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Special Event Publication
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Industrial Chemicals – REACH
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Welcome to the European REACH Congress 2014
We extend a very warm welcome to everyone attending our 2014 Congress.
You will all agree that the REACH Regulation has resulted in unprecedented change across the European
chemical industry. Whether beneficial or otherwise, these regulatory challenges will continue to affect the
competitiveness of the industry. The aim of our REACH Congress is, to support all stakeholders with practical advice and support in dealing
with these changes. The presentation programme is packed with experts from industry, consultancies, law
firms, scientific service providers and representatives from regulatory authorities, all imparting knowledge
and experience. The programme follows a logical progression from lessons learned in registrations from
2010 to equipping ourselves for the challenges of 2018. In addition to the more obvious features of REACH,
such as the ‘E’ and ‘A’, we have included selected insights into important technical issues, supply chain
challenges and industry concerns such as enforcement, SME problems and much more.
The Congress is enhanced, significantly, by the numbers of service providers exhibiting, particularly for a
new event. This reflects the general interest in a dedicated event on REACH for the chemical industry.
We hope to continue The REACH Congress each year, constantly developing the programme and providing
an opportunity for industry and service providers to gather and share experiences. Your feedback will be
greatly appreciated and we will endeavour to look after everyone in the centre of Europe’s chemical industry.
So, please enjoy the presentations, network and share experiences freely with colleagues and take
advantage of the hospitality offered in a wonderful city.
Speaker and Chair Biographies
Congress Programme Day 1
Congress Programme Day 2
Exhibition Floor Plan
Exhibitor Profiles
Page 5
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
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Page 14
REACH 2018
GHS 2015
Dossier update
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Dr Helma Barentsen
Regulatory Affairs Manager, WIL Research Europe
Dr. Barentsen joined WIL Research Europe (previously known as NOTOX B.V.) in 2001 as regulatory affairs manager for industrial
chemicals. Since 2006, she is also responsible for agrochemical and biocide dossiers. While her background is in chemistry, her
current expertise also includes toxicological assessment, occupational risk assessment, classification and labelling and regulatory
advice. She has used category approaches, read-across strategies and QSARs successfully under OECD HPV (high production
volume chemicals), ELINCS and REACH. Dr. Barentsen obtained her PhD in organic chemistry in 1994. From 1994-2001 she has
worked as a chemical research scientist at different positions with all kinds of chemicals. Dr. Barentsen is a member of the Dutch
Society of Toxicology (NVT).
Yvan Bisschops
Project Manager, REACH Centrum
Yvan has been a project manager at ReachCentrum since early April 2009. Previously, he worked for over 30 years in the Chemicals
industry. Having a biochemistry background, he started his career in R&D, moving to Technical Customer’s Services and Product
Management. Later on he became Marketing and Sales Director for a range of specialty products and was in charge of several
product development projects. As chairman of the Technical Committee of a CEFIC Sector sub Group, Yvan initiated and lead the
subsequent consortium. Yvan is currently in charge of several ReachCentrum consortiums and projects and is involved with CLP
training courses.
Simon Bradshaw
Simon Bradshaw has been working in the chemical software industry in the United Kingdom since 1995. Simon first joined Alpha
Numeric Systems Limited as Sales Manager. Specialising in the provision of Chemical Labelling solutions to mid-tier companies,
Simon built up substantial knowledge and experience in the chemical process industry. After leaving Alpha Numeric Systems,
Simon continued on to become Sales Manager at Hibiscus PLC which focussed on the production of labels for the chemical,
transport and dangerous goods industries. Simon then moved into the EHS Software industry and joined Lisam Systems as
Managing Director United Kingdom in 2012.
Ruxandra Cana
Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Ruxandra Cana, a partner in Steptoe’s Brussels office, has more than 15 years of experience advising multinational companies
and industry associations on EU regulatory compliance and product defense.Chambers Europe notes that Ms. Cana’s clients
are “unanimous in their praise of her for being ‘well-connected and very popular’ and state that she has ‘great judgment’ and
understands the way in which the […] industry works.’” She is also the recipient of the “Clients Choice” award by the International
Law Office in the category of EU environment law.Ms. Cana specifically advises clients on matters arising from the application and
implementation of the EU REACH rules, including data sharing, consortia formation, only representatives, corporate structuring,
and intermediates. She has formed, and continued to act as a legal advisor to more than 20 REACH consortia. Her practice also
covers REACH dossiers evaluation, substance evaluation, SVHC listings, inclusion in Annex XIV to REACH, and restrictions.She acted
as counsel in the first direct case related to EU chemicals legislation to succeed before the EU General Court and represented
clients in successful appeals before the Board of Appeal of the ECHA.Ms. Cana also brings significant experience in European Union
(EU) rules on biocides and pesticides, cosmetics, medical devices, consumer products such as electronics, food (labeling, nutrition,
food additives, and genetically modified food), food contact materials, and nanotechnology.She is regularly invited to participate
as a speaker at major EU and international conferences for the chemical industry.
Dr Michael Cleuvers
Managing Director, Dr. Knoell Consult GmbH
Michael studied Biology at the Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) and holds a PhD in ecotoxicology. After several post-doc
years in research and teaching at the RWTH, he joined Dr. Knoell Consult in 2004, working on environmental risk assessments for
agrochemicals, biocides and chemicals. In 2006 he developed the REACH working group, and in 2010 he became the head of the
business unit for REACH & global regulatory affairs, being responsible for the registration of chemicals in Europe, North America
and also Asia-Pacific. Since 2013 Michael is the Managing Director for Knoells global industrial chemicals & biocide business.
Speaker and Chair Biographies
Dr Frédérique van Acker
Project Manager Genetic & In Vitro Toxicology, TNO triskelion bv
Frédérique is a toxicologist with a PhD in oncology and with 15 years experience in the field of genetic and in vitro toxicology.
