Thank you to all wrappers, packers, & contributers to the boxes. Thanks also to for the generous donations which help pay for transport of each box. Last year we sent 107 boxes so we have a new record number this year.Thanks to everyone. Wendy Winch & Gill Spokes CALENDARS - The calendar produced to raise funds for our charity Zambuko Ra Jehova (supporting the education of orphans at a school in Zimbabwe) is now ready. Featuring winning photographs from the church photo competition on the theme of "water", proceeds will go towards the cost of a well that has been sunk at the school. Please pay for your copies (£5 each) and collect from any of the ZRJ team - Elaine Young, Bill Holdforth, Ethel Martin, David Pinks SPIRITUAL FORMATION COURSE - It is hoped to run a Spiritual Formation Course in the Circuit in 2015. The sessions will be fortnightly on Tuesday evenings at Central Hall. A taster event will be held on Tuesday 18th November at 7.30pm at Central Hall. Flyers for this are available in Wellspring and further information about the course may be found on the notice board. ZRJ FUNDRAISING - change of date. Contrary to previous notices, the Safari Supper fundraising event will not be held in November 2014. Hopefully, it will be rearranged in the new year; please look out for further details. Thank you to everyone for their continued support. ZRJ committee UNWANTED GIFTS - Please do you have any items that would make prizes in a couple of raffles that are to be held at events over Christmas? They are usually a good source of fund-raising, so if you have anything that you would be happy yourself to win in a raffle, please bring it in to any of the ZRJ fundraising team Elaine Young, Bill Holdforth, Ethel Martin, David Pinks or leave with a note on it in Wellspring. Thank you. PLANT SALE TO RAISE FUNDS FOR ZAMBUKO RA JEHOVA - Do you have green fingers? We are hoping to hold a plant sale next spring consisting of donated plants and seeds. Now is the ideal time to start collecting seeds, taking cuttings and splitting plants, so please have a look around your garden for anything we could use. It is important to remember that donations will need to be clearly labelled. Any unwanted plant pots would also be useful so please don't throw them away. If you would like to know more please speak to Dave or Elaine Young. ITEMS FOR NEXT NOTICE SHEET - Deadline 7.00PM, THURSDAY BEFORE Email: (with Notice in the Subject line), printed/written note or ((024) 7641 4399. Thanks. Tim Weller. E&OE. Earlsdon Rev Andrew Charlesworth Tel: 01676 533737 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9th 10.30am Morning Worship with Holy Communion Rev’d Andrew Charlesworth Door Stewards, morning only, Judith Cule and Ethel Martin 6.30pm Pulse Service A very warm welcome to all who worship with us today. For parents of young children under 4 years old, who wish to share in the Service but not disturb others, the room above Wellspring, which is within sight & sound of the Service, has toys etc which are available for your use. All are welcome to use this facility. Please ask a Steward if you need assistance. Children 4 years old and over are very welcome to go out with the Junior Church when they leave the service. A Prayer for Today God of all, in your fathering, motherly self, you are ever-giving, ever-caring, ever-sacrificing. Ever-giving God, how could the giving of yourself as a baby, born in a cattle shed have the potential to change the world? But it did and does. What do you want me to give today? Ever-caring God, how could your Christly compassionate, practical meeting of people at their point of need be so effective? But it was and is. Keep me alert to where I can care in your name today. Ever-sacrificing God, how could your Son's death on a cross offer life and hope to all? But it did and does. What do you want me to sacrifice today? Thanks be to you, transformational God. Amen. Ward Jones, Bristol District Chair Lectionary Readings for this day: Wisdom of Solomon 6: 12-16 or Amos 5: 18-24; 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18; Matthew 25: 1-13 & Psalm 70. Activities over the coming week:MONDAY 7.45pm - HOUSEGROUPS - Two groups meet for fellowship, Bible study and prayer in one another's homes on alternate Monday evenings at 7.45. If you would like to join one of these groups please contact Lynne Horsler on or 024 7633 4111. TUESDAY 12noon - PRAYER LUNCH IN WELLSPRING - Sharing items of concern in the church and community, followed by a time of silent prayer, then lunch from ‘Richard the Potato Mans’ extensive menu. All welcome. THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9am to 2pm (12 noon on Saturday) - WELLSPRING open for refreshments & light lunches. For details of Circuit Events please click on the Diary tab of the Circuit Website at SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th 10.30am WEDNESDAY 2.15pm 10 to 11am - THE HEALING PRAYER GROUP meets in one of the rooms above Wellspring to share prayer concerns and to pray about them together. If you have a prayer request please feel free to come and be prayed for, or tell us of your concern and we will pray for it. Confidentiality will be respected. WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP Presents: "THE CHRISTMAS STORY TOLD IN STAMPS". Given by our friend Mike Spokes, on screen in the church. Everyone welcome. Morning Worship Christine Welham Door Stewards, morning only, David and Lynda Pinks 6.30pm Diana Thomas Wednesday Word A WORD in your ear … A WORD for your heart … 6.00pm: Come along any time between 6 and 9.00pm. Fellowship, hot food and drinks available. 7.00pm: Worship 7.45pm: Word THURSDAY 9am to 1pm - PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY IN WELLSPRING. You will find knitters at a table in the corner of Wellspring as they come and go during Thursday’s opening hours. New knitters are always welcome. Tuition is available for first time knitters! If you would like to request a prayer shawl for someone, please pass your request to Heather Mills, or a church steward. @ Welcome Centre THANK YOU EVERYBODY. LOVE STEVE, RUTH, JAKE & TOBY. This last month has been a real eye-opener to me. I know we all say we care for each other but the power of your prayers, messages & support was felt so strongly, I'm certain it was that, which helped me recover so quickly. Eventually, I'd like to get round to thank you individually but at the moment, as some of you will know from experience, it's likely to send my brain into meltdown again! It feels like I've 'a brain the size of a planet' , which I need to learn to bring into focus again. Hopefully see you all soon. Keep up the good work! Thank you so much again for everything. God Bless. Steve ROAD CLOSURE - Please be aware that Earlsdon Avenue North will be closed on the weekend of 15th - 16th November for carriageway repairs, from Westwood Road to Earlsdon Street. If you normally come to church via that route you will need to find another way round. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOE BOX APPEAL - After our second Wrapping & packing session we now have a total of 124 packed shoe boxes. I will be taking them to the Leamington warehouse next week from where they will start their journey to children who have absolutely nothing.. I don't know where their destination is as yet but will let everyone know via the news sheet.
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