volunteers from St. Vincent de Paul will pick up the items and distribute them to their clients before Christmas. Thanks to everyone for your support; each year you are so generous to those in need from our local community. November 9, 2014 • Page 12 The Holy Eucharist is “the Whole Christ” Eucharistic Adoration hours are Thursdays from 7:30 am - 5:15 pm followed by Benediction. Everyone is welcome to visit during Adoration Hours! For more information contact Charlie or Rita at 756-2383 or e-mail ctboyd@sbcglobal.net. St. Joseph Parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to “stay awake” by taking time to seriously look at ourselves, the priorities of our lives, and how we are growing spiritually. Ask yourself “What would Jesus Christ do?” and then put your gift in the St. Vincent de Paul envelope so that those who are suffering will be able to celebrate Thanksgiving. Open Tuesday and Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm For assistance call 756-0997 Our food pantry serves people in the St. Francois county regardless of race, sex, national origin, religion, or age. Spanish Mass NEXT Sunday, November 16 All are welcome to join our Hispanic community for our monthly Spanish mass NEXT Sunday, November 16 at 3:00 pm. A pot luck gathering will follow in the parish center. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica St. Joseph YOUTH GROUP www.stjosephfarmington.com Mark Y Calen our dars!! ! Upco m Datesing : November 16 Youth Group meeting at 7pm in the gym November 23 Help at Our Father's Table with their Thanksgiving meal Look at what’s happening in our Parish. . . November 12 - 14 Yesterdays’ Kids Branson trip Sunday, November 16 EWTN Catholics Come Home Series featuring Madge Winch Saturday, November 22 Help the Hungry Bakesale Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Mass 9:00 am Sunday, November 30 Advent by Candlelight Tuesday, December 9 Advent Recital in gym November 9, 2014 • Page 13 Our Father’s Table November 23 4:00 - 6:00 pm St. Joe Cafeteria We will be enjoying a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Please invite anyone you know that may be in need of a complimentary homemade meal served with love and compassion to join us. Our Father’s Table is located in our school cafeteria, the entrance is on Carleton Street. Bell Ringing St. Joseph Parish will once again be participating in the United Way Bell Ringing at Walmart in Farmington. There will be sign up sheets in the back of church on the windows. We will be ringing at the west door (pharmacy side) on Wednesdays, December 3, December 10 & December 17. Please call Jeannette in the Parish Office (756-4250) if you would like to sign up for a time slot, if you cannot make your time, or if you have questions. Dress warm if it’s cold, and thank you for your participation! 2015 Parish Directory Updates...Last Call We will be submitting our parish directory changes within the next two weeks and your updated information is needed. If you have any changes in your information, for example if you have disconnected your landline phone, please call the parish office immediately. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com Help the Hungry Bake Sale a benefit for food pantries Saturday, November 22 9:00 am - 1:00 pm November 9, 2014 • Page 14 BBQ Brown Bag Lunch Friday, November 14 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Auffenberg Chevrolet hamburger or pulled pork sandwich, chips, treat, & drink for $5 pre-order at aljohnso@socket.net or fax to 573-756-9272 The 9th annual Help the Hungry Bake Sale will be held in St. Joseph’s gym The bake sale is a joint effort between community churches, businesses, and citizens to raise funds for the local food pantries, St. Vincent dePaul and the Ministerial Alliance. This year the need is greater than ever with people of all ages at risk for hunger. Both food pantries have seen a marked increase in families needing assistance, serving over 1500 people a month. Please consider participating! Breakfast starting at 8:00 am will include biscuits & gravy, egg casserole, cinnamon rolls Lunch starting at 9:00 am including pulled pork sandwiches, chili, chili dogs, nachos, and more Events for Kids of all Ages Live Auction Cookin' Clergy Contest immediately following the live auction - come and support Fr. Rickey by bidding on his very own homemade goody! What you can do to help: • Bake! Cakes, cookies, breads, pies, pastries, candies - anything homemade will be appreciated. Items can be dropped off at the gym from 3:30 pm - 7 pm Friday or by 7:30 am Saturday. There will be a drive-thru drop off Friday afternoon. • Not a baker? Gift baskets, valued at $25 and up are also appreciated. • Volunteer some time to work either Friday evening or Saturday. Help will be needed to set up, manning the booth and clean up. • Please attend and Stock up on holiday food items. Come and support Fr. Rickey in the Cookin' Clergy Contest. • We are in need of volunteers Friday, November 21 from 3:15 - 5 pm and 5pm - 7pm to assist with set-up. Questions? or to volunteer, Contact Theresa Kellogg at 701-2992 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica www.stjosephfarmington.com November 9, 2014 • Page 15 St. Catherine of Alexandria Saturday, November 15, 2014 Celebrant Fr. Rickey Valleroy Lector Marilyn Gegg Extraordinary Ministers Jimmy and Susie Herzog Saturday 7:30 pm Mass Offertory Bearers Curt and Lynette Heberlie Coffman, Missouri Founded in 1887 Canonical Parish 1919 November 8 Mass Intention Susie Calvin Parish Council President: Jimmy Herzog November 15 Mass Intention James Herzog Your Gifts to God and Parish Saturday, November 1, 2014 Adult Envelopes ......................... $880.00 Loose.............................................. 30.00 Total.............................................$910.00 Retirement Fund........................... $50.00 All Saints ...................................... $25.00 Thank You For Your Faithfulness! Happy Anniversary Kenny & Teresa Gadell • November 9 Parish Council meeting this month will be held on Wednesday, November 19 at 7pm Thanksgiving Day Mass at 7pm on Wednesday, November 26 Blessings of Peace…Fr. Rickey
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