In 2009 she joined TNO as a scientist and since the foundation of the CRO TNO Triskelion BV in 2011, she is working as a project
manager/study director in the field of genetic and in vitro toxicology at the Toxicology and Risk Assessment Department of that
company. ln this position, she performed many in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity studies both GLP and non-GLP and is involved in
various innovation programs. She functions as an expert in genetic and in vitro toxicology supporting the other study directors
within this group. From 2001 – 2009, she worked in the pharmaceutical industry at Organon and Schering-Plough, first as a Study
Director and later also as Group Leader Genetic Toxicology. Frédérique is the secretary of the section Genetic Toxicology of The
Netherlands Society of Toxicology (NVT), member of the European Environmental Mutagen Society and the Dutch-Belgian Society
for ln Vitro Methods.
Speaker and Chair Biographies
Linda-Jean Cockcroft
Chair, DEHP Authorisation Task Force
Linda-Jean Cockcroft is associate partner in EPPA, and was seconded full time to Arkema in Paris for 2.5 years as their REACH
Strategic Program Manager, where she was responsible for Arkema’s Application for Authorisation for DEHP. Linda–Jean was also
the Chair of the DEHP Authorisation Task Force (ATF), and she continues to function in this capacity. The ATF’s application for
authorisation was the first manufacturer’s applicant to be submitted to ECHA. Now based in Brussels, Linda-Jean’s main focus is on
REACH and EU chemicals regulatory issues and she has worked on the socio-economics and analyses of alternatives of a number
of applications for authorisation, also for US clients. With expertise and experience in business issues and risk management and a
strong track record in strategic business programs, Linda-Jean has a unique combination of business-based strategy experience and
knowledge of business-relevant EU chemicals regulations. Linda-Jean worked for 14 years for Ernst & Young Netherlands in strategic
business program consulting. She then worked for TNO Netherlands before joining EPPA in Brussels in 2011.
Matthew Curl
Director, TSGE Consulting
Matt started his career at the Metropolitan Police Laboratory. After attending the University of Leicester, UK, where he obtained
his degree in Chemistry, Matt joined Hazleton Laboratories (Covance). At Covance, he progressed from a technical role to
Study Director and Department Manager, working as an analyst supporting toxicology studies then to pesticides residues,
pharmaceutical analysis and physicochemical properties testing.Matt joined TSGE in 2001 as a consultant, specialising in physical
chemistry and analytical chemistry. As a consultant, he monitored the development of REACH since the publication of the White
Paper in 2001 and was involved in the development of TSGE’s REACH consultancy business. Matt currently manages nine consortia
supporting approximately 85 substances.Matt is a senior REACH consultant at TSGE Consulting Ltd.
Dr Jens-Olaf Eichler
Eurotox registered Toxicologist – Product Stewardship Manager, BASF Intermediates
Dr. Jens-Olaf Eichler started his career as toxicologist and study director for GLP acute toxicity and in-vitro studies at Stockhausen
GmbH which is part of Evonik industries. In 2007 he joined the product safety of BASF SE as senior toxicologist and is now product
stewardship manager at the operating division Intermediates of BASF SE.
His career combines practical experience on toxicological studies, REACH, exposure scenarios, safety data sheets and C&L with
broad regulatory expertise. He is currently chairing the VCI project group “Reach authorization” and the technical group of the Cefic
BDO and derivatives sector group and represents BASF SE in several other panels.
At BASF Dr. Eichler acts as expert consultant for various needs of the intermediates business unit with respect to product
stewardship and advocacy. He has accompanied BASF substances in the OECD HPV program (high production volume chemicals),
provides regulatory advice and leads discussions with competent authorities.
Katja vom Hofe
Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA)
Katja vom Hofe is a German lawyer and a graduate of the University of Muenster’s Foreign Language Law Programme. She works
as a jurist for the German Member States Competent Authority (MSCA), the “Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health –
Federal Office for Chemicals”, abbreviated “BAuA”. Her fields of expertise include the implementation and enforcement of REACH,
CLP and PIC. Katja is the German member of ECHA’s “Forum for exchange of information on enforcement”. She was the lead in
the Forum’s “Pilot Project on Intermediates” and chaired the Working Group which developed the Forum’s Multi-Annual Work
Programme 2014-2018. In March 2014 Katja was elected as one of two Vice-Chairs of the Forum. Katja is an invitee to the German
Working Committee of the Federal Government and the States on Chemical Safety (BLAC).
Dr Chris Howick
REACH Manager, INEOS ChlorVinyls
Dr Chris Howick is a graduate of the City University, London, England, where he earned a BSc degree in Chemistry and is a graduate
of Nottingham University, England, where he obtained a PhD degree in Inorganic Chemistry. Chris’ prior experience includes 5 years
with ICI where he worked firstly on the development of low migration plasticisers for PVC and then in a technical service role. After
ICI he joined European Vinyls Corporation (EVC). He has had various roles in technical service, technical marketing and regulatory
affairs which he continued when EVC became INEOS Vinyls. He led a multinational team working on research and development of
new emulsion polymers and was responsible for regulatory compliance of INEOS Vinyls’ polymer range. This included membership
of Plastics Europe’s Food Contact Committee and the British Plastics Federation (BPF) Product Safety Committee.Chris became
the Product Stewardship Manager for INEOS Chlorvinyls in 2006 and is responsible for the group’s REACH activities, although he
continues his regulatory responsibilities for PVC resins. He became chair of the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers REACH
committee in 2007 and this developed into the consortium for the registration of Vinyl Chloride Monomer. In 2008 he was elected
chair of the BPF Product Safety Committee. Chris is a regular presenter at conferences, particularly those involving PVC or polymer
regulations.Chris is a fellow of the UK’s Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), a fellow of the UK’s Institute of Materials (FIMMM)
and a Chartered Chemist (CChem) and Chartered Scientist (CSci). He became a chartered environmentalist (C Env) in 2009. He
has published several papers in polymer regulations, flexible PVC applications, chemical emissions from building materials as
well as REACH. He has contributed to publications such as Kirk-Othmer’s encyclopaedia of chemical technology and Ullman’s
Encyclopaedia of Industrial Chemistry as well as several polymer reviews. He also contributes to various discussion groups on the
public understanding of science and the relationship between hazard and risk.
Dr Werner Koehl
Head of Chemicals and Consumer Goods Department, SCC Scientific Consulting Company
Dr. Werner Koehl is a food chemist and certified toxicologist with more than 20 year experience in the field of regulatory affairs/
product safety. After a post-doctoral fellowship in the USA he worked for several years as a regulatory toxicologist at a global
consumer goods and biocidal products company. In 2001 he joined SCC GmbH and now heads the department of chemicals
and consumer products. Besides dossier preparation, consortia and SIEF work, Werner gained experience with the scientific and
strategic aspects of the follow up and defense of substances under REACH and for registrations outside Europe. He is intensively
involved in the follow up/defense and detailed evaluations/discussion of substances under REACH, in the CORAP process and in
harmonized classification and labeling (RAC) and SVHC issues. He is regularly invited by Japanese industrial and governmental
organizations to advise on REACH issues and regularly lectures in Germany on regulatory toxicology. Werner is a member of the
Society of German Toxicologist (DGPT) and registered EUROTOX toxicologist and has published several papers on different aspects
of regulatory toxicology.
Dr Sean McCarthy
Global Head of Regulatory Affairs – Global Registration & Strategic Services, Harlan Laboratories Ltd
Sean has been in the field of Regulatory Affairs for over 17 years. He moved into consultancy with Harlan in early 2013 where he
is currently managing the Global Regulatory Affairs department. Prior to this he worked in industry for 13 years covering a wide
range of regulations including Plant Protection, Biocides, Chemicals and Product Stewardship. His first regulatory role was with the
UK’s HSE working in the Biocides and Pesticides Assessment Unit. He holds a doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of
Sussex and carried out post-doctoral studies at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Dr Sandra Meijer
Director of Business Development, The REACH Centre Limited
Sandra has a PhD in Environmental Chemistry at Lancaster University, UK and a Master degree in chemistry from Utrecht University
in the Netherlands. At The REACH Centre, Sandra manages the Regulatory Services team and takes the lead in developing
regulatory services including the chemtrac® Database, a regulatory reference tool for industry. Previously Sandra has worked
for Environment Canada, the Spanish Research Council and most recently the Centre for Chemicals Management at Lancaster
University. As a recognised expert on REACH and chemicals management, Sandra delivers bespoke REACH training for industry
(including for example the oil trading and automotive industries) and provides REACH and SVHC audits. Additionally, Sandra has
managed several Lead Registration projects for multinational companies.
Marcus Navin-Jones
Counsel, Keller and Heckman LLP
Marcus Navin-Jones is counsel at Keller & Heckman in Brussels, a solicitor advocate in England and Wales, a qualified mediator with
CEDR London and a member of the Belgian Mediation and Arbitration Association (CEPANI).
Mr Navin-Jones specializes in EU Litigation and EU Regulatory law, particularly chemical defence, chemical control, and chemical
and product liability. He took the first REACH Substance Evaluation case before the ECHA Board of Appeal, the first collective appeal
case before the ECHA Board of Appeal and the first ECHA Board of Appeal case to proceed to Oral Hearing. Following the successful
Honeywell case, Mr Navin-Jones is currently engaged in a number of other active and pending ECHA Board of Appeal cases. He
is engaged in all areas of chemical defence and litigation, dispute-resolution, and advocacy, including data sharing disputes, preAnnex XIV/XVII REACH issues, post Annex XIV/candidate listing REACH issues, and other related issues.
Mr Navin-Jones has authored numerous articles over the last 10 years, published in the chemical trade press and legal academic
journals, most recently authoring an article on “Ein rechtlicher Überblick über die EU-Beschwerdekammern, insbesondere die
Beschwerdekammer für die Europäische Agentur für chemische Stoffe [A Legal Review of EU Boards of Appeal in Particular the
European Chemicals Agency Board of Appeal]” .
Dr Stuart Niven
Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager, Harlan Laboratories Ltd
After obtaining an Honours degree in chemistry, PhD in organic synthesis and chartered membership of the Royal Society of
Chemistry, Stuart started his career with Ciba Speciality Chemicals in Scotland. At Ciba he worked on the R&D and manufacture of
pigments, ink, toner and paint concentrate formulations. During this time he was seconded to the UK government Department
of Trade and Industry to aid in the design and set-up of a new national collaborative research initiative. Stuart`s career in research
and development culminated in a transfer to Basel to take a position as Head of Pigment Finishing Research. Stuart entered REACH
at the time of pre-registration as a Project Manager with a portfolio of roughly 100 substances for Ciba Coating Effects / BASF
Dispersions and Pigments. For the 2010 and 2013 deadlines he managed and had steering committee roles in several consortia
also acting as lead registrant. Stuart had trade association committee roles with ETAD (Ecological and Toxicological Association of
Dyes and Pigments Manufacturers) and HARRPA (Hydrocarbon and Rosin Resins Producers Association). Currently he is Head of
Regulatory Affairs Switzerland with Harlan where he leads an expert consulting group in the preparation of dossiers for chemical,
agrochemical, pharmaceutical, biocide, food contact and cosmetics regulations.
Speaker and Chair Biographies
Dr Craig Kelly
Senior Consultant – REACH, TSGE Consulting
Craig has extensive experience of the REACH regulation. He has also worked in industry with the US EPA on IRIS priority chemicals.
He can provide guidance and strategy advice as well as having experience of data requirements and waivers. He has experience
of Chemical Safety Reports, exposure scenario development, regulatory issues in the supply chain and how complex mixtures fit
within REACH. Prior to joining TSGE, Craig worked for seven years with INEOS, as Product Steward and REACH Manager acting as the
main coordinator for the lead registrant registrations for nitriles products and catalysts. This included SIEF coordination, consortium
work and active involvement in industry sector groups. Previously, he worked in the regulatory group for BASF Biocides, following
more than ten years within UK contract laboratories, as a study director and a laboratory manager in ecotoxicology. Craig is a
graduate in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, has a PhD in Pesticide Formulation Efficacy and is presently studying for an
MSC in Applied Toxicology.
Speaker and Chair Biographies
Simon Oberholzer
Director (Germany), LISAM SYSTEMS
Starting his business career in the Chemicals & Coatings industry as an Export Manager for the EMEA region and Sub Business
Unit Managing Director in UK and Belgium, Simon moved in 1998 to the chemical regulatory compliance business. Specialized in
EHS software and content solutions for global companies, Simon held the positions of Sales Director at Atrion (IHS) until 2005 and
then the same for TechniData (SAP) until 2009. Simon relocated to Switzerland with his family to become Group COO, for a private
investment firm active in web development and building security platforms.
Simon Oberholzer holds a Bachelors Degree in Law and Economics, and Post-Graduate degree in Economic History.
Simon is now involved in the establishment of the LISAM Systems business and market entry into Germany, Austria and
Switzerland.Netherlands Society of Toxicology (NVT), member of the European Environmental Mutagen Society and the DutchBelgian Society for ln Vitro Methods.
Mike Penman
Managing Director, Penman Consulting BVBA
Mike Penman has nearly 40 years’ experience in managing toxicology, regulatory affairs and information technology within major
companies (ICI, and ExxonMobil), associated trade associations and for the last 7 years, Penman Consulting. He has an experimental
background initially working on alternatives to long term cancer testing at the Central Toxicology Laboratory in the UK, he moved
to provide toxicological and regulatory information services to the whole ICI Group, and then to specific businesses on Teesside.
During this time he was awarded a UK civil honour for “Services to Environmental Safety”. For nearly 10 years Mike worked for
ExxonMobil, in the US and Belgium as Senior Toxicology Adviser for Europe, and later as the Technical REACH / GHS Implementation
Manager. During this time he worked on the ECETOC TRA exposure model, IUCLID and chaired the REACH Implementation Project
responsible for the initial guidance on Information Requirements. In May 2007 he founded Penman Consulting bvba providing
managed service solutions to industry and Consortia on chemical regulation, toxicology and environmental sciences. These services
include Technical (toxicology, environment and exposure issues) Product Stewardship, and Regulatory activities.
Mike Potts
UK REACH Competent Authority Chemicals Regulation Directorate
Mike qualified from the University of Hull with a BSc in Chemistry and MSc in Analytical Science. He has worked for HSE in Chemical
Regulation for 24 years, firstly in Pesticides and Biocides where he was involved in the approval of Pesticides under the Control of
Pesticides Regulations. He then moved to head the Information, Strategy and Planning team responsible for providing information
to stakeholders on Pesticides and Biocides. His last job in Pesticides and Biocides was that of Resource Manager where his tasks
involved the overseeing of the Units scientific staff and finances. In May 2007, Mike joined the UK REACH Competent Authority,
initially working on the Helpdesk providing reactive information to stakeholders in response to telephone and email enquires and
also coordinating and delivering the CAs proactive communication and awareness raising functions. During this time Mike was
the UK member of Helpnet. For the last 5 years Mike has worked in the REACH compliance team, his duties involve enforcing the
compliance of REACH in the UK, coordinating and advising the different enforcing bodies in the UK and inputting the UK’s views
into the EU arena. Mike is the current UK Member of the Forum.
Javier Sánchez
Dossier Submission & PIC Unit, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Mr Sánchez joined ECHA in 2008 and has been involved in all aspects of the registration process, including the start-up phase. He
works as team leader in the Directorate of Registration of ECHA where he oversees the implementation of the REACH regulation
for registration of substances. Having experienced the registration deadlines in 2010 and 2013 firsthand, currently he is focusing
a substantial part of his efforts on the preparations for the last deadline in 2018. Before joining ECHA he worked at the Spanish
Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, and the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU, in Brussels.
Ole Schrader
Henkel AG
Dr. Schrader is a molecular biologist with a PhD in biophysics from the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. He joined Henkel almost
15 years ago as a Life Science Venture Capital Manager in Henkel New Businesses with a specialization in regulatory requirements.
In 2004 he moved into the Corporate Product Safety function as a Regulatory Affairs Manager. His current responsibilities include
regulatory due diligence in acquisition projects and global internal audits, as well as regulatory monitoring and companywide
coordination of regulatory topics in the field of hazard communication. Other significant projects include global implementation
of GHS within Henkel, and hazard communication requirements resulting from REACH, especially authoring of (extended) Safety
Data Sheets.”
Marko Sušnik
Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ) / UEAPME
Marko Sušnik is an advisor for chemical law and chemical policies within the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ –
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich). He is involved with REACH, CLP, national chemical law, nanotechnologies, biocides, pesticides
and fertilizers. On the European level he works in numerous expert groups related to chemicals. His work is very much focused
on the impact of European legislation on SME. In that context he is also advising the European social partner UEAPME, the
European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, on aspects related to chemical legislation and policy. From his
professional training he is a chemist, specialized on organic chemistry and organic technologies. He finished his education with a
PhD in chemical engineering.
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Congress Programme
Day 1 – 18 November
Registration: 07:00 – 08:45, Conference starts: 09:00
Chair: Dr Craig Kelly, TSGE Consulting
Experience from 2010 and 2013
09.00 – 09.10
Opening of the Congress
Dr Louis Wyness, TSGE Forum
09.10 – 09.40
Industry perspective
Mike Penman, Penman Consulting BVBA
09.40 – 10.10
Regulator’s (ECHA) perspective
Javier Sánchez,
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
Break 10.10 – 10.40
10.40 – 11.10
REACH implementation and experience with audits
Dr Sandra Meijer, The REACH Centre Limited
Looking to 2018
11.10 – 11.40
How to prepare for registration
Dr Michael Cleuvers, Dr. Knoell Consult GmbH
11.40 – 12.10
Yvan Bisschops, REACH Centrum
12.10 – 12.30
Q & A all morning speakers
Lunch 12.30 – 13.30
The LoA
13.30 – 14.00
Costs and scope
Matthew Curl, TSGE Consulting
14.00 – 14.30
Legal aspects
Ruxandra Cana, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
14.30 – 14.50
Q & A panel with speakers
Break 14.50 – 15.20
Key Technical Aspects
15.20 – 15.50
Substance identification and the analytical
chemistry requirements
Dr Stuart Niven, Harlan Laboratories Ltd
15.50 – 16.20
The practicalities of read-across and category
Dr Helma Barentsen, WIL Research Europe
16.20 – 16.50
Value of in vitro assays in your REACH dossier
Dr Frédérique van Acker, TNO triskelion bv
16.50 – 17.10
Q & A panel with speakers
Close of Day 1: 17:10
SESSION 2: Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction
Chair: Ruxandra Cana, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
08.30 – 09.00
Experience with authorisation
Linda-Jean Cockcroft,
Chair - DEHP Authorisation Task Force
09.00 – 09.30
Restriction – an alternative to authorisation?
Dr Jens-Olaf Eichler, BASF Intermediates
09.30 – 10.00
Evaluation under REACH – general concepts,
strategic issues, practical examples
Dr Werner Koehl,
SCC Scientific Consulting Company
Break 10.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.00
ECHA BOA appeals
11.00 – 11.30
Q & A panel with all speakers
Marcus Navin-Jones, Keller and Heckman LLP
SESSION 3: The Supply Chain
Chair: Dr Michael Cleuvers, Dr. Knoell Consult GmbH
11.30 – 12.00
The technical challenges of CSRs
Dr Chris Howick, INEOS ChlorVinyls
12.00 – 12.30
The eSDS
Ole Schrader, Henkel AG
12.30 – 13.00
Q & A panel with all speakers
Lunch 13.00 – 14.00
SESSION 4: Industry Highlights
Chair: Dr Sean McCarthy, Harlan Laboratories Ltd
14.00 – 14.30
Focus on the plight of SMEs
Dr Marko Sušnik, Wirtschaftskammer
Österreich Abteilung für Umwelt – und
14.30 – 15.00
Enforcement – Germany and UK
Katja vom Hofe, BAuA and Mike Potts,
Chemicals Regulation Directorate,
Health and Safety Executive
15.00 – 15.30
Q & A panel with two speakers
Break 15.30 – 16.00
16:00 – 16:30
Implication of GHS blocks on Regulatory
compliance systems
16.30 – 17.00
Final plenary Q & A all speakers
Simon Bradshaw and Simon Oberholzer,
Close of Congress: 17:00
Congress Programme
Day 2 – 19 November
Registration: 07:30 – 08:15, Conference starts: 08:30
Exhibition Floor Plan
Day 1 - 18 November
07.00 - 08.45
Presentations 09.00 - 10.10
10.10 - 10.40
Presentations 10.40 - 12.30
12.30 - 13.30
Presentations 13.30 - 14.50
14.50 - 15.20
Presentations 15.20 - 17.10
Close of Day 1 17.10
Day 2 - 19 November
07.30 - 08.15
Presentations 08.30 - 10.00
10.00 - 10.30
Presentations 10.30 - 13.00
13.00 - 14.00
Presentations 14.00 - 15.30
15.30 - 16.00
Presentations 16.00 - 17.00
Close of Day 2 17.00
Stand 8
ChemSafe Srl
Stand 19
Stand 24
Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG
Stand 1
CXR Biosciences Ltd
Stand 23
Danger and Safety srl in partnership
with REACH Mastery srl
Stand 17
EcoOnline AS in partnership with
Fit4REACH - Likedeelers GmbH
Stand 5
Dr. Knoell Consult GmbH
Stand 16
Stand 25
Harlan Contract Research Services (CRS)
Stand 4
Stand 18
Stand 21
RTC S.p.A.
Stand 14
SCC Scientific Consulting Company
Stand 26
Speciality Chemicals Magazine
Stand 7
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Stand 15
The REACH Centre
Stand 13
The Wercs, A UL Company
Stand 2
TNO triskelion bv
Stand 22
TSGE Consulting
Stand 3
WIL Research
Stand 6
EBRC Consulting GmbH
Exhibitor Profiles
3207 Grey Hawk Court, Suite 200
Carlsbad, CA 92010
T: +1 760 602 8700
E: Info@3ECompany.com
CHEMPARK , 51368 Leverkusen
Analytics hotline
T: +49 214.303 37 77
E: analytik@currenta.de
3E Company, a member of the Verisk Analytics Family of companies,
provides a comprehensive suite of data solutions that enable improved
compliance with global EH&S requirements. 3E’s set of solutions includes:
• Global chemical regulatory data
• SDS authoring, distribution and management
• Supply Chain
• Transportation
• Emergency response
• Regulatory Reporting
• Hazardous Waste Management
• Professional Services (TSCA, DGSA, CDR Reporting and more)
Industrial analytics for chemicals, the life sciences and polymers
We offer a whole range of analytical services, taking in everything from
structural analysis projects through to standardized testing and approval
methods. You can rely on our expertise built up through many years of
industry experience.
Wherever you are in the supply chain or product lifecycle, 3E can deliver a
program specific to the EH&S compliance information and management
needs of your organization that provides benefits to the entire enterprise
and beyond.
Via Ribes, 5, 10010 Colleretto Giacosa (TO), Italy
T: +39 0125 538888 / +39 0125 538475
E: chemsafe@chemsafe-consulting.com
ChemSafe has a vast experience in programme, project, SIEF and Consortia
management. ChemSafe’s vision is to offer regulatory and technical /
scientific solutions and services in the field of chemical safety with a “key
point” approach and customer care attitude.
ChemSafe can assist its clients with a great range of regulatory affairs
services around the world ranging from the legal side to all the technical
matters in order to comply with international and national chemical control
Our technical staff has a great experience in all aspects of REACH and CLP/
GHS. Our team has prepared a large number of registration dossiers and
chemical safety reports (CSR) and also had provided expert advice on
specific areas of REACH, such as data evaluation and/or study monitoring.
Veszprém, Szabadságpuszta, 8200, Hungary
T: + 36 88 545-300
E: contact.hungary@citoxlab.com
CiToxLAB is an international CRO (France, Canada, Denmark and Hungary)
that offers non clinical in vitro and in vivo safety studies. World-wide
based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies take advantage
of more than 40 years of experience and experience in toxicology
studies in rodents, dogs, primates and minipigs, inhalation and infusion
studies, safety and general pharmacology, genetic toxicology, genomics,
reproductive toxicology, immunotoxicology, pathology, juvenile studies and
carcinogenicity testing, along with ADME and bioanalysis. Our facilities are
GLP and AAALAC certified in order to provide full non clinical development
programs in support of IND and later-stage regulatory submissions.
(Reg Office) Dundee Technopole
2 James Lindsay Place
Dundee, DD1 5JJ
T: +44 (0)1382 432163
CXR Biosciences are specialists in investigative and mechanistic toxicology.
Our REACH studies target read across analysis on chemical classes reduce
cost and the number of studies required. Classification can be supported by
investigating areas including absorption, toxicity and induced expression
changes. Experience and expertise available at CXR makes us an excellent
choice for conducting read across analysis and for addressing chemical
dossier data gaps.
We provide innovative approaches to determine the relevance and risk to
human of toxicities seen in safety studies. We have expertise in designing
mechanistic screens to identify potential toxicities in discovery.
Via Bugatti, 53 56022 Castelfranco di Sotto (PI)-Italy
T: +39(0)571367427
F: +39(0)571382829
E: info@dangerandsafety.it
With more than ten years of experience, Danger and Safety provides
prompt and professional services within the fields of risk assessment,
environment, health and in general for chemicals’ regulatory affairs (ReachCLP-Dangerous goods transport-Biocides). Among our services:
• full regulatory support for REACH regulation (Sief and consortium
management; dossier development and submission; CSA and CSR)
• CLP compliance management
• SDS and e-SDS authoring for substances and mixtures
• risk and hazard assessment for health in working place
• specific training and workshops (generic and in-house)
• Biocides: AS approval and product authorization.
• Assistance for outside EU Regulations through local partners
Raffaelstraße 4
D-30177 Hannover
T: +49 511 89 83 89 0
F: +49 511 89 83 89 10
E: mail@ebrc.de
EBRC is a privately-owned consulting organisation based in Hannover,
Germany, providing consulting services with a focus on chemical,
biocidal and agrochemical industries. Specialised scientific experience is
available in all key disciplines relevant for product safety with respect to
human health and environment. Task force management and coordination
of industry consortia is another important aspect of our work.
Hallbergstr. 10
40239 Düsseldorf
T: +49 (0) 179-476 22 88
E: m.kiener@fit4reach.eu
(Marc Kiener)
Fit4REACH, Likedeelers GmbH has specialized in REACH and other
regulatory issues. In this field of business, we offer a full range of services
and solutions. Since 2004 we consult with competent professionals and
support our customers in the process to implement CLP, REACH and other
areas such as Biocides.
We know of the complex requirements of the Regulation for all industries
and how REACH can be implemented effectively.
In addition to our consulting services, we´ve developed a REACH “Full
compliance software”. The Fit4REACH-Navigator is capable to support in
different industries (eg Chemicals, Consumer Products, other) all relevant
REACH obligations, such as Substance Volume Tracking (SVT) and SVHC
Concerning Safety Data Sheets, we offer training and MSDS service for
your products. Since REACH explicitly includes the electronic transmission
of safety data sheets, we promote a powerful web based software for
the creation, archiving and distribution of Safety Data Sheets developed
by EcoOnline AS (www.ecoonline.com). This web-based solution is the
Scandinavian market leader and many well-known companies have already
opted for this solution.
Likedeelers - with the professional service - and EcoOnline AS - with the
technical solution - combine their services for customers who are in need of
a solution for the creation and distribution of safety data sheets.
Dynamostraße 19
68165 Mannheim
T: +49 621 718858-0 F: +49 621 718858-100
E: info@knoell.com www.knoell.com
We are a full service provider in global regulatory affairs, product safety,
and consulting for agrochemicals, biocides, industrial/specialty chemicals,
human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, medical devices and cosmetics.
We will work with you to ensure that your products are in compliance with
the latest regulatory and scientific developments, not only in Europe (EU
and non-EU), but also in the US, Canada, South America and the entire
Asia-Pacific region. With a global network of subsidiaries and cooperation
partners, we match our services to support your business needs.
D-31157 Sarstedt
T: +49(0)5066/7067-0
F: +49(0)5066/70867-89
E: info@noack-lab.de
Since 1986, DR.U.NOACK-LABORATORIEN, an independent and
privately-owned GLP-certified contract research institute, has been
providing services in ecotoxicology, environmental fate, physico-chemical
properties and residue analysis for chemicals, agrochemicals, biocides,
fragrances and pharmaceuticals. Our team of highly qualified
scientific staff is well experienced in methodology development,
bioaccumulation and transformation studies, especially for
radio-labelled substances.
Contract Research Services (CRS)
Shardlow Business Park
London Road, Shardlow
Derbyshire, DE72 2GD
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 1332 792896
F: +44 (0) 1332 799018
E: crs.ch@harlan.com
The complexity of your chemical research doesn’t have to define how
difficult it is. Harlan Contract Research Services (CRS) synthesizes scientific
intelligence, regulatory awareness and operational understanding to
support commercially viable product development worldwide. With general
and esoteric testing solutions, we can tackle even the most complex
substances. Make research effortless — visit www.harlan.com/crs.
Auf der Schafweide 20
D-67489 Kirrweiler
T: +49 (0) 6321 - 96 299 – 0
F: +49 (0) 6321 - 96 299 – 29
E: anette.rudolf@laus.de
Your competent GLP Testing Facility!
Registration and Testing of:
• Chemicals (REACH and CLP)
• Medical Devices
• Biocides
• Pesticides
• Veterinary Medicinal Products
• Human Medicinal Products
• Cosmetics
• Feed Additives
Our expertise:
• Physico-chemical Properties
• In vitro Toxicology
• Mutagenicity / Genotoxicity
• Environmental Fate
• Ecotoxicology
• Analytical Chemistry
We support you to develop an individual test strategy for your substance.
Lisam Systems HQ
Rue Jean Jaures, 5
B-7190 Ecaussinnes
T: +44 (0)1642 682144
E: info.eu@lisam.com
Since 1999, Lisam Systems has provided software and services solution for
Environmental Health and Safety compliance management if the chemical,
gas, petrochemical, cosmetic, painting/coatings and specialised chemicals
industry sector. With over 700 clients served from our offices in Europe, Asia
and the Americas Lisam delivers software for SDS Authoring and Chemicals
ExESS integrates global chemical regulatory content and a powerful GHS
rules engine to quickly and accurately generate GHS-compliant SDS in
nearly 50 languages and all major commercial markets.
ExESS SDS authoring software is automated, transparent, easy to customize,
and surprisingly affordable.
Exhibitor Profiles
Trudvangveien 77
N-3117 Tonsberg
T: +4733 01 68 03
E: ashild.pegoraro@ecoonline.com
(Ashild Pegoraro)
Exhibitor Profiles
Via Giovio n° 16 – 22100 Como – Italy
T: +39 031 269513
F: +39 031 2756370
E: info@reachmastery.com
REACH mastery is a provider of a wide range of services in the area of
chemical regulatory affairs. The staff is a highly motivated team, skilled
in different scientific areas: chemistry, biology, human health and
environmental toxicology. Our commitment is to assist clients along the
supply chain with our industrial experience and to help them in the cost
efficient implementation of the European regulations. Our mission is to
look for innovative solutions and develop strategies using, when applicable,
alternatives to animal testing like in vitro and in silico methods, through the
high quality of our services and the expert support.
Via Tito Speri, 12/14
00040 Pomezia (Roma) - ITALY
T: +39.06.91095.1
F: +39.06.9105737
E: mkt@rtc.it
RTC leading CRO in Europe with more than 40 years of experience
providing high quality in nonclinical research to national and international
pharmaceutical companies and health-related organizations. RTC has
been fully accredited by AAALAC. The company offers a full range of
experimental and consultancy services, performed by experts in the
development and safety assessment of: Pharmaceuticals (Small molecules,
Biologicals), Medical Devices, Veterinary Drugs, Food Products, Chemicals,
Agrochemicals, Biocides. For each class of products, studies are performed
according to international guidelines and regulations. RTC high standard
quality is guaranteed through European, American and Japanese
authorities’ approval.
Chemisch-Wissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH
Am Grenzgraben 11
55545 Bad Kreuznach
T: +49 671 29846-0
F: +49 671 29846-100
E: scc@scc-gmbh.de
SCC – Scientific Consulting Company – was founded in 1989 by Dr. Friedbert
Pistel. During the 25-year history SCC has become one of Europe’s largest
privately owned and independent regulatory consulting companies,
supporting multinational companies with all their registration needs for:
• Agrochemicals and Biopesticides, including Biostimulants and
• Biocides
• Chemicals/REACH
• Consumer products
• Cosmetics
• Feed & Food additives
• GLP & Archiving
• Pharmaceuticals pre-clinical
• Veterinary medicine
Key to our success is our multidisciplinary and multinational team, bundled
in the different business units with experts from all registration relevant
disciplines. SCC’s philosophy “we care for your success” is lived in all projects
either small or big.
T:+44 (0) 1737 855 047
E: jakenixon@quartzltd.com (Jake Nixon)
Speciality Chemicals Magazine is the market leading publication.
When you need to reach the market, you reach for Speciality Chemicals
Magazine – the voice of the industry. It’s highly valued editorial content,
topical features and supplements appeal to the full range of fine, custom
and speciality chemicals buyers from pharmaceuticals to agrochemicals,
cosmetics & personal care, pigments, flavours, fragrances, water treatment,
biocides and many more.
Speciality Chemicals Magazine is regarded as the global market leading
publication and choice of the fine and speciality chemicals industry.
Washington, DC: 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036
T: +1 202 429 3000
Brussels: Avenue Louise 489, B-1050 Brussels
T: +32 2 626 0500
Steptoe & Johnson LLP is an international law firm widely recognized
for vigorous advocacy in complex litigation and arbitration, successful
representation of clients before governmental agencies, and creative and
practical advice in guiding business transactions. The firm has more than
500 lawyers and other professionals in offices in Beijing, Brussels, Century
City, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York, Palo Alto, Phoenix and
Washington. For more information, visit www.steptoe.com.
Lancaster Environment Centre
Lancaster University
LA1 4YQ, United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1524 510278
E: enquiries@thereachcentre.com
The REACH Centre is one of the leading global providers of regulatory
guidance, scientific and analytical services, and training to industry in the
field of chemicals management and risk assessment. Our integrated services
ensure our customers are able to effectively manage and comply with
current and future chemicals legislation. The REACH Centre employs an international team of experts in chemistry,
(eco)toxicology, environmental and occupational exposure, offering
services for EU REACH, equivalent global notification systems, GHS and
the EU CLP implementation, Cosmetics, Detergents and Biocidal Products
regulations, RoHS and Conflict Minerals, and the developing Nanomaterials
regulatory framework.
Utrechtseweg 48
P.O. Box 844
3700 AV Zeist The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)88 866 16 28
E: chemistry@tno.triskelion.nl
As a Contract Research Organisation, TNO Triskelion B.V. offers practical and
innovative solutions for optimum support to the chemical industry. Our
chemical risk assessment services combine research-driven excellence in
the classical disciplines of toxicology and advanced analytical chemistry
with new developments in risk assessment. The result: intelligent testing
strategies and, thereby, cleaner and safer chemical products. We excel
in worker exposure assessment as well as inhalation and reproduction
toxicology, including nanomaterials. Our customers benefit from long
experience in registration and chemicals testing + analytical services.
We work closely with our clients by upfront shared planning, close
communication and dedicated project management.
Hambakenwetering 7
5231 DD ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
T: +31 73 6406700
E: info@wilresearch.com
TSGE is a leading European consulting company providing scientific,
regulatory and registration services to the chemical and related industries.
With a wealth of expertise gained from industry, government and research,
our multidisciplinary team of specialists aims to provide the highest
standards in regulatory affairs. We believe in the value of proactive project
management to control cost, manage deadlines and to ensure professional
and timely communications with our clients.
WIL Research specialises in contract research and expert consultancy
for the registration of chemicals worldwide. 1,200 dedicated scientists
operating from locations in the United States, Europe and Japan are ready
to listen to your needs and help you to prioritize your testing schedule,
minimize animal use and maximize budget efficiency. This alongside rapid
turnaround times, excellent project communication/management, large
capacity, highest quality lab space and state of the art equipment to screen
multiple compounds simultaneously.
A UL Company
23 British American Blvd.
Latham, NY 12110 United States
T: 518-640-9209
F: 518-640-2999
Regulatory toxicology and ecotoxicology testing services are offered
covering the full requirements of all the REACH Annexes VII - X. You have our
full attention, so let’s talk about REACH.
The Wercs provides leading and comprehensive software tools and services
for GHS SDS Authoring and Distribution, Retail and Industrial Manufacturing
Supply Chain Compliance Solutions as well as Green Chemistry and
Sustainability Solutions that help advance the health and safety of the
environment in which we work and live.
After nearly 30 years in operation, in November 2013, the Wercs became
part of the UL family, a trusted company, with a 100+ year tradition and
over 150 offices around the globe whose principles are rooted in science
and dedicated to innovation for complex global supply chain challenges,
holistically and efficiently.
With thanks to our 2014 sponsors
Are you interested in sponsoring or
exhibiting at the 2015 REACH Congress?
Please contact us for further information.
T: +44 (0) 1423 863 522 | E: enquiries@tsgeforum.com
Exhibitor Profiles
Concordia House, St James Business Park,
Grimbald Court, Knareborough, North Yorkshire
HG5 8QB United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 1423 799 633
E: tsge@tsgeurope.com
Regulatory compliance solutions
ReFaC provides cost-effective solutions to regulatory compliance.
services to smaller companies, multi-national organisations,
industry associations, and consortia.
ReFaC’s services include:
REACH dossier development and submission
O !
O Consultancy and study monitoring
O CLP compliance management
O Worldwide regulatory submissions
and a select group of industry partners.
+44 (0)1270 258 530
ReFaC is a CBA company
Industrial analytics for chemicals, life sciences
and polymers.
You're no doubt familiar with CURRENTA as the
manager and operator of the CHEMPARK sites in
Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld-Uerdingen. It
certainly is a center of analytical expertise. The
CURRENTA Analytics team supports its customers
along the entire process chain – from R&D and
raw materials analyses to approval tests. After all,
anyone like ourselves who carries the genes of
the chemical industry in them also has expertise
and understanding of the requisite processes in
this area.
Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG
51368 Leverkusen
Customer hotline: +49 (0)214 - 30 33 777
A Bayer and LANXESS company
Events for the regulatory community by regulatory people
Upcoming events for your diary 2015
3rd Annual Eastern
Europe Regulatory
Registration of Plant
Protection Products
Budapest, Hungary
14-15 April 2015
3rd Annual European
Regulatory Conference
on Biocides
Brussels, Belgium
3 February 2015
Congress 2015
Brighton, UK
6-7 October 2015
For further information,
to register or discuss
and exhibition
opportunities, please
contact us:
The European REACH
Congress 2015
November 2015
T: +44 (0)1423 863 522
E: enquiries@tsgeforum.com
Evaluating the toxicology of a chemical is a journey. Make smarter decisions faster
with unique expertise and perspectives that save you time and resources.
From navigating the guidelines for REACH, to problem solving with solutions such
as in vitro, genetic and mammalian toxicology, including DART — we can help you
with years of experience in industrial chemical related study types, and large capacity
at our research sites around the globe.
Connect with our Scientists at the European REACH Congress
Go to: http://response.covance.com/REACH-2014 to:
Set an appointment with our scientists
Download our latest posters
Learn about our industrial chemical related toxicology services
As a proud sponsor of the European REACH Congress, our scientists are on site
and ready to connect with you.